Managing Central Operations

Access User Interfaces

This section includes the following topics:

  • Monitoring Installation Using Grafana

  • Managing Subscribers Using Control Center

Monitoring Installation Using Grafana

Grafana is a third-party metrics dashboard and graph editor. Grafana provides a graphical or text-based representation of statistics and counters collected in the Graphite database.

For more information about Grafana in CPS, refer to the Graphite and Grafana chapter in the CPS Operations Guide.

Managing Subscribers Using Control Center

The Control Center Interface enables you to manage subscribers and perform various operations to get information about subscribers, track subscriber sessions, to construct and populate custom reference data tables and so on.

CPS enables users to be aware of its current privileges while accessing Control Center as describes below:

  • If a user has read-write privilege then "ADMIN" is displayed adjacent to user name in the GUI.

  • If a user has read-only privilege then "READONLY" is displayed adjacent to user name in the GUI.

Depending on your role and permissions, you can view certain screens in Control Center Interface. The following table describes the two roles and their respective access of Control Center Interface.

Table 1. Control Center Tasks


Full Privilege Administrator

View Only Administrator

Find a Subscriber

Create a Subscriber


Edit a Subscriber


Change the Credential ID of a Subscriber


Deactivating or Activating a Subscriber


Delete a Subscriber


Overview Screen

Details Screens

General Screen

Credentials Screen

Services Screen

Add a Service to a Subscriber


Remove a Service from a Subscriber


Notifications Screen

Subaccount Screen

Sessions Screen

Session Details Table

Remove a Session


Balance Screen



Managing Quotas and Balances


Viewing Quotas and Balances

Add a Balance Type


Credit or Debit an Existing Balance


Delete a Balance


Delete a Quota


Check the History of Balances

View a Subscriber Session

Find Network Sessions

For more information on Control Center, see CPS CCI Guide for Full Privilege Administrators and CPS CCI Guide for View-Only Administrators.

Viewing APIs

API documentation includes the following APIs:

  • Service Orchestration API: to manage Policy Builder data

  • Unified API Schema/Docs: to manage subscribers

Select the link to the API documentation on the CPS home page to view the documentation and usage examples.