The Policy Reporting interface is a feature that lets you export subscriber records from the policy engine of Cisco Policy Suite to another system to define file format for further processing.
Export to an internal data structure
Replicate to a MySQL database
Replicate to a CSV (comma separated value) file
Define a reporting server that groups similar records for exportation in a similar manner.
Define a reporting record that contains 1 to n fields, each field of a basic type (String, Long, Decimal, and so on).
Mark a record as a statistic record. A statistic record indicates to the system that it updates a given set of key fields with statistical data.
Export records to a CSV file or to a MySQL database.
If preferred, you can enable Redis and disable Mongo for Policy reporting. To do this, you must configure two new parameters in the qns.conf file. See the "Enabling Redis Reporting" section in Configuration File Parameters.