Troubleshooting CPS vDRA


CPS vDRA is a functional element that ensures that all Diameter sessions established over Gx, Rx interfaces and for unsolicited application reporting, the Sd interface for a certain IP-CAN session reach the same PCRF or destined PCRF when multiple and separately addressable PCRFs have been deployed in a Diameter realm.

General Troubleshooting

  • Run the following command in CLI to view the diagnostics status. Verify that the status of all the nodes is in passing state.

    admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show system diagnostics status
  • Run the following command in CLI to view the docker engines status. Verify that all docker engines are in CONNECTED state.

    admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show docker engine

Installation Troubleshooting

Issue: The following error is displayed during vDRA install/delete/redeploy:

sl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:645)

Solution: Use the latest vDRA Deployer Host VMDK. This solves the issue by updating the TLS.

System Maintenance Procedures

Backup Procedures

Back up CLI Configuration

Back up the CLI configuration of APP VNF and DB VNF. Then copy the backups to an external server. The following sections describe the commands for APP VNF and DB VNF.


The following commands saves each configuration as a separate file in the system.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# config
admin@orchestrator# show running-config binding | save 
admin@orchestrator# show running-config license | save 
admin@orchestrator# show running-config network virtual-service 
| save /data/config/vip_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config alert snmp-v2-destination 
| save /data/config/alert_snmp-v2_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config alert rule | save 
admin@orchestrator# show running-config external-aaa | save 
admin@orchestrator# show running-config ntp | save 
admin@orchestrator# show running-config aaa authentication users 
user | save /data/config/aaa_users_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config nacm groups group | 
save /data/config/nacm_groups_backup

Copy the backup of the CLI configs to an external server.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cd /data/orchestrator/config
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ scp -i /home/cps/cps.pem *_backup 

The following commands saves each configuration as a separate file in the system.

# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# config
admin@orchestrator# show running-config binding | 
save /data/config/database_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config license | 
save /data/config/license_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config network 
virtual-service | save /data/config/vip_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config alert snmp-v2-destination
 | save /data/config/alert_snmp-v2_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config alert rule | 
save /data/config/alert_rule_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config external-aaa 
| save /data/config/external-aaa_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# show running-config ntp | save 

Copy the backup of the CLI configs to an external server.

# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cd /data/orchestrator/config
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ scp -i /home/cps/cps.pem *_backup

Back up Policy Builder

Export the CPS service configuration to a single file.

  1. Open DRA Central GUI : https://<master ip>/central/dra

  2. Click Import/Export under Policy Builder.

  3. Select/enter the following details:

    • Export Type

    • Export URL

    • Export File Prefix

    • Use zip file extension

  4. Click Export.

  5. Save the ZIP file.

Back up CRD

Back up the CRD data to a single file.

For more information, see .

  1. Open DRA Central GUI : https://<master ip>/central/dra

  2. Click Custom Reference Data under Custom Reference Data.

  3. Select/enter the following details under Export:

    • Use zip file extension

  4. Click Export.

  5. Save the ZIP file.

Shutting Down CPS

Shut down DRA VNF

  1. Use the following command to shut down the application processes in DRA VNF:

    # node: DRA Master
    # user: cps
    cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
    admin@orchestrator# system stop
  2. Run the following command to verify that the system status running is "false".

    admin@orchestrator# show system status
  3. Use the following command to verify that only the infrastructure items are running:

    admin@orchestrator# show scheduling status

Shut down DB VNF

  1. Use the following command to shut down the application processes in DRA DB VNF:

    # node: DRA DB Master
    # user: cps
    cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
    admin@orchestrator# system stop
  2. Run the following command to verify that the system status running is "false".

    admin@orchestrator# show system status
  3. Use the following command to verify that only the infrastructure items are running:

    admin@orchestrator# show scheduling status

Starting up CPS

Use the following commands to start up the system after a maintaince window is completed and the VMs are powered on.

Start up DRA VNF

Use the following command to start the application processes in DRA VNF:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# system start

Start DB VNF

Use the following command to start the application processes in DRA DB VNF:

# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# system start

Post Power up VM Health Check

Perform a health check on both VNFs after the maintenance window is complete and the VMs are powered on. For more information, see System Health Checks.

In case of resiliency event of DB VMs, sometimes database status present on that VM takes time to update. This is due to the orchestrator thread which schedules show database status command. You need to wait for ¾ mins. This issue doesn’t always happen and is a rare one.

Diameter Troubleshooting and Connections

For messages belonging to particular interface, CPS vDRA should be ready to make diameter connection on the configured application port. As CPS vDRA acts as a server, it should be listening on ports for different applications to accept any incoming diameter requests for the application.

If you are facing problems making diameter connections, check for the following configuration:

DRA Plug-in Configuration in DRA Policy Builder (PB)


Step 1

Login to director VM and check the following files to find the ports that re open.

  • For IPv4 endpoints, /var/broadhop/iptables/dra.iptables

  • For IPv6 endpoints, /var/broadhop/iptables/dra.iptables6


cps@dra1-sys04-director-1:~$ cat /var/broadhop/iptables/dra.iptables
dra,a72f412ed2d9d48386b543123f817a6bea4cc12c21b4ffaf5575681c9be5309f,-d -p tcp
-m tcp --dport 4567 -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DNAT --to-destination
cps@dra1-sys04-director-1:~$ cat /var/broadhop/iptables/dra.iptables6
2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:241:109 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3868 -m addrtype 
--dst-type LOCAL -j DNAT --to-destination [fd00:dead:beef:0:0:242:ac11:e]:13869

This indicates that the stack is up and running at IP and port

Step 2

Login to the Diameter endpoint container and check the port where Diameter stack is running.

If the port 3868 is configured in Policy Builder, internally in container Diameter stack runs on port 13868 (appends 1 infront of port number, this is internal port mapping). Similary for 3869, it shows diameter stack is running on 13869.


root@diameter-endpoint-s106:/# netstat -na | grep 3868
tcp6       0      0 :::13868                :::*                    LISTEN

Step 3

Listen for Diameter traffic by logging into Director VMs diameter endpoint container and execute the following command:

tcpdump -i any port 13868 -s 0 -vv

Troubleshooting Basics

Troubleshooting CPS vDRA consists of these types of basic tasks:

  • Gathering Information

  • Collecting Logs

  • Running Traces

Diameter Error Codes and Scenarios

Table 1. Diameter Error Codes and Scenarios


Result-Code Value






Subsequent messages triggered by client shall also used in Authentication and to get access of required resources. Generally used in Diameter NAS.




Request processed Successfully.



Request is processed but some more processing is required by Server to provide access to user.

Protocol Errors [E-bit set]




Server returns it if Diameter Command-Code is un-recognized by server.




Message cannot be delivered because there is no Host with Diameter URI present in Destination-Host AVP in associated Realm.




Intended Realm is not recognized.



Shall return by server only when server unable to provide requested service, where all the pre-requisites are also met. Client should also send the request to alternate peer.







In Response from Redirect Agent.







It is sent when a request is received with invalid bits combination for considered command-code in DIAMETER Header structure. For example, Marking Proxy-Bit in CER message.



It is sent when a request is received with invalid flag bits in an AVP.



A DIAMETER server can be configured whether it shall accept DIAMETER connection from all nodes or only from specific nodes. If it is configured to accept connection from specific nodes and receives CER from message from any node other than specified.

Transient Failures [Could not satisfy request at this moment]




Returned by Server, most likely because of invalid password.



Returned by node, when it receives accounting information but unable to store it because of lack of memory.



Peer determines that it has lost election by comparing Origin-Host value received in CER with its own DIAMETER IDENTITY and found that received DIAMETER IDENTITY is higher.

Permanent Failures [To inform peer, request is failed, should not be attempted again]




AVP marked with Mandatory Bit, but peer does not support it.








User can not be authorized. For example, Comes in AIA on s6a interface.






Mandatory AVP in request message is missing.




A request was received that cannot be authorized because the user has already expended allowed resources. An example of this error condition is a user that is restricted to one dial-up PPP port, attempts to establish a second PPP connection.




Server has identified that AVPs are present that are contradictory to each other.



Message is received by node (Server) that contain AVP must not be present.




If message contains the a AVP number of times that exceeds permitted occurrence of AVP in message definition.




In response of CER if no common application supported between the peers.




Self explanatory.




Message rejected because of unspecified reasons.




When an unrecognized bit in the Diameter header is set to one.




Self explanatory.




Self explanatory.




For example, marking AVP to Mandatory while message definition doesn't say so.




In response of CER if no common security mechanism supported between the peers.

Policy DRA Error Codes

Non-compliant Diameter requests are checked for errors in routing AVP and P-bits. The following table describes the error codes and the reasons for errors in Diameter requests:

Table 2. Policy DRA Error Codes

Policy DRA Error String

Error Code



No application route found



Route List Availability Status is “Unavailable”

Timeout triggered



Timeout triggered

No peer group



No peer group

Session DB Error



Session DB Error

Binding DB Error



Binding DB Error

No key for binding lookup



No key for binding lookup

Binding not found



Binding not found

Message loop detected



Message loop detected

Parsing exception with message



Parsing exception with message

CRD DB Error



CRD DB Error

Retries exceeded



Retries exceeded

No peer route



No peer routing rule found for a Realm-only or non-peer Destination-Host

P-bit not set



P-bit in the Request message is set to “0”

Missing Origin-Host AVP



Mandatory Origin-Host AVP missing

Missing Origin-Realm AVP



Mandatory Origin-Realm AVP missing

Missing Destination-Realm AVP



Mandatory Destination-Realm AVP missing

No avp found in request for SLF lookup type



No avp found in request for SLF lookup type

SLF DB Error



SLF DB Error

SLF credential not found in DB



SLF credential not found in DB

SLF Destination type not found in DB



SLF Destination type not found in DB

Destination not found in SLF Mapping Table



Destination not found in SLF Mapping Table

Binding DB Overload



Binding record limit exceeded

Default HTTP Error Codes

You can configure the HTTP response error code (such as 4xx, 5xx) corresponding to each vDRA Rest API JSON error response code for the GET binding (for example imsi, imsiApn, msisdn, msisdnApn, ipv4, ipv6). For more information about the CRD, see the CPS vDRA Configuration Guide.

If you do not configure the Rest API HTTP Error Code in the CRD, vDRA uses the default HTTP error codes for GET binding Rest API.

The following table lists the default HTTP error codes:

Table 3. Default HTTP Error Codes

vDRA Rest API Error Code

HTTP Error Code

HTTP Reason-Phrase



Internal Server Error



Not Found



Bad Request

2011 (Subscriber already exist with %s)


Duplicate subscriber









Request Time-out



Bad Gateway



Service Unavailable



Gateway Time-out

Debug ping / ping6

Run the following commands to check ping connectivity from the VM to other nodes using IPv4 and IPv6:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# debug ping <wtc2b1fdrd02v> –n <IPv4 address>
admin@orchestrator# debug ping6 <wtc2b1fdrd02v> -n <IPv6 address>


  • -n:

Debug traceroute

Run the following commands to check traceroute connectivity from the VM to other nodes:


# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# debug traceroute <VMHOST> <IPv4address>


# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# debug traceroute <VMHOST> -6 <IPv6address>

Debug tcpdump

Use the following command to get packet capture from the VM. Specify interface and port details to avoid big packet capture files.

If you use the -i any option, you may see the same packet twice: once as it traverses the VMs interface, and again when it traverses the Docker container's virtual interface.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# debug tcpdump wtc2b1fdrd01v test.pcap 
60s -s 0 -i ens162 port 3868
admin@orchestrator# debug packet-capture gather directory test_debug
admin@orchestrator# debug packet-capture purge

You can download the packer capture file from : https://<master ip>/orchestrator/downloads/ after logging in to https://<master ip>/

After you download the file, delete the packet capture files to clean up the disk space.

Monitoring Application Logs

Use the following commands to monitor application logs :

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# monitor log application

Debug Tech to Capture Logs

Run the following command to capture SVN, CRD, logs, and save it at http://<master ip>/orchestrator/downloads/debug/tech/:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# debug tech

Monitoring Container Logs

Use the following command to monitor specific container logs:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# monitor log container <container-name>

Monitoring Orchestrator Logs

Use the following command to monitor orchestrator logs during an upgrade/downgrade:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# monitor log container orchestrator 
| include AUDIT

If the CLI is not accessible or is giving errors when executing commands, use the following command from the master VM for more information:

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ docker logs orchestrator

Orchestrator CLI Mode Locked for All Users Due to Wrong nacm Rule Configuration

Issue: Orchestrator CLI does not function and timestamp when enabled does not work on the CLI.


  1. Add the nacm config into a xml file:

    /var/confd/bin/confd_load -P '/nacm/rule-list[name="cfg-restrict"]' > cfg.xml
    cat cfg.xml
                                                                    <command>load override</command>
                                                                    <command>load replace</command>

    Modify cfg.xml as shown in the sample configuration:

                                                                    <command>load override</command>
                                                                    <command>load replace</command>
                                                                    <command>db-authentication remove-password</command>
  2. Create the cfg.xml file with updated values and load the cfg.xml using the following command:

    /var/confd/bin/confd_load -m -l cfg.xml.fix
  3. Restart the confd process inside orchestrator container:

    supervisorctl restart confd

Change CLI User Password

If you know the existing password, use the following steps to change the user password in CLI:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# aaa authentication users user fpasapi change-password
Value for 'old-password' (<string>): *****
Value for 'new-password' (<string>): ********
Value for 'confirm-password' (<string>): ********

If you do not know the password, use the following commands to reset the password:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# config
admin@orchestrator(config)# aaa authentication users user fpasapi gid 100
 uid 9000 homedir "" ssh_keydir "" password <password>
admin@orchestrator(config-user-apiuser)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@orchestrator(config-user-apiuser)# end

Restart Docker Container

If the commands show docker service or system diagnostics show errors, check the docker service for any unhealthy processes. If there are unhealthy processes, use the command monitor container logs to view logs and then restart the docker container.

# node: DRA Master / DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tab | exclude HEALTHY
admin@orchestrator# show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing
# container-name is unhealthy process container id. 
admin@orchestrator# docker restart container-id <container-name>

Check DNS Config

Check the VMs dnsmasq file to verify whether the DNS entries are present; if not, perform the following steps:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cat /data/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf
# If DNS entries are missing, perform the following steps:
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show running-config network dns | 
save /data/config/dns_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator# config
admin@orchestrator(config)# no network dns
admin@orchestrator(config)# commit
admin@orchestrator(config)# end
admin@orchestrator# config
admin@orchestrator(config)# load merge /data/config/dns_cli_backup
admin@orchestrator(config)# commit
admin@orchestrator(config)# end
admin@orchestrator# exit
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cat /data/dnsmasq/etc/dnsmasq.conf

Redeploy Master VM

When the master VM is deleted or redeployed for some reason, you must make it part of the existing cluster. workaround to make it part of the cluster as described in the following steps:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
# After the master VM is redeployed, log into the master VM, and wait til 
# cpsinstall is complete
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ journalctl -u cpsinstall.service –f
# Verify that the following log apperas: log <date time stamp> master-0[1521]: Install script completed.
# Once cpsinstall is finished; execute the following 
# commands on the master VM in the order specified. 
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ weave launch-router --ipalloc-init consensus=3
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo rm -rf /data/orchestrator
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo /root/
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ ssh-keygen -f "/home/cps/.ssh/known_hosts" -R 

Remove MongoDB Replica Set Member

Perform the following steps to remove a replica set member from MongoDB.


The command no database cluster deletes the configuration completely, so ensure the information is correct.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ config
admin@orchestrator(config)# no database cluster binding shard 
binding-shard-1 shard-server fn6-1a1bs1k
admin@orchestrator(config)# commit
admin@orchestrator(config)# end
#connect to the replica set primary member container to remove the node, take a note 
#of port of the replica set
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ docker connect mongo-s104
root@mongo-s104:/# mongo --port 27033
rs-binding-shard-1:PRIMARY> rs.status()
#Note the name of the member from rs status output and then input it to 
#rs.remove to remove the member 
rs-binding-shard-1:PRIMARY> rs.remove

Monitoring MongoDB Logs

The MongoDB logs are stored under /data/mongod-node/db on every VM that has mongod instance running.

Recovering Member from Starting or Recovering State during ISSM or Rollback

After the ISSM or ISSM rollback, if some of the members are in the Starting or Recovering state, then perform the following steps:

  • Identify the members by using show database command from CLI.

  • Perform the following steps, delete the data sharding path, and start the members.

rm -rf /data/db/shardb-port/*
supervisorctl start sharding-IP*

root@mongo-s110:/# rm -rf /data/db/sharddb-27019/*
root@mongo-s110:/# rm -rf /data/db/sharddb-27018/*
root@mongo-s110:/# supervisorctl start sharding-2606-ae00-2030-2420-d-27018
sharding-2606-ae00-2030-2420-d-27018: started
root@mongo-s110:/# supervisorctl start sharding-2606-ae00-2030-2420-d-27019
sharding-2606-ae00-2030-2420-d-27019: started

Clean the Database

Perform the following steps if you want to clean the database and recreate a fresh database.


All the data will be lost.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
# Stop all the application process:
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ system stop
# Wait for some time till all the application proceses stop. 
# You can check the process using the commands:
# show scheduling status and show system status
# Repeat the following steps in all the database nodes
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /data/configdb/*
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /data/mongod-node/db/*
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /mmapv1-tmpfs-<port>/*
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
# Restart the system:
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ system start

Reset the CLI Configuration

Perform the following steps to reset the CLI configuration:


The complete configuration will be reset.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ docker exec -it orchestrator bash
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ /var/confd/bin/confd_load -D -m -l 

Policy DRA Logger Levels

Policy DRA Application logs are available for debugging purposes.

Note that turning on logs in a production system can have a substantial impact on the system performance and is not recommended.

Enabling and Disabling Logs

Use the orchestrator CLI to enable and disable application logs.

admin@orchestrator# logger set ?
Possible completions:
  <logger name>

admin@orchestrator# logger set com.broadhop.dra.service ?
Possible completions:
  debug  error  info  off  trace  warn

admin@orchestrator# logger clear com.broadhop.dra.service ?
Possible completions:
  |  <cr>

View Log Levels

The different log levels in the order of increasing details in the log are:

  • Error (error logs)

  • Warn (error and warning logs)

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Trace (all logs)

The default log level is warn.

Use the following orchestrator CLI command to view the current log levels set on a per application module basis.

admin@orchestrator# show logger level
Logger                         	Current Level
com.broadhop.dra.service               warn
dra.trace                 		warn
org.jdiameter                   	warn

View Logs

To view application logs continuously similar to the tail –f command, use the following command:

“monitor log application”

To view application logs that were previously collected in a consolidated log file (similar to the more command), use the following command:

show log application

Change Log Level of consul-template

Use the following command to change the log level of the consul-template:

Login to the container to change the log level of consul-template:
consul-template -log-level  <level> 

Set the log level value as debug, info, warn, and err.

Following is an example:

consul-template -log-level  debug 


The consul-template log level can be changed only on containers where the consul service is running.

Common Loggers

The following table describes the different loggers and their default log level:

Table 4. Common Loggers

Logger Name


Default Log Level


Policy DRA application logs. This displays logs from various modules of the Policy DRA system.



Policy DRA audit logs. This displays a summary of the Diameter message request and response processing.



jDiameter module logs. This displays logs from various modules of the jDiameter module.




Checks and deletes stale sessions.




vDRA stack-related logs to enable debugging at stack level. To be used with org.jdiameter log level.




This logger provides logs about the binding and API handling operations managed by the Worker.



Logging related to MongoDB library as the Worker invokes MongoDB API for database operations.




vDRA routing-related messages to debug issues in routing.




vDRA logs related to control messaging.


Common Troubleshooting Steps



Step 1

Use the following command in CLI to view the consolidated application logs.

admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show log application

Step 2

Use the following command in CLI to view the consolidated engine logs.

admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show log engine

Counters and Statistics

Check for statistics generated at pcrfclient01/02 in /var/broadhop/stats and counters in beans at jmx terminal.

System Health Checks

View System Status

Use the following command to view the system status and verify whether the system is running, or if any upgrade or downgrade is in progress, and whether it is 100% deployed.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show system status
# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show system status

If system is not 100% deployed, use the following command to view the current scheduling status: system scheduling status

View System Diagnostics

Use the following command to view the system disgnostics and debug failed processes.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing
# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@ ${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show system software | tab
admin@orchestrator# show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing

You can monitor the log of the container using the command: monitor container logs

Check System Scheduling Status

Use the following command to verify the installer scheduler status. The scheduler must reach haproxy-int-api 1 500 and all states indicate running.

# node: DRA Master	
# user: cps 
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show scheduling status
# node: DRA DB Master	
# user: cps 
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show scheduling status

Check Docker Engine

Use the following commands to check the docker engine:

  • show docker engine | tab: Check docker engine connected status to verify whether all VM engines are connected.

  • show running-config docker | tab: Check the running configuration of the docker to verify whether all VMs are registered to the Master VM correctly and whether all VMs are shown with internal IP and scheduling slots.



# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker engine | tab


# node: DRA Master	
# user: cps 
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show running-config docker | tab


# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker engine | tab


# node: DRA DB Master	
# user: cps 
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show running-config docker | tab

Check Docker Service

Use the following commands to check the docker service:

  • show docker service | tab: to verify whether all the docker services are running.

  • show docker service | tab | exclude HEALTHY : to view unhealthy docker services.



# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tabb


# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tab | exclude HEALTHY


# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tab


# node: DRA DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tab | exclude HEALTHY

View Alert Status

Check the alert status in both VNFs and verify that there are no issues.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show alert status | tab | include firing
# node: DB Master
# user: cps
cps@${DBM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show alert status | tab | include firing

Troubleshooting Application

Call Failures

In case of call failures, check the Peer Connection, Binding Monitoring, Peer Errors, Error Result Code in Central GUI as described:

  1. Log into the Central GUI as admin.

    In the Peer Monitoring, filter by the host where call failures are observed.

    If there is any problem with connection; that peer is not listed in Active Peer Endpoints screen and is listed in Inactive peers.

    Figure 1. Peer Monitoring - Active Peer Endpoints
    Figure 2. Peer Monitoring - Inactive Peer Endpoints
  2. Check if the bindings are getting created. Filter the results for the imsiApn/ msisdnApn / ipv4/ ipv6 binding for which binding has to be retrieved.

    Figure 3. DRA Bindings
  3. Log into Central GUI/Grafana as admin and go to the Home > Application Summary.

    Check for specific errors in Grafana. The errors indicate the exact result code received from peer.

    Figure 4. Application Summary
  4. Log into Central GUI/Customer Reference Data as admin.

    Check for the descriptions of specific errors from customer reference data so that necessary action can be taken.

    Figure 5. Error Result Code Profile
  5. Log into Central GUI/Grafana as admin and go to the Home > Application Summary.

    Check for “discard” status in Grafana in DB Overload Handling graph. If entries are found in the graph, then check if maximum record limit has been set on database.

    Figure 6. DB OVerload Handling

Relay Failure Between Two vDRA Instances

Use the following command to check traceroute connectivity from the VM to other nodes:

# node: DRA Director VM
# user: cps
cps@${drd-hostname}:~$ ping6 <Relay hostname configured in Policy Builder>

If there is any issue with the other vDRA, ping6 results in “timeouts.”

Monitoring Exceptions

Use the following command to monitor exceptions in Redis or database:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# monitor log application | include Exception

Monitoring Performance

To check if there are any performance issues with vDRA, log into Central GUI as admin and check the System Health.

Monitor for any timeouts, spikes or decrease in TPS for database response times, peer response timeouts, average response timeouts.

Figure 7. System Health
Figure 8. Timeouts
Figure 9. Database Queries
Figure 10. Peer Details

Monitor session and binding records are uniformly distributed across all the shards from ‘Application Summary’ dashboard of DRA VNF.

Figure 11. Record Distribution per Shard

Monitor Primary TPS is uniformly distributed across all the shards from 'Database Monitoring' dashboard of Binding VNF.

Figure 12. Primary TPS Distribution

Check Alerts

Use the following command to check for alerts and any issues with peer connections, low memory, low disk, or link failures.

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show alert status | tab | include firing

Frequently Encountered Troubles in CPS vDRA

Redis Not Working


Step 1

Check which containers are available using the following commands:

admin@orchestrator[dra1-sys04-master-0]# show docker service | include control-plane | tab | exclude monitor
control-plane        101    control-plane   dra1-sys04-master-0    control-plane-s101        HEALTHY  false -
control-plane        102    control-plane   dra1-sys04-control-0   control-plane-s102        HEALTHY  false -
control-plane        103    control-plane   dra1-sys04-control-1   control-plane-s103        HEALTHY  false -
diameter-endpoint    104    global-control-plane   dra1-sys04-director-1  global-control-plane-s104 HEALTHY  false -
diameter-endpoint    105    global-control-plane   dra1-sys04-director-2  global-control-plane-s105 HEALTHY  false -
amin@orchestrator[dra1-sys04-master-0]# show docker service | include redis | tab | exclude monitor
diameter-endpoint    104   diameter-redis-q-a   dra1-sys04-director-1  diameter-redis-q-a-s104   HEALTHY  false -
diameter-endpoint    105   diameter-redis-q-a   dra1-sys04-director-2  diameter-redis-q-a-s105   HEALTHY  false -

Step 2

Login in into each of the above containers.

The following example shows that the redis server is working.

admin@orchestrator[dra1-sys04-master-0]# docker connect control-plane-s101
/data # ps -ef
    1 redis    332:42 redis-server

Step 3

Check the following entries in /etc/broadhop/draTopology.ini file at DRA directors diameter-endpoint container.

root@diameter-endpoint-s104:/# cd /etc/broadhop
root@diameter-endpoint-s104:/etc/broadhop# cat draTopology.ini

root@diameter-endpoint-s104:/etc/broadhop# cat redisTopology.ini
#Generate file from consul configuration


Step 4

Verify that the global control plane is configured correctly from the CLI. For more on commands, see the CPS vDRA Operations Guide.

Gx Bindings not happening on Mongo


Step 1

Check if the binding's exceptions are coming in consolidated-qns.log file.

Step 2

Check for the entries in /etc/broadhop/draTopology.ini file.


For example, make sure if the primary binding server is 27019 only as per above example.

Step 3

Check for the Binding Keys entries in binding key type profile and the application attached to the profile.

Rx Call Failing at CPS vDRA


Step 1

Check for the Binding key Retriever for Rx Profile.

Step 2

Check if the Gx Binding is available for that Binding key.

Step 3

Check the consolidated-qns.log file if CPS vDRA is able to retrieve SRK from the bindings.

Step 4

Check for any exception in consolidated-qns.log file during binding retrieval.

Step 5

If Rx peer is available for the same SRK at CPS vDRA, CPS vDRA should forward the Rx message to that peer.

Step 6

Check the connection for that peer and proper entries in Peer Group, Peer Routing, Peer Group Peer and Rx_Routing for Rx New session rules.

Call Failing at CPS vDRA due to Binding


Step 1

Check the consolidated-qns.log file to see if there are any warn logs on MongoShardPinger class related to unreachable mongo.

Step 2

If MongoShardPinger logs are present with text containing unreachable mongos it indicates the shard is not reachable.

Step 3

Check the connection for that shard.

CPS vDRA Forwarding Message to Wrong Peer


Step 1

Check the Control Center configuration in Gx_Routing for new session rules. Gx routing should have the AVP defined on the basis of which, one wants to route the traffic.

Step 2

Check whether the Control Center configuration for the Peer is bonded to correct Peer Group.

Step 3

Check whether the Peer Group is assigned to correct Peer Route and Dynamic AVPs are properly aligned with Peer Route in Gx New Session Rules.

Step 4

Diameter Connection with the desired Destination Peer should be established with CPS vDRA.

PCRF Generated Messages not Reaching CPS vDRA


Step 1

Make sure PCRF has the correct entry of CPS vDRA as next hop.

Figure 13. Next Hop Routes

Next Hop definition is mandatory in PCRF to forward the messages to CPS vDRA generated by PCRF itself.

For example, Gx-RAR, Sd-TSR

Step 2

Wild Card Entry not supported in Next Hop Routing configuration.

Issues in Reaching Ports and Setup IPs


Step 1

Check firewall is running or not.

Step 2

Make sure the firewall configuration is OK.

  1. To check if this is the problem, then stop the firewall.

    /etc/init.d/iptables stop

PB and CRD Inaccessible

Policy Builder and CRD are inaccessible when there are multiple route entries on the master node.

This issue occurs only on OpenStack setups.

OpenStack Neutron configures multiple default routes, if the gateway is also present in the interfaces static configuration.

For example, when configuring multiple interfaces on any VM, set "gateway" for only one interface, preferably public interface.

# public network
auto ens160
iface ens160 inet static
address x.x.x.60
gateway x.x.x.1

# private network
auto ens192
iface ens192 inet static
address y.y.y.155


Run the following command to delete the default route to the internal network.

sudo route del default gw <internal network gateway IP>

For example: sudo route del default gw y.y.y.1

If the default route is not present for public network, run the following command:

ip route add default via <public network gateway IP>

For example: ip route add default via x.x.x.1

Central GUI Returns 503 Service Unavailable Error

After rebooting the master and control VMs, if the Central GUI returns 503 service unavailable error, perform the following steps:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# docker restart container-id haproxy-common-s101

Clear the browser cache and check the UI again.

Mog API Call Failure

If the MOG API calls fails internittently with an unauthroized message in a DRA director, then run the following commands to restart the container:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show network ips | include mogAPI  
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tab | include drd02v | include haproxy-common-s
admin@orchestrator# docker restart container-id haproxy-common-s10x

DRA Configuration API Call Returns NULL

If the DRA configuration API call returns null, restart the Policy Builder container as shown:

# node: DRA Master
# user: cps
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ cli
admin@orchestrator# show docker service | tab | 
include drc01v | include policy-builder-s
admin@orchestrator# docker restart container-id 

Removing or Correcting Incorrect Encoding Characters in Existing Configurations

Issue: Initially, if you enter incorrect characters (encoding should be UTF-8 and not windows) as input to the expressions on the CLI (config), the subsequent configurations does not get reflected. This is because the confd does not accept incorrect characters in the confd Database and does not allow you to proceed.

Workaround: To recover, you must either remove or correct the incorrect expressions from the running configurations and then input the subsequent expressions to add the configurations.

Diameter Errors and Call Model Issues when Running Heap Dump

Issue: Messages timed out when running Heap Dump of DRA process.

Condition: Taking heap dump of director and worker process. Heap dumps taken results in full GC. This in turn causes major application pause and results in message time out.

Solution: It is recommended to take the heap dump only during Maintenance Window (MW)

Recovery Steps when Master VM is Down

Issue: When Master VM is powered ON after 12 hrs it is stuck on orchestrator container throwing following logs:

2019-07-01T03:40:12.858+0000 I NETWORK [conn78] end connection (4 connections now open)
Waiting for 5s as mongod database is not yet up. Mon Jul 1 03:40:12 UTC 2019
2019-07-01T03:40:13.469+0000 I REPL [replexec-2] Canceling priority takeover callback
2019-07-01T03:40:13.469+0000 I REPL [replexec-2] Not starting an election for a priority takeover, since we are not electable due to: Not standing for election because member is not currently a secondary; member is not caught up enough to the most up-to-date member to call for priority takeover - must be within 2 seconds (mask 0x408)
2019-07-01T03:40:15.246+0000 I REPL [replexec-2] Scheduling priority takeover at 2019-07-01T03:40:26.616+0000
2019-07-01T03:40:17.919+0000 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #79 (5 connections now open)

Solution: To recover the master VM, you need to execute the following commands on Master VM:

docker exec -it orchestrator bash
supervisorctl stop mongo
rm -rf /data/db/*
supervisorctl start mongo

Call Failure Observed when Database VNF VMs are Recovering

Issue: Calls failure observed when database VNF VMs are in recovery mode.

Expected Behavior: Few call failures are expected when a shard-member recovers after restart and gets elected as new primary. The following is the expected behavior when a Binding VNF recovers after failover:

  • All the shards members of the database VNF do not come up at the same time. They resynchronize with the existing shard-members and transition from STARTUP2 to Secondary to Primary state is not same for all the shards.

  • Two elections for each shard are possible based on the database VM recovery time. The following is the sequence:

    1. First Election: Database VM having shard member with second highest priority completes the resynchronization first and becomes primary.

    2. Second Re-election: The shard member with highest priority completes the resynchronization and becomes primary (This behavior is as per the MongoDB replica-set protocol version 1 - pv1).

Timeout Observed after Policy Builder Publish on DRA

Issue: Timeout is observed when publishing is done during load.

Solution: Policy Builder publishing during load have impact on running calls.


It is recommended to perform Policy Builder publishing during Maintenance Window (MW).

No User Authentication Observed after MongoDB Auth Set on DRA VNF

Issue: No users are authenticated after MongoDB auth set on DRA VNF.

Solution: After new password is set on binding VNF and DRA VNF if there are no users authenticated exception is observed, restart the binding container.

Mongod Instance Fails to Start

Issue: If mongod instance fails to start and displays the following error:

2019-08-26T07:11:48.012+0000 I -  [repl writer worker 7] Fatal assertion 16359 
NamespaceNotFound: Failed to apply insert due to missing collection: 
{ ts: Timestamp 1566803477000|424, t: 15, h: -4599534508984183152, v: 2, op: "i", 
ns: "ipv6bindings.ipv6bindings", o: { _id: "3001:0000:0019:3dd5", ts: 1566804446889, 
staleBindingExpiryTime: new Date(1566815246889), srk: "fPAS.CALIPER.PCRF4", fqdn: 
"client-calipers24-gx.pcef.gx", sessionid: "ClpGx3:", 
uuid: "fpas-system-22133581349" } } at src/mongo/db/repl/sync_tail.cpp 1059
2019-08-26T07:11:48.012+0000 I -        [repl writer worker 7]
***aborting after fassert() failure

Solution: Restart the MongoDB instances manually giving JIRA reference of mongod instance.

Mongo-admin DB is not Healthy

Issue: Mongo-admin DB is showing unhealthy status:

admin@orchestrator[pn-master-0]# show docker service | exclude HEAL | tab
admin-db 1 mongo-admin-a 22.2.11-2023-01-31.17123.aa3e75222 pn-master-0 mongo-admin-a ABORTED true Exit code: 62
admin-db 1 mongo-admin-c 22.2.11-2023-01-31.17123.aa3e75222 pn-control-1 mongo-admin-c ABORTED true Exit code: 14
subversion 1 svn 22.2.11-20230131_152801.10637 pn-control-0 svn STARTED true Pending health check 

or in logs are showing as cps@pn-master-0:~$ docker logs mongo-admin-a

{"t":{"$date":"2023-02-06T09:04:28.825+00:00"},"s":"W", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22347, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade."}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-02-06T09:04:28.825+00:00"},"s":"F", "c":"-", "id":23089, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Fatal assertion","attr":{"msgid":28559,"file":"src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_util.cpp","line":97}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-02-06T09:04:28.825+00:00"},"s":"F", "c":"-", "id":23090, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"\n\n***aborting after fassert() failure\n\n"}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-02-06T09:04:28.825+00:00"},"s":"F", "c":"CONTROL", "id":4757800, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Writing fatal message","attr":{"message":"Got signal: 6 (Aborted).\n"}}


Prerequisites: The following are prerequisites.


  • Take a backup of pb and crd data as we’re cleaning up mongo admin data.

  • Clean mongo-admin data on Master/control-0/control-1 as shown below:

    • master VM: sudo rm -rf /data/mongo-admin-a/admin-db/*

    • control-0: sudo rm -rf /data/mongo-admin-b/admin-db/*

    • control-1: sudo rm -rf /data/mongo-admin-c/admin-db/*


      Wait for 5 minutes and check the show admin-database-status . If all members are in NO_CONNECTION state only then execute the next step.
  • (Optional) Initialize mongo on master and add members as shown below:

    • docker exec -it mongo-admin-a bash

    • mongo

    • rs.initiate()

    • rs.add("host" : "mongo-admin-b:27017")

    • rs.add("host" : "mongo-admin-c:27017")

Incorrect Alerts Observed on DB VNF

Issue: When Prometheus servers residing on Master/Control VMs are restarted, alerts are raised by the servers remaining in firing state. If the alerts are not resolved before Prometheus restart, the alerts remain in firing state forever even after issue is resolved.

For example,

admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site2-master-1]# show alert status | tab | include IP_NOT
IP_NOT_REACHABLE    firing    VM/VIP IP is not reachable!    2019-08-28T14:52:49.776+00:00  -  2019-08-29T12:03:03.553+00:00
IP_NOT_REACHABLE     firing    VM/VIP IP is not reachable!     2019-08-28T14:51:54.768+00:00  -  2019-08-29T12:03:03.548+00:00
IP_NOT_REACHABLE     firing    VM/VIP IP is not reachable! 
admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site2-master-1]# show running-config docker | tab
ID                               ADDRESS                                                    SCHEDULING SLOTS  MODE            ID        ADDRESS
fPAS-site2-app-persistence-db-7  http://engine-proxy-6662e4dc999a9e36f4f0ea2d0fbfcedf:2375  [ mongo-node ]    [ mongo-node ]  internal
fPAS-site2-control-2             http://engine-proxy-89fa384df65a6c7863252a22fcbfd696:2375  [ control-a ]     -               internal
fPAS-site2-master-1              http://engine-proxy-03b546144fadc57dc51c0fcd063375da:2375  [ master ]        -               internal
fPAS-site2-app-persistence-db-7  CONNECTED  0
fPAS-site2-control-2             CONNECTED  0
fPAS-site2-control-3             CONNECTED  0
fPAS-site2-master-1              CONNECTED  0

Solution: Manually clear the alarms using CLI.

To check if this behaviour is present on a system.

  1. Login to Promethues container using CLI.

    docker connect prometheus-hi-res-s<101/102/103>
    ps aux


Note down Prometheus start time. If it is later than “alerts” firing time, then this alert will never get cleared.

Interrupted Downgrades and Unhealthy Orchestrator DB State

Issue: Downgrade is interrupted and orchestrator mongo db replica set is showing unhealthy state.

Scenario 1:

  • Verify the scenario by.

    • Log in to orchestrator primary: docker exec -it orchestrator bash

    • Log in to mongo: mongo

    • If rs.status() contains only primary, no secondaries are present as shown:

      orchestrator:PRIMARY> rs.status()
              "set" : "orchestrator",
              "members" : [
                              "_id" : 0,
                              "name" : "orchestrator:27017",
                              "health" : 1,
                              "state" : 1,
                              "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
                              "uptime" : 231095,
                              "optime" : {
                                      "ts" : Timestamp(1677477849, 5),
                                      "t" : NumberLong(8)
                              "optimeDate" : ISODate("2023-02-27T06:04:09Z"),              
Solution: Reconfigure the DB with the following commands:
cfg={_id:"orchestrator", members:[ {_id:0,host:"orchestrator:27017","priority" : 9}, {_id:1,host:"orchestrator-backup-a:27017","priority" : 3}, {_id:2,host:"orchestrator-backup-b:27017","priority" : 2}]}

To verify whether any secondary DB is not able to connect successfully: Check if rs.status() contains the following messages on the primary orchestrator db.

"replica set IDs do not match, ours:<new replset name>,remote node‘s: <old replset name>" like given below for orchestrator-backup-a

orchestrator:PRIMARY> rs.status()


        "set" : "orchestrator",


        "members" : [


                        "_id" : 0,

                        "name" : "orchestrator:27017",

                        "health" : 1,

                        "state" : 1,

                        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",

                        "uptime" : 231095,

                        "optime" : {

                                "ts" : Timestamp(1677477849, 5),

                                "t" : NumberLong(8)

                        }, {

                        "_id" : 1,

                        "name" : "orchestrator-backup-a:27017",

                        "health" : 1,

                        "state" : 8,

                        "stateStr" : "Not rechable/healthy",

                        "uptime" : 231035,

                        "optime" : {

                                "ts" : Timestamp(1677477848, 5),

                                "t" : NumberLong(8)


                        "optimeDurable" : {

                                "ts" : Timestamp(1677477848, 5),

                                "t" : NumberLong(8)


                        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : " "replica set IDs do not match, ours: 60d054b0cfe1dc9265e996f7; remote node's: 60d321b914915e255a0edd74",


                        "optimeDate" : ISODate("2023-02-27T06:04:09Z"),              



Solution: Clean the DB for which "replica set IDs do not match" message is received in rs.status. For example, if orchestrator-backup-a message comes up, then clean the orchestrator-backup-a message as specified below:

login to orchestrator-backup-a container from control VM: docker exec -it orchestrator-backup-a bash

clean db: sudo rm -rf /data/db/*

Scenario 2: Orchestrator mongo DB is in startup2 state.

To verify the scenario.

  • Log in to orchestrator primary: docker exec -it orchestrator bash

  • Log in to mongo: mongo

  • Verify if the status on CLI prompt displays as startup2:


Solution: Recover the Orchestratorr DB:

login to orchestrator primary: docker exec -it orchestrator bash

clean db: sudo rm -rf /data/db/*

RAR Routing Issue

Issue: When running a call-model, it is observed that all the RAR messages initiated from server-side are routed over relay connection to other sites. From logs, it is seen that the peer is detected as active but due to some reason the siteID is detected as NULL due to which the neighbor siteID is preferred to route the messages.

Condition: 4 site cluster with peer_group and peer-route configured on the basis of FQDN HOST.

Solution: Restart the diameter-endpoint and binding containers on DRA_VNF. It can be seen from the Grafana if the response time is higher than usual for PCRF RAR traffic.

Prometheus Database Corrupted after System Outage

Issue: After system restart containers are in STARTED state and not able to recover.

Conditon: The containers are in STARTED state and not able to recover after restart.

The following errors are observed in the logs in monitor log container:

level=error ts=2018-04-07T04:28:53.784390578Z caller=main.go:582
err="Opening storage failed unexpected end of JSON input"
level=info ts=2018-04-07T04:28:53.784418708Z caller=main.go:584
msg="See you next time!"
admin@orchestrator[site4-master-0]# show docker service | exclude HEAL | tab
MODULE     INSTANCE  NAME                        VERSION                     ENGINE             CONTAINER ID          STATE    BOX      MESSAGE  
prometheus   101   prometheus-planning   19.5.7-2020-01-30.9009.34ef765  site4-master-0   prometheus-planning-s101   STARTED  true   Pending health check 
prometheus   101   prometheus-trending   19.5.7-2020-01-30.9009.34ef765  site4-master-0   prometheus-trending-s101   STARTED  false    -        
prometheus   102   prometheus-hi-res     19.5.7-2020-01-30.9009.34ef765  site4-control-0  prometheus-hi-res-s102     STARTED  true   Pending health check 



  1. Go to the master/control VM and execute the following command:

    cd /stats
    sudo find . -name meta.json | xargs ls -lhrt
  2. Locate meta.json which is empty (0 file, size).

    For example:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  283 Feb  6 17:00 ./prometheus-hi-res/2.0/01E0DQ3C7QAXVJ1C3M9WX24WJH/meta.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb  6 19:00 ./prometheus-planning/2.0/01E0DXZ2YW04DETYFCM4P9JT2R/meta.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb  6 19:00 ./prometheus-trending/2.0/01E0DXZ3H751XWBKK1AN3WX6QV/meta.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb  6 19:00 ./prometheus-hi-res/2.0/01E0DXZ3FV3NR87Q0S4738HK3Q.tmp/meta.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  283 Feb  7 06:29 ./prometheus-hi-res/2.0/01E0F5EDDATS4K4T75P2EKE8PS/meta.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  282 Feb  7 06:29 ./prometheus-hi-res/2.0/01E0F5EFD9RFXC5WBC0V01WD2R/meta.json
  3. Delete the directory containing meta.json file.

    For example:

    sudo rm -fr ./prometheus-trending/2.0/01E0DXZ3H751XWBKK1AN3WX6QV*
  4. Restart the container for which meta.json is empty.

    For example, if the directory for prometheus-trending is deleted, restart prometheus-trending container on that VM.

Orchestration Container not Running after Fresh Installation

Issue: Sometimes orchestrator container is not running after fresh installation. As a result, user is unable to login to CLI mode for site VNF database.

Solution: If orchestrator container does not come UP on master VM, check /var/log/install-master.log generated on master VM.

If the log is stuck at Starting new HTTP connection (1): for prolonged duration then run the following commands:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
sudo rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
sudo /root/

Orchestrator-backup not Added as Secondary Member

Issue: Master db orchestrator is working as primary but orchestrator-backup-a and orchestrator-backup-b are not added as secondary members.

Solution: Follow the steps to add orchestrator-backup as the secondary member.

  1. Login to orchestrator-backup-a on control-0 and cleanup db data:

    • cps@control-0:~$ docker exec -it orchestrator-backup-a bash

    • rm -rf /data/db/*

  2. Login to orchestrator-backup-b on control-1 and cleanup db data:

    • cps@control-1:~$ docker exec -it orchestrator-backup-b bash

    • rm -rf /data/db/*

  3. Login to master orchestrator db and add secondary members (orchestrator-backup-a ,orchestrator-backup-b) in orchestrator mongo db:

    • cps@master:~$ docker exec -it orchestrator bash

    • mongo (run mongo shell)

  4. Run the following commands in mongo shell.

     cfg={_id:"orchestrator", members:[ {_id:0,host:"orchestrator:27017","priority" : 9}, {_id:1,host:"orchestrator-backup-a:27017","priority" : 3}, {_id:2,host:"orchestrator-backup-b:27017","priority" : 2}]}

Docker Volumes Deletion

Issue: Some docker volumes are not usable when system stop is stuck.

Solution: When system stop gets stuck docker services need to be restarted for any VM. Additionally, docker volumes can be deleted manually after completion of docker restart.

Login to the VM where docker service are restarted and perform the following steps.

  1. Verify the existence of docker volumes by running docker volume ls | grep cps command.

    cps@site1-dra-worker-1:~$ docker volume ls | grep cps
    local               cps-docker-info
    local               cps-keepalived-conf
    local               cps-keepalived-service-status
    local               cps-keepalived-supervisord
  2. Verify that the following containers have been stopped:

    • keepalived

    • node-exporter

    • diameter-endpoint

    • real-server

    If any of above containers is still running, execute system stop command to stop the container service from the respective VNF CLI.

  3. Delete the volume by running docker volume rm <volumename> command.


    docker volume rm cps-docker-info
    docker volume rm cps-keepalived-service-status
  4. Verify that the docker volumes are deleted by running docker volume ls | grep cps command.

NTP Synchronization Behavior

Issue: After system stop/upgrade/downgrade or site/VM restart, NTP related system diagnostics messages are observed.

Sample output with diagnostics messages:

admin@orchestrator[master-4]# show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing
control-plane-s101 serfHealth 1 critical Agent not live or unreachable 
ntpd-s102 service:ntp-client 1 warning unsynchronised 
ntpd-s102 service:ntp-client 2 warning polling server every 8 s 
ntpd-s103 service:ntp-client 1 warning unsynchronised 
ntpd-s103 service:ntp-client 2 warning polling server every 8 s 
ntpd-s104 service:ntp-client 1 warning unsynchronised 
ntpd-s104 service:ntp-client 2 warning polling server every 8 s 
ntpd-s105 service:ntp-client 1 warning unsynchronised 
ntpd-s105 service:ntp-client 2 warning polling server every 8 s

Observation: It is the NTP protocol behavior that it takes time to synchronize based on the time difference between the configured NTP server and local NTP client running on containers.

As it takes some time to synchronize with the NTP server, the diagnostics messages are expected to be seen during this time period. The NTP sync issues can make diameter / binding endpoints out of sync with the connected peers, which results into call failures. If the system diagnostics are still showing up ntp-related messages, then contact your Cisco Account representative.

During this time period you can execute the following commands on the master VM:

#vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync status

If time sync status is not enabled already, you can enable time it by executing vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync enable command on master VM.

On the remaining VMs, time sync status must be disabled by executing vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync disable command.

Sample output: The system diagnostics should not contain any ntp-related messages after the NTP sychronization is complete.

Container not Recovering during Automation Run

Issue: show system diagnostics displays errors though the container is in HEALTHY state.


This issue can be observed on both DRA or Binding VNFs in any of the following scenarios:

  • After VM restart

  • ISO upgrade

  • ISO downgrade

  • Restarting of containers multiple times in short duration (for any testing)

Workaround: The following steps can be executed to confirm and resolve the issue:

  1. Execute show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing command to check the diagnostics status.

    Here is a sample output that displays errors in the container.

    admin@orchestrator[site2-master-0]# show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing

    NODE              CHECK ID    IDX   STATUS       MESSAGE                     
    stats-relay-s102  serfHealth   1   critical  Agent not live or unreachable
  2. Execute show docker service | tab | include <containerName> command to verify the health of the container.

    Here is a sample:

    admin@orchestrator[an-master]# show docker service | tab | include stats-relay-s102

    stats  102  stats-relay  19.4.0-xxx  an-control-0  stats-relay-s102  HEALTHY  false -
  3. If Step 2 displays the state as HEALTHY, use the following workaround. Otherwise, diagnostics error is valid and check the container logs to find the root cause.

    1. From CLI, execute docker connect <container-name> to connect to a docker service and launch a bash shell running on the system.

      For example, docker connect consul-1

      1. Execute consul members | grep -v alive command.

        Here is the sample output.

        root@consul-1:/# consul members | grep -v alive

        Node                           Address        Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC   Segment
        stats-relay-s102.weave.local  failed  client  1.0.0   2       dc1  <default>
      2. Execute consul force-leave stats-relay-s102.weave.local command for all the containers which are in failed state.

    2. Execute docker restart container-id stats-relay-s102 to restart the container.

  4. Execute show system diagnostics | tab | exclude passing command to verify that the issue has been fixed.

Container Stuck during System Stop or Upgrade

Issue: During system stop/start or upgrade, container on a VM isn't removed by the orchestrator.

Possible Cause: There are multiple reasons for this issue. The following are some of the causes identified:

  1. Sometimes docker takes time to stop container than expected. In this case, orchestrator which is trying to remove the container times out and does retry. Same situation gets repeated continuously and hence container never gets removed.

  2. Sometimes during container stop, the container isn’t stopped cleanly as volumes attached to it does not get deleted. In this case, the new container fails to start due to old volumes.

  3. Sometimes during container stop, the container isn't stopped cleanly so if the docker proxy is exposing any ports for that container, those ports still remain in listening state. Hence when the new containers are started and docker proxy starts listening on exposed ports, it gets bind failures and thus the container doesn’t get started.


  1. Execute system abort-upgrade command from CLI to abort the running upgrade.

  2. In case of system stop/upgrade, if the container doesn't get removed, perform the following steps:

    1. Find VM from where the containers doesn't get removed.

      Example: Execute the following command from CLI.

      show scheduling status | tab | exclude RUNNING
      monitoring 106 125 application SCHEDULING false

      monitoring 106 125 application SCHEDULING false indicates the instance ID

      admin@orchestrator[vpas-A-dra-master-0]# show docker service | tab | include 106
      diameter-endpoint 106 diameter-endpoint 19.5.0-20200506_032527.7339 
      vpas-A-dra-director-c diameter-endpoint-s106 ABORTED false

      vpas-A-dra-director-c diameter-endpoint-s106 ABORTED false indicates the VM name. In this example, the VM name is vpas-A-dra-director-c.

    2. Login to VM and use docker ps | grep <container-name> and timestamp of container to check if the container doesn't get removed.

    3. If the container is not removed, execute docker rm -f <container-name> to remove the container forcefully.

  3. SSH to VM having issues and verify if the old volumes doesn't get deleted with the following steps:

    1. List all the volumes created using docker volume ls command.


      cps@sk-persistence-db-1:~$ docker volume ls
      DRIVER              VOLUME NAME
      local               4b1e0622f0d774003c14eec9f17b98035445ef15f34fc055ebeb1aad572f1de3
      local               7d7d3b4b0ec4773427530b987475861106bc6d56dfc107feabce3f6c2afda875
      local               82e48b69a9b6687e54e8048aff2cc7af81c6754b1c44830f3e051e0fcfaaf380
      local               cps-docker-info
      local               cps-keepalived-conf
      local               cps-keepalived-service-status
      local               cps-keepalived-supervisord
      local               d7b892a933a915774ac1c883c21b70bddfea002d46dfa457dbda5f1baa0af55e
      local               faaeea115326b2981bd09f4f53fce157c1c6f327f7425ea27f92d5a371d8fcee

      Execute the following commands only for name containers. For example, cps-docker-info.

    2. Inspect volume using docker inspect <volume_name> command.

      cps@sk-persistence-db-1:~$ docker inspect cps-docker-info
              "CreatedAt": "2020-07-31T10:28:06Z",
              "Driver": "local",
              "Labels": {
                  "": "test-system"
              "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/cps-docker-info/_data",
              "Name": "cps-docker-info",
              "Options": {
                  "device": "tmpfs",
                  "o": "size=64m",
                  "type": "tmpfs"
              "Scope": "local"
    3. You can delete the volumes where labels is null using docker volume rm <volume_name> command.


      docker volume rm cps-docker-info

      Volume not attached to any other volume will be safely deleted.

  4. Reboot VMs.

    sudo reboot
  5. Verify whether VM is joined to master VM and all the containers are scheduled as expected using show system status and show docker engine commands from CLI.

    admin@orchestrator[sk-master-binding-0]# show system status 
    system status running true
    system status upgrade false
    system status downgrade false
    system status external-services-enabled true
    system status debug false
    system status percent-complete 100.0
    admin@orchestrator[sk-master-binding-0]# show docker engine
    sk-control-binding-0 CONNECTED 0
    sk-control-binding-1 CONNECTED 0
    sk-master-binding-0 CONNECTED 0
    sk-persistence-db-1 CONNECTED 0
    sk-persistence-db-2 CONNECTED 0
    sk-persistence-db-3 CONNECTED 0
    sk-persistence-db-4 CONNECTED 0

    The system status percent-complete must be 100.0. The status of all the dockers must be connected.

show network ips command not Displaying all IPs

Issue: show network ip command is not able to fetch all IPs information.

Condition: The issue happens when setups are migrated from older software (like, 18.2.0 or 19.4.0) where docker-host-info-monitor support was not present.

Possible Cause: docker-host-info-monitor containers are not coming up automatically.

show docker service | tab | include docker-host-info-monitor

Solution: Make sure all the VMs are running docker-host-info-monitor container.

If the container is not running, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to the master VNF VM using ssh or console.

  2. Login to orchestrator containe using docker exec -it orchestrator bash command.

  3. Stop orchestration-engine service using supervisorctl stop orchestration-engine command.

  4. Remove monitoring modules from database using:

    mongo orchestration --eval 'db.modules.remove({"_id": /^monitoring/})'
    mongo orchestration --eval '{"_id": /^monitoring/})'
  5. Start orchestration-engine service using supervisorctl start orchestration-engine command.

Wrong tmpfs Partition Names displayed in Mongo Containers

Issue: After downgrade tmpfs partitions names are not displayed correctly in mongo containers.


  • Downgrade from 20.2.0 release with tmpfs partition changes to tmpfs without changes

  • Downgrade from 20.2.0 release to an older release

Condition: After completing downgrade, check whether mongo-s<instance-id> containers have unused tmpfs-partitions using the following command from CLI:

docker exec mongo-s1 "df -h"

Run the steps mentioned in the Solution if any container output shows shard word in tmpfs partitions names.


tmpfs partition names should only have port numbers.

Here is a sample output.

==========output from container mongo-s105===========
tmpfs           8.3T     0  8.3T   0% /mmapv1-tmpfs-rs-shard-41
tmpfs           8.3T     0  8.3T   0% /mmapv1-tmpfs-rs-shard-21
tmpfs           8.3T     0  8.3T   0% /mmapv1-tmpfs-rs-shard-42
tmpfs           8.3T     0  8.3T   0% /mmapv1-tmpfs-rs-shard-22
tmpfs           8.3T     0  8.3T   0% /mmapv1-tmpfs-rs-shard-2
tmpfs           8.3T     0  8.3T   0% /mmapv1-tmpfs-rs-shard-1


  1. Create a file cleanup-tmpfs-partitions name and add the following contents.

    for CONTAINER in $(/var/broadhop/cli/list-containers mongo-s); do
      if [ ${CONTAINER} == "mongo-status" ];then
      ENGINE=`/var/broadhop/cli/resolve-container-engine ${CONTAINER}`
      if [ ! -z "${ENGINE}" ]; then
        DOCKER_CONNECTION=`/var/broadhop/cli/resolve-docker-connection ${ENGINE}`
        if [ ! -z "${DOCKER_CONNECTION}" ]; then
           echo "container name... ${CONTAINER}"
           docker -H ${DOCKER_CONNECTION} cp /var/broadhop/cli/ ${CONTAINER}:/usr/local/bin/
           docker -H ${DOCKER_CONNECTION} exec -d ${CONTAINER} /usr/local/bin/
  2. Create a file name and add the following contents.

    count=$(df -h | grep shard | wc -l)
    echo "partitions to delete.... ${count}"
    while [ ${count} -ne 0 ]
    echo "TRYING TO UNMOUNT try....${count}"
      for PARTITION in $(df -h | grep shard | tr -s ' '| cut -f 6 -d ' '); do
        echo "trying to unmount ${PARTITION}"
        umount -f ${PARTITION}
        rm -rf ${PARTITION}
    sleep 3
    count=$(df -h | grep shard | wc -l)
  3. Change the permissions for both the files.

    chmod +x cleanup-tmpfs-partitions
    chmod +x
  4. Copy the files to an orchestrator container.

    docker cp orchestrator:/var/broadhop/cli/
    docker cp cleanup-tmpfs-partitions orchestrator:/var/broadhop/cli/
  5. Execute cleanup-tmpfs-partitions command.

    docker exec -it orchestrator /var/broadhop/cli/cleanup-tmpfs-partitions
  6. Verify the cleanup of tmpfs-partitions by executing the following command from CLI.

    docker exec mongo-s1 "df -h"

    Make sure that there is no tmpfs partitions with name shard word present in any of the container outputs. tmpfs partition names should only have port numbers.

    ==========output from container mongo-s105===========
    tmpfs            26G   49M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27026
    tmpfs            26G   49M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27027
    tmpfs            26G   49M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27036
    tmpfs            26G   49M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27037
    tmpfs            26G   17M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27046
    tmpfs            26G   49M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27041
    tmpfs            26G   49M   26G   1% /mmapv1-tmpfs-27042

Binding/Endpoint Containers not Visible

Issue: Binding/endpoint containers aren’t displayed when executing show docker service command.

Condition: Discrepancies with the blades hosting VMs.

Solution: Execute show docker engine command. All the VMs must be in connected state. If any VM isn’t CONNECTED, make sure to bring that VM UP.

Check the blade status (by accessing through vSphere) which is hosting the impacted VMs. Make sure that the blade is up and running fine.

Refer to the following additional details:

  • Orchestrator controls scheduling of the containers and also manages the high availability. If orchestrator goes down, system can’t perform any activity.

  • Consul is responsible for service discovery. It also shares the service details and state for health checks. If consul cluster isn’t running properly, then VNF lacks these features supported by consul.

  • Admin DB holds backup of Grafana, SVN. In addition, it also maintains the customer-specific reference data which is used to serve TPS processing. If admin database isn’t available, it creates discrepancies in the call flows.

  • Policy Builder provides GUI to add/update the policy configurations. It displays information such as peer monitoring, CRD table contents. If PB isn’t working, you’re not able to perform any configurations.

VM Stuck in JOINING State

Issue: VM is stuck in JOINING state.

Analysis: From CLI, execute the following commands to display VMs status:

admin@orchestrator[Master-hostname]# show docker engine | tab | exclude CONNECTED
an-pers-db-0    JOINING  234
an-pers-db-1    JOINING  452

The following are possible reasons for VM to get stuck in JOINING state.

  • VM is not reachable from master VM.

  • Timestamp of VM having issue is not in sync with the master VM.

Solution 1 :

  1. If the VM is not reachable from master VM, reboot the VM.

    sudo reboot
  2. If the timestamp of VM having issues is not in sync with the master VM, reboot the VM.

    sudo reboot
  3. Verify whether the VM is moving to CONNECTED state.

Solution 2: After reboot if the VM is still in the JOINING state, peform the following steps:


The following steps must not be executed on master VM.

  1. Remove old containers/volumes from the VM.

    docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
    docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
    sudo rm -rf /data/orchestrator
    sudo rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status

    For more information, refer to Docker Volumes Deletion section.

  2. Execute bootstrapping command.

    sudo /root/

Consul Failing during DRA Downgrade

Issue: Consul containers fail when DRA is downgraded using the following command:

system downgrade version <old-dra-version>

Condition: Older incompatible consul version was used in old DRA image.


  1. Monitor consul containers using monitor log container <consul-container-name> command.


    monitor log container consul-1
    monitor log container consul-7
  2. Check for the following error in the consul container logs.

    Error starting agent: Failed to start Consul server: Failed to start Raft: failed to load any existing snapshots
  3. Login to the consul container having errors using docker connect <consul-container-name> command.

    admin@orchestrator[site1-master-1]# docker connect consul-1
  4. Run supervisorctl status command from the consul container you logged in Step 3.

    root@consul-1:/#supervisorctl status
    consul-server                    FATAL     Exited too quickly (process log may have details)
  5. Clear the consul state and restart consul server using the following commands.

    root@consul-1:/# rm -rf /data/*
    root@consul-1:/# supervisorctl start consul-server
    consul-server: started
    root@consul-1:/# exit

Repeat Step 3 to Step 5 for all the consul containers that have failed.

Grafana Loading Issue when Peer Number is High

Issue: When the number of peers connected to DRA is high (for example, 1500 peer connections), Grafana is slow (> 2 minutes) in rendering peer statistics. The delay in loading peer statistics increases the overall load time of the dashboard. For longer time ranges (for example, 24 hours), peer statistics charts could fail to load.

If Traffic By Peers panel is collapsed/minimized, dashboard loads within acceptable time.

Cause: With large number of peer connections (for example, 1500), volume of data queried to render peer statistics charts increases. This increases the time to load data and render the charts.

Solution: Load time of peer statistics charts can be improved by increasing the interval of data rendered in the charts. Duplicate the peer statistics query and create two additional queries. Change the minimum interval for the new queries to 5 mins and 10 mins respectively.

To analyze peer statistics for time ranges 1 - 6 hours, enable the query with 5 mins interval. To analyze peer statistics for time ranges > 6 hours, enable query with 10 mins interval.

To avoid delays in loading Application Summary:

  • By default, all the panels (Local Peer Traffic / Remote Peer Traffic / Active Peer List / Peer Response Time / Peer Connections) under Application Summary > Traffic By Peers are disabled.

  • The panels are moved under new dashboard Peer Traffic Monitor.

  • Recording rules (local_peer_sum_rate, remote_peer_sum_rate, active_peers_list) are added to precompute the data and serve whenever this data is queried. By default, Trending and Planning data is disabled for these new recording rules.

When high number of peers is configured:

  • Use the default expressions to query data upto max of last 2 days.

  • Use the old expressions to query data beyond the last 2 days (Trending / Planning). It is recommended to use old expressions for smaller time chunks (< 6hrs) to avoid delays in loading Grafana.

Figure 14. Grafana Queries

ADMIN User Opens in Readonly Mode

Issue: After login to DRA central, admin user opens in Readonly mode. Also, while importing PB in central DRA user gets error code 403.

Error has the following format:

Status Code: 403
Response: 403 user admin is not allowed to perform post operation on the resource.

Cause: Admin user opens in readonly mode due to the invalid URL which was configured while creating the new repository.


  1. Login to the CPS central using <master-ip>/central/dra/.

  2. Click Import/Export under Policy Builder.

    Figure 15. Import/Export
  3. Click Import tab.

  4. Click File to Import... and browse to the file to be imported. Once you select the file, the text field under Import URL: This URL will be updated/created. It is strongly suggested to import to a new URL and use Policy Builder to verify/publish. is updated.

  5. Click Import to import the file to CPS Central.

  6. Go to <master-ip>pb to open Policy Builder GUI.

    Figure 16. Policy Builder - Login Screen
  7. Enter the Username and Password and click Login to open Choose Policy Builder data repository... window.

    Figure 17. Add New Repository
  8. Click <Add New Repository> from the drop-down list to open Repository window.

    Figure 18. Repository Parameters


    Use the correct URL while adding this. This URL must be same as in Step 4.

  9. Login to <master-ip>/central/dra. Click Policy Builder and Choose Policy Builder Data Repository windows opens up.

    Figure 19. Choose Policy Builder Data Repository
  10. Select the repository you created in Step 8 from the Select Repository drop-down list and click Done.

  11. You can now create/update/modify the configurations based on your requirements.

Database IPs not Reachable

Issue: Worker VM binding containers are not able to connect with Binding VNF database IPs.

Condition: Call running on Site1 and Site2. Powered OFF Site2. Call shifted to Site1 and the system status was OK.

Solution: Execute the following commands to solve the issue:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
sudo rm -rf /data/orchestrator
sudo rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
sudo /root/

Shard Count Displaying Incorrect Primary

Issue: Shard count is displaying more than one primary.

Condition: This happens when two primaries are encountered for the same shard in show database status command.

Solution: The following solution is to fix the database showing two primaries for the same shard, which is an edge scenario and is encountered when containers are started (upgrade, VM restarted or fresh installation):

Let shard-<ip>-<port>-MMAPv1 be the shard process running for primary in the shard, then:

cps@vpas-site-persistence-db-*:~$ docker exec -it mongo-s* bash
root@mongo-s106:/# supervisorctl stop shard-<ip>-<port>-MMAPv1
root@mongo-s106:/# rm -rf mmapv1-tmpfs-<port>/*
root@mongo-s106:/# supervisorctl start shard-<ip>-<port>-MMAPv1

Missing Spikes in Longevity Report

Issue: Missing spikes in longevity report for 12 hours and more.

Solution: Change panel width to maximum value (24). The following screenshots are for reference purpose.

You can get all the spikes captured for 6 hours duration. So, if you need to analyse longevity report for 12 hours or more, you can grep data by grouping in 6 hours interval. The following screenshots are for reference purpose.

Jetty Server Issue Reported in Logs

Issue: In consolidated-qns.log warning logs GzipFilterCustom un-expected event occurred : Committed is displayed followed by any URL.

Condition: Jetty server causes this exceptions. It's related to the working of the javax.servlet.http classes. This error can occur for many User Interfaces such as, API, CSS, JSS, gif, png fetching and so on.

Precautions: Close or refresh the associated DRA GUI URL page which is open in the browser for a long time.

Solution: Identify the URL which is mentioned in the logs and try to close or refresh the browser page associated with URL.

For example: GzipFilterCustom un-expected event occurred Committed :

In this case, DRA Peer Monitoring page is open for long time, hence it is throwing java.lang.IllegalStateException. Close the page or refresh the page.

Scheduling Paused at cc-monitor after vmdk Redeployment

Issue: After fresh installation, scheduling is stuck at cc-monitor due to delay in insertion for license in mongo-admin.

Workaround: Execute the following to resolve this issue.

cps@vpas-A-master:~$ docker exec -it mongo-admin-a bash
root@mongo-admin-a:/# mongo
rs:PRIMARY> use sharding
switched to db sharding
rs:PRIMARY> show collections
rs:PRIMARY> db.licensedfeats.insert({ "_id" : ObjectId("620a232db0f6e75a85c26697"), "featurename" : "SP_CORE", "licatt" :
CD2FD215B2BDE0E9392D417F8D0F2D162A6CEA04E924D2432BCC6B006D1AF98B9A9EACAFEF721DECB4C4195C020" })
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
rs:PRIMARY> db.licensedfeats.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("620a232db0f6e75a85c26697"), "featurename" : "SP_CORE", "licatt" :
CD2FD215B2BDE0E9392D417F8D0F2D162A6CEA04E924D2432BCC6B006D1AF98B9A9EACAFEF721DECB4C4195C020" }

Login to the CLI to view the following outputs.

docker exec cc-monitor "supervisorctl restart app"
==========output from container cc-monitor-s102===========
app: stopped
app: started
==========output from container cc-monitor-s103===========
app: stopped
app: started 

System Status Percent Stuck after Fresh Installation

Issue: After DRA fresh installation, not able to login in CLI or system status percent stuck. This issue is observed on both DRA or Binding VNFs after fresh installation.

Workaround: The following steps should be executed to resolve this issue.


# node: DRA Master

# user: cps

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ df -h

If /data, /stats directory is missing, execute the commands to resolve the issue:

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo -i
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/*
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ reboot

Check /data, /stats directory status for other DRA components (master, control). If the directory is missing, execute the following commands.

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo -i
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/*
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ reboot


# node: DRA DB Master

# user: cps

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ df -h

If /data, /stats directory is missing, execute the commands to resolve the issue:

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo -i
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/*
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ reboot

Check /data, /stats directory status for other database components (master, control). If the directory is missing, execute the following commands.

cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ sudo -i
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/*
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
cps@${DRM-hostname}:~$ reboot

SVN Error: Pristine Text not Present

Issue: The following error may occur when Import/Publish operation is performed in Policy Builder.

Pristine text \xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxx not present\n

Solution: During import/publish, the repository is corrupted. You can create a new repository with PB backup and publish it with the desired changes.

  1. Log in to CPS Central using <master-ip>/central/dra/.

    Figure 20. Main Page
  2. Click Import/Export under Policy Builder.

  3. Select Import tab. Click File to Import and select the PB backup file to import.

    Figure 21. Import/Export
  4. Enter the Import URL .


    It is strongly suggested to import to a new URL and use Policy Builder to verify/publish).

  5. Click Import to import the file.

  6. From main page, click Policy Builder to open Choose Policy Builder Data Repository.

    Figure 22. Choose Policy Builder Data Repository
  7. Click Add New Repository to open Add Repository window.

    Figure 23. Add Repository

    Enter the name of the Repository, URL, and Local Directory.


    Use the correct URL. This URL should be same as added in Step 3.

  8. Log in again to CPS Central using <master-ip>/central/dra/. Click on Policy Builder and select your newly created repository.

  9. Edit the Policy Builder configuration with the changes which were done for last corrupted repository to resolve the corrupted repository issue.

  10. Save the changes and publish the updated configuration.

Unreachable Peers with Redeployment

Issue: After redeployment or power ON/OFF of VMs (also observed in resiliency tests), system intermittently comes up as not healthy and VMs can move to JOINING state. In such case, weave status is displayed as waiting for IP range grant from peers and weave status ipam command shows unreachable MACs for few VMs (same VM has 2 MACs reachable and unreachable).

Solution: After each of the above scenarios (redeployment/resiliency), if any unreachable MACs are seen on VMs, perform the following steps on the same VM:

  1. Remove peers that are unreachable.

    weave rmpeer <unreachable mac id>
  2. Bootstrap the VM.

    docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
    docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
    sudo rm -rf /data/orchestrator
    sudo rm /var/cps/bootstrap-status
    sudo /root/

User Role Changes to Readonly

Issue: After login to DRA Central GUI with valid admin credentials, sometimes admin role is changed to read-only.

Solution: The following workarounds should be applied in sequential manner.


Take backup of SVN repository before peforming any operation on SVN.

Workaround1: Check the disk space. The user in ReadOnly mode can also be due to the disk full issue on Control VMs. Free some space to recover from this problem.

Workaround2: Browser cache issue.

This workaround should be applied only if Workaround1 doesn't work.

  1. Open DRA Central GUI in another browser.


    Delete the browser cache and restart the browser.

  2. Login into DRA Central GUI again with valid admin credentials. You should have admin rights.

Workaround3: .broadhopFileRepository missing.

This workaround should be applied only if Workaround2 doesn't work.

  1. Check .broadhopFileRepository in the client SVN repository.

    For example, current published repo URL is https://<master-ip>/repos/configuration/ .

  2. Go to <master-ip>/repos/configuration in browser and check if .broadhopFileRepository file is missing.

    If .broadhopFileRepository file is missing, use the following steps to add .broadhopFileRepository file.

    1. Log in into SVN container using the docker exec -it svn bash command.

      This command works from control VM where SVN container exists.

    2. Create a blank .broadhopFileRepository file using the touch .broadhopFileRepository command.

    3. Import the file into repository using the following command.

      svn import --username <username> --password <password> --force -m "adding broadhop file" --no-auth-cache .broadhopFileRepository http://svn/repos/configuration/.broadhopFileRepository
  3. Re-login to DRA Central GUI with valid admin credentials. You should now have admin rights.

Workaround4: Delete .broadhopFileRepository file and add the file again.

This workaround should be applied only if Workaround1 and Workaround3 doesn't work.

  1. Log in into SVN container using docker exec -it svn bash command.

    This command works from control VM where SVN container exists.

  2. Take backup of SVN repository.

  3. Considering that you are using …/configuration SVN URL, delete .broadhopFileRepository file.

    If you are not using …/configuration SVN URL, change URL accordingly and use the following command to delete the file.

    svn delete --username <username> --password <password> --force --no-auth-cache http://svn/repos/configuration/.broadhopFileRepository --message "deleting file"
  4. If you have backup of .broadhopFileRepository file, import the file in the repository using the following command:

    svn import --username admin --password admin --force -m "adding brodhop file" --no-auth-cache .broadhopFileRepository http://svn/repos/configuration/.broadhopFileRepository

    If you don't have backup of .broadhopFileRepository file, create a blank file with name .broadhopFileRepository and import the file in the repository using the following command:

    svn import --username admin --password admin --force -m "adding brodhop file" --no-auth-cache .broadhopFileRepository http://svn/repos/configuration/.broadhopFileRepository
  5. Re-login to DRA Central GUI with valid admin credentials. You should now have admin rights.

vDRA Database Troubleshooting

This section provides the information about vDRA database troubleshooting in Binding VNFs:


All commands under this section needs to be executed from Binding VNF CLI.

Database Operational Status

The following command provides database operational status of all database clusters configured. Execute the command in operational mode.

show database status | tab


admin@orchestrator[an-dbmaster]# show database status | tab
ADDRESS        PORT   NAME        STATUS     TYPE         NAME     SHARD     REPLICA SET
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  27026  arbiter-21  ARBITER    replica_set  session  shard-21  rs-shard-21  27026  server-x    PRIMARY    replica_set  session  shard-21  rs-shard-21  27026  server-y    SECONDARY  replica_set  session  shard-21  rs-shard-21  27027  arbiter-22  ARBITER    replica_set  session  shard-22  rs-shard-22  27027  server-x    SECONDARY  replica_set  session  shard-22  rs-shard-22  27027  server-y    PRIMARY    replica_set  session  shard-22  rs-shard-22  27019  session     PRIMARY    shard_db     session  shdb-4    session-sharddb  27019  session     SECONDARY  shard_db     session  shdb-5    session-sharddb


Validate Sharding Database Metadata

  1. Execute the following command to find sharding database PRIMARY of particular cluster.

    show database status cluster-name session | tab | include PRIMARY | include shard_db
  2. Connecting to sharding database primary member.

    Non-Mongo Auth:

    mongo --ipv6 mongodb://[2606:ae00:2001:230b::2b]:27019

    Mongo Auth:

    mongo --ipv6 mongodb://adminuser:<password>@[2606:ae00:2001:230b::2b]:27019/admin

  3. After successfully connecting to sharding database primary member, execute the following step:

    For example, to validate DRA sessions sharding database metadata information:
    session-sharddb:PRIMARY> use drasessionsShardDB
    switched to db drasessionsShardDB
    session-sharddb:PRIMARY> db.shards.count()
    session-sharddb:PRIMARY> db.buckets.count()

Validate Zone Aware Sharding Database Metadata

  1. Execute the following command to find sharding database PRIMARY of particular cluster:
    show database status cluster-name session | tab | include PRIMARY | include shard_db
  2. Connecting to sharding database primary member.

    Non-Mongo Auth:

    mongo --ipv6 mongodb://[2606:ae00:2001:230b::2b]:27019

    Mongo Auth:

    mongo --ipv6 mongodb://adminuser:<password>@[2606:ae00:2001:230b::2b]:27019/admin
  3. Validate configured shard and zone mappings.


    use ipv6ShardDB
    switched to db ipv6ShardDB
    binding-sharddb:PRIMARY> db.shards.find()
  4. Validate configured zones and ranges.


  5. Validate buckets/shard/range mapping.


MongoDB Authentication Validation

  1. Make sure the database status of all the shards and sharding database members comes up with either PRIMARY, SECONDARY or ARBITER.

    show database status | tab
  2. If the database status is not PRIMARY, nor SECONDARY or ARBITER, login to specific VM and check whether mongod instance is running appropriate options to enable mongo authentication or not.

    Example for working mongod instance with authentication enabled on it:

    root     15379     1  4 03:54 ?        00:16:49 mongod --keyFile=/mongodb.key 
    --storageEngine mmapv1 --nojournal --noprealloc --smallfiles --ipv6 --bind_ip_all 
    --port 27023 --dbpath=/mmapv1-tmpfs-27023 --replSet rs-shard-13 --quiet --slowms 500 
    --logpath /data/db/mongo-27023.log --oplogSize 3221 --logappend --logRotate reopen
  3. If the key file is present, but the database status is not good, check whether user exists or not for that mongod instance.


    1. Login to VM and its mongo container (container name : mongo-s<instance>).

    2. Connect to mongod with its port.

    3. Use admin user and execute the following command:


      The db.getUsers() command should display adminuser and backupuser for all the non-aribiter members.

      For arbiter member users, connect to PRIMARY of that shard and execute db.getUsers() command.

      session-sharddb:PRIMARY> db.getUsers()
                      "_id" : "admin.adminuser",
                      "user" : "adminuser",
                      "db" : "admin",
                      "roles" : [
                                      "role" : "root",
                                      "db" : "admin"
                      "_id" : "admin.backupuser",
                      "user" : "backupuser",
                      "db" : "admin",
                      "roles" : [
                                      "role" : "root",
                                      "db" : "admin"
  4. If users are present, check whether mongo connection gets established manually or not by executing the following command:

    Example for Mongo Auth:

    mongo --ipv6 mongodb://adminuser:<password>@[2606:ae00:2001:230b::2b]:27019/admin
  5. To validate the configurations and operational status of mongod instance, execute the following commands:

    db-authentication show-password database mongo password
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo password

Reconfigure the Databases

Here are few conditions when database reconfiguration is needed:

  • All database members must be in STARTUP2 state for one or more replica sets.

    In shard replica-set, if all the data bearing members are down at the same time and arbiter is still running and once they are UP, they fail to elect new Primary and gets stuck in STARTUP2 state.

  • Change in database configuration.

Database Generic fcvcheck Scenarios

Case 1: mongo 4.2.20

database fcvcheck4

Case 2: mongo 4.4.18

database genericfcvcheck 4.2

Case 3: mongo 5.0

database genericfcvcheck 4.4

The following procedural steps are applicable until CPS 22.1.0 releases.

To reconfigure the databases, perform the following steps in the following sections:


The following steps are required for single cluster as well as multiple clusters. In case of mated pair deployments, the steps must be performed on all the sites.

Steps to be executed on DRA VNF

  1. Login to vDRA VNF CLI and run no binding shard-metadata-db-connection command to remove shard metadata-db-connection configurations.


    admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# no binding shard-metadata-db-connection
       admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# commit
       Commit complete.
       admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# end
       admin@orchestrator[an-master]# show running-config binding
       % No entries found.
  2. Login to vDRA VNF CLI and run db-authentication remove-password database mongo command to remove MongoDB password.


    admin@orchestrator[an-master]# db-authentication remove-password database mongo
       Value for 'current-password' (<string>): ********
       admin@orchestrator[an-master]# db-authentication show-password database mongo
       result Mongo password is not configured.

Steps to be executed on DRA Binding VNF

  1. Edit the nacm rule (config mode) to allow deleting the database configurations.

    nacm rule-list any-group rule data-base access-operations delete action permit
  2. Delete database configurations (config mode).

    no database cluster <cluster name>

    where, <cluster name> is the name of the database cluster which has issues or need to be reconfigured.


    As there are multiple database clusters, remove all the clusters from the configuration.

  3. Stop the system and wait for all the application containers to be stopped.

    system stop
  4. Verify that the application containers are stopped by running show scheduling status | include application command. The command should not show any containers with issues.

  5. (Only for MongoDB Authentication enabled database) Disable MongoDB authentication.

    db-authentication remove-password database mongo current-password XXX
  6. To delete the persistent storage and old log information, run the following command on all VMs:

    rm –rf /data/mongod-node/db/*
    rm –rf /data/mongod-node/supervisord/supervisord-mongo.conf


    $ for dbHost in `weave status connections | grep ss-persistence-db | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1`; 
    do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i cps.pem $dbHost 'sudo /bin/rm -fr 
    /data/mongod-node/supervisord/supervisord-mongo.conf'; done
    $ for dbHost in `weave status connections | grep ss-persistence-db | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1`; 
    do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i cps.pem $dbHost 'sudo /bin/rm -fr 
    /data/mongod-node/db/*'; done


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 1 to Step 6 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNF sites.

  7. (Only when arbiter is on other site) Clear data directory for all STARTUP2 replica sets on arbiter VM.

    1. Find container where particular arbiter member is running. On the arbiter site, run the following command to find arbiter hostname.

      show network ips | tab | include <arbiter-ipaddress>
    2. Find a MongoDB container name for this host.

      show docker service | tab | include <host-name> | include mongo-s
    3. Connect to MongoDB container by running a docker connect mongo-s<id> command.

    4. Clean the data directory. Stop all supervisor processes on arbiter container.

      supervisorctl stop all
    5. Clean database directory on arbiter container.

      rm -fr /mmapv1-tmpfs-*/*
    6. Start all supervisor processes on arbiter container.

      supervisorctl start all
  8. Start the system and wait for system percentage to turn 100%.

    system start

    show system status should show system percentage as 100.

  9. Apply the database configurations again (config mode).

    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 8 to Step 9 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  10. Verify all the database sets are UP by running show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command.


    show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command should not show any unhealthy database member.

    Before proceeding to the next step, make sure Step 9 to Step 10 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  11. (Only for MongoDB Authentication enabled database) Enable MongoDB authentication.

    For more information on enabling MongoDB authentication, see Configuring MongoDB Authentication section in the CPS vDRA Configuration Guide.


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure that this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

    Example 1: Enable MongoDB authentication with transition.

    db-authentication set-password database mongo password XXX confirm-password XXX
    db-authentication enable-transition-auth database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo
    Verify database member in healthy state

    Example 2: Enable MongoDB authentication without transition.

    db-authentication disable-transition-auth database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo
  12. Wait for all the database sets to come UP. Verify the status by running show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command.


    show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command should not show any unhealthy database member.

  13. Log in to the vDRA VNF CLI and restart the binding containers to read the latest metadata from a new configurations.


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure that this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured DRA VNFs.

    docker restart container-id <container-id>


    docker restart container-id binding-s<number>

    binding-s<number> is an example for binding container. binding-s <number> is the container-id. <number> varies according to which worker VM binding container is running.

  14. Disable deleting the database configurations by editing the nacm rule (config mode).


    Make sure that this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

    nacm rule-list any-group rule data-base access-operations delete action deny

DB Replica Sets Reflects Bad State

Issue: DB replica sets reflects bad state when UCS blades are rebooted.

If blades are rebooted, then follow the below procedure for DB VNF.

  • Reboot the blade one by one. After rebooting of one blade, perform the following checks before proceeding to next blade.

    • Start all VMs of the blade

    • Make sure health checks and database status is clean


Prerequisties for reconfiguration of a database:

Secnario: 1 All Sites are running with same mongo version

Issue: All Sites are running with same mongo version, for example mongo 4.2.20.

Following procedural steps are applicable only for CPS 22.1.1 and later releases.

To reconfigure the databases, perform the following steps in the following sections:


The following steps are required for single cluster and multiple clusters. In case of mated pair deployments, the steps must be performed on all the sites.

Steps to be executed on DRA VNF
  1. Log in to vDRA VNF CLI and run no binding shard-metadata-db-connection command to remove shard metadata-db-connection configurations.


    admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# no binding shard-metadata-db-connection
       admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# commit
       Commit complete.
       admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# end
       admin@orchestrator[an-master]# show running-config binding
       % No entries found.
  2. Log in to vDRA VNF CLI and run db-authentication remove-password database mongo command to remove MongoDB password.


    admin@orchestrator[an-master]# db-authentication remove-password database mongo
       Value for 'current-password' (<string>): ********
       admin@orchestrator[an-master]# db-authentication show-password database mongo
       result Mongo password is not configured.
Steps to be executed on DRA Binding VNF
  1. Edit the nacm rule (config mode) to allow deleting the database configurations.

    nacm rule-list any-group rule data-base access-operations delete action permit
  2. Delete database configurations (config mode).

    no database cluster <cluster name>

    where, <cluster name> is the name of the database cluster which has issues or need to be reconfigured.


    As there are multiple database's clusters, you need to remove all the clusters from configuration.

  3. Stop the system and wait for all the application containers to be stopped.

    system stop
  4. Verify that the application containers are stopped by running show scheduling status | include application command. The command should not show any containers with issues.

  5. (Only for MongoDB Authentication enabled database) Disable MongoDB authentication.

    db-authentication remove-password database mongo current-password XXX
  6. To delete the persistent storage and old log information, run the following command on all VMs:

    rm –rf /data/mongod-node/db/*
    rm –rf /data/mongod-node/supervisord/supervisord-mongo.conf


    $ for dbHost in `weave status connections | grep ss-persistence-db | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1`; 
    do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i cps.pem $dbHost 'sudo /bin/rm -fr 
    /data/mongod-node/supervisord/supervisord-mongo.conf'; done
    $ for dbHost in `weave status connections | grep ss-persistence-db | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1`; 
    do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i cps.pem $dbHost 'sudo /bin/rm -fr 
    /data/mongod-node/db/*'; done


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 1 to Step 6 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  7. (Only when arbiter is on other site) Clear data directory for all STARTUP2 replica sets on arbiter VM.

    1. Find container where particular arbiter member is running. On arbiter site, run the following command to find arbiter hostname.

      show network ips | tab | include <arbiter-ipaddress>
    2. Find MongoDB container name for this host.

      show docker service | tab | include <host-name> | include mongo-s
    3. Connect to MongoDB container by running docker connect mongo-s<id> command.

    4. Clean the data directory. Stop all supervisor processes on arbiter container.

      supervisorctl stop all
    5. Clean database directoy on arbiter container.

      rm -rf /data/db/wt-*/*
    6. Start all supervisor processes on arbiter container.

      supervisorctl start all
  8. Start the system and wait for system percentage to turn 100%.

    system start

    show system status should show system percentage as 100.

  9. Merge existing config with the following command:

     load merge /data/config/databaseConfigBackup03-02-23.txt
  10. Apply the database configurations again (config mode).

    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 8 to 9 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  11. Verify all the database sets are UP by running show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command.


    show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command should not show any unhealthy database member.

    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 9 to Step 10 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  12. Set fcvcheck as mentioned in the Database Generic fcvcheck Scenario section.

  13. (Only for MongoDB Authentication enabled database) Enable MongoDB authentication.

    For more information on enabling MongoDB authentication, see Configuring MongoDB Authentication section in the CPS vDRA Configuration Guide.


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

    Example 1: Enable MongoDB authentication with transition.

    db-authentication set-password database mongo password XXX confirm-password XXX
    db-authentication enable-transition-auth database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo
    Verify database member in healthy state

    Example 2: Enable MongoDB authentication without transition.

    db-authentication disable-transition-auth database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo
  14. Wait for all the database sets to come UP. Verify the status by running show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command.


    show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command should not show any unhealthy database member.

  15. Login to vDRA VNF CLI and restart the binding containers to read the latest metadata from new configurations.


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured DRA VNFs.

    docker restart container-id <container-id>


    docker restart container-id binding-s<number>

    binding-s<number> is an example for binding container. binding-s<number> is the container-id. <number> varies according to which worker VM binding container is running.

  16. Disable deleting the database configurations by editing the nacm rule (config mode).


    Make sure this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

    nacm rule-list any-group rule data-base access-operations delete action deny

Sites running with same mongo version and prior mongo version

Scenario 2: SITE A, C, and D are running with same n mongo version (for example, 4.4.18) but SITE B is running with n-1 mongo version (for example 4.2.20).

The following steps are applicable only for CPS 22.1.1 and later releases.

To reconfigure the databases, perform the following steps in the following sections:


The following steps are required for single cluster and multiple clusters. In case of mated pair deployments, the steps must be performed on all the sites.

Steps to be executed on DRA VNF
  1. Login to vDRA VNF CLI and run no binding shard-metadata-db-connection command to remove shard metadata-db-connection configurations.


    admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# no binding shard-metadata-db-connection
       admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# commit
       Commit complete.
       admin@orchestrator[an-master](config)# end
       admin@orchestrator[an-master]# show running-config binding
       % No entries found.
  2. Login to vDRA VNF CLI and run db-authentication remove-password database mongo command to remove MongoDB password.


    admin@orchestrator[an-master]# db-authentication remove-password database mongo
       Value for 'current-password' (<string>): ********
       admin@orchestrator[an-master]# db-authentication show-password database mongo
       result Mongo password is not configured.
Steps to be executed on DRA Binding VNF
  1. Edit the nacm rule (config mode) to allow deleting the database configurations.

    nacm rule-list any-group rule data-base access-operations delete action permit
  2. Delete database configurations (config mode).

    no database cluster <cluster name>

    where, <cluster name> is the name of the database cluster which has issues or need to be reconfigured.


    As there are multiple database's clusters, you need to remove all the clusters from configuration.

  3. Stop the system and wait for all the application containers to be stopped.

    system stop
  4. Verify that the application containers are stopped by running show scheduling status | include application command. The command should not show any containers with issues.

  5. (Only for MongoDB Authentication enabled database) Disable MongoDB authentication.

    db-authentication remove-password database mongo current-password XXX
  6. To delete the persistent storage and old log information, run the following command on all VMs:

    rm –rf /data/mongod-node/db/*
    rm –rf /data/mongod-node/supervisord/supervisord-mongo.conf


    $ for dbHost in `weave status connections | grep ss-persistence-db | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1`; 
    do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i cps.pem $dbHost 'sudo /bin/rm -fr 
    /data/mongod-node/supervisord/supervisord-mongo.conf'; done
    $ for dbHost in `weave status connections | grep ss-persistence-db | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1`; 
    do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i cps.pem $dbHost 'sudo /bin/rm -fr 
    /data/mongod-node/db/*'; done


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 1 to Step 6 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  7. (Only when arbiter is on other site) Clear data directory for all STARTUP2 replica sets on arbiter VM.

    1. Find container where particular arbiter member is running. On arbiter site, run the following command to find arbiter hostname.

      show network ips | tab | include <arbiter-ipaddress>
    2. Find MongoDB container name for this host.

      show docker service | tab | include <host-name> | include mongo-s
    3. Connect to MongoDB container by running docker connect mongo-s<id> command.

    4. Clean the data directory. Stop all supervisor processes on arbiter container.

      supervisorctl stop all
    5. Clean database directoy on arbiter container. Gets updated as previous version.

      rm -rf /data/db/wt-*/*
    6. Start all supervisor processes on arbiter container.

      supervisorctl start all
  8. Start the system and wait for system percentage to turn 100%.

    system start

    show system status should show system percentage as 100.

  9. Merge existing config with the following command:

     load merge /data/config/databaseConfigBackup03-02-23.txt

    Issue: If database genericfcvcheck cli is stuck like given below:

    admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site2-master-1]# database genericfcvcheck 4.2
    Press "set" to check and set fcv on primary members or
    Press "check" to only check fcv on all members.
    (set/check) << set
    This is going to check and set required FCV on orchestrator,mongo-admin-db,shards and shardingDb databases.
    Press yes to continue
    (yes/no) << yes
    Please do not kill the terminal untill FCV check completes.Kindly check logs(Path:/var/log/broadhop/fcv.log) for more i nfo
    FCV check for shard databases is in Progress......
    FCV check for shard databases is Completed
    FCV check for shardingDb databases is in Progress......


    1. Identify primary shards where fcv needs to be set manually:

      Do not kill the database genericfcvcheck CLI. Continue running the database genericfcvcheck CLI and check the logs /var/log/broadhop/fcv.log inside orchestrator container and identify for which replica set Primary fcvcheck update is required:

      cps@fPAS-site2-master-1:~$ docker exec -it orchestrator bash -c "tail -f /var/log/broadhop/fcv.log"
      2023-02-22 07:15:24 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-1
      2023-02-22 07:15:24 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-3
      2023-02-22 07:15:24 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-2
      2023-02-22 07:15:24 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-4
      2023-02-22 07:15:25 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-7
      2023-02-22 07:15:25 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-6
      2023-02-22 07:15:25 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-8
      2023-02-22 07:15:25 INFO Found incompatible featureCompatibilityVersion 4.4 on app_shardCD-ipv6-5
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-1 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-3 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-2 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-4 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-7 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-6 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-8 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      2023-02-22 07:15:34 INFO Require update featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-5 in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster
      As per above logs we need to set fcv on app_shardCD-ipv6-1,app_shardCD-ipv6-2,app_shardCD-ipv6-3,app_shardCD-ipv6-4,app_shardCD-ipv6-5,
    2. Get the primary ip and port of the shard:

      admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site1-master-1]# show database status | tab | include app_shardCD-ipv6-1 | include PRI
      2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:a8 27021 sess-ipv6-DB-C1 PRIMARY replica_set app-based-session-ipv6-CD app_shardCD-ipv6-1 rs-app_shardCD-ipv6-1
    3. Remove unreachable nodes from config:

      1. ssh from master to db VM:

        cps@fPAS-site1-master-1:~$ ssh -i cps.pem 2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:a8
      2. Log in to the respective mongo container:

        cps@fPAS-site3-app-persistence-db-3:~$ docker exec -it mongo-s104 bash
      3. Log in to the respective port:

        root@mongo-s104:/# mongo mongodb://adminuser:cisco123@localhost:27021/admin
      4. Check rs.status() and remove unreachable members:

        1) rs-app_shardCD-ipv6-1:PRIMARY> rs.status()
        "set" : "rs-app_shardCD-ipv6-1",
        "members" : [
        "_id" : 0,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:a8]:27021",
        "health" : 1,
        "state" : 1,
        "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
        "uptime" : 407
        "_id" : 1,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:57]:27021",
        "health" : 1,
        "state" : 7,
        "stateStr" : "ARBITER",
        "uptime" : 385
        "_id" : 2,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:11]:27021",
        "health" : 0,
        "state" : 8,
        "stateStr" : "(not reachable/healthy)",
        "uptime" : 0,
        "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2023-02-22T07:16:50.589Z"),
        "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
        "pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "remote host has incompatible wire version: Server min and max wire version (0,8) is incompatible with client min wire version (9,9).You (client) are attempting to connect to a node (server) with a binary version with which you (client) no longer accept connections. Please upgrade the server’s binary version.",
        "syncSourceHost" : "",
        "syncSourceId" : -1,
        "infoMessage" : "",
        "configVersion" : -1,
        "configTerm" : -1
        "_id" : 3,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:a9]:27021",
        "health" : 1,
        "state" : 2,
        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
        "uptime" : 381
        "_id" : 4,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:9]:27021",
        "health" : 0,
        "state" : 8,
        "stateStr" : "(not reachable/healthy)",
        "uptime" : 0,
        "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2023-02-22T07:16:50.588Z"),
        "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
        "pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
        "lastHeartbeatMessage" : "remote host has incompatible wire version: Server min and max wire version (0,8) is incompatible with client min wire version (9,9).You (client) are attempting to connect to a node (server) with a binary version with which you (client) no longer accept connections. Please upgrade the server’s binary version.",
        "syncSourceHost" : "",
        "syncSourceId" : -1,
        "infoMessage" : "",
        "configVersion" : -1,
        "configTerm" : -1
        "_id" : 5,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:b8]:27021",
        "health" : 1,
        "state" : 2,
        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
        "uptime" : 377,
        "_id" : 6,
        "name" : "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:b9]:27021",
        "health" : 1,
        "state" : 2,
        "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
        "uptime" : 371,
        "optime" : {
        "ts" : Timestamp(1677050206, 1),
        "t" : NumberLong(1)
        "ok" : 1,
        "$clusterTime" : {
        "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:11]:27021" and "[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:9]:27021" members are not able to connect.
        2) Remove the members with below command
        rs-app_shardCD-ipv6-1:PRIMARY> rs.remove("[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:11]:27021")
        "ok" : 1,
        "$clusterTime" : {
        "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1677050239, 1),
        "signature" : {
        "hash" : BinData(0,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="),
        "keyId" : NumberLong(0)
        "operationTime" : Timestamp(1677050239, 1)
        rs-app_shardCD-ipv6-1:PRIMARY> rs.remove("[2606:ae00:3001:8311:172:16:244:9]:27021")
        "ok" : 1,
        "$clusterTime" : {
        "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1677050245, 1),
        "signature" : {
        "hash" : BinData(0,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="),
        "keyId" : NumberLong(0)
        "operationTime" : Timestamp(1677050245, 1)

        After all unreachable members are removed from rs, fcv is automatically by backend CLI. The following details appear in fcv logs for respective shards.

        cps@fPAS-site2-master-1:~$ docker exec -it orchestrator bash -c "tail -f /var/log/broadhop/fcv.log"
        2023-02-22 05:35:15 INFO Successfully set featureCompatibilityVersion for app_shardCD-ipv6-1 
        in app-based-session-ipv6-CD cluster

        Repeat the step 1 and step 2 for remaining shards, then proceed for next step.

    4. Rolling restart for site running on lower mongo version (n-1 mongo version(for example, 4.2.20))

      admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site2-master-1]# db-authentication rolling-restart-parallel database mongo
      wait for some time to complete the rolling restart and check the status with below command
      admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site1-master-1]# db-authentication rolling-restart-parallel-status database mongo
      result Parallel rolling restart completed!! Batch 5 out of total 5 got completed at 2023-02-23T06:52:33.449
      execute below command and if output is empty then set fcv to remaining sites.
      admin@orchestrator[fPAS-site1-master-1]# show database status | nomore | exclude "PRIMA|SECON|ARBI" | tab
  10. Apply the database configurations again (config mode).

    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 8 to Step 9 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  11. Verify all the database sets are UP by running show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command.


    show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command should not show any unhealthy database member.

    Before proceeding to next step, make sure Step 9 to Step 10 has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

  12. Set fcvcheck as mentioned in the Database Generic fcvcheck Scenario section.

  13. (Only for MongoDB Authentication enabled database) Enable MongoDB authentication.

    For more information on enabling MongoDB authentication, see Configuring MongoDB Authentication section in the CPS vDRA Configuration Guide.


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

    Example 1: Enable MongoDB authentication with transition.

    db-authentication set-password database mongo password XXX confirm-password XXX
    db-authentication enable-transition-auth database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo
    Verify database member in healthy state

    Example 2: Enable MongoDB authentication without transition.

    db-authentication disable-transition-auth database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart database mongo
    db-authentication rolling-restart-status database mongo
  14. Wait for all the database sets to come UP. Verify the status by running show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command.


    show database status | exclude "PRIMARY|SECONDARY|ARBITER" command should not show any unhealthy database member.

  15. Login to vDRA VNF CLI and restart the binding containers to read the latest metadata from new configurations.


    Before proceeding to next step, make sure that this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured DRA VNFs.

    docker restart container-id <container-id>


    docker restart container-id binding-s<number>

    binding-s<number> is an example for binding container. binding-s<number> is the container-id. <number> varies according to which worker VM binding container is running.

  16. Disable deleting the database configurations by editing the nacm rule (config mode).


    Make sure this step has been executed from all the affected/reconfigured binding VNFs sites.

    nacm rule-list any-group rule data-base access-operations delete action deny

MongoDB Shard Recovery Procedure

Issue: In shard replica-set, if all the data bearing members are down at same time, they fail to elect new Primary and gets stuck in STARTUP2 state.

Run show database status | tab command on Binding VNF to check for shards without Primary member.


  • Each step provided in the Solution section needs to be executed on all the sites where shard members are involved before proceeding with the next step.

  • All steps must be executed only on Binding VNF.

  • If there are more than one shard in failure state, all steps need to be executed for each shard separately.


Run the following steps on all the sites involved for that shard.

  1. Stop all the mongod processes involved for that shard for all the secondary and primary sites.

    supervisorctl stop <process which stuck in STARTUP2>


    Find MongoDB container where shard member is running using supervisorctl status command. Output grep for the port number which displays the process to be stopped.

  2. Remove mmap folder for respective port.

    For example, if port number is 27030,

    rm -rf /mmapv1-tmpfs-27030/*
  3. Start all the secondary member mongod processes without authentication followed by primary member.

    For example, if port number is 27030 for a particular member, then

    mongod --storageEngine mmapv1 --nojournal --noprealloc --smallfiles 
    --ipv6 --bind_ip_all --port 27030 --dbpath=/mmapv1-tmpfs-27030 --replSet 
    rs-shard-9 --quiet --slowms 500 --logpath /data/db/mongo-27030.log --oplogSize 
    3221 --logappend --logRotate reopen &


    Find MongoDB container where shard member is running using supervisorctl status command.

  4. Verify that the replica-set is up with primary.


    Find MongoDB container where shard member is running using supervisorctl status command. Run mongo --port 27030 command which connects to MongoDB shell where status is displayed.

  5. Set password on primary. Connect to primary member MongoDB shell and run the following commands to create user and set password.

    use admin
    db.createUser({user: "adminuser",pwd: "PASSWORD",roles:[{role: "root" , db:"admin"}]})
    db.createUser({user: "backupuser",pwd: "PASSWORD",roles:[{role: "root" , db:"admin"}]})
  6. Restart the secondary mongod process using transition authentication followed by primary.

    1. Find MongoDB container where shard member is running using supervisorctl status command. Run the command to stop the process.

      ps -aef | grep <portnum>
      kill -SIGTERM <pid>
      > /mmapv1-tmpfs-27030/mongod.lock
    2. Run the following command to start the process with transition-auth option.

      mongod --storageEngine --transition-auth mmapv1 --nojournal 
      --noprealloc --smallfiles --ipv6 --bind_ip_all --port 27030 
      --dbpath=/mmapv1-tmpfs-27030 --replSet rs-shard-9 --quiet --slowms 500 
      --logpath /data/db/mongo-27030.log --oplogSize 3221 --logappend 
      --logRotate reopen &
  7. Restart secondary keyfile and disable transition-auth followed by primary.

    1. Find MongoDB container where shard member is running using supervisorctl status command. Run the command to stop the process.

      ps -aef | grep <portnum>
      kill -SIGTERM <pid>
      > /mmapv1-tmpfs-27030/mongod.lock
    2. Run the following command to start the process without transition-auth option and with keyfile.

      supervisorctl status

      From the above command, output grep for the port number, which displays the process to be stopped.

      supervisorctl start <pid/process name>
  8. Run show database status | tab to display the shard recovery with the database status.

Recovery Using database repair Command


In HA deployment, CLI needs to be run on single site.

Logs (/var/log/broadhop/shardrecovery.log) should be checked after executing CLI.

  • Issue 1: In shard replica-set, if all the data bearing members are down at same time, they fail to elect new Primary and gets stuck in STARTUP2 state.


    Primary is present but single or multiple secondary members are down.

    Solution: Use database repair <clustername> <shardname>

    For example, to recover shard1 in binding cluster, execute database repair binding shard1 command.

  • Issue 2: In multiple shards, if all the data bearing members are down at same time, they fail to elect new Primary and gets stuck in STARTUP2 state.


    Primary is present but single or multiple secondary members are down.

    Solution: Use database repair <clustername> <shardname1> <shardname2> <shardname3>

    For example, to recover shard1, shard2, shard3, and shard4 in binding cluster, execute database repair binding shard1 shard2 shard3 shard4 command.

  • Issue 3: If all shards in the cluster are in bad state.

    Solution: Use database repair <clustername> All

    For example, to recover all shards in the binding cluster, execute database repair binding All command.

  • If sharding database members are in STARTUP2 state.

    Solution: Use database repair <clustername> sharddb

    For example, to recover sharding database in the binding cluster, execute databse repair binding shard-db command.