Installing CPS vDRA

Create Installer VM in vSphere

Create the installer VM in VMware vSphere.

Download the vDRA deployer VMDKs and base image VMDKs.

Upload the VDMK File

Upload the VDMK file as shown in the following example:

cd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>
mkdir cps-images
cd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/cps-images
wget http:/<your_host>/cps-deployer-host_<version>.vmdk

Convert CPS Deployer VMDK to ESXi Format

Convert the CPS deployer host VMDK to ESXi format as shown in the following example:

cd /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/cps-images
vmkfstools --diskformat thin -i cps-deployer-host_<version>.vmdk cps-deployer-host_<version>-esxi.vmdk

Create CPS Installer VM

Using the vSphere client, create the CPS Installer VM.


Step 1

Login to the vSphere Web Client and select the blade where you want to create a new VM to install the cluster manager VM.

Step 2

Right-click on the blade and select New Virtual Machine. New Virtual Machine window opens up.

Step 3

Select Create a new virtual machine and click Next to open Select a name and folder.

Step 4

Enter a name for the virtual machine (for example, CPS Cluster Manager) and select the location for the virtual machine. Click Next.

Step 5

Select blade IP address from Select a compute resource window and click Next to open Select storage window.

Step 6

From Select storage window, select datastorename and click Next to open Select compatibility window.

Step 7

From Compatible with: drop-down list, select ESXi 6.7 and later and click Next to open Select a guest OS window.



Support for VMX11 is added only for fresh install. For upgrade flow (option 2/option 3), upgrade of VMX is not supported.

Step 8

From Guest OS Family: drop-down list, select Linux and from Guest OS Version: drop-down list, select Ubuntu Linux (64-bit).

Step 9

Click Next to open Customize hardware window.

Step 10

In Virtual Hardware tab:

  1. Select 4 CPUs.

  2. Select Memory size as 32 GB.

  3. Delete New Hard Disk (VM will use the existing disk created earlier with vmkfstools command).

  4. Expand New SCSI controller and from Change Type drop-down list, select VMware Paravirtual.

  5. 2 NICs are required (one for eth1 as internal and second for eth2 as management). One NIC already exists as default under New Network.

    Under New Network, check Connect At Power On is selected.

  6. To add another NIC, click ADD NEW DEVICE and from the list select Network Adapter.

    Under New Network, check Connect At Power On is selected.

  7. Click Next to open Ready to complete window.

Step 11

Review the settings displayed on Ready to complete window and click Finish.

Step 12

Press Ctrl + Alt +2 to go back to Hosts and Clusters and select the VM created above (CPS Cluster Manager).

  1. Right-click and select Edit Settings.... Virtual Hardware tab is displayed as default.

  2. Click ADD NEW DEVICE and from the list select Existing Hard Disk to open Select File window.

  3. Navigate to cps-deployer-host_<version>-esxi.vmdk file created earlier with the vmkfstools command and click OK.

Step 13

Adjust hard disk size.

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt +2 to go back to Hosts and Clusters and select the VM created above (CPS Cluster Manager).

  2. Right-click and select Edit Settings.... Virtual Hardware tab is displayed as default.

  3. In the Hard disk 1 text box enter 100 and click OK.

Step 14

Power ON the VM and open the console.

Configure Network


Step 1

Log into the VM Console as user: cps, password: cisco123.

Step 2

Create the /etc/network/interfaces file using vi or using the here document syntax as shown in the example:

cps@ubuntu:~$ sudo -i
root@ubuntu:~# cat > /etc/network/interfaces <<EOF
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto ens160
iface ens160 inet static

Step 3

Restart networking as shown in the following example:

root@ubuntu:~# systemctl restart networking
root@ubuntu:~# ifdown ens160
root@ubuntu:~# ifup ens160
root@ubuntu:~# exit

What to do next

You can log in remotely using the SSH login cps/cisco123.


The process for installing the binding-vnf is the same as the dra-vnf. Create the configuration artifacts for the binding-vnf using the same VMDK. But use the binding ISO instead of DRA ISO. Similar to the dra-vnf, add a 200 GB data disk to the master and control VMs.

Artifacts Structure

cps@installer:/data/deployer/envs/binding-vnf$ tree
|-- base.env
|-- base.esxi.env
|-- user_data.yml
|-- user_data.yml.pam
`-- vms
    |-- control-0
    |   |-- control-binding-0
    |   |   |-- interfaces.esxi
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml.pam
    |   |   |-- vm.env
    |   |   `-- vm.esxi.env
    |   |-- role.env
    |   `-- role.esxi.env
    |-- control-1
    |   |-- control-binding-1
    |   |   |-- interfaces.esxi
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml.pam
    |   |   |-- vm.env
    |   |   `-- vm.esxi.env
    |   |-- role.env
    |   |-- role.esxi.env
    |   `-- user_data.yml.disk
    |-- master
    |   |-- master-binding-0
    |   |   |-- interfaces.esxi
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml.functions
    |   |   |-- user_data.yml.pam
    |   |   |-- vm.env
    |   |   `-- vm.esxi.env
    |   |-- role.env
    |   `-- role.esxi.env
    `-- persistence-db
        |-- persistence-db-1
        |   |-- interfaces.esxi
        |   |-- vm.env
        |   `-- vm.esxi.env
        |-- persistence-db-2
        |   |-- interfaces.esxi
        |   |-- vm.env
        |   `-- vm.esxi.env
        |-- persistence-db-3
        |   |-- interfaces.esxi
        |   |-- vm.env
        |   `-- vm.esxi.env
        |-- role.env
        `-- role.esxi.env

11 directories, 38 files

CPS Installer Commands

Command Usage

Use the cps command to deploy VMs. The command is a wrapper around the docker command that is required to run the deployer container.


function cps () {
     docker run \
         -v /data/deployer:/data/deployer \
         -v /data/vmware/:/export/ \
         -it --rm deployer/deployer:latest  \
         /root/cps "$@"

To view the help for the command, run the following command: cps -h

cps@installer:~$ cps -h
usage: cps [-h] [--artifacts_abs_root_path ARTIFACTS_ABS_ROOT_PATH]
           [--export_dir EXPORT_DIR] [--deploy_type DEPLOY_TYPE]
           [--template_dir TEMPLATE_DIR]
           [--status_table_width STATUS_TABLE_WIDTH] [--skip_create_ova]
           vnf_artifacts_relative_path [vm_name [vm_name ...]]

positional arguments:
                        Action to perform
                        VNF artifacts directory relative to vnf artifacts root
                        path. Example: dra-vnf
  vm_name               name of virtual machine

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --artifacts_abs_root_path ARTIFACTS_ABS_ROOT_PATH
                        Absolute path to artifacts root path. Example:
  --export_dir EXPORT_DIR
                        Abosolute path to store ova files and rendered
  --deploy_type DEPLOY_TYPE
  --template_dir TEMPLATE_DIR
                        Absolute path to default templates
  --status_table_width STATUS_TABLE_WIDTH
                        Number of VMs displayed per row in vm status table
  --skip_create_ova     Skip the creation of ova files. If this option is
                        used, the ova files must be pre-created. This if for
                        testing and debugging
  --skip_delete_ova     Skip the deletion of ova files. If this option is
                        used, the ova files are not deleted. This if for
                        testing and debugging

List VMs in Artifacts

Use the following command to list VMs in artifacts:

cps list example-dra-vnf

where, example-dra-vnf is the VNF artifacts directory.

Deploy all VMs in Parallel

Use the following command to deploy all VMs in parallel:

cps install example-dra-vnf

Deploy one or more VMs

The following example command shows how to deploy dra-director-2 and dra-worker-1:

cps install example-dra-vnf dra-director-2 dra-worker-1

Deploy all VMs with or without a Hypervisor Flag

Use the following command to install all VMs that are tagged with a ESXIHOST value matching hypervisor name as esxi-host-1 in their vm.esxi.env file:

cps install dra-vnf --hypervisor esxi-host-1 

The following cps install command allows you to perform activities on more than one artifiactory files, which are tagged with or without --hypervisor flag.

cps install –addartifact artifact-env-2 
--hypervisor hypervisor-name 

Health Checks

Using the --hypervisor option that you can perform health check of docker engine and consul status of other VMs before making changes on the requested VM.

For example, if you run cps install --hypervisor esxi-host-1, then any VMs that are tagged with esxi-host-1 are excluded and the remaining set of VMs from the artifact file is considered for health check.

VM Name








This is done to ensure that VM’s on other blades are stable before performing the requested changes on their partner blade VMs. The health check fetches details of the master VM automatically from the artifiactory file and performs SSH to master, to check if the docker engine and consul status of vm02 and vm03 are in a proper state. If the state is proper, then cps command starts the requested operation such as install, power on, or redeploy and so on.

Delete one or more VMs

The following command is an example for deleting dra-director-1 and dra-worker-1 VMs:


VM deletion can disrupt services.

cps delete example-dra-vnf dra-director-1 dra-worker-1

Redeploy all VMs

Redeploying VMs involves deleting a VM and then redeploying them. If more the one VM is specified, VMs are processed serially. The following command is an example for redeploing all VMs:


VM deletion can disrupt services.

cps redeploy example-dra-vnf

Redeploy one or more VMs

Redeploying VMs involves deleting a VM and then redeploying them. If more the one VM is specified, VMs are processed serially. The following command is an example for redeploing two VMs:


VM deletion can disrupt services.

cps redeploy example-dra-vnf dra-director-1 control-1

Power down one or more VMs

The following command is an example for powering down two VMs:


Powering down the VM can disrupt services.

cps poweroff example-dra-vnf dra-director-1 dra-worker-1

Power up one or more VMs

The following command is an example for powering up two VMs:


Powering Up the VM can disrupt services.

cps poweron example-dra-vnf dra-director-1 dra-worker-1

Upgrading VMs using Diagnostics and Redeployment Health Check

Diagnostics of VMs

Use the following command to perform system diagnostics on VMs from vDRA to DB VNFs.

cps diagnostics dra-vnf

Redeployment Health Check for VMs

Use the following command to perform the redeployment health check on VMs.

cps redeploy dra-vnf --healthcheck yes --sysenv dra

Ranking Details

To upgrade the VMs, create a group of specific VMs from artifact files and place it under /data/deployer/envs/upgradelist.txt. It is a one-time creation process and the file has a ranking mechanism.

Based on ranking, separate the contents with a comma(,) as given.


cat /data/deployer/envs/upgradelist.txt 

The pre and postchecks for Master and Control VMs vary from other VMs.

Ranking Details

Rank 1

Master VM

Example: 1,sk-master0

If there is no master VM, then remove Rank1(1,sk-master0) from the upgradelist.txt file not to disturb the other ranks.

Rank 2

Control VM


2,sk-control0, sk-dra-worker2

3,sk-control1, sk-dra-worker1

  • Declare the control VMs for Ranks 2 and 3 and add one or more VMs.

  • If you do not redeploy control VMs, do not declare any values in the upgradelist.txt file starting with Rank 2 and 3.

Rank 3

Rank 4

Other VMs

Example: 4,sk-dra-directo1,sk-dra-director2

Do not contain either master or control VMs.

The differentiation between Rank 1(Master) and Rank2(Control) VMs is because the pre and postchecks for Master and Control VMs varies withing themselves.

Resume Redeployment

The resume option starts the VM redeployment from the last successful completion.

Consider the following scenario where the deployment occurs until site2-binding-control-0. For some reason, the VMs after site2-binding-control0 faces a problem and the automation feature terminates the execution.

root@ubuntu:~# cat /data/deployer/envs/upgradelist.txt 

Use the cps redeploy /data/deployer/envs/dba-vnf/ --healthcheck yes --sysenv dba command to resume the redeployment.

Configuration and Restriction:
  • The diagnostics and redeployment of VMs with the health check works only if the Master VM is active.

  • For a proper health check, copy the cps.pem key used for connecting to the Master VM to the /data/deployer/envs folder.

Validate Deployment

Use the CLI on the master VM to validate the installation.

Connect to the CLI using the default user and password (admin/admin).

ssh -p 2024 admin@<master management ip address>

show system status

Use show system status command to display the system status.


System status percent-complete should be 100%.

admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show system status
system status running     true
system status upgrade     false
system status downgrade   false
system status external-services-enabled true
system status debug       false
system status percent-complete 100.0

show system diagnostics

No diagnostic messages should appear using the following command:

admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show system diagnostics | tab | exclude pass
NODE       CHECK ID                        IDX  STATUS   MESSAGE


show docker engine

All DRA-VNF VMs should be listed and in the CONNECTED state.

admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show docker engine
ID                 STATUS     PINGS
control-0          CONNECTED  0
control-1          CONNECTED  0
dra-director-1     CONNECTED  0
dra-director-2     CONNECTED  0
dra-distributor-1  CONNECTED  0
dra-distributor-2  CONNECTED  0
dra-worker-1       CONNECTED  0
dra-worker-2       CONNECTED  0
master-0           CONNECTED  0


show docker service

No containers should be displayed when using the exclude HEAL filter.

admin@orchestrator[master-0]# show docker service | tab | exclude HEAL


Redeploy VMs during the ISSM Operation

To redeploy VMs during In-Service Software Migration (ISSM) , use the following procedure:


Step 1

Find the consul container that is having a consul leader role:

  1. To find the consul leader use the following command:

    # docker exec consul-1 consul operator raft list-peers

For example, in the following output consul-3 is the leader.

admin@orchestrator[an-master]# docker exec consul-1 "consul operator raft list-peers"
==========output from container consul-1===========
Node                  ID                                    Address           State     Voter  RaftProtocol
consul-2.weave.local  52d5b25c-77fc-1163-0304-493b117096cd  follower  true   3
consul-4.weave.local  fe68543b-ef72-66a7-7830-1c0405fd06a0  follower  true   3
consul-5.weave.local  21539d8a-7d55-9cdb-c3e0-7680b448b5d5  follower  true   3
consul-3.weave.local  f7a87957-a129-a12e-eb44-03bc3b385ec1  leader    true   3
consul-1.weave.local  2d14416d-cc22-bcbd-e686-04bdc860332d    follower  true   3
consul-7.weave.local  a3b0ba51-a8d4-68b4-b899-c20ede286e09  follower  true   3
consul-6.weave.local  36d06c94-2ec5-094d-7acf-7ea190b36825  follower  true   3

Step 2

Use the following command to find the VM in which the consul leader is running:

show docker service | tab | include consul

For example, in the following output the consul leader is running in the director-0 vm.

admin@orchestrator[an-master]# show docker service | tab | include consul
consul                1         consul-1                    23.2.0-release  an-master          consul-1                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul                1         consul-2                    23.2.0-release  an-control-0       consul-2                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul                1         consul-3                    23.2.0-release  an-control-1       consul-3                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-4                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-director-0  consul-4                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-5                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-director-1  consul-5                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-6                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-worker-0    consul-6                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-7                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-worker-1    consul-7                         HEALTHY  false    -      

Step 3

Perform consul leader failover in the consul leader container using docker exec <consul-leader-container> "supervisorctl stop consul-server" command .

Example: If the consul leader VM is same as the VM to be redeployed, then stop the consul-server in the consul leader container to perform consul leader failover.
admin@orchestrator[an-master]# docker exec consul-3 "supervisorctl stop consul-server"
==========output from container consul-3===========
consul-server: stopped

Step 4

Verify the consul leader failover with another VM that will not be redeployed. Use the docker exec consul-1 "consul operator raft list-peers" command to verify the details as shown in the sample configuration.

admin@orchestrator[an-master]# docker exec consul-1 "consul operator raft list-peers"
==========output from container consul-1===========
Node                  ID                                    Address           State     Voter  RaftProtocol
consul-2.weave.local  52d5b25c-77fc-1163-0304-493b117096cd  follower  true   3
consul-4.weave.local  fe68543b-ef72-66a7-7830-1c0405fd06a0  leader    true   3
consul-5.weave.local  21539d8a-7d55-9cdb-c3e0-7680b448b5d5  follower  true   3
consul-3.weave.local  f7a87957-a129-a12e-eb44-03bc3b385ec1  follower  true   3
consul-1.weave.local  2d14416d-cc22-bcbd-e686-04bdc860332d    follower  true   3
consul-7.weave.local  a3b0ba51-a8d4-68b4-b899-c20ede286e09  follower  true   3
consul-6.weave.local  36d06c94-2ec5-094d-7acf-7ea190b36825  follower  true   3

Step 5

Start the consul server in the consul container stopped in step 3.

Step 6

Verify the health of the consul using the show docker service | tab | include consul command to ensure that the consul containers are healthy after consul leader failover.

admin@orchestrator[an-master]# show docker service | tab | include consul
consul                1         consul-1                    23.2.0-release  an-master          consul-1                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul                1         consul-2                    23.2.0-release  an-control-0       consul-2                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul                1         consul-3                    23.2.0-release  an-control-1       consul-3                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-4                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-director-0  consul-4                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-5                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-director-1  consul-5                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-6                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-worker-0    consul-6                         HEALTHY  false    -      
consul-dra            1         consul-7                    23.2.0-release  an-dra-worker-1    consul-7                         HEALTHY  false    -      

Step 7

Redeploy the VM.