Maintaining and Monitoring the Cisco SAMI

The following sections describe procedures you can use to maintain and monitor a Cisco Service and Application Module for IP (SAMI):

Upgrading the SAMI Software

Managing the SAMI LCP Software

Manually Upgrading an LCP ROMMON Image

Manually Upgrading a PPC ROMMON Image

Reallocating SAMI PPC IO Memory

Configuring, Exporting, and Importing RSA Keys on a SAMI PPC

Establishing a Console Connection on the SAMI

Recovering the SAMI

Establishing a Console Connection on the SAMI

Configuring Health Monitoring

Monitoring the SAMI

Upgrading the SAMI Software

The SAMI is shipped preloaded with the operating system software. However, to take advantage of new features and enhancements, you can upgrade your SAMI with later versions of software as they become available.

The SAMI software is delivered as a bundle of images for the SAMI base card and daughter card components. Each image in the bundle has its own version and release number that is used during the upgrade process to determine if an image needs to be installed or not.

Note The SAMI image bundle is named c7svcsami-feature-mz, where feature is the name of the Cisco software application.

Specifically, the SAMI bundle includes the following software and firmware images:

Line control processor (LCP) operating system and ROMMON image

Network processor (IXP/XScale) QNX image and IXP microcode image

Classification and distribution engine (CDE) field programmable gate array (FPGA) images (CDE1 and CDE2)

Cisco software application image (running on the PPC) and ROMMON image

Daughter card ROMMON image

Daughter card FPGA image

Nitrox II microcode

When an upgrade is initiated, the version and release numbers of the images in the newer bundle are compared to the versions currently running. If the version of an existing image is different than that in the new bundle, the image only is automatically upgraded.

Upgrading in a Redundant Configuration

To minimize any disruption to existing network traffic during a software upgrade or downgrade, deploy your SAMIs in a redundant configuration.

The following steps provide an overview of the upgrade process in a redundant configuration.

1. Upgrade the active SAMI first.

2. Reboot the active SAMI after the software installation. When you reboot the active SAMI, it fails over to the standby module and existing traffic continues without interruption.

3. Upgrade the new active SAMI.

4. Reload the active SAMI after the redundant module is up and the high availability (HA) state is hot. When you reboot this SAMI, a similar failover occurs and again, the existing traffic continues. The original, active SAMI is active again.

Verifying the SAMI Software Versions

To verify the version of the SAMI software from the supervisor console, use the show module command:

Sup# show module 
Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
  4    1  SAMI Module (CSG2)                     WS-SVC-SAMI-BB-K9  SAD1140096M
  6    2  Supervisor Engine 720 (Active)         WS-SUP720-3BXL     SAD083400U3
  7   48  SFM-capable 48-port 10/100 Mbps RJ45   WS-X6548-RJ-45     SAD0611007M
  9    1  SAMI Module (GENERIC)                  WS-SVC-SAMI-BB-K9  SAD095003X1
Mod MAC addresses                       Hw    Fw           Sw           Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------
  4  001d.45f9.0922 to 001d.45f9.0929   2.2   8.7(0.5-Eng) 3.0(0)W1(0.0 Ok
  6  0011.21b9.ac20 to 0011.21b9.ac23   4.0   8.1(3)       12.2(2007052 Ok
  7  0002.7ee1.f010 to 0002.7ee1.f03f   4.2   6.3(1)       8.7(0.22)FW6 Ok
  9  0001.0002.0003 to 0001.0002.000a   1.0   8.7(0.5-Eng) 3.0(0)W1(0.0 Ok
Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw     Status 
---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------
  4  SAMI Daughterboard 1        SAMI-DC-BB         SAD113909PZ  1.1    Ok
  4  SAMI Daughterboard 2        SAMI-DC-BB         SAD113909U5  1.1    Ok
  6  Policy Feature Card 3       WS-F6K-PFC3BXL     SAD083903ML  1.3    Ok
  6  MSFC3 Daughterboard         WS-SUP720          SAD083606TK  2.1    Ok
  9  SAMI Daughterboard 1        SAMI-DC-BB         SAD110709TS  0.701  Ok
  9  SAMI Daughterboard 2        SAMI-DC-BB         SAD110709SF  0.701  Ok
Mod  Online Diag Status 
---- -------------------
  4  Pass
  6  Pass
  7  Pass
  9  Pass

To verify the version of the SAMI image from the LCP console, use the show version command:

switch# show version
> Cisco Application Control Software (ACSW) TAC support: 
> Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Cisco Systems, Inc. 
> All rights reserved.
> The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by other 
> third parties and are used and distributed under license.
> Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public License. 
> A copy of the license is available at 
> Software
>   loader:    Version 12.2[121]

Note The show version command displays the software version of the LCP image, not the version of the SAMI bundle.

Upgrading the SAMI Bundle from the Supervisor Engine

To upgrade the SAMI image bundle, perform the following tasks on the supervisor engine console:


Step 1 

Sup> enable 

Enters privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2 

Sup# upgrade hw-module 
slot slot_num 
software url/filename

Copies the bundle from the specified URL to the compact flash on the SAMI in the specified slot and sets the initialization parameters.

Step 3 

Sup# hw-module module 
slot_num reset

Reloads the entire SAMI (turns off the power and then on) from the new source file.

Note The SAMI automatically boots from the new source file.

Step 4 

Sup# show upgrade software 

Displays status of the image upgrades that are occurring.

For example, to upgrade the image bundle on a SAMI in slot 2 of a Cisco 7600 Series Router chassis, enter the following commands from the supervisor engine.

Sup> enable
Sup# upgrade hw-module slot 2 software tftp://
Loading c7svcsami-ipbase-mz.bouncer.070724 from <TFTP SERVER IPADDRESS> (via Vlan10): 
[OK - 34940891 bytes]
Sup# hw-module module 2 reset 
Proceed with reload of module?[confirm]
% reset issued for module 2
Sup# show upgrade software progress 
Slot     Software File
9        c7svcsami-ipbase-mz.bouncer.070724

When an upgrade is initiated using the upgrade hw-module command, many processes occur automatically, including configuring the SAMI to automatically boot using the new image.

(You can use the show running-config command and the show start up config commands from the LCP console to view this boot line configuration).

Additionally, the following commands can be used manage SAMI image files.

Managing the SAMI LCP Software

This section provides a brief overview on how to manage the software running on the SAMI LCP.

This section includes the following topics:

Saving and Viewing the LCP Configuration File

Using the SAMI LCP File System

Viewing, Deleting, and Copying Core Dump Files

Saving and Viewing the LCP Configuration File

Upon startup, the SAMI LCP loads the startup-configuration file stored in flash memory (nonvolatile memory) to the running-configuration stored in RAM (volatile memory).

Use the show startup-config command in EXEC mode to display the contents of the startup-config file (see the "Viewing the LCP Configuration File" section).

When you make configuration changes, the LCP places those changes in a virtual running-configuration file called the running-config. When you enter a CLI command, the change is made only to the running-configuration file in volatile memory. Before you log out or reboot the SAMI, copy the contents of the running-config file to the startup-config file (startup-config) to save configuration changes to flash memory. The LCP uses the startup-configuration file on subsequent reboots.

This section includes the following topics:

Saving the LCP Configuration File in Flash Memory

Viewing the LCP Configuration File

Saving the LCP Configuration File in Flash Memory

After you create or update the running-configuration file in RAM (volatile memory), save the contents to the startup-configuration file in flash memory (non-volatile memory) on the SAMI LCP. To copy the contents of the running-configuration file to the startup-configuration file, use the copy running-config startup-config command from EXEC mode.

The syntax for the command is:

copy running-config startup-config

For example, to save the running-configuration file to the startup-configuration file in flash memory, enter:

switch# copy running-config startup-config 

You can also use the write memory command to copy the contents of the running-configuration file to the startup-configuration file. The write memory command is equivalent to the copy running-config startup-config command.

The syntax for the command is:

write memory

Viewing the LCP Configuration File

To display the running-configuration file, use the show running-config command in EXEC mode. The SAMI LCP does not display default configurations in the running-configuration file.

Note The write terminal command can also be used to display the running-configuration file. The write terminal command is equivalent to the copy running-config command.

Use the following commands to view the content of the running- and startup-configuration file:

To view the running-configuration file, use the show running-config command.

To view the startup-configuration file, use the show startup-config command.

The syntax for the show startup-config command is as follows:

show startup-config

Using the SAMI LCP File System

Flash memory stores the operating system, startup-configuration file, core dump files, system message log files, for example, on the SAMI LCP. Flash memory comprises a number of individual file systems, or partitions, that include this data.

The file systems, or partitions, contained in the LCP include:

disk0:—Contains all startup-configuration files, software licenses, system message log files, SSL certificates and keys, and user-generated data for all existing contexts on the LCP.

image:—Contains the system software images.

core:—Contains the core files generated after each time the LCP becomes unresponsive.

volatile:—Contains the files residing in the temporary (volatile:) directory. The volatile directory provides temporary storage; files in temporary storage are erased when the LCP reboots.

The LCP provides a number of useful commands to help you manage software configuration and image and files.This section provides a series of procedures to help you manage files on the LCP. It includes the following procedures:

Listing the Files in a Directory

Deleting Files

Listing the Files in a Directory

To display the directory contents of a specified file system, use the dir command in EXEC mode. This command displays a detailed list of directories and files contained within the specified file system on the LCP, including names, sizes, and time created. You may optionally specify the name of a directory to list.

The syntax for this command is:

dir {core: | disk0:[directory/][filename] | image:[filename] | volatile:[filename]}

The keywords and arguments are:

core:—Displays the contents of the core: file system.

disk0:—Displays the contents of the disk0: file system.

image:—Displays the contents of the image: file system.

volatile:—Displays the contents of the volatile: file system.

directory/—(Optional) Displays the contents of the specified directory.

filename—(Optional) Displays information relating to the specified file, such as file size and the date it was created. You can use wildcards in the filename. A wildcard character (*) matches all patterns. Strings after a wildcard are ignored.

For example, to list the files in the disk0: file system, enter:

switch# dir disk0:
     7465  Jan 03 00:13:22 2000 C2_dsb
     2218  Mar 07 18:38:03 2006 ECHO_PROBE_SCRIPT4
  1654692  Feb 27 21:42:07 2006 c6ace-t1k9_dplug-mzg.3.0.0_A0_2.44.bin
     1024  Feb 16 12:47:24 2006 core_copies_dsb/
     1024  Jan 01 00:02:07 2000 cv/
     1024  Mar 13 13:53:08 2006 dsb_dir/
       12  Jan 30 17:54:26 2006 messages
     7843  Mar 09 22:19:56 2006 running-config
     4320  Jan 05 14:37:52 2000 startup-config
     1024  Jan 01 00:02:28 2000 www/
           Usage for disk0: filesystem
                    4254720 bytes total used
                    6909952 bytes free

For example, to list the core dump files in flash memory, enter:

switch# dir core:
253151  Mar 14 21:23:33 2006 0x401_vsh_log.8249.tar.gz
262711  Mar 15 21:22:18 2006 0x401_vsh_log.15592.tar.gz
250037  Mar 15 18:35:27 2006 0x401_vsh_log.16296.tar.gz
        Usage for core: filesystem
                 1847296 bytes total used
                64142336 bytes free
                65989632 bytes available

Alternately, you can list files in a SAMI directory from the supervisor console using the dir sami# privileged EXEC command.

The syntax for this command is:

dir sami#slot_num {-fs:image/ | -fs:core/}

The keywords and arguments are:

slot_num—Number of the slot in which the SAMI is installed.

image:—Displays the contents of the SAMI image: file system.

core:—Displays the contents of the SAMI core: file system.

Deleting Files

To delete a file from a specific file system in the SAMI LCP, use the delete command in EXEC mode. When you delete a file, the SAMI erases the file from the specified file system.

The syntax for this command is:

delete {core:filename | disk0:[directory/]filename | image:filename | volatile:filename}

The keywords and arguments are:

core:filename—Deletes the specified file from the core: file system (see the "Viewing, Deleting, and Copying Core Dump Files" section).

disk0:[directory/]filename— Deletes the specified file from the disk0: file system (for example, a packet capture buffer file or system message log).

image:filename—Deletes the specified file from the image: file system.

volatile:filename—Deletes the specified file from the volatile: file system.

For example, to delete a copy of the running-configuration file called my_running-config1 from the mystorage directory on the disk0: file system, enter:

switch# delete disk0:mystorage/my_running-config1

Alternately, you can delete files from a SAMI directory from the supervisor console using the delete sami# privileged EXEC command.

The syntax for this command is:

delete sami#slot_num {-fs:image/ | -fs:core/}filename

The keywords and arguments are:

slot_num—Number of the slot in which the SAMI is installed.

image:—Deletes the specified file from the SAMI image: file system.

core:—Deletes the specified file from the SAMI core: file system.

filename—Name of the file that you want to delete. You can use wildcards in the filename. A wildcard character (*) matches all patterns. Strings after a wildcard are ignored.

Viewing, Deleting, and Copying Core Dump Files

A core dump occurs when the SAMI experiences a fatal error. The SAMI LCP writes information about the fatal error to the core: file system in flash memory before a switchover or reboot occurs. The core: file system is the storage location for all core files generated during a fatal error. Three minutes after the SAMI reboots, the saved last core is restored from the core: file system back to its original RAM location. This restoration is a background process and is not visible to the user.

You can view the list of core files in the core: file system by using the dir core: command in EXEC mode.

Note Core dump information is for Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) use only. If the SAMI becomes unresponsive, you can view the dump information in the core through the show cores command. We recommend contacting TAC for assistance in interpreting the information in the core dump.

The timestamp on the restored last core file displays the time when the SAMI booted up, not when the last core was actually dumped. To obtain the exact time of the last core dump, check the corresponding log file with the same process identifier (PID).

To delete a core dump file from the core: file system in flash memory, use the delete core: command. To view the core dump files available in flash memory, use the dir core: command.

The syntax for the command is:

delete core:filename

The filename argument specifies the name of a core dump file located in the core: file system.

For example, to delete the file 0x401_VSH_LOG.25256.TAR.GZ from the core: file system, enter:

switch# delete core:0x401_VSH_LOG.25256.TAR.GZ

To copy a core dump file from the core: file system from the supervisor console, use the copy sami# privileged EXEC command.

The syntax for the command is:

copy sami#slot_number{-fs:core/filename dest-file}

The keywords and arguments are:

slot_num—Number of the slot in which the SAMI is installed.

core:/filename—Name of the core dump file in the core directory.

dest-file—Name of the destination file.

Manually Upgrading an LCP ROMMON Image

If the Cisco SAMI bundle contains an LCP ROMMON image, you can use the reprogram bootflash fur-image command to upgrade the LCP ROMMON image with the one in the bundle.

Note The LCP ROMMON image might not be bundled in earlier versions of the Cisco SAMI image.

Caution The reprogram bootflash command is for use by trained Cisco personnel only. Entering this command may cause unexpected results. Do not attempt to use the reprogram bootflash command without guidance from Cisco support personnel.

This section includes the following procedures:

Verifying the LCP Software Version

Upgrading the LCP ROMMON Image When Using a Sup720/RSP720

Upgrading the LCP ROMMON Image When Using a Sup32

Verifying the LCP Software Version

To verify the version of the LCP image currently installed on your SAMI, use the show version command at the LCP console:

switch# show version
  Cisco Application Control Software (ACSW) TAC support: Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Cisco Systems, Inc. 
  All rights reserved.
  The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by other 
  third parties and are used and distributed under license.
  Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public License. 
  A copy of the license is available at
    loader:    Version 12.2[120]

Upgrading the LCP ROMMON Image When Using a Sup720/RSP720

To reprogram the Field Upgradable (FUR) partition of the LCP ROMMON image when using a 
Sup720/RSP720, use the reprogram bootflash fur-image command at the LCP console:
switch# reprogram bootflash fur-image 
Warning: This command will affect rommon image and can render the machine unbootable
Continue? [y/n]: y
Warning: DO NOT power down or reboot system while programming ...
Upgrading rommon. Please wait ....
Validating Image Header -  OK
itasca_reprogram_erase_magic: erasing rommon magic Erase from 0x2e42f000 to 0x2e42f01f
   In blocks of 131072 bytes
Erase flash addr: 0x2e42f000
Begin Programming FLASH: 4 bytes
Programming leftover bytes 4
Read leftover bytes 4
padded size = 4
Flash Program Done!
itasca_reprogram_erase_magic: erase succesful!
Erase from 0x2e30f000 to 0x2e40efff
   In blocks of 131072 bytes
Erase flash addr: 0x2e30f000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e32f000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e34f000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e36f000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e38f000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e3af000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e3cf000
Erase flash addr: 0x2e3ef000
Begin Programming FLASH: 1048576 bytes
Flash Program Done!
upgrd FUR: Check sum passed: bootflash = 0, expected = 0
itasca_reprogram_erase_magic: stamp rommon magic Erase from 0x2e42f000 to 0x2e42f01f
   In blocks of 131072 bytes
Erase flash addr: 0x2e42f000
Begin Programming FLASH: 4 bytes
Programming leftover bytes 4
Read leftover bytes 4
padded size = 4
Flash Program Done!
itasca_reprogram_stamp_magic: write succesful!
Upgrading done.  Next boot will run desired rommon.

Upgrading the LCP ROMMON Image When Using a Sup32

To reprogram the Field Upgradable (FUR) partition of the LCP ROMMON image when using a Sup32 
when the current LCP ROMMON is Version 12.2[120] or earlier, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Bring up the SAMI.

Scenario 1:The SAMI PPCs came up fine from the LCP console. This scenario applies to most of the Cisco applications.

Verify that the state of the processors is UP.

Sup(config)# session slot slot-num processor 0
login: admin
login: admin
switch# show sami processors
Processor number  STATUS
3   UP   (0x00010000)
4   UP   (0x00010000)
5   UP   (0x00010000)
6   UP   (0x00010000)
7   UP   (0x00010000)
8   UP   (0x00010000)

Scenario 2: The SAMI is reloading by itself. Wait for the following message to display on the supervisor that indicates that the LCP (processor 0) is in safe mode (PPCs are kept in reset). This scenario applies to Cisco applications such as the Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation (CSG2).

%SAMI-1-SAMI_SYSLOG_ALERT: SAMI 3/0: %SAMI-1-730207: SAMI User Space: ALERT: Exceeded 
maximum boot retries forbooting daughter cards,Now processor 0 is in safe mode for 
debugging only 

Verify that the state of the processors is UNKNOWN.

Sup# session slot slot-num processor 0 
login: admin 
Password: admin 
switch# show sami processors 
Processor number  STATUS 
3   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
4   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
5   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
6   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
7   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
8   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000)

Scenario 3: The SAMI is not reloading by itself. This scenario might apply to non-CSG2 applications.

Verify that the state of the processors is UNKNOWN.

Sup# session slot slot-num processor 0 
login: admin 
Password: admin 
switch# show sami processors 
Processor number  STATUS 
3   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
4   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
5   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
6   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
7   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000) 
8   UNKNOWN   (0x00000000)

Step 2 Reprogram the Field Upgradable (FUR) partition of the LCP ROMMON image using the reprogram bootflash fur-image command at the LCP console.

switch# reprogram bootflash fur-image 

Manually Upgrading a PPC ROMMON Image

Caution Typically, there is no need to manually upgrade the SAMI PPC ROMMON images. The images are upgraded automatically during the SAMI upgrade process (see the "Upgrading the SAMI Software" section). However, if an automatic upgrade fails, you can upgrade the PPC ROMMON manually.

Caution Do not try this process on a live network. ROMMON upgrade procedures causes the PPCs to be reloaded.

During the SAMI image upgrade process, the version of an image included in the bundle is compared to the version currently running on the SAMI component. If the two versions differ, then the image is automatically upgraded to the new image in the bundle.

To manually upgrade a PPC ROMMON image, complete the following tasks, beginning in privileged EXEC mode on the supervisor engine console:


Step 1 

Sup# copy tftp://tftp 

Copies the ROMMON image to the LCP image directory on the SAMI.

Step 2 

Sup# session slot slot_number 
processor proc_number

Establishes a session with the LCP on the SAMI, where:

slot_number—Number of the slot in which the SAMI is installed.

proc_number—Number of the LCP (PPC0).

Step 3 

switch# upgrade-rommon 
rommon-image-name all-ppc 

Executes a ROMMON upgrade on all of the PPCs on the SAMI where the rommon-image-name is the name of the ROMMON image in the SAMI software bundle.

For example, to perform a PPC ROMMON image upgrade, use the following commands:

Sup> enable
Sup# copy tftp:// sami#2-fs:image/rommon-image
Sup# session 2 processor PPC0
switch# upgrade-rommon rommon-image all-ppc 

Reallocating SAMI PPC IO Memory

Note Reallocating SAMI PPC IO Memory is supported on SAMI Cisco IOS PPCs only.

Each of the PPCs on a SAMI has 2GB or 4GB DRAM. In PPCs with 2GB DRAM, 64 MB is allocated for IO memory by default. For SAMIs with 4GB DRAM, the default iomem size is specific to application. However, you can use the memory-size iomem command to reallocate the IO memory from the total available DRAM space. The no form of the iomem command returns to the default memory allocation.

Note Each application has different IO memory requirements. Please consult the application configuration and user guides for recommendations on IO memory and minimum DRAM required.

Caution It is not recommended that you change the IO memory allocation without careful consideration of the network requirements.

To reallocate memory on each of the PPCs (processors 3 through 8), use the memory-size iomem command to reallocate memory on each of the PPCs (processors 3 through 8). The memory-size iomem command cannot be used to configure the memory allocation on the LCP (processor 0).

After the I/O memory is configured using the memory-size iomen command, the remaining DRAM memory is used for processor memory.

After you configure the memory allocation, the configuration must be saved and the PPC reloaded for the configuration to take effect.

To reallocate the IO memory on a PPC, use the following commands:


Step 1 

Sup> enable 

Enters privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2 

Sup# session slot slot_num processor 

Establishes a session with a PPC on the SAMI, where:

slot_number—Number of the slot in which the SAMI is installed.

proc_number—Number of the PPC on the SAMI. Valid values are 3 through 8.

One session per processor can be established. To end a session, enter exit.

Step 3 

Router> enable 

Enters privilege EXEC mode.

Step 4 

Router# configure

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 5 

Router(config)# memory-size iomem 64 

Allocates 64 MB of the DRAM memory to I/O memory and the remaining to processor memory.

Step 6 

Router(config)# exit

Exits global configuration mode.

Step 7 

Router# write memory

Saves the changes to the running configuration to the startup configuration file.

Step 8 

Router# reload 

Reloads the PPC or the entire SAMI.

Depending on the requirements of the Cisco software application running on the SAMI PPCs, the reload command might reload the single PPC or the entire module. For example, when issued from the PPC running a distributed application such as the Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation (CSG2), the reload command reloads the entire module.

Recovering the SAMI

This section includes the following recovery procedures:

Recovering from a PPC Lockout

Recovering—Session Loss

Recovering—LCP ROMMON or an Unstable LCP Image

Recovering from a PPC Lockout

Occasionally, you might be unable to log into a SAMI PPC, either because of a configuration mistake, or because you have forgotten the password.

You can recover from this condition using the Break key during the boot process. This is the standard password recovery method supplied by the Cisco software running on the PPC. Additionally, because the SAMI PPC configuration files are stored on the supervisor, password recovery is also possible by modifying the configuration file of a PPC on supervisor.

Using Break to Recover from PPC Lockout

To recover from a lockout by sending the Break key, complete the following steps:


Step 1 

telnet> send break

Connects to the console and sends the Break key as the supervisor engine boots from ROMMON to Cisco application software.

Note Break is enabled for 60 seconds after boot up is initiated.

The ROMMON breaks out of the booting process and provides the ROMMON prompt.

Step 2 

rommon# confreg

Sets the config-register and forces the supervisor engine to produce a configuration dialog. This method assures that you do not see the existing configurations or passwords without knowing the password.

After the supervisor is up, use cut and paste or the tftp command to copy the configurations to the supervisor engine and then to NVRAM.

Step 3 

rommon# reset

Resets (or power cycles) to enable the new configuration to take effect.

The following example illustrates using a break to recover from a PPC lockout:

System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(20070512:064259) [BLD-bouncer.nightly 101], DEVELOPMENT 
Copyright (c) 1994-2007 by cisco Systems, Inc.
BOUNCER platform with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory
Self decompressing the image : ########################################################## 
telnet> send break
              Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
           cisco Systems, Inc.
           170 West Tasman Drive
           San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software, SAMI Software (SAMI-M), Version 12.4(nightly.2070512) NIGHTLY BUILD, 
synced to bouncer BOUNCER_NIGHTLY_061020
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 12-May-07 03:03 by userA
Image text-base: 0x400120D4, data-base: 0x40FCB5E0
hw_version is 3, 256 sectors, 32M flash used.
Initializing flashfs...
*** System received an abort due to Break Key ***
signal= 0x3, code= 0x500, context= 0x434b62f8
PC = 0x40cf5878, Vector = 0x500, SP = 0x43199ad4
rommon 1 > confreg 0x2142
You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
rommon 2 > reset

Modifying the Configuration File to Recover from a PPC Lockout

To recover from a PPC lockout by modifying the configuration file stored on the supervisor engine, complete the following steps:


Step 1 

Sup# dir bootflash:filename.cfg

Copies the configuration file from supervisor engine to a UNIX machine to edit it.

Step 2 

Sup# copy tftp:dir 

Copies the configuration file back to the supervisor engine after editing it.

Step 3 

Sup# hw-module module mod_num reset

Reloads the entire SAMI.

The following example illustrates modifying a configuration file to recover from a PPC lockout:

Sup# dir bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg
Directory of bootflash:/SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg
  151  -rw-      265291  May 13 2007 22:48:31 +00:00  SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg
65536000 bytes total (11841704 bytes free)
Sup# copy bootflash:/SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg 
Address or name of remote host []? 
Destination filename [auto/tftp-blx-users3/username/configs/SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg]? 
265291 bytes copied in 0.416 secs (637719 bytes/sec)
Sup# copy tftp:// 
Destination filename [SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg]? 
%Warning:There is a file already existing with this name 
Do you want to over write? [confirm]
Accessing tftp://
Loading auto/tftp-blx-users3/username/configs/SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg from (via 
Vlan10): !!
[OK - 265271 bytes]
265271 bytes copied in 1.308 secs (202807 bytes/sec)
sup# dir bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg                                           
Directory of bootflash:/SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg
  152  -rw-      265271  May 14 2007 02:41:03 +00:00  SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg
65536000 bytes total (11576304 bytes free)
Sup# hw-module module 1 reset 

Recovering—Session Loss

If the session between the supervisor engine and a SAMI PPC fails, you can use the following steps to try to recover the session and collect information that can be useful in determining the cause of the session loss.

When a session is lost, the following error message displays:

sami: No response from IOS processor x, resetting processor

To try to recover a PPC session and collect troubleshooting information, use the following command in privileged EXEC mode from the supervisor engine console:

Sup# hw-module module mod-num reset

Resets the SAMI by powering it down and up.

The following example illustrates powering down and resetting a SAMI in slot 5 of the router chassis:

Sup> enable
Sup# hw-module module 5 reset

Recovering—LCP ROMMON or an Unstable LCP Image

If the SAMI LCP (processor 0) is in ROMMON, the upgrade command from the supervisor is failing, or when there is not a usable image on the SAMI, you can use the following procedure to recover the SAMI.

If the output from the show module command issued from the supervisor indicates the SAMI status is "other," and the module is not coming out of this state, first verify that the LCP is in ROMMON by issuing the following commands from the supervisor:


Step 1 

Sup# remote login switch

Accesses the switch processor.

Step 2 

Sup-sp# svclc console sami_slot_num

Establishes a session with the LCP console if the LCP is in ROM-monitor state.

The following example illustrates accessing the switch processor:

Sup> remote login switch
Trying switch...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session

The following example illustrates establishing a session with an LCP console that is not in ROMMON. If the LCP is not in ROMMON, the LCP should be functioning properly and you can use the session slot command to access the LCP console.

Sup-sp# svclc console 3
processor 0 console
Card in slot 3 is not in ROMMON.

The following example illustrates establishing a session with an LCP console that is in ROMMON. If the LCP is in ROMMON, proceed to loading a SAMI using an image on the supervisor:

Sup-sp# svclc console 3
Entering svclc ROMMON of slot 3 ...
Type "end" to end the session.
processor 0 is in ROMMON.
rommon 2> end
processor 0 ROMMON tunneling session
End of tunneling command.
Supervisor RP processor

If an image uploaded to the LCP is failing, the following procedure can be used to recover the LCP by rebooting it from a stable image on the supervisor.

If an image uploaded to the SAMI using upgrade command is failing, or if the SAMI does not have a valid usable image, or to reboot a SAMI whose LCP in ROMMON, complete the following steps to reboot using a stable image loaded directly from supervisor engine.

To reboot an LCP using a stable image on the supervisor engine, complete the following steps:


Step 1 

Sup# boot device module slot_num 

Sets the boot variable for the SAMI LCP.

Step 2 

Sup# hw-module module slot_num boot eobc

Boots using the image downloaded through EOBC.

Step 3 

Sup# hw-module module slot_num reset

Resets the module by turning the power off and then on.

Step 4 

Sup# upgrade hw-module slot sami_slot_num 
software disk0:image_name

Copies the bundle from the specified URL to the compact flash on the SAMI in the specified slot and sets the initialization parameters.

Note This command is required to ensure that future reboots of the SAMI will automatically come up with the specified image.

The following example illustrates rebooting a SAMI in slot 3 using an image on the supervisor:

Sup> boot device module 3 disk0:c7svcsami-ipbase-mz.bouncer.070724.p1p3
Sup# hw-module module 3 boot eobc
Sup# hw-module module 3 reset:
Sup# upgrade hw-module slot sami_slot_num software disk0:image_name

To display the software image on the LCP, use the show version command in EXEC mode.

switch# show version 

Recovering—No Usable Image on the SAMI CF:

If the SAMI LCP (PPC 0) is in ROMMON, the upgrade command from the supervisor is failing, or when there is not a usable image on the SAMI, the following procedure can be used to recover the SAMI.

1. If the output from the show module command issued from the supervisor indicates the SAMI status is "other," and the module is not coming out of this state, first verify that the LCP is in ROMMON by issuing the following commands from the supervisor:

Sup# remote login switch
Trying switch...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session

The following example illustrates establishing a session with an LCP console that is not in ROMMON. If the LCP is not in ROMMON, the LCP should be functioning properly and you can use the session slot command to access the LCP console.

Sup-sp# svclc console 3
processor 0 console
Card in slot 3 is not in ROMMON.
The following example illustrates establishing a session with an LCP console that is 
in ROMMON. If the LCP is in ROMMON, proceed to loading a SAMI using an image on the 
Sup-sp# svclc console 3
Entering svclc ROMMON of slot 3 ...
Type "end" to end the session.
processor 0 is in ROMMON.
rommon 1> end
processor 0 ROMMON tunneling session
End of tunneling command.
Supervisor RP processor

2. To reboot an LCP using a stable image on the supervisor engine, complete the following steps:

The following example illustrates rebooting a SAMI in slot 3 using an image on the supervisor:

Sup(config)# boot device module 3
Sup# hw-module module 3 boot eobc
Sup# hw-module module 3 reset:
Sup# upgrade hw-module slot 3 software disk0:image_name 

Configuring, Exporting, and Importing RSA Keys on a SAMI PPC

Note The Configuring, Exporting, and Importing RSA Keys feature is supported only on the SAMI Cisco IOS PPCs.

The Configuration File Storage on Supervisor feature only stores the PPC startup configuration files. Crypto configurations, such as the RSA key generation for Secure Shell (SSH) is stored locally on nvram:private-config. Therefore, if a SAMI card that contains crypto configuration needs to be replaced, the crypto configuration must reapplied by either by manually reconfiguring it on the new card, or by exporting the crypto configuration to the supervisor and then importing the configuration onto the new card.

For information about the Configuration File Storage on Supervisor feature, see the "Enabling the Supervisor to Store PPC Startup Configuration Files" section.

The following steps configure, export, and import RSA keys on a SAMI PPC (PPC3):

Step 1 Complete the required configuration for SSH on the PPC.

Router(config)#hostname PPC3
PPC3(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/0.11
PPC3(config-if)#encapsulation dot1Q 11

Note If the interface doesn't support baby giant frames maximum MTU of the interface has to be reduced by 4 bytes on both sides of the connection to properly transmit or receive large packets. Please refer to Cisco IOS documentation on configuring IEEE 802.1Q VLANs.

PPC3(config-if)#ip address
PPC3(config-if)#no shut
PPC3(config)#ip ssh
PPC3(config)#ip ssh version 2
Please create RSA keys (of atleast 768 bits size) to enable SSH v2.
PPC3(config)#crypto key generate rsa  exportable label sshkeys ?
  encryption    Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
  general-keys  Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
  modulus       Provide number of modulus bits on the command line
  signature     Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
  storage       Store key on specified device
  usage-keys    Generate separate RSA key pairs for signing and encryption
PPC3(config)#crypto key generate rsa  exportable label sshkeys modulus 1024
The name for the keys will be: sshkeys
% The key modulus size is 1024 bits
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be exportable...[OK]
SAMI 1/3: *Mar  1 00:02:43.419: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 2.99 has been enabled
PPC3(config)#username username password 0 password
PPC3(config)#enable password 0 lab
PPC3(config)#aaa new-model

Step 2 Verify that SSH is enabled.

PPC3#show crypto key mypubkey rsa
% Key pair was generated at: 00:02:43 UTC Mar 1 2002
Key name: sshkeys
 Storage Device: private-config
 Usage: General Purpose Key
 Key is exportable.
 Key Data:
  30819F30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000381 8D003081 89028181 00A4B01C 
  6494169A 94419B29 5E99C04E FB7DD3D3 534F5FD5 E26CAB01 DF7F2582 C8763CAE 
  7DE3D94A 770CAE9A A1B73F1D 16CF283C 6C68C023 78B1DC3A BB7021A7 75ECD3A8 
  AE2F9591 1AF03D63 DE31A35C 8B41EB4C EAD3C1C9 528FD804 DF5032A6 A9EE53FF 
  87816716 9CC746D9 79597478 842BED0D CDE8F77A E1E0D535 ABD478B9 E5020301 0001
% Key pair was generated at: 00:00:03 UTC Mar 1 2002
Key name: sshkeys.server
Temporary key
 Usage: Encryption Key
 Key is not exportable.
 Key Data:
  307C300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00036B00 30680261 00C96B2B 768F0C3B 
  6810BFE7 9211CB43 7671E7A1 BC51C393 076FEF75 1ADE8114 03293B1A F2A1ECD0 
  F31AFC90 791342C0 3E9F3C1D AB5058B1 8B08698F AAF79D43 7469DDEB A1A1D3E8 
  33708E1B 0AA5F8D8 54364C8A E184A61C 203C2265 2C6FFA66 C3020301 0001
PPC3#show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version 2.99
Authentication timeout: 120 secs; Authentication retries: 3

Step 3 Save the configuration using the write memory command so that the startup configuration is stored on the supervisor, and the crypto configuration is stored on NVRAM.

PPC3#dir nvram:
Directory of nvram:/
  126  -rw-         580                    <no date>  startup-config
  127  ----           5                    <no date>  private-config
    1  -rw-           0                    <no date>  ifIndex-table
    2  ----           4                    <no date>  rf_cold_starts
131072 bytes total (128387 bytes free)
% Unknown command or computer name, or unable to find computer address
PPC3#write memory
Writing bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg !
Writing slavebootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg %rcp: slavebootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3.cfg: No such file 
or directory
%Error opening rcp://*****@ (Undefined error)
Building configuration...
SAMI 1/3: *Mar  1 00:08:46.151: %C6K_SAMI_CENTRALIZED_CONFIG-6-UPLD_SUCCESS: Success: 
config uploaded to supervisor bootflash:
SAMI 1/3: *Mar  1 00:08:46.175: %C6K_SAMI_CENTRALIZED_CONFIG-4-UPLD_FAILURE_STDBY: Failed 
to upload config to rcp://sami@ 
slavebootflash: is hosted on the standby supervisor engine. Failure to write to 
slavebootflash: or  slavebootdisk: may be safely ignored when there is no standby 
supervisor engine. Otherwise, this should be considered as an error, check for space on 
standby supervisor engine, squeeze standby supervisor engine's slavebootflash: if needed.
SAMI 1/3: *Mar  1 00:08:46.175: %C6K_SAMI_CENTRALIZED_CONFIG-6-UPLOAD_SUCCEEDED: config 
uploaded to 1 supervisor file system(s)
PPC3#dir nvram:
Directory of nvram:/
  126  -rw-         580                    <no date>  startup-config
  127  ----        1906                    <no date>  private-config
    1  -rw-           0                    <no date>  ifIndex-table
    2  ----           4                    <no date>  rf_cold_starts
131072 bytes total (126486 bytes free)

Step 4 Export the RSA keys to the supervisor using RCP:

PPC3(config)# crypto key export rsa sshkeys pem url 
rcp://sami@ 3des myrsakeys
% Key name: sshkeys
   Usage: General Purpose Key
Exporting public key...
Address or name of remote host []? 
Destination username [sami]? 
Destination filename []? 
% File '' already exists.
% Do you really want to overwrite it? [yes/no]: yes
Writing Writing file to 
Exporting private key...
Address or name of remote host []? 
Destination username [sami]? 
Destination filename [bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3PRIV.cfg.prv]? 
% File 'bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3PRIV.cfg.prv' already exists.
% Do you really want to overwrite it? [yes/no]: yes
Writing bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3PRIV.cfg.prv Writing file to 

Step 5 Replace the SAMI as necessary. Verify that the startup-config is restored and no crypto configurations are present:

PPC3#show crypto key mypubkey rsa

Step 6 Import the keys stored on supervisor:

PPC3(config)# crypto key import rsa sshkeys exportable url 
rcp://sami@ myrsakeys
% Importing public General Purpose key or certificate PEM file...
Address or name of remote host []? 
Source username [sami]? 
Source filename []? 
Reading file from rcp://sami@!
% Importing private General Purpose key PEM file...
Address or name of remote host []? 
Source username [sami]? 
Source filename [bootflash:SLOT1SAMIC3PRIV.cfg.prv]? 
Reading file from rcp://sami@!
% Key pair import succeeded.
SAMI 1/3: *Mar  1 00:06:42.323: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 2.99 has been enabled

Step 7 Verify that the crypto configurations have imported successfully:

PPC3#show crypto key mypubkey rsa 
% Key pair was generated at: 00:06:42 UTC Mar 1 2002
Key name: sshkeys
 Storage Device: not specified
 Usage: General Purpose Key
 Key is exportable.
 Key Data:
  30819F30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000381 8D003081 89028181 00A4B01C 
  6494169A 94419B29 5E99C04E FB7DD3D3 534F5FD5 E26CAB01 DF7F2582 C8763CAE 
  7DE3D94A 770CAE9A A1B73F1D 16CF283C 6C68C023 78B1DC3A BB7021A7 75ECD3A8 
  AE2F9591 1AF03D63 DE31A35C 8B41EB4C EAD3C1C9 528FD804 DF5032A6 A9EE53FF 
  87816716 9CC746D9 79597478 842BED0D CDE8F77A E1E0D535 ABD478B9 E5020301 0001
% Key pair was generated at: 00:06:42 UTC Mar 1 2002
Key name: sshkeys.server
Temporary key
 Usage: Encryption Key
 Key is not exportable.
 Key Data:
  307C300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00036B00 30680261 009D6B6B AF9B407C 
  A4C8CBAC 6F2E5BBF E724229B 17B607F8 069AA2C7 67DEB599 DD47D2C8 E6F29884 
  662ABF9D B871E087 9808E1CB BA361F44 439940BC 3D6129BA B6F0EB30 7747DF42 
  22DB2A11 DF26632E 54B36C0F 8205EF14 80B1ED6C BC3FFF81 81020301 0001
PPC3#show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version 2.99
Authentication timeout: 120 secs; Authentication retries: 3

Step 8 Verify SSH:

7600#ssh -v 2 -l <username>

Establishing a Console Connection on the SAMI

You can establish a direct serial connection between your terminal and the SAMI LCP by making a serial connection to the console port on the front of the SAMI. The console port is an asynchronous RS-232 serial port with an RJ-45 connector. Any device connected to this port must be capable of asynchronous transmission. Connection requires a terminal configured as 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.

After connected, use any terminal communications application to establish a session with a SAMI PPC. A connection to a SAMI PPC requires that the PPC be configured to be accessible from the console port using the console-select db1 or console-select db2 command. For information on the console-select commands, see the "SAMI LCP Commands" section.

The following procedure uses HyperTerminal for Windows to establish a session with the SAMI:

1. Launch HyperTerminal. The Connection Description window appears.

2. In the Name field, enter a name for your session.

3. Click OK. The Connect To window appears.

4. From the drop-down list, choose the COM port to which the device is connected.

5. Click OK. The Port Properties window appears.

6. Set the port properties:

Baud Rate = 9600

Data Bits = 8

Flow Control = none

Parity = none

Stop Bits = 1

7. To connect, click OK.

8. To access the CLI prompt, press Enter.

switch login: 

After a session is established, choose Save As from the File menu to save the connection description. Saving the connection description has the following two advantages:

The next time you launch HyperTerminal, the session is listed as an option under Start > Programs > Accessories > HyperTerminal > Name_of_session. This option lets you reach the CLI prompt directly without going through the configuration steps.

You can connect your cable to a different device without configuring a new HyperTerminal session. If you use this option, make sure that you connect to the same port on the new device as was configured in the saved HyperTerminal session. Otherwise, a blank window appears without a prompt.

Configuring Health Monitoring

The following sections discuss the two types of health monitoring on the Cisco SAMI:

PPC Health Monitoring

LCP Health Monitoring

PPC Health Monitoring

Note By default, health monitoring is enabled on SAMI COSLI PPCs. Therefore, to use the Health Monitoring feature, no configuration tasks are required on the SAMI COSLI PPC.

PPC health monitoring is configured on the SAMI PPCs. When configured, the PPC monitors the health of a path by sending probes to a destination and waiting for a response. If the PPC does not receive a response to a probe that it has sent, it determines that the path is not healthy and sends a notification to the SAMI LCP, which then initiates a module reload.

The PPC uses the following two categories to identify the health of a path:

Passed—The PPC receives a valid response to a probe that it has sent.

Failed—The PPC does not receive a valid response to a probe or is unable to reach a destination for a specified number of retries.

To enable health monitoring on the Cisco IOS PPC, complete the following steps:


Step 1 

Sup# session slot slot_number 
processor proc_number

Establishes a session to a PPC on the SAMI, where:

slot_number—Number of the slot in which the SAMI is installed.

proc_number—Number of the PPC on the SAMI. Valid values are 3 through 8.

One session per processor can be established.

Step 2 

Router> enable

Enters privilege EXEC mode.

Step 1 

Router# sami 
health-monitoring {ixp1 | 

Enables health monitoring on the paths between the PPC and IXP1 and IXP2 (future).

By default, health monitoring is enabled for IXP1 and disabled for IXP2.

Step 2 

Router# sami 
health-monitoring probe 
ip-address [interval seconds] 
[retries number]

Enables health monitoring on all of the paths between the PPC and the supervisor, where:

ip-address—Destination IP address on the supervisor. The IP address must be in the global vrf table and a suitable local ip address will be used to reach the remote probe address on supervisor

interval seconds—Interval, in seconds, between probes. A valid value is a number between 1 and 600.

retries number—Number of times a probe can be resent before it is marked as failed. A valid value is a number between 10 and 100.

Step 3 

Router# sami 
health-monitoring {ixp1 | 
ixp2 | probe} reset 

Configures the module to be reset when a path has failed, where:

ixp1—Resets the module if a check to IXP1 fails.

ixp2—Resets the module if a check to IXP2 fails (future).

probe—Resets the module if a check to the supervisor fails.

To display health monitoring status and counters on a Cisco IOS PPC, use the following command in privilege EXEC mode:


Step 1 

Router# show sami 

Displays health monitoring status and counters for the path to IXP1, IXP2 (future), and the supervisor.

For example:

To enable a Cisco IOS PPC, hostname "PPC4" to monitor the health of the path to IXP1, monitor the health of the path to the supervisor, and to reset the module if the sanity check to the supervisor module fails, enter the following commands:

PPC4# sami health-monitoring ixp1
PPC4# sami health-monitoring probe ip-address [interval seconds] [retries number]
PPC4# sami health-monitoring probe reset 

To show health monitoring-related counters and status, enter the following command:

PPC4#show sami health-monitoring
0/0 Missed/Rcvd consecutive responses
0/0 Missed/Rcvd cumulative responses
0 Failed to send
0/0 Missed/Rcvd consecutive responses
0/0 Missed/Rcvd cumulative responses
0 Failed to send
0/0 Missed/Rcvd consecutive responses
10/8 Missed/Rcvd cumulative responses
40 Failed to send

When you view the show sami health-monitoring command output, note that:

IXP1, IXP2, ICMP PROBE status can be one of the following:

- PROBING—Health monitoring is enabled, no responses received or failed to send a message   on previous resend expiration.

- ACTIVE—Response to probe received from peer.

- FAILED—No response received. Communication failed with peer.

- DISABLED—Health monitoring is disabled.

Missed consecutive responses—Indicates the consecutive number of responses missed. This counter starts at 0 and is incremented each time a response is missed until timeout expiry. This counter is reset each time a response is received or if the PPC fails to send a message.

Rcvd consecutive responses—Indicates the consecutive number of messages sent. This counter starts at 0 and is incremented each time a valid response is received. It is reset each time a response is missed until timeout expiry or if the PPC fails to send a message.

Missed/Rcvd cumulative responses—Free running counter of total responses missed or received until timeout expiry.

Failed to send counter—Incremented each time a message cannot be sent upon resend timer expiration and if the health monitoring is administratively enabled. This can happen due to no IO memory, no suitable local IP address, and so on.

LCP Health Monitoring

LCP health monitoring is not configurable. It is a default function performed on the LCP.

When a PPC fails, LCP health monitoring either reloads the PPC or the entire SAMI depending on the application running on the SAMI PPCs. For example, if the Cisco Content Services Gateway - 2nd Generation (CSG2) application is running on the SAMI PPCs, the LCP reloads the entire module if a PPC fails. If a mobile wireless gateway such as the Cisco Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) is running on the SAMI PPCs, the LCP reloads only the PPC that is failing.

Additionally, when a PPC has not booted for a specific amount of time (the default is 15 minutes), LCP health monitoring reloads that PPC (or the entire module if running the Cisco CSG2 application). If a PPC never comes up, the LCP notes that the PPC does not come up, and upon the next reload of the LCP, if another PPC never comes up, the LCP increments a safe counter. When the safe counter reaches 3, the LCP will not start the PPCs and enters safe mode. When the SAMI enters safe mode, a message displays that indicates the SAMI is running in safe mode. When in safe mode, you can perform debugging.

When the LCP enters safe mode, it resets the safe counter to zero so that on next reboot, the SAMI PPCs will boot as normal.

Monitoring the SAMI

Use the following list of show commands to monitor the SAMI.

For a description of these commands, their keywords and variables, see "Using the Command-Line Interfaces."

Monitoring a SAMI from the Supervisor Console

The following privilege EXEC commands can be used to monitor SAMI activity from the supervisor engine console:


clear sami module

Clears SAMI traffic counters.

show inventory

Displays the product inventory list of all Cisco products that are installed in a networking device.

show logging slot

Displays logging status and counters for all processors on a SAMI using RCAL.

show logging summary

Displays logging status and counters for all processors on all SAMIs in a chassis using RCAL.

show login timeout

Displays the login session idle timeout value.

show module

Displays module status and information.

show sami module

Displays traffic counters for a SAMI.

show svclc module

Displays all VLAN groups associated with a module.

show svclc vlan-group

Displays the group configuration for the SAMI and the associated VLANs.

show upgrade software progress

Displays information about the progress of software upgrades.

Monitoring the SAMI from the LCP Console

The following privilege EXEC commands can be used to monitor SAMI activity from the SAMI LCP console:


show cde health

Displays the CDE health.

show cde stats {cumulative | delta}

Displays either cumulative CDE counters or the delta counters from previous invocation of the show cde stats command.

show cde vlan vlan_id

Provides VLAN mapping for the specified VLAN ID. This is either IXP0 or CP. CP indicates LCP.

show daughtercard registers

Displays the field programmable gate array (FPGA) or complex programmable logic device (CPLD) registers for a daughter card on the SAMI.

show daughtercard statistics

Displays the field programmable gate array (Kabob) statistics for one of the daughter cards on the SAMI.

show login timeout

Displays the login session idle timeout value.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration information.

show startup-config

Displays information about the startup configuration.

show tech-support

Displays information that is useful to technical support when reporting a problem.

show version

Displays information about the currently loaded software version along with hardware and device information.

Monitoring SAMI from the Cisco IOS PPC Console

The following privilege EXEC commands can be used to monitor SAMI activity from a SAMI Cisco IOS PPC console:


show platform

Displays platform information.

show sami health monitoring

Displays health monitoring status and counters for the paths to the IXP1, IXP2 (future), and the supervisor.

show sami info

Displays information about the startup configuration.

show sami ipcp ipc

Display counters specific to IPCP interprocessor communication (IPC) for the IXP or PPCs.

show sami ipcp statistics

Displays the counters for IPCP packet counters processed to and from IPCP peers.

Monitoring SAMI from the COSLI PPC Console

The following privilege EXEC commands can be used to monitor SAMI activity from a SAMI COSLI PPC console:


show arp

Displays the current active IP address-to-MAC address mapping in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, statistics, or inspection or timeout configuration.

show buffer

Displays the contents of the trace buffer.

show bufferlist

Displays the names of all trace buffers.

show clock

Displays the current date and time settings of the system clock.

show copyright

Displays the software copyright information for the PPC.

show crashinfo

Displays the contents of the crash file stored in Flash memory.

show debug

Displays debug flags.

show eventlog

Displays the event log.

show gfastats

Displays the current gianfar Ethernet driver traffic counters.

show hosts

Displays the hosts on a PPC.

show icmp statistics

Displays the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) statistics.

show interface

Displays interface information.

show ip interface brief

Displays a brief configuration and status summary of all interfaces or a specified VLAN.

show ip interface vlan

Displays a configuration and status summary of a specified VLAN.

show ixpstats

Displays the contents of the IXP stastistics file.

show logging

Displays the current syslog configuration and syslog messages.

show processes

Displays general information about all of the processes running on the PPC.

show running-config

Displays the running configuration of a PPC.

show snmp

Displays the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) statistics and configured SNMP information.

show startup-config

Displays the startup configuration of a PPC.

show system

Displays the system information of a PPC.

show tcp statistics

Displays Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) statistics.

show tech-support

Displays information that is useful to technical support when reporting a problem with your PPC.

show telnet

Displays information about the Telnet session

show terminal

Displays the console terminal settings.

show udp statistics

Display UDP statistics.

show version

Displays the version information of system software that is loaded in flash memory and currently running on the PPC.

show vlans

Displays the VLANs on the PPC downloaded from the supervisor engine.