Deployment Workflow

Day 0 - Deploying IoT Orchestrator Application on Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller

Deploying IoT Orchestrator Application on Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller

Before you begin

Download IoT Orchestrator and save it on your system where you will login to the Controller Web UI.


Step 1

Log in to the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller Web UI.

Step 2

Navigate to Configuration > Services > IoT Services.

Step 3

Enter the IP address.



The IP addresses must be unique and different from the other IP addresses configured in Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller. If you configure an IP address that overlaps with other interfaces, you will get an error message.

Step 4

Enter the subnet mask.



The minimum size of the mask is /30 that allows two valid hosts (IoT Orchestrator and VirtualPortGroup Interface of Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller).

Step 5

Enter the default gateway IP address.



The default gateway IP address is the IP address of the VirtualPortGroup interface in Cisco Catalyst 9800 Controller.

Step 6

In the Image File Path field, click Select File to select the IoT Orchestrator image and click Open.



You must have the IoT Orchestrator image downloaded on your local machine.

Step 7

Click Enable IoT Services to upload the image from your machine to the Cisco Catalyst 9800 controller.

You get to view a banner that displays the following status:

  • Installing

  • Activating

  • Starting

  • Running



It might take few minutes to complete from Installation to Running.


  • When the status moves from Installing to Activating, this implies that the application is installed by the Cisco IOS-XE infrastructure.

  • When the status moves from Activating to Starting, this implies that the application is getting started by the Cisco IOS-XE infrastructure.

  • When the status moves from Starting to Running, this implies that the application is in Running state.

Thus, the IoT Orchestrator image is uploaded from your device to the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller.

Once the IoT Orchestrator application deployment is successful, you get to view the application name (IoT Orchestrator by default) and IP address of the application.



The Cisco IOS-XE application framework is used to deploy and start the containers. The application now runs as an IOx container in the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller.

Upgrading an Existing IOT Orchestrator

You will be able to upgrade an existing IoT Orchestrator to a newer version when the application status is Running or Stopped.

From the More Actions drop-down list on the right-hand side of the Configuration > Services > IoT Services page, perform the following:

  1. Choose Upgrade.

    A pop-up window is displayed stating if you want to upgrade the IoT Orchestrator or not.

  2. Click Yes.

  3. In the Image File Path field, click Select File to select the IoT Orchestrator image and click Open.

  4. Click Upgrade IoT Services.

    The upgrade workflow starts. The status moves from Uploading image, triggering application upgrade, stopping, deactivating, deleting, and the new application deployment takes place with status as installing, activating, and starting.


    If the upgrade workflow fails, the upgrade rolls back to the previous image or the system is cleaned.

High Availability

Restarting IoT Orchestrator Application

When you restart (stop or start) the IoT Orchestrator application, all databases restart except the BLE location repository. The BLE connections available before the restart are lost and the connections are re-established by the application. Once the IoT Orchestrator application restarts, the APs re-establish the gRPC connection to the IoT Orchestrator application.

Upgrading IoT Orchestrator Application

When you upgrade the IoT Orchestrator application, all databases upgrade except the BLE location repository. The BLE connections available before the upgrade are lost and the connections are re-established by the application. Once the IoT Orchestrator application upgrades, the APs re-establish the gRPC connection to the IoT Orchestrator application. For more information, see Upgrading an existing IOT Orchestrator.

Reloading Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller

When you restart the IoT Orchestrator application and Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controllers are reloaded, all the databases will be persisted across the controller reload workflow. The BLE connections available before the upgrade are lost and the connections are re- established by the application. Once the Controller reloads, the APs re-establish the gRPC connection to the IoT Orchestrator application.

Launching IoT Orchestrator Application

Before you begin
  • Ensure that the IoT Orchestrator status is in Running state.


On the Configuration > Services > IoT Services page, click Launch IoT Orchestrator.

The IoT Orchestrator login page is displayed.

You get to view a new tab with the IP address of the application provided in Deploying IoT Orchestrator Application on Wireless Controller section.


When you click Launch IoT Orchestrator, a new tab opens up which might take upto a minute to be up and running. If the IoT Orchestrator login page does not load, you will need to check the reachability of your PC or laptop to the IoT Orchestrator IP.

Reviewing Licensing Details to Use IoT Orchestrator


Step 1

Read the terms and conditions.

Step 2

Click I Accept.

The Day 0 WebUI wizard for IoT Orchestrator application is displayed.

Day 0 WebUI Wizard for IoT Orchestrator Application


Step 1

Enter admin for username and password for password.

Step 2

Click Log In.

Once you login with the default credentials, you get a pop-up to change the username and password.

Changing your Username and Password


Step 1

Enter the username.

Step 2

Enter the password.

Step 3

Enter the same password again to confirm.


  • The password must be minimum 8 characters and maximum 64 characters.

  • The password supports all special characters including blank space.

  • The password must be unique and not contain any repetitive, sequential, content-specific, and service-specific terms.

    The following are the content and service-specific terms:

    • cisco

    • 9800 controller

    • ewlc

    • iot orchestrator

    • password

    • service

    • secure

    • key

    • network

  • The password must include at least one alphabetic character.

Step 4

Click change your credentials.

You get a pop-up that says User Saved Successfully.

Step 5

Click Ok.



You need to enter the changed credentials to login to the controller.

The IoT Orchestrator dashboard page is displayed.



If you do not remember your admin credentials, you will need to trigger a Day 0 deployment (delete and redeploy the application).

Day 1 - Configuring IoT Orchestrator Application

Pushing Token and Certificate from IoT Orchestrator to Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller

Before you begin

In the IoT Orchestrator dashboard, choose the Administrator > 9800 Wireless Controller configuration page and perform the following:


Step 1

Enter the controller username.

Step 2

Enter the controller IP address.



The Wireless Management Interface of the controller is used as the IP address.

Step 3

Enter the controller login password.

Step 4

Enter the controller enable password.

Step 5

Click Submit to push the token and certificate to the controller.

The controller is now configured with a token and certificate required for APs to connect to the IoT Orchestrator.

Step 6

A pop-up window is displayed stating the following:

The connection establishment with the controller is successful.

Step 7

Click Ok.



To verify if all the APs connected to the controller are connected to the IoT Orchestrator, check the Inventory > Access Points page.

Uploading Certificate and Key to Open HTTP Server and Listen for APIs

Before you begin

By default, the IoT Orchestrator has the HTTP port opened and APIs are authenticated using the API keys.

To overwrite the default certificates, perform the following:


Step 1

Choose the Administrator > Certificate Management page. To generate certificates, see Creating a Server Certificate section.

Step 2

In the Server Identity section, select the private and public keys. To authenticate RESTful APIs using API keys, skip Step 3 and Step 4.

Step 3

Select the Auth using Certificates check box to authenticate REST APIs with certificates.

Step 4

In the Client Identity section, select the certificate.

Step 5

Click Submit to validate the certificate and key.

A pop-up is displayed stating that the HTTPS server is created.

Creating a Server Certificate

Before you begin

  • The openssl must be available in the terminal.

To create a server certificate, perform the following:


Step 1

Generate a private key and create a self-signed Root Certificate Authority (CA) by executing the following commands:

openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out rootCA.crt

Step 2

Generate a private key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for server by executing the following commands:

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

Step 3

Sign the server CSR with the root CA certificate to generate a server certificate using the following command:

openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 365 -sha256

Step 4

Upload the server.key and server.crt files in the IoT Orchestrator GUI.



The following six files are generated when you create a server certificate:

  • rootCA.key

  • rootCA.crt

  • server.key

  • server.csr


  • server.crt

If you want to authenticate RESTful APIs using APIKeys, you must attach the server.key and server.crt in Add your private key and Add your public key sections respectively.

If you want to authenticate RESTful APIs using certificates, you must attach the server.key, server.crt, and rootCA.crt in Add your private key, Add your public key, and Add your trustroot (Under Client Identity) sections respectively.


  • The file extension for private key must be .key.

  • The file extension for public key must be .crt.

Registering Partner Application to Interact with the IoT Orchestrator Application

Before you begin

You need to register the partner applications (such as onboard application, control application, and data receiver application) to authorize and interact with the IoT Orchestrator.

You can register the partner applications using one of the following ways:

How do you authorize:

You can authorize the applications by generating keys.


Step 1

Choose the Administrator > App Registration > Generate Keys.

Step 2

Enter the application IDs for the onboard application, control application, and data receiver application.



The application IDs are used to generate keys.

Step 3

Click Submit.

The keys are generated successfully.



To view the keys or certificates generated for the applications, choose the Administrator > App Registration > Show Registered Apps.

Configuring Access Point BLE Transmission and Scanning

Transmit Configuration


Step 1

Log in to the IoT Orchestrator Web UI.

Step 2

Choose Configuration > Transmit Configuration.

Step 3

Click Add.

The configuration window pops-up.

Step 4

Choose one of the following transmission methods:

  • iBeacon

  • ED url

  • ED uid

  • No Advertisement

Step 5

Enter a name and required values for the transmit configuration.

Step 6

Click Save Config.

A success message is displayed.

Step 7

Click Ok.

The value gets added to the transmit configuration list.

Scan Configuration


Step 1

Log in to the IoT Orchestrator Web UI.

Step 2

Choose Configuration > Scan Configuration.

Step 3

Click Add.

The configuration window pops-up.

Step 4

Enter a name and required values for the scan configuration.

Step 5

Click Save Config.

A success message is displayed.

Step 6

Click Ok.

The value gets added to the scan configuration list.

Applying BLE Configuration to Access Point using GUI

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the BLE scanning is enabled by default in all APs.


Step 1

Log in to the IoT Orchestrator Web UI.

Step 2

Click AP Inventory to view the list of APs.

Step 3

Select an AP MAC or AP Name and click Configure.


Step 4

Select multiple APs using the checkbox and click Configure.

The BLE Config window pops-up.

Step 5

Click Transmit Config and select the saved configurations from the list.

Step 6

Click Set Config.

The Transmit Config is configured successfully.

Step 7

Click Ok.

Step 8

Click Scan Config and select the saved configurations from the list.

Step 9

Click Set Config.

The Scan Config is configured successfully.

Step 10

Click Ok.

Step 11

Select On or Off from the IoT Radio button.

Step 12

Click Set to apply the desired IoT Radio state.

The IoT Radio is configured successfully with the status displayed.

Step 13

Click Ok.

Onboarding IoT or BLE Devices

Use REST APIs to read data from the BLE device, write data on the BLE device, disconnect the BLE device.

For more information, see the Cisco Spaces Connect for IoT Services Programmability Guide.


Based on the BLE device operations, you will be able to view the current state of the device from the Inventory > BLE Client page:

Table 1. Device State

Device State




BLE Connection and Subscription

Before you begin

BLE connection and subscription is required for IoT Orchestrator to send the streaming data to the Partner application.

In the IoT Orchestrator dashboard, perform the following:


Step 1

Choose the Topic Subscription > Device Topics page to register the topic with the required BLE devices.



Topics are used to map the BLE devices to their respective user or group of interest.

Step 2

Choose the Topic Subscription > Data App Topics page to register the Data App to the Topic Data of interest.

Step 3

Choose the Serviceability page and select notifications.

Step 4

Click Submit to view notifications from the BLE device.

Day 2 - Monitoring and Troubleshooting the IoT Orchestrator


Before you begin

In the IoT Orchestrator dashboard, perform the following:


Step 1

Choose KPI > Orchestrator to view the important metrics related to IoT application.

The Orchestrator Metrics page is displayed.

Step 2

Navigate through the different metrics in the left-hand navigation column.

Step 3

Choose KPI > Access Points to view the metrics related to AP and BLE processes.

Step 4

From the AP Metrics and BLE Metrics area, select an AP or BLE device.

Step 5

Click Submit.


Before you begin

You get to view three types of logs:

  • Logs of the IoT Orchestrator application.

  • AP logs from the IoT Orchestrator application.

  • Radio active logs for a specific BLE device.

In the IoT Orchestrator dashboard, perform the following:


Step 1

Choose Serviceability > Orchestrator Logs to view the logs of the IoT Orchestrator application.

The Orchestrator Logs page is displayed.



Live Logs

Click Live Logs to view the live log details in a new page. You can perform the following actions:

  • Clear: Click Clear to clear the console.

  • Download: Click Download to get a copy of the live logs.

  • Stop: Click Stop to halt the live log.


Enter the number of latest offline logs to display and click View.


Enter the number of latest offline logs to display and click Clear.


Click Refresh to refresh the page.


Click Download to download the latest offline logs.

Download all

Click Download all to download all the logs.

Step 2

Choose Serviceability > Access Point Logs to view AP logs.

The AP Logs page is displayed.

  1. From the Connected AP’s area, search for the AP or choose the AP.

  2. Click Get Logs to get all the logs (or) click Set Log Level to view logs based on the log level.



    You can select one of the following log levels and click Confirm:

    • ERROR

    • WARN

    • INFO

    • DEBUG

  3. From the Saved Logs area, search the AP and click Show Logs, Download, or Download all to view logs, download a specific AP log, or download all logs related to an AP.

Step 3

Choose Serviceability > Radio Active Logs to view BLE Device related logs.

The Radio Active Logs page is displayed.

  1. From the Available BLE’s area, search for the BLE.

  2. Click Add to view the logs for that device.


    • You need to onboard the BLE devices to view logs.

    • When devices are onboarded in the Radio Active Logs page and when you click Action as Start, the logs are captured in the IoT Orchestrator. You get to download and view the logs. This is applicable for 5 BLE devices at the same time.