




If the IoT Orchestrator application deployment fails in C9800-CL Wireless Controller.

Verify, if the C9800-CL is provisioned using the App Heavy template for installing and running the IoT Orchestrator application.

If not, you need to deploy a new virtual machine using the App Heavy template to run the IoT Orchestrator application.

Once the VM is provisioned using the correct template, use the following command to verify the details:

Device# show platform software cpu alloc
CPU alloc information:
Control plane cpu aIflloc: 0-7
Data plane cpu alloc: 14-15
Service plane cpu alloc: 8-13
Platform plane cpu alloc: 0-7
Slow control plane cpu alloc:
Template used: CLI-app_heavy 

If the template used is not APP Heavy, use the following commands:

Device(config)# platform resource app-heavy
Device(config)# end
Device# write memory
Device# reload

If the Cisco Wireless AP does not show up as Connected in the AP Inventory page in IoT Orchestrator application.

Verify, if the Configure 9800 WLC displays as Success.

If not, see the Day 0 - Deploying IoT Orchestrator Application on Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller section in Cisco Spaces Connect for IoT Services Configuration Guide, Release 1.0.0.

Verify, if the Cisco Wireless AP is connected to the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller in the IoT Orchestrator running as an IOx application.

Verify, the network reachability from the Cisco Wireless AP to the IoT Orchestrator application IP address.

If the API call is rejected by the IoT Orchestrator when the on-premise application is registered using the API key.

Verify, if the application issuing the API call is registered in the IoT Orchestrator application.

For applications with API key-based registration, you will need to verify:

  • If the application issuing the API call has the application name registered in the IoT Orchestrator.

  • If the IoT Orchestrator application uses the same API key when registering the application.

If the API call is rejected by the IoT Orchestrator when the on-premise application is registered using the certificate name.

Verify, if the application issuing the API call is registered in the IoT Orchestrator application.

For applications with Certificate-based registration, you will need to verify:

  • If the application issuing the API call has the application name registered in the IoT Orchestrator.

  • If the IoT Orchestrator application uses the same certificate whose canonical name is registered.

If the Connect API call is rejected with the “Control app is not authorized” message.

Verify, if the control application issuing the connect API call for a specific BLE device is specified in the "deviceControlUrl" field of the "endpoints" section in the Onboarding API request for that device.

If the IoT Orchestrator application is unable to connect to the BLE device.

Verify, if the BLE device can connect and send out BLE advertisements.

If the BLE device does not need pairing, you will need to check, if the onboarded device used the pairing method as “PairingNull”.

If the BLE device needs pairing, you will need to check, if the onboarded device used the pairing method as “PairingJustWorks”.

If the MQTT receiver in the application does not receive streaming data from the IoT Orchestrator.

Verify, if the data application is registered using the control application.

Verify, if the topic is registered for the data of interest using the control application.

Verify, if the subscription for the topic is done using the control application.

How to determine the real-time logs from the IoT Orchestrator application.

Refer to the Logs section in Cisco Spaces Connect for IoT Services Configuration Guide, Release 1.0.0.

How can I capture the logs from the Cisco Wireless AP that are connected to the IoT Orchestrator application.

How can I capture the logs for a specific BLE device from the IoT Orchestrator application and Cisco Wireless AP.