
App Users

From the left-navigation pane of the Proximity Reporting app, click User Management and choose App Users to see the list of users defined within the Proximity Reporting app dashboard. These users may have either admininstrator access or read-only access to the Proximity Reporting app.

Creating App Users

The following procedure shows you how an app user or an administrator can add a person as an app user from within the Cisco Spaces: Proximity Reporting app and provide administrative or read-only access to them.


Step 1

From the left-navigation pane of Cisco Spaces: Proximity Reporting app, click User Management and choose App Users.

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

In the Email field, enter the email address of the person you want to add as an app user.

Step 4

From the Role drop-down menu, choose one of the following:

  • ROUser: App user has read-only access.

  • Admin: App user has administrative access.

An email invitation is sent to the person. Once accepted, the person is added as an app user.

Modifying Users and User Roles

Administrators cannot modify the personal details of an app user from the Administrators tab. An administrator can only modify user roles from the App users tab.

An app user cannot modify their own personal details from the App Users tab.