OAuth2 Client Authorization Support to NRF

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data

Applicable Products or Functional Area


Applicable Platforms


Feature Default Setting

Disabled – Configuration required to enable

Related Documentation

Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 2. Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced.


Feature Description

This feature describes the authorization controls that are required for implementing all the network functions. The OAuth2 client authorization to NRF supports requesting AccessToken to NRF and validating AccessToken in the incoming requests.

All the network functions in the 5G core interact with each other using REST APIs. All these APIs are accessed without any authorization. These interactions between multiple network functions are processed without any access control mechanism. As per 3GPP standards, OAuth2 standards must be implemented for all the network functions to secure the access of REST APIs between these network functions.

As a mandatory security measure and as an upgraded requirement to protect the network function accessibility, the REST APIs are now accessed with an enhanced authorization mechanism. using OAuth2 standards.


The network function of AMF can take two different roles, as the following:

  • NF Producer: When a peer NF tries to access some of the service at AMF, it acts as NF producer.

    For more information, see AMF as NF Producer.

  • NF Consumer: When AMF as a client invokes a service at a peer NF, it acts as NF consumer.

    For more information, see AMF as NF Consumer.

AMF as NF Producer

The AMF as an NF producer provides multiple services to the peer NFs. The following scenarios are processed for a successful communication to be established:

  • The AMF must get registered with the NRF for a successful communication.

  • Based on the configuration, the AMF Rest-EP must send the oauth2Required field set in the NF Service profile in the NF registration toward the NRF.

  • The signing algorithm used to encrypt the token at the NRF must be configured using access-token-jws-algo . Currently, the following three algorithms are supported:

    • HS256—Where the shared secret key is provided at AMF.

    • RS256—Where private or public key is provided depending on the configuration at NRF.

    • ES256—Where private or public key is provided depending on the configuration at NRF.

  • The AMF token validation is done by using a shared secret key or public key. It can be configured using access-token-jws-key .

How it Works

This section describes how this role works.

The AMF supports AccessToken validation in the incoming request. It is processed as in the following procedures:

  • If an OAuth2 token is present in an incoming request from an NF consumer (such as SMF, UDM, peer AMF, and others), the AMF as an NF producer validates the token that is received in the incoming request.

  • The signing algorithm used to encrypt the token at NRF can be accessed from access-token-jws-algo , and the respective shared secret key or public key can be accessed using access-token-jws-key .

  • The AMF rejects an API request without the AccessToken or an API request with an invalid AccessToken. It returns the status code 401 together with the www-authenticate header, with an error note as invalid_token .

  • The AMF rejects an API request with an AccessToken validation token, for not having the required scopes to invoke the service operation. It returns the status code 403 together with the www-authenticate header, with an error note as insufficient_scope .


This feature has the following limitations:

  • The AMF does not support the CLI changes for the NF-producer over the fly. They must be configured before the pod start-up.

  • The AMF does not support the NSSF selection through NRF discovery and the access token will not be sent for NSSF.

Feature Configuration

To configure this feature, use the following configuration:


This configuration must be enabled in amf-services to register the AMF with NRF for the enablement of OAuth2 client authorization.

amf-services service_name 
    amf-name amf_name 
    locality locality_name 
    access-token-jws-algo { HS256 | ES256 | RS256 } 
    access-token-jws-key { shared_secret_key | public_key } 


  • amf-services service_name —Specify the name of the AMF service.

  • amf-name amf_name —Specify the name of AMF.

  • locality locality_name —Specify a name for the locality.

  • oauth2-enabled —Enable the OAuth2 client authorization to register the AMF with NRF. The default value is false.

  • access-token-jws-algo { HS256 | ES256 | RS256 } —Specify the type of the access token for the JWS Algorithm authorization.

  • access-token-jws-key { shared_secret_key | public_key } —Specify the type of the access token for the JWS Key authorization.


When the OAuth2-enabled feature is configured, the options access-token-jws-algo and access-token-jws-key are mandatory.

Configuration Example

The following is an example configuration.

amf-services am1
 amf-name    amf1
 validate-Tais    false
 locality    LOC1
 access-token-jws-algo    { HS256 }
 access-token-jws-key    { public key }
 operator-policy-name    pem-file
 guamis mcc 123 mnc 456 region-id 1 set-id 14 pointer 3
 tai-groups test1

Configuration Verification

To verify the configuration:

show running-config amf-service am1

AMF as NF Consumer

The AMF as an NF consumer uses multiple services offered by the peer NFs.

The following scenarios are processed for a successful communication to be established:

  • The AMF as a consumer looking for OAuth2-enabled profiles from NRF, must enable the AccessToken that is required in each profile nf-client nf-type configuration.

  • The AMF as a consumer communicates with any of the applicable nf-types , such as AMF, PCF, UDM, AUSF, SMF, and SMSF.

  • The AMF as a consumer sends the Nnrf_AccessToken request to the NRF server based on the nf-client configuration.

  • The AMF as a consumer sends a request with an AccessToken to nf-producer . If it gets rejected due to the AccessToken validation failure, then the AMF failure handling template (FHT) handles those responses appropriately.

How it Works

This section describes how this role works. The AMF supports OAuth2 client authorization to NRF. This process gets executed with the following procedures:

  • Only when the nf-client profile gets configured with OAuth2-Enabled , where the value gets set as true for a nf-type , the AMF considers those profiles with OAuth2-Enabled as true value.

  • The AMF internally sends the AccessToken request to the NRF server, stores the received token in the cache. The same token gets reused until it expires.

  • When the profile gets selected and the token also received, the application includes the AccessToken in the Authorization header in the request toward NF producer.

  • If the nf-client profile doesn't get configured, that's when OAuth2 gets disabled on the consumer side. The AMF ignores those profiles with the oauth2Required and selects the producer among the rest of the profiles received in the discovery response.

  • For AMF to send an AccessToken request to NRF, endpoints must get configured in the CLI for service type OAuth2 and the same must be set in the profile nf-pair for each type, wherever OAuth2 already enabled.

  • When the OAuth2-Enabled gets set as true in the CLI and none of the discovered profiles from NRF has oauth2Required , then no profiles from the discovery get selected. It then reverts to the locally configured profiles. The AccessToken requests not sent as a locally configured profile, as it gets assumed as a base for the local trust policy. The NRF has no information about this development.

  • When the OAuth2-Enabled gets set to false status in the CLI and all the discovered profiles get oauth2Required enabled, then none of these profiles in the discovery get selected. It then reverts to the locally configured profiles. If none of these profiles get configured locally, then the call fails.

  • During the traffic running with the OAuth feature enabled, minimal numbers of 401-Unauthorized errors could be seen on the AMF side. To mitigate this risk, you can configure the failure handling template for all the possible causes (such as 401 error codes) to avoid any failed scenario of an end-to-end call.

Feature Configuration

To configure this feature, use the following configuration:

The following configuration is enabled only when the AMF sends the Nnrf_AccessToken request to the NRF server, when the nf-client is configured.

profile nf-client nf-type nf_type_name 
    oauthenabled { true | false } 
    nf-type-profile nf_type_profile_name 
    locality locality_name 
    priority priority_number 
    service name type service_name type_npcf_am_policy_control 
    endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_details 
    capacity capacity_number 
    uri-scheme http 
    endpoint-name endpoint_name 
    priority priority_number 
    primary ip-address ipv4 ipv4_address 
    primary ip-address port port_address 

The following configuration must be done for an NRF endpoint, to which the AMF will send the AccessToken request.

group nrf auth nrf_group_name 
    service type nrf oauth2 
        endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_details 
        capacity capacity_number 
        uri-scheme http 
        endpoint-name endpoint_name 
        priority priority_number 
        primary ip-address ipv4 ipv4_address 
        primary ip-address port port_address 

The following configuration must be used to specify auth-groups containing the NRF endpoint details for each NF type.

profile nf-pair nf-type nf_type_name 
    nrf-auth-group nrf_auth_group_name 
    nrf-discovery-group nrf_discovery_group_name 
    locality client client_name 
    locality preferred-server server_name 
    locality geo-server geo_server_name 
    cache invalidation { true | false } timeout timeout_number 


  • profile nf-client nf-type nf_type_name —Specify the NF and the profile name.

  • oauthenabled { true | false } —Enable the oauthenabled profile configuration. The default value is false.

  • nf-type-profile nf_type_profile_name —Specify the NF profile name.

  • locality locality_name —Specify the locality.

  • priority priority_number —Specify the priority request. Must be in numbers.

  • service name type service_name type_npcf_am_policy_control —Specify the service name and the type.

  • endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_details —Specify the endpoint profile details.

  • capacity capacity_number —Specify the capacity requirement in number.

  • uri-scheme http —Specify the URI scheme.

  • endpoint-name endpoint_name —Specify the endpoint name.

  • primary ip-address ipv4 ipv4_address —Specify the primary IPv4 address.

  • primary ip-address port port_address —Specify the primary port address.

  • group nrf auth nrf_group_name —Specify the NRF group name to authenticate. Must be a string.

  • service type nrf oauth2 —Specify the service and the type of NRF, which must be authenticated to enable the OAuth2 profile configuration.

  • profile nf-pair nf-type nf_type_name —Specify the nf-type in the profile name to authenticate. Must be a string.

  • nrf-auth-group nrf_auth_group_name —Specify the nrf-auth-group name.

  • nrf-discovery-group nrf_discovery_group_name —Specify the nrf-discovery-group name.

  • locality client client_name —Specify the client name in the locality details.

  • locality preferred-server server_name —Specify the preferred-server or client name in the locality details.

  • locality geo-server geo_server_name —Specify the geo-server name in the locality details.

  • cache invalidation { true | false } —Enable the cache invalidation configuration. The default value is false.

  • timeout timeout_number —Specify the timeout duration in seconds.

Configuration Example

The following is an example configuration.

profile nf-client nf-type pcf
 oauthenabled { true }
 pcf-profile PP1
  locality LOC1
   priority 30
   service name type npcf-am-policy-control
    endpoint-profile EP1
     capacity   30
     uri-scheme http
     endpoint-name EP1
      priority 56
      primary ip-address ipv4
      primary ip-address port 9049
group nrf auth oauthep
  service type nrf oauth2
    endpoint-profile EP1
      capacity 30
      uri-scheme http
      endpoint-name EP1
        priority 56
        primary ip-address ipv4
        primary ip-address port 9049
profile nf-pair nf-type PCF
 nrf-auth-group      oauthep
 nrf-discovery-group udmdiscovery
 locality client  LOC1
 locality preferred-server LOC1
 locality geo-server GEO
 cache invalidation true timeout 1000

Configuration Verification

To verify the configuration:

show profile nf-client nf-type pcf

OAM Support

This section describes operations, administration, and maintenance support for this feature.

Bulk Statistics Support

The following statistics are supported for the OAuth2 Client Authorization Support to NRF feature.

NF AccessToken Statistics

Total AccessToken Message count:

  • Labels:


  • Host:

    Refers to the host information (IP: Port) of the URL to which the access token request is being sent.

  • Service Name: NF AccessToken service

    Example: nnrf-oauth

  • Version: API version

    Example: v1

  • NfType:

    peer nf type

  • GrInstanceID:


  • Result:

    [Success | error response status code | RPC/Timeout error | Request parse failure | Response parse failure | Invalid notification event | Invalid Nf instance URI | Internal Error]

Token Validation Statistics for AMF as Producer

App infra statistics for outgoing responses:

  • Labels: outgoing_response_total

  • Invalid token format or signature mismatch:

    {app_name="AMF", protocol="http", service_name="amf-rest-ep", status="error", status_code="invalid_token"}

  • Token payload verification fail:

    • Invalid scope:

      {app_name="AMF", protocol="http", service_name="amf-rest-ep", status="error", status_code="app_invalid_scope"}

    • Other IE failures:

      {app_name="AMF", protocol="http", service_name="amf-rest-ep", status="error", status_code="app_invalid_token"}

For more information on bulk statistics support for AMF, see the UCC 5G AMF Metrics Reference document.

Data Type Support

The following statistics are supported for the OAuth2 Client Authorization Support to NRF feature.


  • grant_type

  • nfInstanceId

  • nfType

  • targetNfType

  • scope

For information on data type support for AMF, see the UCC 5G AMF Metrics Reference document.