Configuration Command Reference

SMF Executive Commands


Configures AAA based user management parameters.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



aaa { authentication { users list_of_local_users admin change-password old-password user_password new-password user_password confirm-password user_password } } 

users list_of_local_users

Specify the user name.

Must be a string.

old-password user_password

Specifies the current password of the user.

Must be a string.

new-password user_password

Specifies a new password of the user.

Must be a string.

confirm-password user_password

Enter the new password once again to change the password.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA based user management parameters.


Configures the change directory command.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



cd directory.ssh  


Specify the directory path.

Must be an alphanumeric string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the change directory command.

cdl clear

Configures the Cisco Common Data Layer (CDL) parameters to delete the database sessions.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



cdl clear sessions [ db-name db_name | filter { condition { ends-with | match | starts-with } key key_value } | map-id map_id ] 

db-name db_name

Specifies the database name to be queried for deleting the data.

Must be a string of 1 to 16 characters.

key key_value

Specifies the query value.

Must be a string of 0 to 512 characters.

map-id map_id

Specifies the map ID to delete the data for a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

filter condition { ends-with | match | starts-with }

Specify the query expression to filter the results of query.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to delete the CDL database sessions.

cdl show sessions

Configures the CDL parameters to display the session details.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



cdl show sessions count { detailed { db-name db_name | filter { condition { ends-with | match | starts-with } | key key_value } | limit limit | map-id map_id } | summary { db-name db_name | filter { condition { ends-with | match | starts-with } | key key_value } | limit limit | map-id map_id } 


Display the session count information.


Display the session details with data.


Display the session details without data.

db-name db_name

Specifies the database name to be queried for displaying the session details.

Must be a string of 1 to 16 characters.

key key_value

Specifies the query value.

Must be a string of 0 to 512 characters.

map-id map_id

Specifies the map ID to display the data for a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

limit limit

Specifies the maximum number of records to display.

Must be an integer in the range of 1 to 500 characters.

filter condition { ends-with | match | starts-with }

Specify the query expression to filter the results of query.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the session details.

cdl show status

Configures the CDL parameters to display the status of the database.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



cdl status db-name db_name 

db-name db_name

Specifies the database name for displaying the corresponding status.

Must be a string of 1 to 16 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the status of the queried database.

clear ipam

Clears the IPAM operational data.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



clear ipam 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the IPAM operational data.

clear subscriber

Clears the subscriber data.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



clear subscriber 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the subscriber data.


Configures the commit parameters.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



commit [ abort { persist-id persist_id } | confirm { persist-id persist_id  } | persist-id persist_id ] 

abort persist-id persist_id

Specify to abort commit. Specify the persistence ID for the commit operation.

Must be an integer.

confirm persist-id persist_id

Specify to confirm commit. Specify the persistence ID for the commit operation.

Must be an integer.

persist-id persist_id

Specify the persistence ID for the commit operation.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the commit parameters.


Compares the running configuration to another configuration or a file.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



compare file { filename[.kube | .ssh/] | configuration } 

filename[.kube | .ssh/]

Specify the file name or the directory path of the file to be compared.

Must be a string.


Specify the desired configuration to be compared against.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to compare the files.


Manipulates the software configuration information.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



config [ exclusive | no-confirm | shared | terminal ] 


Specify to enter the exclusive configuration mode.


Specify to apply the command without asking for confirmation.


Specify to enter the shared configuration mode.


Specify to enter the terminal configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manipulate the software configuration information.


Displays the command information.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



describe command 


Specify the command name to display detailed information about the command.

The command must be one of the following:

  • aaa

  • cd

  • cdl

  • commit

  • compare

  • config

  • describe

  • dump

  • exit

  • help

  • history

  • id

  • idle-timeout

  • ignore-leading-space

  • job

  • leaf-prompting

  • license

  • logout

  • monitor

  • no

  • paginate

  • quit

  • rcm

  • screen-length

  • screen-width

  • send

  • show

  • show-defaults

  • smiuser

  • system

  • terminal

  • timestamp

  • who

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the command specific information.


Removes the transaction history.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



dump transactionhistory 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to remove the transaction history.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the previous configuration mode.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode




Usage Guidelines

Use this command to exit the current configuration mode and return to the previous configuration mode. When used in the Exec mode, exits the management session.


Displays help information for a specified command.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



help command 


Specify the command name to display the corresponding help information.

The command must be one of the following:

  • aaa

  • cd

  • cdl

  • commit

  • compare

  • config

  • describe

  • dump

  • exit

  • help

  • history

  • id

  • idle-timeout

  • ignore-leading-space

  • job

  • leaf-prompting

  • license

  • logout

  • monitor

  • no

  • paginate

  • quit

  • rcm

  • screen-length

  • screen-width

  • send

  • show

  • show-defaults

  • smiuser

  • system

  • terminal

  • timestamp

  • who

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view help information for a specified command.


Configures the command history cache size.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



history history_size  


Specify the command history cache size.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the command history cache size.


Displays user ID information.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode




Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the user ID information.


Configures the maximum duration a command can remain idle in seconds after which the system automatically terminates the connection.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



idle-timeout duration 


Specify the idle timeout duration in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-8192.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum duration a command can remain idle.


Configures whether to ignore or consider the leading whitespace at the beginning of a command.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



ignore-leading-space { false | true } 

{ false | true }

Specify false to ignore the leading whitespace, and true to consider it.

Must be either "false" or "true".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure whether to ignore or consider leading whitespace at the beginning of a command.


Suspends the jobs that are running in the background.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



job stop job_id 


Specify the job ID for suspending the corresponding job.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to suspend the jobs that are running in the background.


Enables or disables automatic querying for leaf values.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



leaf-prompting { false | true } 

{ false | true }

Specify false to disable leaf prompting, and true to enable.

Must be either "false" or "true".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to automatically query for leaf values.

license smart deregister

Configures the license parameters for the VNF deregistration.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



license smart deregister 


Specify to deregister the VNF for smart licensing.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the license parameters for the VNF deregistration.

license smart register

Configures the license parameters for the VNF registration.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



license smart register force idtoken token_id 


Specify to register the VNF for Smart Licensing.


Specify to enable the force registration of the agent.

idtoken token_id

Specify the ID token to register the agent with.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the license parameters for the VNF registration.

license smart renew

Configures the license parameters for the VNF renewal.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



license smart renew { ID | auth } 


Renew the smart agent IDs and authentication.


Specify to renew the smart agent license registration information.


Initiate the manual update of the license usage information with Cisco.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the license parameters for the VNF renewal.


Logout a specific session or a specific user from all sessions.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



logout [ session session_id | user user_name ] 

session session_id

Specify the session ID from the possible completion options.

Must be a string.

user user_name

Specify the user name or the user process from the possible completion options.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to log out a specific session or a specific user from all sessions.

monitor protocol

Configures the SMF to monitor the protocol.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



monitor protocol interface interface_name [ capture-duration duration ] 

interface interface_name

Specify the name of interface on which PCAP is captured.

Must be a string.

capture-duration duration

Specify the duration, in seconds, during which PCAP is captured. The default value is 300 seconds.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to monitor the protocol.

monitor subscriber

Configures the SMF to monitor the subscribers.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



monitor subscriber supi supi [ capture-duration duration ] | subscriber-dump filename file_name | subscriber-list 

supi supi

Specify the subscriber identifier.

Must be a string.

capture-duration duration

Specify the duration, in seconds, during which PCAP is captured. The default value is 300 seconds.

Must be an integer.

filename file_name

Specify the path of the file name to be dumped.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to monitor the subscribers.


Restores the command history cache size to its default setting. See the history command.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



no history 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the command history cache size to its default setting. For more details, see the history command.


Configures whether or not to paginate CLI command output.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



paginate { false | true } 

{ false | true }

Specify false to disable paginating CLI command output, and true to enable.

Must be either "false" or "true".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to paginate the command output.


Exits the management session.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode




Usage Guidelines

Use this command to exit the management session.

rcm switchover

Configures Redundancy and Configuration Manager (RCM) switchover operation.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



rcm switchover source ip_address destination ip_address 

source ip_address

Specify the source IP address.

Must be an IP address.

destination ip_address

Specify the destination IP address.

Must be an IP address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RCM switchover operation.


Configures the number of rows of text that the terminal screen displays.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



screen-length number_of_rows 


Specify the number of rows that the terminal screen displays.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the number of rows that the terminal screen displays.


Configures the number of columns that the terminal screen displays.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



screen-width number_of_columns 


Specify the number of columns that the terminal screen displays.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the number of columns that the terminal screen displays.


Sends messages to the terminal of a specific user or all users.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



send user message  


Specify the user to whom the message must be sent.

Must be a string. Select from the possible completion options.


Specify the message that must be sent.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to send messages to the terminal of a specific user or to all users.


Displays the system information.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



show system_component 


Specify the component to view the information.

Must be a string. Select from the possible completion options.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the system information.


Displays the default configuration.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



show-defaults { false | true } 

{ false | true }

Specify whether to display or hide the default values. To display, select true. Otherwise, select false.

Must be either "false" or "true".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the default configuration.


Configures the Subscriber Microservices Infrastructure (SMI) user account parameters.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



smiuser { add-group groupname group_name | add-user { username username | password password } | change-password { username username | current_password current_password | new_password new_password | confirm_password new_password | password_expire_days expire_days } | change-self-password { current_password current_password | new_password new_password | confirm_password new_password | password_expire_days expire_days } | delete-group groupname group_name | delete-user username username | unassign-user-group { groupname groupname_pam | username username_pam } | update-password-length length password_length } 

username username

Specify the username.

Must be a string.

password password

Specify the user password.

Must be a string.

confirm_password new_password

Confirm the new password.

Must be a string.

current_password current_password

Specify the current password.

Must be a string.

new_password new_password

Specify the new password.

Must be a string.

password_expire_days expire_days

Specify the number of days before the password expires.

Must be an integer.

groupname group_name

Specify the group name.

Must be a string.

groupname groupname_pam

Specify the group name in PAM.

Must be a string.

username username_pam

Specify the user name in PAM.

Must be a string.

length password_length

Specify the minimum password length.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the smiuser parameters.


Configures the NF's system operations.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



system { ops-center stop | synch { start | stop } | upgrade | uuid-override new-uuid uuid_value } 

ops-center stop

Stop the synching of configuration.

synch { start | stop }

Starts or stops the synching of configuration,


Initiates the upgrade of a product.

uuid-override new-uuid uuid_value

Change the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) to a new value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the NF's system operations.


Configures the type of terminal.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



terminal terminal_type 


Specify the terminal type.

Must be one of the following:

  • ansi

  • generic

  • linux

  • vt100

  • xterm

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the terminal type.


Configures the timestamp parameters.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode



timestamp { disable | enable } 

{ disable | enable }

Enable or disable the timestamp display.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the timestamp.


Displays information on currently logged on users.

Privilege Level

Security Administrator, Administrator

Command Mode




Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view information on currently logged on users. The command output displays the Session, User, Context, From (IP address), Protocol, Date, and Mode information.

active-charging service

Configures the Active Charging Service (ACS).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


active-charging service service_name 


Specify the Active Charging Service name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create and configure the Active Charging Service. Enters the ACS Configuration mode (config-service-<active_charging_service_name>).

You can configure a maximum of one element with this command.

active-charging service bandwidth-policy

Configures the ACS Bandwidth Policy.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


bandwidth-policy bandwidth_policy_name 


no bandwidth-policy policy_name 


Specify the ACS Bandwidth Policy name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ACS Bandwidth Policy. Enters the Bandwidth Policy Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

active-charging service bandwidth-policy flow limit-for-bandwidth id

Configures bandwidth ID and bandwidth policy group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Bandwidth Policy Configuration (config-service-bandwidth_policy_name )


flow limit-for-bandwidth id id group-id group_id 

group-id group_id

Specify the bandwidth policy group ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

id id

Specify the bandwidth ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the bandwidth ID and bandwidth policy group parameters.

You can configure a maximum of 1000 elements with this command.

active-charging service bandwidth-policy group-id

Configures bandwidth policy group ID.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Bandwidth Policy Configuration


group-id group_id 


Specify the bandwidth policy group ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the bandwidth policy group ID.

You can configure a maximum of 1000 elements with this command.

active-charging service bandwidth-policy group-id direction downlink grpPeakBwp

Configures the peak bandwidth parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Bandwidth Policy Configuration (config-bandwidth-policy-policy_name )


group-id group_id direction{ downlink | uplink } peak_data_rate_option peak_data_rate_value peak-burst-size peak_burst_size violate-action violate_action [ committed_data_rate_option committed_data_rate_value committed-burst-size committed_burst_size [ exceed-action exceed_action ] ] 

committed-burst-size committed_burst_size

Specify the committed burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

exceed-action exceed_action

Specify the action to be taken if the committed data rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Discards the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Lowers the IP precedence of the packet.

peak-burst-size peak_burst_size

Specify the peak burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

violate-action violate_action

Specify the action to be taken if Peak Data Rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Discards the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Lowers the IP precedence of the packet.


Specify the committed data rate option.

Must be one of the following:

  • committed-data-rate-kbps : Committed data rate in kilo bits per second. This can also be used to specify GBR for Bearer Binding (without the exceed-action).

  • committed-data-rate : Committed data rate in bits per second. This can also be used to specify GBR for flow binding (without the exceed-action).


Specify the committed data rate in bits per second, or in kilo bits per second.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.


Specify the peak data rate option.

Must be one of the following:

  • peak-data-rate-kbps : Peak data rate in kilo bits per second.

  • peak-data-rate : Peak data rate in bits per second.


Specify the bandwidth in bits per second or in kilo bits per second.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure bandwidth control in uplink or downlink direction.

active-charging service bandwidth-policy group-id direction uplink grpPeakBwp

Configures the peak bandwidth parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Bandwidth Policy Configuration (config-bandwidth-policy-policy_name )


group-id group_id direction{ downlink | uplink } peak_data_rate_option peak_data_rate_value peak-burst-size peak_burst_size violate-action violate_action [ committed_data_rate_option committed_data_rate_value committed-burst-size committed_burst_size [ exceed-action exceed_action ] ] 

committed-burst-size committed_burst_size

Specify the committed burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

exceed-action exceed_action

Specify the action to be taken if the committed data rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Discards the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Lowers the IP precedence of the packet.

peak-burst-size peak_burst_size

Specify the peak burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

violate-action violate_action

Specify the action to be taken if Peak Data Rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Discards the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Lowers the IP precedence of the packet.


Specify the committed data rate option.

Must be one of the following:

  • committed-data-rate-kbps : Committed data rate in kilo bits per second. This can also be used to specify GBR for Bearer Binding (without the exceed-action).

  • committed-data-rate : Committed data rate in bits per second. This can also be used to specify GBR for flow binding (without the exceed-action).


Specify the committed data rate in bits per second, or in kilo bits per second.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.


Specify the peak data rate option.

Must be one of the following:

  • peak-data-rate-kbps : Peak data rate in kilo bits per second.

  • peak-data-rate : Peak data rate in bits per second.


Specify the bandwidth in bits per second or in kilo bits per second.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure bandwidth control in uplink or downlink direction.

active-charging service buffering-limit

Configures flow- or session-based packet buffering.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


buffering-limit{ [ flow-max-packets flow_max_packets ] [ subscriber-max-packets subscriber_max_packets ] } 


no buffering-limit 

flow-max-packets flow_max_packets

Specify the maximum number of packets to be buffered per flow.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

subscriber-max-packets subscriber_max_packets

Specify the maximum number of packets to be buffered per subscriber.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure flow/session-based packet buffering configuration.

active-charging service charging-action

Configures ACS charging action.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


charging-action charging_action_name [ content-id content_id ] 

content-id content_id

Specify the content ID to use in the generated billing records, as well as the AVP used by the Credit Control Application, such as the "Rating-Group" AVP for use by the Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA). This identifier assists the carrier's billing post processing and is also used by the credit-control system to use independent quotas for different value of content-id.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-2147483647.

nexthop-forwarding-address{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address }

Specify the nexthop forwarding address for this charging action. When an uplink packet matches a rule and a charging action is applied to it this nexthop forwarding address is used.

qos-class-identifier qos_class_id

Specify the QoS Class Identifier (QCI).

Must be an integer in the range of 1-9.

service-identifier service_id

Specify the service identifier to use in the generated billing records, as well as the AVP used by the Credit Control Application, such as the "Service-Identifier" AVP for use by DCCA. This is a more general classifier than content-id.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-2147483647.


Specify whether or not TFT updates are sent to UE. Use this command to suppress the selected TFT updates from being sent to the UE. This helps to identify if the appropriate TFT defined in the charging action needs to be sent to the UE or not.


Specify the charging action name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create and configure ACS charging action. A charging action represents actions to be taken when a configured rule is matched. Actions could range from generating an accounting record (for example, an EDR) to dropping the IP packet, etc. The charging action will also determine the metering principle whether to count retransmitted packets and which protocol field to use for billing (L3/L4/L7 etc). Changes to the Charging Action Configuration mode (config-charging-action-<charging_action_name>).


The following command creates a charging action named test123:
charging-action action123 

active-charging service charging-action allocation-retention-priority

Configures the Allocation Retention Priority (ARP).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-service-charging_action_name )


allocation-retention-priority priority{ pci pci_value | pvi pvi_value } 

pci pci_value

Specify the Pre-emption Capability Indicator (PCI).

Must be one of the following:



pvi pvi_value

Specify the Pre-emption Vulnerability Indicator (PVI).

Must be one of the following:




Specify the priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-15.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the ARP, which indicates the priority of allocation and retention of the service data flow. The ARP resolves conflicts in demand for network resources. At the time of resource crunch, this parameter prioritizes allocation of resources during bearer establishment and modification. In a congestion situation, a lower ARP flow may be dropped to free up capacity. Once a service flow is successfully established, this parameter plays no role in quality of service (QoS) experienced by the flow.


The following command configures the ARP to 10:
allocation-retention-priority 10 

active-charging service charging-action billing-action

Configures the billing action for packets that match specific ruledefs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


billing-action egcdr 


Specify to enable eG-CDR billing.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable eG-CDR type of billing for content matching this charging action.

active-charging service charging-action cca charging credit

Configures the Credit Control Charging Credit behavior.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


cca charging credit [ rating-group coupon_id ] [ preemptively-request ] 


Specify preemptively requested charging credit behavior.

rating-group coupon_id

Specify the coupon ID used in prepaid charging as rating-group which maps to the coupon ID for prepaid customer. This option also assigns different content-types for the same charging action depending upon whether or not prepaid is enabled. This rating-group overrides the content ID, if present in the same charging-action for the prepaid customer in Diameter Credit Control Application (DCCA). But, only the content IDs will be used in eG-CDRs irrespective of the presence of rating-group in that charging action.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS/Diameter Prepaid Credit Control Charging Credit behavior.

active-charging service charging-action flow action

Configures to take redirect-url or terminate-flow action on packets that match ruledefs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


flow action{ redirect-url redirect_url | terminate-flow } 

redirect-url redirect_url

Specify to redirect URL.

Must be a string.


Specify to terminate flow.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the action to take on packets, for example to terminate.


The following command configures the flow action to terminate:
flow action terminate-flow 

active-charging service charging-action flow action discard

Configures discard action on packets that match ruledefs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


flow action discard [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure discard action on packets that match ruledefs.

active-charging service charging-action flow action readdress

Configures the readdress server for this charging action.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


flow action readdress server{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address } 

server{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address }

Specify the readdress server IP address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the readdress server for this charging action.

active-charging service charging-action flow limit-for-bandwidth

For Session Control functionality, this command allows you to enable or disable bandwidth limiting.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


flow limit-for-bandwidth id bw_limit_id 

id bw_limit_id

Specify the bandwidth limiting identifier.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to limit the bandwidth a subscriber uses in the uplink and downlink directions under Session Control.

active-charging service charging-action flow limit-for-bandwidth direction downlink peak-data-rate

Configures the peak data rate in bits per second.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


Command Syntax: flow limit-for-bandwidth direction{ downlink | uplink } peak-data-rate peak_data_rate_value peak-burst-size peak_burst_size violate-action violate_action [ committed_data_rate_option committed_data_rate_value committed-burst-size committed_burst_size exceed-action exceed_action ] 

committed-burst-size committed_burst_size

Specify the committed burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Default Value: 3000.

committed-data-rate committed_data_rate

Specify the Committed Data Rate in bits per second. This can also be used to specify GBR for Bearer Binding (without the exceed-action).

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Default Value: 144000.

exceed-action{ discard | lower-ip-precedence }

Specify the action to be taken if the committed data rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Specify to discard the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Specify to lower IP precedence of the packet.

peak-burst-size peak_burst_size

Specify the peak burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

violate-action{ discard | lower-ip-precedence }

Specify the action to be taken if Peak Data Rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Discards the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Lowers the IP precedence of the packet.


Specify the peak data rate in bits per second.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the peak data rate in bits per second.

active-charging service charging-action flow limit-for-bandwidth direction uplink peak-data-rate

Configures the peak data rate in bits per second.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration (config-charging-action-charging_action_name )


Command Syntax: flow limit-for-bandwidth direction{ downlink | uplink } peak-data-rate peak_data_rate_value peak-burst-size peak_burst_size violate-action violate_action [ committed_data_rate_option committed_data_rate_value committed-burst-size committed_burst_size exceed-action exceed_action ] 

committed-burst-size committed_burst_size

Specify the committed burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Default Value: 3000.

committed-data-rate committed_data_rate

Specify the Committed Data Rate in bits per second. This can also be used to specify GBR for Bearer Binding (without the exceed-action).

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Default Value: 144000.

exceed-action{ discard | lower-ip-precedence }

Specify the action to be taken if the committed data rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Specify to discard the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Specify to lower IP precedence of the packet.

peak-burst-size peak_burst_size

Specify the peak burst size in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

violate-action{ discard | lower-ip-precedence }

Specify the action to be taken if Peak Data Rate is surpassed.

Must be one of the following:

  • discard : Discards the packet.

  • lower-ip-precedence : Lowers the IP precedence of the packet.


Specify the peak data rate in bits per second.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the peak data rate in bits per second.

active-charging service charging-action tft packet-filter

Configures the packet filter to use in Traffic Flow Template (TFT) sent to the MS.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tft packet-filter packet_filter_name 


Specify the packet filter name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the packet filter to be sent to the MS. Up to eight packet filters can be specified in a charging action.

You can configure a maximum of eight elements with this command.


The following command configures the packet filter filter23 to be sent to the MS:
tft packet-filter filter23 

active-charging service charging-action tos af11

Configures using Assured Forwarding 11 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af11 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 11 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af12

Configures using Assured Forwarding 12 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af12 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 12 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af13

Configures using Assured Forwarding 13 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af13 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 13 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af21

Configures using Assured Forwarding 21 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af21 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 21 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af22

Configures using Assured Forwarding 22 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af22 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 22 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af23

Configures using Assured Forwarding 23 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af23 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 23 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af31

Configures using Assured Forwarding 31 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af31 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 31 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af32

Configures using Assured Forwarding 32 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af32 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 32 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af33

Configures using Assured Forwarding 33 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af33 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 33 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af41

Configures using Assured Forwarding 41 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af41 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 41 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af42

Configures using Assured Forwarding 42 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af42 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 42 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos af43

Configures using Assured Forwarding 43 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos af43 [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Assured Forwarding 43 Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos be

Configures using Best Effort Forwarding PHB.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos be [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Best Effort Forwarding Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos ef

Configures using Expedited Forwarding PHB.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos ef [ downlink | uplink ] 


Specify only downlink packets.


Specify only uplink packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure using Expedited Forwarding Per Hop Behavior (PHB).

active-charging service charging-action tos lower-bits

Configures the least-significant 6 bits in the ToS byte with the specified numeric value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Charging Action Configuration


tos lower-bits value 


Specify the ToS only for downlink packets.


Specify the ToS only for uplink packets.


Specify the value.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-63.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the least-significant 6 bits in the ToS byte with the specified numeric value.

active-charging service content-filtering category policy-id

Configures Content Filtering Policy ID.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


content-filtering category policy-id policy_id 


no content-filtering category policy-id policy_id 


Specify the policy ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Content Filtering Policy ID.

active-charging service content-filtering category policy-id analyze priority

Assigns priority to a Content Filtering Category in a Content Filtering Policy.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Content Filtering Category Policy Configuration (config-policy-id-content_filtering_policy_id )


analyze priority priority 


Specify the priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign priority to a Content Filtering Category in a Content Filtering Policy.

active-charging service content-filtering category policy-id analyze priority all

Configures all content to be rated.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Content Filtering Category Policy Configuration (config-policy-id-content_filtering_policy_id )


analyze priority priority all action{ allow | content-insert string } 


Specify an action.


Specify the allow action.

content-insert string

Specify the content insert action, and specify the string.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the all content to be rated.

active-charging service content-filtering category policy-id analyze priority category

Configures category of the content to be rated.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Content Filtering Category Policy Configuration (config-policy-id-cf_policy_id )


analyze priority priority category category_name{ allow | content-insert string } 


Specify an action.


Specify the allow action.

category category_name

Specify the category name.

Must be one of the following:

  • ABOR



  • ANON

  • ART

  • AUTO



  • BLOG

  • BUSI

  • CAR

  • CDN

  • CHAT

  • CMC


  • CULT

  • DRUG


  • EDU


  • ENT

  • FIN


  • GAMB

  • GAME

  • GLAM


  • HACK

  • HATE




  • KIDS



  • MAIL

  • MIL

  • NEWS


  • PEER

  • PERS


  • PLAG


  • PORN



  • REF

  • REL

  • SCI


  • SHOP



  • SUIC

  • SXED

  • TECH



  • VIOL

  • VOIP

  • WEAP


content-insert string

Specify the content insert action, and specify the string.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the category of the content to be rated.

active-charging service content-filtering category policy-id analyze priority x-category

Configures unclassified category to be rated.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Content Filtering Category Policy Configuration (config-policy-id-cf_policy_id )


analyze priority priority x-category xcategory_name{ allow | content-insert string } 


Specify an action.


Specify the allow action.

content-insert string

Specify the content insert action, and specify the string.

Must be a string.

x-category xcategory_name

Specify the x-category name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configures the unclassified category to be rated.

active-charging service credit-control group

Configures prepaid services for Diameter/RADIUS applications.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


credit-control group cc_group_name 


Specify the credit control group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable Prepaid Credit Control Configuration for RADIUS/Diameter charging mode, and specify the credit control group.

active-charging service credit-control group associate

Associates failure handling template.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


associate failure-handling-template template_name 

failure-handling-template template_name

Specify the failure-handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate failure handling template name.

active-charging service credit-control group diameter

Configures accepting or ignoring service ID in the Service-Identifier AVP defined in the Diameter dictionaries.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


diameter ignore-service-id{ false | true } 

ignore-service-id{ false | true }

Disables usage of Service ID.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to ignore/accept service ID value in the Service-Identifier AVP in the Diameter dictionaries.


The following command specifies to ignore service ID in the Diameter dictionaries:
diameter ignore-service-id 

active-charging service credit-control group diameter origin

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Origin endpoint name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


diameter origin endpoint origin_endpoint_name 

endpoint origin_endpoint_name

Specify the Diameter Credit Control Origin endpoint name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control Origin endpoint name.

active-charging service credit-control group diameter service-context-id

Configures the value to be sent in the Service-Context-Id AVP, which defines the context in which DCCA is used.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


diameter service-context-id service_context_id 

service-context-id service_context_id

Specify the value to be sent in the Service-Context-Id AVP.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the value to be sent in the Service-Context-Id AVP, which defines the context in which DCCA is used.

active-charging service credit-control group diameter session

Configures Diameter Credit Control Session Failover.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


diameter session failover 


Enables Diameter Credit Control Session Failover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Diameter Credit Control Session Failover.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling initial-request

Configures Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Initial-Request.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Configuration (config-service-credit-control-group-group_name )


failure-handling initial-request 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Initial-Request.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling initial-request continue

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Continue.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request continue continue_action 


failure-handling terminate-request continue continue_action 


failure-handling update-request continue continue_action 


Specify the continue action.

Must be one of the following:

  • go-offline-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, start offline charging.

  • retry-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, retry.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to continue.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling initial-request retry-and-terminate

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to retry, and in case of failure, to terminate.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


failure-handling terminate-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


failure-handling update-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


Specify the retry-and-terminate action.

Must be one of the following:

  • retry-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, retry.

Usage Guidelines

Configures Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to retry, and in case of failure, to terminate.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling initial-request terminate

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action as terminate.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request terminate 


failure-handling terminate-request terminate 


failure-handling update-request terminate 

Usage Guidelines

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to terminate.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling terminate-request

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Terminate-Request and Continue.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Configuration (config-service-credit-control-group-group_name )


failure-handling terminate-request 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Terminate-Request.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling terminate-request continue

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Continue.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request continue continue_action 


failure-handling terminate-request continue continue_action 


failure-handling update-request continue continue_action 


Specify the continue action.

Must be one of the following:

  • go-offline-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, start offline charging.

  • retry-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, retry.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to continue.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling terminate-request retry-and-terminate

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to retry, and in case of failure, to terminate.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


failure-handling terminate-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


failure-handling update-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


Specify the retry-and-terminate action.

Must be one of the following:

  • retry-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, retry.

Usage Guidelines

Configures Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to retry, and in case of failure, to terminate.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling terminate-request terminate

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action as terminate.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request terminate 


failure-handling terminate-request terminate 


failure-handling update-request terminate 

Usage Guidelines

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to terminate.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling update-request continue

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to Continue.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request continue continue_action 


failure-handling terminate-request continue continue_action 


failure-handling update-request continue continue_action 


Specify the continue action.

Must be one of the following:

  • go-offline-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, start offline charging.

  • retry-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, retry.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to continue.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling update-request retry-and-terminate

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action to retry, and in case of failure, to terminate.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


failure-handling terminate-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


failure-handling update-request retry-and-terminate retry_and_terminate_action 


Specify the retry-and-terminate action.

Must be one of the following:

  • retry-after-tx-expiry : After Tx expiry, retry.

Usage Guidelines

Configures Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to retry, and in case of failure, to terminate.

active-charging service credit-control group failure-handling update-request terminate

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action as terminate.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


failure-handling initial-request terminate 


failure-handling terminate-request terminate 


failure-handling update-request terminate 

Usage Guidelines

Configures the Diameter Credit Control Failure Handling action for CCR-Initial/CCR-Terminate/CR-Update to terminate.

active-charging service credit-control group pending-traffic-treatment forced-reauth

Configures the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to forced reauthorization.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


pending-traffic-treatment forced-reauth{ drop | pass } 


Specify to drop.


Specify to pass.

Usage Guidelines

Controls the pass/drop treatment of traffic while waiting for definitive credit information from the server. Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to forced reauthorization.

active-charging service credit-control group pending-traffic-treatment noquota

Configures the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


pending-traffic-treatment noquota{ buffer | drop | pass } 


Specify to tentatively count/time traffic, and then buffer traffic pending arrival of quota. Buffered traffic will be forwarded and fully charged against the quota when the quota is eventually obtained and the traffic is passed.


Specify to drop any traffic when there is no quota present.


Specify to pass all traffic more or less regardless of quota state.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment.

active-charging service credit-control group pending-traffic-treatment noquota limited-pass

Enables limited access for subscribers when the OCS is unreachable.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


pending-traffic-treatment noquota limited-pass volume volume 


Specify limited volume access to subscribers in case OCS is unreachable.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable limited access for subscribers when the OCS is unreachable.

active-charging service credit-control group pending-traffic-treatment quota-exhausted

Configures the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to quota exhausted.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


pending-traffic-treatment quota-exhausted{ buffer | drop | pass } 


Specify to tentatively count/time traffic, and then buffer traffic pending arrival of quota. Buffered traffic will be forwarded and fully charged against the quota when the quota is eventually obtained and the traffic is passed.


Drops any traffic when there is no quota present.


Passes all traffic more or less regardless of quota state.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to quota exhausted.

active-charging service credit-control group pending-traffic-treatment trigger

Configures the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to trigger.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


pending-traffic-treatment trigger{ drop | pass } 


Specify to drop.


Specify to pass.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to trigger.

active-charging service credit-control group pending-traffic-treatment validity-expired

Configures the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to trigger.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


pending-traffic-treatment validity-expired{ drop | pass } 


Specify to drop.


Specify to pass.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Diameter Credit Control pending traffic treatment to trigger.

active-charging service credit-control group quota holding-time

Configures the Credit Control Quota Holding Time (QHT).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


quota holding-time holding_time 


Specify the holding time in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets the time-based quotas in the prepaid credit control service. Use this command to configure the Credit Control Quota Holding Time.

active-charging service credit-control group quota request-trigger

Configures Credit Control include/exclude packet causing threshold.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


quota request-trigger{ exclude-packet-causing-trigger | include-packet-causing-trigger } 


Specify to exclude packet causing trigger.


Specify to include packet causing trigger.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets the time-based quotas in the prepaid credit control service. Use this command to configure the Credit Control include/exclude packet causing threshold.

active-charging service credit-control group timestamp-rounding

Configures the rounding mechanism for quota consumption.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


timestamp-rounding timestamp_rounding_action 

timestamp-rounding timestamp_rounding_action

Specify the rounding mechanism for quota consumption.

Must be one of the following:

  • ceiling : Round off to the smallest integer greater than the fraction.

  • floor : Always discard the fraction.

  • roundoff : If the fractional part is greater than or equal to 0.5, round off to the smallest integer greater than the fraction.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the rounding mechanism for quota consumption.

active-charging service credit-control group usage-reporting quotas-to-report based-on-grant

Configures reporting usage only for granted quota.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Credit Control Group Configuration (config-group-credit_control_group_name )


usage-reporting quotas-to-report based-on-grant [ report-only-granted-volume ] 


Specify to only report granted volume related AVPs.

Usage Guidelines

Configures ACS Credit Control Usage Reporting. Use this command to configure reporting usage only for granted quota.

active-charging service group-of-ruledefs

Configures ACS group-of-ruledefs parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Group of Ruledefs Configuration (config-group-of-ruledefs-group_name )


group-of-ruledefs ruledefs_group_name 


no group-of-ruledefs 


Specify the group-of-ruledefs name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete a group-of-ruledefs. A group-of-ruledefs is a collection of ruledefs to use in access policy creation. Maximum of 384 group-of-ruledefs can be created. Changes to the Group of Ruledefs Configuration mode (config-group-of-ruledefs-<group_name>).

You can configure a maximum of 384 elements with this command.


The following command creates a group-of-ruledefs named rulegroup1:
group-of-ruledefs rulegroup1 

active-charging service group-of-ruledefs add-ruledef priority

Configures the priority of ruledefs in the current group-of-ruledefs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Group of Ruledefs Configuration (config-group-of-ruledefs-group_name )


add-ruledef priority ruledef_priority ruledef ruledef_name 

priority ruledef_priority

Specify the ruledef priority. Priority must be unique within the group-of-ruledefs.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10000.

ruledef ruledef_name

Specify name of the ruledef to add to the current group-of-ruledefs.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add ruledefs to a group-of-ruledefs, and configure the priority of the ruledef in the current group-of-ruledefs.

You can configure a maximum of 512 elements with this command.

active-charging service p2p-detection attribute ssl-renegotiation

Configures supported attribute of configurable P2P detection attributes populated from the currently loaded P2P plugin.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


p2p-detection attribute ssl-renegotiation{ id-reduce-factor id_reduce_factor | max-entry-per-sessmgr max_entry_per_sessmgr } 


no p2p-detection attribute ssl-renegotiation 

id-reduce-factor id_reduce_factor

Specify by how much factor the SSL ID is stored in the SSL Session ID tracker table.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

max-entry-per-sessmgr max_entry_per_sessmgr

Specify maximum SSL Session IDs tracked per session manager.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the detection of SSL renegotiation flows. Use this command to specify the supported attribute of configurable P2P detection attributes populated from the currently loaded P2P plugin.

active-charging service p2p-detection ecs-analysis

Enables or disables ACS analysis.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


p2p-detection ecs-analysis analyzer 


no p2p-detection ecs-analysis 


Specify the analyzers.

Must be one of the following:

  • all : ACS analysis for all analyzers.

  • ftp : ACS analysis for FTP analyzer.

  • http : ACS analysis for HTTP analyzer.

  • https : ACS analysis for HTTPS analyzer.

  • rtsp : ACS analysis for RTSP analyzer.

  • sip : ACS analysis for SIP analyzer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable ACS analysis. This feature is enabled by default if P2P protocols are enabled.


The following command enables ACS analysis for the ftp analyzer:
p2p-detection ecs-analysis ftp 

active-charging service p2p-detection protocol

Enables or disables the detection of all or specified peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


p2p-detection protocol p2p_protocol 


no p2p-detection protocol 


Specify the P2P protocol.

Must be one of the following:

  • all

  • cisco-jabber

  • eros

  • fasttrack

  • googlemaps

  • skype

  • teamspeak

  • uber

  • ufc

  • yahoo

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the detection of all or specified P2P protocol.


The following command enables detection of all P2P protocols:
p2p-detection protocol all 

active-charging service packet-filter

Configures Active Charging Service Packet Filter parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


packet-filter packet_filter_name 


no packet-filter 

direction direction

Specify the direction in which the current packet filter will be applied.

Must be one of the following:

  • bi-directional : The filter needs to be applied in uplink as well as downlink direction. This is the default value.

  • downlink : The filter needs to be applied in only downlink direction.

  • uplink : The filter needs to be applied in only uplink direction.

Default Value: "bi-directional".

packet-filter packet_filter_name

Specify the packet filter name.

Must be a string.

priority priority

Specify the current packet filter's priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Active Charging Service Packet Filter parameters.

active-charging service packet-filter ip local-port operator

Configures the port number(s) of the local transport protocol.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


ip local-port operator port_number 


ip remote-port operator port_number 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.


Specify a TCP or UDP port number to add to the current port map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the IP 5-tuple local port(s) for the current packet filter.

active-charging service packet-filter ip local-port range

Configures the port number range.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


ip local-port range start start_port_number to end_port_number 


ip remote-port range start start_port_number to end_port_number 

start start_port_number

Specify the first port number for the port number range.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

to end_port_number

Specify the last port number for the port number range.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the IP 5-tuple local port range for the current packet filter.

active-charging service packet-filter ip protocol

Configures the IP protocol(s) for the current packet filter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-service-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


ip protocol operator protocol_number 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.


Specify the protocol number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the IP 5-tuple local port(s) for the current packet filter. Use this command to configure the protocol(s) for a packet filter.


The following command configures the protocol assignment number 300:
ip protocol = 300 

active-charging service packet-filter ip remote-address

Configures the IP remote address(es) for the current packet filter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-service-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


ip remote-address operator{{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address } |{ ipv4_address/mask | ipv6_address/mask } } 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the IP 5-tuple local port(s) for the current packet filter. Use this command to configure the remote address(es) for a packet filter.


The following command configures the IP remote address as
ip remote-address = 

active-charging service packet-filter ip remote-port operator

Configures the port number(s) of the local transport protocol.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


ip local-port operator port_number 


ip remote-port operator port_number 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.


Specify a TCP or UDP port number to add to the current port map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the IP 5-tuple local port(s) for the current packet filter.

active-charging service packet-filter ip remote-port range

Configures the port number range.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ACS Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


ip local-port range start start_port_number to end_port_number 


ip remote-port range start start_port_number to end_port_number 

start start_port_number

Specify the first port number for the port number range.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

to end_port_number

Specify the last port number for the port number range.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the IP 5-tuple local port range for the current packet filter.

active-charging service packet-filter ip tos-traffic-class

Configures the type of service/traffic class under charging action in the Packet filter mode.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Packet Filter Configuration (config-service-packet-filter-packet_filter_name )


tos-traffic-class operator traffic_class 

mask operator

Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.


Specify the type-of-service or traffic-class mask field.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.


Specify the traffic class value to filter the traffic.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the type of service/traffic class under charging action in the Packet filter mode.

active-charging service rulebase

Configures Active Charging Service (ACS) rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


rulebase rulebase_name [ retransmissions-counted | transactional-rule-matching ] 


no rulebase rulebase_name 

retransmissions-counted{ false | true }

Specify to count retransmissions in all charging modules.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

rulebase rulebase_name

Specify the rulebase name. If the named rulebase does not exist, it is created.

Must be a string.


Specify to enable or disable transactional rule matching (TRM), which allows the Active Charging Service (ACS) to bypass per-packet rule matching on a transaction once the transaction is fully classified.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create, configure, and delete an ACS rulebase. A rulebase is a collection of protocol rules to match a flow and associated actions to be taken for matching flow. The default rulebase is used when a subscriber/APN is not configured with a specific rulebase to use. Changes to the ACS Rulebase Configuration mode (config-rulebase-<rulebase_name>).


The following command creates a rulebase named test:
rulebase test 

active-charging service rulebase action

Configures the action priority for a ruledef / group-of-ruledefs in the current rulebase.


action priority action_priority{ dynamic-only | static-and-dynamic | timedef timedef_name } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure action priorities for ruledefs / group-of-ruledefs in a rulebase. This CLI command can be entered multiple times to specify multiple ruledefs and charging actions. The ruledefs are examined in priority order, until a match is found and the corresponding charging action is applied.


The following command assigns a rule and action with the action priority of 23, a ruledef named test, and a charging action named test1 to the current rulebase:
action priority 23 ruledef test charging-action test1 

active-charging service rulebase action priority

Configures the action priority for a ruledef / group-of-ruledefs in the current rulebase.


priority action_priority 


Specify the action priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure action priority for ruledefs / group-of-ruledefs in a rulebase. This CLI command can be entered multiple times to specify multiple ruledefs and charging actions. The ruledefs are examined in the priority order, until a match is found and the corresponding charging action is applied.

active-charging service rulebase action priority dynamic-only

Enables matching of dynamic rules with static rules for this action priority on a flow.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable matching of dynamic rules with static rules for this action priority on a flow.

active-charging service rulebase action priority dynamic-only group-of-ruledefs

Assigns a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic group-of-ruledefs group_of_ruledefs_name 


Specify the group-of-ruledefs name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority dynamic-only ruledef

Assigns ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic ruledef ruledef_name charging-action charging_action_name ruledef ruledef_name [ description description ] [ monitoring-key monitoring_key ] 


Specify the ruledef name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority group-of-ruledefs

Assigns a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic group-of-ruledefs group_of_ruledefs_name 


Specify the group-of-ruledefs name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority ruledef

Assigns ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic ruledef ruledef_name charging-action charging_action_name ruledef ruledef_name [ description description ] [ monitoring-key monitoring_key ] 


Specify the ruledef name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority static-and-dynamic

The static-and-dynamic option causes the configuration to be defined and enabled, and allows a dynamic protocol to disable or re-enable the configuration.



Usage Guidelines


active-charging service rulebase action priority static-and-dynamic group-of-ruledefs

Assigns a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic group-of-ruledefs group_of_ruledefs_name 


Specify the group-of-ruledefs name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority static-and-dynamic ruledef

Assigns ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic ruledef ruledef_name charging-action charging_action_name ruledef ruledef_name [ description description ] [ monitoring-key monitoring_key ] 


Specify the ruledef name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority timedef

Associates a time definition with the ruledef / group-of-ruledefs. Timedefs activate or deactivate ruledefs / groups-of-ruledefs, making them available for rule matching only when they are active.


action priority action_priority timedef group-of-ruledefs group_of_ruledefs_name charging-action charging_action_name [ description description ] [ monitoring-key monitoring_key ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a specified time definition with the ruledef / group-of-ruledefs. Timedefs activate or deactivate ruledefs / groups-of-ruledefs, making them available for rule matching only when they are active.

active-charging service rulebase action priority timedef group-of-ruledefs

Assigns a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic group-of-ruledefs group_of_ruledefs_name 


Specify the group-of-ruledefs name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign a group-of-ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase action priority timedef ruledef

Assigns ruledefs to the rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


action priority action_priority static-and-dynamic ruledef ruledef_name charging-action charging_action_name ruledef ruledef_name [ description description ] [ monitoring-key monitoring_key ] 


Specify the ruledef name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign ruledefs to the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase bandwidth

Configures bandwidth policy parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


bandwidth default-policy default_firewall_policy_name 

default-policy default_firewall_policy_name

Specify the default firewall policy.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the bandwidth policy parameter for default firewall policy.

active-charging service rulebase billing-records

Configures the type of billing to be performed for subscriber sessions.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


billing-records{ egcdr | radius | rf } 


Generates an enhanced G-CDR (eG-CDR) for GGSN / P-GW-CDR for P-GW, and/or UDR with specified format on the occurrence of an interim trigger condition at the end of a subscriber session, or an SGSN-to-SGSN handoff


Generates postpaid RADIUS accounting records at the start and end of a subscriber session, and on the occurrence of an interim trigger condition. RADIUS accounting records are generated for each content ID.


Enables Rf accounting.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to generate enhanced G-CDRs (eG-CDRs), P-GW-CDR for P-GW, RADIUS CDRs and/or UDRs for billing records. The format of eG-CDRs for the default GTPP group is controlled by the inspector command in the Context Configuration Mode.

active-charging service rulebase billing-records udr

Generates Usage Data Record (UDR) with specified the format on the occurrence of an interim trigger condition, at the end of a subscriber session, or a handoff.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


billing-records udr udr-format udr_format_name 


Specify the UDR format name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable Usage Data Record.


The following command sets the billing record to UDR with UDR format named udr_format1:
billing-records udr udr-format udr_format1 

active-charging service rulebase cca diameter

Specify the Diameter sub-AVPs to be included in "Requested-Service-Unit" the Diameter group AVP sent with DCCA Credit Control Requests (CCRs).


cca diameter requested-service-unit sub-avp{ time cc-time duration | units cc-service-specific-units charging_unit | volume{ cc-input-octets bytes | cc-output-octets bytes | cc-total-octets bytes } } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to include sub-AVPs based on time, volume, and service specific unit in the "Requested-Service-Unit" grouped AVP with CCRs.


The following command sets the time-based sub-AVP with charging duration of 45 seconds in "Requested-Service-Unit" group AVP on DCCA CCRs:
cca diameter requested-service-unit sub-avp time cc-time 45 

active-charging service rulebase cca diameter requested-service-unit

ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit values.



Usage Guidelines

ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit values.

active-charging service rulebase cca diameter requested-service-unit sub-avp

Configures the sub-AVP of the requesting service unit AVP.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the sub-AVP of the requesting service unit AVP.

active-charging service rulebase cca diameter requested-service-unit sub-avp time

Configures the ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit - time values.


time cc-time duration 

cc-time duration

Specify requested service unit for charging time duration in seconds in included sub-AVP.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit - time values.

active-charging service rulebase cca diameter requested-service-unit sub-avp units

Specify requested service unit by service specific units in bytes/packets in included sub-AVP.


units cc-service-specific-units charging_unit 


Specify the service-specific charging units.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit - service specific values.

active-charging service rulebase cca diameter requested-service-unit sub-avp volume

Specify the ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit - time values.



cc-input-octets bytes

Specify the volume in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

cc-output-octets bytes

Specify the output charging octets in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

cc-total-octets bytes

Specify the total charging octets in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ACS Diameter Credit Control requesting service unit - time values.

active-charging service rulebase cca quota holding-time

Configures the value for the Quota Holding Time (QHT). QHT is used with both time- and volume-based quotas.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


cca quota holding-time holding_time content-id content_id 

content-id content_id

Specify the content ID (Rating group AVP) to use for the Quota holding time for the current rulebase. Must be the content ID specified for Credit Control service in ACS.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-2147483647.


Specify the holding time.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Command Description: Configures various time and threshold-based quotas in the Prepaid Credit Control Service (Credit Control Application). Use this command to configure the value for the Quota Holding Time (QHT). QHT is used with both time- and volume-based quotas. After the configured number of seconds has passed without user traffic, the quota is reported back and the charging stops until new traffic starts.

active-charging service rulebase cca quota retry-time

Configures the retry time for the quota request.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


cca quota retry-time retry_time [ max-retries max_retries ] 

max-retries max_retries

Specify the maximum number of retries allowed for blacklisted categories.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.


Specify the retry interval in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-86400.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure credit control quota retry time.

active-charging service rulebase cca quota time-duration

Configures the algorithm to compute time duration for Prepaid Credit Control Application quotas in the current rulebase.


cca quota time-duration algorithm{ consumed-time consumed_time [ plus-idle ] | continuous-time-periods seconds | parking-meter seconds } [ content-id content_id ] 


Specify Credit Control Quota Time Duration Algorithm

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the various time charging algorithms/schemes for prepaid credit control charging. If operator chooses parking-meter style charging, then time is billed in seconds chunks.


The following command configures the QCT to consumed-time duration of 400 seconds:
cca quota time-duration algorithm consumed-time 400 

active-charging service rulebase content-filtering category

Configures the Content Filtering Category Policy Identifier for Policy-based Content Filtering support in the current rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


content-filtering category policy-id cf_policy_id 

policy-id cf_policy_id

Specify the Content Filtering policy ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Content Filtering Category Policy ID for Policy-based Content Filtering support in the rulebase.


The following command configures the Content Filtering Category Policy ID 101 in the rulebase:
content-filtering category policy-id 101 

active-charging service rulebase content-filtering flow-any-error

Configures the action to take on Content Filtering packets in the case of ACS error scenarios.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


content-filtering flow-any-error{ deny | permit } 


Specify the flow-any-error configuration as deny. All the denied packets will be accounted for by the discarded-flow-content-id configuration in the Content Filtering Policy Configuration Mode. This content ID will be used to generate UDRs for packets denied via content filtering.


Specify the flow-any-error configuration as permit.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow/discard content filtering packets in case of ACS error scenarios.


The following command allows content filtering packets in case of an ACS error:
content-filtering flow-any-error permit 

active-charging service rulebase content-filtering mode

This command allows you to enable/disable the specified Category-based Content Filtering mode in the current rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


content-filtering mode{ category{ static-and-dynamic | static-only } | server-group cf_server_group } 

category{ static-and-dynamic | static-only }

Using Category-based Content Filtering support requires configuration of the require active-charging content-filtering category command in the Global Configuration Mode.

Must be one of the following:

  • static-and-dynamic : Configures Category-based Content Filtering in Static-and-Dynamic mode, wherein a static rating of the URL is first performed, and only if the static rating fails to find a match, dynamic rating of the content that the server returns is then performed.

  • static-only : Configures Category-based Content Filtering in static only mode, wherein all URLs are compared against an internal database to categorize the requested content.

server-group server_group

Specify the content-filtering server group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and apply the content filtering mode in the rulebase to manage a content filtering server with an ICAP client system.


The following command enables the content filtering mode for external content filtering server group cf_server1 in the rulebase:
content-filtering mode server-group cf_server 

active-charging service rulebase credit-control-group

Configures the credit control group to be used for subscribers who use this rulebase.


credit-control-group cc_group_name 


no credit-control group 


Specify the credit control group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the desired CC group whenever the rulebase is selected during the subscriber session setup. This is an optional CLI configuration, and used only when customized Assume Positive behavior is required for subscribers. This CLI configuration is applicable only during the session setup. Mid-session change in the CC group is not allowed.


The following command configures the association of a credit-control group named test for the current rulebase:
credit-control-group test 

active-charging service rulebase dynamic-rule

Configfures whether dynamic rules are matched before statically configured rules.


dynamic-rule order dynamic_rule_order 

order dynamic_rule_order

Specify dynamic rule order.

Must be one of the following:

  • always-first : Specify to match all the dynamic rules against the flow prior to any static rule. This is the default value.

  • first-if-tied : Specify to match rules against the flow based on their priority with the condition that dynamic rules match before a static rule of the same priority. A rule is a combination of a ruledef, charging action, and precedence. Static rules are defined by the "action" CLI command in the ACS Rulebase Configuration Mode, and are applicable to all subscribers that are associated with the rulebase. Dynamic rules are obtained via a dynamic protocol, such as, the Gx-interface for a particular subscriber session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the order in which rules are selected for matching in between dynamic rules (per subscriber) and static rules (from rulebase).


The following command matches all dynamic rules against the flow prior to any static rule:
dynamic-rule order always-first 

active-charging service rulebase edr transaction-complete

Configures EDR-related parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name ) > Rulebase Configuration


edr transaction-complete{ dns | http } [ charging-edr charging_edr_format_name | edr-format edr_format_name | reporting-edr reporting_edr_format_name ] 

charging-edr charging_edr_format_name

Specify to generate charging EDR on transaction completion.

Must be a string.


DNS protocol related configuration

edr-format edr_format_name

Specify to generate EDR on transaction completion for DNS or HTTP protocol.

Must be a string.


HTTP protocol related configuration

reporting-edr reporting_edr_format_name

Specify the reporting EDR format name to generate reporting EDR on transaction completion.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the generation of an EDR on the completion of a transaction. Use this command to configure the generation of an EDR when certain application transactions (for example, request/response pairs) complete. EDR generation is supported for DNS or HTTP protocol. Note that these EDRs are in addition to those that might be generated due to other conditions, for example, EDR configurations in a charging action.


The following command configures the generation of charging EDRs on the completion of transactions for HTTP protocol specifying the EDR format as test123:
edr transaction-complete http charging-edr test123 

active-charging service rulebase egcdr threshold

Assigns volume or interval values to the interim G-CDRs.


egcdr threshold interval duration 

interval duration

Specify the time interval, in seconds, for closing the eG-CDR/PGW-CDR if the minimum time duration thresholds are satisfied.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-40000000.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the thresholds for generating eG-CDRs for GGSN and PGW-CDRs for P-GW. Use this command to assign the interval values to the interim G-CDRs.


The following command defines an eG-CDR threshold interval of 600 seconds:
egcdr threshold interval 600 

active-charging service rulebase egcdr threshold volume

Configures the uplink/downlink volume octet counts for the generation of the interim eG-CDRs/PGW-CDRs.


egcdr threshold volume{ downlink | total | uplink } bytes 

downlink bytes

Specify the limit for the number of downlink (from network to subscriber) octets after which the eG-CDR/PGW-CDR is closed.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

total bytes

Specify the limit for the total number of octets (uplink+downlink) after which theeG-CDR/PGW-CDR is closed.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

uplink bytes

Specify the limit for the number of uplink (from subscriber to network) octets after whichthe eG-CDR/PGW-CDR is closed.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the thresholds for generating eG-CDRs for GGSN and PGW-CDRs for P-GW. Use this command to configure the uplink/downlink volume octet counts for the generation of the interim GCDRs.

active-charging service rulebase flow

Configures the charge for the control traffic associated with an application.


flow control-handshaking{ charge-to-application{ [ all-packets ] [ initial-packets ] [ mid-session-packets ] [ tear-down-packets ] } | charge-separate-from-application } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure how to charge for the control traffic associated with an application ruledef. Applications like HTTP use TCP to set up and tear down connections before the HTTP application starts. This command controls whether the packets that set up and tear down the connections should use the same content ID as the application's flow. In normal mode 3-way handshake TCP packets (SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK) and closing or intermittent packets (FIN, RST, etc.) directed and charged based on configured matched rules. This command makes the system to wait for the start and stop of layer 7 packet flow and content ID and charge the initial, intermittent, and closing TCP packets as configured to the same matching rules and content ID as of the flow. This command also affects applications that do not use TCP but use other methods for control packets, for example WAP, where WTP/UDP may be used to set up and tear down connection-oriented WSP.


The following command enables charging all mid-session ACKs as well as tear-down packets to application:
flow control-handshaking charge-to-application mid-session-packets tear-down-packets 

active-charging service rulebase flow control-handshaking

Specify control protocol handshake packets.


flow control-handshaking charge-separate-from-application 


Specify the charging action to separate the charging of the initial control packets or all subsequent control packets from regular charging.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify control protocol handshake packets.

active-charging service rulebase flow control-handshaking charge-to-application

Configures the charging action to include the flow control packets either during initial handshaking only or specified control packets during session for charging.


flow control-handshaking charge-to-application{ [ all-packets ] [ initial-packets ] [ mid-session-packets ] [ tear-down-packets ] } 


Specify that the initial setup packets will wait until the application has been determined before assigning the content-id, and all mid-session ACK packets as well as the final tear-down packets will use that content-id.


Specify that only the initial setup packets will wait for content-id assignment.


Specify that the ACK packets after the initial setup will use the application's or content-id assignment.


Specify that the final tear-down packets (TCP or WAP) will use the application's or content-id assignment.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to charge control packets to application ruledefs.

active-charging service rulebase flow end-condition

Configures the end condition of the session flows related to a user session and triggers EDR generation.


flow end-condition{ normal-end-signaling | session-end | timeout | charging-edr charging_edr_format_name } 

charging-edr charging_edr_format_name

Specify the charging EDR format name.

Must be a string.


Creates an EDR with the specified EDR format whenever flow end is signaled normally, for example like detecting FIN and ACK for a TCP flow, or a WSP-DISCONNECT terminating a connection-oriented WSP flow over UDP) and create an EDR for the flow using the specified EDR format.


Creates an EDR with the specified EDR format whenever a subscriber session ends. By this option ACS creates an EDR with the specified format name for every flow that has had any activity since last EDR was created for the flow on session end.


Creates an EDR with the specified EDR format whenever a flow ends due to a timeout condition.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the capturing of EDRs based on flow end condition.


The following command configures the flow end condition as handoff and creates a charging EDR with format named edr_format1:
flow end-condition handoff charging-edr edr_format1 

active-charging service rulebase flow limit-across-applications

This command allows you to limit the total number of simultaneous flows per Subscriber/APN sent to a rulebase regardless of the flow type, or limit flows based on the protocol type under the Session Control feature.


flow limit-across-applications{ limit | non-tcp limit | tcp limit } 

non-tcp limit

Specify the maximum limit of non-TCP type flows.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

tcp tcp_limit

Specify the maximum limit of TCP flows.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to limit the total number of flows allowed per subscriber for a rulebase regardless of flow type, or limit flows based on the protocol non-TCP (connection-less) or TCP (connection-oriented).


The following command configures the maximum number of 200000 flows for the rulebase:
flow limit-across-applications 200000 

active-charging service rulebase ip

Configures IP parameters related to user session.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip reassembly-timeout reassembly_timeout 

reassembly-timeout reassembly_timeout

Specify the maximum duration for which ip packet fragments are retained, in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 100-30000.

Default Value: 5000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IP parameters related to user session.

active-charging service rulebase p2p

Configures enabling/disabling the P2P analyzer to detect peer-to-peer (P2P) applications.


p2p dynamic-flow-detection 


Enables dynamic-flow detection, allowing the P2P analyzer to detect the P2P applications configured for the ACS.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable the P2P analyzer to detect peer-to-peer (P2P) applications.

active-charging service rulebase post-processing

Configures the post-processing action to be taken.


post-processing priority priority{ group-of-ruledefs ruledefs_group_name | ruledef ruledef_name } charging-action charging_action_name [ description description ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the post-processing priority and action to be taken on a ruledef in the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase post-processing priority

Configures the post-processing priority and action to be taken on specific ruledef in the current rulebase.


post-processing priority priority_value{ group-of-ruledefs ruledefs_group_name | ruledef ruledef_name } charging-action charging_action_name [ description description ] 


Specify the priority value.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the post-processing priority and action to be taken on a ruledef in the rulebase.


The following command configures the ruledef named test_ruledef with a priority of 10, and the charging action named test_ca for post processing:
post-processing priority 10 ruledef test_ruledef charging-action test_ca 

active-charging service rulebase post-processing priority group-of-ruledefs

Configures group-of-ruledef parameters.


group-of-ruledefs ruledefs_group_name 

charging-action charging_action_name

Specify the charging action.

Must be a string.

description description

Specify an optional description for this configuration.

Must be a string.


Specify the group-of-ruledefs to add/configure/delete.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure group-of-ruledef parameters.

active-charging service rulebase post-processing priority ruledef

Assigns ruledefs to a rulebase.


ruledef ruledef_name 


no ruledef 

charging-action charging_action_name

Specify the charging action name.

Must be a string.

description description

Specify an optional description for this configuration.

Must be a string.


Specify the ruledef name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign ruledefs to a rulebase.";

active-charging service rulebase route

Configures the routing of packets to protocol analyzers.


route priority route_priority ruledef ruledef_name analyzer{ dns | file-transfer | ftp-control | ftp-data | h323 | http | imap | mipv6 | mms | pop3 | pptp | radius | rtcp | rtp | rtsp | sdp | secure-http | sip | smtp | tftp | wsp-connection-less | wsp-connection-oriented } [ description description ] 

Usage Guidelines

Instances of this CLI command control which packets are routed to which protocol analyzers. Packets sent to ACS are always passed through the IP protocol analyzer. This CLI command controls which higher layer analyzers are also invoked.


The following command assigns a route and rule action with the route priority of 23, a ruledef named test, and an analyzer test_analyzer with description as route_test1 to the current rulebase:
route priority 23 ruledef test analyzer test_analyzer description route_test1 

active-charging service rulebase route priority

Configures the priority of the route in the rulebase.


priority route_priority 


Specifythe route priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the priority of the route in the rulebase.

active-charging service rulebase route priority ruledef

Configures the ruledef to evaluate packets to determine analyzer.


ruledef ruledef_name 

analyzer analyzer

Specify the analyzer for the ruledef.

Must be one of the following:

  • dns : Configure the primary and secondary IPv4 or IPv6 address of the DNS servers.

  • file-transfer : Allows you to enter descriptive text for this configuration.

  • ftp-control : Charge volume for FTP-Control.

  • ftp-data : Charge volume for FTP-Data.

  • h323 : Enables/disables H323 NAT ALG.

  • http : Specify to detect HTTP protocol.

  • imap : Route to IMAP protocol analyzer.

  • mipv6 : Route to MIPv6 protocol analyzer.

  • mms : Route to MMS protocol analyzer.

  • pop3 : Route to POP3 protocol analyzer.

  • pptp : Route to PPTP protocol analyzer.

  • radius : Route to RADIUS protocol analyzer.

  • rtcp : Route to RTCP protocol analyzer.

  • rtp : Route to RTP protocol analyzer.

  • rtsp : Route to RTSP protocol analyzer.

  • sdp : Route to SDP protocol analyzer.

  • secure-http : Route to secure HTTP protocol analyzer.

  • sip : Route to SIP protocol analyzer.

  • smtp : Route to SMTP protocol analyzer.

  • tftp : Route to TFTP protocol analyzer.

  • wsp-connection-less : Route to WSP connection-less protocol analyzer.

  • wsp-connection-oriented : Route to WSP connection-oriented protocol analyzer.

description description

Enables to add a description to the rule and action for later reference in saved configuration file.

Must be a string.


Specify the ruledef name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign a ruledef to a rulebase,

active-charging service rulebase rtp

This command allows you to enable/disable the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP) analyzers to detect the start/stop of RTP and RTCP flows.


rtp dynamic-flow-detection 


Controls whether dynamic RTP/RTCP flow detection is enabled or not.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the RTSP and SDP analyzer to detect the start/stop of RTP and RTCP flows. This command is used in conjunction with the route priority command.


rtp dynamic-flow-detection 

active-charging service rulebase tcp

Configures TCP window size checking.


tcp check-window-size 


Enables/Disables TCP window-size check.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable TCP window-size check for packets out of TCP window.


The following command enables TCP window-size check:
tcp check-window-size 

active-charging service rulebase tcp mss

Configures the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) in TCP SYN packets.


tcp mss mss_value{ [ add-if-not-present ] [ limit-if-present ] } 


Specify to add the TCP MSS if not present in the packet.


Specify to limit the TCP MSS if present in the packet.


Specify the TCP MSS.

Must be an integer in the range of 496-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Using this command, TCP MSS can be limited if already present in the TCP SYN packets. If there are no errors detected in IP header/TCP mandatory header and there are no memory allocation failures, TCP optional header is parsed. If TCP MSS is present in the optional header and its value is greater than the configured MSS value, the value present in the TCP packet is replaced with the configured one.


The following command limits the TCP maximum segment size to 3000, and if not present adds it to the packets:
tcp mss 3000 limit-if-present add-if-not-present 

active-charging service rulebase tcp packets-out-of-order

Configures processing of TCP packets that are out of order, while waiting for the earlier packet(s) to arrive.


tcp packets-out-of-order timeout timeout_duration 

timeout timeout_duration

Specify the timeout duration for re-assembly of TCP out-of-order packets in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 100-30000.

Default Value: 5000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure how to process TCP packets that are out of order, while waiting for the earlier packet(s) to arrive.


The following command sets the timeout timer to 10000 milliseconds:
tcp packets-out-of-order timeout 10000 

active-charging service rulebase tcp packets-out-of-order transmit

Configures the TCP out-of-order segment behavior after buffering a copy.


transmit transmit_behavior 

transmit transmit_behavior

Specify the TCP out-of-order segment behavior after buffering a copy.

Must be one of the following:

  • after-reordering : Delivers the TCP out-of-order segments in-sequence to the ACS analyzer after all packets are received and successfully reordered. The 'after-reordering' feature is doing this by buffering out-of-order packets, and only releasing them after the missing out-of-order packets are received (or after OOO timeout). When the missing packet is received, complete deep packet inspection of all the packets and all relevant in-line services is done, and then the last packet is forwarded (as the latest). If reordering is not successful within the specified OOO timeout, all the subsequent received packets in that TCP flow are forwarded without being passed through the analysers (except the L3/L4 analyzer). As a consequence, only L3/L4 rule matching will take place. If memory allocation fails or the received packet is partial retransmitted data, the packet will also be forwarded immediately without being passed through the protocol analyzers, except for the L3/L4 analyzers.

  • immediately : Delivers the TCP out-of-order segments in-sequence to the ACS analyzer after all packets are received and successfully reordered. The 'immediately' feature is accomplishing this by making a copy of out-of-order packets, and buffering those, while transmitting the original data packets through the outgoing interface immediately. When the missing packet is received, complete deep packet inspection of all the packets and all relevant in-line services is done, and then the last packet is forwarded. If reordering of the buffered packets is not successful within the specified OOO timeout, all the subsequent received packets in that TCP flow are forwarded without being passed through the analysers (except the L3/L4 analyzer). As a consequence only L3/L4 rule matching will take place. If memory allocation fails or the received packet is partial retransmitted data, the packet will also be forwarded immediately without being passed through the protocol analyzers, except for the L3/L4 analysers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the TCP out-of-order segment behavior after buffering a copy.

active-charging service rulebase tethering-detection

Enables or disables the Tethering Detection feature for the current rulebase, and specifies the database to use.


tethering-detection [ application | dns-based | ip-ttl value ttl_value | max-syn-packet-in-flow max_syn_packets | tether-db database ] 


Specify to perform tethering detection based on App-based method.


Specify to perform tethering detection based on DNS-based method.

max-syn-packet-in-flow max_syn_packets

Specify the number of SYN packets applicable for tethering detection in a flow.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-3.

tether-db database

Specify to perform tethering detection using the specified database.

Must be one of the following:

  • os-db-only : Specify to perform tethering detection using IPv4 and IPv6 OS signature databases.

  • os-ua-db : Specify to perform tethering detection using IPv4 OS, IPv6 OS, and UA signature databases.

  • ua-db-only : Specify to perform tethering detection using only the UA signature database.


Specify TTL values for tethered flows.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable the Tethering Detection feature for a rulebase, and configures the database to use. Tethering Detection can be done for IPv4, IPv6, TCP and UDP flows.


The following command enables the Tethering Detection feature in the rulebase, and specifies to use only the OS database:
tethering-detection os-db-only 

active-charging service rulebase url-blacklisting

This command allows you to enable/disable URL Blacklisting functionality for the current rulebase, and configures the action to be taken when there is a URL match.


url-blacklisting action{ discard | redirect-url url | terminate-flow | www-reply-code-and-terminate-flow reply_code } [ content-id content_id ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable/disable URL Blacklisting at the rulebase level, and configure the action to be taken.


The following command enables URL Blacklisting in the rulebase, and configures the terminate-flow action with reply code 300:
url-blacklisting action www-reply-code-and-terminate-flow 300 

active-charging service rulebase url-blacklisting action

Configures URL Blacklisting action.


action{ content-id content_id | discard | redirect-url redirect_url | terminate-flow | www-reply-code-and-terminate-flow reply_code } 

content-id content_id

Specify the content ID, a number assigned to URL Blacklisting.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.


Specify the URL Blacklisting action as "discard".

redirect-url redirect_url

Specify the redirect URL/URI, which must be a fully qualified URL/URI.

Must be a string.


Specify the URL Blacklisting action as "terminate-flow".

www-reply-code-and-terminate-flow reply_code

Specify the URL Blacklisting action as "terminate-flow action with reply code".

Must be an integer in the range of 400-599.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URL Blacklisting action.

active-charging service rulebase url-blacklisting match-method

Configures URL Blacklisting match-method.


match-method match_method 


Specify the match method.

Must be one of the following:

  • exact : URL Blacklisting performs an exact match of URL.

  • generic : URL Blacklisting performs generic match of URL.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URL Blacklisting match method.

active-charging service ruledef

Configures ACS rule definitions (ruledef).


ruledef ruledef_name [ rule-application ruledef_purpose ] 

rule-application ruledef_purpose

Specify the purpose of the ruledef, such as for charging, post-processing, routing, and so on. When a ruledef is evaluated, if the multi-line-or all-lines command is configured, the logical OR.

Must be one of the following:

  • charging : Specify that the current ruledef is for charging purposes.

  • post-processing : Specify that the current ruledef is for post-processing purposes. This enables processing of packets even if the rule matching for them has been disabled.

  • routing : Specify that the current ruledef is for routing purposes. Up to 256 ruledefs can be defined for routing in an Active Charging Service.


Specify the ruledef name. If the named ruledef does not exist, it is created, and the CLI mode changes to the ACS Ruledef Configuration Mode wherein the ruledef can be configured. If the named ruledef already exists, the CLI mode changes to the ACS Ruledef Configuration Mode for that ruledef.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create/configure/delete an ACS ruledef. A ruledef represents a set of matching conditions across multiple L3 L7 protocol based on protocol fields and state information. Each ruledef can be used across multiple rulebases within the active charging service.


The following command creates/configures an ACS ruledef named test1:
ruledef test1 

active-charging service ruledef bearer

Configures rule expression to match Radio Access Technology (RAT) in the bearer flow.


bearer service-3gpp rat-type operator rat_type 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match a RAT type.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic based on RAT type "wlan":
bearer service-3gpp rat-type = wlan 

active-charging service ruledef bearer service-3gpp rat-type

Specify RAT type associated with the bearer flow.


bearer service-3gpp rat-type operator rat_type 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.


Specify the RAT type.

Must be one of the following:

  • geran : GSM EDGE Radio Access Network type.

  • utran : UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network type.

  • wlan : Wireless LAN type.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RAT type associated with the bearer flow.

active-charging service ruledef dns

Configures rule expression to match answer name in the answer section of DNS response messages.";


dns answer-name [ case-sensitive ] operator value 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match an answer name from the answer section of DNS response messages.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic for answer name test:
dns answer-name = test 

active-charging service ruledef dns answer-name

Specify DNS answer name.




Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contains.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • case-sensitive : Strings will be matched in case-sensitive manner.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DNS answer name. This depends upon the query type.

active-charging service ruledef dns any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef dns previous-state

Configures rule expression to match previous state of the DNS FSM.


dns previous-state operator previous_state 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.


Specify the previous state to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • dns-timeout : DNS timeout.

  • init : Init.

  • req-sent : Request sent.

  • resp-error : Response error.

  • resp-success : Response sucess..

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match previous state of DNS FSM.


The following command defines a rule expression to match the DNS FSM previous state "req-sent":
dns previous-state = req-sent 

active-charging service ruledef dns query-name

Configures rule expression to match query name in DNS request messages.


dns query-name [ case-sensitive ] operator query_name 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • case-sensitive : Strings will be matched in case-sensitive manner.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the query name to match.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match query name in DNS request messages.


The following command defines a rule expression to match DNS query name "test":
dns query-name = test 

active-charging service ruledef dns query-type

Configures rule expression to match the query type in the DNS request messages.


dns query-type operator query_type 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.


Specify the previous state to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • a : Support query-type 'A'.

  • aaaa : Support query-type 'AAAA'.

  • cname : Support query-type 'CNAME'.

  • ns : Support query-type 'NS'.

  • null : Support query-type 'NULL'.

  • ptr : Support query-type 'PTR'.

  • srv : Support query-type 'SRV'.

  • txt : Support query-type 'TXT'.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match the query type in the DNS request messages.


The following command defines a rule expression to match the DNS query type "txt":
dns query-type = txt 

active-charging service ruledef dns return-code

Configures rule expression to match response code in DNS response messages.


dns return-code operator return_code 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.


Specify the response code to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • format-error : DNS response: Format Error.

  • name-error : DNS response: Name Error.

  • no-error : DNS response: No Error.

  • not-implemented : DNS response: Name server does not support the requested query.

  • refused : DNS response: Refused to perform specified operation.

  • server-failure : DNS response: Server Failure.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match response code in DNS response messages.


The following command defines a rule expression to match a DNS response code "refused":
dns return-code = refused 

active-charging service ruledef dns state

Configures rule expressions to match current state of DNS FSM.


dns state operator current_state 


Specify the state to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • dns-timeout

  • init

  • req-sent

  • resp-error

  • resp-success


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match DNS FSM current state.


The following command defines a rule expression to match DNS FSM current state of "req-sent":
dns state = req-sent 

active-charging service ruledef dns tid

Configures rule expressions to match Transaction Identifier (TID) field in DNS messages.


dns tid operator tid_value 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • '!=' : Does not equal.

  • <= : Lesser than or equals.

  • = : Equals.

  • >= : Greater than or equals.


Specify the query name to match.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match a TID field of DNS messages.


The following command defines a rule expression to match DNS TID field value of "test":
dns tid = test 

active-charging service ruledef http

Configures rule expression to match the User-Agent request-header field of HTTP packets.


http user-agent [ case-sensitive ] operator user_agent 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match value in HTTP user-agent header field.


The following command defines a rule expression to match "xyz.123" in HTTP user-agent header field:
http user-agent = xyz.123 

active-charging service ruledef http content

Configures rule expression to match value in HTTP Content-Type entity-header field.


http content type [ case-sensitive ] operator content_type 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match value in HTTP Content-Type entity-header field.


http content type = abc100 

active-charging service ruledef http content type

Specify HTTP Content-Type.


type operator content_type 


Specify that the rule expression be case-sensitive. By default, rule expressions are not case-sensitive.


Specify the content type to match.

Must be a string.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • starts-with : Starts with.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure rule expressions to match HTTP content type.

active-charging service ruledef http host

Configures rule expression to match value in HTTP Host Request header field.


http host [ case-sensitive ] operator host_name 


Specify that the rule expression be case-sensitive. By default, rule expressions are not case-sensitive.

host-string host_name

Specify the host name to match.

Must be a string.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • regex : Regular expression.

  • starts-with : Starts with.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match value in HTTP Host request-header field.


The following command defines a rule expression to match "host1" in HTTP Host request-header field:
http host = host1 

active-charging service ruledef http referer

Configures rule expression to match the value in the HTTP Referer request-header field.


http referer [ case-sensitive ] operator referer_name 


Specify that the rule expression be case-sensitive. By default, rule expressions are not case-sensitive.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !present : Not present.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • regex : Regular expression.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the HTTP referer name to match.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match value in HTTP Referer request-header field. This feature allows an operator to collect or track all URLs visited during a particular subscriber session. These URLs include the entire string of visited URLs, including all referral links. This information is output in an Event Data Record (EDR) format to support reporting or billing functions.


The following command defines a rule expression to match the HTTP referer "":
http referer = 

active-charging service ruledef http url

Configures rule expression to match HTTP URL.


http url [ case-sensitive ] operator url 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !present : Does not present.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • case-sensitive : Is case sensitive.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • regex : Regular expression.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the HTTP URL to match.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match HTTP URL.

active-charging service ruledef http user-agent

Rule expressions to match the User-Agent.


user-agent operator user_agent 


Specify that the rule expression be case-sensitive. By default, rule expressions are not case-sensitive.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !present : Not present.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equal.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • present : Present.

  • regex : Regular expression.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the HTTP user agent value to match.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure rule expressions to match user agent.

active-charging service ruledef icmpv6 any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef ip

This command allows you to define rule expressions to match the IP address of the destination end of the connection.


ip server-ip-address{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match the IP address of the destination end of the connection.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic based on IPv4 server address
ip server-ip-address = 

active-charging service ruledef ip any-match

Configures rule expressions to match all IPv4/IPv6 packets.


ip any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match IPv4/IPv6 packets.


The following command defines a rule expression to match IPv4/IPv6 packets:
ip any-match = TRUE 

active-charging service ruledef ip dst-address

Configures rule expressions to match IP destination address field within IP headers.


ip dst-address{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address } 

address-group ipv6_address

Specify a group of IPv6 addresses configured with wildcard input and/or specialized range input. Multiple wildcard characters can be accepted as input and only one 2 byte range input will be accepted. Both wildcard character input and 2 byte range input can be configured together within an IPv6 address.

Must be a string.

dst-address{ ipv4_address | ipv6_address }

Specify the destination IP address.

Must be one of the following:

  • dst-address : DST address.

host-pool host_pool_name

Specify the host pool name.

Must be a string.

ip-address-prefix prefix

Specify the IP address prefix.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • !range : Not in the range.

  • '!=' : Does not equal.

  • <= : Lesser than or equal to.

  • = : Equals.

  • >= : Greater than or equal to.

  • range : In the range.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match the IP destination address field within IP headers.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic based on the IPv4 destination address
ip dst-address = 

active-charging service ruledef ip protocol

Configures rule expression to match based on protocol being transported by IP packet.


ip protocol operator protocol 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • <= : Lesser than or equal to.

  • = : Equals.

  • >= : Greater than or equal to.


Specify the protocol.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.


Must be one of the following:

  • ah

  • esp

  • gre

  • icmp

  • icmpv6

  • tcp

  • udp

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match based on protocol being transported by IP packet.

active-charging service ruledef ip server-ip-addr

Specify the server's IP address.



Keyword/Variable Syntax:{ <ipv4_address> | <ipv6_address> }

Specify the server IP address.

Must be one of the following:

  • server-ip-address : server-ip-address.

address-group ipv6_address

Specify a group of IPv6 addresses configured with wildcard input and/or specialized range input. Multiple wildcard characters can be accepted as input and only one 2 byte range input will be accepted. Both wildcard character input and 2 byte range input can be configured together within an IPv6 address.

Must be a string.

host-pool host_pool_name

Specify the host pool name.

Must be a string.

ip-address-prefix prefix

Specify the IP address prefix.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • !range : Not in the range.

  • '!=' : Does not equal.

  • <= : Lesser than or equal to.

  • = : Equals.

  • >= : Greater than or equal to.

  • range : In the range.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the server IP address.

active-charging service ruledef ip uplink

Configures rule expression to match IP uplink packets.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


uplink operator condition 


Specify the condition to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • FALSE : Not analyzed.

  • TRUE : Analyzed.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure matching IP uplink packets based on condition.

active-charging service ruledef ip version

Configures rule expression to match based on IP version.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


version operator ip_version 


Specify the condition to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • ipv4

  • ipv6


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure rule expression to match based on the IP version.

active-charging service ruledef multi-line-or

This command applies the OR operator to all lines in the current ruledef.


multi-line-or all-lines 


Applies the OR operator to all lines in the current ruledef.

Usage Guidelines

When a ruledef is evaluated, if the multi-line-or all-lines command is configured, the logical OR operator is applied to all the rule expressions in the ruledef to decide if the ruledef matches or not. If the multi-line-or all-lines command is not configured, the logical AND operator is applied to all the rule expressions.

active-charging service ruledef p2p

This command allows you to define rule expressions to match P2P protocol. This command must be used for charging purposes. It must not be used for detection purposes.


p2p protocol operator protocol 

p2p set-app-proto app_protocol_name

Specify the custom-defined protocol (CDP) name. CDP name specifies the name of the custom defined protocol (CDP) for TLS/SSL flows, QUIC flows or any app-identifier matching the ruledef. If the flow/packet matches the rule, the CDP name specified in the ruledef will be taken and the flow will be marked as CDP. If no CDP is configured in the rule, then the flow will be treated as TLS/SSL or QUIC flow.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to detect P2P protocols for charging purposes. For detection purposes use the "p2p-detection protocol" command in the ACS Configuration Mode.


The following command specifies to detect "skype" protocol for charging purposes:
p2p protocol = skype 

active-charging service ruledef p2p app-identifier

Configures application identifiers populated from the plugin and mark the matching flows to a custom-defined protocol (CDP) name.


p2p app-identifier app-type app_type operator string 

app-type app_type

Specify the app type.

Must be one of the following:

  • quic-sni : Specify the QUIC Server Name Indication (SNI) field value.

  • tls-cname : Specify the common name in the Server Hello message of TLS. SSL renegotiation is supported for the flows that are marked using "tls-cname" rules.

  • tls-sni : Specify the TLS/SSL Server Name Indication (SNI) field.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Not equals.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the string.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure application identifiers populated from the plugin and mark the matching flows to a custom-defined protocol (CDP) name. The SNI ruledef supports multi-line-or all-lines or default multi-line-and rule lines. The rule lines configured with "!=" operator will not be optimized.


The following command configures the QUIC SNI app-identifier that is set to
p2p app-identifier quic-sni = 

active-charging service ruledef p2p protocol

Configures the protocol to match.


protocol operator protocol 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • = : Equals.


Specify the P2P protocol.

Must be one of the following:

  • 8tracks : P2P detection protocol for "8tracks" application.

  • actionvoip : P2P detection protocol for "actionvoip" application.

  • actsync : P2P detection protocol for "actsync" application.

  • adobeconnect : P2P detection protocol for "adobeconnect" application.

  • aimini : P2P detection protocol for "aimini" application.

  • amazoncloud : P2P detection protocol for "amazoncloud" application.

  • amazonmusic : P2P detection protocol for "amazonmusic" application.

  • amazonvideo : P2P detection protocol for "amazonvideo" application.

  • antsp2p : P2P detection protocol for "antsp2p" application.

  • apple-push : P2P detection protocol for "apple-push" application.

  • apple-store : P2P detection protocol for "apple-store" application.

  • applejuice : P2P detection protocol for "applejuice" application.

  • applemaps : P2P detection protocol for "applemaps" application.

  • ares : P2P detection protocol for "ares" application.

  • armagettron : P2P detection protocol for "armagettron" application.

  • avi : P2P detection protocol for "avi" application.

  • badoo : P2P detection protocol for "badoo" application.

  • baidumovie : P2P detection protocol for "baidumovie" application.

  • battlefld : P2P detection protocol for "battlefld" application.

  • bbm : P2P detection protocol for "bbm" application.

  • beatport : P2P detection protocol for "beatport" application.

  • bitcasa : P2P detection protocol for "bitcasa" application.

  • bittorrent-sync : P2P detection protocol for "bittorrent-sync" application.

  • bittorrent : P2P detection protocol for "bittorrent" application.

  • blackberry-store : P2P detection protocol for "blackberry-store" application.

  • blackberry : P2P detection protocol for "blackberry" application.

  • blackdialer : P2P detection protocol for "blackdialer" application.

  • box : P2P detection protocol for "box" application.

  • callofduty : P2P detection protocol for "callofduty" application.

  • chikka : P2P detection protocol for "chikka" application.

  • cisco-jabber : P2P detection protocol for "cisco-jabber" application.

  • citrix : P2P detection protocol for "citrix" application.

  • clubbox : P2P detection protocol for "clubbox" application.

  • clubpenguin : P2P detection protocol for "clubpenguin" application.

  • comodounite : P2P detection protocol for "comodounite" application.

  • crackle : P2P detection protocol for "crackle" application.

  • crossfire : P2P detection protocol for "crossfire" application.

  • curiosity-stream : P2P detection protocol for "curiosity-stream" application.

  • cyberghost : P2P detection protocol for "cyberghost" application.

  • ddlink : P2P detection protocol for "ddlink" application.

  • didi : P2P detection protocol for "didi" application.

  • directconnect : P2P detection protocol for "directconnect" application.

  • dish-anywhere : P2P detection protocol for "dish-anywhere" application.

  • dns-tunneling : P2P detection protocol for "dns-tunneling" application.

  • dofus : P2P detection protocol for "dofus" application.

  • dropbox : P2P detection protocol for "dropbox" application.

  • ebuddy : P2P detection protocol for "ebuddy" application.

  • edonkey : P2P detection protocol for "edonkey" application.

  • espn : P2P detection protocol for "espn" application.

  • facebook : P2P detection protocol for "facebook" application.

  • facetime : P2P detection protocol for "facetime" application.

  • fandor : P2P detection protocol for "fandor" application.

  • fasttrack : P2P detection protocol for "fasttrack" application.

  • feidian : P2P detection protocol for "feidian" application.

  • ficall : P2P detection protocol for "ficall" application.

  • fiesta : P2P detection protocol for "fiesta" application.

  • filetopia : P2P detection protocol for "filetopia" application.

  • flash : P2P detection protocol for "flash" application.

  • flickr : P2P detection protocol for "flickr" application.

  • florensia : P2P detection protocol for "florensia" application.

  • foursquare : P2P detection protocol for "foursquare" application.

  • fox-sports : P2P detection protocol for "fox-sports" application.

  • freenet : P2P detection protocol for "freenet" application.

  • friendster : P2P detection protocol for "friendster" application.

  • fring : P2P detection protocol for "fring" application.

  • fubotv : P2P detection protocol for "fubotv" application.

  • funshion : P2P detection protocol for "funshion" application.

  • gadugadu : P2P detection protocol for "gadugadu" application.

  • gamekit : P2P detection protocol for "gamekit" application.

  • gmail : P2P detection protocol for "gmail" application.

  • gnutella : P2P detection protocol for "gnutella" application.

  • go90 : P2P detection protocol for "go90" application.

  • goober : P2P detection protocol for "goober" application.

  • google-music : P2P detection protocol for "google-music" application.

  • google-push : P2P detection protocol for "google-push" application.

  • google : P2P detection protocol for "google" application.

  • googleplay : P2P detection protocol for "googleplay" application.

  • googleplus : P2P detection protocol for "googleplus" application.

  • gotomeeting : P2P detection protocol for "gotomeeting" application.

  • gtalk : P2P detection protocol for "gtalk" application.

  • guildwars : P2P detection protocol for "guildwars" application.

  • halflife2 : P2P detection protocol for "halflife2" application.

  • hamachivpn : P2P detection protocol for "hamachivpn" application.

  • hbogo : P2P detection protocol for "hbogo" application.

  • hbonow : P2P detection protocol for "hbonow" application.

  • heytell : P2P detection protocol for "heytell" application.

  • hgtv : P2P detection protocol for "hgtv" application.

  • hike-messenger : P2P detection protocol for "hike-messenger" application.

  • hls : P2P detection protocol for "hls" application.

  • hotspotvpn : P2P detection protocol for "hotspotvpn" application.

  • http : P2P detection protocol for "http" application.

  • hulu : P2P detection protocol for "hulu" application.

  • hyves : P2P detection protocol for "hyves" application.

  • iax : P2P detection protocol for "iax" application.

  • icall : P2P detection protocol for "icall" application.

  • icecast : P2P detection protocol for "icecast" application.

  • icloud : P2P detection protocol for "icloud" application.

  • idrive : P2P detection protocol for "idrive" application.

  • igo : P2P detection protocol for "igo" application.

  • iheartradio : P2P detection protocol for "iheartradio" application.

  • imesh : P2P detection protocol for "imesh" application.

  • imessage : P2P detection protocol for "imessage" application.

  • imgur : P2P detection protocol for "imgur" application.

  • imo : P2P detection protocol for "imo" application.

  • implus : P2P detection protocol for "implus" application.

  • instagram : P2P detection protocol for "instagram" application.

  • iplayer : P2P detection protocol for "iplayer" application.

  • iptv : P2P detection protocol for "iptv" application.

  • irc : P2P detection protocol for "irc" application.

  • isakmp : P2P detection protocol for "isakmp" application.

  • iskoot : P2P detection protocol for "iskoot" application.

  • itunes : P2P detection protocol for "itunes" application.

  • jabber : P2P detection protocol for "jabber" application.

  • jap : P2P detection protocol for "jap" application.

  • jumblo : P2P detection protocol for "" application.jumblo

  • kakaotalk : P2P detection protocol for "kakaotalk" application.

  • kidoodle : P2P detection protocol for "kidoodle" application.

  • kik-messenger : P2P detection protocol for "kik-messenger" application.

  • kontiki : P2P detection protocol for "kontiki" application.

  • kugou : P2P detection protocol for "kugou" application.

  • kuro : P2P detection protocol for "kuro" application.

  • linkedin : P2P detection protocol for "linkedin" application.

  • lync : P2P detection protocol for "lync" application.

  • magicjack : P2P detection protocol for "magicjack" application.

  • manolito : P2P detection protocol for "manolito" application.

  • mapfactor : P2P detection protocol for "mapfactor" application.

  • mapi : P2P detection protocol for "mapi" application.

  • maplestory : P2P detection protocol for "maplestory" application.

  • meebo : P2P detection protocol for "meebo" application.

  • mega : P2P detection protocol for "mega" application.

  • mgcp : P2P detection protocol for "mgcp" application.

  • mig33 : P2P detection protocol for "mig33" application.

  • mlb : P2P detection protocol for "mlb" application.

  • mojo : P2P detection protocol for "mojo" application.

  • monkey3 : P2P detection protocol for "monkey3" application.

  • mozy : P2P detection protocol for "mozy" application.

  • msn : P2P detection protocol for "msn" application.

  • msrp : P2P detection protocol for "msrp" application.

  • mute : P2P detection protocol for "mute" application.

  • mypeople : P2P detection protocol for "mypeople" application.

  • myspace : P2P detection protocol for "myspace" application.

  • nateontalk : P2P detection protocol for "" application.nateontalk

  • naverline : P2P detection protocol for "naverline" application.

  • navigon : P2P detection protocol for "navigon" application.

  • nbc-sports : P2P detection protocol for "nbc-sports" application.

  • netflix : P2P detection protocol for "netflix" application.

  • netmotion : P2P detection protocol for "netmotion" application.

  • newsy : P2P detection protocol for "newsy" application.

  • nimbuzz : P2P detection protocol for "nimbuzz" application.

  • nokia-store : P2P detection protocol for "nokia-store" application.

  • octoshape : P2P detection protocol for "octoshape" application.

  • odnoklassniki : P2P detection protocol for "odnoklassniki" application.

  • off : P2P detection protocol for "off" application.

  • ogg : P2P detection protocol for "ogg" application.

  • oist : P2P detection protocol for "oist" application.

  • oovoo : P2P detection protocol for "oovoo" application.

  • opendrive : P2P detection protocol for "opendrive" application.

  • openft : P2P detection protocol for "openft" application.

  • openvpn : P2P detection protocol for "openvpn" application.

  • operamini : P2P detection protocol for "operamini" application.

  • orb : P2P detection protocol for "orb" application.

  • oscar : P2P detection protocol for "oscar" application.

  • outlook : P2P detection protocol for "outlook" application.

  • paltalk : P2P detection protocol for "paltalk" application.

  • pando : P2P detection protocol for "pando" application.

  • pandora : P2P detection protocol for "pandora" application.

  • path : P2P detection protocol for "path" application.

  • pcanywhere : P2P detection protocol for "pcanywhere" application.

  • periscope : P2P detection protocol for "periscope" application.

  • pinterest : P2P detection protocol for "pinterest" application.

  • plingm : P2P detection protocol for "plingm" application.

  • poco : P2P detection protocol for "poco" application.

  • popo : P2P detection protocol for "popo" application.

  • pplive : P2P detection protocol for "pplive" application.

  • ppstream : P2P detection protocol for "ppstream" application.

  • ps3 : P2P detection protocol for "ps3" application.

  • qq : P2P detection protocol for "qq" application.

  • qqgame : P2P detection protocol for "qqgame" application.

  • qqlive : P2P detection protocol for "qqlive" application.

  • quake : P2P detection protocol for "quake" application.

  • quic : P2P detection protocol for "quic" application.

  • quicktime : P2P detection protocol for "quicktime" application.

  • radio-paradise : P2P detection protocol for "radio-paradise" application.

  • rdp : P2P detection protocol for "rdp" application.

  • rdt : P2P detection protocol for "rdt" application.

  • regram : P2P detection protocol for "regram" application.

  • rfactor : P2P detection protocol for "rfactor" application.

  • rhapsody : P2P detection protocol for "rhapsody" application.

  • rmstream : P2P detection protocol for "rmstream" application.

  • rodi : P2P detection protocol for "rodi" application.

  • rynga : P2P detection protocol for "rynga" application.

  • samsung-store : P2P detection protocol for "samsung-store" application.

  • scydo : P2P detection protocol for "scydo" application.

  • secondlife : P2P detection protocol for "secondlife" application.

  • shoutcast : P2P detection protocol for "shoutcast" application.

  • showtime : P2P detection protocol for "showtime" application.

  • silverlight : P2P detection protocol for "silverlight" application.

  • siri : P2P detection protocol for "siri" application.

  • skinny : P2P detection protocol for "skinny" application.

  • skydrive : P2P detection protocol for "skydrive" application.

  • skype : P2P detection protocol for "Skype" application.

  • slacker-radio : P2P detection protocol for "slacker-radio" application.

  • slingbox : P2P detection protocol for "slingbox" application.

  • slingtv : P2P detection protocol for "slingtv" application.

  • smartvoip : P2P detection protocol for "smartvoip" application.

  • snapchat : P2P detection protocol for "snapchat" application.

  • softether : P2P detection protocol for "softether" application.

  • sopcast : P2P detection protocol for "sopcast" application.

  • soribada : P2P detection protocol for "soribada" application.

  • soulseek : P2P detection protocol for "soulseek" application.

  • soundcloud : P2P detection protocol for "soundcloud" application.

  • spdy : P2P detection protocol for "spdy" application.

  • speedtest : P2P detection protocol for "speedtest" application.

  • splashfighter : P2P detection protocol for "splashfighter" application.

  • spotify : P2P detection protocol for "spotify" application.

  • ssdp : P2P detection protocol for "ssdp" application.

  • ssl : P2P detection protocol for "ssl" application.

  • starz : P2P detection protocol for "starz" application.

  • stealthnet : P2P detection protocol for "stealthnet" application.

  • steam : P2P detection protocol for "steam" application.

  • stun : P2P detection protocol for "stun" application.

  • sudaphone : P2P detection protocol for "sudaphone" application.

  • svtplay : P2P detection protocol for "svtplay" application.

  • tagged : P2P detection protocol for "tagged" application.

  • talkatone : P2P detection protocol for "talkatone" application.

  • tango : P2P detection protocol for "tango" application.

  • teamspeak : P2P detection protocol for "teamspeak" application.

  • teamviewer : P2P detection protocol for "teamviewer" application.

  • telegram : P2P detection protocol for "telegram" application.

  • thunder : P2P detection protocol for "thunder" application.

  • thunderhs : P2P detection protocol for "thunderhs" application.

  • tmo-tv : P2P detection protocol for "tmo-tv" application.

  • tor : P2P detection protocol for "tor" application.

  • truecaller : P2P detection protocol for "truecaller" application.

  • truphone : P2P detection protocol for "truphone" application.

  • tumblr : P2P detection protocol for "tumblr" application.

  • tunein-radio : P2P detection protocol for "tunein-radio" application.

  • tunnelvoice : P2P detection protocol for "tunnelvoice" application.

  • tvants : P2P detection protocol for "tvants" application.

  • tvuplayer : P2P detection protocol for "tvuplayer" application.

  • twitch : P2P detection protocol for "twitch" application.

  • twitter : P2P detection protocol for "twitter" application.

  • ultrabac : P2P detection protocol for "ultrabac" application.

  • ultrasurf : P2P detection protocol for "ultrasurf" application.

  • univision : P2P detection protocol for "univision" application.

  • upc-phone : P2P detection protocol for "upc-phone" application.

  • usenet : P2P detection protocol for "usenet" application.

  • ustream : P2P detection protocol for "ustream" application.

  • uusee : P2P detection protocol for "uusee" application.

  • vchat : P2P detection protocol for "vchat" application.

  • veohtv : P2P detection protocol for "veohtv" application.

  • vessel : P2P detection protocol for "vessel" application.

  • vevo : P2P detection protocol for "vevo" application.

  • viber : P2P detection protocol for "viber" application.

  • vine : P2P detection protocol for "vine" application.

  • voipdiscount : P2P detection protocol for "voipdiscount" application.

  • vopium : P2P detection protocol for "vopium" application.

  • voxer : P2P detection protocol for "voxer" application.

  • vpnx : P2P detection protocol for "vpnx" application.

  • vtok : P2P detection protocol for "vtok" application.

  • vtun : P2P detection protocol for "vtun" application.

  • vudu : P2P detection protocol for "vudu" application.

  • warcft3 : P2P detection protocol for "warcft3" application.

  • waze : P2P detection protocol for "waze" application.

  • webex : P2P detection protocol for "webex" application.

  • wechat : P2P detection protocol for "wechat" application.

  • weibo : P2P detection protocol for "weibo" application.

  • whatsapp : P2P detection protocol for "whatsapp" application.

  • wii : P2P detection protocol for "wii" application.

  • windows-azure : P2P detection protocol for "windows-azure" application.

  • windows-store : P2P detection protocol for "windows-store" application.

  • winmx : P2P detection protocol for "winmx" application.

  • winny : P2P detection protocol for "winny" application.

  • wmstream : P2P detection protocol for "wmstream" application.

  • wofkungfu : P2P detection protocol for "wofkungfu" application.

  • wofwarcraft : P2P detection protocol for "wofwarcraft" application.

  • wuala : P2P detection protocol for "wuala" application.

  • wwe : P2P detection protocol for "wwe" application.

  • xbox : P2P detection protocol for "xbox" application.

  • xdcc : P2P detection protocol for "xdcc" application.

  • xing : P2P detection protocol for "xing" application.

  • yahoo : P2P detection protocol for "yahoo" application.

  • yahoomail : P2P detection protocol for "yahoomail" application.

  • youku : P2P detection protocol for "youku" application.

  • yourfreetunnel : P2P detection protocol for "yourfreetunnel" application.

  • youtube : P2P detection protocol for "youtube" application.

  • zattoo : P2P detection protocol for "zattoo" application.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the protocol to match.

active-charging service ruledef p2p traffic-type

Configures rule expression to match the traffic type.


p2p traffic-type operator traffic_type 


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.


Specify the traffic type to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • ads

  • audio

  • file-transfer

  • im

  • streaming-audio

  • streaming-video

  • tunnel

  • unclassified

  • video

  • voipout

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the system to detect voice or non-voice P2P traffic. When the detection of a protocol is enabled then the detection of sub-type is enabled by default.


The following command configures the system to detect video traffic:
p2p traffic-type = video 

active-charging service ruledef rtp

Configures rule expression to match all Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets.


rtp any-match operator condition 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match all RTP packets.


The following command defines a rule expression to match all RTP packets:
rtp any-match = TRUE 

active-charging service ruledef rtp any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef rtsp

Configures rule expression to match all Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) packets.


rtsp any-match operator condition 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match all RTSP packets.


The following command defines a rule expression to match all RTSP packets:
rtsp any-match = TRUE 

active-charging service ruledef rtsp any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef secure-http

Configures rule expression to match uplink (subscriber to network) HTTPS packets.


secure-http uplink operator condition 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match uplink HTTPS packets.


The following command defines a rule expression to match all uplink HTTPS packets:
secure-http uplink = TRUE 

active-charging service ruledef secure-http any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef secure-http uplink

Specify HTTPS uplink packet.




Specify the condition to match.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the HTTPS uplink packets.

active-charging service ruledef tcp

Configures rule expression to match bit within the flag field of TCP headers.


tcp flag operator flag 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the rule expression to match bit within the flag field of TCP headers.


The following command defines a rule expression to match "reset" within flag field of TCP headers:
tcp flag = reset 

active-charging service ruledef tcp any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef tcp either-port with-portMap-range

With port map range.


with-portMap-range operator port-map port_map_name 

port-map port_map_name

Specify the port map name.

Must be a string.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • !range : Not in the range of.

  • range : In the range of.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure with port map range.

active-charging service ruledef tcp either-port with-range

Configures operator start to-node end.


with-range operator start start_range to-node end end_range 

end end_range

Specify the end range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

start start_range

Specify the start range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.


Specify the to node.

Must be one of the following:

  • to


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • !range : Not in the range of.

  • range : In the range of.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure operator start to-node end.

active-charging service ruledef tcp either-port without-range

Configures without range.


without-range operator port port_range 

port port_range

Specify the port range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • <= : Lesser than or equal to.

  • = : Equals.

  • >= : Greater than or equal to.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure without range.

active-charging service ruledef tcp flag

Flag field of TCP headers.


flag operator flag 


Specify the flag to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • ack

  • fin

  • push

  • reset

  • sync


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Flag field of TCP headers.

active-charging service ruledef tcp state

Configures rule expression to match current state of TCP connections.


tcp state operator current_state 


Specify the state to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • close-wait

  • close

  • closing

  • established

  • fin-wait1

  • fin-wait2

  • last-ack

  • listen

  • syn-received

  • syn-sent

  • time-wait


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • '!=' : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match a current state of TCP connections.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic based on current state "close":
tcp state = close 

active-charging service ruledef tethering-detection

Configures rule expression to match tethered or non-tethered flows.


tethering-detection [ application | dns-based | ip-ttl | os-ua ]{ tether-flow } 


Specify the flow option.

Must be one of the following:

  • flow-not-tethered : If tethering is not detected on flow.

  • flow-tethered : If tethering is detected on flow.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match tethered/non-tethered flows. Note that in order for the rule containing the tethering-detection configuration to get matched, at least one valid rule line has to be present in it.


The following command defines a rule expression to match tethered flows:
tethering-detection flow-tethered 

active-charging service ruledef tethering-detection application

Configures application-based tethering detection.




Specify the flow option.

Must be one of the following:

  • flow-not-tethered : If tethering is not detected on flow.

  • flow-tethered : If tethering is detected on flow.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to select flows that were tethered or non-tethered based on application-based detection solution.

active-charging service ruledef tethering-detection dns-based

Configures DNS query pattern based tethering detection.




Specify the flow option.

Must be one of the following:

  • flow-not-tethered : If tethering is not detected on flow.

  • flow-tethered : If tethering is detected on flow.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to select flows that were tethered or non-tethered based on DNS-based detection solution.

active-charging service ruledef tethering-detection ip-ttl

Configures IP-TTL based tethering detection.




Specify the flow option.

Must be one of the following:

  • flow-not-tethered : If tethering is not detected on flow.

  • flow-tethered : If tethering is detected on flow.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to select flows that were tethered or non-tethered as per IP-TTL values.

active-charging service ruledef tethering-detection os-ua

Configures OS-UA based tethering detection.




Specify the flow option.

Must be one of the following:

  • flow-not-tethered : If tethering is not detected on flow.

  • flow-tethered : If tethering is detected on flow.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to select flows that were tethered or non-tethered as per OS-UA lookups.

active-charging service ruledef udp

Configures rule expression to match all UDP packets.


udp any-match operator condition 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match all UDP packets.


The following command defines a rule expression to match all UDP packets:
udp any-match = TRUE 

active-charging service ruledef udp any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef udp either-port with-portMap-range

With port map range.


with-portMap-range operator port-map port_map_name 

port-map port_map_name

Specify the port map name.

Must be a string.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • !range : Not in the range of.

  • range : In the range of.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure with port map range.

active-charging service ruledef udp either-port with-range

Configures operator start to-node end.


with-range operator start start_range to-node end end_range 

end end_range

Specify the end range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

start start_range

Specify the start range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.


Specify the to node.

Must be one of the following:

  • to


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • !range : Not in the range of.

  • range : In the range of.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure operator start to-node end.

active-charging service ruledef udp either-port without-range

Configures without range.


without-range operator port port_range 

port port_range

Specify the port range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • <= : Lesser than or equal to.

  • = : Equals.

  • >= : Greater than or equal to.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure without range.

active-charging service ruledef wsp any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef wtp any-match

Configures any-match.


wsp any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure any match.

active-charging service ruledef www

Configures rule expression to match URL for any Web protocol analyzer HTTP, WAP1.X, WAP2.0.


www url [ case-sensitive ] operator url 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match the URL for any Web protocol analyzer HTTP, WAP1.X, WAP2.0.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic based on WWW URL "":
www url = 

active-charging service ruledef www any-match

Configures rule expression to match all WWW packets. It is true for HTTP, WAP1.x, and WAP2.0 protocols.


www any-match operator condition 


Specify the condition to match.

Must be one of the following:


  • TRUE


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • = : Equals.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match all WWW packets. This expression is true for HTTP, WAP1.x, and WAP2.0 protocols


The following command defines a rule expression to match all WWW packets:
www any-match = TRUE 

active-charging service ruledef www host

Configures rule expression to match the "host name" header field present in HTTP/WSP headers.


www host [ case-sensitive ] operator host_name 


Specify that the rule expression be case-sensitive. By default, rule expressions are not case-sensitive.


Specify the WWW host name to match.

Must be a string.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • regex : Regular expression.

  • starts-with : Starts with.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define rule expressions to match the host name header field present in HTTP/WSP headers.


The following command defines a rule expression to match user traffic based on WWW host name "host1":
www host = host1 

active-charging service ruledef www url

Configures rule expressions to match URL.


www url [ case-sensitive ] operator url 


Specify that the rule expression be case-sensitive. By default, rule expressions are not case-sensitive.


Specify how to match.

Must be one of the following:

  • != : Does not equal.

  • !contains : Does not contain.

  • !ends-with : Does not end with.

  • !starts-with : Does not start with.

  • = : Equals.

  • contains : Contains.

  • ends-with : Ends with.

  • regex : Regular expression.

  • starts-with : Starts with.


Specify the URL to match.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the rule expressions to match URLs.

active-charging service url-blacklisting

Enables URL Blacklisting functionality.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


url-blacklisting match-method match_method 


no url-blacklisting match-method 

match-method match_method

Specify the match method to look up for URLs in the URL Blacklisting database.

Must be one of the following:

  • exact : URL Blacklisting is performed only on exact match with a URL present in the URL.

  • generic : URL Blacklisting is performed on a generic match with URLs present in the URL Blacklisting database.

Default Value: exact.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable URL Blacklisting functionality.

active-charging service urr-list

Configures ACS URR list configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Active Charging Service Configuration (config-service-active_charging_service_name )


urr-list urr_list_name 


no urr-list 


Specify the URR list name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ACS URR list configuration. Enters ACS URR List Configuration mode. This mode allows mapping of URR-ID with Rating Group and Service-ID

You can configure a maximum of one element with this command.

active-charging service urr-list urr-list-data

Configures URR list data.



rating group group_number

Specify the rating ID used in prepaid charging.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2147483647.

urr-id urr_id_range

Specify the URR identifier for rating/service group.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-8388607.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URR list data.

active-charging service urr-list urr-list-data service-identifier

Configures the service identifier.


service-identifier service_id 

urr-id urr_id_range

Specify the URR identifier for rating/service group.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-8388607.


Specify the service ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2147483647.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the servoce identifier.


Configures Access Point Name (APN) templates.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


apn apn_name 


Specify the APN name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create and configure an APN.


The following command creates an APN template named isp1:
apn isp1 

apn active-charging

Enables a configured ACS rulebase.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )


active-charging rulebase rulebase_name 

rulebase rulebase_name

Specify the rulebase name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable a configured ACS rulebase.

apn authorize-with-hss

Configures s6b authentication.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


authorize-with-hss [ report-ipv6-addr ] 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure s6b authentication. Enables IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp

Enables s6b authorization for all the interfaces of EGTP along with GN-GP Handover except 3G initial attach.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )


authorize-with-hss egtp [ report-ipv6-addr ] 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for all the interfaces of EGTP along with GN-GP Handover except 3G initial attach.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp gn-gp-enabled

Enables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GNGP handover.


gn-gp-enabled report-ipv6-addr 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GNGP handover.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp s2b

Enables s6b authorization for egtp-s2b.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )


authorize-with-hss egtp s2b report-ipv6-addr 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for egtp-s2b.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp s2b gn-gp-enabled

Enables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GNGP handover.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )


gn-gp-enabled report-ipv6-addr 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GNGP handover.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp s2b s5-s8

Enables s6b authorization for egtp-s5s8.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )


authorize-with-hss egtp s2b s5-s8 [ gn_gp_option | report-ipv6-addr ] 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.


Specify to enable or disable s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

Must be one of the following:

  • gn-gp-disabled : Disables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

  • gn-gp-enabled : Enables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for egtp-s5s8.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp s5-s8

Enables s6b authorization for egtp-s5s8.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )




Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.


Specify to enable or disable s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

Must be one of the following:

  • gn-gp-disabled : Disables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

  • gn-gp-enabled : Enables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for egtp-s5s8.

apn authorize-with-hss egtp s5-s8 s2b

Enables s6b authorization for egtp-s2b.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-service-apn-name-apn_name )




Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.


Specify to enable or disable s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

Must be one of the following:

  • gn-gp-disabled : Disables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

  • gn-gp-enabled : Enables s6b authorization for 3G initial attach and GnGp handover.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable s6b authorization for egtp-s2b.

apn authorize-with-hss lma

Enables IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


lma [ report-ipv6-addr | s6b-aaa-group group_name ] 


Specify to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b interface.

s6b-aaa-group group_name

Specify the AAA group name for s6b authorization.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable IPv6 reporting through AAR towards s6b.

apn cc-profile

Configures the subscriber charging characteristics profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cc-profile index{ credit-control-group cc_group_name | prepaid-prohibited } 

credit-control-group cc_group_name

Specify the credit control group name.

Must be a string.


Specify to disable prepaid for the configured profile index.


Specify the charging characterstics profile index.

Must be an integer.


Must be one of the following:

  • any

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the subscriber charging characteristics profile parameters.

apn content-filtering category

Configures Content Filtering category.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


category policy-id policy_id 

policy-id policy_id

Specify the Content Filtering policy ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Content Filtering category.

apn data-tunnel

Configures the data tunnel MTU parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


data-tunnel mtu max_transmission_unit 

mtu max_transmission_unit

Specify the data tunnel MTU value, in octets.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the data tunnel MTU parameter.

apn gtpp group

Enables and configures the GTPP group to be used by this APN.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


gtpp group gtpp_group_name 

group gtpp_group_name

Specify the GTPP group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and configure the GTPP group to be used by this APN.

apn ip access-group

Configures an IPv4/IPv6 access group for the current APN profile.


ip access-group acl_group_name [ in | out ] 

group-name acl_group_name

Specify the name of the IPv4/IPv6 access group.

Must be a string.


Specify access group as inbound.


Specify access group as outbound.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to apply a single IPv4/IPv6 access control list to multiple subscribers via this APN for inbound or outbound IPv4/IPv6 traffic. If no traffic direction is specified, the selected access control list will be applied to both directions.

You can configure a maximum of eight elements with this command.


ip access-group sampleipv4Group 

apn ip source-violation

Enables or disables packet source validation for the current APN.


ip source-violation ignore 


Disables source address checking for the APN.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable packet source validation. Source validation is useful if packet spoofing is suspected or for verifying packet routing and labeling within the network. Source validation requires the source address of received packets to match the IP address assigned to the subscriber (either statically or dynamically) during the session.


The following command enables source address validation for the APN and configures a drop-limit of 15:
ip source-violation check drop-limit 15 

apn ppp

Configures PPP parameters for specified APN.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > APN Configuration (config-apn-apn_name )


ppp mtu max_transmission_unit 

mtu max_transmission_unit

Specify the maximum transmission unit. Default Value: 1500.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PPP parameters for specified APN.

apn timeout

Configures session timeout parameters for the current APN.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


timeout idle idle_timeout 

idle idle_timeout

Specify the session idle timeout period for the current APN.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-4294967295.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the session timeout parameters for the current APN.

clear subscriber

Clears subscriber data.

Command Mode



clear subscriber{ all | supi supi_id | config_specific_options } 


Specify to remove all subscriber data.

namespace namespace

Specify the product namespace under which to search.

Default Value: cisco-mobile-infra:none.

supi supi_id

Specify to remove subscriber data associated with the SUPI ID.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear subscriber data.

client http header

Configures HTTP header parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client http header http_header 

user-agent user_agent_header

Specify the user agent header.

Must be one of the following:

  • app-name

  • cluster-name

  • disable

Default Value: app-name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure HTTP header parameters.

client http ping

Configures HTTP ping parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client http ping{ [ timeout ping_timeout ] [ interval ping_interval ] } 

interval ping_interval

Specify the time interval in milliseconds between two HTTP pings.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-30000.

Default Value: 10000.

timeout ping_timeout

Specify the ping timeout in milliseconds to detect remote host down.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-15000.

Default Value: 5000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure HTTP ping parameters.

client inbound interface

Configures inbound client interface parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client inbound interface interface 

interface interface

Specify the interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure inbound client interface parameters. Changes to the Interface Configuration mode (config-interface-<interface_name>).

client inbound interface limit overload

Configures Overload configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


limit overload reject-code response_code 

reject-code response_code

Specify the response code to be used when pending limit exceeds.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Overload configuration parameters.

client inbound interface limit pending

Configures pending limit configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


limit pending request max_pending_request_limit 

request max_pending_request_limit

Specify the maximum pending request limit to allow.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10240.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pending limit configuration.

client inbound limit overload

Configures Overload configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


limit overload reject-code response_code 

reject-code response_code

Specify the response code to be used when pending limit exceeds.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Overload configuration parameters.

client inbound limit pending

Configures pending limit configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


limit pending request max_pending_request_limit 

request max_pending_request_limit

Specify the maximum pending request limit to allow.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10240.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pending limit configuration.

client outbound host ping

Configures outbound host ping parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client outbound host ping{ [ timeout ping_timeout ] [ interval ping_interval ] } 

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


host ping{ [ timeout ping_timeout ] [ interval ping_interval ] } 

interval ping_interval

Specify the time interval, in milliseconds, between two pings.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-30000.

Default Value: 0.

timeout ping_timeout

Specify the ping timeout duration, in milliseconds, to detect remote host down.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-15000.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure outbound host ping parameter.

client outbound interface

Configures outbound client interface parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client outbound interface interface 

interface interface

Specify the interface.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure outbound client interface parameters. Changes to the Interface Configuration mode (config-interface-<interface_name>).

client outbound interface host ping

Configures outbound host ping parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client outbound host ping{ [ timeout ping_timeout ] [ interval ping_interval ] } 

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


host ping{ [ timeout ping_timeout ] [ interval ping_interval ] } 

interval ping_interval

Specify the time interval, in milliseconds, between two pings.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-30000.

Default Value: 0.

timeout ping_timeout

Specify the ping timeout duration, in milliseconds, to detect remote host down.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-15000.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure outbound host ping parameter.

client outbound interface limit pending

Configures pending limit configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client outbound limit pending response response_message_limit 

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


pending response response_message_limit 

response response_message_limit

Specify the pending response message limit to detect remote host as down.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1024.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pending limit configuration.

client outbound limit pending

Configures pending limit configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


client outbound limit pending response response_message_limit 

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Interface Configuration (config-interface-interface_name )


pending response response_message_limit 

response response_message_limit

Specify the pending response message limit to detect remote host as down.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1024.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pending limit configuration.

config-error info

Displays configuration error information.

Command Mode



show config-error [ info ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view configuration error information.


Configures the deployment parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


deployment [ app-name application_name | cluster-name cluster_name | dc-name datacenter_name | model deployment_model ] 

app-name application_name

Specify the application name.

Must be a string.

cluster-name cluster_name

Specify the cluster name.

Must be a string.

dc-name datacenter_name

Specify the datacenter name.

Must be a string.

model deployment_model

Specify the deployment model.

Must be one of the following:

  • small

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the deployment parameters.

deployment resource

Configures the deployment CPU resource parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Deployment Configuration (config-deployment)


resource cpu cpu_size 

cpu cpu_size

Specify the CPU size in millicores.

Must be an integer in the range of 2000-1000000.

Default Value: 18000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the deployment CPU resource parameter.

diagnostics info

Displays diagnostics information.

Command Mode



show diagnostics [ info ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view diagnostics information.

dump transactionhistory

Creates dump of transaction history.

Command Mode



dump transactionhistory 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create dump of transaction history.


Configures EDR parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


edr reporting{ enable | disable } [ subscribers subscribers_edr_reporting ] 

reporting{ enable | disable }

Specify to enable or disable EDR reporting.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

subscribers subscribers_edr_reporting

Specify the subscribers for whom EDR reporting must be enabled.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure EDR parameters.

You can configure a maximum of 10 elements with this command.

edr file files

Configures EDR file parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


edr reporting file{ enable | disable } file edr_file_name reporting{ enable | disable } verbose{ enable | disable } 

reporting{ enable | disable }

Specify to enable or disable reporting of this file.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

verbose{ enable | disable }

Specify to enable or disable field description or long names in file.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.


Specify the EDR file name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure EDR file parameters.

edr file files flush

Configures file flush parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


flush interval file_flush_interval 

interval file_flush_interval

Specify the file flush interval in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure file flush parameters.

edr file files limit

Configures .

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


limit size max_single_file_size count max_files_to_preserve 

count max_files_to_preserve

Specify the maximum number of files to be preserved.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10.

size max_single_file_size

Specify the maximum single file size limit in MB.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure .

endpoint all

Displays the status of endpoints.

Command Mode



show endpoint [ all ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the status of endpoints.

endpoint ep

Displays the endpoint parameters.

Command Mode



show endpoint [ info ] 

certificate-name certificate_alias_name

Specify the alias name for the certificate.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http

  • https

Default Value: http.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the endpoint parameters.

endpoint ep interface

Displays the endpoint interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


interface interface-type interface_type 

certificate-name certificate_alias_name

Specify the alias name for certificate.

interface-type interface_type

Specify the interface type.

loopbackEth pod_interface

Specify the pod interface.

Must be a string.

loopbackPort port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http

  • https

Default Value: http.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the interface.

endpoint ep interface dispatcher

Displays the dispatcher queue support details for the interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view dispatcher queue support details for the interface.

endpoint ep interface sla

Configures the SLA parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


sla response response_time procedure procedure_time 

procedure procedure_time

Specify the procedure time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000-120000.

response response_time

Specify the response time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000-120000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the SLA parameters.

endpoint ep interface vip

Configures the virtual IP address (VIP) parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


vip{ vip-ip host_address | vip-port port_number } offline 


Specify when the virtual IP address (VIP) is offline.

vip-ip host_address

Specify the host address.

Must be a string.

vip-port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the VIP address parameters.

endpoint ep system-health-level crash

Configures system health crash parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


crash cpu-percent cpu_percentage memory-in-mbs memory num-of-goroutine goroutine_per_core 

cpu-percent cpu_percentage

Specify the CPU percentage.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 80.

memory-in-mbs memory

Specify the memory in MBs.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2048.

num-of-goroutine goroutine_per_core

Specify the number of goroutine per core.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 45000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure system health crash parameters.

endpoint ep system-health-level critical

Configures system health critical parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


critical cpu-percent cpu_percentage memory-in-mbs memory num-of-goroutine goroutine_per_core 

cpu-percent cpu_percentage

Specify the CPU percentage.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 60.

memory-in-mbs memory

Specify the memory in MBs.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1024.

num-of-goroutine goroutine_per_core

Specify the number of goroutine per core.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 35000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure system health critical parameters.

endpoint ep system-health-level warn

Configures system health warning parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


warn cpu-percent cpu_percentage memory-in-mbs memory num-of-goroutine goroutine_per_core 

cpu-percent cpu_percentage

Specify the CPU percentage.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 50.

memory-in-mbs memory

Specify the memory in MBs.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 512.

num-of-goroutine goroutine_per_core

Specify the number of goroutine per core.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 25000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure system health warning parameters.

endpoint ep vip

Configures virtual IP (VIP) parameters.

Command Mode



vip vip-ip vip_host_detail vip-port vip_port_number offline 


Specify the VIP-IP as offline.

vip-ip vip_host_detail

Specify the host detail.

Must be a string.

vip-port vip_port_number

Specify the VIP port number.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure VIP parameters.

endpoint info

Displays the endpoint information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show endpoint info [ Interface interface | internal internal_external | startTime start_time | status endpoint_status | stoppedTime stop_time | type endpoint_type ] 

Interface interface_name

Displays the interface name of the endpoint.

Must be a string.


Displays the host address and port number.

Must be a string.

endpoint endpoint_name

Displays the endpoint name.

Must be a string.

internal internal_external

Displays whether the endpoint is of internal or external type.

Must be a string.

startTime start_time

Displays the time at which the endpoint started.

Must be a string.

status endpoint_status

Displays the status of the endpoint.

Must be a string.

stoppedTime stop_time

Displays the time at which the endpoint stopped.

Must be a string.

type endpoint_type

Displays the endpoint type.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the endpoint information.

group nf-mgmt

Configures NF management group name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


nf-mgmt mgmt_group_name{ nrf-mgmt-group nrf_mgmt_group_name | nrf-auth-group nrf_auth_group_name | locality locality_name | re-register{ false | true } } 

locality locality_name

Specify locality information.

Must be a string.

nrf-mgmt-group nrf_mgmt_group_name

Specify the NRF management group name.

Must be a string.


Specify the NRF management group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure NF management group name.

group nf-mgmt heartbeat

Configures heartbeat interval time in seconds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


heartbeat interval heartbeat_interval 

interval heartbeat_interval

Specify the heartbeat interval time in seconds.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the heartbeat interval time in seconds.

group nrf discovery

Configures NRF discovery group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


discovery group_name [ nrf-type nrf_type ] 

nrf-type nrf_type

Specify the NRF type.

Must be one of the following:

  • PLMN : PLMN.




Specify the NRF discovery group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NRF discovery group configuration.

group nrf discovery service type nrf

Configures the NRF discovery service name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


nrf nrf_service_name [ responsetimeout response_timeout ] 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout interval in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.


Specify the NRF discovery service name.

Must be one of the following:

  • nnrf-disc

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NRF discovery service name.

group nrf discovery service type nrf endpoint-profile

Configures endpoint profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_name{ api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix | api-root api_root | uri-scheme uri_scheme } 

api-root api_root

Specify the API root.

Must be a string.

api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix

Specify the API URI prefix.

Must be a string.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http

  • https


Specify the endpoint profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint profile parameters.

group nrf discovery service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name

Configures endpoint parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-name endpoint_name [ priority priority | capacity endpoint_capacity ] 

capacity endpoint_capacity

Specify the endpoint capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

priority priority

Specify the node priority for endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the endpoint name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint parameters.

group nrf discovery service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name primary ip-address

Configures the endpoint IP address and port number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip-address{{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } | port port_number } 

port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint IP address and port number.

group nrf discovery service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name secondary ip-address

Configures the endpoint IP address and port number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip-address{{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } | port port_number } 

port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint IP address and port number.

group nrf discovery service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name tertiary ip-address

Configures the endpoint IP address and port number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip-address{{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } | port port_number } 

port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint IP address and port number.

group nrf discovery service type nrf endpoint-profile version uri-version

Configures URI version information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


uri-version uri_version [ full-version full_version ] 

full-version full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ]

Must be a string.


Specify the URI version.

Must be a string in the pattern v\d.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure URI version information.

group nrf mgmt

Configures the NRF self-management group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


mgmt group_name [ nrf-type nrf_type ] 

nrf-type nrf_type

Specify the NRF type.

Must be one of the following:

  • PLMN : PLMN.




Specify the NRF self-management group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NRF self-management group parameters.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf

Configures the NRF self-management service name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


nrf nrf-service-name nrf_service_name [ responsetimeout response_timeout ] 

nrf-service-name nrf_service_name

Specify the NRF service name.

Must be one of the following:

  • nnrf-nfm

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout interval in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NRF self-management service name.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf endpoint-profile

Configures endpoint profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_name{ api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix | api-root api_root | uri-scheme uri_scheme } 

api-root api_root

Specify the API root.

Must be a string.

api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix

Specify the API URI prefix.

Must be a string.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http

  • https


Specify the endpoint profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint profile parameters.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name

Configures the endpoint name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-name endpoint_name [ priority priority ] 


Specify the maximum retry count.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

Default Value: 3.

priority priority

Specify the node priority for endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the endpoint name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint name.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name primary ip-address

Configures the endpoint IP address and port number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip-address{{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } | port port_number } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address.

port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint IP address and port number.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name secondary ip-address

Configures the endpoint IP address and port number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip-address{{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } | port port_number } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address.

port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint IP address and port number.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf endpoint-profile endpoint-name tertiary ip-address

Configures the endpoint IP address and port number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ip-address{{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } | port port_number } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address.

port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint IP address and port number.

group nrf mgmt service type nrf endpoint-profile version uri-version

Configures version information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


uri-version uri_version [ full-version full_version ] 

full-version full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ]

Must be a string.


Specify the URI version.

Must be a string in the pattern v\d.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the version information.

gtpp group

Configures GTPP group related parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


gtpp gtpp_group_name 


Specify the GTPP group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure GTPP group related parameters.

gtpp group gtpp

Disables GTPP trigger conditions that cause either partial CDR record closure or opening of a new CDR record container. GTPP Triggers are specified in 3GPP TS 32.251 v6.6.0. All GTPP trigger changes take effect immediately, except volume-limit.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


gtpp trigger{ time-limit | volume-limit } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable or enable GTTP triggers that can cause partial CDR record closure or cause a new CDR to be created.


The following command disables partial record closure when a configured time limit is reached:
gtpp trigger time-limit 

gtpp group gtpp egcdr

Configures the eG-CDR and P-CDR (P-GW CDR) parameters and triggers.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


gtpp egcdr{ service-data-flow threshold{ interval duration | volume{ downlink bytes | uplink bytes | total bytes } } | service-idle-timeout{ 0 | service_idle_timeout } } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure individual triggers for eG-CDR/P-CDR generation. Use the service-data-flow threshold option to configure the thresholds for closing a service data flow container within an eG-CDR (eG-CDRs for GGSN and P-CDRs for P-GW) during flow-based charging (FBC). A service data flow container has statistics regarding an individual content ID.

gtpp group gtpp egcdr final-record closing-cause

Configures closing cause for final EGCDR.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


gtpp egcdr final-record closing-cause{ same-in-all-partials | unique } 


Specify same closing cause for multiple final EGCDR(s).


Specify unique closing cause for final EGCDR.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure closing cause for final EGCDR.

gtpp group gtpp egcdr losdv-max-containers

Configures maximum number of LoSDV containers in one EGCDR.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


losdv-max-containers max_containers 


Specify the number of LOSDV containers.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of LoSDV containers in one EGCDR.

gtpp group gtpp egcdr service-data-flow threshold

Configures service data flow related parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


threshold interval duration 

interval duration

Specify the time interval, in seconds, to close the eG-CDR/P-CDR if the minimum time duration thresholds for service data flow containers satisfied in flow-based charging. By default, this option is disabled.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-40000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to assign volume or interval values to the interim GCDRs.

gtpp group gtpp egcdr service-data-flow threshold volume

Configures the uplink/downlink volume octet counts for the generation of interim GCDRs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


volume{ downlink bytes | uplink bytes | total bytes } 

downlink bytes

Specify the limit for the number of downlink octets after which the eG-CDR/P-CDR is closed.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

total bytes

Specify the limit for the total number of octets (uplink+downlink) after which the eG-CDR/P-CDR is closed.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

uplink bytes

Specify the limit for the number of uplink octets after which the eG-CDR/P-CDR is closed.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the uplink/downlink volume octet counts for the generation of interim GCDRs.

gtpp group gtpp egcdr service-idle-timeout

Enables configuration for service idle out closure of LOSDV container.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


gtpp egcdr service-idle-timeout{ zero | service_idle_timeout } 


Specify no service-idle-timeout trigger.

Must be one of the following:

  • 0


Specify time limit in seconds for service-idle-timeout.

Must be an integer in the range of 10-86400.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable configuration for service idle out closure.

gtpp group gtpp trigger

Configures triggers for CDR.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


trigger{ time-limit | volume-limit } 


When this trigger is disabled, no partial record closure occurs when the configured time limit is reached. Default: Enabled.


When this trigger is disabled no partial record closure occurs when volume limit is reached. Default: Enabled.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure triggers for CDR.

gtpp group gtpp trigger egcdr

Enables or disables and configures eGCDR-related parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > GTPP Group Configuration


egcdr max-losdv 


Enable trigger for eGCDR release at MAX LoSDV containers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable and configure eGCDR-related parameters.

infra metrics experimental

Configures experimental configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra metrics experimental version experimental_metrics_version 

version experimental_metrics_version

Specify the experimental metrics version to be enabled.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-4.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure experimental configuration.

infra metrics verbose verboseLevels

Configures verbose configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra metrics verbose podType pod_type level verbose_level 

level verbose_level

Specify the verbose level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • production

  • trace

Default Value: "trace".

podType pod_type

Specify the pod type.

Must be one of the following:

  • load-balancer

  • protocol

  • service

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure verbose configuration parameters.

infra transaction limit

Configures the maximum stage limit per transaction.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra transaction limit stage max_stage_limit 

stage max_stage_limit

Specify the maximum stage limit per transaction.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum stage limit per transaction.

infra transaction limit consecutive same

Configures the maximum consecutive stage limit per transaction.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra transaction limit consecutive same stage max_consecutive_stage_limit 

stage max_consecutive_stage_limit

Specify the maximum consecutive stage limit per transaction.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 10.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum consecutive stage limit per transaction.

infra transaction loop

Configures transaction loop configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra transaction loop detection{ enable | disable } 

detection{ enable | disable }

Specify to enable or disable loop detection.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure transaction loop configuration.

infra transaction loop category

Configures category.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra transaction loop category category 

category category

Specify the category.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure category.

infra transaction loop category threshold

Configures threshold.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


infra transaction threshold interval loop_detect_interval 

interval loop_detect_interval

Specify the time interval in seconds to be considered to detect loop.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 5.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure threshold.

infra transaction loop category threshold thresholds

Configures thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


thresholds threshold count max_transactions action threshold_action 

action threshold_action

Specify the action to be take on threshold breach.

Must be one of the following:

  • kill-session

  • log-event

  • noop

Default Value: "noop".

count max_transactions

Specify the maximum number of transactions for the threshold interval.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 100.


Specify the threshold.

Must be one of the following:

  • high

  • low

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure thresholds.

k8 label pod-group-config

Configures the K8 node affinity label parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


k8 label vm_group key label_key value label_value 

key label_key

Specify the label key.

Must be a string.

value label_value

Specify the label value.

Must be a string.


Specify the VM group.

Must be one of the following:

  • cdl-layer

  • oam-layer

  • protocol-layer

  • service-layer

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the K8 node affinity label parameters.

logging error

Configures error logging options.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


logging error stack{ enable | disable } 

stack{ enable | disable }

Specify to enable or disable error stack.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: enable.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure error logging options.

logging level

Configures the logging level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


logging level{ application application_log_level | monitor-subscriber monitor_subscriber_log_level | tracing tracing_log_level | transaction transaction_log_level } 

application application_log_level

Specify the log level for application log type.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

monitor-subscriber monitor_subscriber_log_level

Specify the log level for subscriber monitoring.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

tracing tracing_log_level

Specify the log level for tracing log type.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

transaction transaction_log_level

Specify the log level for transaction log type.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

Usage Guidelines

Configures logging parameters. Use this command to configure the logging level.

logging logger

Configures logger parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


logging name logger_name 


Specify the logger name in the format "module.component.interface".

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure logger parameters.

logging logger level

Configures the logging level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logging name logger_name level{ application application_log_level | tracing tracing_log_level | transaction transaction_log_level } 

application application_log_level

Specify the log level for application log type.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

monitor-subscriber monitor_subscriber_log_level

Specify the log level for subscriber monitoring.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

tracing tracing_log_level

Specify the log level for tracing log type.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

transaction transaction_log_level

Specify the log level for transaction log type.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the logging level type.

logging transaction

Configures the transaction logging options.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


logging transaction{ duplicate{ enable | disable } | max-file-size max_file_size | max-rotation max_rotations | message{ enable | disable } | persist{ enable | disable } } 

duplicate{ enable | disable }

Specify whether to enable or disable the duplicate logs in transaction logging.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

max-file-size max_file_size

Specify the maximum transaction file size in MB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10000.

Default Value: 50.

max-rotation max_max_rotations

Specify the maximum number of file rotations.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-1000.

Default Value: 10.

message{ enable | disable }

Specify whether to enable or disable messages in transaction logging.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

persist{ enable | disable }

Specify whether to enable or disable file-based transaction logging.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

Usage Guidelines

Configures logging parameters. Use this command to configure the transaction logging options.

nf-tls ca-certificates

Configures the certificate name and data configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


nf-tls ca-certificates certificate_alias_name [ cert-data pem_certificate_data ] 

cert-data pem_certificate_data

Specify the certificate data in PEM format.

Must be a string.


Specify the alias name for certificate.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the certificate name and data configuration.

nf-tls certificate-status

Displays certificate status.

Command Mode



show nf-tls [ certificate-status ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the certificate status.

nf-tls certificates

Configures the certificate name, data, and key configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


nf-tls certificates certificate_alias_name [ [ cert-data pem_certificate_data ] [ private-key pem_certificate_private_key ] ] 

cert-data pem_certificate_data

Specify the certificate data in PEM format.

Must be a string.

private-key pem_certificate_private_key

Specify the certificate private key in PEM format.

Must be a string.


Specify the alias name for certificate.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the certificate name, data, and key configuration.


Configures NRF Client operational data.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NRF Client operational data.

nrf discovery-info

Displays discovery information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show discovery-info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view discovery information.

nrf discovery-info discovery-filter

Displays NF discovery filter information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show discovery-filter 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view NF discovery filter information.

nrf discovery-info discovery-filter nf-discovery-profile

Displays discovery profile information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show nf-discovery-profile 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view NF discovery profile information.

nrf discovery-info discovery-filter nf-discovery-profile nf-service

Displays NF service information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show nf-service 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view NF service information.

nrf registration-info

Displays registration information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show registration-info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view registration information.

nrf subscription-info

Displays NF subscription information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show subscription-info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view NF subscription information.


Configures the list of DNN profile names.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


nssai name slice_name [ [ dnn profile_names_list ] [ sst slice/service_type ] [ sdt slice_differentiator_type ] [ tai-group-list tai_group_list ] ] 

dnn profile_names_list

Specify the list of actual DNN profile names configured.

Must be a string.

name slice_name

Specify the slice name.

Must be a string.

sdt slice_differentiator_type

Specify the Slice Differentiator Type (SDT).

Must be a string.

sst slice/service_type

Specify the Slice/Service Type (SST).

Must be a string.

tai-group-list tai_group_list

Specify the list of TAI groups for this NSSAI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of actual DNN profile names.

peers all

Displays the peer configuration information.

Command Mode



show peers [ all ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the peer configuration information.

policy dnn

Configures the virtual DNN to operator DNN mapping.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


policy dnn policy_name [ profile dnn_profile_name ] 

dnn policy_name

Specify the DNN name.

Must be a string.

profile dnn_profile_name

Specify the DNN profile.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the virtual DNN to operator DNN mapping.

policy dnn dnn dnn

Configures the virtual DNN to a network DNN.


dnn dnn_name [ profile dnn_profile_name ] 

dnn-list dnn_list

Specify the additional list of DNNs to be associated for the DNN profile.

Must be a string.

dnn dnn_name

Specify the DNN name.

Must be a string.

profile dnn_profile_name

Specify the DNN profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the virtual DNN to a network DNN.

policy dnn dnn network-identifier

Configures the network identifier.


network-identifier network_identifier 

network-identifier network_identifier

Specify the network identifier.

Must be a string.

profile profile

Specify the profile.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the network identifier.

policy dnn dnn network-identifier operator-identifier

Configures the operator identifier.


operator-identifier operator_identifier 

operator-identifier operator_identifier

Specify the operator identifier.

Must be a string.

profile profile

Specify the profile.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the operator identifier.

policy dnn dnn operator-identifier

Configures the operator identifier.


operator-identifier operator_identifier 

operator-identifier operator_identifier

Specify the operator identifier.

Must be a string.

profile profile

Specify the profile.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the operator identifier.

policy network-capability

Configures Network Capability Policy configuration.

Command Mode



policy network-capability policy_name [ link-mtu link_mtu | max-supported-pkt-filter max_supported_pkt_filter | nw-support-local-address-tft{ false | true } ] 

link-mtu link_mtu

Specify the network capability policy name.

Must be an integer in the range of 1280-2000.

Default Value: 1500.

max-supported-pkt-filter max_supported_pkt_filter

Specify the maximum supported packet filters.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 16.

nw-support-local-address-tft{ false | true }

Enable or disable network support for local address in TFT.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the network capability policy name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Network Capability Policy configuration.

policy operator

Configures the operator policy configuration.


policy operator policy_name 

operator policy_name

Specify the operator policy name.

Must be a string.

roaming-status roaming_status

Specify the roaming status.

Must be one of the following:

  • roamer

  • visitor-hrt

  • visitor-lbo

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the operator policy specific configuration.

policy operator policy

Configures DNN policy parameters.


policy dnn dnn_policy_name [ network-capability network_capability ] 

dnn dnn_policy_name

Specify the DNN policy name.

Must be a string.

network-capability network_capability

Specify the network capability.

Must be a string.

secondary secondary

Specify the secondary.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DNN policy parameters.

policy subscriber

Configures SMF policy parameters.


policy subscriber policy_name 


Specify the subscriber policy name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure SMF policy parameters.

policy subscriber list-entry

Configures operator policy selection match criteria definition.


precedence precedence_number [ sst slice/service_type | sdt slice_differentiator_type | supi-start-range supi_start_range | supi-stop-range supi_stop_range | gpsi-start-range gpsi_start_range | gpsi-stop-range gpsi_stop_range | pei-start-range pei_start_range | pei-stop-range pei_stop_range | operator-policy operator_policy_name ] 

gpsi-start-range gpsi_start_range

Specify the GPSI start range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000000000-999999999999999.

gpsi-stop-range gpsi_stop_range

Specify the GPSI stop range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000000000-999999999999999.

imsi-start-range imsi_start_range

Specify the IMSI start range.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000000000000-9999999999999999.

imsi-stop-range imsi_stop_range

Specify the IMSI stop range.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000000000000-9999999999999999.

operator-policy operator_policy_name

Specify the operator policy name.

Must be a string.

pei-start-range pei_start_range

Specify the PEI start range.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000000000000-9999999999999999.

pei-stop-range pei_stop_range

Specify the PEI stop range.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000000000000-9999999999999999.

precedence precedence_number

Specify the precedence for entry.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-2048.

sdt slice_differentiator_type

Specify the Slice Differentiator Type (SDT).

Must be a string.

sst slice/service_type

Specify the Slice/Service Type (SST).

Must be a string.

supi-start-range supi_start_range

Specify the SUPI start range.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000000000000-999999999999999.

supi-stop-range supi_stop_range

Specify the SUPI stop range.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000000000000-999999999999999.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure operator policy selection match criteria definition.

policy subscriber list-entry imsi

Configures subscriber International Mobile Station Identification (IMSI).



mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the Mobile Country Code (MCC).

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the Mobile Network code (MNC).

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure subscriber IMSI.

policy subscriber list-entry imsi msin

Configures MSIN range for mobile subscriber identification number.



first start_msin_range

Specify starting value of the MSIN range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-9999999999.

last end_msin_range

Specify the ending value of the MSIN range.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-9999999999.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure MSIN range for mobile subscriber identification number.

policy subscriber list-entry serving-plmn

Configures serving PLMN parameters.


serving-plmn [ mcc mobile_country_code | mnc mnc_list | mnc mobile_network_code | ] 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the mobile country code (MCC) portion of the PLMN ID.

Must be a string.

mnc-list mnc_list

Specify the MNC list.

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the mobile network code (MNC) portion of the PLMN ID.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure serving PLMN parameters.

policy upf-selection

Configures UPF selection parameters.


policy upf-selection upf_name 


Specify the UPF name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure UPF selection parameters.

policy upf-selection list-entry

Configures UPF selection match criteria definition.



precedence entry_precedence

Specify the precedence for entry.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure UPF selection match criteria definition.

policy upf-selection list-entry query-params

Configures the query parameter for UPF selection.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Profile Configuration


query-params options 

query-params query_params

Specify the query parameters. If both pdn-type-subscription and pdn-type-session are configured, pdn-type-subscription will be considered.

Must be one of the following:

  • dcnr

  • dnn

  • location

  • pdn-type-session

  • pdn-type-subscription

  • slice

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the query parameter for UPF selection.

profile access

Configures the Access profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


profile access profile_name 


Specify the Access profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Access profile.

profile access eps-fallback cbr

Configures Create Dedicated Bearer parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Access Profile Configuration (config-access-profile_name )


eps-fallback cbr delay delay_period max-retry max_retry timeout timeout_interval 

max-retry max_retry

Specify the Create Dedicated Bearer maximum retry count.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

Default Value: 0.

timeout timeout_interval

Specify the Create Dedicated Bearer Retry interval in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-3.

Default Value: 1.


Specify the Create Dedicated Bearer delay time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10000.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Create Dedicated Bearer parameters.

profile access eps-fallback guard

Configures handling EPS fallback expiry.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Access Profile Configuration (config-access-profile_name )


eps-fallback guard timeout eps_fallback_timer 


Specify the EPS fallback guard timer in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 500-15000.

Default Value: 10000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure handling EPS fallback expiry.

profile access erir

Configures the ERIR parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Access Profile Configuration (config-access-profile_name )


erir delay erir_delay 

delay erir_delay

Specify the ERIR delay duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-3000.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ERIR parameters.

profile access gtpc

Configures the GTPC Failure Handling profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


gtpc gtpc-failure-profile profile_name 

gtpc-failure-profile profile_name

Specify the GTPC Failure Handling profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the GTPC Failure Handling profile.

profile access n1 t3591-pdu-mod-cmd

Configures the n1 timer t3591 - PDU Session Modify Command Retransmission Timer.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


t3591-pdu-mod-cmd{ timeout timeout_period | max-retry max_retries } 

max-retry max_retries

Specify the PDU Modify Command maximum retry count.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

Default Value: 2.

timeout timeout_period

Specify the PDU Modify Command timer in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-16.

Default Value: 2.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the n1 timer t3591 - PDU Session Modify Command Retransmission Timer.

profile access n1 t3592-pdu-rel-cmd

Configures the n1 timer t3592 - PDU Sess Rel Command retransmission timer for cause 39 - retransmission required.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


t3592-pdu-rel-cmd{ timeout timeout | max-retry max_retry } 

max-retry max_retry

Specify the PDU Release Command Max Retry Count.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

Default Value: 4.

timeout timeout

Specify the PDU Release Command timer in seconds for cause 39.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-16.

Default Value: 4.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the n1 timer t3592 - PDU Sess Rel Command retransmission timer for cause 39 - retransmission required.

profile access n11

Configures the N11 interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


n11 n11-failure-profile n11_failure_profile 

n11-failure-profile n11_failure_profile

Specify the n11 failure profile.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the N11 interface.

profile access n2 idft

Configures n2 indirect forwarding tunnel support.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


idft{ enable | timeout idft_timeout } 


Specify to enable IDFT support.

timeout idft_timeout

Specify the IDFT timeout period in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 15-60.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure n2 indirect forwarding tunnel support.

profile access n26 idft

Configures n2 indirect forwarding tunnel support.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


idft{ enable | timeout idft_timeout } 


Specify to enable IDFT support.

timeout idft_timeout

Specify the IDFT timeout period in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 15-60.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure n2 indirect forwarding tunnel support.

profile charging

Configures the charging profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


profile charging profile_name 

max-charging-condition max_changes

Specify the maximum number of charging condition changes.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-500.

Default Value: 20.

max-deferred-urr max_deferred_urr

Specify the maximum number of deferred USU containers.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-200.

Default Value: 50.

max-secondary-rat-reports max_secondary_rat_reports

Specify the maximum number of secondaryRatDataUsageReports to trigger CHF update.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-50.

Default Value: 0.

metering-method metering_method

Specify the parameters to be metered.

Must be one of the following:

  • duration-volume

  • duration

  • volume

Default Value: duration-volume.

method charging_method

Specify the charging method. Default Value: offline.

Must be one of the following:

  • none

  • offline

  • online

offline-interim-timer timer_duration

Specify the offline interim timer duration in seconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 60.

ooo-retry-interval ooo_report_retry_interval

Specify the interval, in milliseconds, at which OOO report will be retried.

Must be an integer in the range of 5-5000.

tight-interworking-mode{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable tight interworking mode for online/offline charging methods.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the charging profile configuration.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the charging profile.

You can configure a maximum of five elements with this command.

profile charging accounting limit

Configures the duration threshold for accounting.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


accounting limit duration threshold 

duration threshold

Specify the duration threshold for accounting.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2147483647.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the duration threshold for accounting.

profile charging accounting limit volume

Configures the volume threshold for accounting.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


accounting limit volume{ downlink downlink_volume_limit | total total_volume_limit | uplink uplink_volume_limit } 

downlink downlink_volume_limit

Specify the downlink volume limit in bytes for interim generation.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

total total_volume_limit

Specify the total volume limit in bytes for interim generation.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

uplink uplink_volume_limit

Specify the uplink volume limit in bytes for interim generation.

Must be an integer in the range of 100000-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the volume threshold for accounting.

profile charging limit

Configures the duration and volume thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Profile Configuration


limit options 

duration duration_threshold

Specify the duration threshold for charging.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-40000000.

volume volume_threshold

Specify the volume threshold for charging.

Must be an integer in the range of 10000-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the duration and volume thresholds.

profile charging limit rating-group

Configures the rating group volume and duration thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Profile Configuration


limit rating-group{ duration duration_threshold | volume volume_threshold } 

duration duration_threshold

Specify the duration threshold for charging.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-40000000.

volume volume_threshold

Specify the volume threshold for charging.

Must be an integer in the range of 10000-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the rating group duration and volume thresholds.

profile charging offline zero-usage

Configures offline charging zero-usage parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


offline zero-usage 

drop suppress_for_zero_usage

Specify the parameters to suppress for zero usage.

Must be one of the following:

  • cdr

  • uuc

measurement parameters_to_suppress

Specify the parameters to be suppressed.

Must be one of the following:

  • duration

  • volume

trigger triggers_to_suppress

Specify the list of triggers to be suppressed.

Must be one of the following:

  • external

  • final

  • internal

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure offline charging zero-usage parameters.

profile charging quota

Configures the charging quota parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


quota request request_quota 

request request_quota

Specify the request quota from CHF.

Must be one of the following:

  • always

  • standard

Default Value: standard.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the charging quota parameters.

profile charging quota suppress

Configures the list of triggers to be suppressed.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


suppress triggers triggers_to_suppress 

triggers triggers_to_suppress

Specify the list of triggers to be suppressed.

Must be one of the following:

  • qht

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of triggers to be suppressed.

profile charging reporting-level

Configures the usage reporting level to be used if not sent by the PCF.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Profile Configuration


reporting-level{ online reporting_level | offline reporting_level } 

offline reporting_level

Specify the reporting level configuration for offline.

Must be one of the following:

  • rating-group

  • service-id

Default Value: rating-group.

online reporting_level

Specify the reporting level configuration for online.

Must be one of the following:

  • rating-group

  • service-id

Default Value: rating-group.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the usage reporting level to be used if not sent by the PCF.

profile charging requested-service-unit

Configures the Requested Service Unit time parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Profile Configuration


requested-service-unit time rsu_time 

time rsu_time

Specify the Requested Service Unit time value in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Requested Service Unit time parameter.

profile charging requested-service-unit volume

Configures the Requested Service Unit volume parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Profile Configuration


requested-service-unit volume{ uplink uplink_volume | downlink downlink_volume | total total_volume } 

downlink downlink_volume

Specify the downlink volume in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

total total_volume

Specify the total volume in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

uplink uplink_volume

Specify the uplink volume in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4000000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Requested Service Unit volume parameters.

profile charging tariff-time-change

Configures timestamps for tariff-time change.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


tariff-time-change [ hour hour | minute minute ] 

hour hour

Specify the hour timestamp for tariff-time change.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-23.

minute minute

Specify the minute timestamp for tariff-time change.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-59.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure timestamps for tariff-time change.

profile charging triggers

Configures the list of triggers.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Profile Configuration


triggers session trigger 

session trigger

Specify the list of session-level triggers.

Must be one of the following:

  • 3gpp-ps-change

  • ambr-change

  • max-number-of-changes-in-charging-conditions

  • plmn-change

  • qos-change

  • rat-change

  • serv-node-change

  • tarrif-time-change

  • ue-pra-change

  • ue-time-change

  • upf-add

  • upf-rem

  • user-loc-change

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of triggers.

profile charging-characteristics

Configures the charging characteristics profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


charging-characteristics cc_profile_name [ charging-profile charging_profile_name ] 

charging-profile charging_profile_name

Specify the charging profile name.

Must be a string.


Specify the charging characteristics profile name. For example, 1, 2, 3, 12, 14, till 16.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the charging characteristics profile.

profile charging-characteristics network-element-profile-list

Configures the network elements profile list.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Charging Characteristics Profile Configuration


network-element-profile-list chf charging_server 

chf charging_server

Specify the list of charging servers.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the network elements profile list.

profile compliance

Configures 3GPP compliance configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Profile Configuration


profile compliance profile_name 


Specify the compliance profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP compliance configuration.

profile compliance service

Configures the SMF service names. The service names are specified in 3GPPTS 29.510 V15.2.0, Section

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Profile Configuration


service service_name 


Specify the service names.

Must be one of the following:

  • n1

  • n2

  • namf-comm

  • nchf-convergedcharging

  • nnrf-disc

  • nnrf-nfm

  • npcf-smpolicycontrol

  • nsmf-pdusession

  • nudm-sdm

  • nudm-uecm

  • threegpp23502

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the SMF service names.

profile compliance service n1-version

Configures the 3GPP n1 specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


n1-version spec 3gpp_spec_version 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP n1 specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.2.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP n1 specification version number.

profile compliance service n2-version

Configures the 3GPP n2 service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


n2-version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP n2 service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.0.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP n2 service specification version number.

profile compliance service namf-version

Configures the 3GPP namf-comm specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service namf-comm version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP namf-comm specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.0.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP namf-comm specification version number.

profile compliance service nchf-version

Configures the 3GPP nchf-convergedcharging service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service nchf-convergedcharging version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP nchf-convergedcharging service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.1.0

  • 15.2.1

  • 15.3.0.std

  • 15.3.0

Default Value: "15.0.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP nchf-convergedcharging service specification version number.

profile compliance service nnrf-disc-version

Configures the 3gpp nnrf-disc service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service nnrf-disc version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3gpp nnrf-disc service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.2.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP nnrf-disc service specification version number.

profile compliance service nnrf-nfm-version

Configures the 3GPP nnrf-nfm service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service nnrf-nfm version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP nnrf-nfm service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.2.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP nnrf-nfm service specification version number.

profile compliance service npcf-version

Configures the 3GPP npcf-smpolicycontrol service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


version npcf-smpolicycontrol version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP npcf-smpolicycontrol service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.2.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP npcf-smpolicycontrol service specification version number.

profile compliance service nsmf-version

Configures the 3GPP nsmf-pdusession specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile configuration


service nsmf-version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP nsmf-pdusession specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.0.0

  • 15.2.0

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.0.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP nsmf-pdusession specification version number.

profile compliance service nudm-sdm-version

Configures the 3GPP nudm-sdm service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service nudm-sdm version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP nudm-sdm service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.1.0

  • 15.2.1

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.2.1".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP nudm-sdm service specification version number.

profile compliance service nudm-uecm-version

Configures the 3GPP nudm-uecm service specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service nudm-uecm version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP nudm-uecm service specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.1.0

  • 15.2.1

  • 15.4.0

Default Value: "15.2.1".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP nudm-uecm service specification version number.

profile compliance service threegpp23502-version

Configures the 3GPP 23.502 Stage-2 5GS specification version number.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Compliance Profile Configuration


service threegpp23502 version{ full full_version | spec 3gpp_spec_version | uri version_uri } 

full full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ].

Must be a string.

spec 3gpp_spec_version

Specify the 3GPP 23.502 Stage-2 5GS specification version number.

Must be one of the following:

  • 15.4.0

  • 15.6.0

Default Value: "15.4.0".

uri version_uri

Specify the version URI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the 3GPP 23.502 Stage-2 5GS specification version number.

profile content-filtering category database

Configures the Content Filtering database parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


profile content-filtering category database max-versions max_versions 

max-versions max_versions

Specify the maximum number of Content-Filtering database versions.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-3.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Content Filtering database parameter.

profile content-filtering category database directory

Configures the Content Filtering database directory parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


profile content-filtering category database directory path cf_directory_path 

path cf_directory_path

Specify the Content-Filtering directory path.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Content Filtering database directory parameter.

profile dnn

Configures DNN profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile dnn [ always-on{ false | true } | charging-profile profile_name | dcnr{ false | true } | dnn-selection-mode dnn_selection_mode | dnn profile_name | emergency{ false | true } | mode dnn_mode | only-nr-capable-ue{ false | true } | pcc-ue-rule-precedence-mapping{ false | true } | pcscf-profile profile_name | ppd-profile profile_name | presence-reporting{ false | true } | qci-qos-profile qci_qos_profile | qos-profile profile_name | upf-selection-policy upf_selection_policy | userplane-inactivity-timer timeout_period | virtual-mac mac_address | wps-profile profile_name ] 

always-on{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable Always On PDU session.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

charging-profile profile_name

Specify the charging profile name.

Must be a string.

dcnr{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable support for dual connectivity with new radio.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

dnn-selection-mode dnn_selection_mode

Specify the selection mode for subscription. The default mode is "verified".

Must be one of the following:

  • network-provided

  • ue-provided

  • verified

dnn profile_name

Specify the DNN profile name.

Must be a string.

emergency{ false | true }

Specify whether the DNN is emergency DNN or not.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

mode dnn_mode

Specify the DNN mode of operation.

Must be one of the following:

  • offline : Offline. DNN in offline mode, new sessions are rejected.

only-nr-capable-ue{ false | true }

Specify whether to allow only 5G capable UE, and reject calls from non-5G capable UE.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

pcc-ue-rule-precedence-mapping{ false | true }

Specify whether to map PCC rule precedence to SMF-assigned TFT and auth rule precedence values. If disabled, values sent by PCF are used.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

pcscf-profile profile_name

Specify the P-CSCF profile association.

Must be a string.

ppd-profile profile_name

Specify the Paging-Policy differentition.

Must be a string.

presence-reporting{ false | true }

Specify whether to enable or disable presence reporting for this DNN.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

qci-qos-profile qci_qos_profile

Specify the QCI QoS Profile configuration related to QCI to QoS mapping.

Must be a string.

qos-profile qos_profile

Specify the QoS Profile configuration.

Must be a string.

upf-selection-policy upf_selection_policy

Specify the UPF selection policy specific configuration.

Must be a string.

userplane-inactivity-timer timeout_period

Specify the user plane inactivity timer in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-86400.

Default Value: 0.

virtual-mac mac_address

Specify the remote virtual MAC address used to generate interface ID for UE.

Must be a string.

Default Value: "00:14:22:01:23:45".

wps-profile profile_name

Specify the Wireless Priority Service (WPS).

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DNN profile. The CLI prompt changes to the DNN Profile Configuration mode.

profile dnn accounting

Configures accounting parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


accounting server-group radius_server_group_name 

server-group radius_server_group_name

Specify the RADIUS server group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the accounting parameters.

profile dnn authentication algorithm

Configures the authentication algorithm.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


authentication algorithm{ chap chap_preference | convert-to-mschap | mschap mschap_preference | pap pap_preference | password-use-pco } 

chap chap_preference

Specify the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) and preference. Lower value means higher preference. To disable, set it to 0.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-3.

Default Value: 0.


Specify conversion of CHAP to MSCHAP when CHAP response length is 49 bytes.

mschap mschap_preference

Specify the Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP) and preference. Lower value means higher preference. To disable, set it to 0.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-3.

Default Value: 0.

pap pap_preference

Specify the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and preference. Lower value means higher preference. To disable, set it to 0.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-3.

Default Value: 0.


Specify to override password with PCO password.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the authentication algorithm.

profile dnn authentication secondary

Configures the secondary authentication method.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


authentication secondary radius group radius_server_group_name 

group radius_server_group_name

Specify to RADIUS server group name.

Must be a string.


Specify to use RADIUS as secondary authentication method.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the secondary authentication method.

profile dnn authorization

Configures the authorization method.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


authorization local [ rat-type rat_type ] 


Specify to use local policy configuration.

rat-type rat_type

Specify the RAT types.

Must be one of the following:

  • eutra

  • nr

  • wlan

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the authorization method.

profile dnn dnn

Configures a Virtual DNN profile under a DNN profile and NF user list.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


dnn profile_name network-function-list network_function_list 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a DNN profile that is used to map a UE-requested DNN to a Virtual DNN. The SMF sends "Mapped" DNNs for configured network functions and "UE-requested" DNNs for other network functions. The UE-requested DNN is always sent on the N1 interface.


The following command configures a DNN profile named "testdnn" and the network interface as "upf":
dnn testdnn network-function-list upf 

profile dnn dnn nw-fu-conf

Configures network function parameters.


nw-fu-conf{ nwfunc-dnn dnn_name | network-function-list nf_list } 

network-function-list nf_list

Specify the list of network functions that the selected DNN profile will be sent. The list of network functions supported are CHF, PCF, and UPF.

Must be a string.

nwfunc-dnn dnn_name

Specify the DNN name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the network function parameters.

profile dnn dnn rmgr-conf

Configures the RMGR parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


dnn rmgr rmgr_nf 


Specify the RMGR Network Function.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RMGR parameters.

profile dnn dns primary

Configures the primary DNS server details.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


dns primary{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the primary DNS server's IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the primary DNS server's IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the primary DNS server details.

profile dnn dns secondary

Configures the secondary DNS server details.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


dns secondary{ ipv4 ipv4_address | ipv6 ipv6_address } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the secondary DNS server's IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the secondary DNS server's IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the secondary DNS server details.

profile dnn network-element-profiles

Configures network element profiles.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


profile dnn dnn_name network-element-profiles{ amf | chf | pcf | udm } profile_name 

amf profile_name

Specify the AMF network element profile name. Changing the current profile name may impact existing calls. Requires DNN in offline mode.

Must be a string.

chf profile_name

Specify the CHF network element profile name. Changing the current profile name may impact existing calls. Requires DNN in offline mode.

Must be a string.

pcf profile_name

Specify the PCF network element profile name. Changing the current profile name may impact existing calls. Requires DNN in offline mode.

Must be a string.

udm profile_name

Specify the UDM network element profile name. Changing the current profile name may impact existing calls. Requires DNN in offline mode.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure network element profiles. Changing the current profile name may impact existing calls. Requires DNN in offline mode.

profile dnn nssai

Configures the default NSSAI configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


nssai{ [ sd slice_differentiator ] [ sst slice/service_type ] } 

sd slice_differentiator

Specify the S-NSSAI Slice Differentiator (SD).

Must be a string.

sst slice/service_type

Specify the S-NSSAI Slice/Service Type (SST).

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the default NSSAI configuration.

profile dnn outbound

Configures DNN host password for PPP session authentication.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


outbound password dnn_host_password 

password dnn_host_password

Specify the DNN host password.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure designating the DNN host password for PPP session authentication.

profile dnn primary-plmn

Configures the primary PLMN configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


primary-plmn{ [ mcc mobile_country_code ] [ mnc mobile_network_code ] } 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the 3-digit Mobile Country Code.

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the 2- or 3-digit Mobile Country Network.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the primary PLMN configuration.

profile dnn session type

Configures the PDU session type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


session type default_session_type [ allowed allowed_session_type ] 

allowed allowed_session_type

Specify the SMF allowed session types. Up to two allowed session types can be configured in addition to the default session type. The same session type cannot be configured both as allowed and default.

Must be one of the following:

  • IPV4

  • IPV4V6

  • IPV6

type default_session_type

Specify the default session type.

Must be one of the following:

  • IPV4

  • IPV4V6

  • IPV6

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PDU session type.

You can configure a maximum of two elements with this command.

profile dnn ssc-mode

Configures Session and Service Continuity (SSC) Mode parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


ssc-mode default_ssc_mode [ allowed allowed_ssc_mode ] 

allowed allowed_ssc_mode

Specify the allowed SSC Modes. Up to two allowed modes can be configured in addition to the default SSC mode. The same SSC mode cannot be configured both as allowed and default.

Must be one of the following:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3


Specify the default SSC mode.

Must be one of the following:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure SSC mode parameters.

You can configure a maximum of two elements with this command.

profile dnn timeout

Configures session time-to-live (TTL) configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


timeout{ [ absolute max_duration ] [ cp-idle cp_idle_duration ] [ default-flow-only default_flow_only_duration ] [ up-idle up_idle_duration ] } 

absolute max_session_duration

Specify the maximum duration of the session in seconds, before the system automatically terminates the session. Value 0 indicates the function is disabled.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2147483647.

Default Value: 0.

cp-idle cp_idle_duration

Specify the maximum duration after a 5G session has moved to idle (controlplane) state, before the system automatically terminates it. Value 0 indicates the function is disabled.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2147483647.

Default Value: 0.

default-flow-only default_flow_only_duration

Specify the maximum allowed duration for a PDU/PDN session to be in idle state, after which the system automatically terminates it. Value 0 indicates the function is disabled.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-604800000.

Default Value: 0.

up-idle up_idle_duration

Specify the maximum duration after a 5G session has moved to idle (userplane) state, before the system automatically terminates it. Value 0 indicates the function is disabled.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2147483647.

Default Value: 0.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure session time-to-live (TTL) configuration.

profile dnn upf

Configures the UPF APN profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) DNN Profile Configuration (config-dnn-dnn_profile_name )


upf apn apn_name 

apn apn_name

Specify the APN name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the UPF APN profile.

profile dns-proxy

Configures DNS proxy profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile dns-proxy [ cache-ttl ttl | query-type query_type | randomize-answers | round-robin-answers | timeout dns_timeout ] 

cache-ttl ttl

Specify the TTL value of DNS responses in cache, in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-86400.

query-type query_type

Specify the DNS query type.

Must be one of the following:

  • ipv4-ipv6

  • ipv4

  • ipv6

Default Value: ipv4.


Specify to enable randomizing address fetch.


Specify to enable round-robin address fetch.

timeout dns_timeout

Specify the DNS timeout.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 500.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and configure DNS proxy parameters.

profile dns-proxy servers

Configures DNS server parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DNS Proxy Configuration (config-dns-proxy)


servers dns_server_name [ ip ip_address | port port_number | protocol protocol | priority priority ] 

ip ip_address

Specify the IP address of the DNS server.

port port_number

Specify the port number of the DNS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

priority priority

Specify the priority for the DNS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

protocol protocol

Specify the protocol type for the DNS server.

Must be one of the following:

  • tcp

  • udp

Default Value: tcp.


Specify the name of the DNS server.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DNS server parameters.

profile ecgi-group

Configures ECGI Group profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile ecgi-group profile_name 


Specify the ECGI Group profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure ECGI Group profile parameters.

profile ecgi-group ecgis

Configures the list of MCC, MNC, TAC, and ECGI groups.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ECGI Group Configuration (config-ecgi-group-ecgi_group_profile_name )


ecgis{ mcc mobile_country_code mnc mobile_network_code } 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the Mobile Country Code (MCC).

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of MCC, MNC, TAC, and ECGI groups.

You can configure a maximum of 16 elements with this command.

profile ecgi-group ecgis ecgi

Configures ECGI group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ECGI Group Configuration (config-ecgi-group-ecgi_group_profile_name ) > ECGI Group MCC MNC Configuration (config-ecgi-group-<mcc/mnc>)


ecgi list ecgi_values 


Specify the list of ECGI values - 7 digit hex string Eutra Cell ID. For example, A12345f.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure ECGI group parameters.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile ecgi-group ecgis ecgi range

Configures ECGI range.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ECGI Group Configuration (config-ecgi-group-ecgi_group_profile_name ) > ECGI Group MCC MNC Configuration (config-ecgi-group-<mcc/mnc>)


ecgi range start ecgi_range_start end ecgi_range_end 

end ecgi_range_end

Specify the ECGI range end value.

Must be a string.

start ecgi_range_start

Specify the ECGI range start value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure an ECGI range.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile emergency-profile

Configures the Emergency Profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile emergency-profile emergency_profile_name udm-profile udm_profile_name 

udm-profile udm_profile_name

Specify the UDM profile name.

Must be a string.


Specify the emergency profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Emergency Profile configuration.

profile failure-handling

Configures the Failure Handling profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile failure-handling profile_name 


Specify the Failure Handling profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Failure Handling profile.

profile failure-handling interface gtpc message

Configures GTPC failure-handling template message types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Failure Handling Profile Configuration (config-failure-handling-failure_handling_profile_name )


interface gtpc message gtpc_message_type 


Specify the GTPC message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • S5S8CreateBearerReq

  • S5S8DeleteBearerReq

  • S5S8UpdateBearerReq

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure GTPC failure-handling template message types.

profile failure-handling interface gtpc message cause-code-type cause-code

Configures GTPC interface cause code types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Failure Handling Profile Configuration (config-failure-handling-failure_handling_profile_name ) > GTPC Message Configuration (config-message-gtpc_message_type )


cause-code gtpc_cause_code_type 


Specify the GTPC cause code type.

Must be one of the following:

  • temp-fail

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure GTPC interface cause code types.

profile failure-handling interface gtpc message cause-code-type cause-code action

Configures the action type for the cause.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Failure Handling Profile Configuration (config-failure-handling-failure_handling_profile_name ) > GTPC Message Configuration (config-message-gtpc_message_type ) > Cause Code Configuration (config-cause-code-cause_code )


action action_type [ timeout retry_interval | max-retry max_retry ] 

max-retry max_retry

Specify the maximum retry count.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-5.

Default Value: 1.

timeout retry_interval

Specify the retry interval in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000-5000.

Default Value: 1000.


Specify the action type for the cause.

Must be one of the following:

  • clear

  • retry

  • terminate

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action type for the cause.

profile failure-handling interface n11

Configures the N11 interface - SMF/PGW-C timer for reattempting bearer creation/updation.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


n11 message message_type 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the N11 interface - SMF/PGW-C timer for reattempting bearer creation/updation.

profile failure-handling interface n11 message

Configures N11 message types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


message message_type 


Specify the message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • n1n2transfer

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure n11 message types.

profile failure-handling interface n11 message cause-code-value cause-code

Configures the n11 interface cause code types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cause-code-value cause-code n11_cause_code_type 


Specify the n11 interface cause code type.

Must be one of the following:

  • temp-reject-handover

  • temp-reject-register

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the n11 interface cause code types.

profile failure-handling interface n11 message cause-code-value cause-code action

Configures the action type for the cause.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action action_type [ timeout retry_interval | max-retry max_retry ] 

max-retry max_retry

Specify the maximum retry count.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-5.

Default Value: 1.


Specify the action type for the cause.

Must be one of the following:

  • clear

  • retry

  • terminate


Specify the retry interval in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 100-5000.

Default Value: 300.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action type for the cause.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message

Configures PFCP message types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


pfcp message pfcp_message_type 


Specify the PFCP message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • N4SessionEstablishmentReq

  • N4SessionModificationReq

  • N4SessionReportReq

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PFCP message types.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message cause-code-type-est cause-code

Configures PFCP interface cause code types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


container cause-code-type-est cause-code cause_code_type 


Specify the cause code type.

Must be a string.


Must be one of the following:

  • no-resource-available

  • no-response-received

  • pfcp-entity-in-congestion

  • reject

  • service-not-supported

  • system-failure

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PFCP interface cause code types.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message cause-code-type-est cause-code action

Configures the action type for the cause.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action action_type [ timeout retry_interval | max-retry max_retry_count ] 

max-retry max_retry_count

Specify the maximum retry count for the retry-terminate action.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-5.

Default Value: 1.


Specify the action type for the cause.

Must be one of the following:

  • retry-terminate

  • terminate

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action type for the cause.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message cause-code-type-mod cause-code

Configures PFCP interface cause code types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cause-code-type-mod cause-code pfcp_cause_code_type 


Specify the PFCP cause code type.

Must be a string.


Must be one of the following:

  • mandatory-ie-incorrect

  • no-resource-available

  • no-response-received

  • pfcp-entity-in-congestion

  • reject

  • session-ctx-not-found

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PFCP cause code type.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message cause-code-type-mod cause-code action

Configures the action type for the cause.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action action_type 


Specify the action type for the cause.

Must be one of the following:

  • terminate

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action type for the cause.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message cause-code-type-sessreport cause-code

Configures the PFCP interface cause code types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cause-code-type-sessreport cause-code cause_id 


Specify the cause ID or a range of cause IDs separated by either hyphhen (-) or comma (,) or both.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PFCP interface cause-code types.

profile failure-handling interface pfcp message cause-code-type-sessreport cause-code action

Configures the action type for the cause.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action action_type 


Specify the action type for the cause.

Must be one of the following:

  • ignore

  • terminate

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action type for the cause.

profile failure-handling interface sxa message

Configures sxa message types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


sxa message sxa_message_type 


Specify the SXA message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • SessionEstablishmentReq

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure sxa message types.

profile failure-handling interface sxa message cause-code-type-est cause-code

Configures SXA interface cause code types.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cause-code sxa_cause_code_type 


Specify the SXA interface cause code type, or range of cause codes separated by either hyphen (-) or comma (,) or both.

Must be a string.


Must be one of the following:

  • no-resource-available

  • no-response-received

  • pfcp-entity-in-congestion

  • reject

  • service-not-supported

  • system-failure

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure SXA interface cause code types.

profile failure-handling interface sxa message cause-code-type-est cause-code action

Configures the action type for the cause.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


action action_type [ timeout retry_interval | max-retry max_retry_count ] 

max-retry max_retry_count

Specify the maximum retry count for the retry-terminate action.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-5.

Default Value: 1.


Specify the action type for the cause.

Must be one of the following:

  • retry-terminate

  • terminate

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the action type for the cause.

profile icmpv6

Configuration used in ICMPv6 messages.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile icmpv6 profile_name 


Specify the ICMPv6 profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ICMPv6 profile name.

profile icmpv6 options

Configures ICMPv6 configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > ICMPv6 Profile Configuration (config-icmpv6-profile_name )


options{ hop-limit hop_limit | mtu mtu_size | reachable-time reachable_period | retrans-timer retransmission_period | router-lifetime lifetime_period | virtual-mac mac_address } 

hop-limit hop_limit

Specify the hop limit.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Default Value: 255.

mtu mtu_size

Specify the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1500.

reachable-time reachable_period

Specify the reachable time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

retrans-timer retransmission_period

Specify the retransmission time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.

router-lifetime lifetime_period

Specify the router lifetime in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 65535.

virtual-mac mac_address

Specify the local virtual MAC address.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ICMPv6 configuration parameters.

profile location-area-group

Configures the Location Area Group profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile location-area-group profile_name [ tai-group tai_group_name | ecgi-group ecgi_group_name | ncgi-group ncgi_group_name ] 

ecgi-group ecgi_group_name

Specify the ECGI Group name.

Must be a string.

ncgi-group ncgi_group_name

Specify the NCGI Group name.

Must be a string.

tai-group tai_group_name

Specify the TAI group name.

Must be a string.


Specify the Location Area Group profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Location Area Group profile parameters.

profile n3-tunnel

Configures N3 tunnelling information profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile n3-tunnel profile_name [ notify ] 


Specify to enable downlink data notification.


Specify the N3 tunnelling profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure N3 tunnelling information profile configuration.

profile n3-tunnel buffer

Configures the buffering for downlink direction.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > N3 Tunnel Profile Configuration (config-n3-tunnel-profile_name )


buffer node 


Specify to enable buffering.

Must be one of the following:

  • upf : Enables Buffering in UPF.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the buffering for downlink direction.

profile ncgi-group

Configures NCGI Group profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile ncgi-group profile_name 


Specify the NCGI Group profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure NCGI Group profile parameters.

profile ncgi-group ncgis

Configures the list of MCC, MNC, TAC, and NCGI groups.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > NCGI Group Profile Configuration (config-ncgi-group-profile_name )


ncgis{ mcc mobile_country_code mnc mobile_network_code } 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the Mobile Country Code (MCC). For example, 01, 001.

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the Mobile Network Code (MNC). For example, 23, 456.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of MCC, MNC, TAC, and NCGI groups.

You can configure a maximum of 16 elements with this command.

profile ncgi-group ncgis ncgi

Configures NCGI Group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > NCGI Group Profile Configuration (config-ncgi-group-profile_name )


ncgi list ncgi_values 


Specify the list of NCGI values - 9 digit hex string NR Cell ID.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure NCGI Group parameters.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile ncgi-group ncgis ncgi range

Configures an NCGI range.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > NCGI Group Profile Configuration (config-ncgi-group-profile_name )


range start ncgi_range_start end ncgi_range_end 

end ncgi_range_end

Specify the NCGI range end value.

Must be a string.

start ncgi_range_start

Specify the NCGI range start value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure an NCGI range.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile network-element amf

Configures peer AMF parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile network-element amf peer_amf_name [ nf-client-profile profile_name | failure-handling-profile profile_name ] 

failure-handling-profile profile_name

Specify the Failure Handling profile name.

Must be a string.

nf-client-profile profile_name

Specify the NF client profile name.

Must be a string.

query-target-plmn query_target_plmn

Specify the query parameter target-plmn to be used.

Must be one of the following:

  • primary

  • serving

  • ue


Specify name of the peer AMF.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure peer AMF configuration.

profile network-element amf discovery

Configures the discovery method.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer AMF Profile Configuration (config-amf-amf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer CHF Profile Configuration (config-chf-chf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer PCF Profile Configuration (config-pcf-pcf_name )


discovery local 


Specify to use local configuration for NF discovery. Nf discovery through NRF will be skipped.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the discovery method.

profile network-element amf query-params

Configures query parameter for PCF discovery.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer AMF Profile Configuration (config-amf-amf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer CHF Profile Configuration (config-chf-chf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer PCF Profile Configuration (config-pcf-pcf_name )


query-params query_parameters 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the query parameter for PCF discovery.

profile network-element chf

Configures peer CHF parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile chf peer_chf_name [ failure-handling-profile profile_name | failure-handling-profile-offline profile_name | nf-client-profile profile_name | nf-client-profile-offline profile_name | nf-client-profile profile_name ] 

failure-handling-profile-offline profile_name

Specify the Failure Handling profile name for offline server.

Must be a string.

failure-handling-profile profile_name

Specify the Failure Handling profile name.

Must be a string.

nf-client-profile-offline profile_name

Specify the NF Client profile name for offline server.

Must be a string.

nf-client-profile profile_name

Specify the NF client profile name.

Must be a string.

query-chf-supported-plmn plmn_type

Specify the PLMN type to be used for query parameter chf-supported-plmn.

Must be one of the following:

  • primary

  • serving

  • ue

query-target-plmn query_target_plmn

Specify the query parameter target-plmn to be used.

Must be one of the following:

  • primary

  • serving

  • ue


Specify the peer CHF name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure peer CHF parameters.

profile network-element chf discovery

Configures the discovery method.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer AMF Profile Configuration (config-amf-amf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer CHF Profile Configuration (config-chf-chf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer PCF Profile Configuration (config-pcf-pcf_name )


discovery local 


Specify to use local configuration for NF discovery. Nf discovery through NRF will be skipped.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the discovery method.

profile network-element chf query-params

Configures query parameter for PCF discovery.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer AMF Profile Configuration (config-amf-amf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer CHF Profile Configuration (config-chf-chf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer PCF Profile Configuration (config-pcf-pcf_name )


query-params query_parameters 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the query parameter for PCF discovery.

profile network-element pcf

Configures peer PCF parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


peer pcf peer_pcf_name [ failure-handling-profile profile_name | failure-handling-profile-rat nr fh_rat-profile_name | nf-client-profile profile_name | predefined-rule-prefix prefix_name | rulebase-prefix rulebase_prefix | response-timeout timeout_duration | use-amf-provided-pcf [ false | true ] ] 

failure-handling-profile profile_name

Specify the Failure Handling profile name.

Must be a string.

failure-handling-profile-rat nr fh_rat-profile_name

Specifies the failure handling profile specific to RAT type. fh_rat-profile_name must be an string representing the corresponding NRF failure handling

network profile name.

Must be a string.

nf-client-profile profile_name

Specify the NF client profile name.

Must be a string.

predefined-rule-prefix prefix_name

Specify the predefined rule prefix string.

Must be a string.

query-target-plmn query_target_plmn

Specify the query parameter target-plmn to be used.

Must be one of the following:

  • primary

  • serving

  • ue

response-timeout response_timeout_duration

Specifies the response timeout duration in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 4000.

rulebase-prefix rulebase_prefix

Specify the rulebase prefix string.

Must be a string.

update-notify update_notify

Specify the SMF Immediate UpdateNotify Response behavior.

Must be one of the following:

  • expidite-response

use-amf-provided-pcf{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable PCF discovery using PCF ID provided by AMF.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.


Specify name of the peer PCF.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure peer PCF parameters.

profile network-element pcf discovery

Configures the discovery method.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer AMF Profile Configuration (config-amf-amf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer CHF Profile Configuration (config-chf-chf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer PCF Profile Configuration (config-pcf-pcf_name )


discovery local 


Specify to use local configuration for NF discovery. Nf discovery through NRF will be skipped.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the discovery method.

profile network-element pcf query-params

Configures query parameter for PCF discovery.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer AMF Profile Configuration (config-amf-amf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer CHF Profile Configuration (config-chf-chf_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer PCF Profile Configuration (config-pcf-pcf_name )


query-params query_parameters 

query-params query_params

Specify the query parameters.

Must be one of the following:

  • chf-supported-plmn

  • dcnr

  • dnn

  • load

  • location

  • pdn-type-session

  • pdn-type-subscription

  • priority

  • requester-snssais

  • slice

  • supi

  • tai

  • target-nf-instance-id

  • target-plmn

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the query parameter for PCF discovery.

profile network-element udm

Configures peer UDM configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


peer udm peer_udm_name [ nf-client-profile profile_name | failure-handling-profile profile_name ] 


Specify the peer UDM name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the peer UDM configuration.

profile network-element upf

Configures peer UPF parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile upf peer_upf_name [ capacity lb_capacity | dnn-list dnn_list | downlink-data-buffer{ false | true } | downlink-data-report{ false | true } | mode mode_of_operation | n4-peer-port port_number | node-id node_id | priority lb_priority | upf-group-profile profile_name ] 

capacity lb_capacity

Specify the static capacity relative to other UPFs used for load balancing.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

dnn-list dnn_list

Specify the list of DNNs supported by the UPF node.

Must be a string.

downlink-data-buffer{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable buffering in UPF for downlink data.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

downlink-data-report{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable notification from UPF for downlink data.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

mode mode_of_operation

Specify the UPF mode of operation.

Must be one of the following:

  • offline

n4-peer-port port_number

Specify the UPF N4 peer port number.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 8805.

node-id node_id

Specify the node ID for the UPF peer node.

Must be a string.

priority lb_priority

Specify the static priority relative to other UPFs used for load balancing.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 1.

upf-group-profile profile_name

Specify the UPF Group profile name.

Must be a string.


Specify the UPF peer name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure peer UPF parameters. When active profile is removed, clears if any existing sessions and upf will be un-associated.

profile network-element upf n4-peer-address

Configures the N4 peer address.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Peer UPF Profile Configuration (config-upf-upf_name )


n4-peer-address{ ipv4-address ipv4_address | ipv6-address ipv6_address } 

ipv4-address ipv4_address

Specify the N4 peer IPv4 address.

ipv6-address ipv6_address

Specify the N4 peer IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to confgure the N4 peer address.

profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile

Configures AMF client configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile profile_name 


Specify the AMF profile name

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AMF profile.

profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile locality

Configures the locality information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality locality_name [ priority priority ] 

priority priority

Specify the priority for the locality configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality information.

profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile locality service name type

Configures AMF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type amf_service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type amf_service_name_type

Specify the service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • namf-comm

  • namf-evts

  • namf-loc

  • namf-mt

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AMF service name type.

profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile

Configures endpoint profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_name{ capacity capacity_value | priority priority_value | api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix | api-root api_root | uri-scheme uri_scheme } 

api-root api_root

Specify the API root.

Must be a string.

api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix

Specify the API URI prefix.

Must be a string.

capacity capacity_value

Specify the profile capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

priority priority_value

Specify the profile priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 1.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http : HTTP.

  • https : HTTPS.


Specify the endpoint profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile endpoint-name

Configures the endpoint name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-name endpoint_name [ priority priority_value | capacity capacity_value ] 

capacity capacity_value

Specify the node capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

priority priority_value

Specify the node priority for endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the endpoint name. You can configure the primary, secondary, and tertiary host (IP: Port) within each endpoint for NF server failover handling. The server failover configuration accepts both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, the SMF gives preference to the IPv4 address.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this configuration to configure the endpoint name.

profile nf-client nf-type amf amf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile version uri-version

Configures the URI version.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > UDM NF-Client Profile Configuration > UDM Profile Configuration > Locality Configuration > UDM Service Name Type Configuration > Endpoint Profile Configuration > Version Configuration > URL Version Configuration


version uri-version{ uri_version | full-version full_version } 

full-version full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ]

Must be a string.


Specify the URI version.

Must be a string in the pattern v\d.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URI version information.

profile nf-client nf-type ausf ausf-profile

Configures the AuSF profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


ausf-profile profile_name 


Specify the profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AuSF profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type ausf ausf-profile locality

Configures the locality parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality locality_name [ priority priority ] 

priority priority

Specify the locality configuration priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type ausf ausf-profile locality service name type

Configures AuSF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type ausf_service_name_type 

type ausf_service_name_type

Specify the AuSF service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • nausf-auth

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AuSF service name type.

profile nf-client nf-type ausf ausf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile

Configures endpoint profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_name{ capacity capacity_value | priority priority_value | api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix | api-root api_root | uri-scheme uri_scheme } 

api-root api_root

Specify the API root.

Must be a string.

api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix

Specify the API URI prefix.

Must be a string.

capacity capacity_value

Specify the profile capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

priority priority_value

Specify the profile priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 1.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http : HTTP.

  • https : HTTPS.


Specify the endpoint profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type ausf ausf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile endpoint-name

Configures the endpoint name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-name endpoint_name [ priority priority_value | capacity capacity_value ] 

capacity capacity_value

Specify the node capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

priority priority_value

Specify the node priority for endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the endpoint name. You can configure the primary, secondary, and tertiary host (IP: Port) within each endpoint for NF server failover handling. The server failover configuration accepts both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, the SMF gives preference to the IPv4 address.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this configuration to configure the endpoint name.

profile nf-client nf-type ausf ausf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile version uri-version

Configures the URI version.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > UDM NF-Client Profile Configuration > UDM Profile Configuration > Locality Configuration > UDM Service Name Type Configuration > Endpoint Profile Configuration > Version Configuration > URL Version Configuration


version uri-version{ uri_version | full-version full_version } 

full-version full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ]

Must be a string.


Specify the URI version.

Must be a string in the pattern v\d.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URI version information.

profile nf-client nf-type chf chf-profile

Configures the CHF profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


chf chf-profile name profile_name 

name profile_name

Specify the CHF profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the CHF profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type chf chf-profile locality

Configures the CHF locality parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality name locality_name [ priority priority ] 

name locality_name

Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

priority priority

Specify the priority for the locality configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type chf chf-profile locality service name type

Configures the CHF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type service_name_type

Specify the CHF service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • nchf-convergedcharging

  • nchf-spendinglimitcontrol

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the CHF service name type.

profile nf-client nf-type chf chf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile

Configures endpoint profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_name{ capacity capacity_value | priority priority_value | api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix | api-root api_root | uri-scheme uri_scheme } 

api-root api_root

Specify the API root.

Must be a string.

api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix

Specify the API URI prefix.

Must be a string.

capacity capacity_value

Specify the profile capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

priority priority_value

Specify the profile priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 1.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http : HTTP.

  • https : HTTPS.


Specify the endpoint profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type chf chf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile endpoint-name

Configures the endpoint name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-name endpoint_name [ priority priority_value | capacity capacity_value ] 

capacity capacity_value

Specify the node capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

priority priority_value

Specify the node priority for endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the endpoint name. You can configure the primary, secondary, and tertiary host (IP: Port) within each endpoint for NF server failover handling. The server failover configuration accepts both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, the SMF gives preference to the IPv4 address.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this configuration to configure the endpoint name.

profile nf-client nf-type chf chf-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile version uri-version

Configures the URI version.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > UDM NF-Client Profile Configuration > UDM Profile Configuration > Locality Configuration > UDM Service Name Type Configuration > Endpoint Profile Configuration > Version Configuration > URL Version Configuration


version uri-version{ uri_version | full-version full_version } 

full-version full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ]

Must be a string.


Specify the URI version.

Must be a string in the pattern v\d.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URI version information.

profile nf-client nf-type eir eir-profile

Configures EIR profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


eir-profile eir_profile_name 


Specify the EIR profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the EIR profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type eir eir-profile locality

Configures locality parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality locality_name 

priority priority

Specify the priority of the locality configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type eir eir-profile locality service name type

Configures the EIR service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout_interval

Specify the timeout interval in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type service_name_type

Specify the EIR service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • n5g-eir-eic

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the EIR service name type.

profile nf-client nf-type eir eir-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile

Configures endpoint profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-profile endpoint_profile_name{ capacity capacity_value | priority priority_value | api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix | api-root api_root | uri-scheme uri_scheme } 

api-root api_root

Specify the API root.

Must be a string.

api-uri-prefix api_uri_prefix

Specify the API URI prefix.

Must be a string.

capacity capacity_value

Specify the profile capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

priority priority_value

Specify the profile priority.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 1.

uri-scheme uri_scheme

Specify the URI scheme.

Must be one of the following:

  • http : HTTP.

  • https : HTTPS.


Specify the endpoint profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type eir eir-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile endpoint-name

Configures the endpoint name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint-name endpoint_name [ priority priority_value | capacity capacity_value ] 

capacity capacity_value

Specify the node capacity.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

priority priority_value

Specify the node priority for endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the endpoint name. You can configure the primary, secondary, and tertiary host (IP: Port) within each endpoint for NF server failover handling. The server failover configuration accepts both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, the SMF gives preference to the IPv4 address.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this configuration to configure the endpoint name.

profile nf-client nf-type eir eir-profile locality service name type endpoint-profile version uri-version

Configures the URI version.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > UDM NF-Client Profile Configuration > UDM Profile Configuration > Locality Configuration > UDM Service Name Type Configuration > Endpoint Profile Configuration > Version Configuration > URL Version Configuration


version uri-version{ uri_version | full-version full_version } 

full-version full_version

Specify the full version in the format major-version .minor-version .patch-version .[alpha-draft-number ]

Must be a string.


Specify the URI version.

Must be a string in the pattern v\d.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the URI version information.

profile nf-client nf-type pcf pcf-profile

PCF profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


pcf pcf-profile name profile_name 

name profile_name

Specify the PCF profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PCF profile.

profile nf-client nf-type pcf pcf-profile locality

Configures the locality information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


pcf locality locality_name [ priority priority_value ] 

priority priority

Specify the priority for the locality configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality information.

profile nf-client nf-type pcf pcf-profile locality service name type

Configures the PCF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type service_name_type

Specify the PCF service name parameters.

Must be one of the following:

  • npcf-am-policy-control

  • npcf-bdtpolicycontrol

  • npcf-eventexposure

  • npcf-policyauthorization

  • npcf-smpolicycontrol

  • npcf-ue-policy-control

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PCF service name type.

profile nf-client nf-type smf smf-profile

Configures SMF profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


smf-profile smf_profile_name 


Specify the SMF profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the SMF profile parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type smf smf-profile locality

Configures locality parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality locality_name 

priority priority

Specify the priority of the locality configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality parameters.

profile nf-client nf-type udm udm-profile

Configures UDM profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


udm-profile udm_profile_name 


Specify the UDM profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the UDM profile for an NF client.

profile nf-client nf-type udm udm-profile locality

Configures locality information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality locality_name [ priority priority ] 

priority priority

This keyword sets the priority for the locality configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the locality name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the locality information.

profile nf-client nf-type udm udm-profile locality service name type

Configures the UDM service type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type service_name_type

Specify the UDM service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • nudm-ee

  • nudm-pp

  • nudm-sdm

  • nudm-ueau

  • nudm-uecm

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the UDM service type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type amf profile failure-handling

Configures the AMF failure handling template name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


failure-handling name template_name 


Specify the AMF failure handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the failure handling template for AMF profile.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type amf profile failure-handling service name type

Configures the AMF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type amf_service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type amf_service_name_type

Specify the AMF service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • namf-comm

  • namf-evts

  • namf-loc

  • namf-mt

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AMF service name type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type amf profile failure-handling service name type message type

Configures the AMF message type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


message type amf_message_type 


Specify the AMF message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • AmfCommEBIAssignment

  • AmfCommN1N2MessageTransfer

  • AmfCommSMStatusChangeNotify

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AMF message type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type ausf profile failure-handling

Configures the failure handling template name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


failure-handling template_name 


Specify the failure handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the failure handling template for AuSF profile.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type ausf profile failure-handling service name type

Configures the AuSF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


service name type ausf_service_name_type 


Specify the AuSF service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • nausf-auth

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AuSF service name type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type ausf profile failure-handling service name type message type

Configures the AuSF message type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


message type ausf_message_type 


Specify the AuSF message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • AusfAuthenticationCfm

  • AusfAuthenticationReq

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AuSF message type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type chf profile failure-handling

Configures the CHF failure handling template name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


failure-handling template_name 


Specify the CHF failure handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the CHF failure handling template for CHF profile.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type chf profile failure-handling service name type

Configures the CHF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type chf_service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type chf_service_name_type

Specify the CHF service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • nchf-convergedcharging

  • nchf-spendinglimitcontrol

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the CHF service name type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type chf profile failure-handling service name type message type

Specify the CHF message type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


message type chf_message_type 


Specify the CHF message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • ChfConvergedchargingCreate

  • ChfConvergedchargingDelete

  • ChfConvergedchargingUpdate

  • ChfSpendingLimitContolSubscribe

  • ChfSpendingLimitContolUnSubscribe

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the CHF message type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type eir profile failure-handling

Configures the EIR failure handling template name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


failure-handling template_name 


Specify the EIR failure handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the EIR failure handling template for CHF profile.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type eir profile failure-handling service name type

Configures the EIR service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type eir_service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.

type eir_service_name_type

Specify the EIR service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • n5g-eir-eic

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the EIR service name type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type eir profile failure-handling service name type message type

Specify the EIR message type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


message type eir_message_type 


Specify the EIR message type.

Must be one of the following:

  • EirCheckEquipmentIdentity

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the EIR message type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type pcf profile failure-handling

Configures the PCF failure handling template name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


failure-handling template_name 


Specify the PCF failure handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the failure handling template for PCF profile.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type pcf profile failure-handling service name type

Configures PCF service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type pcf_service_name_type 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.


Specify the PCF service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • npcf-am-policy-control

  • npcf-bdtpolicycontrol

  • npcf-eventexposure

  • npcf-policyauthorization

  • npcf-smpolicycontrol

  • npcf-ue-policy-control

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PCF service name type.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type udm profile failure-handling

Configures the failure handling template name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


failure-handling template_name 


Specify the UDM failure handling template name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the failure handling template for UDM profile.

profile nf-client-failure nf-type udm profile failure-handling service name type

Configures UDM service name type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


type udm_service_name_type [ responsetimeout response_timeout ] 

responsetimeout response_timeout

Specify the response timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 2000.


Specify the UDM service name type.

Must be one of the following:

  • nudm-ee

  • nudm-pp

  • nudm-sdm

  • nudm-ueau

  • nudm-uecm

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the UDM service name type.

profile nf-pair nf-type

Configures the NF client pair type parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


nf-pair nf-type type nf_type 

limit max_discovery_profiles

Specify the maximum number of discovery profiles that NRF can send.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-1000.

Default Value: 10.

max-payload-size max_payload_size

Specify the maximum payload size of the discovery response.

Must be an integer in the range of 124-2000.

Default Value: 124.

nrf-discovery-group group_name

Specify the NRF discovery group name.

Must be a string.

type nf_type

Specify the NF client pair type.

Must be one of the following:

  • 5G_EIR

  • AF

  • AMF

  • AUSF

  • BSF

  • CHF

  • GMLC

  • LMF

  • N3IWF

  • NEF

  • NRF

  • NSSF


  • PCF

  • SEPP

  • SMF

  • SMSF

  • UDM

  • UDR

  • UDSF

  • UPF

Usage Guidelines

Configures Nf client pair parameters. Use this command to configure the NF client pair type parameter.

profile nf-pair nf-type cache

Configures the NF client pair cache.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


Use this command to configure the NF client pair cache. 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NF client pair cache.

profile nf-pair nf-type cache invalidation

Configures the invalidation cache parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


invalidation{ false | true } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the invalidation cache parameters.

profile nf-pair nf-type cache invalidation true

Configures the invalidation cache for "true" case.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration



timeout timeout_period

Specify the invalidation cache timeout period in milliseconds.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 0.



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the true case parameters for invaldation cache.

profile nf-pair nf-type locality

Configures client locality parameter.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


locality{ client locality_name | geo-server locality_name | preferred-server locality_name } 

client locality_name

Specify the Client locality information.

Must be a string.

geo-server locality_name

Specify the Geo service locality information.

Must be a string.

preferred-server locality_name

Specify the preferred server locality information.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the client locality parameter.

profile pcscf

Configures the P-CSCF profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


pcscf profile_name 


Specify the P-CSCF profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF profile.

profile pcscf fqdn

Configures the P-CSCF server's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > P-CSCF Configuration (config-pcscf-profile_name )


fqdn fqdn 


Specify the P-CSCF server's FQDN.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF server's FQDN.

profile pcscf pcscf-selection

Configures the P-CSCF server selection algorithm.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > P-CSCF Configuration (config-pcscf-profile_name )


pcscf-selection algorithm 


Specify the P-CSCF server selection algorithm.

Must be one of the following:

  • round-robin

Default Value: round-robin.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF server selection method.";

profile pcscf v4-list

Configures the P-CSCF IPv4 server details in the P-CSCF profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > P-CSCF Configuration (config-pcscf-profile_name )



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF IPv4 server details in the P-CSCF profile. Enters the V4 List Configuration mode (config-v4-list).";

profile pcscf v4-list list-entry

Configures the P-CSCF IPv4 server list entries.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > P-CSCF Configuration (config-pcscf-profile_name ) > V4 List Configuration (config-v4-list)


list-entry precedence precedence_number 

precedence precedence_number

Specify the precedence number for P-CSCF IPv4 server configuration.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF IPv4 server list entries.

profile pcscf v4-list list-entry primary

Configures the IPv4 address of the primary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


primary ipv4 ipv4_address 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address of the primary P-CSCF server in dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv4 address of the primary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the primary P-CSCF server with IPv4 address
primary ipv4 

profile pcscf v4-list list-entry secondary

Configures the IPv4 address of the secondary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


secondary ipv4 ipv4_address 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address of the secondary P-CSCF server in dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this to command configure the IPv4 address of the secondary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the secondary P-CSCF server with IPv4 address
secondary ipv4 

profile pcscf v4-list list-entry tertiary

Configures the IPv4 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


tertiary ipv4 ipv4_address 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server in dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this to command configure the IPv4 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the tertiary P-CSCF server with IPv4 address
tertiary ipv4 

profile pcscf v4v6-list

Configures the P-CSCF IPv4v6 server details.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF IPv4v6 server details in the P-CSCF profile.";

profile pcscf v4v6-list list-entry

Configures the P-CSCF IPv4v6 server list entries.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


v4v6-list list-entry precedence precedence_number 

precedence precedence_number

Specify the precedence of entries in the P-CSCF IPv4v6 server list.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF IPv4v6 server list entries.

profile pcscf v4v6-list list-entry primary

Configures the IPv4v6 address of the primary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


primary ipv4 ipv4_address ipv6 ipv6_address 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address of the primary P-CSCF server in dotted-decimal notation.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address of the primary P-CSCF server in colon-separated hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv4v6 address of the primary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the primary P-CSCF server with IPv4 address as and IPv6 address as 123:345:456::6578:
primary ipv4 ipv6 123:345:456::6578 

profile pcscf v4v6-list list-entry secondary

Configures the IPv4v6 address of the secondary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


secondary{ [ ipv4 ipv4_address ] [ ipv6 ipv6_address ] } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address of the secondary P-CSCF server in dotted-decimal notation.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address of the secondary P-CSCF server in colon-separated hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv4v6 address of the secondary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the secondary P-CSCF server with IPv4 address as and IPv6 address as 123:345:456::6578:
secondary ipv4 ipv6 123:345:456::6578 

profile pcscf v4v6-list list-entry tertiary

Configures the IPv4v6 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


tertiary{ [ ipv4 ipv4_address ] [ ipv6 ipv6_address ] } 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server in dotted-decimal notation.

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server in colon-separated hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv4v6 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the tertiary P-CSCF server with IPv4 address as and IPv6 address as 123:345:456::6578:
tertiary ipv4 ipv6 123:345:456::6578 

profile pcscf v6-list

Configures the P-CSCF IPv6 server details.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > P-CSCF Configuration (config-pcscf-profile_name )



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF IPv6 server details in the P-CSCF profile. Enters the V6 List Configuration mode (config-v6-list).";

profile pcscf v6-list list-entry

Configures the P-CSCF IPv6 server list entries.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


v6-list list-entry precedence precedence_number 


Specify the precedence of entries in the P-CSCF IPv6 server list.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the P-CSCF IPv6 server list entries.

profile pcscf v6-list list-entry primary

Configures the IPv6 address of the primary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > P-CSCF Configuration (config-pcscf-profile_name ) > V6 List Configuration (config-v6-list)


primary ipv6 ipv6_address 

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address of the primary P-CSCF server in colon-separated hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv6 address of the primary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the primary P-CSCF server with IPv6 address 123:345:456::6578:
primary ipv6 123:345:456::6578 

profile pcscf v6-list list-entry secondary

Configures the IPv6 address of the secondary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


secondary ipv6 ipv6_address 

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv6 address of the secondary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the secondary P-CSCF server with IPv6 address 123:345:456::6578:
secondary ipv6 123:345:456::6578 

profile pcscf v6-list list-entry tertiary

Configures the IPv6 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


tertiary ipv6 ipv6_address 

ipv6 ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPv6 address of the tertiary P-CSCF server.


The following command configures the tertiary P-CSCF server with the IPv6 address 123:345:456::6578:
tertiary ipv6 123:345:456::6578 

profile ppd

Configures the Paging Policy Differentiation (PPD) profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


ppd ppd_profile_name [ fqi 5qi_priority_levels ] 

fqi 5qi_priority_levels

Specify the range of 5qi priority levels.

Must be an integer.


Must be a string.


Specify the PPD profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PPD profile configuration.

profile ppd dscp-list

Configures the DSCP values.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > PPD Configuration (config-ppd-profile_name )


dscp dscp_value [ ppi ppi_value ] 

dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value.

Must be a string.

ppi ppi_value

Specify the Paging Policy Indicator (PPI) value.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-7.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP values.

profile qos

Configures the QoS profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


qos qos_profile_name [ priority 5qi_priority ] [ qi5 qos_id ] 

priority 5qi_priority

Specify the 5QI priority level.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-127.

qi5 qos_id

Specify the ID for the authorized QoS parameters.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.


Specify the QoS profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the QoS profile configuration.

profile qos ambr

Configures the Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate (AMBR).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


ambr{ ul ambr_uplink_threshold | dl ambr_downlink_threshold } 

dl ambr_downlink_threshold

Specify the AMBR downlink threshold in bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, or Tbps.

Must be a string.

ul ambr_uplink_threshold

Specify the AMBR uplink threshold in bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, or Tbps.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AMBR.

profile qos arp

Configures the Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) for the service data.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


arp priority-level priority_level [ preempt-cap preempttion_capability ] [ preempt-vuln preemption_vulnerability ] 

preempt-cap preempttion_capability

Specify the preemption capability.

Must be one of the following:



Default Value: MAY_PREEMPT.

preempt-vuln preemption_vulnerability

Specify the preemption vulnerability.

Must be one of the following:




priority-level priority_level

Specify the priority level.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-15.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the ARP for the service data.

profile qos dscp-map qi5

Configures the standard 5QI value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


dscp-map qi5 qci_name 


Specify the QCI name.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the 5QI to DSCP-Marking mapping. Use this command to configure the standard 5QI value.

profile qos dscp-map qi5 arp-priority-level

Configures the ARP priority level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SGW QoS Profile Configuration (config-sgw-qos-profile-sgw_qos_profile_name )


dscp-map operator-defined-qci operator_defined_qci [ gbr arp-priority-level arp_priority_level ] 


Specify the ARP priority level.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the type of the QCI to GBR. Use this command to configure the ARP priority level.

profile qos dscp-map qi5 arp-priority-level dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.

dl-ud-encap-dscp dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the type of the QCI to GBR. Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile qos dscp-map qi5 arp-priority-level dscp-info user-datagram

Configures the DCSP value to be applied to user datagram.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


user-datagram ul-uD-dscp-marking dscp_marking 

ul-uD-dscp-marking dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DCSP value to be applied to user datagram.

profile qos dscp-map qi5 dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.

dl-ud-encap-dscp dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the type of the QCI to GBR. Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile qos dscp-map qi5 dscp-info user-datagram

Configures the DCSP value to be applied to user datagram.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


user-datagram ul-uD-dscp-marking dscp_marking 

ul-uD-dscp-marking dscp_marking

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DCSP value to be applied to user datagram.

profile qos max

Configures the maximum data burst volume.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


max data-burst max_data_burst_volume 

data-burst max_data_burst_volume

Specify the maximum data burst volume.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4095.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum data burst volume.

profile radius

Configures RADIUS client parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


radius options 

algorithm server_select_algorithm

Specify the algorithm for selecting the RADIUS server. Default Value: first-server.

Must be one of the following:

  • first-server

  • round-robin

deadtime deadtime_interval

Specify the time interval, in minutes, between the RADIUS server being marked unreachable and connection can be re-attempted.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the maximum number of times the system will attempt retry with the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the time interval to elapse for a response from the RADIUS server before re-transmitting.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS client parameters.

profile radius accounting

Configures RADIUS accounting parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


accounting options 

algorithm server_select_algorithm

Specify the algorithm for selecting the RADIUS server. Default Value: first-server.

Must be one of the following:

  • first-server

  • round-robin

deadtime deadtime_interval

Specify the time interval, in minutes, between the RADIUS server being marked unreachable and connection can be re-attempted.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the maximum number of times the system will attempt retry with the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the time interval to elapse for a response from the RADIUS server before re-transmitting.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS accounting parameters.

profile radius accounting attribute

Configures RADIUS identification parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


attribute { nas-identifier nas_id | nas-ip aaa_nas_ipv4_address } 

nas-identifier nas_id

Specify the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Accounting-Request messages.

nas-identifier nas_id

Specify the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Accounting-Request messages.

nas-ip aaa_nas_ipv4_address

Specify the AAA NAS IPv4 Address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS identification parameters.

profile radius accounting detect-dead-server

Configures the response timeout duration, in seconds, to wait for a response from the RADIUS server after which it is marked as unreachable/dead.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


detect-dead-server response_timeout_duration 

response-timeout response_timeout

Specify the time interval, in seconds, for response from RADIUS server to mark as unreachable.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the response timeout duration, in seconds, to wait for a response from the RADIUS server after which it is marked as unreachable/dead.

profile radius attribute

Configures RADIUS identification parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


attribute { nas-identifier nas_id | nas-ip aaa_nas_ipv4_address } 

nas-identifier nas_id

Specify the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Accounting-Request messages.

nas-identifier nas_id

Specify the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Accounting-Request messages.

nas-ip aaa_nas_ipv4_address

Specify the AAA NAS IPv4 Address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS identification parameters.

profile radius detect-dead-server

Configures the response timeout duration, in seconds, to wait for a response from the RADIUS server after which it is marked as unreachable/dead.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


detect-dead-server response_timeout_duration 

response-timeout response_timeout

Specify the time interval, in seconds, for response from RADIUS server to mark as unreachable.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the response timeout duration, in seconds, to wait for a response from the RADIUS server after which it is marked as unreachable/dead.

profile radius server

Configures the external RADIUS server parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


server options 

ip ip_address

Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.

port port_number

Specify the port number of the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

priority radius_server_priority

Specify the priority of the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

secret radius_server_secret

Specify the RADIUS server secret.

type port_number

Specify the server type.

Must be one of the following:

  • acct

  • auth

Default Value: auth.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the external RADIUS server parameters.

profile radius server-group

Configures association of RADIUS servers to groups.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


accounting options 


Specify the server group name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z0-9_][^(\s,\t)]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the association of RADIUS servers to groups.

profile radius server-group server

Configures the RADIUS server parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


server options 

ip radius_server_ip_address

Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.

port radius_server_port_number

Specify the port number of the RADIUS server.

type server_type

Specify the RADIUS server type.

Must be one of the following:

  • acct

  • auth

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS server parameters.

profile radius-dynamic-author

Configures the RADIUS Dynamic-author/COA parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


radius-dynamic-author options 

nas-identifier nas_id

Specify the dynamic-author NAS ID.

nas-identifier nas_id

Specify the dynamic-author NAS ID.

secret secret_key

Specify the dynamic-author server shared secret key.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS Dynamic-author/COA parameters.

profile radius-dynamic-author client

Configures the RADIUS Dynamic-author client parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


client options 

ip radius_client_ip_address

Specify the IP address of the RADIUS client.

secret secret_key

Specify the client shared secret key.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS Dynamic-author client parameters.

profile sgw

Configures SGW network function profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


sgw sgw_profile_name [ fqdn sgwc_fqdn | locality locality_name | mode mode_of_operation | qci-qos-profile qci_qos_profile | subscriber-policy policy_name | wps-profile wps_profile_name ] 

fqdn sgwc_fqdn

Specify the SGW-C Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

Must be a string.

locality locality_name

Specify the locality name for geo support.

Must be a string.

mode mode_of_operation

Specify the mode of operation.

Must be one of the following:

  • offline : In the offline mode, new sessions are rejected.

qci-qos-profile qci_qos_profile

Specify the configuration related QCI to QoS mapping.

Must be a string.

subscriber-policy policy_name

Specify the subscriber policy name.

Must be a string.

wps-profile wps_profile_name

Specify the Wireless Priority Services (WPS) profile name.

Must be a string.


Specify the SGW NF profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure SGW NF profile.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile sgw ddn

Configures DDN-specific parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SGW Profile Configuration (config-sgw-profile_name )


ddn{ failure-action-drop-timer timer_duration | no-user-connect-retry-timer timer_duration | trigger-on-pgw-initiated-proc } 

failure-action-drop-timer timer_duration

Specify the DDN packet drop time for which DDN will not be sent to UE. This will be used on receiving DDN ACK Failure or DDN Failure Indication. To disable the timer, set to 0.

Must be an integer from the following: 0, 1-300.

Default Value: 300.

no-user-connect-retry-timer timer_duration

Specify the DDN retry timer used for the case when DDN Ack is received with Success and MBR is not received. To disable the timer, set to 0.

Must be an integer from the following: 0, 60-300.

Default Value: 60.


Specify to enable Page UE for P-GW initiated procedures (CBR/UBR) when UE is in IDLE mode. When configured, the S-GW sends failure response to P-GW with cause code 110.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DDN-specific parameters.

profile sgw internal-qos

Configures the mechanism for deriving the Internal QOS value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SGW Profile Configuration (config-sgw-profile_name )


internal-qos data iqos_value_derivation 

data iqos_value_derivation

Specify the mechanism to derive the Internal QOS value for data traffic.

Must be one of the following:

  • dscp-derived : Enables the derivation of Internal QOS value based on the DSCP value.

  • none : Disables the mechanism for Internal QOS value derivation.

  • qci-derived : Enables the derivation of Internal QOS value based on the QCI value.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the mechanism for deriving the Internal QOS value.

profile sgw plmn-list

Configures the PLMN list of MCC and MNC.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SGW Profile Configuration (config-sgw-profile_name )


plmn-list{ mcc mobile_country_code | mnc mobile_network_code } 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the Mobile Country Code (MCC).

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PLMN list of MCC and MNC. If the plmn-list is configured, plmn-id configuration is not used.

You can configure a maximum of 32 elements with this command.

profile sgw-qos-profile

Configures the SGW QoS profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile sgw-qos-profile sgw_qos_profile_name 


Specify the SGW QoS profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the SGW QoS profile configuration.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci

Configures the non-standard QCI values.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SGW QoS Profile Configuration (config-sgw-qos-profile-foo)


dscp-map operator-defined-qci non_standard_qos_class_id 


Specify the non-standard QoS class identifier.

Must be an integer in the range of 128-254.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the non-standard QCI values.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci gbr arp-priority-level

Configures the ARP priority level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


dscp-map qi5 qci_name arp-priority-level arp_name 


Specify the ARP name.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-15.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the type of the QCI to GBR. Use this command to configure the ARP priority level.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci gbr arp-priority-level dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci gbr dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci non-gbr

Configures the type of the QCI to non GBR.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


non-gbr options 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the type of the QCI to non GBR.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci non-gbr arp-priority-level

Configures the ARP priority level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


dscp-map qi5 qci_name arp-priority-level arp_name 


Specify the ARP name.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-15.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the type of the QCI to GBR. Use this command to configure the ARP priority level.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci non-gbr arp-priority-level dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map operator-defined-qci non-gbr dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci

Configures the standard QCI value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SGW QoS Profile Configuration (config-sgw-qos-profile-profile_name )


dscp-map qci qos_profile_name qci-name standard_qos_class_id 

qci-name standard_qos_class_id

Specify the standard QoS class identifier.

Must be an integer from the following: 1-9, 65, 66, 69, 70, 80, 82, 83.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the standard QCI value.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci arp-priority-level

Configures the ARP priority level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > QoS Profile Configuration (config-qos-profile_name )


dscp-map qi5 qci_name arp-priority-level arp_name 


Specify the ARP name.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-15.

Usage Guidelines

Configures the type of the QCI to GBR. Use this command to configure the ARP priority level.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci arp-priority-level dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci default

Configures the default setting.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


default options 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the default setting.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci default dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci gbr dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile sgw-qos-profile dscp-map qci non-gbr dscp-info

Configures the DSCP type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


dscp-info type dscp_type 

dl-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-ci-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

dl-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dl-priority dl_priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

dl-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

dl-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

dl-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

dscp-marking-dl dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

type dscp_type

Specify the DCSP type.

Must be one of the following:

  • downlink

  • uplink

ul-encap-ci-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets (A hexadecimal string starting with "0x". For example, 0x3F.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-ci-priority ul_encap_ci_priority

Specify the ul-encap-ci priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-co-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-co-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.


Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-encap-dscp-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-encap-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DCSP value to be applied to encaps header.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-iq-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-iq-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-iq-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

ul-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-dscp dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.


Specify to copy inner DSCP to outer.


Specify to copy outer DSCP to inner.

ul-ud-encap-dscp-marking dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to packets.

Must be a string.

ul-ud-encaps-header dscp_value

Specify the DSCP value to be applied to encaps header.

ul-ud-priority priority

Specify the priority.

Must be a string.

ul-user-datagram dscp_value

Specify DSCP value be applied to user datagram.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DSCP type.

profile smf

Configures the SMF profile configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


smf profile_name [ dnn-profile-list dnn_profile_list | locality locality | nf-services nf_services | node-id node_id ] 

allowed-nassi nssai

Specify the Network Slice Selection Assistance Information (NSSAI).

Must be a string.

dnn-selection-mode dnn_selection_mode

Specify the selection mode for subscription.

Must be one of the following:

  • network-provided

  • ue-provided

  • verified

fqdn fqdn

Specify the SMF+PGW-C FQDN.

Must be a string.

locality locality

Specify the locality for geo support.

Must be a string.

mode mode_of_operation

Specify the mode of operation.

Must be one of the following:

  • offline : Offline mode. New sessions will be rejected.

nf-services nf_services

Specify the NF services.

Must be a string.

node-id node_id

Specify the SMF's node ID.

Must be a string.

ue-authorization ue_authorization

The SMF supports the PDU sessions with IPv4v6 type in addition to IPv4 and IPv6 PDU session types for UEs. When a UE requests establishment of PDU session with a specific session type, the SMF checks the UE request against the UE subscription information maintained as default and allowed listPDU session types in the UDM. The SMF performs UE authorization and allocates IP address when the requested PDN type is matching with the values in the UDM. The SMF communicates about the allocated IP address to all other network functions.

Must be one of the following:

  • none


Specify the SMF profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the SMF network function profile configuration parameters.

profile smf plmn-id

Configures the definition for public land mobile network identifier (PLMN ID) and the preferred radio access technology (RAT). This is one of PLMNs which is considered by the mobile as equivalent to the visited PLMN for cell reselection and network selection. When configured, the equivalent PLMN list will be sent to the UE in NAS ATTACH ACCEPT / TAU ACCEPT messages.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SMF Profile Configuration (config-smf-profile_name )


plmn-id{ [ mcc mobile_country_code ] [ mnc mobile_network_code ] } 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the mobile country code (MCC) portion of the PLMN ID.

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the mobile network code (MNC) portion of the PLMN ID.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use the command to identify a PLMN and assign it a priority to define the preferred PLMN to be used. This command can be entered multiple times to set priorities of usage.

profile smf plmn-list

Configures list of MCC and MNC.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SMF Profile Configuration (config-smf-profile_name )


plmn-list mcc mobile_country_code mnc mobile_network_code 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the 3-digit Mobile Country Code.

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the 2- or 3-digit Mobile Country Network.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of MCC and MNC. If configured, both PLMN ID and PLMN list are used.

You can configure a maximum of 32 elements with this command.

profile smf service

Configures the session management network function services. The service names as specified in 3GPPTS 29.510 V15.2.0, Section

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SMF Profile Configuration (config-smf-profile_name )


service name service_name [ access-profile profile_name | capacity capacity | compliance-profile compliance_profile_name | icmpv6-profile profile_name | nf-service nf_service_name | priority priority | schema schema_name | service-id service_id | subscriber-policy policy_name | type service_type | version version ] 

access-profile profile_name

Specify the access profile name.

Must be a string.

capacity capacity

Specify the static weight relative to other NFs of the same type.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 10.

compliance-profile compliance_profile_name

Specify the compliance profile name.

Must be a string.

icmpv6-profile profile_name

Specify the ICMPv6 profile name.

Must be a string.

nf-service nf_service_name

Specify the NF service name.

Must be a string.

priority priority

Specify the priority relative to other NFs of the same type.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

Default Value: 1.

schema schema_name

Specify the schema name.

Must be a string.

service-id service_id

Specify the service ID.

Must be a string.

Default Value: "1".

subscriber-policy policy_name

Specify the subscriber policy name.

Must be a string.

type service_type

Specify the service type.

Must be one of the following:

  • pdu-session

  • sm-event-exposure

version version

Specify the version.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the N1, N2, and N11 interfaces in compliance with the 3GPP. Changes to the Service Configuration mode (config-service-<service_name>).

profile smf service http-endpoint

Configures the SMF HTTP REST endpoint parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > SMF Profile Configuration (config-smf-profile_name ) > Service Configuration (config-service-service_name )


http-endpoint base-url base_url 

base-url base_url

Specify the SMF base URL that is exposed and accessible externally.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the SMF HTTP REST endpoint parameters.

profile tai-group

Configures TAI Group profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile tai-group profile_name [ priority tai_group_priority ] 

priority tai_group_priority

Specify the priority of this TAI group.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.


Specify the TAI group profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the TAI Group profile parameters.

profile tai-group tais

Configures the list of MCC, MNC, and possible TACs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > TAI Group Profile Configuration (config-tai-group-profile_name )


tais{ mcc mobile_country_code | mnc mobile_network_code } 

mcc mobile_country_code

Specify the Mobile Country Code (MCC).

Must be a string.

mnc mobile_network_code

Specify the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of MCC, MNC, and possible TACs.

You can configure a maximum of 16 elements with this command.

profile tai-group tais tac

Configures the TAC Group parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > TAI Group Profile Configuration (config-tai-group-profile_name )


tac tac_values 


Specify the list of TAC values.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the TAC Group parameters.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile tai-group tais tac range

Configures TAC ranges.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > TAI Group Profile Configuration (config-tai-group-profile_name )


range start tac_range_start end tac_range_end 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a TAC range.

You can configure a maximum of 64 elements with this command.

profile upf-group

Configures the UPF group profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile upf-group upf_group_name [ dcnr{ false | true } | location-area-group-list location_area_group_list | pdn-session-type pdn_session_type | slice-group-list slice_group_list ] 

dcnr{ false | true }

Specify to enable or disable support for dual connectivity with new radio.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

location-area-group-list location_area_group_list

Specify the list of Location Area Group supported by UPF node.

Must be a string.

pdn-session-type pdn_session_type

Specify the list of PDN session type supported by UPF node.

Must be one of the following:

  • ipv4

  • ipv4v6

  • ipv6

slice-group-list slice_group_list

Specify the list of slice group supported by UPF node.

Must be a string.


Specify the UPF group name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the UPF group profile.

profile upf-group failure-profile

Configures the UPF Group failure profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > UPF Group Profile Configuration (config-upf-group-profile_name )


failure-profile failure_profile_name 


Specify the UPF failure profile name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the UPF Group failure profile.

profile upf-group heartbeat

Enables PFCP path management.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > UPF Group Profile Configuration (config-upf-group-profile_name )


heartbeat [ interval heartbeat_interval | retransmission-timeout retransmission_timeout | max-retransmissions max_retransmissions ] 

interval heartbeat_interval

Specify the heartbeat interval in seconds. To disable, set to 0.

Must be an integer.

max-retransmissions max_retransmissions

Specify the maximum number retries for PFCP heartbeat request.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

retransmission-timeout retransmission_timeout

Specify the heartbeat retransmission timeout period in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-20.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable PFCP path management.

profile wps

Configures the Wireless Priority Service (WPS) profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile wps wps_service_name [ arp arp_level_range | message-priority message_priority ] 

arp arp_level_range

Specify the range of ARP levels (separated by , or -).

Must be an integer.


Must be a string.

message-priority message_priority

Specify the message priority for GTP-C and UP.

Must be one of the following:

  • gtpc

  • pfcp


Specify the WPS service name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the WPS profile parameters. Changes to the WPS Profile Configuration mode (config-wps-<profile_name>).

You can configure a maximum of two elements with this command.

profile wps dscp

Configures the DSCP marking value for n3.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > WPS Profile Configuration (config-wps-profile_name )


dscp n3 dscp_marking_value 

n3 dscp_marking_value

Specify the UP DSCP marking value in the decimal range 0-63 or hex 0x0-0x3F.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to confgiure the DSCP marking value for n3.


Configures RADIUS client parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


radius options 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS client parameters.

radius acct-server

Displays RADIUS aaccounting server information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show radius acct-server 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view RADIUS accounting server information.

radius auth-server

Displays RADIUS authentication server information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show radius auth-server 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view RADIUS authentication server information.


Configures the RADIUS Dynamic-author oper data.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


radius-dyn-auth options 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the RADIUS Dynamic-author oper data.

radius-dyn-auth clients

Displays Dynamic-author information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


show radius auth-server 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view RADIUS Dynamic-author information.

resources info

Displays resource information.

Command Mode



show resources [ info ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view information about the configured resources.

rpc all

Displays RPC configuration information.

Command Mode



show rpc [ all ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view RPC configuration information for all RPCs.

running-status info

Displays the current status of the system.

Command Mode



show running-status [ info ] 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the current status of the system.

sessions affinity

Displays the affinity count per instance.

Command Mode



show sessions affinity 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the affinity count per instance.

sessions commit-pending

Displays inforation for sessions for which the commits are in pending state.

Command Mode



show sessions commit-pending 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view information for sessions that are pending commits in the database.

show subscriber

Displays subscriber information.

Command Mode



show subscriber [ all | supi supi_id | config_specific_options ] 


Specify all subscribers.

namespace namespace

Specify the product namespace under which to search.

Default Value: cisco-mobile-infra:none.

supi supi_id

Specify the subscriber's SUPI ID.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view subscriber information.

system-diagnostics session-consistency

Enables and configures inconsistency checks on session data.


system-diagnostics session-consistency action action_on_inconsistent_data 

action action

Specify the action to take on inconsistent data.

Must be one of the following:

  • cleanup

  • monitor

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and configure inconsistency checks on session data.

test dns-query

Tests FQDN resolution.

Command Mode




fqdn fqdn

Specify the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the node for which DNS query has to be sent.

Must be a string.

num-ipv4 num_ipv4

Specify the number of IPv4 to be used for DNS query.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-9.

num-ipv4v6 num_ipv4v6

Specify the number of IPv4v6 to be used for DNS query.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-9.

num-ipv6 num_ipv6

Specify the number of IPv6 to be used for DNS query.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-9.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to test FQDN resolution.


Tests RADIUS server function.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to test RADIUS server function.

test-radius accounting

Tests RADIUS accounting server function.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


test-radius accounting options 

all ip_address

Specify to test all configured servers.

Must be one of the following:

all ip_address

Specify to test all configured servers.

Must be one of the following:

client-nas ip_address

Specify the client NAS IP address.

port server_port_number

Specify the port number of the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

server-group server_group_name

Specify the server group name.

Must be a string.

server server_ip_address

Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.

username user_name

Specify the user name.

Must be a string.

Default Value: "test".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to test RADIUS accounting server function.

test-radius authentication

Tests RADIUS authentication server function.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


test-radius authentication options 

all ip_address

Specify to test all configured servers.

Must be one of the following:

all ip_address

Specify to test all configured servers.

Must be one of the following:

client-nas ip_address

Specify the client NAS IP address.

password password

Specify the password for user with authentication verified.

Must be a string.

Default Value: "test".

port server_port_number

Specify the port number of the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

server-group server_group_name

Specify the server group name.

Must be a string.

server server_ip_address

Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.

username user_name

Specify the user name.

Must be a string.

Default Value: "test".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to test RADIUS authentication server function.