CDL Config Mode Command Reference


Configures the next generation Cisco Data Layer (CDL).

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl { datastore datastore_name { cluster-id cluster_id | { { endpoint { external-ip ipv4_address | external-port port_number } | index { map index_partitions | write-factor write_factor } | slot { map slot_partitions | notification { host host_name | limit notification_tps | port notification_server_port } | write-factor write_factor } } { go-debug go_debug | patch-url patch_url | replica ha_instances } | geo-remote-site list } } | deployment-model { large | small } | enable-geo-replication { false | true } | kafka { enable-JMX-metrics { false | true } | enable-persistence { false | true } | external-ip { ipv4_address port_number} | replica ha_instances | retention-size data_retention_size | retention-time data_retention_time | storage data_storage_size } | logging { { default-log-level | logger cdl_module_name level default_log_level } | node-type k8s_node_label_value | remote-site system_id { db-endpoint { host db_endpoint_hostname | port db_endpoint_port_number } | kafka-server { host port } } | system-id system_id | zookeeper { data-storage-size data_storage_size | { enable-JMX-metrics | enable-persistence } { false | true } | log-storage-size log_storage_size | replica ha_instances } } } 

deployment-model deployment_model

Specify the k8s deployment resource requirement. The default value is large. NOTE: In a production environment, you must always use the large deployment model.

Must be one of the following:

  • large

  • small

enable-geo-replication { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable geo-replication.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

node-type k8s_node_label_value

Specify the K8s node label value for affinity.

Must be a string of 0-64 characters.

Default Value: .

system-id system_id

Specify the deployment system ID.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure CDL parameters for deployment. If CDL container is not configured, the CDL chart will not be deployed.

cdl datastore

Configures the list of datastores to be deployed.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore datastore_name { advanced-config-profile profile_name | cluster-id cluster_id | copies-per-node copies_per_node | label-config label_config | { { endpoint { external-ip ipv4_address | external-port port_number } | index { map index_partitions | write-factor write_factor } | slot { map slot_partitions | notification { host host_name | limit notification_tps | port notification_server_port } | write-factor write_factor } } { go-debug go_debug | patch-url patch_url | replica ha_instances } } | geo-remote-site list } 

advanced-config-profile profile_name

Specify the advanced configuration parameters profile name.

cluster-id cluster_id

Specify the K8s cluster ID.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10.

Default Value: 1.

find-by-nuk-prefixes key_prefix

Specify the list of pre-configured non unique key prefix to support findbyNonUniqueKey API

Must be a string of 1-20 characters.

geo-remote-site list

Specify the list of geo replication sites.

label-config label_config

Specify the label configuration name.

slice-names slice_names_list

Specify the list of slice names.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.


Specify the name of the datastore.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of datastores to be deployed.

You can configure a maximum of 10 elements with this command.

cdl datastore actions remote-index-sync start

Initiates syncing index with its remote peers.

Command Mode



actions remote-index-sync start 

Usage Guidelines

Reconciles indexes with the remote peer. Use this command to start syncing index with its remote peers.

cdl datastore actions remote-index-sync start map-id

Triggers remote sync for the list of index map IDs.

Command Mode



actions remote-index-sync map-id map index_name 

map index_map

Specify the trigger remote index sync for the index map.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to trigger remote sync for the list of index map IDs. By default, it will trigger all index maps.

You can configure a maximum of five elements with this command.

cdl datastore actions remote-index-sync start slice-name

Triggers remote sync for the list of slice names.

Command Mode



actions remote-index-sync slice-name slice slice_name 

slice slice_name

Specify to trigger remote index sync for the slice name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to trigger remote sync for the list of slice names. By default, it will trigger all slice names.

cdl datastore actions remote-index-sync status

Displays the index instances that are still syncing with the remote peers.

Command Mode



cdl show status 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the comma-separaeted list of index instances that are still syncing with the remote peers.

cdl datastore clear sessions

Clears all datastore sessions data.

Command Mode



cdl clear sessions [ db-name db_name | filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id ] 

db-name db_name

Specify the name of the DB to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

map-id map_id

Specify the map ID to query data from a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

Default Value: 0.

slice-name slice_name

Specify the slice name to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear all datastore session data. Note that this may result in the permanent deletion of some or all records.

cdl datastore clear sessions filter

Configures the filter parameters used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression.

Must be one of the following:

  • ends-with

  • match

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters for queries.

cdl datastore clear sessions filter

Configures the AND filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the AND filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore clear sessions in-filter

Configures the OR filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the OR filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore endpoint

Configures endpoint pod parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore datastore_name endpoint { go-debug go_debug_variables | patch-url patch_url | replica ha_instances } 

copies-per-node copies_per_node

Specify copies of cdl-endpoint pods per node.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4.

Default Value: 1.

cpu-limit max_cpu

Specify the maximum CPU allowed in milli CPU.

Must be an integer in the range of 200-32000.

Default Value: 4000.

cpu-request min_cpu

Specify the minimum CPU required in milli CPU.

Must be an integer in the range of 100-16000.

Default Value: 2000.

external-ip ipv4_address

Specify the list of IPv4 addresses to expose the service externally.

external-ip ipv6_address

Specify the list of IPv6 addresses to expose the service externally.

external-port port_number

Specify the port number to be exposed for external traffic.

Default Value: 8882.

go-debug go_debug_variables

Specify the comma-separated list of GO Debug variables.

Must be a string.

go-max-procs max_cpu

Specify the maximum number CPU cores used simultaneously.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-32.

Default Value: 4.

memory-limit max_memory

Specify the maximum memory allowed in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 512-131072.

Default Value: 131072.

memory-request min_memory

Specify the minimum memory required in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 256-65536.

Default Value: 256.

patch-url patch_url

Specify the URL to download the datastore application patch.

Must be a string.

replica ha_instances

Specify the number of HA instances to be created.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-16.

Default Value: 2.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint pod parameters.

cdl datastore endpoint settings

This command is deprecated. Configures the CD endpoint parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


settings index-timeout-ms index_timeout slot-timeout-ms slot_timeout remote-ep-connection-count remote_ep_connection_count 

index-timeout-ms index_timeout

This keyword is deprecated. Specify the timeout period for index operations in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 25-5000.

Default Value: 200.

remote-ep-connection-count remote_ep_connection_count

This keyword is deprecated. Specify the number of connections to remote site CDL endpoint for GRPC replication.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-20.

Default Value: 4.

slot-timeout-ms slot_timeout

This keyword is deprecated. Specify the timeout period for slot operations in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 25-5000.

Default Value: 375.

Usage Guidelines

This command is deprecated. Use this command to configure CDL endpoint parameters.

cdl datastore features index-overwrite-detection unique-keys-prefix

Configures CDL Overload Protection configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


index-overwrite-detection unique-keys-prefix { action index_overwrite_action | key-prefix key_prefix | max-tps max_tps | queue-size queue_size } 

action index_overwrite_action

Specify the action to be performed on index overwrite detection.

Must be one of the following:

  • delete-record

  • log-record

  • notify-record

key-prefix key_prefix

Specify the prefix pattern for unique keys for overwrite detection.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Index keys overwrite detection configuration. Use this command to configure the list of uniqueKey prefixes for index overwrite detection, and the action to be performed on detection.

cdl datastore features instance-aware-notification

Configures Geo Replication instance awareness configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


features instance-aware-notification enable { false | true } 

enable { false | true }

Specify whether to enable the instance state check for slices.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Geo Replication instance awareness configuration.

cdl datastore features instance-aware-notification system-id

Configures the mapping of systemID to sliceNames.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


system-id is system_id slice-names slice_names 

id system_id

Specify the system/site ID.

Must be an integer.

slice-names slice_names

Specify the list of slice names associated with the systemID.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the mapping of systemID to sliceNames.

cdl datastore features overload-protection

Configures CDL Overload Protection configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore overload-protection disable { false | true } | critical-alert-threshold critical_alert_threshold | hard-limit-percentage hard_limit_percentage | index-record-capacity-count index_record_capacity_count | major-alert-threshold major_alert_threshold | slot-record-capacity-bytes slot_record_capacity | slot-record-capacity-count slot_record_capacity_count 

enable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable Overload Protection.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

index-max-record-count index_max_record_count

Specify the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Index shard.

Must be an integer.

Must be an integer in the range of either 100-1000 or 100000-100000000

Default Value: 60000000.

enable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable Overload Protection.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

index-max-record-count index_max_record_count

Specify the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Index shard.

Must be an integer.

slot-max-record-count slot_max_record_count

Specify the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Slot shard.

Must be an integer.

Must be an integer in the range of either 100-1000 or 100000-100000000

Default Value: 2500000.

critical-alert-threshold critical_alert_threshold

Specify the threshold in percentage at which CDL must trigger an alert cdlOverloaded-critical. major-alert-threshold must be less than critical-alert-threshold.

Must be an integer in the range of 40-100.

Default Value: 90.

enable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable Overload Protection.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

hard-limit-percentage hard_limit_percentage

Specify the extra percentage of capacity in addition to the soft limit.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

Default Value: 5.

index-max-record-count index_max_record_count

Specify the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Index shard.

Must be an integer.

major-alert-threshold major_alert_threshold

Specify the threshold in percentage at which CDL must trigger an alert cdlOverloaded-major. major-alert-threshold must be less than critical-alert-threshold.

Must be an integer in the range of 40-100.

Default Value: 80.

slot-max-record-count slot_max_record_count

Specify the maximum number of records that can be stored in the Slot shard.

Must be an integer.

slot-max-size slot_max_size

Specify the maximum size of the Slot shard in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1024-98304.

Default Value: 16384.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure CDL Overload Protection configuration.

cdl datastore features slot-stale-session-detection

Configures the stale slot records detection parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


slot-stale-session-detection disable-auto-deletion { false | true } 

disable-auto-deletion { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable stale slot record auto deletion.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

notification-retry-count notification_retry_count

Specify the minimum number of timer expiry notification retries sent to an application without receiving an update from the application. If no update is received even after "notification-retry-count" number of times, CDL proceeds to check if slot record is stale.

Must be an integer in the range of 3-10.

Default Value: 3.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the stale slot records detection parameters.

cdl datastore index

Configures index pod parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore datastore_name index { map index_partitions | write-factor write_factor | go-debug go_debug | patch-url patch_url | replica ha_instances } 

cpu-limit max_cpu

Specify the maximum CPU allowed in milli CPU.

Must be an integer in the range of 200-32000.

Default Value: 4000.

cpu-request min_cpu

Specify the minimum CPU required in milli CPU.

Must be an integer in the range of 100-16000.

Default Value: 2000.

go-debug go_debug_variables

Specify the comma-separated list of GO Debug variables.

Must be a string.

go-max-procs max_cpu

Specify the maximum number CPU cores used simultaneously.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-32.

Default Value: 4.

map index_partitions

Specify the number of partitions to be created for index.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-1024.

Default Value: 1.

memory-limit max_memory

Specify the maximum memory allowed in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 512-131072.

Default Value: 131072.

memory-request min_memory

Specify the minimum memory required in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 256-65536.

Default Value: 256.

patch-url patch_url

Specify the URL to download the datastore application patch.

Must be a string.

replica replicas

Specify the number of HA instances to be created.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-2.

Default Value: 2.

write-factor write_factor

This keyword has been deprecated. Specify the number of copies to be written into the index before a successful response.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-2.

Default Value: 2.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the index pod parameters.

cdl datastore kafka

Configures the Kafka for Geo Replication.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl kafka { enable-JMX-metrics { false | true } | enable-persistence { false | true } | external-ip { ipv4_address port_number } | replica ha_instances | retention-size retention_size | retention data_retention_period | storage data_storage_size | log-level { debug | error | fatal | info | trace | warn } } 

enable-JMX-metrics { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable JMX metrics.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

enable-persistence { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable persistence for the Kafka data.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the Kafka logging level. The logging levels include debug, error, fatal, info, trace, and warn. The changes specified here will trigger rolling restart of Zookeeper pods.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • fatal

  • info

  • trace

  • warn

partition number_of_partitions

Specify the number of partitions per topic.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-1024.

Default Value: 1.

replica ha_instances

Specify the number of HA instances to be created.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-16.

Default Value: 2.

Default Value: 2.

retention-size retention_size

This keyword is deprecated. Specify the data retention size in MB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1024-1048576.

Default Value: 5120.

retention-time data_retention_period

Specify the data retention period in hours.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-168.

Default Value: 12.

storage data_storage_size

Specify the Kafaka data storage size in GB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Default Value: 20.


Specify to enable parallel pod management policy.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

total-retention-size total_retention_size

Specify the data total retention size in MB.

Must be an integer in the range of 10240-1048576.

Default Value: 65536.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Kafka for Geo replication.

cdl datastore kafka describe

Describes the Kafka consumer groups. By default, it describes all the Kafka consumer groups.

Command Mode



cdl kafka describe { consumer-groups name group_name | topics { include-internal-topics | name kafka-topic_name } } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to describe the kafka consumer groups.

cdl datastore kafka describe consumer-groups

Describes the Kafka consumer groups.

Command Mode



cdl kafka describe consumer-groups name group_name 

group name group_name

Specify the Kafka consumer group name.

Must be a string in the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9._-]+.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to list all the Kafka consumer groups. The default behaviour is to describe all the consumer groups.

cdl datastore kafka describe topics

Describes the Kafka topics. By default, it describes all the topics that are not internal.

Command Mode



cdl kafka describe topics { include-internal-topics | name kafka_topic_name } 


Specify whether to include internal Kafka topics.

topic kafka-topic_name

Specify the Kafka topic name.

Must be a string in the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9._-]+.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to describe the Kafka topics.

cdl datastore kafka external-ip

Configures the IPs that are exposed to the external servers.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl kafka external-ip ipv4_address port port_number ssl-port ssl_port_number 

ip IPv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address for the kafka server to listen for client traffic.

port port_number

Specify the port address to expose for external traffic.

ssl-port ssl-port_address

Specify the ssl-port address to expose for external traffic.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IPs that are exposed to the external servers.

cdl datastore kafka label-config

Configures label configuration for Kafka pods.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl kafka label-config key label_key value label_value 

key label_key

Specify the label key.

Must be a string.

value label_value

Specify the label value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure label configuration for Kafka pods.

cdl datastore kafka list

Shows all the kafka topics. By default, the list does not contain the internal topics.

Command Mode



cdl kafka list { consumer-groups name group_name | topics { include-internal-topics | name kafka-topic_name } } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show all the Kafka topics.

cdl datastore kafka list consumer-groups

Shows all the Kafka consumer groups.

Command Mode



cdl kafka list consumer-groups name group_name 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show all the Kafka consumer groups.

cdl datastore kafka list topics

Shows all the Kafka topics.

Command Mode



cdl kafka list topics include-internal-topics 


Specify whether to include internal Kafka topics.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show all the Kafka topics.

cdl datastore kafka log-compaction

Configures Kafka log compaction parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl kafka log-compaction disable { false | true } delete-retention-ms delete_retention_period 

delete-retention-ms delete_retention_period

Specify the period of time in miliseconds to retain deletes for log compacted topics.

Must be an integer in the range of 60000-172800000.

Default Value: 43200000.

disable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable Kafka log compaction.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Kafka log compaction parameters.

cdl datastore kafka reset-offsets

Resets the offsets of all the topics of the Kafka consumer groups. The offset of a consumer group can be set only if the group is inactive.

Command Mode



cdl kafka reset-offsets { consumer-group name group_name | to-earliest name group_name | to-latest name group_name } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the offsets of all the topics of the Kafka consumer groups.

cdl datastore kafka reset-offsets consumer-group

Resets Kafka consumer group offset of all the topics.

Command Mode



cdl kafka reset-offsets consumer-group name group_name 

consumer-group name group_name

Specify the Kafka consumer group.

Must be a string in the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9._-]+.


Specify to reset offsets to earliest.


Specify to reset offsets to latest.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset Kafka consumer group offset of all the topics.

cdl datastore kafka ssl-settings

Configures Kafka SSL settings.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl kafka ssl-settings enable-ssl { false | true } disable-host-name-verification { false | true } 

disable-host-name-verification { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable host name verification during SSL communication between Kafka brokers.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

enable-ssl { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable SSL communication between Kafka brokers.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Kafka SSL settings.

cdl datastore metrics

Configures the verbosity level of metrics.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore datastore_name { metrics { verbosity { debug | production } } } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the verbosity level of metrics.

cdl datastore mirror-maker

Configures the Kafka MirrorMaker.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl mirror-maker { enable-JMX-metrics { false | true } | log-level { debug | error | fatal | info | trace | warn } } 

enable-JMX-metrics { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable JMX metrics

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

log-level { debug | error | fatal | info | trace | warn }

Specify the Kafka MirrorMaker logging level. NOTE: The changes trigger restart of the MirrorMaker pod

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • fatal

  • info

  • trace

  • warn

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Kafka MirrorMaker.

cdl datastore overload-protection

This command is deprecated. Configures CDL Overload Protection configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore overload-protection disable { false | true } | critical-alert-threshold critical_alert_threshold | hard-limit-percentage hard_limit_percentage | index-record-capacity-count index_record_capacity_count | major-alert-threshold major_alert_threshold | slot-record-capacity-bytes slot_record_capacity | slot-record-capacity-count slot_record_capacity_count 

disable { false | true }

This keyword is deprecated. Specify to disable or enable Overload Protection.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

This command is deprecated. Use this command to configure CDL Overload Protection configuration.

cdl datastore reset-offsets-dry-run

Shows results of reset-offsets without executing changes on consumer groups.

Command Mode



cdl kafka reset-offsets-dry-run { consumer-group name group_name | to-earliest name group_name | to-latest name group_name } 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show results of reset-offsets without executing changes on consumer groups.

cdl datastore reset-offsets-dry-run consumer-group

Resets Kafka consumer group offset of all the topics.

Command Mode



cdl kafka reset-offsets-dry-run consumer-group name group_name 

consumer-group name group_name

Specify the Kafka consumer group.

Must be a string in the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9._-]+.


Specify to reset offsets to earliest.


Specify to reset offsets to latest.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset Kafka consumer group offset of all the topics.

cdl datastore show indexes

Displays session index information.

Command Mode



show indexes all-replicas { false | true } | db-name db_name | key key | limit max_indexes | map-id map_id ] 

all-replicas { false | true }

Specify whether to fetch index from all the replicas.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

db-name db_name

Specify the name of the DB to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

key key

Specify the key - query value (uk/pk).

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

limit max_indexes

Specify the maximum number of indexes to display.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-1000.

map-id map_id

Specify the map ID to query data from a map where the index is stored.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

slice-name slice_name

Specify the slice name to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view session index information.

cdl datastore show sessions count detailed

Displays detailed session count information.

Command Mode



cdl show sessions count detailed [ db-name db_name | filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | limit number_of_records | map-id map_id ] 

db-name db_name

Specify the name of the DB to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

map-id map_id

Specify the map ID to query data from a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

Default Value: 0.

slice-name slice_name

Specify the slice name to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view detailed session count information.

cdl datastore show sessions count detailed filter

Configures the filter parameters used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression.

Must be one of the following:

  • ends-with

  • match

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions count detailed filter

Configures the AND filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the AND filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions count detailed in-filter

Configures the OR filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the OR filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions count summary

Displays summary session count information.

Command Mode



cdl show sessions count summary [ db-name db_name | filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | limit number_of_records | map-id map_id ] 

db-name db_name

Specify the name of the DB to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

map-id map_id

Specify the map ID to query data from a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

Default Value: 0.

slice-name slice_name

Specify the slice name to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view summary session count information.

cdl datastore show sessions count summary filter

Configures the filter parameters used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression.

Must be one of the following:

  • ends-with

  • match

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions count summary filter

Configures the AND filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the AND filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions count summary in-filter

Configures the OR filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the OR filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions detailed

Displays session details with data.


cdl show detailed [ db-name db_name | filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | limit number_of_records | map-id map_id ] 

Command Mode


db-name db_name

Specify the name of the DB to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

limit number_of_records

Specify the maximum number of records to display.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-500.

Default Value: 100.

map-id map_id

Specify the map ID to query data from a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

Default Value: 0.

max-data-size-kb max_data_size

Specify the maximum data size to display per record. If the data size is greater than this parameter, the output is truncated.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-32.

Default Value: 4.

next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time

Sessions that have next-eval-time less than this time.

next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time

Sessions that have next-eval-time greater than this time.

purge-on-eval { false | true }

Sessions that have purge-on-eval flag set to false or true.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

slice-name slice_name

Specify the slice name to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view session details with data.

cdl datastore show sessions detailed filter

Configures the AND filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the AND filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions detailed in-filter

Configures the OR filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the OR filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions summary

Displays session details without data.


cdl show sessions summary [ db-name db_name | filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | limit number_of_records | map-id map_id ] 

Command Mode


db-name db_name

Specify the name of the DB to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

limit number_of_records

Specify the maximum number of records to display.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-500.

Default Value: 100.

map-id map_id

Specify the map ID to query data from a map.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-1024.

Default Value: 0.

max-data-size-kb max_data_size

Specify the maximum data size to display per record. If the data size is greater than this parameter, the output is truncated.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-32.

Default Value: 4.

next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time

Sessions that have next-eval-time less than this time.

next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time

Sessions that have next-eval-time greater than this time.

purge-on-eval { false | true }

Sessions that have purge-on-eval flag set to false or true.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

slice-name slice_name

Specify the slice name to query.

Must be a string of 1-16 characters.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view session details without data.

cdl datastore show sessions summary filter

Configures the AND filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the AND filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show sessions summary in-filter

Configures the OR filter parameter used for queries.

Command Mode



filter { condition query_expression key query_string } | map-id map_id | limit number_of_records | purge-on-eval { false | true } | next-eval-start-time next_eval_start_time | next-eval-end-time next_eval_end_time 

condition query_expression

Specify the query expression in the OR filter.

Must be one of the following:

  • contains

  • ends-with

  • match

  • not-contains

  • not-ends-with

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • starts-with

key query_string

Specify the query string.

Must be a string of 0-512 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the filter parameters used for queries.

cdl datastore show status

Displays CDL status information.

Command Mode



cdl show status [ db-name db_name ] 

db-name db_name

Specify the name of the database.

Must be a string.

Default Value: session.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view CDL status information.

cdl datastore slot

Configures slot pod parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore datastore_name slot { map slot_partitions | notification { host host_name | limit notification_tps | port notification_server_port } | write-factor write_factor } 

cpu-limit max_cpu

Specify the maximum CPU allowed in milli CPU.

Must be an integer in the range of 200-32000.

Default Value: 4000.

cpu-request min_cpu

Specify the minimum CPU required in milli CPU.

Must be an integer in the range of 100-16000.

Default Value: 2000.

go-debug go_debug_variables

Specify the comma-separated list of GO Debug variables.

Must be a string.

go-max-procs max_cpu

Specify the maximum number CPU cores used simultaneously.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-32.

Default Value: 4.

map slot_partitions

Specify the number of partitions to be created for slot.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-1024.

Default Value: 1.

memory-limit max_memory

Specify the maximum memory allowed in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 512-131072.

Default Value: 131072.

memory-request min_memory

Specify the minimum memory required in megabytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 256-65536.

Default Value: 256.

patch-url patch_url

Specify the URL to download the datastore application patch.

Must be a string.

replica ha_instances

Specify the number of HA instances to be created.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4.

Default Value: 2.

write-factor write_factor

Specify the number of copies to be written into slot before a successful response.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-4.

Default Value: 2.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure slot pod parameters.

cdl datastore slot notification

Configures notification configuration towards application.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl datastore slot notification { connection-count connection_count | dynamic-provisioning { false | true } | host host_name | limit notification_tps | max-concurrent-bulk-notifications max_bulk_task_notifications | notification-retry-seconds notification_retry_interval | port notification_server_port | remote-system-id remote_system_id } 

connection-count connection_count

Specify the Notification connections to the application notification endpoint.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-20.

Default Value: 4.

dynamic-provisioning { false | true }

Specify whether notification endpoint is provisioned by application or to use static config. If true, dynamic provisioning is enabled.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

host host_name

Specify the notification server's host name.

Must be a string.

Default Value: datastore-notification-ep.

include-conflict-data { false | true }

Specify to enable the setting to receive the original data and the data from the request along with the DB conflict notification.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

limit notification_tps

Specify the notification server's transactions per second (TPS).

Must be an integer in the range of 1-2000.

Default Value: 200.

max-concurrent-bulk-notifications max_notifications

Specify the maximum number of bulk task notifications that CDL can process concurrently.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-20.

Default Value: 1.

notification-retry-seconds notification_retry_interval

Specify the number of seconds after which the CDL will retry notification to application, if the application does not update next eval time post timer expiry notification.

Must be an integer in the range of 10-100.

Default Value: 10.

port notification_server_port

Specify the notification server's port number.

Default Value: 8890.

remote-system-id remote_system_id

Specify the list of remote System IDs. Notification will be sent from the CDL if a record has owner system ID which matches one of the remote IDs.

use-stream { false | true }

Specify to enable streaming for sending notifications from CDL to the application.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure notification configuration towards application.

cdl datastore slot notification metrics

Configures the CDL slot metrics parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


metrics report-idle-session-type { false | true } 

report-idle-session-type { false | true }

Specify whether to report idle session types.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the CDL slot metrics parameters.

cdl datastore zookeeper

Configures the Zookeeper for Geo Replication.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl zookeeper { data-storage-size data_storage_size | { enable-JMX-metrics | enable-persistence } { false | true } | log-storage-size log_storage_size | replica ha_instances | log-level { debug | error | fatal | info | trace | warn } } 

data-storage-size data_storage_size

Specify the Zookeeper data storage size in GB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Default Value: 20.

enable-JMX-metrics { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable JMX metrics.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: true.

enable-persistence { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable persistence for Zookeeper data.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the Zookeeper logging level. The logging levels include debug, error, fatal, info, trace, and warn. The changes specified here will trigger rolling restart of Zookeeper pods.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • fatal

  • info

  • trace

  • warn

log-storage-size log_storage_size

Specify the Zookeeper data log storage size in GB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Default Value: 20.

replica ha_instances

Specify the number of HA instances to be created.

Must be an integer from the following: 1, 3.

Default Value: 3.


Specify to enable parallel pod management policy.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Zookeeper for Geo replication.

cdl label-config

Configures the list of label configuration for CDL pods.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl label-config label_config_name 


Specify the label configuration name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of label configuration for CDL pods.

cdl label-config endpoint

Configures endpoint label configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint key label_key value label_value 

key label_key

Specify the label key.

Must be a string.

value label_value

Specify the label value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the endpoint label configuration.

cdl label-config index map

Configures map-level label configuration for CDL index.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


index map map-id map_id 

key label_key

Specify the label key.

Must be a string.

map-id map_id

Specify the map-based label configuration.

Must be an integer.

value label_value

Specify the label value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure map-level label configuration for CDL index.

cdl label-config slot map

Configures map-level label configuration for CDL slot.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


slot map map-id map_id 

key label_key

Specify the label key.

Must be a string.

map-id map_id

Specify the map-based label configuration.

Must be an integer.

value label_value

Specify the label value.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure map-level label configuration for CDL slot.

cdl logging

Configures the CDL logging parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl logging default-log-level default_log_level error-stack { false | true } sync-logging { false | true } 

default-log-level default_log_level

Specify the default logging level for the CDL modules.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

Default Value: warn.

error-stack { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable the stack trace along with error logs. To enable, set to true.;

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

json-logging { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable logging in json format.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

sync-logging { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable synchronous logging. To enable, set to true.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure CDL logging parameters.

cdl logging logger

Configures logs for each module.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl logging logger cdl_module_name level default_log_level 

level default_log_level

Specify the logging level for each module.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn


Specify the name of the CDL module.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure logs for each module.

cdl remote-site

Configures the list of remote sites.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl remote-site system_id { db-endpoint { host host_name | port port_number } | kafka-server { host_name port_number } } 


Specify the remote system or site identity.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of remote sites.

cdl remote-site db-endpoint

Configures the list of remote DB endpoints.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl remote-site system_id db-endpoint { host host_name | port port_number } 

host host_name

Specify the remote DB endpoint's hostname or IP address.

Must be a string of 1-64 characters.

port port_number

Specify the remote DB endpoint's port number.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of remote DB endpoints.

cdl remote-site kafka-server

Configures the list of Kafka servers.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl remote-site system_id kafka-server host_name port_number ssl-port ssl_port_number 

ssl-port ssl_port_number

Specify the SSL port exposed by remote Kafka Broker.


Specify the host name or IP address of the remote Kafka server.

Must be a string of 1-64 characters.


Specify the remote Kafaka server's port number.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of Kafka servers.

cdl ssl-config

Configures SSL configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


cdl ssl-config enable { false | true } 

enable { false | true };

Specify to enable or disable SSL configuration.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure SSL configuration parameters.

cdl ssl-config certs

Configures database endpoint specific SSL configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


certs ip fqdn_ip_address ssl-key ssl_key_file ssl-ca ssl_ca ssl-crt ssl_cert_file 

host hostname_ip_address

Specify the hostname or IP address of external host.

Must be a string.

ssl-ca ssl_ca

Specify the CA certificate file content.

ssl-crt ssl_cert_file

Specify the SSL Cert file.

ssl-key ssl_key_file

Specify the SSL key file.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure database endpoint specific SSL configuration parameters.