Logging Config Mode Command Reference

logging fluent

Configures Fluent Forwarding parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logging fluent { host host_info | port port_number | protocol outbound_protocol | disable-tls { false | true } | disable-tls-verification { false | true } | flush-interval flush_interval | storage-limit storage_limit } 

host host_info

Specify the Fluentbit or Fluentd instance host information.

Must be a string.

port port_number

Specify the Fluentbit or Fluentd instance port number.

Must be an integer.

protocol outbound_protocol

Specify the outbound protocol.

Must be one of the following:

  • forward

  • http

Default Value: http

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Fluent Forwarding parameters to enable log forwarding to Fluent endpoint.

logging fluent tls

Configures TLS communciation with Splunk endpoint and TLS certification verification parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


tls { disable-tls { false | true } | disable-tls-verification { false | true } } 

disable-tls { false | true}

Specify to enable or disable TLS communciation with Splunk endpoint. To enable, set to false.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

disable-tls-verification { false | true}

Specify to enable or disable TLS certification verification. To enable, set to false.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure TLS communciation with Splunk endpoint and TLS certification verification parameters.

logging fluentd

Configures FluentD parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


fluentd workers { number_of_workers | buffer-total-limit-size buffer_size_limit | buffer-chunk-limit-size chunk_size_limit | flush-interval flush_interval } 

buffer-chunk-limit-size chunk_size_limit

Specify the maximum size of each chunk in MB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10.

Default Value: 8

buffer-total-limit-size buffer_size_limit

Specify the size limitation of the buffer in GB.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-3.

Default Value: 1

flush-interval flush_interval

Specify the flush interval in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10.

Default Value: 5.

workers number_of_workers

Specify the number of workers.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-5.

Default Value: 2

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure FluentD parameters.

logging listener

Enables the Logs Listener for incoming logs.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


listener enable external-ip ip_address udp-port port_number buffer-max-size buffer_max_size buffer-chunk-size buffer_chunk_max_size 


Specify to enable Logs Listener.

external-ip ip_address

Specify the exposed IP endpoint for incoming logs.

Must be an IPv4 address.


Must be an IPv6 address.

udp-port port_number

Specify the Listener UDP port number.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 514.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the Logs Listener for incoming logs.

logging loki

Configures the Grafana Loki parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logging loki [ enable | retention-period retention_period ] 


Specify to enable Grafana Loki Logging Visualization.

retention-period retention_period

Specify the retention period.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Grafana Loki parameters.

logging splunk

Configures Splunk endpoint.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logging splunk { host host_info | port port_number | auth-token auth_token } 

auth-token auth_token

Specify the Splunk Authentication Token for the HTTP Event Collector interface.

Must be a string.

disable-tls { false | true}

Specify to enable or disable TLS communciation with Splunk endpoint. To enable, set to false.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

disable-tls-verification { false | true}

Specify to enable or disable TLS certification verification. To enable, set to false.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

host host_info

Specify the Splunk host information.

Must be a string.

port port_number

Specify the Splunk port number.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Splunk endpoint to enable log forwarding to Splunk endpoint using HTTP Event Collector interface.

logging syslog

Configure log forwarding to the Syslog server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logging syslog { host server_host | mode server_mode | port server_port | syslog_format syslog_format | syslog_maxsize syslog_maxsize } 

host server_host

Specify the domain or IP address of the remote Syslog server.

mode server_mode

Specify the TCP, TLS, or UDP transport type.

port server_port

Specify the TCP, TLS, or UDP port of the remote Syslog server.

syslog_format syslog_format

Specify the rfc3164 or rfc5424 Syslog protocol format to use.

syslog_maxsize syslog_maxsize

Specify the maximum size allowed per message. The value must be an integer representing the number of bytes allowed.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Fluent-bit to enable log forwarding to the Syslog server.

logging worker

Enables CEE log forwarding for Fluent Worker pods.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logging worker [ drop-namespace-logs namespace_names | drop-pod-logs pod_names | exclude-logs-with-annotation true | keep-pod-logs pod_names | keep-namespace-logs namespace_names | drop-os-service-logs [ service_names | remove-keys [ keys ] ] 

drop-namespace-logs namespace_names

Specify to drop logs by namespaces. namespace_names must be a regex string with selected namespace names inside double quotes.

drop-pod-logs pod_names

Specify to drop logs by pods. pod_names must be a regex string with selected pod names inside double quotes.

exclude-logs-with-annotation true

Specify to exclude logs from selected pods using annotation.


After adding or removing annotation from any pod, it is required to restart the fluent-worker pod for the changes to take effect.

keep-namespace-logs namespace_names

Specify to retain logs by namespaces. namespace_names must be a regex string with selected namespace names inside double quotes.

keep-pod-logs pod_names

Specify to retain logs by pods. pod_names must be a regex string with selected pod names inside double quotes.

drop-os-service-logs [ service_names ]

Specify to drop logs from selected OS services. The currently supported values for services_names are audit, kernel, or kubelet.

remove-keys [ keys ]

Specify to remove keys from log entries. The log entry keys to be dropped are case sensitive.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable CEE log forwarding for Fluent Worker pods. The filters on Fluent worker pods that intake the logs from each node reduce the volume of logs being forwarded.