SMI Cluster Manager - Validator

This chapter describes the procedures required to perform validations on the cluster configurations and clusters using the SMI Cluster Manager Validator (validation tool).

SMI Cluster Manager - Validator

The SMI Cluster Manager comes equipped with a tool called Validator, which enables validating cluster configurations prior to deployment and validating clusters after deployment. With Validator, you can detect possible errors in cluster configuration before and after deployment. Loaded with a Synchronizer, the Validator performs validation on the cluster configurations from a SMI Cluster Manager perspective.


The Validator works only for VMware based installations.


The following are the prerequisites for performing validations using SMI Cluster Manager Validator:

  1. SMI Cluster Manager.

Validating Cluster Configurations using Validator

To validate the cluster configurations:

  1. Login to the SMI Cluster Manager CLI.

  2. Run the following command to validate the cluster configuration using the Validator.

    clusters cluster_name actions validate-config run log-level DEBUG 


    The following example initiates validation of cluster configuration using the Validator:

    SMI Cluster Manager# clusters cluster1 actions validate-config run log-level DEBUG
    This will run validation. Are you sure? [no,yes] yes


    The Validator performs validation of cluster configuration in the following order:

    1. Validates netplan configuration.

    2. Validates SSH configuration.

    3. Validates NTP servers and associated configurations.

    4. Validates proxy configuration.

    5. Validates VMware configuration. For instance, it validates configuration details of vCenter, hosts, datacenter, datastores and so on.

    6. Validates node configuration. For instance, it validates the size requirements, number of control plane, ETCD and worker nodes, OAM node labeling requirements, and so on.

Validating the Clusters after Deployment using the Validator

Using the Validator, you can validate the status of different components within the cluster after deployment. To validate the clusters after deployment:

  1. Login to the SMI Cluster Manager CLI.

  2. Run the following command to validate the clusters using the Validator.

    clusters cluster_name actions validate-cluster run log-level DEBUG 


    The following example initiates cluster validation using the Validator:

    SMI Cluster Manager# clusters cluster1 actions validate-cluster run log-level DEBUG
    This will run validation. Are you sure? [no,yes] yes


    The Validator performs validation in the following order:

    1. Verifies the readiness of core-dns.

    2. Verifies the readiness of Worker nodes.

    3. Verifies whether the pods are up and running.

    4. Verifies Chrony status and clock skew.

    5. Verifies the connectivity to all ingresses.

Examples of CLI and REST API Mapping

The SMI Cluster Manager supports RESTCONF APIs. You can call these APIs through REST calls. At present, the SMI Cluster Manager APIs supports VM provisioning through VMware EsXi environment alone.

The following are examples illustrate the SMI Cluster Manager CLI and REST API mapping.

  1. In the following example, the status of cluster synchronization is verified after deploying it through SMI Cluster Manager.

    CLI: [installer-controlplane] SMI Cluster Manager# clusters <cluster-name> actions sync run 
    curl -k -X POST -u <username>:<password> https://restconf.smi-cluster-manager.<ip><cluster-name>/actions/sync/_operations/status -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.yang.operation+json"
      "tailf-smi-cloud:output": {
        "nodes": [
            "node": "controlplane1",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "controlplane2",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "controlplane3",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "oam1",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "oam2",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "oam3",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "protocol1",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "protocol2",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "protocol3",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "session1",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "session2",
            "state": "JOINED",
            "node": "session3",
            "state": "JOINED"
        "cluster": {
          "state": "DEPLOYED",
          "sync-status": "DONE"
  2. In the following example, the status of a specific node is verified.

    CLI: [installer-controlplane] SMI Cluster Manager# clusters <cluster-name> nodes <node-name> actions k8s pod-status show-pod-details
    Value for 'show-pod-details' [false,true]: true
    curl -k -X POST -u <username>:<password> https://restconf.smi-cluster-manager.<ip><cluster-name>/nodes/<node-name>/actions/_operations/k8s/pod-status -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.yang.operation+json" -d '{ "show-pod-details":"true"}'
      "tailf-smi-cloud:output": {
        "pods": [
            "name": "alertmanager-0",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "alertmanager",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "core-retriever-mp6gk",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "core-retriever",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "logs-retriever-98qmj",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "logs-retriever",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "node-exporter-knqdh",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "node-exporter",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "path-provisioner-lbsvw",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "path-provisioner",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "postgres-0",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "postgres",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "postgres-1",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "postgres",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "postgres-2",
            "namespace": "cee-data",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "postgres",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "bulk-stats-0",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "bulk-stats",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "core-retriever-wrpxn",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "core-retriever",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "logs-retriever-725cr",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "logs-retriever",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "path-provisioner-8tnzp",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "path-provisioner",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "postgres-0",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "postgres",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "postgres-1",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "postgres",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "postgres-2",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "postgres",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "prometheus-hi-res-0",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "StatefulSet",
            "owner-name": "prometheus-hi-res",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "prometheus-rules-598b765cc6-7sb22",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "prometheus-rules-598b765cc6",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "prometheus-scrapeconfigs-synch-76fc9c848c-8vghv",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "prometheus-scrapeconfigs-synch-76fc9c848c",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "pv-manager-5cbbb67d5d-6kgd2",
            "namespace": "cee-voice",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "pv-manager-5cbbb67d5d",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "istio-citadel-59bbc75849-kl9qp",
            "namespace": "istio-system",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "istio-citadel-59bbc75849",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "istio-pilot-567f7cf7b4-d4b87",
            "namespace": "istio-system",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "istio-pilot-567f7cf7b4",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "istio-sidecar-injector-566954b97d-xh6gl",
            "namespace": "istio-system",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "istio-sidecar-injector-566954b97d",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "calico-node-dkgx5",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "calico-node",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "coredns-64dfd65858-98trp",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "coredns-64dfd65858",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "kube-proxy-bqd5r",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "kube-proxy",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "maintainer-cnfhg",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "maintainer",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "nginx-ingress-controller-8674778f6f-rdmnh",
            "namespace": "nginx-ingress",
            "owner-kind": "ReplicaSet",
            "owner-name": "nginx-ingress-controller-8674778f6f",
            "ready": "true"
            "name": "keepalived-zblx4",
            "namespace": "smi-vips",
            "owner-kind": "DaemonSet",
            "owner-name": "keepalived",
            "ready": "true"
        "pods-count": 28,
        "pods-available-to-drain-count": 17
  3. In the following example, a specified cluster configuration is validated.

    CLI: [installer-controlplane] SMI Cluster Manager# clusters <cluster-name> actions validate-config run log-level DEBUG
    This will run validation.  Are you sure? [no,yes] yes
    curl -k -X POST -u <username>:<password> https://restconf.smi-cluster-manager.<ip><cluster-name>/actions/validate-config/_operations/run -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.yang.operation+json" -d '{ "log-level":"DEBUG"}'
      "tailf-smi-cloud:output": {
        "message": "2019-12-15 21:11:52.801 INFO __main__: Verifying ntp config ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:52.801 DEBUG __main__: Collecting ntp servers at node-defaults level ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:52.801 DEBUG __main__: Collecting ntp servers at node level .....\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:52.802 DEBUG __main__: Running cmd: ntpdate -q\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:52.811 DEBUG root: Running command: ntpdate -q\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.964 INFO __main__: NTP server is valid\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.964 INFO __main__: Verifying ssh keys config ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.964 DEBUG __main__: Running cmd: ssh-keygen -y -f test-keys/private-key.pem\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.967 DEBUG root: Running command: ssh-keygen -y -f test-keys/private-key.pem\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.968 INFO __main__: Assinged Keys are in sync and correct\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.969 INFO __main__: Verifying netplan config ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.969 DEBUG __main__: Running cmd : netplan generate --debug --root-dir test-dir\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:58.970 DEBUG root: Running command: netplan generate --debug --root-dir test-dir\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.043 INFO __main__: Netplan config is correct\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.043 INFO __main__: Verifying http, https and no proxy configuration ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.043 DEBUG __main__: Collecting proxy servers at node-defaults level ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.044 DEBUG __main__: Collecting proxy servers at node level ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.044 DEBUG __main__: Running cmd: curl -s -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.046 DEBUG root: Running command: curl -s -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.068 INFO __main__: http-proxy and https-proxy in proxy config is valid\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.068 INFO __main__: no-proxy in proxy config is valid\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.068 INFO __main__: Performing pre sync Vmware checks ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.148 DEBUG lib.vmware: Connecting to server: user: auto-ccmts@vsphere.local port: 443\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.218 INFO __main__: vcenter environment variables and credentials are valid!\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.218 INFO __main__: Collecting the nodes of the cluster ....\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.218 INFO __main__: Control Plane nodes: 3, Etcd nodes: 0, Worker nodes: 9, OAM nodes: 3\n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.218 DEBUG __main__: Collecting the vsphere volume provider configuration if it exists ..... \n\n2019-12-15 21:11:59.218 DEBUG __main__: Assessing VMware vsphere node configuration ....\n2019-12-15 21:12:00.147 INFO __main__: vmware node configuration is valid !\n\n2019-12-15 21:12:00.147 INFO __main__: Performing kubernetes node configuration checks ......\n\n2019-12-15 21:12:00.147 DEBUG __main__: Checking kubernetes cluster node configuration, HA configuration ..........\n\n2019-12-15 21:12:00.147 ERROR __main__: Expect at least 3 etcd nodes in a fucntional-test-ha or production deployment! Config is not valid ...\n2019-12-15 21:12:00.147 ERROR __main__: Checks failed in the cluster kali are:\n\n2019-12-15 21:12:00.147 ERROR __main__: Check: k8s-node-checks failed.\n\n",
        "valid": "FALSE"
  4. In the following example, a deployed cluster is validated.

    curl -k -X POST -u <username>:<password> https://restconf.smi-cluster-manager.<ip><cluster-name>/actions/validate-cluster/_operations/run -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.yang.operation+json"
      "tailf-smi-cloud:output": {
        "message": "\nPLAY [Check Cluster Health] ****************************************************\n\nTASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:06 +0000 (0:00:00.060)       0:00:00.060 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane3]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane2]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : set common variables] ***********************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:07 +0000 (0:00:01.235)       0:00:01.296 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane2]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane3]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : Check core-dns ready replicas] **************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:08 +0000 (0:00:00.126)       0:00:01.422 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1 ->]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane2 ->]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane3 ->]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : Wait for Coredns to be Running] *************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:08 +0000 (0:00:00.437)       0:00:01.860 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1 ->]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane2 ->]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane3 ->]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : Wait for worker nodes are Ready - from cluster perspective] ***\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:08 +0000 (0:00:00.411)       0:00:02.271 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1 ->]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : Wait for Pods to be Running] ****************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:09 +0000 (0:00:00.318)       0:00:02.589 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1 ->]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : verify_chrony_status] ***********************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:09 +0000 (0:00:00.300)       0:00:02.889 ******* \n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : check_system_time] **************************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:09 +0000 (0:00:00.261)       0:00:03.151 ******* \n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : Fetch all ingresses] ************************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:10 +0000 (0:00:00.297)       0:00:03.448 ******* \n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane3]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane1]\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32mok: [controlplane2]\u001B[0m\n\nTASK [cluster-health : Verify curl all ingresses] ******************************\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:10 +0000 (0:00:00.412)       0:00:03.861 ******* \n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane2] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane3] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;33mchanged: [controlplane1] => (\u001B[0m\n\nPLAY RECAP *********************************************************************\n\u001B[0;33mcontrolplane1\u001B[0m                    : \u001B[0;32mok=10  \u001B[0m \u001B[0;33mchanged=3   \u001B[0m unreachable=0    failed=0   \n\u001B[0;33mcontrolplane2\u001B[0m                    : \u001B[0;32mok=8   \u001B[0m \u001B[0;33mchanged=3   \u001B[0m unreachable=0    failed=0   \n\u001B[0;33mcontrolplane3\u001B[0m                    : \u001B[0;32mok=8   \u001B[0m \u001B[0;33mchanged=3   \u001B[0m unreachable=0    failed=0   \n\nSunday 15 December 2019  21:45:36 +0000 (0:00:25.577)       0:00:29.438 ******* \n=============================================================================== \n",
        "valid": "TRUE"