BGP 自動検出および BGP シグナリングを使用した VPWS
次の図 に、BGP 自動検出(AD)および BGP シグナリングを使用して VPLS を設定し、確認する例を示します。

PE1 での設定:
xconnect group gr1
mp2mp mp1
vpn-id 100
l2 encapsulation vlan
autodiscovery bgp
rd auto
! Signaling attributes
signaling-protocol bgp
ce-id 1
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0/1.1 remote-ce-id 2
PE2 での設定:
xconnect group gr1
mp2mp mp1
vpn-id 100
l2 encapsulation vlan
autodiscovery bgp
rd auto
! Signaling attributes
signaling-protocol bgp
ce-id 2
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0/2.1 remote-ce-id 1
PE1# show l2vpn discovery xconnect
Service Type: VPWS, Connected
List of VPNs (1 VPNs):
XC Group: gr1, MP2MP mp1
List of Local Edges (1 Edges):
Local Edge ID: 1, Label Blocks (1 Blocks)
Label base Offset Size Time Created
---------- ------ ---- -------------------
16030 1 10 01/24/2009 21:23:04
Status Vector: 9f ff
List of Remote Edges (1 Edges):
Remote Edge ID: 2, NLRIs (1 NLRIs)
Label base Offset Size Peer ID Time Created
---------- ------ ---- --------------- -------------------
16045 1 10 01/24/2009 21:29:35
Status Vector: 7f ff
PE1# show l2vpn xconnect mp2mp detail
Group gr1, MP2MP mp1, state: up
VPN ID: 100
VPN MTU: 1500
L2 Encapsulation: VLAN
Auto Discovery: BGP, state is Advertised (Service Connected)
Route Distinguisher: (auto)
Import Route Targets:
Export Route Targets:
Signaling protocol:BGP
CE Range:10
Group gr1, XC mp1.1:2, state is up; Interworking none
Local CE ID: 1, Remote CE ID: 2, Discovery State: Advertised
AC: GigabitEthernet0/1/0/1.1, state is up
Type VLAN; Num Ranges: 1
VLAN ranges: [1, 1]
MTU 1500; XC ID 0x2000013; interworking none
PW: neighbor, PW ID 65538, state is up ( established )
PW class not set, XC ID 0x2000013
Encapsulation MPLS, Auto-discovered (BGP), protocol BGP
MPLS Local Remote
------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
Label 16031 16045
MTU 1500 1500
Control word enabled enabled
PW type Ethernet VLAN Ethernet VLAN
CE-ID 1 2
------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
PE1# show bgp l2vpn vpws
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100
BGP generic scan interval 60 secs
BGP table state: Active
Table ID: 0x0
BGP main routing table version 913
BGP NSR converge version 3
BGP NSR converged
BGP scan interval 60 secs
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best
i - internal, S stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Rcvd Label Local Label
Route Distinguisher:
*>i2:1/32 16045 nolabel
*>i3:1/32 16060 nolabel
Route Distinguisher: (default for vrf gr1:mp1)
*> 1:1/32 nolabel 16030
*>i2:1/32 16045 nolabel
*>i3:1/32 16060 nolabel
Processed 5 prefixes, 5 paths
PE2# show l2vpn discovery xconnect
Service Type: VPWS, Connected
List of VPNs (1 VPNs):
XC Group: gr1, MP2MP mp1
List of Local Edges (2 Edges):
Local Edge ID: 2, Label Blocks (1 Blocks)
Label base Offset Size Time Created
---------- ------ ---- -------------------
16045 1 10 01/24/2009 21:09:14
Status Vector: 7f ff
Local Edge ID: 3, Label Blocks (1 Blocks)
Label base Offset Size Time Created
---------- ------ ---- -------------------
16060 1 10 01/24/2009 21:09:14
Status Vector: 7f ff
List of Remote Edges (1 Edges):
Remote Edge ID: 1, NLRIs (1 NLRIs)
Label base Offset Size Peer ID Time Created
---------- ------ ---- --------------- -------------------
16030 1 10 01/24/2009 21:09:16
Status Vector: 9f ff
PE2# show l2vpn xconnect mp2mp detail
Group gr1, MP2MP mp1, state: up
VPN ID: 100
VPN MTU: 1500
L2 Encapsulation: VLAN
Auto Discovery: BGP, state is Advertised (Service Connected)
Route Distinguisher: (auto)
Import Route Targets:
Export Route Targets:
Signaling protocol:BGP
CE Range:10
Group gr1, XC mp1.2:1, state is up; Interworking none
Local CE ID: 2, Remote CE ID: 1, Discovery State: Advertised
AC: GigabitEthernet0/1/0/2.1, state is up
Type VLAN; Num Ranges: 1
VLAN ranges: [1, 1]
MTU 1500; XC ID 0x2000008; interworking none
PW: neighbor, PW ID 131073, state is up ( established )
PW class not set, XC ID 0x2000008
Encapsulation MPLS, Auto-discovered (BGP), protocol BGP
MPLS Local Remote
------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
Label 16045 16031
MTU 1500 1500
Control word enabled enabled
PW type Ethernet VLAN Ethernet VLAN
CE-ID 2 1
------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
PE2# show bgp l2vpn vpws
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100
BGP generic scan interval 60 secs
BGP table state: Active
Table ID: 0x0
BGP main routing table version 819
BGP NSR converge version 7
BGP NSR converged
BGP scan interval 60 secs
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best
i - internal, S stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Rcvd Label Local Label
Route Distinguisher: (default for vrf gr1:mp1)
*>i1:1/32 16030 nolabel
*> 2:1/32 nolabel 16045
*> 3:1/32 nolabel 16060
Route Distinguisher:
*>i1:1/32 16030 nolabel
Processed 4 prefixes, 4 paths