Collaboration in a hybrid work world is agile and outcome-focused, enabled by a variety of tools that empower individual workstyles and create teams that drive results wherever they are, on whatever device.
“Technology is core to driving inclusivity and connectedness regardless of remote or in-person location preferences.”
Jeetu Patel, EVP and GM, Security and Collaboration
Collaboration means more than swapping a face-to-face meeting for a virtual meeting. Collaboration in a successful hybrid work framework is not limited to meetings at all.
In the last six months:
Varying modes of communication show growth:
Hybrid work is evolving a dynamic and flexible communication model focused on outcome-based collaboration. Collaborative experiences in the hybrid work world tap into different modes of communication across channels with interwoven elements that keep people engaged across workflows in real-time or anytime. Meetings have become another tool for teamwork and collaboration, not the goal.
Consider each collaborative activity as a conversation that brings context and builds community. Distributed teams need to use and enable an array of engagement features and leverage them to increase participation. Allow people to work their way and participate through inclusive collaboration.
Hybrid work is collaborating as a community, connecting not only colleagues but also those outside the organization. Collaboration tools must have the adaptability to bring productive, secure and equitable experiences to a blended team or audience.
Productivity and attendance depends on the quality of the experience and access of each participant. Use tools that make it easy and safe for people to communicate and collaborate with partners, customers and colleagues that are not inside the company. Leverage platforms that offer comprehensive and inclusive capabilities as well as features that foster networking and engagement.
Distribution of Events by Type1
The ratio of types of events (in-person to virtual to hybrid) have become nearly evenly distributed as hosts offer more attendance options to meet the needs of a greater audience. Now there are avenues to engagement before, during and after the event itself to sustain ongoing interaction between hosts and participants, enhancing event ROI for attendees, business and event partners/sponsors. As the return to in-person and hybrid events become more popular, event platforms not only support remote attendees, but can be used to enhance in-person participation with closed captioning and real-time translation, social tools, live Q&A and polling and more.
Work of the future encompasses not just hybrid work, but also hybrid events. Organizations must consider technologies that frame hybrid engagement to increase touchpoints, build community and create more utility for event content beyond a single moment.
Source: Cisco Hybrid Work Index
1Webex by Cisco
2Cisco Global Hybrid Work Study 2022