此产品的文档集力求使用非歧视性语言。在本文档集中,非歧视性语言是指不隐含针对年龄、残障、性别、种族身份、族群身份、性取向、社会经济地位和交叉性的歧视的语言。由于产品软件的用户界面中使用的硬编码语言、基于 RFP 文档使用的语言或引用的第三方产品使用的语言,文档中可能无法确保完全使用非歧视性语言。 深入了解思科如何使用包容性语言。
思科采用人工翻译与机器翻译相结合的方式将此文档翻译成不同语言,希望全球的用户都能通过各自的语言得到支持性的内容。 请注意:即使是最好的机器翻译,其准确度也不及专业翻译人员的水平。 Cisco Systems, Inc. 对于翻译的准确性不承担任何责任,并建议您总是参考英文原始文档(已提供链接)。
本文档介绍在思科身份服务引擎(ISE) 3.1版本中引入的状态状态同步的配置和使用。
Cisco 建议您了解以下主题:
默认情况下,启用终端安全评估状态同步时,会在每个ISE PSN节点上引入终端安全评估状态探测端口- TCP 8449。如果终端状态为未知或待处理,则从终端应该可以访问,如果终端状态为合规,则无法访问。
1.1在思科ISE GUI中,导航到策略>策略元素>结果>客户端调配>资源。
1.3在Agent Behavior区域,将Posture State Synchronization Interval配置为1到300秒之间的任意值,0 -禁用状态同步
1.4 您可以配置终端安全评估探测备份列表-安全客户端使用此列表检查所选PSN上的终端安全评估状态。如果不选择任何PSN,则连接的PSN和任意两个备份服务器将用作状态同步的备份。
2. 配置可下载ACL(dACL)以阻止访问状态同步端口在Cisco ISE客户端状态合规或不合规。您需要为每个PSN添加访问控制拒绝条目,并在终端状态已知的情况下,为合规终端使用的ACL顶部提供终端状态同步端口,以限制对终端状态同步端口的访问,例如:
deny tcp any host PSN1-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
deny tcp any host PSN2-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
permit ip any any
permit ip any any不是强制性的,您可以根据需要将其替换为任何规则集。
注:如果未配置dACL中的deny条目,则在Cisco ISE控制面板上触发状态配置检测警报,并且终端上的状态同步被禁用,直到Cisco安全客户端重新启动。
状态同步端口(双向端口)可以在Client Provisioning Portal配置页面更改。导航到管理>设备门户管理>客户端调配>选择所需的门户>门户行为和流量设置,然后打开门户设置。无法更改默认客户端调配门户的状态状态同步端口。
1. 状态评估完成,状态为合规。
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: Authenticator::sendUIStatus Thread Id: 0xC60 File: authenticator.cpp Line: 1905 Level: debug MSG_SU_STEP_STATUS, {Status:4,Compliant:2,RemStatus:2,Phase:0,StepNumber:-1,Progress:-1,Attention:1,Cancellable:0,Restartable:0,ErrorMessage:0,Description1:"Compliant.",Description2:"Network access allowed."}.
2. 状态状态同步探测启动。
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 143 Level: info Session Sync Periodic Probing start.
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 335 Level: info Session sync periodic probing thread start.
3. 在终端安全评估状态同步端口(8449)上启动到ISE PSN的HTTPS连接。
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 357 Level: debug Sending http session sync periodic probe to [ISE-PSN-FQDN].
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::MakeRequest Thread Id: 0x296C File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 330 Level: debug Url=https://ISE-PSN-FQDN:8449/auth/StateSynch.
4. 状况状态同步探测超时。
2022/11/09 12:22:54 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_winhttp_post Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_transport_winhttp.c Line: 5815 Level: debug unable to send request: 12002.
2022/11/09 12:22:54 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_post Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_transport.c Line: 1425 Level: trace posting data failed.
2022/11/09 12:22:54 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 394 Level: debug HTTP Probe failed/timed-out, Retrying...
在客户端上捕获的数据包显示在没有来自ISE PSN的SYN-ACK响应的情况下,在终端安全评估状态同步端口(8449)上向ISE PSN节点发送的SYN数据包:
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 430 Level: debug --- Http Response Headers ---.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug HTTP-Version: 1.1.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Status-Code: 200.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Connection: keep-alive.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:26:24 GMT.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Keep-Alive: timeout=20.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Length: 0.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Server: server.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' http://www.cisco.com/ data:;.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Accept-CH: Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE_STATUS: Unknown.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 442 Level: debug --------------------.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 379 Level: debug Different Session state on ISE = [ ISE-PSN-FQDN]. Restarting discovery.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 387 Level: debug MSG_NS_SWIFT_RESTART_SEARCH, {manualRescan:0,stopPeriodicProbe:1}.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::restartDiscovery Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 1431 Level: debug Restarting Discovery.
3) Cisco安全客户端停止状态同步,直到执行状态评估:
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::processMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 383 Level: debug Periodic Probes requested to be stopped.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::restartDiscovery Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 1436 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE sent.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::restartDiscovery Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 1437 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE, .
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_free Thread Id: 0xC60 File: hs_transport.c Line: 606 Level: trace de-initialization done.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 210 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE received..
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 224 Level: debug Periodic Probing stopped.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 411 Level: info Session sync periodic probing thread end.
如果AnyConnect_ISEPosture.txt日志文件中没有指示安全评估状态同步启动,并且客户端未尝试在安全评估状态同步端口(8449)上与ISE PSN节点建立连接,请从DART包或直接在客户端计算机上检查安全评估配置文件ISEPostureCFG.xml:“%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\ISE Posture\”(对于Windows PC)。
1)在终端安全评估状态同步端口(8449)上发起到ISE PSN的HTTPS连接。
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x2750 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 357 Level: debug Sending http session sync periodic probe to [ISE-PSN-FQDN].
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 430 Level: debug --- Http Response Headers ---.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug HTTP-Version: 1.1.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Status-Code: 200.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Connection: keep-alive.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:26:34 GMT.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Keep-Alive: timeout=20.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Length: 0.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Server: server.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' http://www.cisco.com/ data:;.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Accept-CH: Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE_STATUS: Compliant.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 442 Level: debug --------------------.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Error] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x2750 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 370 Level: error Incorrect configuration detected by ISE = [ISE-PSN-FQDN], compliant status is not expected.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x2750 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 371 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE, .
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 210 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE received..
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 224 Level: debug Periodic Probing stopped.
1. 验证为状态“兼容”授权配置文件配置了正确的dACL:
2. 验证详细身份验证报告dACL作为“兼容”端点的身份验证结果是否正确发送。
3. 验证dACL是否正确应用于网络接入设备:
avakhrus_3560C#sh authe sess int fa0/12 det
Interface: FastEthernet0/12
MAC Address: 0050.56a8.be02
IPv6 Address: Unknown
IPv4 Address:
User-Name: TRAINING\bob
Status: Authorized
Domain: DATA
Oper host mode: multi-auth
Oper control dir: both
Session timeout: N/A
Restart timeout: N/A
Periodic Acct timeout: 172800s (local), Remaining: 92111s
Session Uptime: 1515s
Common Session ID: C0A8FF0C00000012679EAF14
Acct Session ID: 0x00000012
Handle: 0x5D000005
Current Policy: POLICY_Fa0/12
Local Policies:
Service Template: DEFAULT_LINKSEC_POLICY_SHOULD_SECURE (priority 150)
Server Policies:
ACS ACL: xACSACLx-IP-avakhrus_posture_probe_ACL-636b75ac
Method status list:
Method State
mab Stopped
dot1x Authc Success
avakhrus_3560C#sh access-lists | s xACSACLx-IP-avakhrus_posture_probe_ACL-636b75ac
Extended IP access list xACSACLx-IP-avakhrus_posture_probe_ACL-636b75ac (per-user)
1 deny tcp any host PSN1-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
2 deny tcp any host PSN2-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
3 permit ip any any
即使在网络接入设备上对客户端终端应用了正确的dACL,ISE上的终端安全评估状态同步也会因警报而失败。如果终端安全评估状态同步探测的执行速度快于应用dACL的速度,或者如果应用dACL时终端安全评估状态同步探测已在进行中,则会发生此情况。思科漏洞ID CSCwd58316中调查了此问题 .作为解决方法,您需要在Anyconnect终端安全评估配置文件(ISE终端安全评估代理配置文件设置)中将“网络过渡延迟”设置为10秒。
版本 | 发布日期 | 备注 |
1.0 |
18-Oct-2024 |
初始版本 |