Global Center Configuration

Cisco Cyber Vision Global Center feature will permit to synchronize several Centers within a single repository. The Global Center will aggregate Centers into a single application and will present a summary of several Center activities.

Once the setup of a Center and a Global Center is done, the Center synchronization could be initialized with a Global Center. This process consist of the enrollment of a Center with a Global Center. When the center is enrolled, it's data with be synchronized incrementally. Later on, if needed, the Center could be unenrolled. The Global Center will then remove all data form that particular Center. The Center will become unenrolled and will be ready for a future enrollment.

Enrollment and unenrollement will be described below.

Center enrollment

Before you begin

A Global Center and its Centers need to be reachable in order to be enrolled.


Step 1

Start the process in the Center to be synchronized user interface , navigate to the Admin menu, in the system page, you will find a Certificate fingerprint. Copy it, it will be needed.

Step 2

Move to the Global Center user interface, Admin menu, in the System management, navigate to the Management menu. Click on the button Register a Center and:

  1. Fill the Name field with the name you would like to have for this center

  2. Paste the Certificate fingerprint copied above

Step 3

Stay in the Global Center, on the same menu (Admin - System management - Management) and copy the Fingerprint of the Global Center.

Step 4

On the Center, in the Admin menu, System page, click on the button Enroll and:

  1. add the Global Center fingerprint (paste it with the value copied above in the Global Center)

  2. add the Global Center IP address

  3. press on Enroll

Step 5

The first synchronization will occur. The Center will send all the needed historical information. Once done, a green message is displayed: Enrollment succeeded.

What to do next

After the enrollment, the Center is synchronized regularly with the Global Center. In the Global Center, in the Admin menu, the System Management page gives a status of all Centers Synchronized and their Sensors.

Center unenrollment

Before you begin

A Center can be unenrolled whenever it is needed, for example as a maintenance operation to replace the Center or the Global Center. This will delete all the Center's data in the Global Center.


Step 1

In Cisco Cyber Vision, navigate to Admin > System management > Management.

All Centers of the Global Center are listed.

Step 2

Click Unenroll on the Center required.

In case of a Global Center replacement, you need to unenroll all its synchronized Centers.

Step 3

A popup asking for confirmation appears. Click Unenroll to start the process.

All Center's data are deleted from the Global Center. The Center is then ready to be enrolled again in the Global Center or in another Global Center.

Step 4

If enrolled in another Global Center, the Center will remain listed in its former Global Center as Not enrolled. You can use the Unregister button to remove it from the list.

Force the unenrollement of a Center

When a Center with sync has been disconnected for a very long time, for example because of a hardware failure, it is possible to unenroll it from the Global Center. This will allow you to delete all Center's data and to replace it.


Make sure the Center with sync is definitely lost before performing this action. As all the Center's data will be deleted from the Global Center, the Center trying to send data to the Global Center would cause important data syncronization issues.

In Cisco Cyber Vision, navigate to Admin > System management > Management. All Centers of the Global Center are listed.

Whenever a Center has been disconnected for a long time, the red button Force unenrollment appears in the Action column. Use this button to delete all the Center's data from the Global Center. The Center will be removed from the list.