Creating Port Profiles

This chapter describes how to create, enable, or remove a port profile or add VMware attributes, access or trunk ports, ACLs, and NetFlow.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Information About Port Profiles

Guidelines and Limitations

Default Settings

Configuring Port Profiles

Additional References

Feature History for Port Profiles

Information About Port Profiles

Port profiles simplify interface configuration by defining policies that can be reused for multiple interfaces. For more information about port profiles, see Chapter 1 "Overview."

Port Profile States

A port profile can be in one of two states: enabled or disabled. Port profiles are disabled by default. Table 2-1 describes port profile behavior in these two states.

To enable a port profile, see the "Enabling a Port Profile" procedure.

Table 2-1 Port Profile States  


Disabled (the default)

When disabled, a port profile behaves as follows:

Its configuration is not applied to assigned ports.

If exporting policies to a VMware port group, the port group is not created on the vCenter Server.


When enabled, a port profile behaves as follows:

Its configuration is applied to assigned ports.

If configured with the VMware port-group attribute, the port group is created on the vCenter Server.

vEthernet Port Binding

You can configure either static or ephemeral port binding for vEthernet port profiles. Table 2-2 shows how this setting controls how ports are assigned in the VMware port group.

Table 2-2 vEthernet Port Binding  


Static (the default)

A DVPortID is assigned from the port group pool when you first assign the port group to the port. The DVPortID persists for the life of the network adapter. The port group has a fixed number of ports.


A new DVPortID is assigned to the port every time the VM is powered on. The port keeps this same DVPortID while the VM is up. All available DVS ports are shared. Ports are not allocated from the port group pool.

Note If a system administrator changes the port profile assignment for an interface, any manual configuration on the interface is purged if either port profile is configured with ephemeral port binding. This purging of manual configurations occurs regardless of your auto purge setting. For more information about configuring svs veth auto-config-purge, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Interface Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4).

Guidelines and Limitations

Use the following guidelines and limitations when configuring port profiles:

Once a port profile is created as either an Ethernet or vEthernet type, you cannot change the type.

In an installation where multiple Ethernet port profiles are active on the same VEM, it is recommended that they do not carry the same VLAN(s). The allowed VLAN list should be mutually exclusive. Overlapping VLANs can be configured but may cause duplicate packets to be received by virtual machines in the network.

To maintain consistency between the port profile definition and what is applied to an interface, if a port profile modification is rejected by any port, the modification is rejected by the port profile too.

If you create a port profile with a command error, for example a private VLAN mapping error or service policy map error, then an attempt to apply this port profile to an interface shuts down the interface. The error is not copied to the interface and a system message is generated with details of the error. In this case, you must correct the error in the port profile. Then return the interface to service and apply the corrected port profile using the following command sequence:

1. no shutdown

2. default shutdown

For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Troubleshooting Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4).

MTU can only be configured for uplink, Ethernet type port profiles.

If you configure MTU for any Ethernet port profile, your ESX host may generate the following error:

2010 Nov 15 04:35:27 my-n1k %VEM_MGR-SLOT3-1-VEM_SYSLOG_ALERT: vssnet : 
sf_platform_set_mtu: Failed setting MTU for VMW port with portID 33554475.

In this case, the MTU value you have set is not supported by the VEM physical NIC. See your VMware documentation for more information about supported MTU for PNIC.

Before configuring a port profile, the Cisco Nexus 1000V software must be initially configured. For information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Getting Started Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4).

The Cisco Nexus 1000V must be connected to the vCenter Server.

Default Settings

Table 2-3 lists the default settings in the port profile configuration.

Table 2-3 Port Profile Defaults 


capability l3control




administrative state

all ports disabled

switchport mode (access or trunk)


system vlan vlan list




access port vlan




vmware port-group name

Port profile name

vEthernet port-binding


Configuring Port Profiles

This section includes the following topics:

Creating a Port Profile

Configuring VMware Attributes

Configuring Port Mode

Configuring Port Binding for vEthernet Port Profiles

Enabling a Port Profile

Removing a Port Profile

Creating a Port Profile

You can use this procedure to create a new port profile.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You know whether the ports need to be initialized with system settings.

You have identified the characteristics needed for this port profile.


1. config t

2. port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name

3. (Optional) description profiledescription

4. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

5. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name


n1000v(config)# port-profile type ethernet AllAccess1


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named port profile. If the port profile does not already exist, it is created using the following characteristics:

name—The port profile name can be up to 80 characters and must be unique for each port profile on the Cisco Nexus 1000V.

type—(Optional) The port profile type can be Ethernet or vEthernet. Once configured, the type cannot be changed. The default is the vEthernet type.

Defining a port profile type as Ethernet allows the port profile to be used for physical (Ethernet) ports. In the vCenter Server, the corresponding port group can be selected and assigned to physical ports (PNICs).

Note If a port profile is configured as an Ethernet type, then it cannot be used to configure VMware virtual ports.

Step 3 

description profiledescription


n1000v(config-port-prof)# description all_access


(Optional) Adds a description of up to 80 ASCII characters in length to the port profile. This description is automatically pushed to vCenter Server.

Step 4 

show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AllAccess1

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 5 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to create a new port profile:

n1000v(config)# port-profile type ethernet AllAccess1
n1000v(config-port-prof)# description all_access
n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AllAccess1
port-profile AllAccess1
  description: all_access
  type: ethernet
  status: disabled
  capability l3control: no
  pinning control-vlan: -
  pinning packet-vlan: -
  system vlans: none
  max ports: -
  config attributes:
  evaluated config attributes:
  assigned interfaces:

Configuring VMware Attributes

You can use this procedure to designate a port profile as a VMware port profile.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You know if you will configure the VMware port group with the same name as the port profile or if you will specify an alternate name for the VMware port group.

The max-ports command is available only for non-uplink profiles.

You know if you want to restrict the maximum number of ports that can be assigned to the port profile. If so, you know what the maximum number is.


1. config t

2. port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name

3. vmware port-group [pg_name]

4. max-ports number

5. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

6. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name


n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named port profile. If the port profile does not already exist, it is created using the following characteristics:

name—The port profile name can be up to 80 characters and must be unique for each port profile on the Cisco Nexus 1000V.

type—(Optional) The port profile type can be Ethernet or vEthernet. Once configured, the type cannot be changed. The default is the vEthernet type.

Defining a port profile type as Ethernet allows the port profile to be used for physical (Ethernet) ports. In the vCenter Server, the corresponding port group can be selected and assigned to physical ports (PNICs).

Note If a port profile is configured as an Ethernet type, then it cannot be used to configure VMware virtual ports.

Step 3 

vmware port-group [pg_name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# vmware port-group n1000v(config-port-prof)#

Designates the port profile as a VMware port group.

The port profile is mapped to a VMware port group of the same name unless you specify a name here. When you connect the VSM to vCenter Server, the port group is distributed to the virtual switch on the vCenter Server.

Step 4 

max-ports num


n1000v(config-port-prof)# max-ports 5


Designates the maximum number of ports that can be assigned to this non-uplink port profile. The default is 32 ports.

When the specified maximum number of ports is reached, no more ports can be assigned.

Step 5 

show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 6 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to designate a port profile as a VMware port profile and set the maximum allowed ports to five:

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf
n1000v(config-port-prof)# vmware port-group
n1000v(config-port-prof)# max-ports 5
n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf
port-profile AccessProf
  description: allaccess4
  type: vethernet
  status: disabled
  capability l3control: no
  pinning control-vlan: 8
  pinning packet-vlan: 8
  system vlans: none
  port-group: AccessProf
  max ports: 5
  config attributes:
  evaluated config attributes:
  assigned interfaces:n1000v(config-port-prof)# 

Configuring Port Mode

You can use the following procedures to designate trunking or access ports and configure VLANs for an existing port profile.

Configuring a Trunking Profile

Configuring an Access Profile

Clearing a Port Management Policy


Before beginning the procedures in this section, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You know whether you are configuring the port profile as an access port or trunk port.

An access port transmits packets on only one untagged VLAN. You can specify the VLAN, and it becomes the access VLAN. If you do not specify a VLAN for an access port, that interface carries traffic only on the default VLAN 1.

A trunk port transmits untagged packets for the native VLAN and transmits encapsulated, tagged packets for all other VLANs.

You know the needed VLAN configuration for this port profile.

A VLAN must already be created on the switch before you can assign it to a port profile.

You know the VLAN ID for the VLAN that you are assigning.

VLAN 1 is the default VLAN. You cannot create, modify, or delete this VLAN.

In accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q standard, up to 4094 VLANs are supported. Table 2-4 describes the available VLAN ranges and their use.

Table 2-4 VLAN Ranges 

VLANs Numbers



Cisco default. You can use this VLAN, but you cannot modify or delete it.



You can create, use, modify, and delete these VLANs.



You can create, name, and use these VLANs. You cannot change the following parameters:

State is always active.

VLAN is always enabled.

You cannot shut down these VLANs.

3968-4047 and 4094

Internally allocated

These 80 VLANs, plus VLAN 4094, are allocated for internal device use. You cannot create, delete, or modify any VLANs within the block reserved for internal use.

Configuring a Trunking Profile

You can use this procedure to define a trunking port profile including the VLANs that are allowed on the interfaces.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You have already created the port profile using the "Creating a Port Profile" procedure.

You know the needed VLAN configuration for this port profile and that it is to be used in trunk mode.

A VLAN must already be created on the switch before you can assign it to a port profile.

You know the supported VLAN ranges described in Table 2-4.

If you do not configure allowed VLANs in this procedure, then the default VLAN 1 is used.

If you do not configure a native VLAN in this procedure, then the default VLAN 1 is used.


1. config t

2. port-profile name

3. switchport mode {access | trunk}

4. no shutdown

5. switchport trunk allowed vlan {allowed-vlans | add add-vlans | except except-vlans | remove remove-vlans | all | none}

6. switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id

7. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

8. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile name


n1000v(config)# port-profile TrunkProf


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named port profile.

Step 3 

switchport mode trunk


n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport mode trunk


Designates that the interfaces are to be used as a trunking ports.

A trunk port transmits untagged packets for the native VLAN and transmits encapsulated, tagged packets for all other VLANs.

Step 4 

no shutdown


n1000v(config-port-prof)# no shutdown


Administratively enables all ports in the profile.

Step 5 

switchport trunk allowed vlan {allowed-vlans | add add-vlans | except except-vlans | remove remove-vlans | all | none}


n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport trunk allowed vlan all

(Optional) Designates the port profile as trunking and defines VLAN access to it as follows:

allowed-vlans—Defines VLAN IDs that are allowed on the port.

add—Lists VLAN IDs to add to the list of those allowed on the port.

except—Lists VLAN IDs that are not allowed on the port.

remove—Lists VLAN IDs whose access is to be removed from the port.

all—Indicates that all VLAN IDs are allowed on the port, unless exceptions are also specified.

none—Indicates that no VLAN IDs are allowed on the port.

Note If you do not configure allowed VLANs, then the default VLAN 1 is used as the allowed VLAN.

Step 6 

switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id


n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport trunk native vlan 3

(Optional) Sets the trunking native characteristics when the interface is in trunking mode.

If you do not configure a native VLAN, then the default VLAN 1 is used as the native VLAN.

Step 7 

show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile TrunkProf

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 8 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to configure a trunking port profile, allowing all VLANs, and setting VLAN 3 as its native VLAN.

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile TrunkProf
n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport mode trunk
n1000v(config-port-prof)# no shutdown
n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport trunk allowed vlan all
n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport trunk native vlan 3
n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name TrunkProf
port-profile TrunkProf
  type: vethernet
  status: disabled
  capability l3control: no
  pinning control-vlan: -
  pinning packet-vlan: -
  system vlans: none
  max ports: 32
  config attributes:
    switchport mode trunk
    switchport trunk native vlan 3
    switchport trunk allowed vlan all
    no shutdown
  evaluated config attributes:
    switchport mode trunk
    switchport trunk native vlan 3
    switchport trunk allowed vlan all
    no shutdown
  assigned interfaces:

Configuring an Access Profile

Use this procedure to add an access VLAN to the access port in an existing port profile.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

An access port transmits packets on only one untagged VLAN. You can specify the VLAN, and it becomes the access VLAN. If you do not specify a VLAN for an access port, that interface carries traffic only on the default VLAN 1.


1. config t

2. port-profile name

3. switchport mode {access | trunk}

4. no shutdown

5. switchport access vlan vlan-id-access

6. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

7. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile name


n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named port profile.

Step 3 

switchport mode {access | trunk}


n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport mode access


Designates the interfaces as either switch access ports (the default) or trunks.

Step 4 

no shutdown


n1000v(config-port-prof)# no shutdown


Administratively enables all ports in the profile.

Step 5 

switchport access vlan vlan-id-access.


n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport access vlan 300

(Optional) Assigns an access VLAN ID to this port profile.

Note If you do not specify a VLAN ID, then VLAN 1 is used automatically.

Step 6 

show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile AccessProf

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 7 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to configure a port profile with switch access ports, enable the ports, and then add an access VLAN:

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf
n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport mode access
n1000v(config-port-prof)# no shutdown
n1000v(config-port-prof)# switchport access vlan 300
n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf
port-profile AccessProf
  description: allaccess4
  type: vethernet
  status: disabled
  capability l3control: no
  pinning control-vlan: -
  pinning packet-vlan: -
  system vlans: none
  port-group: AccessProf
  max ports: 5
  config attributes:
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan 300
    no shutdown
  evaluated config attributes:
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan 300
    no shutdown
  assigned interfaces:

Clearing a Port Management Policy

You can use this procedure to remove either of the following port management policies from an existing port profile configuration.


switchport mode


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

Removing the shutdown configuration changes the state of the port profile ports to shutdown.

Removing the switchport mode converts the port profile ports to switch access ports.

After removing the configuration for an attribute, the attribute does not appear in show command output.


1. config t

2. port-profile name

3. default {shutdown | switchport mode}

4. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

5. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile name


n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named port profile.

Step 3 

default {shutdown | switchport mode}


n1000v(config-port-prof)# default switchport mode


Removes either the shutdown or the switchport mode configuration from the port profile.

shutdown—Reverts port profile ports to the shutdown state

switchport mode—Reverts port profile ports to switch access ports.

Step 4 

show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.


This example shows how to change the administrative state of a port profile back to its default setting (all ports disabled):

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf
n1000v(config-port-prof)# default shutdown
n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf
port-profile AccessProf
  description: allaccess4
  type: vethernet
  status: disabled
  capability l3control: no
  pinning control-vlan: 8
  pinning packet-vlan: 8
  system vlans: none
  port-group: AccessProf
  max ports: 5
  config attributes:
    switchport mode access
  evaluated config attributes:
    switchport mode access
  assigned interfaces:

Configuring Port Binding for vEthernet Port Profiles

You can use the following procedures in this section to configure port binding for vEthernet port profiles:

Configuring a Default Port Binding Type

Configuring Port Binding for a vEthernet Port Profile

Verifying Port Binding on vCenter Server


Before beginning the procedures in this section, you must know or do the following:

You have read the "vEthernet Port Binding" section.

Once a vEthernet port profile has been created as a port group on the vCenter Server, you are not allowed to change its port binding type.

You are not allowed to configure max ports for vEthernet port profiles with ephemeral port binding.

You are not allowed to configure port binding for Ethernet type port profiles. Port binding is only available for vEthernet port profiles.

Manual configurations on an interface are purged when the system administrator changes its port profile if either port profile is configured with ephemeral port binding. This occurs regardless of your auto purge setting.

For more information about the svs auto-config-purge command, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Interface Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4).

Configuring a Default Port Binding Type

You can use this procedure to configure the type of port binding (static or ephemeral) to apply by default to all new vEthernet port profiles.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You know the type of port binding (static or ephemeral) you want to use as a default for all new vEthernet port profiles.


1. config t

2. port-profile default port-binding {static | ephemeral}

3. show running-config

4. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile default port-binding {static | ephemeral}


n1000v(config)# port-profile default port-binding ephemeral


Configures a default port binding type to be applied automatically to all new vEthernet port profiles unless explicitly configured otherwise:


A DVPortID is assigned from the port group pool when you first assign the port group to the port. The DVPortID persists for the life of the network adapter. The port group has a fixed number of ports.


A new DVPortID is assigned to the port every time the VM is powered on. The port keeps this same DVPortID while the VM is up. All available DVS ports are shared. Ports are not allocated from the port group pool.

Step 3 

show running-config


n1000v(config)# show running-config

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 4 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to configure the ephemeral port binding type as the default for all new vEthernet port profiles created:

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile default port-binding ephemeral

Configuring Port Binding for a vEthernet Port Profile

You can use this procedure to configure the type of port binding (static or ephemeral) for an existing vEthernet port profile.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You have already created the vEthernet port profile using the "Creating a Port Profile" procedure.

You know the type of port binding (static or ephemeral) you want to apply to this vEthernet port profile.


1. config t

2. port-profile [type {vethernet}] profile-name

3. port-binding {static | ephemeral}

4. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

5. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile [type {vethernet}] profile-name


n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named vEthernet port profile.

Step 3 

port-binding {static | ephemeral}


n1000v(config-port-prof)# port-binding ephemeral


Configures the type of port binding for this vEthernet port profile.


A DVPortID is assigned from the port group pool when you first assign the port group to the port. The DVPortID persists for the life of the network adapter. The port group has a fixed number of ports.


A new DVPortID is assigned to the port every time the VM is powered on. The port keeps this same DVPortID while the VM is up. All available DVS ports are shared. Ports are not allocated from the port group pool.

Step 4 

show port-profile [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 5 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to configure the ephemeral port binding type for the existing port profile named ephemeral-pp:

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile ephemeral-pp
n1000v(config-port-prof)# port-binding ephemeral

Verifying Port Binding on vCenter Server

You can use this procedure to verify the port binding configuration for a port group in vCenter Server.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to vCenter Server on the host.


Step 1 From your DVS in the Networking tab, choose the port group, and then click the Summary tab.

The General section of the Summary tab displays the type of port binding for this port group.

Enabling a Port Profile

You can use this procedure to enable an existing port profile.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You have already created the port profile using the "Creating a Port Profile" procedure.


1. config t

2. port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name

3. state enabled

4. show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]

5. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name


n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf


Enters port profile configuration mode for the named port profile.

Step 3 

state enabled


n1000v(config-port-prof)# state enabled


Enables the port profile and applies its configuration to the assigned ports. If the port profile is a VMware port group, the port group will be created in the vswitch on vCenter Server.

Step 4 

show port-profile [brief | expand-interface | usage] [name profile-name]


n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf

(Optional) Displays the configuration for verification.

Step 5 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to enable a port profile:

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# port-profile AccessProf
n1000v(config-port-prof)# state enabled
n1000v(config-port-prof)# show port-profile name AccessProf
port-profile AccessProf
  description: allaccess4
  status: enabled
capability l3control: no
  pinning control-vlan: -
  pinning packet-vlan: -
  system vlans: none
  max ports: 32
  config attributes:
    channel-group auto mode on
  evaluated config attributes:
    channel-group auto mode on
  assigned interfaces:

Removing a Port Profile

You can use this procedure to remove a port profile.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

If the port profile is inherited by another port profile, you need to remove the inheritance from the other port profile before removing this port profile. If you do not remove the inheritance first, the procedure fails. See Removing Inherited Policies from a Port Profile.

When you remove a port profile that is mapped to a VMware port group, the associated port group and settings within the vCenter Server are also removed.


1. config t

2. (Optional) show port-profile virtual usage name profile_name

3. no port-profile profile_name

4. show port-profile name profile_name

5. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 

show port-profile virtual usage name profile_name


n1000v(config)# show port-profile virtual usage name AccessProf

(Optional) Verifies if active interfaces use this port profile.

Note You cannot remove a port profile if there are active interfaces associated with it.

Step 3 

no port-profile profile_name


n1000v(config)# no port-profile AccessProf

Removes the port profile configuration and operational settings.

Step 4 

show port-profile name profile_name


n1000v(config)# show port-profile name 
ERROR: port-profile AccessProf does not 

(Optional) Verifies that the port profile does not exist.

Step 5 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config-port-prof)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to remove a port profile:

n1000v# config t

n1000v(config)# show port-profile virtual usage name AccessProf


Port Profile Port Adapter Owner


n1kv-uplink0 Po1

Eth3/2 vmnic1 localhost.

Eth3/3 vmnic2 localhost.

vlan1767 Veth7 Net Adapter 1 all-tool-7

AccessProf                 vEth12      vmnic1         localhost.

n1000v(config)# no port-profile AccessProf
n1000v(config)# show port-profile name AccessProf
ERROR: port-profile AccessProf does not exist
n1000v(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Additional References

For additional information related to port profiles, see the following sections:

Related Documents


Related Documents

Related Topic
Document Title

Complete command syntax, command modes, command history, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples for all Cisco Nexus 1000V commands.

Cisco Nexus 1000V Command Reference, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4)

Port Profile Inheritance

"Configuring Port Profile Inheritance" section

System Port Profiles

"Configuring System Port Profiles" section

Port Channels

"Configuring Port Channels in Port Profiles" section

Private VLANs

"Configuring a Private VLAN in a Port Profile" section

Port profile roles

"Restricting Port Profile Visibility" section

Verifying port profiles

"Verifying the Port Profile Configuration" section

Configuration limits

"Port Profile Configuration Limits" section

Configuring interfaces including port channels

Cisco Nexus 1000V Interface Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4)

Adding an IP or MAC access control list (ACL) to a port profile.

Cisco Nexus 1000V Security Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4)

Adding a NetFlow flow monitor to a port profile.

Cisco Nexus 1000V System Management Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4)



No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this feature.

Feature History for Port Profiles

This section provides the feature history for port profiles.

Feature Name
Feature Information

Atomic Inheritance


Port profile configuration applied to member interfaces.

Port Profile Rollback


After configuration failure, a port profile and its member interfaces are rolled back to the last good configuration.

Interface Quarantine


After a configuration failure, interfaces are shut down to maintain accurate configuration.

Port Profiles


This feature was introduced.

Port Profile Type


Port profiles are configured as either Ethernet or vEthernet type. By default, a port profile is created as vEthernet type.

[no] capability uplink command


The capability uplink command has been replaced with the port-profile [type {ethernet | vethernet}] name command. To configure a port profile with uplink capability, configure the port profile as an Ethernet type.

The no capability uplink command has been removed.