Historical Reports

Chat Reports

Chat Agent Detail Report

The Chat Agent Detail Report presents information about each chat contact that is handled by the chat agent.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Total Active, Accept Time by Agent

Displays the active time and accept time that an agent spends on all the chat contacts.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.

Chat Start Time

Time at which the agent accepts the chat.

Chat End Time

Time at which the agent ends the chat.


Elapsed time between the chat start time and the chat end time.

Contact ID

Unique contact ID that identifies the chat contact.

Chat Routed CSQ

Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that routed the chat contact to the agent.

Chat Skills

Skills that are associated with the agent for handling a chat contact.

Active Time

Time the agent spends chatting with the chat contact.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Accept Time

Time taken by the agent to accept the chat contact after it is allocated to the desktop.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Chat Type

Type of chat contact. There are two types—One-to-One and Group Chat.


Origin of the chat. There are three types of chat source:

  • Bubble Chat —A chat popover that appears on the customer's web page that allows users to chat.

  • Fb Messenger—Messaging service from Facebook which can be used by end-users to chat with the Contact Center.

  • Other—includes Classic Chat and any third-party chat integrations.


Rating given by the customer for the chat.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for the agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified teams.

Chat Type

Displays information for the specified one-to-one or group chat type.


Displays information for the specified chat source.


Displays information for the specified rating.

Grouping Criteria


Chat Agent Summary Report

The Chat Agent Summary Report presents a summary of the activities of chat agents, including chat and agent state activities.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Accept and Active Chat Time for Agents

Displays the average time an agent takes to accept chat contact requests, and the average time the agent spends in Busy state.

Total Presented vs Handled Chats by Agent

Displays the number of chat contacts that are presented to an agent and the number of chat contacts that are handled by the agent.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.

Chats Presented

Number of chats that are presented to the agent.

Chats Handled

Number of chats that the agent accepted.

Group Chats Presented

Number of group chats that are presented to the agent.

Group Chats Handled

Number of group chats that the agent accepted.

Group Chats Declined

Number of group chats that the agent declined.

Active Time—Avg

Average chat time of the chats that the agent handled.

Active Time—Max

Longest chat time of a chat that the agent handled.

Accept Time—Avg

Average accept time of the chats that the agent accepted.

Accept Time—Max

Longest accept time of any chat that the agent accepted.

Avg Rating

Average of all the chat ratings received by the agent.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for the agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria


Chat CSQ Activity Report

The Chat CSQ Activity Report presents a summary of presented, handled, and abandoned chats for each Contact Service Queue (CSQ). It displays the average and maximum time for chats that are queued and handled. It also displays the average rating of the rated chats routed to the CSQ.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Handle Time by CSQ

Displays the average handle time for chats that are handled in a CSQ.

Max Queue Time for Chats Presented by CSQ

Displays the chat with the longest queue time in a CSQ.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



CSQ Name

Name of the CSQ.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Chats Presented

Number of chats that are routed to the CSQ regardless of whether an agent accepts the chat.

Queue Time—Avg

Average queue time for all chats that are routed to the CSQ.

Queue Time—Max

Longest queue time of any chat that is routed to the CSQ.

Chats Handled

Number of chats that are routed to agents through this CSQ and are accepted and handled by the agents.

Handle Time—Avg

Average handle time for all chats that the CSQ handled. Handle time is active chat time.

Handle Time—Max

Longest handle time of any chat that the CSQ handled.

Chats Abandoned

Number of chats that are routed to the CSQ and not accepted by an agent as either the chat submitter ended the chat before the agent accepted or was disconnected.

Avg Rating

Average rating of the rated chats handled by the CSQ.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria


Chat CSQ Agent Summary Report

The Chat CSQ Agent Summary Report presents information about the chats that are handled in a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) by a chat agent. An agent can handle chat contacts for multiple CSQs. The report includes the average chat time, average accept time for handled chats, number of received chats, number of handled chats, and number of unanswered chats for each agent.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Chats Handled by CSQ and Agent

Displays the number of chats handled by each agent for a CSQ.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



CSQ Name

Name of the CSQ.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent who handles chats for this CSQ.

Chat Received

Number of chats that are queued for this CSQ and are assigned to the agent.

Chat Handled

Number of chats that are queued for this CSQ and answered by the agent.

Average Active Chat Time

Average chat time for all the chats that the agent handled for this CSQ. Chat time is the elapsed time between the time an agent answers a chat and ends the chat.

Average chat time = Total chat time / Number of chats handled

Chat No Answer

Number of chats that are connected to the agent, but not answered.

Average Acceptance Time

Elapsed time between the time that a chat alert is presented on the desktop and the time that the chat is answered by an agent or disconnected. This field is blank if the chat was not presented to an agent.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria


Chat Traffic Analysis Report

The Chat Traffic Analysis Report presents information about incoming chat contacts to the Unified CCX system. The information is presented for each day, and includes information about the peak hour for that day.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Chat Duration by Date

Displays the average chat duration for a day.

Peak Chats by Date

Displays the hour that received the highest number of chats in a day.

Total Incoming Chats by Date

Displays the number of chats that are received by Unified CCX for a day.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Date for which the information is displayed.

Total Incoming Chats

Number of chat contacts that are received daily by Unified CCX.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Avg Chats (per Hour)

Average number of chat contacts that are received in an hour.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Peak Chats (per Hour)

Number of chat contacts that are received during the peak hour.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Peak Hour Time—Start

Start time of the peak hour (the hour when the largest number of chat contacts are received).

Peak Hour Time—End

End time of the peak hour (the hour when the largest number of chat contacts are received).

Chat Duration—Avg

Average chat duration for the day.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Chat Duration—Min

Duration of the shortest chat for the day.

Summary info—Minimum value in this column.

Chat Duration—Max

Duration of the longest chat for the day.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Filter Criteria


Grouping Criteria


Email Reports

Email Agent Activity Report

The Email Agent Activity Report presents email statistics of the email-enabled agents for a day.


The following charts are available:

Chart Name


Email Agent Activity by Agent State

Displays the time that agents spend in an agent state.

Email Agent Activity by Email

Displays the email statistics of an agent.


Visible Fields in Email Agent Activity Report



Agent Name

Name of the agent to whom the email messages are routed.

Agent Id

Login user ID of the agent.

Login Date

Date the agent logged in.


Total time the agent logged in.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Duration—Not Ready

Total time the agent spent in the E-Mail Not Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Total time the agent spent in the E-Mail Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Number of Emails—Presented

Number of email messages that are presented to the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Number of Emails—Requeued

Number of email messages that the agent requeued. The requeue date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Number of Emails—Sent

Number of email messages that the agent replied and forwarded. The send date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Number of Emails—Discarded

Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Avg On Desk

Average on-desk time = Total time spent on handling email contacts/Number of emails sent, requeued and discarded.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameters:

Filter Parameter


Time Offset

Displays the list of time zones.

Select the one matching your timezone. If multiple values are selected, the first one takes effect.

Agent Name

Displays information for the specified agents.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following fields:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Login Date

Groups information by login date.

Email Contact Detail Report

The Email Contact Detail Report presents information about each email contact that is handled by the agent.




The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Contact ID

Unique social contact ID that identifies the email contact.

Sequence No

Number that the system assigns to each contact leg. The sequence number starts with 0 and increases by 1 for each leg of a contact, such as requeue.

CSQ Name

Name of the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that routed the email contact to the agent.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent who responded to the email message.


Date and time that the contact center received the email message.


Date and time that the agent retrieved the email message.


Date and time that the agent responded to the email message.


Date and time that the agent discarded the email message.


Date and time that the agent forwarded the email message.

From Address

Email address of the customer who sent the email message.

Reply-To Address

Email address of the customer to whom the response is sent.

To Address

Email addresses in the To field, to which the email message was sent.


Email address of the contact center to which the email message was sent.


Email addresses in the CC field, to which the email message was sent as a copy.


Email addresses in the Bcc field, to which the email message was sent as a blind copy.


Subject line of the received email message.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of the email contact.

Contact Type

Contact type of the email contact.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter Parameter


CSQ Name

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Agent Name

Displays information for the specified agents.


Displays information for the specified subject or part of the subject. This parameter is case sensitive.

Grouping Criteria


Email CSQ Activity Report

The Email CSQ Activity Report presents email activity statistics of agents in a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) for each day.


Due to system errors, few of the emails presented to the agent may not display the contents in it. In such cases, agent has to close the email tab. These contacts are not accounted for the agent, and there will be a mismatch between the Retrieved, Sent, Requeued, and Discarded columns in the report.


The following charts are available:

Chart Name


Email CSQ Agent Activity by Agent State

Displays the number of email messages that are handled in a category by the agents.

Email CSQ Agent Activity by CSQ

Displays the number of email messages that are handled in a category by the CSQs.

Email CSQ Agent Activity by Date

Displays the number of email messages that are handled in a category for a day.


Table 1. Visible Fields in Email CSQ Activity Report



CSQ Name

Name of the CSQ through which the email messages are routed.


Date of each day in the interval.

Agent Name

Name of the agent to whom the email messages are routed.


Number of email messages that are routed through the CSQ to the agent and then retrieved by the agent. The retrieved date time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of email messages that are requeued to the agent. The requeue date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of email messages that the agent replied and forwarded. The send date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Avg On Desk

Average on-desk time = On-desk time / Number of emails sent, requeued and discarded.

On-desk time = Time the agent processed the email - Time the agent received the email. (This includes the emails sent, requeued and discarded by the agent.)

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameters:

Filter Parameter


Time Offset

Displays the list of time zones.

Select the one matching your time zone. If multiple values are selected, the first one takes effect.

CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following fields:



CSQ Name

Sorts data by CSQ name.


Sorts data by the dates within the CSQ.

Email Traffic Analysis Report

The Email Traffic Analysis Report gives the count of email messages received for the specified date or date range.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Email Inbox Traffic Analysis by Date Chart

Displays the number of email messages received for the specified date or date range.

Email Inbox Traffic Analysis by Email Address

Displays the number of email messages received by an email address.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Email Address

Email address to which the email messages are addressed.

Received Date

Date on which the email was received.

Email Count

Number of email messages that are received by an email address for the specified date or date range.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Email Addresses

Displays list of valid email addresses.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:

Filter parameter


Displays a list of valid email addresses

Groups data by email address.


Displays information by date.

Inbound Reports

Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report

The Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report presents information about calls that are abandoned.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Calls Abandoned Each Day by Final Call Priority

Displays the number of abandoned calls and the final priority of these calls in a day.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Call Start Time

Date and time the call leg starts.

Called Number

Telephone number that the caller dials.

Call ANI

Originator's telephone number. (ANI = Automatic Number Identification)

Initial Call Priority

Priority that is assigned to the call by Unified CCX workflow when the call is received.

Call Routed CSQ

Contact Service Queue (CSQ) to which the call is queued.

Agent Name

Agent who is presented with the call before it is abandoned.

Call Skills

Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Final Call Priority

Priority of the call when it is abandoned.

Call Abandon Time

Date and time the call is abandoned.

Time to Abandon

Elapsed time between the time the call comes to the system and the time it is abandoned.

Summary info—Average abandon time of all calls.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Grouping Criteria


Aborted Rejected Call Detail Report

The Aborted Rejected Call Detail Report presents information about each call that is aborted or rejected by the system.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Total Calls by Contact Disposition

Displays the number of calls that are aborted and rejected.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Call Start Time

Date and time the call starts.

Call End Time

Date and time the call was disconnected, transferred, or redirected.

Contact Type

Contact type of a call.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of the call.

Abort/Reject Reason

Reason the call is aborted or rejected.

Originator DN (Directory Number)

The originator directory number. This number is the same as the calling number. Originator Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Originator Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. If the call is attended at the non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. If the call is made from a non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed.

  • If Originator Type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If Originator Type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number of the caller.

Destination DN

The destination directory number. Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Destination Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent.

  • If destination type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If destination type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number called.

Called Number

Number that is originally dialed by the caller. If the call is a transfer, the number that the call is transferred to is displayed.

Original Called Number

Number that is originally dialed by the caller—either a route point number or an agent extension.

Application Name

Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point.

Call Routed CSQ

Contact Service Queue (CSQ) to which the call is routed. This field is blank if the call is aborted or rejected before being routed to a CSQ.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Contact Disposition

Displays information for the specified contact disposition.

Grouping Criteria


Agent All Fields Report

The Agent All Fields Report presents a historical view of the activity of selected agents, showing each agent's call summary details and agent state times. This report combines the fields that are displayed in other agent-related reports.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Agent All Fields Report - Call Summary Chart

Displays the call summary details such as Calls presented, calls handled, and calls abandoned by an agent.

Agent All Fields Report - State Summary Chart

Displays the total time that is spent by the agents on different states.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.


Login ID of the agent.

Agent Extension

Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Calls Presented

Calls that are sent to the agent, regardless of whether the agent selects the call.

If a call connects to an agent, transfers to another agent, and then transfers back to the original agent, the value for the original agent increases by two (once for each time the call presents).

Calls Handled

Calls that are connected to the agent.

  • If the agent establishes a conference with another agent, this value increases by one for the conferenced agent.

  • If the agent transfers a call and the call is transferred back to the agent, this value increases by two.

Calls Abandoned

Calls that are abandoned at the agent level.

Total Logged In Time

Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.

Average Logged In Time

Average logged-in time = Logged-in time of the agent / Number of logged-in sessions of the agent

Not Ready Time

Time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.

Not Ready Time (%)

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.

Ready Time

Time that the agent spent in Ready state.

Ready Time (%)

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state.

Reserved Time

Time that the agent spent in Reserved state.

Reserved Time (%)

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state.

Talk Time

Time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Talk Time (%)

Percentage of time that the agent spent in the Talking state.

Work Time

Time that the agent spent in the Work state.

Work Time (%)

Percentage of time that the agent spent in the Work state.

Avg Handle Time

Average handle time for all calls that the agent handled.

Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time

Max Handle Time

Longest handle time of any call that the agent handled.

Avg Talk Time

Average talk time for calls that the agent handled.

Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to a call and time when the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time.

Max Talk Time

Longest talk time of any call that the agent handled.

Avg Hold Time

Average hold time for calls that the agent handled.

Max Hold Time

Longest hold time of any call that the agent handled.

Avg Work Time

Average time that an agent spent in Work state after calls.

Max Work Time

Longest time that an agent spent in Work state after a call.

Avg Idle Time

Average time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.

Max Idle Time

Longest time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.

Handle Ratio

Handle ratio = Calls that the agent handled / Calls that are routed to the agent

Total Inbound

Total calls that the agent receives.

Total Inbound = Inbound Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls + Inbound non-ACD calls.

Inbound ACD-Total

Unified CCX calls that the agent receives.

Inbound ACD-Avg Talk Time

Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for received Unified CCX calls.

Inbound ACD-Avg Hold Time

Average time that the agent put the received Unified CCX calls on hold.

Inbound ACD-Avg Work Time

Average time that the agent spent in Work state for received Unified CCX calls.

Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC-Total

Non-Unified CCX calls that are received by the agent on a Unified CCX extension, including calls made by other agents and by outside parties.

Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC-Avg Talk Time

Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for non-Unified CCX calls received on a Unified CCX extension.

Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC-Max Talk Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on a non-Unified CCX call received on a Unified CCX extension.

Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC-Total

Non-Unified CCX calls received by the agent on a non-Unified CCX extension including calls that are made by other agents and by outside parties.

Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC- Avg Talk Time

Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for non-Unified CCX calls received on a non-Unified CCX extension.

Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC- Max Talk Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on a received non-Unified CCX call that is received on a non-Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On IPCC-Total

Calls that the agent dials on a Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls.

Outbound On IPCC-Avg Call Time

Average call time of the outbound calls on a Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On IPCC-Max Call Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On Non-IPCC-Total

Calls that the agent dials on a non-Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls.

Outbound On Non-IPCC-Avg Call Time

The average call time and the longest call time that is spent for the outbound calls on a non-Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On Non-IPCC-Max Call Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a non-Unified CCX extension.

ACD-Transfer In

Unified CCX calls that are transferred to the agent.

Non-ACD-Transfer In

Non-Unified CCX calls that are transferred to the agent.

ACD-Transfer Out

Unified CCX calls that the agent transfers out.

Non-ACD-Transfer Out

Non-Unified CCX calls that the agent transfers out.


Inbound Unified CCX conference calls in which the agent participates.


Non-Unified CCX conference calls in which the agent participates.


The Agent All Fields Report calculates the total talking time of an agent within a time range. The total talking time depends on when the call was transferred to the agent, as mentioned in the following scenarios:

  • If the call was transferred to the agent within the time range of the report, the talking time of the agent is included in the total talking time, even if the call was answered after the time range.

  • If the call was transferred to the agent before the time range of the report the talking time of the agent is not included in the total talking time, even if the call was in progress during the time range.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Resource Group List

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent List

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Agent Call Summary Report

The Agent Call Summary Report presents the summary of each call that is dialed and received by the agent.

  • For inbound Unified CCX calls—Presents the average time that the agent spent in Talking and Work states, and the time that the agent put the calls on hold.

  • For non-Unified CCX calls—Presents the average and maximum talk time for the agent.

  • For outbound calls—Presents the average and maximum call time for the agent.

This report also presents the number of calls that are transferred in to and transferred out by the agent, and the number of conference calls in which the agent participated.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Talk, Hold, Work Time for Inbound ACD

Displays the average time that an agent spends in Talking and Work states, and the time that the agent put the calls on hold.

Avg, Max Call Time for Outbound on IPCC Calls

Displays the average and maximum time that an agent spends on dialed calls. The time includes time spent dialing, waiting for an answer, and talking.

Total Inbound, Outbound Calls by Agent

Displays the number of dialed and received calls for an agent.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.


Login ID of the agent.

Extension IPCC

Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Extension Non IPCC

Last active non-Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent. This field is blank if there are no calls to or from the non-Unified CCX extension.

Total Inbound

Total calls that the agent receives.

Total Inbound = Inbound Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls + Inbound non-ACD calls.

Inbound ACD—Total

Unified CCX calls that the agent receives.

Inbound ACD—Avg Talk Time

Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for received Unified CCX calls.

Inbound ACD—Avg Hold Time

Average time that the agent put the received Unified CCX calls on hold.

Inbound ACD—Avg Work Time

Average time that the agent spent in Work state for received Unified CCX calls.

Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC—Total

Non-Unified CCX calls that are received by the agent on a Unified CCX extension, including calls made by other agents and by outside parties.

Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC—Avg Talk Time

Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for non-Unified CCX calls received on a Unified CCX extension.

Inbound Non-ACD On IPCC—Max Talk Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on a non-Unified CCX call received on a Unified CCX extension.

Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC—Total

Non-Unified CCX calls received by the agent on a non-Unified CCX extension including calls made by other agents and by outside parties.

Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC— Avg Talk Time

Average time that the agent spent in Talking state for non-Unified CCX calls received on a non-Unified CCX extension.

Inbound Non-ACD On Non-IPCC— Max Talk Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on a received non-Unified CCX call received on a non-Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On IPCC—Total

Calls that the agent dials on a Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls.

Outbound On IPCC—Avg Call Time

Average call time of the outbound calls on a Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On IPCC—Max Call Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On Non-IPCC—Total

Calls that the agent dials on a non-Unified CCX extension including both connected and attempted calls.

Outbound On Non-IPCC—Avg Call Time

The average call time and the longest call time spent for the outbound calls on a non-Unified CCX extension.

Outbound On Non-IPCC—Max Call Time

Maximum time that the agent spent in Talking state on an outbound call on a non-Unified CCX extension.

ACD—Transfer In

Unified CCX calls that are transferred to the agent.

ACD—Transfer Out

Unified CCX calls that the agent transfers out.


Inbound Unified CCX conference calls in which the agent participates.


Call time starts when an agent goes off-hook for a call and ends when the call terminates.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping criteria


Agent Detail Report

The Agent Detail Report presents information about Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) and non-ACD calls that the agents handle, and ACD and non-ACD calls that the agents dial.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Agent Detail Report

Displays the average time that an agent spends in Talking and Work states, and the time the agent put the calls on hold.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Call Start Time

Date and time the call leg rings at the agent extension.

Call End Time

Date and time the call leg is disconnected or transferred.


Elapsed time between the call start time and the call end time.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Called Number

Telephone number that the caller dials.

Call ANI

Originator's telephone number. (ANI = Automatic Number Identification)

Call Routed CSQ

Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that handled the call. A call is considered handled if the caller is connected to an agent while queued for this CSQ.

Other CSQs

If the call is queued to multiple CSQs, name of one of the CSQs to which the call was queued is displayed.

Displays "…" to indicate there are more CSQs to which the call was queued.

Call Skills

Skills that are associated with the CSQ that handled the call.

Talk Time

  • Unified CCX calls—Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to the call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred, not including the hold time.

  • Non-Unified CCX calls—Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to the call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Hold Time

Total time the agent put the calls on hold. Not applicable for non-Unified CCX calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Work Time

Time that the agent spent in Work state after the call. Not applicable for non-Unified CCX calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Call Type

Type of call.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Resource Group Name

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Call Type

Displays information for the specified call types.

Grouping Criteria


Agent Login Logout Activity Report

The Agent Login Logout Activity Report presents each agent's login and logout date and time for each login session during the report period, and the reason code that an agent entered when logging out.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Agent Login Logout Activity Report

Displays total logged-in time for each agent.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Agent Login Details—LBLT

Less-than sign (<) indicates that the agent logged in before the report period. (LBLT = Logged In Before Login Time)

Agent Login Details—Login Time

Date and time that the agent logged in.

Agent Logout Details—LOALT

Greater-than sign (>) indicates that the agent is still logged in when the report is generated. (LOALT = Logged Out After Logout Time)

Agent Logout Details—Logout Time

Date and time that the agent logged out.

Logout Reason

The reason selected by the agent moving to Logout state. This displays the reason code if the reason is unavailable. A blank space indicates that:
  • No logout reason code is configured.

  • Agent was unable to enter a reason.

Logged-In Duration

Elapsed time between the login time and the logout time.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report

The Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report presents the time that each agent spent logged in. It shows the time that the agents spent in Not Ready state by Reason Code (RC). By default, up to eight predefined reason codes are displayed and additional information is categorized as Other Reason Codes.

This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.

The report displays reason code filters as the column headers for those selected reason codes in the grid view. If the reason code filters are not selected, then the column headers first display the system defined reasons codes. The statistics for the reason codes that are selected in the filter are accurately calculated and displayed in the report. This behavior is however different in the chart view where the report headers do not get dynamically modified based on the report filter parameter.

To resolve this issue, create a custom grid view on the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report, renaming the default column headers to be descriptive of the user-defined reason codes. Then, select the matching reason codes from the Reason Code Value List that is populated in the filter. User-defined reason codes must be in the AgentStateDetail table to appear in the Reason Code Value List.

Note that there is no mapping between the header and the reason code that is selected in the filter. As a result, reason codes must be selected in the filter in the same order as the headers are defined in the view. Also, all reason codes must be selected in the filter if they have headers in the report, or the time in the selected reason codes will appear in the incorrect column as they are filled left to right in the grid.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report

Displays the time agent spent in Not Ready state by reason code. Up to eight reason codes are displayed, and additional reason codes are listed under Other Reason Codes.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

Total Logged-in

Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Total Not Ready

Total time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n1

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n1.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n2

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n2.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n3

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n3.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n4

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n4.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n5

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n5.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n6

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n6.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n7

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n7.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n8

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n8.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n9

Time that an agent spent on the secondary line for the system-defined RC n9.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n10

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n10.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in RC n11

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the system-defined RC n11.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Time in Other RCs

Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for reasons that are not shown in the previous eight columns.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:

  • Entire report range—Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes—Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes—Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.


If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent List

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Reason Codes

Displays information for up to 11 selected reason codes. Additional reason codes are listed under Time in Other RCs.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Agent State Detail Report

The Agent State Detail Report presents information that is related to agent state changes.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Agent State Detail Report

Displays time spent by the agent in agent states.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

State Transition Time

Date and time that the agent moved to a state.

Agent State

State of the agent—Logged-In, Logout, Not Ready, Ready, Reserved, Talk, or Work.


The reason selected by the agent when moving to Logout state or Not Ready state. This displays the reason code if the reason is unavailable. A blank indicates that:
  • No logout reason code is configured. or

  • Agent was unable to enter a reason code. or

  • Reason codes for all other states except Not Ready and Logout.


Time that the agent spent in a state.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria


Agent State Summary by Agent Report

The Agent State Summary by Agent Report presents the length and percentage of time that the agent spent in all the states.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Time Spent in Agent State by Agent

Displays the time spent by the agent in each agent state.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

Total Logged In Time

Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Not Ready Time—Not Ready

Time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Not Ready Time—% Not Ready

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Ready Time—Ready

Time that the agent spent in Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Ready Time—% Ready

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Reserved Time—Reserved

Time that the agent spent in Reserved state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Reserved Time—% Reserved

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Talk Time—Talking

Time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Talk Time—% Talking

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Work Time—Work

Time that the agent spent in Work state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Work Time—% Work

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Work state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:
  • Entire report range—Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes—Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes—Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

  • For logged-in and idle time, displays information of the agent, only for the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected resource groups.

  • For all other report parameters, displays information of the agent without considering the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

  • For logged-in and idle time, this report displays information of the agent, only for the time when the agent was associated with one of the selected skills.

  • For all other report parameters, this report displays information of the agent without considering the time when the agent was associated with one of the selected skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

  • For logged-in and idle time, this report displays information of the agent, only for the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected teams.

  • For all other report parameters, this report displays information of the agent without considering the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected teams.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Agent State Summary by Interval Report

The Agent State Summary by Interval Report presents the duration and percentage of time that the agent spent in the agent states.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Time Spent in Agent State by Interval

Displays the time spent by agents in agent states.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the report range's begin date and time.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the report range's end date and time.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Total Logged In Time

Total time that the agent is logged in to the Unified CCX.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Not Ready Time—Time

Time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Not Ready Time—%

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Not Ready state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Ready Time—Time

Time that the agent spent in Ready state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Ready Time—%

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Ready state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Reserved Time—Time

Time that the agent spent in Reserved state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Reserved Time—%

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Reserved state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Talk Time—Time

Time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Talk Time—%

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Work Time—Time

Time that the agent spent in Work state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Work Time—%

Percentage of time that the agent spent in Work state.

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:
  • Entire report range—Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes—Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes—Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups. The report displays information only for the time when the agent was part of one of the selected resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the selected agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the selected skills. The report displays information only for the time when the agent possessed one of the selected skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the selected teams. The report displays information only for the time when the agent was part of one of the selected teams.

Grouping Criteria


Agent Summary Report

The Agent Summary Report contains a summary of agent activities, including call and agent state activities.


The average talk time, maximum talk time, hold time, and others are only for inbound Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls that are received by the agent. These values are incremented for every inbound call, but for outbound calls the field values are not incremented. The values are zero.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Talk Time, Hold Time & Work Time by Agent

Displays the average time that an agent spends in Talking and Work states, and the time the agent puts the calls on hold.

Call Handle Ratio by Agent

Displays the number of calls handled by an agent divided by the number of calls routed to that agent.

Total Calls Handled by Agent

Displays the number of calls handled by an agent.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Average Logged in Time

Average logged-in time = Logged-in time of the agent / Number of logged-in sessions of the agent

Calls Handled

Calls that are connected to the agent.
  • If the agent establishes a conference with another agent, this value increases by one for the conferenced agent.

  • If the agent transfers a call and the call is transferred back to the agent, this value increases by two.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Presented

Calls that are sent to the agent, regardless of whether the agent picks up the call.

If a call is connected to an agent, transferred to another agent, and then transferred back to the original agent, the value for the original agent increases by two (once for each time the call was presented).

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Handle Ratio

Handle ratio = Calls that the agent handled / Calls that are routed to the agent

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Handle Time—Avg

Average handle time for all calls that the agent handled.

Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time

Handle Time—Max

Longest handle time of any call that the agent handled.

Talk Time—Avg

Average talk time for calls that the agent handled.

Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to a call and time when the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time.

Talk Time—Max

Longest talk time of any call that the agent handled.

Hold Time—Avg

Average hold time for calls that the agent handled.

Hold Time—Max

Longest hold time of any call that the agent handled.

Work Time—Avg

Average time that an agent spent in Work state after calls.

Work Time—Max

Longest time that an agent spent in Work state after a call.

Idle Time—Avg

Average time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.

Idle Time—Max

Longest time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:


For Top N and Bottom N parameters, specify the number (N) of agents. For example, if you specify 3 for the Top N Calls Handled/Presented Ratio parameter, the report shows the three agents with the largest ratios. If there are more than n agents, where n is the number that you specify, have identical largest or smallest values, the report shows the first n agents in alphabetical order.

Filter parameter


Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

  • For logged-in and idle time, displays information of the agent, only for the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected resource groups.

  • For all other report parameters, displays information of the agent without including the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

  • For logged-in and idle time, displays information of the agent, only for the time when the agent was associated with one of the selected skills.

  • For all other report parameters, displays information of the agent without including the time when the agent was associated with one of the selected skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

  • For logged-in and idle time, this report displays information of the agent, only for the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected teams.

  • For all other report parameters, this report displays information of the agent without including the time when the agent belonged to one of the selected teams.

Top N Calls Handled / Presented Ratio

Displays information for agents with the largest ratios of calls handled to calls routed.

Bottom N Calls Handled / Presented Ratio

Displays information for agents with the smallest ratios of calls handled to calls routed.

Top N Avg Hold Time

Displays information for agents with the longest average hold times.

Bottom N Avg Hold Time

Displays information for agents with the shortest average hold times.

Top N Avg Talk Time

Displays information for agents with the longest average talk times.

Bottom N Avg Talk Time

Displays information for agents with the shortest average talk times.

Top N Avg Work Time

Displays information for agents with the longest average work times.

Bottom N Avg Work Time

Displays information for agents with the shortest average work times.

Top N Avg Handle Time

Displays information for agents with the longest average handle times.

Bottom N Avg Handle Time

Displays information for agents with the shortest average handle times.

Grouping Criteria


Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report

The Agent Wrap Up Data Summary Report presents information about wrap-up reasons selected by the agents for voice calls.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Wrap-Up Reason

Name of the wrap-up reason selected by the agent.

Agent Name

Name of the agent who has selected the Wrap-Up Reason.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Total number of calls for which wrap-up reasons are applied.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Wrap Up Data List

Displays statistics of the specified wrap-up data.

Agent Name

Displays information for the specified agents.

Grouping Criteria

Filter parameter


Wrap-Up Reason

Groups information by Wrap-Up Reason.

Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report

The details that an agent enters when the agent enters Work state after attending an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call is displayed in the Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report. With the wrap-up data feature, the agent can enter the Work state to update data that is associated with the call. This report provides information about incoming ACD calls and preview outbound calls.




Starting from Release 12.0(1), the Total Calls by Agent and Wrap-up Data chart is no longer available in the Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report.


The report includes a table that shows the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.


Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

NodeID-SessionID-Seq Number

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Call Start Time

Date and time at which the call was connected to the agent.

Call End Time

Date and time at which the call was disconnected

Call ANI

Telephone number of the calling party. (ANI = Automatic Number Identification)

Called Number

Telephone number that is dialed by the calling party.

Call Routed CSQ

Contact Service Queue (CSQ) to which the call is routed and handled. A call can be queued to multiple CSQs.


Skills that are associated with the CSQ that handled the call.

Talk Time

Time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Hold Time

Time that the agent put the calls on hold.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Work Time

Time that the agent spent in Work state after the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.


Agents can select up to five wrap-up reasons for voice calls. Based on the selection, Reason 1 to Reason 5 columns in the Wrap-Up column displays the reasons.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Call Custom Variables Report

The Call Custom Variables Report shows information about custom variables set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call.




The report includes a table that shows the following information:



Node ID – Session ID – Sequence No

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Start Time

Date and time the call starts.

End Time

Date and time the call was disconnected, transferred, or redirected.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of the call.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Application Name

Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point.

Custom Variable 1

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar1. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 2

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar2. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 3

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar3. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 4

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar4. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 5

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar5. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 6

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar6. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 7

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar7. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 8

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar8. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 9

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar9. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Custom Variable 10

Contents of the variable _ccdrVar10. This value is displayed if the variable is set by the Set Enterprise Call Info step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application associated with this call or this leg invoked.

Filter Criteria


For the custom variable parameters, enter a whole string or a substring to search, and separate multiple strings with commas.

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter Parameter


Original Called Number

Displays information for the specified original called numbers.

Called Number

Displays information for the specified called numbers.

Calling Number

Displays information for the specified calling numbers. The calling number is the same as the Originator DN.

Application Name

Displays information for the specified applications.

Contact Type

Displays information for the specified contact types.

Originator Type

Displays information for the specified originator types.

Destination Type

Displays information for the specified destination types.

Duration Greater Than Equal to T seconds

Displays calls with duration greater than or equal to the number of seconds specified by T.

Duration Less Than Equal to T seconds

Displays calls with duration less than or equal to the number of seconds specified by T.

Custom Variable 1

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 1 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 2

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 2 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 3

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 3 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 4

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 4 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 5

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 5 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 6

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 6 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 7

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 7 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 8

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 8 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 9

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 9 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Custom Variable 10

Displays calls for which Custom Variable 10 contains the string or any of the substrings.

Any Custom Variable

Displays calls with any of the 10 custom variables containing the string or any of the substrings.

Grouping Criteria


Called Number Summary Activity Report

The Called Number Summary Activity Report presents information about all the numbers that are dialed by an inside or outside caller. This report includes information for calls to Unified CCX and Unified IP IVR applications, and calls to agents.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Call Duration by Called Number

Displays the average call time for a dialed number.

Total Calls by Called Number

Displays the number of calls to each number, including calls to applications and agents.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Called Number

Route point number associated with the application or extension of the destination agent.

Call Type

Call to an application or call to an agent.

Total Calls

Number of calls to each number.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Calls (per day)

Average number of calls per day.

Avg Call Duration

Average duration of calls to each telephone number.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Time-Zone Offset

Displays the list of time zones.

Select the one matching your timezone. If multiple values are selected, the first one takes effect.

Grouping criteria


Common Skill CSQ Activity Report

The Common Skill CSQ Activity Report presents summary information about calls presented, handled, and abandoned for each group of Contact Service Queues (CSQ). CSQ groups consist of CSQs that are configured with the same skills and with different competence levels. (Such groups consist of CSQs that are configured with the same skills and with different competence levels.)

This report is designed for customers who have logical CSQs configured. A logical CSQ is a group of CSQs configured with the same skill, but with different competence levels. When a call comes in to a script that uses the "logical CSQ" approach, it first goes to the CSQ with the lowest skill level. If the wait time exceeds the predefined threshold, then the call goes to the next higher skill level. The same incoming call can flow within the same group of CSQs.

This report shows information for each 30 or 60-minute interval within the report period. It is particularly useful for logical CSQs. If you do not have logical CSQs configured, you can use other CSQ reports (Contact Service Queue Activity Report and Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval/CSQ).


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Common Skill CSQ Activity Report

Displays number of handled calls and abandoned calls for a day.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

CSQ Name

Name of the CSQ that routed the call to the agent.

Calls Presented—Total

Calls offered to each individual CSQ within the group, regardless of whether the agent answered the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Presented—Avg Queue Time

Average queue time for the calls routed to the CSQ.

Calls Presented—Max Queue Time

Longest queue of all calls routed to the CSQ (abandoned, handled, aborted, or rejected).

Calls Handled—Total

Number of calls that are handled by the CSQ. A call is handled if a caller is connected to an agent while queued for this CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Handled—Avg Handle Time

Average handle time for all calls that the CSQ handled.

Handle time = Talk time+ Hold time + Work time

Summary info—Overall average handle time = Total handle time / Total calls handled

Calls Handled—Max Handle Time

Longest handle time for any call that the CSQ handled.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Calls Abandoned—Total

Number of calls that are routed to the CSQ but are not answered by an agent because the caller hung up or is disconnected.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Abandoned—Avg Queue Time

Average time that the calls spent in the queue before being abandoned.

Calls Abandoned—Max Queue Time

Maximum time a call spent in the queue before being abandoned.

Service Level—Percentage SL Met

(Calls handled within service level / Calls presented) * 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:
  • Entire report range—Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes—Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes—Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:




Sorts data by skills.

Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report

The Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report presents information about service levels, and the number and percentage of calls presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. It presents information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.


If agents are already receiving calls from a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) and you change the skill level of the CSQ, then the report displays one record with the old CSQ ID and another record with the new CSQ ID for the same CSQ.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Calls Handled, Abandoned, and Dequeued by CSQ

Displays the number of calls handled, abandoned, and dequeued for a CSQ.

Total Calls That Met Service Level by CSQ

Displays the number of calls handled and calls handled within the time entered in the Service Level field for a CSQ. The Service Level field is set by the administrator.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Call Skills

Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

Service Level (sec)

Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values.

Calls Handled < Service Level

Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Abandoned < Service Level

Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Percentage of Service Level Met—Only Handled

Percentage of handled calls that were handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled within service level / Number of calls handled) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of handled calls that met the handled service level.

Percentage of Service Level Met—With No Abandoned Calls

Percentage of presented calls, not counting abandoned calls, handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled within the service level / (Number of calls presented – Number of calls abandoned within the service level) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handle service level (excluding the calls that met the abandoned service level).

Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Positively

Percentage of presented calls that are handled or abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field are considered to have met that service level. This value is calculated as follows:

([Number of calls handled within the service level + Number of calls abandoned within the service level] / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met either the handled or the abandoned service level.

Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Negatively

Percentage of presented calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field have not met that service level. This value is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled within the service level / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handled service level.

Calls Presented

Calls routed to the CSQ regardless of whether an agent picked up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Handled—Handled

Number of calls that are handled by the CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Handled—%

Percentage of calls that were handled by the CSQ. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled) / (Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Calls Abandoned—Abandoned

Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Abandoned—%

Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Calls Dequeued—Dequeued

Number of calls that were dequeued.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Dequeued—%

Percentage of calls that were dequeued. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls dequeued / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:
  • Entire report range—Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes—Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes—Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria


Contact Service Queue Activity by Window Duration

The Contact Service Queue Activity by Window Duration presents information about service levels, and the number and percentage of calls that are presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. It presents information for 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period. This report can be filtered for specific window duration for a single day or multiple days. Unlike other reports, the time part of interval filter will be considered as window duration in this report.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Calls Handled, Abandoned and Presented by Interval

Displays the number of calls that are handled, abandoned, and presented for a Contact Service Queue (CSQ).

Total Calls that met Service Level

Displays the number of handled calls that are handled within the time that is entered in the Service Level field for a CSQ. Service Level is set by the administrator.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:




CSQ to which the call is queued.


Datewise grouping for corresponding intervals.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

Calls Presented

Calls that are routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call.

Summary info-Sum of values in this field.

Calls Handled-Handled

Number of calls that were handled by the CSQ.

Summary info-Sum of values in this field.

Calls Handled < Service Level

Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call.

Summary info-Sum of values in this column.

Service Level (sec)

Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values.

Calls Abandoned-Abandoned

Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned.

Summary info-Sum of values in this field.

Calls Abandoned < Service Level

Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent.

Summary info-Sum of values in this column.

Abandoned Rate-%

Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info-Overall percentage.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:
  • Entire report range -Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes -Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.
  • Sixty (60) minutes -Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

Time Zone

Displays list of all time zones. User has to select their respective time zone while generating this report.

CSQ List

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



CSQ Name

Sorts data by CSQ name.


Sorts data by Interval Start Time.

Contact Service Queue Activity Report

The Contact Service Queue Activity Report presents a summary of calls that are presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued from each Contact Service Queue (CSQ). It also shows the calls that are handled by workflows in other CSQs, and average and maximum time information for calls handled, abandoned, and dequeued.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Handle Time by CSQ

Displays the average handle time for handled calls for a CSQ.

Average Speed of Answer by CSQ

Displays the average speed of answer for handled calls for a CSQ.

Average Time to Abandon by CSQ

Displays the average time calls spent in the queue before being abandoned from a CSQ.

Average Time to Dequeue by CSQ

Displays the average time calls spent in the queue before being dequeued from a CSQ.

Max Queue Time For Call Presented by CSQ

Longest queue time the calls spent in queue for a CSQ.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Unique ID of the CSQ.


Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Calls Presented

Number of calls routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Queue Time

Average queue time for all calls routed to the CSQ.

Max Queue Time

Longest queue time of any one call that was routed to the CSQ.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Calls Handled

Number of calls that are handled by this CSQ. A call is handled if a caller is connected to an agent while queued for this CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average answer speed = Total queue time / Calls handled

Avg Handle Time

Average handle time for all calls that the CSQ handled.

Max Handle Time

Longest handle time of any call that the CSQ handled.

Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Calls Abandoned

Calls that are routed to the CSQ that were not answered by an agent because the caller hung up or was disconnected.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Time to Abandon

Average time the calls spent in the queue before being abandoned.

Max Time to Abandon

Longest time any one call spent in the queue before being abandoned.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Avg Abandon Per Day

Average abandoned calls in a day = Number of calls abandoned / Number of days

Max Abandon Per Day

Largest number of calls abandoned on a single day.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Calls Dequeued

Number of calls that are queued for a CSQ and then dequeued by the Dequeue step in a workflow.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Time to Dequeue

Average time the calls spent in the queue before being dequeued.

Max Time to Dequeue

Longest time any one call spent in the queue before being dequeued.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Calls Handled by Other

Total of the following calls:

  • Calls that are queued for the CSQ, then dequeued by the Dequeue step in a workflow, then marked as handled by the Set Contact Info step in the workflow.
  • Calls that are queued for more than one CSQ and then handled by another CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

CSQ Type

Includes these options:

  • Resource Group—Displays information for the CSQs that are configured with the Resource Pool Selection Model set to Resource Group in Unified CCX Administration.
  • Skill Group—Displays information for the CSQs that are configured with the Resource Pool Selection Model set to Resource Skills in Unified CCX Administration.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following fields:



CSQ Name

Sorts data by CSQ name.


Sorts data by CSQ ID within the CSQ.

Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval

The Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval presents information about service levels, and the number and percentage of calls that are presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued. It presents information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Calls Handled, Abandoned and Dequeued by Interval

Displays the number of calls that are handled, abandoned, and dequeued for a Contact Service Queue (CSQ).

Total Calls that met Service Level by Interval

Displays the number of handled calls handled and calls that are handled within the time that is entered in the Service Level field for a CSQ. Service Level is set by the administrator.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Service Level (sec)

Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values.

Calls Handled < Service Level

Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Abandoned < Service Level

Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Percentage of Service Level Met—Only Handled

Percentage of handled calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled within service level / Number of calls handled) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of handled calls that met the handled service level.

Percentage of Service Level Met—With No Abandoned Calls

Percentage of presented calls, not counting abandoned calls, that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. This value is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled within service level / (Number of calls presented – Number of calls abandoned within service level) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handle service level (excluding the calls that met the abandoned service level).

Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Positively

Percentage of presented calls that are handled or abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field have met that service level. This value is calculated as follows:

([Number of calls handled within service level + Number of calls abandoned within service level] / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met either the handled or the abandoned service level.

Percentage of Service Level Met—With Abandoned Calls Counted Negatively

Percentage of presented calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. For this value, calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field have not met that service level. This value is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled within service level / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage of presented calls that met the handled service level.

Calls Presented

Calls that are routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this field.

Calls Handled—Handled

Number of calls that were handled by the CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this field.

Calls Handled—%

Percentage of calls that were handled by the CSQ. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Calls Abandoned—Abandoned

Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned.

Summary info—Sum of values in this field.

Calls Abandoned—%

Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Calls Dequeued—Dequeued

Number of calls that were dequeued.

Summary info—Sum of values in this field.

Calls Dequeued—%

Percentage of calls that were dequeued. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls dequeued / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Summary info—Overall percentage.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:
  • Entire report range—Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes—Displays information for 30 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes—Displays information for 60 minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria


Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary

The Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary report presents the number and percentage of calls that are handled and dequeued in four configurable time intervals.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Total Calls Abandoned by Time Interval & CSQ

Displays the total number of calls that are abandoned in each time interval by a Contact Service Queue (CSQ).

Total Calls Handled by Time Interval and CSQ

Displays the number of calls that are handled in each time interval by a CSQ.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Call Skills

Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Calls Handled

Number of calls handled by the CSQ. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–15 sec

Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–15 sec

Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–30 sec

Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–30 sec

Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–45 sec

Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–45 sec

Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—0–60 sec

Number of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time—% 0–60 sec

Percentage of handled calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds.

Calls Abandoned

Calls that are abandoned from the CSQ. A call is abandoned if it was routed to the CSQ, but was not answered by an agent because the caller hung up or was disconnected.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–15 sec

Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–15 sec

Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 15 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–30 sec

Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–30 sec

Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 30 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–45 sec

Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–45 sec

Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 45 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—0–60 sec

Number of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds.

Total/Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time—% 0–60 sec

Percentage of abandoned calls with a queue time that is less than or equal to 60 seconds.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Time Interval In Seconds

Specify the number of seconds. The default value is 15 seconds.

Grouping Criteria


Contact Service Queue Priority Summary

The Contact Service Queue Priority Summary report presents the number of calls that are routed to each Contact Service Queue (CSQ). It also presents the number of calls and the average calls per day by priority that are routed to each CSQ.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Total Calls Presented by CSQ and Call Priority

Displays the number of calls that are routed for each call priority in a CSQ.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:


If the call priority is N/A, then the call was abandoned before a priority is assigned.



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Call Skills

Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Total Calls Presented

Calls that are presented to the CSQ, whether or not an agent picked up the call.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 1 (Low)—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 1 (Low)—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 2—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 2—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 3—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 3—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 4—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 4—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 5—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 5—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 6—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 6—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 7—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 7—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 8—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 8—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 9—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 9—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Priority 10 (High)—Total

Number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Priority 10 (High)—Avg

Average number of calls that are routed by this priority in a day to each CSQ.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Contact Service Queue Name

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



CSQ Name

Sorts data by CSQ name.


Sorts data by CSQ ID within the CSQ.

Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report

The Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report presents information about the number and percentage of calls that are handled within the service level, and the number and percentage of calls that are handled within the service level for each call priority for a Contact Service Queue (CSQ).


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Percentage of Calls That Met Service Level

Displays the percentage of calls that are handled within the time entered in the Service Level field for a CSQ.

Total Calls That Met Service Level

Displays the number of calls that are handled within the time entered in the Service Level field for a CSQ.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:


If the call priority is N/A, then the call was abandoned before a priority is assigned.



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Call Skills

Skills that are associated with the CSQ to which the call is routed.

Service Level (sec)

Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values.

Calls Presented

Calls that are routed to the CSQ, regardless of whether an agent picked up the call.

Total Service Level Met

Calls that are answered within the time set in the Service Level field in Unified CCX Administration.

% Service Level Met

(Calls handled within service level / Calls presented) x 100%

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 1 (Low)

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 1

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 2

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 2

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 3

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 3

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 4

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 4

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 5

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 5

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 6

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 6

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 7

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 7

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 8

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 8

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 9

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 9

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—Priority 10 (High)

Number of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Number and % Of Calls Met SL For Each Call Priority—% Priority 10

Percentage of calls with this call priority that are answered within the service level time.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Contact Service Queue Name

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria


CSQ Agent Summary Report

The CSQ Agent Summary Report presents information about calls that are handled in each Contact Service Queue (CSQ) for each agent. An agent can handle calls for multiple CSQs. This report includes the average and total talk time for handled calls, average and total work time after calls, total ring time of calls routed, number of calls put on hold, average and total hold time for calls put on hold, and number of unanswered calls.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Calls Handled by CSQ and Agent

Displays the number of calls that are handled by agents for a CSQ.


The report includes a table that shows the following information:



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.


Unique ID of the CSQ.

Agent Name

First and last name of the agent who handled calls for this CSQ.


Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Calls Handled

Calls that are queued for this CSQ and answered by this agent during the report period.

Talk Time—Avg

Average talk time for all calls that the agent handled for this CSQ. Talk time is the elapsed time between the time that an agent answers a call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time.

Average talk time = Total talk time / Number of calls handled

Talk Time—Total

Total talk time for all calls that the agent handled for this CSQ.

Work Time—Avg

Average time that an agent spent in Work state after calls.

Average work time = Total work time / Number of handled calls

Work Time—Total

Total time that an agent spent in Work state after receiving calls.

Total Ring Time

Elapsed time between the time that a call rang and the time the call was answered by an agent, routed to another agent, or disconnected. This field is blank if the call was not routed to an agent.

Calls On Hold

Calls that the agent put on hold.

Hold Time—Avg

Average hold time for calls that the agent put on hold. Not applicable to non-Unified CCX calls.

Average hold time = Total hold time / Number of calls put on hold.

Hold Time—Total

Total time that the call is on hold. Not applicable to non-Unified CCX calls.

Ring No Answer

Calls that were routed to the agent and the agent did not answer.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping Criteria


CSQ All Fields Report

The CSQ All Fields Report presents the CSQ related data such as call statistics, Service Level and key fields like Average Queue Time, Average Speed of Answer, Calls Handled and Calls Abandoned under Service Level. This report combines the fields of all CSQ related reports.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


CSQ All Fields Report - Call Summary Chart

Displays the Calls Presented, Calls Handled, Calls Abandoned and Calls Dequeued Summary.

CSQ All Fields Report - Calls within Service Level

Displays the total calls handled and abandoned within service level.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



CSQ Name

CSQ to which the call is queued.

Service Level (sec)

Value that was entered in the Service Level field when the CSQ was set up in Unified CCX Administration. If the service level changes during the report period, the report shows the old and new service level values.

Calls Presented

Calls routed to the CSQ regardless of whether an agent picked up the call.

Calls Handled

Number of calls that are handled by the CSQ.

Percentage Handled

Percentage of calls that were handled by the CSQ. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls handled) / (Number of calls presented) x 100%

Avg Handled Time

Average handle time for all calls that the CSQ handled.

Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time

Max Handled Time

Longest handle time for any call that the CSQ handled.

Calls Abandoned

Number of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned.

Percentage Abandoned

Percentage of calls that were routed to the CSQ and were abandoned. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls abandoned / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Avg Abandoned Time

Average time that the calls spent in the queue before being abandoned.

Max Abandoned Time

Maximum time a call spent in the queue before being abandoned.

Calls Dequeued

Number of calls that were dequeued.

Percentage Dequeued

Percentage of calls that were dequeued. The percentage is calculated as follows:

(Number of calls dequeued / Number of calls presented) x 100%

Avg Dequeued Time

Average time that the calls spent in the queue before being dequeued.

Max Dequeued Time

Maximum time a call spent in the queue before being dequeued.

Avg Speed of Answer

Average answer speed = Total queue time / Calls handled

Calls Handled < Service Level

Calls that are handled within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is handled when an agent picks up the call.

Calls Abandoned < Service Level

Calls that are abandoned within the time shown in the Service Level field. A call is abandoned if the call disconnects before connecting to an agent.

Avg Abandon Per Day

Average abandoned calls in a day = Number of calls abandoned / Number of days

Max Abandon Per Day

Largest number of calls abandoned on a single day.

Calls Handled by Other

Total of the following calls:
  • Calls that are queued for the CSQ, then dequeued by the Dequeue step in a workflow, then marked as handled by the Set Contact Info step in the workflow.

  • Calls that are queued for more than one CSQ and then handled by another CSQ.

Avg Queue Time

Average queue time for all calls routed to the CSQ.

Max Queue Time

Longest queue time of any one call that was routed to the CSQ.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Grouping criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



CSQ Name

Sorts data by CSQ name.

Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report

The Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report presents most of the information that is contained in the Contact Call Detail Record (CCDR), which is stored in the Unified CCX database. This report also includes information from the contact routing and the agent connection detail records. The information in this report is for each leg of a call. (A call transfer or redirect initiates a new leg.)


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Number of Calls by Contact Disposition

Displays the percentage of calls that were handled, abandoned, aborted, and rejected.

Number of Calls by Originator Type

Displays the percentage of calls that were originated by an agent, a device (for example, a test call), and an unknown origin (for example, calls received through a gateway).


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Start Time

Date and time the call starts.

End Time

Date and time the call disconnected, transferred, or redirected.


Contact type of a call.


Disposition of a call.


Originator of the call.


Login identification of the agent who originated the call, if Originator Type is 1.


Originator telephone number.


Destination of the call.


Login identification of the agent who received the call, if Destination Type is 1.

Destination DN

Destination—Directory Number

Destination telephone number.

Called Number

If the call was a transfer, this field shows the number that the call was transferred to. In other cases, this information is the same as the Original Called Number.

Original Called Number

Number that is originally dialed by the caller—either a route point number or an agent extension.

Application Name

Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point.

Queue Time

Elapsed time between the time a call entered the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) and the time that the call rang. This value is zero for other calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Talk Time

Elapsed time between the time that an agent answered the call and the time the call was disconnected or transferred, not including hold time. This value is 0 for other calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Hold Time

Elapsed time between the time that an agent first put the call on hold and the time the agent last took the call off hold, not including talk time. This field is blank for other calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Work Time

Time that an agent spent in Work state after the call. This field is blank for other calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Original Called Number

Displays information for the specified original called numbers.

Called Number

Displays information for the specified called numbers.

Calling Number

Displays information for the specified calling numbers. Calling number is the same as Originator DN.

Application Name

Displays information for the specified applications.

Contact Type

Displays information for the specified contact types.

Originator Type

Displays information for the specified originator types.

Destination Type

Displays information for the specified destination types.

Duration Greater Than or Equal to T seconds

Displays calls with a duration greater than or equal to the number of seconds specified by T.

Duration Less Than or Equal to T seconds

Displays calls with a duration less than or equal to the number of seconds specified by T.

Grouping criteria


Detailed Call CSQ Agent Report

The Detailed Call CSQ Agent Report presents call information about the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that a call was routed to and the agent that handled the call.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Total Calls by Called Number

Displays the number of calls to a called number.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Node ID - Session ID - Sequence No

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Call Start Time

Date and time the call starts.

Call End Time

Date and time the call disconnected, transferred, or redirected.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of the call.

Originator DN (Calling Number)

The originator directory number. This number is the same as the calling number. Originator Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Originator Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. If the call is attended at the non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. If the call is made from a non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed.

  • If Originator Type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If Originator Type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number of the caller.

Destination (DN)

The destination directory number. Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Destination Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent.

  • If destination type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If destination type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number called.

Called Number

Number that is originally dialed by the caller. If the call is a transfer, then the number that the call is transferred to is displayed.

Application Name

Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point.

CSQ Names

Name or names of the CSQ or queues for which the call was queued. This field displays up to five CSQs separated by commas. The CSQ that handled the call is marked with an asterisk (*) and appears at the beginning of the list. This field is blank if the call is not queued for any CSQ.

Queue Time

Elapsed time between the time a call entered the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) and the time that the call rang.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Ring Time

Elapsed time between the time that a call rang and the time that the call was answered by an agent, routed to another agent, or disconnected. This field is blank if the call was not routed to an agent.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Talk Time

Time that the agent spent in Talking state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Work Time

Time that the agent spent in Work state.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Called Number

Displays information for the specified original called numbers.

Calling Number

Displays information for the specified calling numbers. Calling number is the same as Originator DN.

Application Name

Displays information for the specified applications.

Contact Type

Displays information for the specified contact types.

Originator Type

Displays information for the specified originator types.

Destination Type

Displays information for the specified destination types.

Agent Name

Displays information for the specified agents.

CSQ Name

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Duration Greater Than or Equal to T seconds

Displays calls with a duration that is greater than or equal to the number of seconds specified by T.

Duration Less Than or Equal to T seconds

Displays calls with a duration that is less than or equal to the number of seconds specified by T.

Grouping Criteria


Priority Summary Activity Report

The Priority Summary Activity Report presents call information for each call priority.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Total Calls by Call Priority

For each priority level that is assigned, the percentage of calls that received that priority is displayed.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:


If there is more than one call priority the data will be repeated for all the call priorities.



Call Priority

Final priority that the Unified CCX workflow assigns to the call when the call is received.

Total Calls

Number of calls that are assigned a particular priority level as their final priority level.

Avg Calls (per day)

Daily average number of calls that received a particular priority level as their final priority level.

Total Multi Priority Calls

Calls that ended with a different priority level than the priority that was assigned when the call was received.

Avg Priority Changes

Average number of calls per day that ended with a different priority level than the priority that was assigned when the call was received.

Max Priority Changes

Maximum difference between a priority level assigned to a call when it was received and the priority level set when the call ended.

Avg Multi Priority Calls

Average difference between a priority level assigned to a call when it was received and the priority level set when the call ended.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter parameter


Priority List

Displays information for the calls assigned their final priority level. Priority levels range from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

Grouping Criteria


Reason report by Agent Grouping

The Reason Report by Agent Grouping presents the time that each agent spent logged in. It shows the time that the agents spent in the Not Ready state based on the Reason selected. The logged in time is the same as the total of the time spent by the agent in multiple reasons during the same interval.

This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Reason Report - Agent Grouping Chart

Displays the time that agent spent in the Not Ready state based on the selected reasons.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Log in ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

Total Logged-in

Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.


The reason selected by the agent when moving to Not Ready state. This displays the reason code if the reason is unavailable. A blank is due to any one of the following:

  • Agent was unable to select a reason.

  • Reason codes for all other states except Not Ready.


A reason code is displayed if the label is unavailable.


Total time that an agent spent in the Not Ready state for the corresponding reason code.

Summary info- Sum of values in this column.

Filter criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:

  • Entire report range -Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it doesn’t display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes -Displays information for 30-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes -Displays information for 60-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.


If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

Resource Group Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent List

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.


Displays the list of reasons including predefined reasons. This also displays the reason code if the reason is unavailable.

Grouping criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Predefined Reason Codes

Reason Code



Event Description




Supervisor changes an agent’s state to Logout.


Ready/Not Ready


Supervisor changes an agent’s state to either Ready or Not Ready.



The system issues this reason code when the agent is forcibly logged out when there is a connection failure between the Cisco Finesse Desktop and the Cisco Finesse Server.




If an agent has already logged in and another agent tries to login with the same extension number, then the previously logged in agent will be logged out by the system.


Not Ready


Agent's state is changed from Ready state to Not Ready state when the monitored Non ICD lines are used for Incoming or Outgoing calls.




This reason code is set when an agent goes into the Work state to select a wrap up code after ending an outbound call.




This reason code is set when an agent goes into a Reserved state for a direct preview outbound call.




This reason code is set when an agent goes into a Reserved state for an agent progressive or predictive outbound call.




Agent is logged out from Unified CCX as the agent is deleted from Unified Communications Manager. This event is triggered when Unified CCX synchronizes the agent information with Unified Communications Manager.


Not Ready


Agent's state changes from Talking to Not Ready because the Cancel feature is triggered during an Interactive Call Distribution (ICD) consult call between two agents.

When the consulting agent presses the Cancel softkey on the phone, the consulted agent is no longer associated with the ICD call, and the consulted agent's state changes to Not Ready. This feature is available only on some of the newer phones.


Not Ready


Agent is logged out from Unified CCX because the agent’s Unified CCX extension changes in Unified Communications Manager.




Agent receives a preview outbound call and skips the call.




Agent receives a preview outbound call, decides to cancel the reservation, and presses the Cancel Reservation button on the desktop.


Not Ready


Agent’s phone line is flagged as a restricted device by the administrator of Unified Communications Manager.


If an agent’s line is added to the restricted list, it affects the function of RmCm subsystem.

If Allow Control of Device from CTI is not checked in the Default Device Profile Configuration window in Unified Communications Manager, the line remains restricted and cannot be controlled. You can modify this setting for devices that register with Unified Communications Manager. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, located at: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps556/prod_maintenance_guides_list.html.


Not Ready


Agent's device is flagged as a restricted device by the administrator of Unified Communications Manager.


If an agent’s device is added to the Restricted list, it affects the function of RmCm subsystem.

If Allow Control of Device from CTI is not checked in the Default Device Profile Configuration window in Unified Communications Manager, the device remains restricted and cannot be controlled. You can modify this setting for devices that register with Unified Communications Manager. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, located at: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps556/prod_maintenance_guides_list.html.


Not Ready


Agent moves to Not Ready state after handling a Unified CCX call. This event occurs in the following cases:

  • Agent 1 is in Not Ready state and gets a consult call from Agent 2. After handling the call, Agent 1 moves back to Not Ready state.

  • The Automatic Available option is disabled for the agent. After handling a call, agent moves to Not Ready state.


Not Ready


Agent’s phone becomes active after it was in Phone Down state.


Not Ready


Unified Communications Manager fails over, and the agent is moved to Not Ready state.


Not Ready


Agent’s state changes from Work to Not Ready. This change occurs if the Work state for that agent’s CSQ is associated with an expired wrap-up timer.


Not Ready


Agent’s phone stops functioning and the agent is placed in the Unavailable state.


Not Ready


Agent logs in and is automatically placed in the Not Ready state.


Not Ready


Agent is logged in to the desktop or IP phone and receives a call that is not queued on the Unified CCX platform.


Not Ready


Agent goes off hook to place a call. If the agent enters a reason, that reason is displayed. If the agent does not select any reason, the system issues this reason code.


Not Ready


Agent fails to answer a Unified CCX call within the specified timeout period.




Active server becomes the standby server, and the agent loses connection to the Unified CCX platform.




IP Phone Agent or desktop stops functioning, or connection is disrupted.




Agent manually logs out from the Finesse Desktop using the default Logout (without any custom reason label) option.




Agent is logged in to one device (computer or phone) and tries to log in to a second device.

Reason report by Reason Grouping

The Reason Report by Reason Grouping report presents the total time that each agent spent in the Not Ready state across each of the selected reason. This report also shows the total logged in time of the agents. If agents don't spend any time on the selected reason, those agents are excluded in the report.

This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.


The following chart is available:

Chart name


Reason Report - Reason Grouping Chart

Displays the time that agent spent in Not Ready state based on the reason selected.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:




The reason selected by the agent when switching to Not Ready State. This displays the reason code if the reason is unavailable.


A reason code is displayed if a label is unavailable.

Interval Start Time

Start date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the start date and time for the report range.

Interval End Time

End date and time of each 30 or 60 minute interval or the end date and time for the report range.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Log in ID of the agent.


Last active Unified CCX extension that Unified Communications Manager assigned to the agent.

Total Logged-in

Total time that the agent is logged in to Unified CCX.


Total time that an agent spent in the Not Ready state for the corresponding reason selected.

Summary info- Sum of values in this column.

Filter criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Interval Length

The following options are available:

  • Entire report range -Displays information based on the set start and end time, but it doesn’t display information for specific intervals within the report period.

  • Thirty (30) minutes -Displays information for 30-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

  • Sixty (60) minutes -Displays information for 60-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.



If you choose either "Thirty (30) minutes" or "Sixty (60) minutes" option, the report may take more time to display results compared to the "Entire report range" option. To reduce processing time, generate the report for a shorter query interval.

Resource Group Name

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Agent List

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for agents who belong to the specified teams.


Displays the list of reasons including predefined reasons. This also displays the reason code if the reason is unavailable.

Grouping criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:




Sorts data by reason.

Predefined Reason Codes

Reason Code



Event Description




Supervisor changes an agent’s state to Logout.


Ready/Not Ready


Supervisor changes an agent’s state to either Ready or Not Ready.



The system issues this reason code when the agent is forcibly logged out when there is a connection failure between the Cisco Finesse Desktop and the Cisco Finesse Server.




If an agent has already logged in and another agent tries to login with the same extension number, then the previously logged in agent will be logged out by the system.


Not Ready


Agent's state is changed from Ready state to Not Ready state when the monitored Non ICD lines are used for Incoming or Outgoing calls.




This reason code is set when an agent goes into the Work state to select a wrap up code after ending an outbound call.




This reason code is set when an agent goes into a Reserved state for a direct preview outbound call.




This reason code is set when an agent goes into a Reserved state for an agent progressive or predictive outbound call.




Agent is logged out from Unified CCX as the agent is deleted from Unified Communications Manager. This event is triggered when Unified CCX synchronizes the agent information with Unified Communications Manager.


Not Ready


Agent's state changes from Talking to Not Ready because the Cancel feature is triggered during an Interactive Call Distribution (ICD) consult call between two agents.

When the consulting agent presses the Cancel softkey on the phone, the consulted agent is no longer associated with the ICD call, and the consulted agent's state changes to Not Ready. This feature is available only on some of the newer phones.


Not Ready


Agent is logged out from Unified CCX because the agent’s Unified CCX extension changes in Unified Communications Manager.




Agent receives a preview outbound call and skips the call.




Agent receives a preview outbound call, decides to cancel the reservation, and presses the Cancel Reservation button on the desktop.


Not Ready


Agent’s phone line is flagged as a restricted device by the administrator of Unified Communications Manager.


If an agent’s line is added to the restricted list, it affects the function of RmCm subsystem.

If Allow Control of Device from CTI is not checked in the Default Device Profile Configuration window in Unified Communications Manager, the line remains restricted and cannot be controlled. You can modify this setting for devices that register with Unified Communications Manager. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, located at: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps556/prod_maintenance_guides_list.html.


Not Ready


Agent's device is flagged as a restricted device by the administrator of Unified Communications Manager.


If an agent’s device is added to the Restricted list, it affects the function of RmCm subsystem.

If Allow Control of Device from CTI is not checked in the Default Device Profile Configuration window in Unified Communications Manager, the device remains restricted and cannot be controlled. You can modify this setting for devices that register with Unified Communications Manager. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, located at: https://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps556/prod_maintenance_guides_list.html.


Not Ready


Agent moves to Not Ready state after handling a Unified CCX call. This event occurs in the following cases:

  • Agent 1 is in Not Ready state and gets a consult call from Agent 2. After handling the call, Agent 1 moves back to Not Ready state.

  • The Automatic Available option is disabled for the agent. After handling a call, agent moves to Not Ready state.


Not Ready


Agent’s phone becomes active after it was in Phone Down state.


Not Ready


Unified Communications Manager fails over, and the agent is moved to Not Ready state.


Not Ready


Agent’s state changes from Work to Not Ready. This change occurs if the Work state for that agent’s CSQ is associated with an expired wrap-up timer.


Not Ready


Agent’s phone stops functioning and the agent is placed in the Unavailable state.


Not Ready


Agent logs in and is automatically placed in the Not Ready state.


Not Ready


Agent is logged in to the desktop or IP phone and receives a call that is not queued on the Unified CCX platform.


Not Ready


Agent goes off hook to place a call. If the agent enters a reason, that reason is displayed. If the agent does not select any reason, the system issues this reason code.


Not Ready


Agent fails to answer a Unified CCX call within the specified timeout period.




Active server becomes the standby server, and the agent loses connection to the Unified CCX platform.




IP Phone Agent or desktop stops functioning, or connection is disrupted.




Agent manually logs out from the Finesse Desktop using the default Logout (without any custom reason label) option.




Agent is logged in to one device (computer or phone) and tries to log in to a second device.

Traffic Analysis Report

The Traffic Analysis Report presents information about incoming calls to the Unified CCX system. The information is provided for each day in the report range and includes information about the peak hour of the day.


The following charts are available:

Chart name


Average Call Duration by Date

Displays the average length of calls for a day.

Peak Calls by Date

Displays the number of calls that are received in the peak hour for a day.

Total Incoming Calls by Date

Displays the total number of calls that are received by the Unified CCX system for a day.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Date for which information is provided.

Total Incoming Calls

Total number of calls that are received by the Cisco Unified CCX system for the day.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Calls (per hour)

Average number of calls that are received during each hour for the day.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Peak Calls (by hour)

Number of calls that are received during the peak hour.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Peak Hour—Start

Start time of the hour in a day during which the largest number of calls were received.

Peak Hour—End

End time of the hour in a day during which the largest number of calls were received.

Call Duration—Avg

Average call length for the day.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Call Duration—Min

Length of the shortest call for the day.

Summary info—Minimum value in this column.

Call Duration—Max

Length of the longest call for the day.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Time Offset

Displays the list of time zones.

Select the one matching your timezone. If multiple values are selected, the first one takes effect.

Grouping Criteria


Outbound Reports

Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report

The Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report provides call statistics for agent-based progressive and predictive outbound campaigns.


The report displays data only for the campaigns for which at least one contact is dialed out in the selected time range.




The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Name of the agent outbound campaign.


Total number of contacts that are imported for the campaign. The number of contacts include all the contacts that were imported at the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that you choose when you generated the report.

Contacts—Total = Imported contacts in the campaign that are yet to be dialed out (including the contacts that are marked for retry or callback) + Contacts that are deleted from the start date + Contacts that are closed by the system from the day before the start date (either the contacts are dialed out successfully or the maximum number of attempts are made to dial the contact).

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of attempted outbound contacts.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of contacts that are yet to be dialed out including the contacts that are marked for retry, callback, and the contacts that will never be dialed out as they are deleted from the campaign after importing.

The contacts include data till the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that is chosen while generating the report.

If there are no contacts that are to be retried or called back, then Total contacts = Attempted contacts + Remaining contacts.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Contacts—% Attempted

Percentage of attempted outbound calls.

Attempted % = (Attempted / Total Contacts) * 100

Summary info—Overall attempted percentage.


Number of outbound calls that are detected as live voice and connected to the IVR trigger.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—Answering Machine

Number of outbound calls that reach an answering machine.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that reach an invalid number.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that reach a fax or modem.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—No Answer

Number of outbound calls that are not answered.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that receive a busy signal.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that failed.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—Customer/Agent Abandoned

Number of outbound calls that are considered abandoned, since the call was disconnected either by the customer or agent within the Abandoned Call Wait Time that is configured in the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—System Abandoned

Number of outbound calls that are abandoned by the system.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—Requested Callback

Number of calls that are marked for callback.


A call that is accepted by the agent, marked for callback, later routed to and accepted by another agent (at the callback time), and again marked for callback is counted twice toward the number of callback calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Talk Time—Avg

Average time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice.

Talk Time—Max

Longest time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign List

Displays the list of agent-based outbound campaigns.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:




Sorts data by campaign name.

Agent Outbound CCDR Report

The Agent Outbound CCDR Report provides progressive and predictive agent outbound call-related information, which is stored in the Unified CCX database. This report provides information for each leg of a call.


Unified CCX does not support the translation or modification of the phone number that is used to dial out the outbound calls. This is due to the voice translation rules that are configured in the gateway. Inconsistent behavior is observed in the Answering Machine Treatment also when the translation rules are configured. You can use either of the below two supported methods to modify a dialed number in the gateway:
  • To remove the initial digits of the phone number use forward-digits or digit-strip in the dial peer configuration.

  • To add a prefix to the phone number use prefix in the dial peer configuration.




The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Node ID-Session ID-Sequence Number

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Start Time

Date and time the call starts.

End Time

Date and time the call is disconnected or transferred.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of a call.


Originator of the call.


Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Originator—Type is 1. This field is populated only if the call is transferred from the script to an agent.

Originator—Directory Number

Originator's telephone number.


Destination of the call.


Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Destination—Type is 1.This field is blank unless the call is made to a extension where the agent is logged in.

Destination—Directory Number

Destination telephone number.

Call Status

Status of the contact that was imported to dial out an outbound call. The call status value is updated with the most recent status of the contact.

Call Result

Call result value for the outbound call. The call result value is updated for each call that was placed for an outbound contact.

Campaign Name

Name of the agent outbound campaign.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign Name

Displays the list of agent-based outbound campaigns.

Grouping Criteria


Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report

The Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report provides information about progressive and predictive agent outbound calls for every half hour in the time range when the campaign is active.


The campaign may stop few seconds after the specified End Time. Therefore, the report may provide information for an additional half hour interval. This half hour interval has information for the outbound calls that are dialed out before the campaign End Time, response for which is received after the campaign End Time.


The following chart is available:

Chart Name


Total Attempted, Abandoned, Voice Calls by Campaign

Number of attempted calls, abandoned calls, and voice calls for a campaign.


The report includes a table that describes the following information:



Campaign Name

Name of the agent outbound campaign for which the data is recorded.

Start Time

Start date and time of the interval.

End Time

End date and time of the interval.

Total Attempted Calls

Number of attempted calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Total Live Voice Calls

Number of voice calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Total Abandoned Calls

Number of system abandoned calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Lines Per Agent

Displays the LPA (Lines Per Agent) value for a campaign at the end of the half hour interval. For Progressive campaigns, the LPA value is configured through the Unified CCX Application Administration web interface. For Predictive campaigns, the LPA value is calculated by the predictive algorithm.

Abandoned Rate

Call abandon rate since the statistics were last reset.

Abandon rate = (Abandoned / Voice + Abandoned) x 100

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign Name

Displays half-hourly information for the specified progressive or predictive campaigns.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:




Sorts data by campaign name.

IVR Outbound Campaign Summary Report

The IVR Outbound Campaign Summary Report presents call statistics for each outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) campaign. This report displays the call summary for progressive and predictive outbound campaigns.


The report displays data only for the campaigns for which at least one contact is dialed out in the selected time range.




The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Name of the outbound IVR campaign.


Total number of contacts that are imported for the campaign. The number of contacts include all the contacts that were imported at the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that you choose when you generated the report.

Contacts—Total = Imported contacts in the campaign that are yet to be dialed out (including the contacts that are marked for retry or callback) + Contacts that are deleted from the start date + Contacts that are closed by the system from the day before the start date (either the contacts are dialed out successfully or the maximum number of attempts are made to dial the contact).

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of attempted outbound IVR contacts.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of contacts that are yet to be dialed out including the contacts that are marked for retry, callback, and the contacts that will never be dialed out as they are deleted from the campaign after importing.

The contacts include data till the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that is chosen while generating the report.

If there are no contacts that are to be retried or called back, then Total contacts = Attempted contacts + Remaining contacts.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Contacts—% Attempted

Percentage of attempted outbound IVR calls.

Attempted % = (Attempted / Total Contacts) * 100

Summary info—Overall attempted percentage


Number of outbound calls that are detected as live voice and connected to the IVR trigger.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—Answering Machine

Number of outbound IVR calls that reach an answering machine.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound IVR calls that reach an invalid number.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound IVR calls that reach a fax or modem.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—No Answer

Number of outbound IVR calls that are not answered.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound IVR calls that receive a busy signal.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound IVR calls that failed.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—Customer Abandoned

Number of outbound IVR calls that are abandoned by the customer.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Calls—System Abandoned

Number of outbound IVR calls that are abandoned by the system.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign List

Displays information for the specified outbound IVR campaigns.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:




Sorts data by campaign name.

IVR Outbound CCDR Report

The IVR Outbound CCDR Report provides Interactive Voice Response (IVR) call-related information, which is stored in the Unified CCX database. This report provides information for each leg of a call.




The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Node ID-Session ID-Sequence Number

Node ID is the unique numeric ID, which starts from 1, that the system assigns to each Unified CCX server in the cluster.

Session ID is the unique session ID that the system assigns to a call.

Session sequence number is the number that the system assigns to each call leg. The session sequence number increases by 1 for each leg of a call.

Together, these three values uniquely identify an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call that is processed by the system.

Start Time

Date and time the call starts.

End Time

Date and time the call is disconnected or transferred.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of a call.


Originator of the call.


Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Originator—Type is 1. This field is populated only if the call is transferred from the script to an agent.

Originator Directory Number

Originator's telephone number.


Destination of the call.


Login ID of the agent. This field is populated only if Destination—Type is 1. This field is blank unless the call is made to a extension where the agent is logged in.

Destination—Directory Number

Destination telephone number.

Trigger Directory Number

Number that is dialed by the outbound IVR dialer. It can be either a route point number or the dialed telephone number.

Application Name

Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application that is associated with the route point.

Call Status

Status of the contact record.

Call Result

Last call result that was placed for this record.

Campaign Name

Name of the IVR outbound campaign.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign List

Displays the list of IVR-based outbound campaigns.

Grouping Criteria


IVR Outbound Half Hourly Report

The IVR Outbound Half Hourly Report presents information about predictive outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) calls for every half hour in the report range.


This report is available if you have selected the predictive dialer type in Unified CCX.


The following chart is available:

Chart Name


Total Attempted, Abandoned, Voice Calls by Campaign

Number of attempted calls, abandoned calls, and voice calls for a campaign.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Campaign Name

Name of the predictive campaign for which the data is recorded.

Start Time

Start date and time of the interval.

End Time

End date and time of the interval.

Total Attempted Calls

Number of attempted calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Total Live Voice Calls

Number of voice calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Total Abandoned Calls

Number of abandoned calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Lines Per Port

Number of contacts that can be dialed out for each available port.

Lines per port = Abandoned calls / Voice calls

Abandoned Rate

Call abandon rate since the statistics were last reset.

Abandon rate = (Abandoned / Voice + Abandoned) x 100

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign Name

Displays half-hourly information for the specified predictive campaigns.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:




Sorts data by campaign name.

Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report

The Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report provides detailed statistics for each agent by campaign (progressive and predictive). The report also provides the total call details, campaign call details for each agent, and a summary row of the call details for each agent for all agent-based progressive and predictive campaigns. This report is available with the Outbound feature.


The following chart is available:

Chart Name


Calls Transferred By Campaign And Agent

Displays the number of calls that are transferred by each agent for a campaign.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.


Name of the campaign.


Number of outbound calls that the agent did not answer. Ring-no-answer (RNA).

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that are transferred from another agent. The other agent dials the outbound call and transfers it to the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Talk Time—Avg

Average time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice.

Talk Time—Max

Longest time in HH:MM:SS that the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice are considered.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter Parameter


Campaign Names

Displays information for the specified campaigns.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Resource Group Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Skill Names

Displays information for the agents who have the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report

The Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report presents detailed statistics for each agent by campaign. The report also presents the total call details, campaign call details for each agent, and a summary row of the call details for each agent for all campaigns. This report is available with the Outbound feature.


The following chart is available:

Chart Name


Calls Accepted By Campaign And Agent

Displays the number of calls that are accepted by each agent for a campaign.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.


Name of the campaign.


Number of outbound calls that are offered to the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Total number of outbound calls that are accepted by the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that are rejected by the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound contacts that are closed by the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls the agent did not answer. Ring-no-answer (RNA).

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that are transferred from another agent. The agent did not dial an outbound call; the other agent dials the outbound call and transfers it to the agent.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Talk Time—Avg

Average time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice.

Talk Time—Max

Longest time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice are considered.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter Parameter


Campaign Names

Displays information for the specified campaigns.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Resource Group Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

Skill Names

Displays information for the agents who have the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by the following field:



Agent Name

Sorts data by agent name.

Preview Outbound Campaign Summary Report

The Preview Outbound Campaign Summary Report presents call summary statistics for each campaign. This report is available with the Unified Outbound Preview Dialer (Outbound) feature.


The following chart is available:

Chart Name


Calls Accepted, Rejected, Closed by Campaign

Displays the number of calls that are accepted, rejected, or closed for a campaign.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Name of the campaign.


Total number of contacts that are imported for the campaign. The number of contacts include all the contacts that were imported at the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that you choose when you generated the report.

Contacts—Total = Imported contacts in the campaign that are yet to be dialed out (including the contacts that are marked for retry or callback) + Contacts that are deleted from the start date + Contacts that are closed by the system from the day before the start date (either the contacts are dialed out successfully or the maximum number of attempts are made to dial the contact).

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of contacts that are yet to be dialed out including the contacts that are marked for retry, callback, and the contacts that will never be dialed out as they are deleted from the campaign after importing.

The contacts include data till the time the report is generated and is independent of the end date that is chosen while generating the report. If there are no contacts that are to be retried or called back, then Total contacts = Attempted contacts + Available contacts.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound contact records that were tried atleast once .

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

% Attempt

The percentage of attempted outbound calls.

% Attempt = (Attempted / Total Contacts) x 100

Summary info—Overall percentage


Number of outbound calls that are accepted by agents.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls that are skipped or rejected by agents.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound contacts that are closed by agents.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of successful outbound calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Answering Machine

Number of daily outbound calls with a classification of Answering Machine. The agent clicks Accept and selects a classification of Answering Machine for this contact.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls with a classification of Fax/Modem. The agent clicks Accept and selects a classification of Fax/Modem for this contact.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls for the day with a classification of Invalid. The agent clicks Accept and selects a classification of Invalid for this contact.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Requested Callback

Number of calls that are marked for callback.



A call that is accepted by the agent, marked for callback, later routed to and accepted by another agent (at the callback time), and again marked for callback is counted twice toward the number of callback calls.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Not Home

Number of outbound contacts where the person who answers the phone is not the customer.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Wrong Number

Number of outbound contacts where the person who answers the phone indicates that the customer does not live there.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.


Number of outbound calls where the response is a busy signal.

Summary info—Sum of the records in this column.

Talk Time—Avg

Average time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice.

Talk Time—Max

Longest time in HH:MM:SS the agent spends talking on an outbound call for the campaign. Duration of all calls that are Agent Accepted and classified as Voice.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Campaign Names

Displays information for the specified campaigns.

Grouping Criteria


System Reports

Application Performance Analysis Report

The Application Performance Analysis Report presents call statistics for each Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application.


The following charts are available:

Chart Name


Average Call Duration by Application

Displays average call duration for an application.

Calls Handled vs Abandoned by Application

Displays the number of calls that are handled and the number of calls that are abandoned for an application.

Calls Presented by Application

Displays the number of received calls for an application.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Application ID

Identification number that is assigned to the application by Unified CCX.

Application Name

Name of the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application.

Calls Presented

Number of calls that are received by the application including internal calls. It includes calls that are handled by the application and the calls that are abandoned while in the application. A call can invoke more than one application and is counted for each of them.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Handled

Number of calls that are handled by the application including internal calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Abandoned

Number of calls that are abandoned, aborted, or rejected while in the application.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Abandon Rate (per hour)

Average number of calls that are abandoned each hour while in the application.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Avg Call Duration

Average time that elapsed from the time the call enters this workflow until the call exits this workflow when the caller hangs up or when the call enters another workflow.

Summary info—Maximum value in this column.

Filter Criteria


Grouping Criteria


Application Summary Report

The Application Summary Report presents call statistics for each Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application. It includes information for presented, handled, abandoned, flow-in, and flow-out calls. It also includes information about call talk time, work time, and abandon time.


The following chart is available:

Chart Name


Calls Presented by Application

Displays the number of calls received by each Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Application Name

Name of the Unified CCX or Unified IP IVR application.

Called Number

For outbound calls that are transferred to a Unified CCX route point and handled by an application, the telephone number that is dialed by the caller who initiated the original outbound call.

For incoming calls that are handled by an application:

  • If the call is placed from a Unified Communications Manager phone, the telephone number that is dialed by the caller.
  • If the call is placed from outside of VoIP network (for example, from the PSTN of a TDM PBX), the Unified Communications Manager directory number to which the VoIP gateway routes the call.

Calls Presented

Number of calls that are received by the application including internal call. This number is equal to the number of calls that are handled by the application plus the number of calls that are abandoned while in the application.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.


Number of calls that are redirected to this application from another application by a workflow. It does not include calls that come from another agent or an external system such as a voice messaging system.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.


Number of calls that this application sends to another application or external destination without being handled by an agent.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Calls Handled

Number of calls that are handled by the application including internal calls.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Speed Of Answer

Average queue time to answer calls by agents. Calls that did not connect to an agent are not included in this calculation.

Average queue time = Queue time / Number of calls

Avg Talk Time

Average talk time of all the calls that are handled by an agent. Talk time is the elapsed time between the time that an agent connects to a call and the time the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time.

Average talk time = Total talk time / Number of calls handled by the agents

Avg Work Time

Average time an agent spends in Work state after disconnecting/transferring calls.

Average work time = Total work time / Number of calls handled by the agents

Calls Abandoned

Number of calls that are abandoned by the application.

Summary info—Sum of values in this column.

Avg Abandon Time

Average duration of calls before they are abandoned.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using the following parameter:

Filter Parameter


Application Name

Displays information for the specified applications.

Grouping Criteria


Unified License Consumption Report

The License Consumption Report presents aggregated historical license utilization information, as per the registered license type. This report has two views, Perpetual and Flex. By default, Perpetual License view is displayed. Select appropriate license view as per the license that is procured. The values in the report are aggregated at 15 min interval.


A blank field indicates that no data is available at the given time interval.

A blank report is displayed, if a wrong license view is selected.

Fields of Perpetual License Consumption

This view includes a table that has the following information:




The displayed date is the date on which the license information is aggregated. The license information is grouped by date.


The time at which the system persisted the information. The license information is aggregated for the default time range (15 min).

Maximum Inbound Ports

Maximum number of inbound ports that are used for the given time interval.

Maximum Agent Seats

Maximum number of inbound seats that are used by agents and supervisors for the given time interval.

Maximum Outbound Ports

Maximum number of outbound ports that are used by IVR campaigns for the given time interval.

Fields of Flex License Consumption

This view includes a table that has the following information:


This view is not applicable for Classic licensing with Flex option; use Perpetual view.




The displayed date is the date on which the license information is aggregated. The license information is grouped by date.


The time at which the system persisted the information. The license information is aggregated for the default time range (15 min).

Maximum Standard Seats

Maximum number of Standard seats that are used for the given time interval.

Maximum Premium Seats

Maximum number of Premium seats that are used for the given time interval.

Maximum Inbound Ports

Maximum number of inbound ports that are used for the given time interval.

Maximum Outbound Ports

Maximum number of outbound ports that are used by IVR campaigns for the given time interval.

Filter Criteria


Grouping Criteria

Data is grouped by date.

Multichannel Reports

Wrap-Up Reasons for Chat and Email

The Wrap-Up Reasons Report for Chat and Email presents a summary of Wrap-Up Reasons applied by an agent for the chats and emails. It also displays the total number of the Wrap-Up Reasons used for chats and emails.




The report includes a table that displays the following information:




Name of the category to which the selected Wrap-Up Reason belongs to.

Wrap-Up Reason

Name of the Wrap-Up Reason applied by the agent.

Agent Name

Name of the agent who applied the Wrap-Up Reason.

Agent ID

Log in ID of the agent.


Number of chats to which Wrap-Up Reasons were applied.


Number of emails to which Wrap-Up Reasons were applied.


Total number of the chats and emails to which the Wrap-Up Reasons were applied.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Wrap-Up Category

Displays information for the specified Wrap-Up Category.

Agent Name

Displays information for the specified Agent Name.

Grouping Criteria

You can group using the following parameters:

Filter parameter



Displays information for the specified Category.

Wrap-Up Reason

Displays information for the specified Wrap-Up Reason.

Multichannel Agent Summary Report

The Multichannel Agent Summary Report presents a summary of the agent performance over inbound, outbound, chat, and email channels.


The report includes a table that displays the following information:



Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent.

Agent ID

Login ID of the agent.

Inbound Calls—Presented

Calls that are sent to the agent, regardless of whether the agent picks up the call.

If a call is connected to an agent, transferred to another agent, and then transferred back to the original agent, the value for the original agent increases by two (once for each time the call was presented).

Inbound Calls—Handled

Calls that are connected to the agent.
  • If the agent establishes a conference with another agent, this value increases by one for the conferenced call.

  • If the agent transfers a call and the call is transferred back to the agent, this value increases by two.

Inbound Calls—RNA

Calls that were routed to the agent and the agent did not answer.

Inbound Calls—Handle Time Max

Longest handle time of any call that the agent handled.

Inbound Calls—Handle Time Avg

Average handle time for all calls that the agent handled.

Handle time = Talk time + Hold time + Work time.

Outbound Calls—RNA

Ring-no-answer(RNA). Number of outbound calls that the agent did not answer.

Outbound Calls—Talk Time Max

Longest talk time of any call that the agent handled.

Outbound Calls—Talk Time Avg

Average talk time for all calls that the agent handled.

Elapsed time between the time an agent connects to a call and time when the call is disconnected or transferred, not including hold time.


Number of chats that are presented to the agent.


Number of chats that the agent accepted.

Chat—Not Answered/Declined

Number of chats that are presented to the agent, but not answered or declined.

Chat—Active Time Max

Longest chat time of a chat that the agent handled.

Chat—Active Time Avg.

Average chat time of the chats that the agent handled.


Number of email messages that are presented to the agent.


Number of email messages that the agent replied and forwarded. The send date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.


Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determine whether the email message falls within the interval.


Number of email messages that the agent requeued. The requeue date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval.

Filter Criteria

You can filter using any one of the following parameters:

Filter parameter


Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

Skill Names

Displays information for the agents who possess the specified skills.

Team Names

Displays information for the agents who belong to the specified teams.

Grouping Criteria


Query Designs Historical Reports

Conventions Used in This Chapter

The following conventions are used in this chapter:

  • Database table names - Explanations of report fields in this chapter refer to various Unified CCX database tables. In some cases, these explanations use abbreviations for database table names. The table below lists the database tables that this chapter refers to and shows the abbreviations that are used.

    For detailed information about the Unified CCX database tables, refer to CiscoUnified Contact Center Express Database Schema Guide.

    Table 2. Database Tables

    Database table name

    Abbreviation used in this chapter







































  • Database table fields - Explanations in this chapter specify fields in the CiscoUnified CCX database tables as follows:


    where table is the name or abbreviation of the database table (see above) and field is the name of the field. For example,
    • CSQU.skillGroupID means the skillGroupID field in the ContactServiceQueue table

    • Resource.resourceID means the resourceID field in the Resource table

  • Report field names - In an explanation of a report field, a report field name in bold type indicates that field in the same report.

Chat Reports

Chat Agent Detail Report

The Chat Agent Detail report contains detailed information for the chat contacts received by all the chat agents. The report contains one row per chat contact for each of the agents.


Chat Agent Detail report is available in Unified CCX Premium license package.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Chat Agent Detail report is obtained or calculated.

Table 3. Chat Agent Detail Report



Agent Name(Agent ID)

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent. Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs. Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.

Chat Start Time

Time at which the chat contact is offered to an agent. It is obtained from the startdatetime field of the TACD table.

Chat End Time

Time at which agent ends the chat. It is obtained from the enddatetime field of the TACD table.


Chat time period which is calculated as follows:

Chat End Time – Chat Start Time

Displayed as hh:mm:ss.

Contact ID

Contact ID which uniquely identifies a chat contact. It is obtained from the Contact IDfield of the TACD table.

Chat Routed CSQ

CSQ through which the chat contact was routed to an agent. It is obtained from the csqname field of the contactservicequeue table.

Chat Skills

Skills associated with an agent for handling a chat contact. This is obtained from the skillname field of the skill table.

Active Time

Talk time for the chat agent. This is obtained from the talk time field of the TACD table.

Accept Time

Time the agent spent in accepting the chat contact. This is obtained from the acceptTime field of the TACD table.

Chat Type

Type of the chat contact. This is obtained from the contactType field of the TCD table.

Chat Agent Summary Report

The Chat Agent Summary report provides a summary line per chat agent. It includes the number of chats assigned and handled by an agent, active time, and accept time.


Chat Agent Summary report is available in Unified CCX Premium license package.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Chat Agent Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 4. Chat Agent Summary Report



Agent Name(Agent ID)

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent. Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs. Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.

Chats Presented

Number of chats presented to the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TextAgentConnectionDetail records (TACDR) for the chat agent after joining with TextContactDetail records (TCDR) based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype, which is 1 (chat_type) and the disposition can be handled (value = 2), rejected (value = 5), and abandoned (value = 1).

Chats Handled

Number of chats handled by the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TACDR with talk time > 0 for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum and mediatype = 1 (chat_type) and disposition = 2 (handled). The contact type of TCDR should be of type chat (value = 1).

Active Time—Avg

Average talk time for the chat agent. It is calculated by taking the average talk time of all the TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype = 1 (chat_type)

Active Time—Max

Maximum talk time for the chat agent. It is calculated by taking the maximum talk time of all the TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype = 1 (chat_type)

Accept Time—Avg

Average time the agent spent in accepting the chat contact. It is calculated by taking the average accept time of all the TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype = 1 (chat_type).

Accept Time—Max

Maximum time the agent spent in accepting the chat contact. It is calculated by taking the maximum accept time of all the TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype = 1 (chat_type).

Group Chats Presented

Number of group chats presented to the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TextAgentConnectionDetail records (TACDR) for the chat agent after joining with TextContactDetail records (TCDR) based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype, which is 1 (chat_type) and disposition can be either handled (value = 2), rejected (value = 5), or declined (value = 9) .

Group Chats Handled

Number of group chats handled by the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TACDR with talk time > 0 for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum and mediatype = 1 (chat_type) and disposition = 2 (handled) and 8 (agent leaves the group chat).

The contact type of TCDR should be of type group chat (value = 5).

Group Chats Declined

Number of group chats declined by the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum and mediatype = 1 (chat_type) and disposition = 9 (declined).

Chat Contact Service Queue Activity Report

The Chat Contact Service Queue Activity report shows one line for each CSQ that is configured in Unified CCX. A CSQ can be configured based on resource skill.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Chat Contact Service Queue Activity report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Chat Contact Service Queue Activity report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter

Table 5. Chat Contact Service Queue Activity Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The CSQ.recordID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain this value as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Chats Presented

Chats Presented is calculated using the sum of Chats Handled and Chats Abandoned.

Avg Queue Time

Calculated as total TCQD.queueTime / Total number of TCQD records with TCQD.queueTime greater than zero.

Max Queue Time

Join TCD and TCQD on contactId, contactseqnum, and nodeID to find TCQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding TCD.startdatetime is within the report period.) For each CSQ, determine the maximum value stored in TCQD.queueTime.

Chats Handled

Join TCQD and TACD on contactId, contactseqnum, qindex, and nodeID with TCQD.disposition is 2 (handled), and TACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the chats handled by agents.

For each CSQ, count the number of TCQD records to determine the number of chats handled by the CSQ.

Avg Handle Time

Join TCQD and TACD on contactId, contactseqnum, qindex, and nodeID with TCQD.disposition is 2 (handled), and TACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the chats handled by agents.

For each CSQ, calculate the average of TACD.talkTime to determine the average time for chats handled by the CSQ.

If Chats Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Max Handle Time

Join TCQD and TACD on contactId, contactseqnum, qindex, and nodeID with TCQD.disposition is 2 (handled), and TACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the chats handled by agents.

For each CSQ, maximum of TACD.talkTime determine the value of this field.

If Chats Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Chats Abandoned

For each CSQ, count the number of TCQD records where TCQD.disposition = 1 to determine the number of chats abandoned from the CSQ.

You can filter the Chat Contact Service Queue Activity report by the following parameter:

Table 6. Chat Contact Service Queue Activity Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find the distinct CSQ.csqName with CSQ.queueType is equal to 2 and CSQ.dateinactive is NULL. This action determines all the active chat CSQs.

CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID.

Chat CSQ Agent Summary Report

An agent can handle chat contacts for multiple CSQs. The Chat CSQ Agent Summary report table provides information about chat contacts handled in each CSQ for each agent.

Table 1 explains how to obtain and calculate the information in the Chat CSQ Agent Summary report.

Table 2 explains how the Chat CSQ Agent Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 7. Chat CSQ Agent Summary Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The CSQ.recordID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain this value as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Agent Name

Chat record tables (TACD and TASD) refer to agents by resource ID. Given Resource.resourceID, search the Resource table for the corresponding Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. These two fields uniquely identify an agent. The agent name is stored in Resource.resourceName.

Chat Received

A received chat contact has a TCCD record, a TCQD record for the CSQ that the chat contact was routed to, and a TACD record for the agent who received the chat contact.

Join TCCD and TCQD on contactID, contactSeqNum, and nodeID to find the TCQD record for the CSQ to which the chat contact was routed. Join TCQD and TACD on contactID, contactSeqNum, nodeID, and qIndex to find the agent who handled the chat contact. To uniquely identify a CSQ, the CSQ record ID is stored in TCQD.csqrecordid.

To uniquely identify an agent, the resource ID is stored in TACD.resourceid.

For each CSQ-Agent combination (CSQ is identified by CSQ.recordID, and agent is identified by Resource.resourceName), count the number of TACD records to determine the number of chat contacts handled by the specified CSQ-Agent combination.

Chat Handled

Same calculation as for chat contacts received, but in the search criteria, TACD.talkTime is greater than zero.

Average Active Chat Time

If chat contacts handled is not zero then this field is calculated as Total Talk Time divided by Chat Contacts Handled.

If Chat Contacts Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Chat No Answer

Same calculation as for chat contacts Received, but in the search criteria, TACD. talkTime is zero, and TACD.acceptTime is greater than zero.

For each CSQ-Agent combination, count the number of TACD records. This result is the number of chat contacts that got no answer.

Average Acceptance Time

If chat contacts Handled is not zero then this field is calculated as Total Accept Time divided by Chat Contacts Handled.

If Chat Contacts Handled is zero then this field is zero.

Table 8. Chat CSQ Agent Summary Report Filter Parameter



All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find CSQ.recordID for CSQs with CSQ.dateInactive set to null or set to a date/time later than the report start time and with CSQ.queuetype equal to 2. This action determines the active chat CSQs and CSQs that are deleted after the report start time (they are still active during the report period).

CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqname contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID.

Chat Traffic Analysis Report

The Chat Traffic Analysis report shows information about incoming chat contacts to the Unified CCX system.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Chat Traffic Analysis report is obtained or calculated.

If the selected report Start Date and report End Date exceeds the date range available in the database, the report start date and report end date are automatically adjusted to match the date range that is available in the database. For example, if data is available in the database only from start date x to end date y, and if the selected start date is earlier than x and the selected end date is later than y, the report start date and report end date are automatically adjusted to x and y respectively.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter .

Table 9. Chat Traffic Analysis Report Query Design




Date of each day in the report period.

Total Incoming Chat Contacts

For each day, count the number of TCCD records with a unique contactID with the Contact Type field set to the value of 1 (incoming contact).

Avg Chats (per hour)

Calculated as total incoming contacts divided by the number of hours in a day.

The first day or the last day of the report period may be a partial day depending on the start time and the end time selected by the user. Any other day within the report period has 24 hours.

Peak Chats (per hour)

Divide each day into 1-hour intervals. The number of incoming chat contacts within each interval is determined by counting the number of TCCD records with a unique contactID in the interval. The peak hour is the interval with the largest number of incoming chat contacts. This field displays the number of chat contacts in the peak hour.

Peak Hour Start Time

Divide each day into 1-hour intervals. The number of incoming chat contacts within each interval is determined by counting the number of TCCD records with a unique contactID in the interval. The peak hour is the interval with the largest number of incoming chat contacts. This field displays the start time of the peak hour.

Peak Hour End Time

Divide each day into 1-hour intervals. The number of incoming chat contacts within each interval is determined by counting the number of TCCD records with a unique contactID in the interval. The peak hour is the interval with the largest number of incoming chat contacts. This field displays the end time of the peak hour.

Avg Chat Duration

The contact duration for a chat contact is calculated as the sum of TACD.talkTime for all the contacts connected to an agent. It is zero for all other contacts.

Average contact duration for a day is calculated as the sum of contact durations for all incoming contacts on that day divided by the number of incoming contacts on that day.

Min Chat Duration

The contact duration for a chat contact is calculated as the sum of TACD.talkTime for all the contacts connected to an agent. It is zero for all other contacts.

Minimum contact duration for a day is the shortest contact duration of all incoming contacts for that day.

Max Chat Duration

The contact duration for a chat contact is calculated as the sum of TACD.talkTime for all the contacts connected to an agent. It is zero for all other contacts.

Maximum contact duration for a day is the shortest contact duration of all incoming contacts for that day.

Email Reports

Email Agent Activity Report

The Email Agent Activity Report presents email statistics of the email-enabled agents for a day.

Table 1shows how the information in the Email Agent Activity Report is obtained or calculated.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 10. Email Agent Activity Report Query Design



Agent Name

Name of the agent. It is obtained from Agent Names filter selected by user and then mapped with resource and textagentstatedetail tables.

Agent Id

Login user ID of the agent. It is obtained from textagentstatedetail table.

Login Date

Date the agent logged in. It is obtained from textagentstatedetail table after grouping by statechangedatetime.


Total time the agent logged in. It is calculated from textagentstatedetail table. It is sum of ready, notready, reserved, busy and partial busy state time.

Not Ready

Total time the agent spent in the E-Mail Not Ready state. It is obtained from textagentstatedetail table.


Total time the agent spent in the E-Mail Ready state. It is obtained from textagentstatedetail table.

Time Spent On Desk

It is sum of busy and partial busy duration. It is obtained from textagentstatedetail table.


This is a hidden field.


Number of email messages that are presented to the agent. It is obtained from TextAgentConnectionDetail table.


Number of email messages that the agent requeued. It is obtained from TextContactDetail table where disposition is 2 (Handled) and dispositionReason is email_requeue_transfer or email_requeue_agent_disconnected.


Number of response email messages that the agent sent. It is obtained from TextContactDetail table where disposition is 2 (Handled) and dispositionReason is email_agent_replied.


Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. It is obtained from the textcontactdetail table where disposition = 4 and dispositionReason = email_agent_discarded.

Avg On Desk

Avg On Desk = Total time spent on handling email contacts/Number of emails sent and requeued by agent. It is obtained from TextAgentConnectionDetail.

Email Contact Detail Report

The Email Contact Detail Report presents information about each email contact that is handled by the agent.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Email Contact Detail Report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Email Contact Detail Report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 11. Email Contact Detail Report Query Design



Contact ID

Contactid which uniquely identifies an email contact. It is obtained from the contactid field of the textcontactdetail table.

Sequence No

Number that the system incrementally assigns to each contact leg. It is obtained from the contactseqnum field of the textcontactdetail table.

CSQ Name

Name of the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that routed the email contact to the agent. It is obtained from the contactservicequeue table based on the csqrecordid field from the textcontactqueuedetail table.

Agent Name

First name and last name of the agent who sent the response email message. It is obtained from the resource table based on the resourceid field from the textagentconnectiondetail table.


Date and time the contact center received the email contact. It is obtained from the textcustomerdetails table.


Date and time the agent retrieved the email contact. It is obtained from the enddatetime field of the textagentconnectiondetail table.


Date and time the agent sent the response email message. It is obtained from the enddatetime field of the textcontactdetail table.


Date and time that the agent discarded the email message. It is obtained from the enddatetime column from the textcontactdetail table where disposition = 4 and dispositionReason = email_agent_discarded.


Email address of the customer who sent the email message. It is obtained from the textcustomerdetails table.


Email address of the customer to which the response email message is sent. It is obtained from the textcustomerdetails table.


Email address of the contact center to which the email message was sent. It is obtained from the accountuserid field of the contactservicequeue table based on the csqrecordid field from the textcontactqueuedetail table.


Subject line of the received email message. It is obtained from the textcustomerdetails table.

Contact Type

Contact type of the email contact. It is obtained from the contacttype field of the textcontactdetail table.

Contact Disposition

Disposition of the email contact. It is obtained from the contactdisposition field of the textcontactdetail table.

Table 12. Email Contact Detail Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


CSQ Name

To report on specific email CSQ or CSQs, obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter.

Search the contactservicequeue table to find the records with the queuetypename "Email" and match the csqname with the values that are in the list. In the report query, use the recordid field to get the ID of the CSQ.

Agent Name

To report on specific email agents, obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter.

Search the resource table to find the records with the resourcename that matches with the values that are in the list. In the report query, use the resourceid field to get the ID of the agent.


This is a case-sensitive filter to search for the records that the user specifies in the search string for subject.

Email CSQ Activity Report

The Email CSQ Activity Report presents email activity statistics of agents in a Contact Service Queue (CSQ) for each day.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Email CSQ Agent Activity Report is obtained or calculated.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 13. Email CSQ Activity Report Query Design



CSQ Name

Name of the Contact Service Queue (CSQ) that routed the email contact to the agent.

It is obtained from the contactservicequeue table based on the csqrecordid field from the textcontactqueuedetail table.


Date of each day in the interval.

Agent Name

Name of the agent to whom the email messages are routed.

It is obtained from the resource table based on the resourceid field from the textagentconnectiondetail table.


Number of email messages that are routed through the CSQ to the agent and then retrieved by the agent.

It is obtained by taking the sum of the records obtained querying the tables textagentconnectiondetail, textcontactdetail and textcontactqueuedetail for the given date time interval.


Number of email messages that are requeued to the agent.

It is calculated by taking the sum of records obtained by querying textcontactdetail table for contactdisposition 2 and dispositionreason that contains the text 'email_requeue’ where the contactid and contactseqnum in textcontactdetail matches with the contactid and contactseqnum of textagentconnectiondetail and textcontactqueuedetail tables.


Number of response email messages that the agent sent.

It is calculated by taking the sum of records obtained by querying textcontactdetail table for contactdisposition 2 and dispositionreason 'email_agent_replied' where the contactid and contactseqnum in textcontactdetail matches with the contactid and contactseqnum of textagentconnectiondetail and textcontactqueuedetail tables.


Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. It is obtained from the textcontactdetail table where disposition = 4 and dispositionReason = email_agent_discarded.

Avg On Desk

Average time agent spent on desk to reply to email once the agent receives it.

It is obtained by summing the talktime field in textagentconnectiondetail table and dividing by the total number of emails requeued and sent.

Time Spent On Desk

Sum of the time that the agent spends in email processing state to respond to all the emails.

It is obtained by taking the sum of talktime in textagentconnectiondetail table for all the emails handled by the agent the given date time interval.


This is a hidden field.

Email Traffic Analysis Report

The Email Traffic Analysis Report gives the count of email messages received for the specified date or date range.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Email Traffic Analysis report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Email Traffic Analysis report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 14. Email Traffic Analysis Report



Email Address

Obtained from ContactServiceQueue.accountuserid for email CSQs.

Received Date

Obtained from TextCustomerDetails.insertionDate.

Email Count

Count of ContactServiceQueue.accountuserId where the csq type is 'Email'.

Table 15. Email Traffic Analysis Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Email Address

ContactServiceQueue.accountuserid for email CSQs.

Inbound Reports

Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report

The Abandoned Call Detail Activity report contains one row per abandoned call. An abandoned call is a call for which CCD.contactDisposition is set to 1 (abandoned).

Table 1 shows how the information in the Abandoned Call Detail Activity report is obtained or calculated.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 16. Abandoned Call Detail Activity Report Query Design



Call Start Time

Obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

Called Number

Obtained from CCD.calledNumber.

Call ANI

For ACD calls, obtained from CCD.originatorDN.

For IVR calls, this field is set to the extension of the originating agent as follows: join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.extension.

Initial Call Priority

Join CCD and CRD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID.



A call may be abandoned without being assigned a call priority. In this case, CRD.origPriority will be blank and this Initial Call Priority field will show "n/a."

Call Routed CSQ

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. Additional search criteria are CCD.contactDisposition is 1 (abandoned), CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned) or 3 (dequeued), and CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type). The CSQ information is stored in CQD.targetID. Join CQD.targetID with CSQ.recordID, and join CQD.profileID with CSQ.profileID to obtain CSQ name, which is stored in CSQ.csqName.



A call may be abandoned without being presented to any CSQ. In this case, this Call Routed CSQ field will be blank.If a call has been routed to multiple CSQs, the Call Routed CSQ field displays the CSQ name followed by ellipsis (for example: CSQ025...).

Agent Name

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID and profileID to include only calls with CCD.contactDisposition set to 1 (abandoned). Join ACD and Resource on resourceID and profileID to obtain the name of the agent who was presented with the call, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.



A call may be abandoned without being presented to any agent. In this case, this agent Name field will be blank.

Call Skills

This field shows the list of skills that belong to the CSQ shown in Call Routed CSQ.

Join CQD.targetID with CSQU.recordID, and CQD.profileID with CSQU.profileID to obtain CSQU.skillGroupID. Join CSQU.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to obtain SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to obtain the list of call skills, which is stored in Skill.skillName.



This Call Skills field will be blank for a call that is abandoned without being presented to a CSQ and for a call that is abandoned after it is presented a resource-based CSQ.

Final Call Priority

Join CCD and CRD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID.



A call may be abandoned without being assigned a call priority. In this case, CRD.finalPriority will be blank and this Final Call Priority field will show "n/a."

Call Abandon Time

Obtained from CCD.endDateTime.

Aborted and Rejected Call Detail Report

The Aborted and Rejected Call Detail report provides detailed information about each call that is aborted or rejected by the system. A call is aborted if an exception occurs in the workflow that is processing a call. A call is rejected if system resources reach maximum capacity (for example, the maximum number of CTI ports is reached).

Table 1 shows how the information in the Aborted and Rejected Call Detail report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Aborted and Rejected Call Detail report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 17. Aborted and Rejected Call Detail Report Query Design



Node ID

Obtained from CCD.nodeID.

Session ID

Obtained from CCD.sessionID.

Sequence No

Obtained from CCD.sessionSeqNum.

Call Start Time

Obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

Call End Time

Obtained from CCD.endDateTime.

Contact Type

Obtained from CCD.contactType.

Contact Disposition

Obtained from CCD.contactDisposition.

If CCD.contactDisposition is 4, this field displays Aborted. If CCD.contactDisposition is 5 or greater, this field displays Rejected.

Abort/Reject Reason

For aborted calls, CCD.contactDisposition is 4, and this field displays the value stored in CCD.dispositionReason.

For rejected calls, CCD.contactDisposition is 5 or greater, and this field displays the text according to the following mapping. The description for each reject reason is also explained below:

5—Reject: No Trigger - Trigger is not recognized or has been removed

6—Reject: Channels Not Ready - Channels Not Ready - Group(s) are not ready

7—Reject: Trigger Timeout - Trigger timeout expires before attempting to get the channel

8—Reject: Channels Busy - No channel(s) available

9—Reject: No Channel License - No channel license is available to process the call

10—Reject: Remote Timeout - CTI Accept Timer expires

11—Reject: Software Error - Internal software error

12—Reject: Trigger Max Session - Trigger has reached its maximum session

13—Reject: Trigger Failed - JTAPI Subsystem redirect to CTI port fails

14—Reject: Setup Timeout - Setup Timeout: JTAPI Subsystem Accept timer expires

15—Reject: Setup Failed - JTAPI Subsystem Accept fails

16—Reject: Resource Invalid - Resource address is invalid

17—Reject: Resource Not Acknowledging - Resource is not acknowledging

18—Reject: Resource Busy - Resource is busy

19—Reject: Contact Not Offered - Contact is not successfully offered, either because the destination is not acknowledging the offering or it does not receive it

20—Reject: Internal Error - PlaceCall gets an internal error

21—Reject: Contact Rejected in Script - Rejected by script

22—Reject: Agent reject Outbound call - Outbound call rejected by agent

23—Reject: Agent Skipped Outbound Call - Outbound call skipped by agent

24—Reject: Agent clicked Cancel Reservation for Outbound call.



The event occurred when the campaign got disabled or deleted or when the associated CSQ got deleted before the agent clicked Cancel Reservation. This is because CCDR will be written only when the call is disconnected.


Originator DN

(DN = Directory Number)

The originator directory number. This number is the same as the calling number. Originator Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Originator Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. If the call is attended at the non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. If the call is made from a non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed.

  • If Originator Type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If Originator Type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number of the caller.

Destination DN

The destination directory number. Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Destination Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent.

  • If destination type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If destination type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number called.

Called Number

Obtained from CCD.calledNumber.

Original Called No.

Obtained from CCD.origCalledNumber.

Application Name

Obtained from CCD.applicationName.

Call Routed CSQ

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records with a CCD.startDateTime value that is within the report period. Join CQD and CRD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex to obtain CQD.targetID, and join CQD.profileID with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type). CQD.targetID contains the recordID of the CSQ that handled the call. Join CQD.targetID with CSQ.recordID, and join CQD.profileID with CSQ.profileID to obtain the CSQ name, which is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Table 18. Aborted and Rejected Call Detail Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Contact Disposition

To report on aborted calls only, obtain CCD records with CCD.contactDisposition = 4.

To report on rejected calls only, obtain CCD records with CCD.contactDisposition >= 5.

To report on both aborted and rejected calls, obtain CCD records with CCD.contactDisposition >= 4.

Agent Call Summary Report

The Agent Call Summary report shows, for each agent specified, summary information about each call that was received (an inbound call) and each call that was made (an outbound call) by the agent. This report also shows the number of calls transferred to the agent and transferred out (to another route point or another agent) by the agent, and the number of conference calls in which the agent participated.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Call Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Call Summary report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 19. Agent Call Summary Report Query Design



Agent Name

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent. Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs. Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.


For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Total Inbound

Calculated as follows:

Total inbound ACD calls + Total inbound IVR calls.

Inbound ACD— Total

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, count the number of ACD records to determine the total number of inbound ACD calls received by each agent.

Inbound ACD—Avg Talk

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, calculate the sum of the values in ACD.talkTime, then divide by the number of ACD records for that agent.

Inbound ACD—Avg Hold

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, calculate the sum of the values in ACD.holdTime, then divide by the number of ACD records for that agent.

Inbound ACD—Avg Work

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, calculate the sum of the values in ACD.workTime, then divide by the number of ACD records for that agent.

Inbound Non-ACD—Total

Search CCD for records for which the value of startDateTime is within the report period and destinationType is 1 (agent). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

Compare sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and resourceID in this result set with the results for these fields obtained from Inbound ACD—Total. Eliminate all entries that are already counted in the calculation of total inbound ACD calls. The remaining value is the number of IVR calls.

For each agent, count the number of CCD records to determine the number of total inbound IVR calls.

Inbound Non-ACD— Avg Talk Time

Talk time of an IVR call is stored in CCD.connectTime.

Search CCD for records in which the value of startDateTime is within the report period and destinationType is 1 (agent). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

Compare sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and resourceID in this result set with the result obtained from Inbound ACD—Total. Eliminate all entries that are already counted in the calculation of total inbound ACD calls. The remaining value is the number of IVR calls.

For each agent, calculate the sum of the values stored in CCD.connectTime, then divide by the number of CCD records for that agent.

Inbound Non-ACD— Max Talk Time

Talk time of an IVR call is stored in CCD.connectTime.

Search CCD for records for which the value of startDateTime is within the report period and destinationType is 1 (agent). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

Compare sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and resourceID in this result set with the result obtained from Inbound ACD—Total. Eliminate all entries that are already counted in the calculation of total inbound ACD calls. The remaining value is the number of IVR calls.

For each agent, determine the maximum value stored in CCD.connectTime.


Search CCD for records in which the startDateTime is within the report period, and originatorType is 1 (agent). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, count the number of CCD records.

Outbound—Avg Call Time

Search CCD for records in which the startDateTime is within the report period, and originatorType is 1 (agent). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, calculate the sum of the values stored in CCD.connectTime, then divide by the number of CCD records for that agent.

Outbound—Max Call Time

Search CCD for records in which the startDateTime is within the report period, and originatorType is 1 (agent). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, determine the maximum value stored in CCD.connectTime.

ACD Transfer-In

For ACD calls that are transferred in, CCD.contactType = 5 (transfer-in), and an ACD record is present.

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, count the number of ACD records for which the corresponding CCD records have contactType = 5 (transfer-in).

ACD Transfer-Out

For ACD calls that are transferred out, CCD.transfer = 1, and an ACD record is present.

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, count the number of ACD records for which the corresponding CCD records have transfer = 1.

ACD Conference

For ACD conference calls, CCD.conference = 1, and an ACD record is present.

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find ACD records within the report period. (For such records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime value is within the report period.) Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

For each agent, count the number of ACD records for which the corresponding CCD records have conference = 1.

Table 20. Agent Call Summary Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filter parameter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Search the Resource table for agents who are active (Resource.active is 1) or who are deleted after report start time (Resource.dateInactive is later than the report start time). In this way, the report does not include agents who are deleted before the report start time.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Agent Detail Report

The Agent Detail report contains detailed information for calls received and calls made by an agent. The report contains one row per call and includes Unified CCX and Cisco Unified IP IVR calls.

For ACD calls, the ACD table records all the calls handled by an agent.

For IVR calls, the CCD table records all the calls made by or received by an agent. If an agent makes an IVR call, the agent’s resource ID appears in CCD.originatorID. If the agent receives an IVR call, the agent’s resource ID appears in CCD.destinationID.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Detail report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Detail report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 21. Agent Detail Report Query Design



Agent Name

For ACD calls, an agent is identified by the combination of ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

For IVR calls, if an agent is the originator of the call, the agent is identified by CCD.originatorID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.originatorType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

If an agent is the destination of an IVR call, the agent is identified by CCD.destinationID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.destinationType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.


For ACD calls, an agent is identified by the combination of ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

For IVR calls, if an agent is the originator of the call, the agent is identified by CCD.originatorID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.originatorType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

If an agent is the destination of an IVR call, the agent is identified by CCD.destinationID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.destinationType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.extension.

Call Start Time

For ACD calls, obtained from ACD.startDateTime.

For IVR calls, obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

Call End Time

For ACD calls, obtained from ACD.endDateTime.

For IVR calls, obtained from CCD.startDateTime.


Calculated as follows:

Call End Time – Call Start Time

Displayed as hh:mm:ss.

Called Number

For ACD calls, agent identification is stored in ACD (see Agent Name earlier in this table). Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. The value of this field is obtained from CCD.calledNumber.

For IVR calls, agent identification is stored in CCD (see Agent Name earlier in this table). The value of this field is obtained directly from CCD.calledNumber.

Call ANI

For ACD calls, agent identification is stored in ACD (see Agent Name earlier in this table). Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. The value of this field is obtained from CCD.originatorDN.

For IVR calls, agent identification is stored in CCD (see Agent Name earlier in this table). The value of this field is obtained directly from CCD.originatorDN.

For internal calls (CCD.contactType = 3), but the CCD.orignatorDN field is blank. This field is set to the extension of the agent who originates the call, as follows:

Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, join and CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the extension of the originating agent, which is stored in Resource.extension.

Call Routed CSQ

Join ACD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled). The combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Join CQD.targetID with CSQ.recordID, and join CQD.profileID with CSQ.profileID to obtain the CSQ name, which is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Other CSQs

Join ACD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is not 2 (not handled) to obtain the CSQ for which the call was queued but not handled. The combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Join CQD.targetID with CSQ.recordID, and join CQD.profileID with CSQ.profileID to obtain the CSQ name, which is stored in CSQ.csqName. Multiple CSQ names are represented by "…".

Call Skills

Join ACD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled) to obtain a skill group ID, which is stored in CSQ.skillGroupID. Join CSQ.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to get SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to get the list of skill names, stored in Skill.skillName. Multiple skill names are separated by commas.

Talk Time

For ACD calls, obtained from ACD.talkTime.

For IVR calls, shows the value of Duration if CCD.contactDispostion = 2 (handled). Shows zero if CCD.contactDisposition = 1 (abandoned).

Hold Time

For ACD calls, obtained from ACD.holdTime.

Blank for IVR calls.

Work Time

For ACD calls, obtained from ACD.workTime.

Blank for IVR calls.

Call Type

  • Inbound ACD—Call has an ACD record present.
  • Inbound Non-ACD—CCD.destinationType = 1 (agent type), CCD.destinationID is a resource ID, and there is no corresponding ACD record. (A corresponding ACD record has the same sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID.)
  • Outbound—CCD.originatorType = 1 (agent type), and CCD.originatorID is a resource ID.
  • Transfer-In—CCD.contactType = 5 (transfer-in), and there is a corresponding ACD record.
  • Transfer-Out—CCD.transfer = 1, and there is a corresponding ACD record.
  • Conference—CCD.conference = 1, and there is a corresponding ACD record.
Table 22. Agent Detail Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filter parameter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs from the Resource table.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Call Type

To report on a specific call type or types, obtain the call types from the user selection for this parameter. (Up to 6 call types can be selected.) Call types that are not selected will be eliminated before the final result set is displayed. The elimination process is based on the classification criteria described in the Call Type field in Table 1.

Agent Login Logout Activity Report

The Agent Login Logout Activity report contains detailed information about the login and logout activities of agents. The login and logout information is stored in the ASD table.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Login Logout Activity report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Login Logout Activity report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 23. Agent Login Logout Activity Report Query Design



Agent Name

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.


For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Login Time

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID, and join ASD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain state transition records for each agent, identified by Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. (See agent Name for the relationship between resourceID/profileID and resourceName/ resourceLoginID.) Login Time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime where ASD.eventType = 1. If the agent logged in before the report start time, this field is displayed as < report start time.

Logout Time

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID, and join ASD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain state transition records for each agent, identified by Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. (See Agent Name for the relationship between resourceID/profileID and resourceName/ resourceLoginID.) Login Time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime where ASD.eventType = 7. If the agent logged out after the report end time, this field is displayed as: > report end time.

Logout Reason Code

This field is obtained from ASD.reasonCode when ASD.eventType = 7 (logout).

Logged-In Duration

  • If the agent logged in before the report start time and logged out after the report end time—Logged-In Duration = report end time – report start time
  • If the agent logged in before the report start time and logged out during the report period—Logged-In Duration = Logout Time – report start time
  • If the agent logged in during the report period and logged out after the report end time—Logged-In Duration = report end time – Login Time
  • If the agent logged in and out during the report period—Logged-In Duration = Logout TimeLogin Time
Table 24. Agent Login Logout Activity Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filter parameter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Search the Resource table for records with resourceType set to 1 (agent). Resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group name(s) from the user selection for this parameter. Find the corresponding RG.resourceGroupID(s). Join RG.resourceGroupID with Resource.resourceGroupID to find agents belonging to the selected resource group(s). The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. Find the corresponding Resource.resourceID(s).

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Skill Names

To report on agents who possess a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Find the corresponding Skill.skillID(s). Join Skill.skillID with RSM.skillID, RSM.resourceSkillMapID with Resource.resourceSkillMapID to find the agents who possess the selected skill(s). The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records in which Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and join Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. The Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report

The Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary report provides information about the length of time each agent spent in Not Ready state during the report period. This report also shows the length of time that agents spent in Not Ready state for the reasons indicated by the reason codes that agents entered when going to Not Ready state. The report shows detailed information for each of up to eight reason codes, and displays consolidated information for other reason codes. By default, the report shows information for eight predefined reason codes. However, you can specify the eight reason codes for which the report shows detailed information.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 25. Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report Query Design



Agent Name

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent.

Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs.

Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.


For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Interval Start Time

Beginning of an interval.

End users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Interval End Time

End of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Total Logged-in

Login time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 1 (log in). Logout time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 7 (log out).

The calculation of the logged-in time for a single session depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent logs in and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – login time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – Interval Start Time

  • An agent logs in during the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End Time – login time

If an agent has multiple login sessions during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each login session.

Total Not Ready

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID, and join ASD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain state transition records for each agent, identified by Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. (See agent Name in this table for the relationship between resourceID/profileID and resourceName/resourceLoginID.) Not Ready state is identified by ASD.eventType = 2.

The time spent in Not Ready state depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes in to and out of Not Ready state during the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = time out of Not Ready state – time in Not Ready state

  • An agent goes in to Not Ready state before the interval and goes out of Not Ready state after the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Not Ready state before the interval and goes out of Not Ready state during the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = time out of Not Ready state – Interval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Not Ready state during the interval and goes out of Not Ready state after the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = Interval End Time – time in to Not Ready state

If an agent goes to Not Ready state multiple times during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each Not Ready state.

Time in RC n1

Time in RC n2

Time in RC n3

Time in RC n4

Time in RC n5

Time in RC n6

Time in RC n7

Time in RC n8

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID, and join ASD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain state transition records for each agent, identified by Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. (See Agent Name in this table for the relationship between resourceID/profileID and resourceName/resourceLoginID.) Not Ready state is identified by ASD.eventType = 2. The reason code is stored in ASD.reasonCode.

By default, this report sorts the predefined Not Ready reason codes in numerical order and displays the first eight reason codes.

You can specify other reason codes to report by selecting Filter Parameter Reason Code.

Time in Other RCs

Sum of the duration spent in Not Ready reason codes that are not shown in the Time in RC n1 through Time in RC n8 fields. The total time spent in different reason codes adds up to Total Not Ready Time (Time in Reason Code 1 + Time in Reason Code 2 + … + Time in Reason Code 8 = Total Not Ready Time).

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID, and join ASD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain state transition records for each agent, identified by Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. (See Agent Name in this table for the relationship between resourceID/profileID and resourceName/resourceLoginID.) Not Ready state is identified by ASD.eventType = 2. The reason code is stored in ASD.reasonCode. For this calculation, do not consider values that have been listed in the previous eight fields.

Table 26. Agent Not Ready Reason Code Summary Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filter parameter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Search and display the Resource table for agents who are active (Resource.active is 1) or who are deleted after report start time (Resource.dateInactive is later than the report start time). In this way, the report does not include agents who are deleted before the report start time.

Interval Length

Entire report range—Displays information from the report start time through the report end time, but does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

Thirty (30) minute intervals—Displays information for 30-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

Sixty (60) minute intervals—Displays information for 60-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Reason Code

To report on a specific reason code or codes, obtain the list of reason codes from the user selection for this parameter. Find ASD records for which the ASD.eventType is 2 (Not Ready) and for which the value stored ASD.reasonCode is found in the selected list.

Agent State Detail Report

The Agent State Detail report shows detailed information about when an agent changed from one state to another.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent State Detail report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent State Detail report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 27. Agent State Detail Report Query Design



Agent Name

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent. Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs. Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.


For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

State Transition Time

Obtained from ASD.eventDateTime.

For agent identification, join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID, and join ASD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, the combination of which uniquely identifies an agent.

Agent State

Obtained from ASD.eventType. The mapping between the numeric ASD.eventType and the displayed text is as follows:


2—Not Ready







Obtained from the reasoncodelabelmap table. If the reason mapping is not available, then the reason code is obtained from the agentstatedetail table and displayed.


Time agent goes out of the state specified in the Agent State field – Time Agent goes to Agent State

The calculation of the duration depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes to Agent State before the report start time and goes out of that state after the report end time:

    Duration = report end time – report start time

  • An agent goes to Agent State before the report start time and goes out of that state during the report period:

    Duration = time agent goes out of Agent State – report start time

  • An agent goes to Agent State during the report period and goes out of that state after the report end time:

    Duration = report end time – Transition Time

  • An agent goes to Agent State and out of Agent State during the report period:

    Duration = time agent goes out of Agent State – Transition Time

Table 28. Agent State Detail Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filter parameter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Search and display the Resource table for agents who are active (Resource.active is 1) or who are deleted after report start time (Resource.dateInactive is later than the report start time). In this way, the report does not include agents who are deleted before the report start time.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Name

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Agent State Summary Report (by Agent and Interval)

The Agent State Summary report (by Agent) and the Agent State Summary report (by Interval) show the length and percentage of time that each agent spent in each of the following agent states: Not Ready,Ready, Reserved, Talk, and Work. These reports also show the total length of time that each agent was logged in.

In the Agent State Summary report (by Agent), information presented is sorted first by agent, then by interval.

In the Agent State Summary report (by Interval), information presented is sorted first by interval, then by agent.

Table 1shows how the information in the Agent State Summary reports is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent State Summary reports filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 29. Agent State Summary Reports Query Design



Agent Name

Join ASD.agentID with Resource.resourceID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.


For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Interval Start Time

Beginning of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Interval End Time

End of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Total Logged-in Time

Login time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 1 (log in). Logout time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 7 (log out).

The calculation of the logged-in time for a single session depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent logs in and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – login time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – Interval Start Time

  • An agent logs in during the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End Time – login time

If an agent has multiple login sessions during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each login session.

Not Ready Time

Total time that an agent spent in Not Ready state during the interval, and the percentage of total logged-in time that an agent spent in Not Ready state.

The time that an agent goes to Not Ready state is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 2. The time spent in Not Ready state depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes in to and out of Not Ready state during the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = time out of Not Ready state – time in to Not Ready state

  • An agent goes in to Not Ready state before the interval and goes out of Not Ready state after the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Not Ready state before the interval and goes out of Not Ready state during the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = time out of Not Ready state – Interval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Not Ready state during the interval and goes out of Not Ready state after the interval:

    Total Not Ready Time = Interval End Time – time in to Not Ready state

If an agent goes to Not Ready state multiple times during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each Not Ready state.

The percentage is calculated as:

(Not Ready Time / Total Logged-in Time) * 100%

Ready Time

Total time that an agent spent in Ready state during the interval, and the percentage of total logged-in time that an agent spent in Ready state.

The time that an agent goes to the Ready state is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 3. The time spent in Ready state depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes in to and out of Ready state during the interval:

    Total Ready Time = time out of Ready state – time in to Ready state

  • An agent goes in to Ready state before the interval and goes out of Ready state after the interval:

    Total Ready Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Ready state before the interval and goes out of Ready state during the interval:

    Total Ready Time = time out of Ready state – Interval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Ready state during the interval and goes out of Ready state after the interval:

    Total Ready Time = Interval End Time – time in to Ready state

If an agent goes to Ready state multiple times during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each Ready state.

The percentage is calculated as:

(Ready Time / Total Logged-in Time) * 100%

Reserved Time

Total time an agent spent in the Reserved state during the interval, and the percentage total logged-in time that an agent spent in Reserved state.

The time that an agent goes to the Reserved state is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 4. The time spent in Reserved state depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes in to and out of Reserved state during the interval:

    Total Reserved Time = time out of Reserved state – time in to Reserved state

  • An agent goes in to Reserved state before the interval and goes out of Reserved state after the interval:

    Total Reserved Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Reserved state before the interval and goes out of Reserved state during the interval:

    Total Reserved Time = time out of Reserved state – Interval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Reserved state during the interval and goes out of Reserved state after the interval:

    Total Reserved Time = Interval End Time – time in to Reserved state

If an agent goes to the Reserved state multiple times during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each Reserved state.

The percentage is calculated as:

(Reserved Time / Total Logged-in Time) * 100%

Talk Time

Total time an agent spent in the Talk state during the interval, and the percentage of total logged-in time that an agent spent in Talk state.

The time that an agent goes to the Talk state is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 5. The time spent in Talk state depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes in to and out of Talk state during the interval:

    Total Talk Time = time out of Talk state – time in to Talk state

  • An agent goes in to Talk state before the interval and goes out of Talk state after the interval:

    Total Talk Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Talk state before the interval and goes out of Talk state during the interval:

    Total Talk Time = time out of Talk state – Interval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Talk state during the interval and goes out of Talk state after the interval:

    Total Talk Time = Interval End Time – time in to Talk state

If an agent goes to the Talk state multiple times during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each Talk state.

The percentage is calculated as:

(Talk Time / Total Logged-in Time) * 100%

Work Time

Total time an agent spent in the Work state during the interval, and the percentage of total logged-in time that an agent spent in Work state.

The time that an agent goes to the Work state is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 6. The time spent in Work state depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes in to and out of Work state during the interval:

    Total Work Time = time out of Work state – time in to Work state

  • An agent goes in to Work state before the interval and goes out of Work state after the interval:

    Total Work Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Work state before the interval and goes out of Work state during the interval:

    Total Work Time = time out of Work state – Interval Start Time

  • An agent goes in to Work state during the interval and goes out of Work state after the interval:

    Total Work Time = Interval End Time – time in to Work state

If an agent goes to the Work state multiple times during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each Work state.

The percentage is calculated as:

(Work Time / Total Logged-in Time) * 100%


For the Agent State Summary report (by Agent): Summation of data in each report field across all intervals.

For the Agent State Summary report (by Interval): Summation of data in each report field during each interval.

Grand Total

Summation of data in all report fields for all intervals.

Table 30. Agent State Summary Reports Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filter parameter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Search the Resource table for records with resourceType set to 1 (agent). Resource ID is stored in the Resource.resourceID field.

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Interval Length

Options are entire report period (default), 30 minutes, 60 minutes.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group name(s) from the user selection for this parameter. Find the corresponding RG.resourceGroupID(s). Join RG.resourceGroupID with Resource.resourceGroupID to find agents belonging to the selected resource group(s). The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. Find the corresponding Resource.resourceID(s).

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Skill Names

To report on agents who possess a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Find the corresponding Skill.skillID(s). Join Skill.skillID with RSM.skillID and join RSM.resourceSkillMapID with Resource.resourceSkillMapID to find the agents who possess the selected skill(s). The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ASD.resourceID to obtain other call-related data.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records in which Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and join Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. The Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Agent Summary Report

The Agent Summary report contains one row per agent. Each row contains a summary of the activities of an agent.

The ACD table contains information of the agents who handled ACD calls. This table provides the basic data for the Agent Summary report.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Summary report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 31. Agent Summary Report Query Design



Agent Name

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to get ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. ACD.resourceID contains the resource ID of the agent who handled the call. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.


For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Avg Logged-In Time

The ASD provides the times that each agent logs in and logs out. The length of time between log in and log out is the agent logged-in time. Login time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 1 (log in). Logout time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 7 (log out).

The calculation of the average logged-in time depends on the agent activity, as follows. In these calculations, t1 is the report start time and t2 is the report end time.

  • An agent logs in before t1 and logs out between t1 and t2:

    Logged-in duration = logout time – t1

  • An agent logs in between t1 and t2 and logs out after t2:

    Logged-in duration = t2 – login time

  • An agent logs in between t1 and t2 and logs out between t1 and t2:

    Logged-in duration = logout time – login time

  • An agent logs in before t1 and logs out after t2:

    Logged-in duration = t2 – t1

The average logged-in time for an agent is calculated as follows:

Calculate the total logged-in time for an agent during the report period and divide by the number of logged-in sessions.

Calls Handled

Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. For each agent, count the number of unique CCD.sessionID that meet the following criteria:

  • CCD.startDateTime is in the report period
  • CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled)
  • ACD.talkTime is greater than zero

Calls Presented

Join ACD and CCD on sessionID and sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. For each agent, count the number of unique CCD.sessionID with CCD.startDateTime falling within the report period.

Handle Ratio

Call Handled divided by Calls Presented.

Handle Time—Avg

Each call handled by an agent has an ACD record. The handle time of a call is calculated as follows:

ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime

The average handle time is the sum of the handle times of all the calls handled by the agent within the report period divided by the number of calls handled within the report period.

Handle Time—Max

Each call handled by an agent has an ACD record. The handle time of a call is calculated as follows:

ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime

The maximum handle time for an agent is the longest handle time of all calls handled by the agent within the report period.

Talk Time—Avg

Talk time of a call is obtained from ACD.talkTime.

The average talk time for an agent is the sum of talk times of all calls handled by the agent within the report period divided by the number of calls handled within the report period.

Talk Time—Max

Talk time of a call is obtained from ACD.talkTime.

Maximum talk time for an agent is the longest talk time of all the calls handled by the agent within the report period.

Hold Time—Avg

Hold time of a call is obtained from ACD.holdTime.

Average hold time for an agent is the sum of the hold times of all calls handled by the agent within the report period divided by the number of calls handled calls within the report period.

Hold Time—Max

Hold time of a call is obtained from ACD.holdTime.

The maximum hold time for an agent is the longest hold time of all calls handled by the agent within the report period.

Work Time—Avg

Work time of a call is obtained from ACD.workTime.

The average work time for an agent is the sum of work times of all calls handled by the agent within the report period divided by the number of calls handled within the report period.

Work Time—Max

Work time of a call is obtained from ACD.workTime.

The maximum work time for an agent is the longest work time of all the calls handled by the agent within the report period.

Idle Time—Avg

The ASD records the date and time that an agent goes to a specific state. Idle time is the time spent in the Not Ready state (2). While in the Not Ready state (2), an agent can go to Ready state (3), Reserved state (4), or Logout state (7).

An idle session begins when an agent goes to Not Ready state and ends when the agent goes to the next state (Ready, Reserved, or Logout). The length of time that the agent spends in Not Ready state is the duration of an idle session.

The average idle time for an agent is the sum of the durations of all of an agent’s idle sessions within the report period divided by the number of idle sessions within the report period.

Idle Time—Max

The ASD records the date and time that an agent goes to a specific state. Idle time is the time spent in the Not Ready state (2). While in the Not Ready state (2), an agent can go to Ready state (3), Reserved state (4), or Logout state (7).

An idle session begins when an agent goes to Not Ready state and ends when the agent goes to the next state (Ready, Reserved, or Logout). The length of time that the agent spends in Not Ready state is the duration of an idle session.

The maximum idle time for an agent is the longest duration of the idle sessions within the report period.

Table 32. Agent Summary Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All Agents (default, no filtering parameters)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Search and display the Resource table for agents who are active (Resource.active = 1) or who are deleted after the report start time (Resource.dateInactive later than the report start time, which means that the agent is still active during the report period). In this way, the report does not include agents who are deleted before the report start time.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected resource group(s). Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are found in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records whose Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents who have the selected skill(s). Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who were active during the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records in which Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and join Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. The Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

This report displays only the active agents and the agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Top N Calls Handled/Presented Ratio

To report on N agents who rank highest in the calls handled/presented ratio, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by the calls handled/presented ratio in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the top N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Bottom N Calls Handled/Presented Ratio

To report on N agents who rank lowest in the calls handled/presented ratio, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by the calls handled/presented ratio in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the bottom N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Top N Avg Hold Time

To report on N agents who rank highest in average hold time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average hold time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the top N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Bottom N Avg Hold Time

To report on N agents who rank lowest in average hold time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average hold time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the bottom N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Top N Avg Talk Time

To report on N agents who rank highest in average talk time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average talk time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the top N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Bottom N Avg Talk Time

To report on N agents who rank lowest in average talk time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average talk time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the bottom N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Top N Avg Work Time

To report on N agents who rank highest in average work time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average work time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the top N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Bottom N Avg Work Time

To report on N agents who rank lowest in average work time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average work time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the bottom N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Top N Avg Handle Time

To report on N agents who rank highest in average handle time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average handle time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the top N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Bottom N Avg Handle Time

To report on N agents who rank lowest in average handle time, obtain the list of resource IDs as follows:

Rank the agents by average handle time in descending order. In case of a tie, order the agents alphabetically by Resource.resourceLoginID. Select the bottom N agents. The value of resource ID is stored in Resource.resourceID.

Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID to obtain other call-related data.

Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report

The Agent Wrap-up Data Detail report shows the details entered by an agent when entering the work state after attending an ACD. This report is available with the Agent Wrap-up feature.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Wrap-up Data Detail report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Wrap-up Data Detail report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 33. Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report Query Design



Agent Name

For ACD calls, an agent is identified by the combination of ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

For IVR calls, if an agent is the originator of the call, the agent is identified by CCD.originatorID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.originatorType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

If an agent is the destination of an IVR call, the agent is identified by CCD.destinationID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.destinationType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.


For ACD calls, an agent is identified by the combination of ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

For IVR calls, if an agent is the originator of the call, the agent is identified by CCD.originatorID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.originatorType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

If an agent is the destination of an IVR call, the agent is identified by CCD.destinationID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.destinationType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.extension.

Node ID

Obtained from CCD.nodeID.

Session ID

Obtained from CCD.sessionID.

Sequence No.

Obtained from CCD.sessionSeqNum.

Call Start Time

Obtained from ACD.startDateTime.

Call End Time

Obtained from ACD.endDateTime.

Call ANI

Agent identification is stored in ACD (see Agent Name earlier in this table). Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. The value of this field is obtained from CCD.originatorDN.

Called Number

Agent identification is stored in ACD (see Agent Name earlier in this table). Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. The value of this field is obtained from CCD.calledNumber.

Call Routed CSQ

Join ACD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled). The combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Join CQD.targetID with CSQ.recordID, and join CQD.profileID with CSQ.profileID to obtain the CSQ name, which is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Talk Time

Obtained from ACD.talkTime.

Hold Time

Obtained from ACD.holdTime.

Work Time

Obtained from ACD.workTime.

Wrap-up Data

Obtained from ACD.callWrapupData.

Table 34. Agent Wrap-up Data Detail Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Team Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report

The Agent Wrap-up Data Summary report displays shows detailed information about Wrap-up data. This report is available with the Agent Wrap-up feature.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Wrap-up Data Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Wrap-up Data Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 35. Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report Query Design



Wrap-up Data

Obtained from ACD.callWrapupData.

Total ACD Calls

For the selected Wrap-up data, count the number of ACD records.

Total Handle Time

For the selected Wrap-up data, for all ACD records, calculate (ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime).

Average Handle Time

Total Handle Time / Total ACD Calls.

Max Handle Time

For the selected Wrap-up data, for all ACD records, find the one with maximum (talkTime + holdTime + workTime).

Total Talk Time

For the selected Wrap-up data, for all ACD records, determine the total ACD.talkTime.

Average Talk Time

Total Talk Time / Total ACD Calls.

Max Talk Time

For the selected Wrap-up data, for all ACD records, find the one with the maximum ACD.talkTime.

Total Talk Time as % of Total Handle Time

(Total Talk Time / Total Handle Time) * 100%

Total Work Time

For the selected Wrap-Up data, for all ACD records, determine the total ACD.workTime.

Average Work Time

Total Work Time / Total ACD Calls.

Max Work Time

For the selected Wrap-up data, for all ACD records, find the one with the maximum ACD.workTime.

Total Work Time as % of Total Handle Time

(Total Work Time / Total Handle Time) * 100%

Table 36. Agent Wrap-up Data Summary Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Wrap-up Data

To report on a specific Wrap-up data, obtain the list of data from the user selection for this parameter. Look up these selections in the ACD table, and include the corresponding ACD records.

Call Custom Variables Report

The Call Custom Variables report shows information about custom variables that are set by the Set Enterprise Call step in the workflow that the Unified CCX or Cisco Unified IP IVR application associated with a call invoked. This information comes from the CCD table.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Call Custom Variables report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Call Custom Variables report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 37. Call Custom Variables Report Query Design



Node ID

Obtained from CCD.nodeID

Session ID

Obtained from CCD.sessionID.

Sequence No.

Obtained from CCD.sessionSeqNum.

Start Time

Obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

End Time

Obtained from CCD.endDateTime.

Contact Disposition

Obtained from CCD.contactDisposition.

Agent Name

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to obtain ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. ACD.resourceID contains the resource ID of the agent who handled the call. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

Blank for ACD calls that were not handled by any agent and for IVR calls.

Application Name

Obtained from CCD.applicationName.

Custom Variable 1

Obtained from CCD.customVariable1.

Custom Variable 2

Obtained from CCD.customVariable2.

Custom Variable 3

Obtained from CCD.customVariable3.

Custom Variable 4

Obtained from CCD.customVariable4.

Custom Variable 5

Obtained from CCD.customVariable5.

Custom Variable 6

Obtained from CCD.customVariable6.

Custom Variable 7

Obtained from CCD.customVariable7.

Custom Variable 8

Obtained from CCD.customVariable8.

Custom Variable 9

Obtained from CCD.customVariable9.

Custom Variable 10

Obtained from CCD.customVariable10.

Called Number Summary Activity Report

The Called Number Summary Activity report contains one row per called number. The called number is stored in CCD.origCalledNumber.

Outgoing calls are not included in this report.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Called Number Summary Activity report is obtained or calculated.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 38. Called Number Summary Activity Report Query Design



Called Number

Obtained from CCD.calledNumber

Call Type

Obtained from CCD.destinationType. The value 1 (agent) indicates an IVR call. The value 2 (device) indicates an ACD call. The value 3 (unknown) indicates an outgoing call or a call to an unmonitored device, and is not reported.

Total Calls

For each unique CCD.calledNumber, count the number of CCD records.

Avg Calls (per day)

Total calls divided by the number of days in the report period.

The number of days in the report period is calculated as follows. This information is displayed in units of days, rounded up to the next integer.

report end time – report start time

For example, if the report start time and the report end time are on the same day, the number of days is 1.

Avg Call Duration

Duration of a call is obtained from CCD.connectTime. Average call duration of a called number is calculated by the sum of CCD.connectTime of all calls for that called number, divided by the number of calls to that number.

Table 39. Call Custom Variables Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Original Called Number

To report on a specific original called number or numbers, obtain the list of original called numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records whose value stored in CCD.origCalledNumber is in the selected list.

Called Number

To report on a specific called number or numbers, obtain the list of called numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records whose value stored in CCD.calledNumber is in the selected list.

Calling Number

To report on a specific calling number or numbers, obtain the list of calling numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find at CCD records whose value stored in CCD.originatorDN is in the selected list.

Application Name

To report on a specific application name or names, obtain the list of application names from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records whose value stored in CCD.applicationName is in the selected list.

Contact Type

To report on a specific contact type or types, obtain the list of contact type names from the user selection for this parameter. The numeric ID is mapped to contact type name as follows:






6—outbound preview

Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.contactType is in the selected list.

Originator Type

To report on a specific originator types, obtain the list of originator types from the user selection for this parameter. The numeric ID is mapped to originator type name as follows:




Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.originatorType is in the selected list.

Destination Type

To report on a specific destination type, obtain the list of destination type from the user selection for this parameter. The numeric ID is mapped to destination type name is as follows:




Find at CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.destinationType is in the selected list.

Duration Greater Than or Equal to T seconds

To report on calls with duration greater than or equal to T seconds, obtain the value of T from the user input for this parameter. The call duration is calculated as CCD.endDateTime minus CCD.startDateTime, in number of seconds. Find CCD records with call duration greater than or equal to T.

Duration Less Than or Equal to T seconds

To report on calls with duration less than or equal to T seconds, obtain the value of T from the user input for this parameter. The call duration is calculated as CCD.endDateTime minus CCD.startDateTime, in number of seconds. Find CCD records with call duration less than or equal to T.

Custom Variable 1

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable1 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 2

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable2 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 3

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable3 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 4

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable4 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 5

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable5 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 6

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable6 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 7

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable7 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 8

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable8 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 9

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable9 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Custom Variable 10

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.customVariable10 matches the user input either partially or wholly.

Any Custom Variable

Obtain the string from the user input for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in any of the 10 custom variables matches the user input either partially or wholly. The value of custom variable is stored in CCD.customVariablen, where n = 1 to 10.

Common Skill Contact Service Queue Activity Report (by Interval)

The Common Skill Contact Service Queue Activity report (by Interval) shows summary information about calls presented, calls handled, and calls abandoned for each group of contact service queues (CSQs). (Such a group consists of CSQs that are configured with the same skill or skills and with different competence levels.)

Table 1 shows how the information in the Common Skill Contact Service Queue Activity report (by Interval) is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Common Skill Contact Service Queue Activity report (by Interval) filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 40. Common Skill Contact Service Queue Activity Report (by Interval) Query Design



Interval Start Time

Beginning of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Interval End Time

End of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Skills (Competence Level)

CSQU.recordID is used to obtain CSQU.skillGroupID. Join CSQU.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to obtain SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to obtain the list of skill names, which is stored in Skill.skillName. Competence level is obtained from SG.competenceLevel.

Calls Presented— Total

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to that CSQ.

Calls Presented— Queue Time Avg

Queue Time is stored in CQD.queueTime. Determine the sum of CQD.queueTime values for all calls presented to this CSQ, then divide by Calls Presented—Total, if calls presented is not zero. If it is zero, this field is set to zero.

Calls Presented— Queue Time Max

Maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime, for all calls presented to this CSQ.

Calls Handled— Total

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by the CSQ.

Calls Handled— Handle Time Avg

Handle time of a call is calculated as (ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime). Determine the sum of handle times for all calls handled by this CSQ, then divide by Calls Handled—Total, if calls handled is not zero. If it is zero, this field is set to zero.

Calls Handled— Handle Time Max

Handle time of a call is calculated as (ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime). This field is set to the maximum value of handle time for all calls handled by this CSQ.

Calls Abandoned— Total

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls abandoned from the CSQ.

Calls Abandoned— Queue Time Avg

Queue Time is stored in CQD.queueTime. Determine the sum of CQD.queueTime values for all calls abandoned from this CSQ, then divide by Calls Abandoned—Total, if calls abandoned is not zero. If it is zero, this field is set to zero.

Calls Abandoned— Queue Time Max

Maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime, for all calls abandoned from this CSQ.

Service Level— Percentage SL Met

Join CQD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, profileID, and qIndex. Additional search criteria is CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.metServiceLevel is 1.

For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, determine the number of CQD records, which is the number of Calls Handled Within Service Level.

This field is calculated as follows, if Calls Presented—Total is not zero:

(Calls Handled Within Service Level / Calls Presented) * 100%

If Calls Presented—Total is zero, this field is set to zero.

Summary for Skills

Summation of statistics for all CSQs within the same logical CSQ group.

Table 41. Common Skill Contact Service Queue Activity Report (by Interval) Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Interval Length

Options are entire report period (default), 30 minutes, 60 minutes.

CSQ Names

To report on a specific CSQ or CSQs, obtain the list of the CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Join CSQ.recordID with CQD.targetID, and join CSQ.profileID with CQD.profileID to obtain the CQD records for the specified CSQs. For these CQD records, CQD.targetType should be 0 (CSQ type). Join CQD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain other information stored in the CCD table.

Contact Service Queue Activity Report

The Contact Service Queue Activity report shows one line for each CSQ that is configured in Unified CCX. A CSQ can be configured based on resource group or based on resource skill.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Contact Service Queue Activity report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Contact Service Queue Activity report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 42. Contact Service Queue Activity Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Call Skills

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. Join CSQ.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to obtain SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to obtain the list of skill names, which are stored in Skill.skillName. Multiple skill names are separated by commas.

Calls Presented

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to that CSQ.

Average Queue Time

Calculated as total queue time / Calls Presented.

To obtain total queue time, Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime.

Max Queue Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, determine the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime.

Calls Handled

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by the CSQ.

Avg Speed of Answer

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.ringTime to obtain total ring time, and calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime to obtain total queue time.

If Calls Handled is not zero, the Avg Speed of Answer is calculated as:

total queue time / Calls Handled

Here total queue time includes the total ring time. If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Avg Handle Time

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.talkTime, ACD.holdTime, and ACD.workTime to obtain the total handle time for all calls handled. Handle time for a call is defined as talk time + hold time + work time.

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as:

total handle time / Calls Handled

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Max Handle Time

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the handle time for each call as follows:

ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime

This field shows the maximum handle time for all calls handled by this CSQ.

Calls Abandoned

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls abandoned from the CSQ.

Avg Time to Abandon

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime to obtain total queue time for abandoned calls.

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is:

total queue time / Calls Abandoned

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Max Time to Abandon

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, find the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime.

Avg Abandon Per Day

Calculated as Calls Abandoned / number of days during report period.

The number of days is calculated as follows. This information is displayed in units of days, rounded up to the next integer.

report end time – report start time

For example, if the report start time and the report end time are on the same day, the number of days is 1.

Max Abandon Per Day

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ and each day during the report period, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls abandoned from the CSQ. CCD.startDateTime is used to determine on which day a call is abandoned.

For each CSQ, find the maximum number of calls abandoned on a particular day during the report period.

Calls Dequeued

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls dequeued from the CSQ.

Avg Time to Dequeue

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime to determine queue time.

If Calls Dequeued is not zero, this field is calculated as:

total queue time / Calls Dequeued

If Calls Dequeued is zero, this field is zero.

Max Time to Dequeue

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, determine the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime.

Calls Handled by Other

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are: CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 4 (handled by script) or 5 (handled by another CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by script or another CSQ.

Table 43. Contact Service Queue Activity Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID for CSQs with CSQ.dateInactive set to null or set to a date/time later than the report start time. This action determines the active CSQs and CSQs that are deleted after the report start time (they are still active during the report period).

CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID.

CSQ Types

To report on a specific CSQ type or types, obtain the list of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID from the user selection for this parameter as follows:

  • If user selects Resource Group, search the CSQ table for records with CSQ.resourcePoolType = 1 (resource group type).
  • If user selects Skill Group, search the CSQ table for records with CSQ.resourcePoolType = 2 (skill group type).
  • If user selects both Resource Group and Skill Group, search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID.

Contact Service Queue Activity Reports (by CSQ and Interval)

The Contact Service Queue Activity report (by CSQ) and the Contact Service Queue Activity report (by Interval) show information about service levels, and about the number and percentage of calls presented, handled, abandoned, and dequeued.

In the Contact Service Queue Activity report (by CSQ), information presented is sorted first by CSQ, then by interval.

In the Contact Service Queue Activity report (by Interval), information presented is sorted first by interval, then by CSQ.

Table 1shows how the information in the Contact Service Queue Activity reports is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Contact Service Queue Activity reports filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 44. Contact Service Queue Activity Reports Query Design



CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 1. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Call Skills

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. Join CSQ.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to get SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to obtain the list of skill names, which is stored in Skill.skillName. Multiple skill names are separated with commas.

Interval Start Time

Beginning of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Interval End Time

End of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Service Level (sec)

Obtained from CSQU.serviceLevel.

Calls Hand < SL

Join ACD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex. Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.metServiceLevel is 1. For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records.

Calls Aband < SL

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned), and CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type). For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records with CQD.metServiceLevel = 1.

Percentage of Service Level Met— Only Handled

Considers calls that were handled only, regardless of whether they were handled within the service level. This value does not consider calls that were abandoned.

This value is calculated as follows:

(number of calls handled within service level / number of calls handled) * 100%

Percentage of Service Level Met— Without Abandon

Does not include information for calls that were abandoned within the service level.

This value is calculated as follows:

(number of calls handled within service level / (number of calls presented – number of calls abandoned within service level)) * 100%

Percentage of Service Level Met— Positive Abandon

Considers calls that were abandoned within the service level as meeting the service level.

This value is calculated as follows:

((number of calls handled within service level + number of calls abandoned within service level) / number of calls presented) * 100%

Percentage of Service Level Met— Negative Abandon

Considers calls that were abandoned within the service level as not meeting the service level.

This value is calculated as follows:

(number of calls handled within service level / number of calls presented) * 100%

Calls Presented

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is during the report period.) The additional search criterion is CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. CSQ record ID and profile ID are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to that CSQ.

Calls Handled

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition = 2 (handled) and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process determines the calls handled by agents. To obtain the CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. CSQ record ID and profile ID are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by the CSQ.

The percentage is calculated as follows:

(calls handled / calls presented) * 100%

Calls Abandoned

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned), and CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type). For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records.

The percentage is calculated as follows:

(calls abandoned / calls presented) * 100%

Calls Dequeued

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued via Dequeue step), 4 (call handled by workflow script and therefore dequeued from this CSQ), or 5 (handled by another CSQ and therefore dequeued from this CSQ). For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records.

The percentage is calculated as follows:

(calls dequeued / calls presented) * 100%

Table 45. Contact Service Queue Activity Reports Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter)

To report on all agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Search and display the Resource table for agents who are active (Resource.active = 1) or who are deleted after report start time (Resource.dateInactive is later than report start time, which means that agent is still active during the report period). In this way, the report does not include agents who are deleted before the report start time.

Interval Length

Options are entire report period (default), 30 minutes, 60 minutes.

CSQ Name

To report on a specific CSQ or CSQs, obtain the list of the CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Join CSQ.recordID with CQD.targetID, and join CSQ.profileID with CQD.profileID to obtain the CQD records for the specified CSQs. For these CQD records, CQD.targetType should be 0 (CSQ type). Join CQD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain other information stored in the CCD table.

Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary Report

The Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary report shows the number and percentage of calls handled and dequeued in four different time intervals. The time interval lengths can be configured by users.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 46. Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Call Skills

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. Join CSQ.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to obtain SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to obtain the list of skill names, which are stored in Skill.skillName. Multiple skill names are separated by commas.

Calls Handled

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by the CSQ.

Total Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–T sec

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to T seconds.

Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–T sec

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as

(Total Calls Handled with Queue Time in 0–T seconds / Calls Handled) * 100%

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Total Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–2T sec

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to 2T seconds.

Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–2T sec

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Handled with Queue Time in 0–2T seconds / Calls Handled) * 100%

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Total Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–3T sec

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to 3T seconds.

Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–3T sec

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Handled with Queue Time in 0–3T seconds / Calls Handled) * 100%

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Total Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–4T sec

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to 4T seconds.

Percentage Calls Handled With Queue Time 0–4T sec

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Handled with Queue Time in 0–4T seconds / Calls Handled) * 100%

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Calls Abandoned

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls abandoned from the CSQ.

Total Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–T

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to T seconds.

Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–T

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Abandoned with Queue Time 0–T seconds / Calls Abandoned) * 100%

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Total Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–2T sec

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to 2T seconds.

Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–2T sec

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Abandoned with Queue Time 0–2T seconds / Calls Abandoned) * 100%

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Total Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–3T sec

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to 3T seconds.

Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–3T sec

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Abandoned with Queue Time 0–3T seconds / Calls Abandoned) * 100%

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Total Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–4T sec

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records in which the value stored in CQD.queueTime is less than or equal to 4T seconds.

Percentage Calls Abandoned With Queue Time 0–4T sec

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Calls Abandoned with Queue Time 0–4T seconds / Calls Abandoned) * 100%

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Table 47. Contact Service Queue Call Distribution Summary Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID for CSQs with CSQ.dateInactive set to null or set to a date/time later than the report start time. This action determines the active CSQs and CSQs that are deleted after the report start time (they are still active during the report period).

CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID.

Time Interval (sec) T

Obtained from user input for this parameter. Indicates the length of the time interval, in number of seconds.

Contact Service Queue Priority Summary Report

The Contact Service Queue Priority Summary report shows the total number of calls presented to each CSQ selected. It also shows the total number of calls by priority and the average number of calls per day, by priority, that were presented to each CSQ.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Contact Service Queue Priority Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Contact Service Queue Priority Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 48. Contact Service Queue Priority Summary Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Call Skills

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. Join CSQ.skillGroupID with SG.skillGroupID to get SG.skillID. Join SG.skillID with Skill.skillID to get the list of skill names, stored in Skill.skillName. Multiple skill names are separated by commas.

Total Calls Presented

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (The corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period). Additional search criterion is CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type). For each CSQ, which is uniquely identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to each CSQ.

Total Number of Calls by Priority (Priority 1 through Priority 10)

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (The corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Join CQD and CRD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex. Additional search criterion is CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type).

For each CSQ (identified by CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID) and each call priority (identified by CRD.finalPriority), count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to each CSQ for each call priority.

Average Number of Calls by Priority (Priority 1 through Priority 10)

If the number of days within the report period is not zero, this field is calculated as follows:

(Total Calls Presented by Call Priority / number of days within report period) * 100%

If the number of days within the report period is zero, this field is zero.

Number of days within report period is the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime for all calls abandoned from this CSQ.

Table 49. Contact Service Queue Priority Summary Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID for CSQs with CSQ.dateInactive set to null or set to a date/time later than the report start time. This action determines the active CSQs and CSQs that are deleted after the report start time (they are still active during the report period).

CSQ Name

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID.

Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report

The Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary report contains information about the total number and percentage of calls that are handled within a service level and the number and percentage of calls that are handled within service level for each call priority.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 50. Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report Query Design



CSQ Name (Call Skills)

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Service Level (sec)

Obtained from CSQ.serviceLevel

Calls Presented

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (The corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criterion is CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type).

For each CSQ, which is uniquely identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to each CSQ.

Total Service Level Met

Join CCD, CQD, and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. Join CQD and ACD also on qIndex. Additional search criteria are: CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), CQD.disposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime is greater than zero.

For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records whose value in CQD.metServiceLevel is 1. This is the number of calls handled by each CSQ which met the specified service level.

Percent SL Met

If Calls Presented is not zero, this field is calculated as:

(Total Service Level Met / Calls Presented) * 100%

If Calls Presented is zero, this field is zero.

Number of Calls that Met Service Level for Each Call Priority (Priority 1 through Priority 10)

Join CCD, CQD, and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. Join CQD and ACD also on qIndex. Join CRD also on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, profileID, and qIndex. The call priority is stored in CRD.finalPriority. Additional search criteria are, CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), CQD.disposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime is grater than 0.

For each CSQ (identified by CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID), and each call priority (identified by CRD.finalPriority), count the number of CQD records for which the value of CQD.metServiceLevel is 1. This total is the number of calls handled by each CSQ for each call priority which met the specified service level.

Percentage of Calls that Met Service Level for Each Call Priority (Priority 1 through Priority 10)

If total calls presented for each call priority is not zero, this field is calculated as follows:

(number of calls that met SL for each call priority / total calls presented for each call priority) * 100%

If total calls presented for each call priority is zero, this field is zero.

Total calls presented for each call priority is calculated as follows:

For each CSQ (identified by CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID) and each call priority (identified by CRD.finalPriority), count the number of CQD records. This total is the number of calls handled by each CSQ for each call priority which met the specified service level.

Table 51. Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID for CSQs with CSQ.dateInactive set to null or set to a date/time later than the report start time. This action determines the active CSQs and CSQs that are deleted after the report start time (they are still active during the report period).

CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID.

CSQ-Agent Summary Report

An agent can handle calls for multiple CSQs. The CSQ-Agent Summary report shows, for each agent, information about calls handled in each CSQ.

Table 1 shows how the information in the CSQ-Agent Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the CSQ-Agent Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 52. CSQ-Agent Summary Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Agent Name

Call record tables (ACD and ASD) refer to agent by resource ID and profile ID. Given Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, search the Resource table for corresponding Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID. These two fields uniquely identify an agent. The agent name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



Note: One resourceName/resourceLoginID combination may have multiple resourceID/profileID combinations, because when an agent has a certain attribute changed (for example, extension or resource group), a resource ID is created and the old one is set to Deactivated.


Given Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID, search the Resource table for the corresponding Resource.extension.

If an agent extension changed, display the most recent extension assigned to the agent.

Calls Handled

A handled call has a CCD record, a CQD record for the CSQ that the call is routed to, and an ACD record for the agent who handles the call. The talk time in ACD should be greater than zero.

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to find the CQD record for the CSQ to which the call is routed. Join CQD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum nodeID, profileID, and qIndex to find the agent who handles the call. Additional search criteria are CQD.disposition is 2 (handled), CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and ACD.talkTime is greater than zero.

To uniquely identify a CSQ, the CSQ record ID and profile ID are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID.

To uniquely identify an agent, obtain resource ID and resource login ID as follows: join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to find Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID.

For each CSQ-Agent combination (CSQ is identified by CSQ.recordID/CSQ.profileID, and agent is identified by Resource.resourceName/Resource.resourceLoginID), count the number of ACD records to determine the number of calls handled by the specified CSQ-Agent combination.

Talk Time Avg

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as Total Talk Time / CallsHandled.

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Talk Time Total

Same calculation as for Calls Handled, but instead of counting the number of ACD records, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.talkTime.

Work Time Avg

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as Total Work Time / Calls Handled.

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Work Time Total

Same calculation as for Calls Handled, but instead of counting the number of ACD records, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.workTime.

Total Ring Time

Same calculation as for Calls Handled, but instead of counting the number of ACD records, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.ringTime.

Calls On Hold

Same calculation as for Calls Handled. An additional search criterion is ACD.holdTime is greater than zero.

For each CSQ-Agent combination, count the number of ACD records. The result is the number of calls put on hold by the specified CSQ-Agent combination.

Hold Time Avg

If Calls on Hold is not zero, this field is calculated as Total Hold Time / Calls on Hold.

If Calls on Hold is zero, this field is zero.

Hold Time Total

Same calculation as for Calls on Hold, but instead of counting the number of ACD records, add up the values stored in ACD.holdTime.


Same calculation as for Calls Handled, but the search criteria should be: ACD.talkTime is zero, and ACD.ringTime is greater than zero.

For each CSQ-Agent combination, count the number of ACD records. This result is the number of calls that go to Ring No Answer (RNA).

Table 53. CSQ-Agent Summary Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


All CSQs (default, no filter parameter)

Search the CSQ table to find CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID for CSQs with CSQ.dateInactive set to null or set to a date/time later than the report start time. This action determines the active CSQs and CSQs that are deleted after the report start time (they are still active during the report period).

CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID.

CSQ All Fields Report

Table 1 shows how the information in the CSQ All Fields Report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the CSQ All fields Report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 54. CSQ All Fields Report Query Design



CSQ Name

The combination of CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID uniquely identifies a CSQ. Obtain these two values as described in Table 2. CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName.

Service Level (sec)

Obtained from CSQU.serviceLevel.

Calls Presented

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls presented to that CSQ.

Calls Handled

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. This process determines the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by the CSQ.

Calls Handled-%

The percentage is calculated as follows: (calls handled / calls presented) * 100%

Calls Handled-Avg Handle Time

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.talkTime, ACD.holdTime, and ACD.workTime to obtain the total handle time for all calls handled. Handle time for a call is defined as talk time + hold time + work time.

If Calls Handled is not zero, this field is calculated as:

total handle time / Calls Handled

If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Calls Handled-Max Handle Time

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the handle time for each call as follows:

ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime

This field shows the maximum handle time for all calls handled by this CSQ.

Calls Abandoned-Abandoned

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned), and CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type). For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records.

Calls Abandoned-%

The percentage is calculated as follows: (calls abandoned / calls presented) * 100%

Calls Abandoned-Avg Abandoned Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime to obtain total queue time for abandoned calls.

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is:

total queue time / Calls Abandoned

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Calls Abandoned-Max Abandoned Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, find the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime.

Calls Dequeued-Dequeued

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued via Dequeue step), 4 (call handled by workflow script and therefore dequeued from this CSQ), or 5 (handled) by another CSQ and therefore dequeued from this CSQ). For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records.

Calls Dequeued-%

The percentage is calculated as follows: (calls dequeued / calls presented) * 100%

Calls Dequeued-Avg Dequeued Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime to determine queue time.

If Calls Dequeued is not zero, this field is calculated as:

total queue time / Calls Dequeued

If Calls Dequeued is zero, this field is zero.

Calls Dequeued-Max Dequeued Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 3 (dequeued).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, determine the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime.

Avg Speed of Answer

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID with CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled), and ACD.talkTime greater than zero. This process provides the calls handled by agents. To obtain CSQ information, join ACD with CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex, with CQD.targetType = 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition = 2 (handled).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in ACD.ringTime to obtain total ring time, and calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime to obtain total queue time.

If Calls Handled is not zero, the Avg Speed of Answer is calculated as:

total queue time / Calls Handled

Here total queue time includes the total ring time. If Calls Handled is zero, this field is zero.

Calls Handled < Service Level

Join ACD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, nodeID, and qIndex. Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.metServiceLevel is 1. For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records.

Calls Abandoned < Service Level

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to determine CQD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have CCD.startDateTime during the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned), and CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type). For each CSQ identified by the combination of CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, count the number of CQD records with CQD.metServiceLevel = 1.

Avg Abandon Per Day

Calculated as Calls Abandoned / number of days during report period.

The number of days is calculated as follows. This information is displayed in units of days, rounded up to the next integer.

report end time – report start time

For example, if the report start time and the report end time are on the same day, the number of days is 1.

Max Abandon Per Day

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values that are within the report period.) Additional search criteria are CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type) and CQD.disposition is 1 (abandoned).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ and each day during the report period, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls abandoned from the CSQ. CCD.startDateTime is used to determine on which day a call is abandoned.

For each CSQ, find the maximum number of calls abandoned on a particular day during the report period.

Calls Handled by Other

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (These records have corresponding CCD.startDateTime values within the report period.) Additional search criteria are: CQD.targetType is 0 (CSQ type), and CQD.disposition is 4 (handled by script) or 5 (handled by another CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, count the number of CQD records to determine the number of calls handled by script or another CSQ.

Average Queue Time

Calculated as total queue time / Calls Presented.

To obtain total queue time, Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, calculate the sum of the values stored in CQD.queueTime.

Max Queue Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to find CQD records during the report period. (For these records, the values of the corresponding CCD.startDateTime is within the report period.) Additional search criterion: CQD.targetType is 0 (type CSQ).

The combination of CSQ record ID and profile ID uniquely identifies a CSQ. These values are stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID, respectively.

For each CSQ, determine the maximum value stored in CQD.queueTime.

Table 55. CSQ All Fields Report Filter Parameter

Filter Parameter


CSQ Names

Obtain the list of CSQ names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the CSQ table to find records for which CSQ.csqName contains values that are in the list. Obtain the corresponding CSQ.recordID and CSQ.profileID

Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report

The Detailed Call by Call CCDR report shows most of the information that is contained in the CCD table. This report also includes information from the CRD and the ACD tables. The report contains one row per call leg (a call transfer or redirect initiates a new call leg).

Table 1 shows how the information in the Detailed Call by Call CCDR report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Detailed Call by Call CCDR report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 56. Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report Query Design



Node ID

Obtained from CCD.nodeID.

Session ID

Obtained from CCD.sessionID.

Sequence No.

Obtained from CCD.sessionSeqNum.

Start Time

Obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

End Time

Obtained from CCD.endDateTime.

Contact T

Obtained from CCD.contactType.

Contact D

Obtained from CCD.contactDisposition.

Originator T

Obtained from CCD.originatorType.

Originator ID

Obtained from CCD.originatorID.

If originator type is 1 (agent), CCD.originatorID is a resource ID. join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to display the agent login ID, which is stored in Resource.resourceLoginID.

Originator DN

(DN = directory number)

If CCD.originatorType is Device (2) or Unknown (3), obtained from CCD.originatorDN.

If CCD.originatorType is Agent (1), join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.extension.

Destination T

Obtained from CCD.destinationType.

Destination ID

Obtained from CCD.destinationID.

If destination type is 1 (agent), CCD.destinationID is a resource ID.join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to display the agent login ID, which is stored in Resource.resourceLoginID.

Destination DN

If CCD.destinationType is Device (2) or Unknown (3), obtained from CCD.destinationDN.

If CCD.destinationType is Agent (1), jCCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID and obtain Resource.extension.

Called Number

Obtained from CCD.calledNumber.

Original Called No.

Obtained from CCD.origCalledNumber.

Application Name

Obtained from CCD.applicationName.

Queue Time

Join CCD and CRD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain value stored in CRD.queueTime.

Blank for IVR calls.

Talk Time

For ACD calls, join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to obtain the value in ACD.talkTime.

For IVR calls, there is no ACD record. Talk time of handled IVR calls (where CCD.contactDisposition set to 2) is calculated as (CCD.endDateTime – CCD.startDateTime). For abandoned IVR calls (where CCD.contactDisposition set to 1), talk time is zero.

Hold Time

For ACD calls, join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to obtain the value in ACD.holdTime.

Blank for IVR calls.

Work Time

For ACD calls, join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID to obtain the value in ACD.workTime.

Blank for IVR calls.sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain value stored in CRD.queueTime.

Table 57. Detailed Call by Call CCDR Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Original Called Number

To report on a specific original called number or numbers, obtain the list of original called numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find each CCD record for which the value stored in CCD.origCalledNumber is in the selected list.

Called Number

To report on a specific called number or numbers, obtain the list of called numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find each CCD record for which the value stored in CCD.calledNumber is in the selected list.

Calling Number

To report on a specific calling number or numbers, obtain the list of calling numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find each CCD record for which the value stored in CCD.originatorDN is in the selected list.

Application Name

To report on a specific application name or names, obtain the list of application names from the user selection for this parameter. Find each CCD record for which the value stored in CCD.applicationName is in the selected list.

Contact Type

To report on a specific contact type or types, obtain the list of contact type names from the user selection for this parameter. The mapping between numeric ID and contact type name is as follows:






6—outbound preview

Find each CCD record for which the value stored in CCD.contactType is in the selected list.

Originator Type

To report on a specific originator type or types, obtain the list of originator type or types from the user selection for this parameter. The mapping between numeric ID and originator type name is as follows:




Find each CCD record for which the value stored in CCD.originatorType is in the selected list.

Destination Type

To report on a specific destination type or types, obtain the list of destination type or types from the user selection for this parameter. The mapping between numeric ID and destination type name is as follows:




Find each CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.destinationType is in the selected list.

Duration Greater Than or Equal to T seconds

To report on calls with durations greater than or equal to T seconds, obtain the value of T from the user input for this parameter. Call duration is calculated as CCD.endDateTime minus CCD.startDateTime, in number of seconds. Find CCD records with call duration greater than or equal to T.

Duration Less Than or Equal to T seconds

To report on calls with durations less than or equal to T seconds, obtain the value of T from the user input for this parameter. The call duration is calculated as CCD.endDateTime minus CCD.startDateTime, in number of seconds. Find at CCD records with call duration less than or equal to T.

Detailed Call CSQ Agent Report

The Detailed Call, CSQ, Agent report shows detailed call information about the CSQ that a call was routed to and the agent that handled the call.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Detailed Call, CSQ, Agent report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Detailed Call, CSQ, Agent report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 58. Detailed Call, CSQ, Agent Report Query Design



Node ID

Obtained from CCD.nodeID.

Session ID

Obtained from CCD.sessionID.

Sequence No.

Obtained from CCD.sessionSeqNum.

Call Start Time

Obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

Call End Time

Obtained from CCD.endDateTime.

Contact Disp

Obtained from CCD.contactDisposition.

Originator DN (Calling Number)

The originator directory number. This number is the same as the calling number. Originator Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Originator Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent. If the call is attended at the non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed. If the call is made from a non-IPCC extension, then the non-IPCC extension is displayed.

  • If Originator Type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If Originator Type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number of the caller.

Destination DN

The destination directory number. Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown.
  • If Destination Type is agent, this field shows the Unified CCX extension of the agent.

  • If destination type is device, this field shows the CTI port number.

  • If destination type is unknown (through a gateway or an unmonitored device), this field shows the telephone number called.

Called Number

Obtained from CCD.calledNumber.

App. Name

Obtained from CCD.applicationName.

CSQ Names

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. Find CQD records with targetType = 0 (CSQ type). The CSQ information is stored in CQD.targetID and CQD.profileID. Join CQD.targetID with CSQ.recordID, and join CQD.profileID with CSQ.profileID. The CSQ name is stored in CSQ.csqName. Multiple CSQ names are separated by commas.

Queue Time

Join CCD and CQD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID. Queue Time is stored in CQD.queueTime.

Agent Name

Join CCD and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

Ring Time

Join CCD and ACD on nodeID, sessionID, sessionSeqNum, and profileID. The value is stored in ACD.ringTime.

Talk Time

For ACD calls, join CCD and ACD on nodeID, sessionID, sessionSeqNum, and profileID. The value is stored in ACD.talkTime.

For IVR calls, there is no ACD record for the call. If the call is handled (CCD.contactDisposition = 2), this field is calculated as (Call End Time – Call Start Time), and shows the result in hh:mm:ss. Otherwise, this field shows zero.

Work Time

Join CCD and ACD on nodeID, sessionID, sessionSeqNum, and profileID. The value is stored in ACD.workTime.

Table 59. Detailed Call, CSQ, Agent Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Called Number

To report on a specific called number or numbers, obtain the list of called numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.calledNumber is in the selected list.

Calling Number

To report on a specific calling number or numbers, obtain the list of calling numbers from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.originatorDN is in the selected list.

Application Name

To report on a specific application name or names, obtain the list of application names from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.applicationName is in the selected list.

Contact Type

To report on a specific contact type or types, obtain the list of contact type names from the user selection for this parameter. The mapping between numeric ID and contact type name is as follows:






6—outbound preview

Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.contactType is in the selected list.

Originator Type

To report on a specific originator type or types, obtain the list of originator types from the user selection for this parameter. The mapping between numeric ID and originator type name is as follows:




Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.originatorType is in the selected list.

Destination Type

To report on a specific destination type or types, obtain the list of destination types from the user selection for this parameter. The mapping between numeric ID and destination type name is as follows:




Find CCD records for which the value stored in CCD.destinationType is in the selected list.

Agent Name

To report on a specific agent or agents, find Resource records in which values in resourceName match the user input for this parameter. Join Resource.resourceID with ACD.resourceID, join and Resource.profileID with ACD.profileID to obtain the corresponding ACD records for the specified agents. Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain other information stored in the CCD table.

CSQ Name

To report on a specific CSQ or CSQs, find for CSQ records in which values in csqName match the user input for this parameter. Join CSQ.recordID with CQD.targetID, and join CSQ.profileID with CQD.profileID to obtain the CQD records for the specified CSQs. For these CQD records, CQD.targetType should be 0 (CSQ type). Join CQD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to obtain other information stored in the CCD table.

Duration Greater Than or Equal to T seconds

To report on calls with durations greater than or equal to T seconds, obtain the value of T from the user input for this parameter. The call duration is calculated as CCD.endDateTime minus CCD.startDateTime, in number of seconds. Find CCD records with call duration greater than or equal to T.

Duration Less Than or Equal to T seconds

To report on calls with durations less than or equal to T seconds, obtain the value of T from the user input for this parameter. The call duration is calculated as CCD.endDateTime minus CCD.startDateTime, in number of seconds. Find CCD records with call duration less than or equal to T.

Reason Report by Agent Grouping Report

The Reason Report by Agent Grouping shows information about the time that each agent spent in Not Ready state based on the Reason selected. This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Reason Report by Agent Grouping report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Reason Report by Agent Grouping report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 60. Reason Report by Agent Grouping Query Design



Agent Name

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent.

Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs.

Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.

Agent ID

Login user ID of the agent. It is obtained from TextAgentStateDetail table.

Agent Extension

For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Interval Start Time

Beginning of an interval.

End users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Interval End Time

End of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Total Logged-in

Login time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 1 (log in). Logout time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 7 (log out).

The calculation of the logged-in time for a single session depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent logs in and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – login time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – Interval Start Time

  • An agent logs in during the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End Time – login time

If an agent has multiple login sessions during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each login session.


Obtained from the reasoncodelabelmap table. If the reason mapping is not available, then the reason code is obtained from the agentstatedetail table and displayed.


Time agent goes out of the state specified in the Agent State field – Time Agent goes to Agent State

The calculation of the duration depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes to Agent State before the report start time and goes out of that state after the report end time:

    Duration = report end time – report start time

  • An agent goes to Agent State before the report start time and goes out of that state during the report period:

    Duration = time agent goes out of Agent State – report start time

  • An agent goes to Agent State during the report period and goes out of that state after the report end time:

    Duration = report end time – Transition Time

  • An agent goes to Agent State and out of Agent State during the report period:

    Duration = time agent goes out of Agent State – Transition Time

Table 61. Reason Report by Agent Grouping Filter Parameters



Interval Length

Entire report range—Displays information from the report start time through the report end time, but does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

Thirty (30) minute intervals—Displays information for 30-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

Sixty (60) minute intervals—Displays information for 60-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Agent List

To report on a specific resource name or names, obtain the list of resource names and profile IDs as folllows:

Obtain the list of resource names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Resource table to find records for which RN.resource contains values found in the list. Resource Name and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourcename and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.


To report on a specific reason or reasons, obtain the list of reason labels or reason codes as follows:

Obtain the list of reasons from the user selection for this parameter. Search the reasoncodelabelmap table to find the reason labels for which reasoncodelabelmap.label contains values found in the list. If the reason mapping is not available, search the agentstatedetail table to find the reason code for which agentstatedetail.code contains values found in the list.

Reason Report by Reason Grouping Report

The Report Reason by Reason Grouping shows information about the time that each agent spent in Not Ready State across each of the selected reason. This report can show information for each 30 or 60 minute interval within the report period.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Reason Report by Reason Grouping report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Reason Report by Reason Grouping report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 62. Reason Report by Reason Grouping Query Design




Obtained from the reasoncodelabelmap table. If the reason mapping is not available, then the reason code is obtained from the agentstatedetail table and displayed.

Interval Start Time

Beginning of an interval.

End users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Interval End Time

End of an interval.

End-users can divide the report period into 30- or 60-minute intervals. (The default interval length is the entire report period.)

Agent Name

For the agents specified, obtain the Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID as described in Table 2. Agent Name is stored in Resource.resourceName.



When an attribute of an agent changes (for example, extension or resource group), the agent will have multiple entries in the Resource table. In this case, each entry will have a different resource ID, so several resource IDs can belong to one agent, and Resource.resourceID will not uniquely identify an agent. Also, one agent may belong to different application profiles, and will have different Resource.profileID entries. Therefore, the combination of Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID is not sufficient to uniquely identify an agent. The combination of Resource.resourceName and Resource.resourceLoginID is used to uniquely identify an agent.

Resource.resourceName itself is not sufficient to do so because different agents may have the same first and last names, but have different resource login IDs.

Resource.resourceLoginID by itself does not uniquely identify an agent because a generic resource login ID (for example, supportagent003) may be used for different agents at different times. The combination of two uniquely identifies an agent.

Agent Login ID

Login user ID of the agent. It is obtained from TextAgentStateDetail table.

Agent Extension

For agents who have not had their extension changed, obtained from Resource.extension.

For agents who have had their extension changed at some time, the extension that is assigned to the agent during the report period.

Total Logged-in

Login time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 1 (log in). Logout time is stored in ASD.eventDateTime with eventType set to 7 (log out).

The calculation of the logged-in time for a single session depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent logs in and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – login time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End TimeInterval Start Time

  • An agent logs in before the interval and logs out during the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = logout time – Interval Start Time

  • An agent logs in during the interval and logs out after the interval:

    Total Logged-in Time = Interval End Time – login time

If an agent has multiple login sessions during the interval, this field displays the sum of the time spent in each login session.


Time agent goes out of the state specified in the Agent State field – Time Agent goes to Agent State

The calculation of the duration depends on the agent activity, as follows:

  • An agent goes to Agent State before the report start time and goes out of that state after the report end time:

    Duration = report end time – report start time

  • An agent goes to Agent State before the report start time and goes out of that state during the report period:

    Duration = time agent goes out of Agent State – report start time

  • An agent goes to Agent State during the report period and goes out of that state after the report end time:

    Duration = report end time – Transition Time

  • An agent goes to Agent State and out of Agent State during the report period:

    Duration = time agent goes out of Agent State – Transition Time

Table 63. Reason Report by Reason Grouping Filter Parameters



Interval Length

Entire report range—Displays information from the report start time through the report end time, but does not display information for specific intervals within the report period.

Thirty (30) minute intervals—Displays information for 30-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 30 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

Sixty (60) minute intervals—Displays information for 60-minute intervals within the report period. The first interval begins at the report start time, the next interval begins 60 minutes after the report start time, and so on.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Agent List

To report on a specific resource name or names, obtain the list of resource names and profile IDs as folllows:

Obtain the list of resource names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Resource table to find records for which RN.resource contains values found in the list. Resource Name and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourcename and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.


To report on a specific reason or reasons, obtain the list of reason labels or reason codes and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of reasons from the user selection for this parameter. Search the reasoncodelabelmap table to find the reason labels for which reasoncodelabelmap.label contains values found in the list. If the reason mapping is not available, search the agentstatedetail table to find the reason code for which agentstatedetail.code contains values found in the list.

Priority Summary Activity Report

The Priority Summary Activity report contains one row per call priority.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Priority Summary Activity report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Priority Summary Activity report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 64. Priority Summary Activity Report Query Design



Call Priority

Obtained from CRD.finalPriority. It is a value from 1 through 10.

Total Calls

Join CCD and CRD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, nodeID, and profileID to find CRD records during the report period. (Corresponding CCD records have startDateTime during the report period.) For each call priority identified by CRD.finalPriority, count the number of CRD records.

Avg Calls

Total calls divided by the number of days in the report period.

The number of days is calculated as follows. This information is displayed in units of days, rounded up to the next integer.

report end time – report start time

For example, if the report start time and the report end time are on the same day, the number of days is 1.

Total Number of Calls (Per Day) with Different Original and Final Priorities

Original call priority is stored in CRD.origPriority and final call priority in CRD.finalPriority. Count the number of CRD records with CRD.finalPriority different than CRD.origPriority in the report period.

Average Number of Calls (Per Day) with Different Original and Final Priorities

Total number of calls with different original and final call priorities divided by the number of days in the report period.

The number of days is calculated as follows. This information is displayed in units of days, rounded up to the next integer.

report end time – report start time

For example, if the report start time and the report end time are on the same day, the number of days is 1.

Maximum Difference Between Original and Final Priorities Experienced by All Calls

Original call priority is stored in CRD.origPriority and final call priority in CRD.finalPriority. For a single call, the difference between original and final priorities is calculated as the absolute value of (CRD.finalPriority – CRD.origPriority)

This field shows the largest number of all calls in the report period.

Average Difference (Per Call) Between Original and Final Priorities Experienced by All Calls

Original call priority is stored in CRD.origPriority and final call priority in CRD.finalPriority. For a single call, the difference between original and final priorities is calculated as the absolute value of (CRD.finalPriority – CRD.origPriority).

This field is calculated as sum of the difference (absolute value) for all calls in the report period, divided by the number of calls.

Table 65. Priority Summary Activity Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Call Priority Levels

To report on a specific call priority or priorities, obtain the list of call priorities from the user selection for this parameter. Query the CRD table to include only the selected call priority or priorities.

Traffic Analysis Report

The Traffic Analysis report shows information about incoming calls to the Unified CCX system.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Traffic Analysis report is obtained or calculated.

If the selected report Start Date and report End Date exceeds the date range available in the database, the report start date and report end date is automatically adjusted to match the date range available in the database. For example: If data is available in the database only from the start date x and end date y and if the selected start date is earlier than x and selected end date is later than y, then the report start date and report end date is automatically adjusted to x and y respectively.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 66. Traffic Analysis Report Query Design




Date of each day in the report period.

Total Incoming Calls

For each day, count the number of CCD records with the unique sessionID with the Contact Type field set to the value of 1 (incoming call).

Avg Calls (per hour)

Calculated as total incoming calls divided by the number of hours in the day.

The first day or the last day of the report period may be a partial day, depending on the start time and the end time selected by the user. Any other day within the report period has 24 hours.

Peak Calls (per hour)

Divide each day into one-hour intervals. The number of incoming calls within each interval is determined by counting the number of CCD records with unique sessionIDs in the interval. The peak hour is the interval with the largest number of incoming calls. This field displays the number of calls in the peak hour.

Peak Hour Start

Divide each day into one-hour intervals. The number of incoming calls within each interval is determined by counting the number of CCD records with unique sessionIDs in the interval. The peak hour is the interval with the largest number of incoming calls. This field displays the start time of the peak hour.

Peak Hour End

Divide each day into one-hour intervals. The number of incoming calls within each interval is determined by counting the number of CCD records with unique sessionIDs in the interval. The peak hour is the interval with the largest number of incoming calls. This field displays the end time of the peak hour.

Call Duration Avg

A call may have multiple call legs. The call duration for a call is calculated as sum of CCD.connectTime for all the call legs.

Average call duration for a day is calculated as the sum of call durations for all incoming calls on that day divided by the number of incoming calls on that day.

Call Duration Min

A call may have multiple call legs. The call duration for a call is calculated as sum of CCD.connectTime for all the call legs.

Minimum call duration for a day is the shortest call duration of all incoming calls for that day.

Call Duration Max

A call may have multiple call legs. The call duration for a call is calculated as sum of CCD.connectTime for all the call legs.

Maximum call duration for a day is the longest call duration of all incoming calls for that day.

Outbound Reports

Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report

The Agent Outbound Campaign Summary report provides call statistics for agent-based progressive and predictive outbound campaigns.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Outbound Campaign Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Outbound Campaign Summary report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 67. Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report Query Design




For each outbound call, campaignID is recorded in CCDR. Campaign Name is obtained from the Campaign table, given the campaignID. the mapping between campaignName and campaignID is one-to-one.


For a given campaignID, total number of DialingList records with a unique dialingListID and that have the specified campaignID. Active and inactive records are included in the calculation. Records are marked inactive when callStatus becomes 3 (closed) or 5 (max calls).


For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 1 (voice), 2 (fax), 3 (answering machine), 4 (invalid), 11 (busy), 15 (no answer), 16 (system abandoned), 17 (fail) or 18 (customer abandoned).


For a given campaignID and profileID, count the number of DialingList records with callStatus = 1 (pending), 2 (active), 4 (callback), 6 (retry) or 7 (unknown).

Contacts—% Attempted

(Attempted / Total Records) * 100%


For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 1 (voice).

Calls—Answering Machine

For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 3 (answering machine).


For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 4 (invalid).


For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 2 (fax).

Calls—No Answer

For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 15 (no answer).


For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 11 (busy).


For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 17 (failed).

Calls—Customer Abandoned

For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 18 (customer abandoned).

Calls—System Abandoned

For a given campaignID, sessionID, profileID, and Contact Type set to the value of 8 (agent outbound), count the number of CCD records with CCD.callResult = 16 (system abandoned).

Requested Callback

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 8 (requested callback).

Average Talk Time

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice). For these records, calculate the average talk time using ACD.talkTime.

Maximum Talk Time

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice). For these records, obtain the maximum ACD.talkTime.

Table 68. Agent Outbound Campaign Summary Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Campaign List

Obtain the list of campaign names from the user selection for this parameter. Look up the correspondingcampaignID in the Campaign table, and use these campaignIDs only for report generation.

Agent Outbound CCDR Report

The Agent Outbound CCDR report shows most of the information that is contained in the CCD table. This report also includes information from the DialingList and Campaign tables. The report contains one row per call leg (a call transfer or redirect initiates a new call leg).

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Outbound CCDR report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Outbound CCDR report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 69. Agent Outbound CCDR Report Query Design



Node ID

Obtained from CCD.nodeID.

Session ID

Obtained from CCD.sessionID.

Sequence No.

Obtained from CCD.sessionSeqNum.

Start Time

Obtained from CCD.startDateTime.

End Time

Obtained from CCD.endDateTime.

Contact D

Obtained from CCD.contactDisposition.

Originator T

Obtained from CCD.originatorType.

Originator ID

Obtained from CCD.originatorID.

If originator type is 1 (agent), CCD.originatorID is a resource ID. join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to display the agent login ID, which is stored in Resource.resourceLoginID.

Originator DN

(DN = directory number)

If CCD.originatorType is Device (2) or Unknown (3), obtained from CCD.originatorDN.

If CCD.originatorType is Agent (1), join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.extension.

Destination T

Obtained from CCD.destinationType.

Destination ID

Obtained from CCD.destinationID.

If destination type is 1 (agent), CCD.destinationID is a resource ID.join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to display the agent login ID, which is stored in Resource.resourceLoginID.

Destination DN

If CCD.destinationType is Device (2) or Unknown (3), obtained from CCD.destinationDN.

If CCD.destinationType is Agent (1), jCCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID and obtain Resource.extension.

Call Status

Obtain the dialingListID from the CCD table. Find the record in the DialingList table corresponding to the dialingListID obtained from the CCD table. Get the call status value from this record in the DialingList table. The value of the call status is stored in DialingList.callStatus.

Call Result

Obtained from CCD.callResult.

Campaign Name

Obtain the campaignID from the CCD table. Find the record in the Campaign table corresponding to the campaignID obtained from the CCD table. The value of the campaign name is stored in Campaign.campaignName.

Table 70. Agent Outbound CCDR Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


UCCX Agent Campaign List

Obtained from Campaign.campaignName.

If Campaign.campaignType is 1 (agent based outbound campaign) and Campaign.dialerType is 1 (progressive) or 2 (predictive).

Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report

The Agent Outbound Half Hourly report shows detailed statistics for all the progressive and predictive agent outbound calls for every half hour.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Agent Outbound Half Hourly report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Agent Outbound Half Hourly report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 71. Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report Query Design



Campaign Name

Obtain the campaignID from the CampaignData table. Find the record in the Campaign table corresponding to the campaignID obtained from the CampaignData table. Get the campaign name from this record in the Campaign table. The value of the campaign name is stored in Campaign.campaignName.

Start Time

Obtained from CampaignData.startDateTime.

End Time

Obtained from CampaignData.endDateTime.

Total Attempted Calls

Obtained from CampaignData.attemptedCalls.

Total Live Voice Calls

Obtained from CampaignData.voiceCalls.

Total Abandoned Calls

Obtained from CampaignData.abandonedCalls.

Lines Per Agent

Obtained from CampaignData.linesPerAgent.

Abandoned Rate

Obtained from CampaignData.abandonedRate.

Table 72. Agent Outbound Half Hourly Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Campaign Name

Obtain the campaignID from the CampaignData table. Find the record in the Campaign table corresponding to the campaignID obtained from the CampaignData table. Get the campaign name from this record in the Campaign table. The value of the campaign name is stored in Campaign.campaignName.

Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report

The Outbound Agent Detail Performance report presents detailed statistics for each agent by campaign (progressive and predictive). The report also presents the total call details, campaign call details for each agent, and a summary row of the call details for each agent for all agent based progressive and predictive campaigns.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Outbound Agent Detail Performance report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Outbound Agent Detail Performance report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 73. Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report Query Design



Agent Name

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. The agent that dials for the campaign is recorded in ACD.resourceID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID to obtain Resource.resourceName.


For a given campaignID, look up the campaign name in the Campaign table.


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult is 12 (ring no answer).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult is 8 (requested callback), or 20 (transfer) and contactType = 5 (transfer-in).

Talk Time—Avg

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice), 8 (requested callback), or 20 (transfer) and resourceID for this agent. For these records, calculate the average talk time using ACD.talkTime.

Talk Time—Max

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice), 8 (requested callback), or 20 (transfer) and resourceID for this agent. For these records, obtain the maximum ACD.talkTime.

Table 74. Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report Filter Parameters

Filter Parameter


Campaign Names

Obtain the list of agent based progressive and predictive campaign names from the user selection for this parameter. Look up the corresponding campaignID in the Campaign table, and use these campaignIDs only for report generation.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Outbound Campaign Summary Report

The Outbound Campaign Summary report provides summary statistics for each campaign over a specified time period. This report is available with the Cisco Unified OUTD feature.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Outbound Campaign Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Outbound Campaign Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 75. Outbound Campaign Summary Report Query Design



Campaign Name

For each outbound call, campaignID is recorded in CCDR. Campaign Name is obtained from the Campaign table, given the campaignID. The mapping between campaignName and campaignID is one-to-one.

Total Records

For a given campaignID, total number of DailingList records with a unique dialingListID and that have the specified campaignID. Active and inactive records are included in the calculation. Records are marked inactive when callStatus becomes 3 (closed) or 5 (max calls).


For a given campaignID, total number of DialingList records with a unique dialingListID and that have the specified campaignID. Also, DailingList.callStatus must be one of the following values (it cannot be 3 (closed) or 5 (max calls):

1 = pending

2 = active

4 = callback

6 = retry

7 = unknown


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records in which callResult is not 9 (agent skip) or 10 (agent close). This number is the same as Accepted. From this number, deduct duplicate records with the same dialingListID so that a given dialingListID occurs only once in the final result.

Attempted %

(Attempted / Total Records) * 100%


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult not equal to 9 (agent reject) or 10 (agent close).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 9 (agent reject).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 10 (agent close).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 1 (voice).

Answering Machine

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 3 (answering machine).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 2 (fax/modem).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 4 (invalid).

Requested Callback

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 8 (requested callback).

Customer Not Home

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 7 (customer not home).

Wrong Number

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 6 (wrong number).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records with ACD.callResult = 11 (busy).

Average Talk Time

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice). For these records, calculate the average talk time using ACD.talkTime.

Maximum Talk Time

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice). For these records, obtain the maximum ACD.talkTime.

Table 76. Outbound Campaign Summary Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Campaign Name

Obtain the list of campaign names from the user selection for this parameter. Look up the corresponding campaignID in the Campaign table, and use these campaignIDs only for report generation.

Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report

The Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance report shows detailed statistics for each agent by campaign. It also shows the total call details and campaign call details for preview outbound campaigns. This report is available with the CiscoUnified Outbound Dialer (Cisco Unified OUTD) feature.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance report filter parameters obtain data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 77. Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report Query Design



Agent Name

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. The agent that dials for the campaign is recorded in ACD.resourceID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

Campaign Name

For a given campaignID, look up the campaign name in the Campaign table.


Calculated as (Accepted + Rejected + Closed)


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult is not 9 (agent reject) or 10 (agent close).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult = 9 (agent reject).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult = 10 (agent close).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult is not 12 (transfer).


For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult is not 13 (ring no answer).

Average Talk Time

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice) and resourceID for this agent. For these records, calculate the average talk time using ACD.talkTime.

Maximum Talk Time

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice) and resourceID for this agent. For these records, obtain the maximum ACD.talkTime.

Table 78. Preview Outbound Agent Detail Performance Report Filter Parameters

Filter parameter


Campaign Name

Obtain the list of campaign names from the user selection for this parameter. Look up the corresponding campaignID in the Campaign table, and use these campaignIDs only for report generation.

Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Resource Group Names

To report on a specific resource group or groups, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of resource group names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the ResourceGroup table to find records for which RG.resourceGroupName contains values found in the list. Join RG and Resource on resourceGroupID and profileID to find the list of agents that belong to the selected resource group or groups. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

System Reports

Application Performance Analysis Report

The Application Performance Analysis report shows information about calls received by each Unified CCX or Cisco Unified IP IVR application. It contains one row per call application. The information is stored in the CCD table.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Application Performance Analysis report is obtained or calculated.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 79. Application Performance Analysis Report Query Design



Application ID

Obtained from CCD.applicationID.

Application Name

Obtained from CCD.applicationName.

Call Presented

Each application is identified by the combination of CCD.applicationID and CCD.applicationName. For each application, count the number of CCD records to determine the total number of calls presented to the application.

Calls Handled

Each application is identified by the combination of CCD.applicationID and CCD.applicationName. For each application, count the number of CCD records with CCD.contactDisposition = 2 (handled) to determine the total number of calls presented to the application.

Calls Abandoned

Each application is identified by the combination of CCD.applicationID and CCD.applicationName. For each application, count the number of CCD records with CCD.contactDisposition = 1 (abandoned) or 4 (aborted) to determine the total number of calls presented to the application.

Abandon Rate (per hour)

Calculated as follows:

Calls Abandoned / number of hours within the report period

Avg Call Duration

Call duration is stored in CCD.connectTime. Average call duration of an application is calculated as the sum of CCD.connectTime for all calls in that application, divided by the number of calls.

Application Summary Report

The Application Summary report provides summary call statistics for each Unified CCX or Cisco Unified IP IVR application.

Table 1 shows how the information in the Application Summary report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Application Summary report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 80. Application Summary Report Query Design



Application Name

Obtained from CCD.applicationName.

Called Number

Obtained from CCD.origCalledNumber.

Calls Presented

The combination of CCD.applicationName and CCD.origCalledNumber uniquely identifies an application.

For each application, count the number of CCD records to obtain the number of calls presented to the application.


The combination of CCD.applicationName and CCD.origCalledNumber uniquely identifies an application.

For each application, count the number of CCD records in which CCD.contactType is 4 (redirect in).


The combination of CCD.applicationName and CCD.origCalledNumber uniquely identifies an application.

For each application, count the number of CCD records in which CCD.flowout is 1.

Calls Handled

The combination of CCD.applicationName and CCD.origCalledNumber uniquely identifies an application.

For each application, count the number of CCD records in which CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled).

Avg Speed Answer

This field includes only calls connected to agents.

Join CCD, CRD, and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. Find ACD records with ACD.talkTime greater than zero (so that RNAs are excluded).

To calculate total queue time, add the values stored in CRD.queueTime.

To obtain total ring time, add the values stored in ACD.ringTime.

To obtain the number of calls connected to agents, count the number of ACD records in the result set from the join.

Average speed to answer is calculated as:

total queue time / number of calls connected to agents.

If number of calls connected to agents is zero for this application, this field is zero.

Avg Talk Time

Join CCD, CRD, and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. Find ACD records with ACD.talkTime greater than zero (so that RNAs are excluded).

To obtain total talk time, add up the values stored in ACD.talkTime.

To obtain the number of calls connected to agents, count the number of ACD records in the result set from the join.

Average talk time is calculated as:

Total talk time / number of calls connected to agents.

If number of calls connected to agents is zero for this application, this field is zero.

Avg Work Time

Join CCD, CRD, and ACD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. Find ACD records with ACD.talk time greater than zero (so that RNAs are excluded).

To obtain total work time, add up the values stored in ACD.workTime.

To obtain the number of calls connected to agents, count the number of ACD records in the result set from the join.

Average work time is calculated as:

Total work time / number of calls connected to agents.

If number of calls connected to agents is zero for this application, this field is zero.

Calls Abandoned

The combination of CCD.applicationName and CCD.origCalledNumber uniquely identifies an application.

For each application, count the number of CCD records in which CCD.contactDisposition is 1 (abandoned), 4 (aborted), or 5 or greater (rejected).

Avg Abandon Time

The combination of CCD.applicationName and CCD.origCalledNumber uniquely identifies an application.

For each application, calculate the sum of the values in CCD.connectTime where the CCD.contactDispostion is 1 (abandoned), 4 (aborted), or 5 or greater (rejected) to obtain the total abandon time.

If Calls Abandoned is not zero, this field is calculated as:

Total abandon time / Calls Abandoned.

If Calls Abandoned is zero, this field is zero.

Table 81. Aborted and Rejected Call Detail Report Filter Parameter

Filter parameter


Application Name

To report on a specific application or applications, obtain the list of application names from the user selection for this parameter. Find CCD records for which values stored in CCD.applicationName are found in the selected list.

Multichannel Reports

Wrap-Up Reasons for Chat and Email Report

Table 1 shows how the information in the Wrap-Up Reasons for Chat and Email report is obtained or calculated.

Table 2 explains how the Wrap-Up Reasons for Chat and Email report parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 82. Wrap-Up Reasons for Chat and Email Query Design




Name of the Wrap-Up Category. This is obtained from the wrapupcategory table where wrapupreasons.categoryid matches with wrapupcategory.recordid.

Wrap-Up Reason

Wrap-Up Reason for a category which meets the following criteria:
  • textagentwrapupdetail.reasonid = wrapupreasons.reasonid

  • textagentwrapupdetail.wrapuptime between the start and end time

  • wrapupreasons.categoryid = wrapupcategory.recordid

Agent Name

Name of the agent from the resource table for the resourceid obtained from the textwrapupdetail table.

Agent ID

Login user ID of the agent. It is obtained from TextAgentStateDetail table.


Chat count is retrieved based on TextAgentWrapupDetail.mediatype where mediatype=1 and which meets the following criteria:
  • textagentwrapupdetail.reasonid = wrapupreasons.reasonid

  • textagentwrapupdetail.wrapuptime between the start and end time

  • wrapupreasons.categoryid = wrapupcategory.recordid


Email count is retrieved based on TextAgentWrapupDetail.mediatype where mediatype=3 and which meets the following criteria:
  • textagentwrapupdetail.reasonid = wrapupreasons.reasonid

  • textagentwrapupdetail.wrapuptime between the start and end time

  • wrapupreasons.categoryid = wrapupcategory.recordid

  • textagentwrapupdetail.mediatype=3


Sum of chat and email counts.

Table 83. Wrap-Up Reasons for Chat and Email Filter Parameter



Wrap-Up Category

To report on a specific Wrap-Up Category, obtain the list of Wrap-Up Category names that are available in the wrapupcategory table. Select the Wrap-Up category for which the report needs to be displayed.

Agent Name

To report on a specific Agent Name, obtain the list of agent names that are available in the resource table. Select the agent name for whom the report needs to be displayed.

Multichannel Agent Summary Report

Table 1 shows how the information in the Multichannel Agent Summary Report is obtained or calculated.

Table 1 explains how the Multichannel Agent Summary Report filter parameter obtains data.

For information about the database table names and field names that are shown in this section, see the Conventions Used in This Chapter.

Table 84. Multichannel Agent Summary Report Query Design



Agent Name

For ACD calls, an agent is identified by the combination of ACD.resourceID and ACD.profileID. Join ACD.resourceID with Resource.resourceID, and join ACD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain the agent name, which is stored in Resource.resourceName.

For IVR calls, if an agent is the originator of the call, the agent is identified by CCD.originatorID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.originatorType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.originatorID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

If an agent is the destination of an IVR call, the agent is identified by CCD.destinationID and CCD.profileID, when CCD.destinationType = 1 (agent type). Join CCD.destinationID with Resource.resourceID, and join CCD.profileID with Resource.profileID to obtain Resource.resourceName.

Agent ID

Login user ID of the agent. It is obtained from TextAgentStateDetail table.

Inbound Calls—Presented

Join ACD and CCD on sessionID and sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. For each agent, count the number of unique CCD.sessionID with CCD.startDateTime falling within the report period.

Inbound Calls—Handled

Join ACD and CCD on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. For each agent, count the number of unique CCD.sessionID that meet the following criteria:
  • CCD.startDateTime is in the report period

  • CCD.contactDisposition is 2 (handled)

  • ACD.talkTime is greater than zero

RNA (Inbound calls)

Join ACD and CCD tables on sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID. For each agent, count the number of unique CCD.sessionID with CCD.startDateTime falling within the report period and acd.rna=’t’

Inbound Calls—Handle Time Max

Each call handled by an agent has an ACD record. The handle time of a call is calculated as follows:

ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime

The maximum handle time for an agent is the longest handle time of all calls handled by the agent within the report period.

Inbound Calls—Handle Time Avg

Each call handled by an agent has an ACD record. The handle time of a call is calculated as follows:

ACD.talkTime + ACD.holdTime + ACD.workTime

The average handle time is the sum of the handle times of all the calls handled by the agent within the report period divided by the number of calls handled within the report period.

RNA (Outbound Calls)

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records. Count the number of ACD records for this agent (as identified in ACD.resourceID) where callResult is 12 (ring no answer).

Outbound Calls—Talk Time Max

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice), 8 (requested callback), or 20 (transfer) and resourceID for this agent. For these records, obtain the maximum ACD.talkTime.

Outbound Calls—Talk Time Avg

For a given campaignID, determine from the CCD table the sessionID, sessionSeqNum, profileID, and nodeID values. Use these values to look up the associated ACD records with callResult = 1 (voice), 8 (requested callback), or 20 (transfer) and resourceID for this agent. For these records, calculate the average talk time using ACD.talkTime.


Number of chats presented to the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TextAgentConnectionDetail records (TACDR) for the chat agent after joining with TextContactDetail records (TCDR) based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype, which is 1 (chat_type) and the disposition can be handled (value = 2), rejected (value = 5), and abandoned (value = 1).


Number of chats handled by the agent. It is calculated by counting the number of TACDR with talk time > 0 for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum and mediatype = 1 (chat_type) and disposition = 2 (handled). The contact type of TCDR should be of type chat (value = 1).

Chat No Answered/Declined

Chat No Answered/Declined is the sum of the counts of chats not answered, group chats declined, and group chats not answered. This is calculated by counting the number of TextAgentConnectionDetail records (TACDR) for the chat agent after joining with TextContactDetail records (TCDR) based on contactid, contactseqnum, mediatype (which is 1 for chat) and the contactdisposition.

The Disposition values are:
  • 5 for chat not answered

  • 9 for group chat declined

  • 11 for group chat not answered

Chat—Active Time Max

Maximum talk time for the chat agent. It is calculated by taking the maximum talk time of all the TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype = 1 (chat_type)

Chat—Active Time Avg.

Average talk time for the chat agent. It is calculated by taking the average talk time of all the TACDR for the agent after joining with TCDR based on contactid, contactseqnum, and mediatype = 1 (chat_type)


Number of email messages that are presented to the agent. It is obtained from TextAgentConnectionDetail table.


Number of response email messages that the agent sent. It is obtained from TextContactDetail table where disposition is 2 (Handled) and dispositionReason is email_agent_replied.


Number of email messages that the agent discarded. The discarded date and time determines whether the email message falls within the interval. It is obtained from the TextContactDetail table where disposition = 4 and dispositionReason = email_agent_discarded.


Number of email messages that the agent requeued. It is obtained from TextContactDetail table where disposition is 2 (Handled) and dispositionReason is email_requeue_transfer or email_requeue_agent_disconnected.

Table 85. Multichannel Agent Summary Report Filter Parameter



Agent Names

To report on a specific agent or agents, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of agent names from the user selection for this parameter. These values are in Resource.resourceName. Obtain the corresponding Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID.

Skill Names

To report on agents with a specific skill or skills, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of skill names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Skill table to find records for which Skill.skillName contains values found in the list. Join Skill and RSM on skillID and profileID to find resourceSkillMapID. Join RSM and Resource on resourceSkillMapID and profileID to find the list of agents that have the selected skill or skills. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively. This report displays only agents who are active and agents who are deleted after the report start time.

Team Names

To report on a specific team or teams, obtain the list of resource IDs and profile IDs as follows:

Obtain the list of team names from the user selection for this parameter. Search the Team table to find records whose Team.teamName contains values found in the list. Join Team.teamID with Resource.assignedTeamID, and Team.profileID with Resource.profileID to find the list of agents who belong to the selected team or teams. Resource ID and profile ID of agents are stored in Resource.resourceID and Resource.profileID, respectively.

Queue Management Audit Trail Report

The Queue Management Audit Trail Report presents the details of the CSQs and agents skills that were modified. The report includes a table that displays the following information:

Table 86. Fields



Event Time

Time (in GMT) at which the CSQ or the agent skills were modified.

Modified By

Role and the name of the person, who modified the CSQ or the agent's skill.

Operation Type

Type of modification, Add or Remove.

Agent Name

Agent for whom the CSQ or the skills were modified.


Name of the CSQ to which the agent was added or removed.


The skills that were added or removed. The skills can be of the respective CSQ or agent.


Informs whether the agent was added or removed from the queue due to the modification of skills.
Filter criteria

You can filter using the following parameters:

Table 87.

Filter parameter


Date Range

Displays information for the specified duration.

Time Range

Displays information for the specified duration.

Modified By

Displays information for the specified role.

Agent Names

Displays information for the specified agents.

CSQ Names

Displays information for the specified CSQs.

Team Names

Displays information of agents for the specified teams.

Logged in User

Displays information that belongs to the logged-in user.

Grouping criteria
