
This preface describes the conventions of this document and information on how to obtain other documentation. It also provides information on what's new in Cisco product documentation.

Document Conventions

This document uses the following conventions:

Convention Description
^ or Ctrl

Both the ^ symbol and Ctrl represent the Control (Ctrl) key on a keyboard. For example, the key combination ^D or Ctrl-D means that you hold down the Control key while you press the D key. (Keys are indicated in capital letters but are not case sensitive.)

bold font

Commands and keywords and user-entered text appear in bold font.

Italic font

Document titles, new or emphasized terms, and arguments for which you supply values are in italic font.


Elements in square brackets are optional.

Reader Alert Conventions

This document may use the following conventions for reader alerts:


Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the manual.

Communications, Services, and Additional Information

  • To receive timely, relevant information from Cisco, sign up at Cisco Profile Manager.

  • To get the business impact you’re looking for with the technologies that matter, visit Cisco Services.

  • To submit a service request, visit Cisco Support.

  • To discover and browse secure, validated enterprise-class apps, products, solutions, and services, visit Cisco DevNet.

  • To obtain general networking, training, and certification titles, visit Cisco Press.

  • To find warranty information for a specific product or product family, access Cisco Warranty Finder.

Cisco Bug Search Tool

Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST) is a gateway to the Cisco bug-tracking system, which maintains a comprehensive list of defects and vulnerabilities in Cisco products and software. The BST provides you with detailed defect information about your products and software.

Documentation Feedback

To provide feedback about Cisco technical documentation, use the feedback form available in the right pane of every online document.