Cisco Common Data Layer


The Cisco Common Data Layer (CDL) is a high-performance next generation Key-value (KV) data store layer for all the Cloud Native applications. These applications use the CDL as a state management with High Availability (HA) and Geo HA functions. The CDL provides:

  • A Common Data Store Layer across different Network Functions (NFs) - such as AMF, SMF and PCF - Microservices.

  • Multi-master support to achieve low latency read and write.

  • Pure in-memory storage.

  • Runs session related timers to notify NF on timer expiry.

  • High Availability and Geo Redundancy with fast failover

Revision History

Table 1. Revision History

Revision Details


  • CDL supports identifying and taking necessary action on stale index records.

  • Allows the peer site to process GR failover notifications of the isolated site.

  • CDL provides a utility to sync the indexes with its remote peers.

  • The Grafana dashboard is enhanced to show the GR Connection status.



You can deploy CDL in the following modes:

  • HA Only

  • Geo HA


For HA Only deployments, redundancy is provided for blade failures at the local site. However, session redundancy is not provided for HA Only deployments, when the complete site or K8s cluster is unreachable.

The following figures depict the high-level architecture of the CDL deployment models.

Figure 1. CDL Deployment Model
Figure 2. CDL Microservices

The following figures depict the CDL high-level architecture:

Figure 3. CDL Architecture

The following figures depict the CDL high-level architecture with primary components:

Figure 4. CDL Architecture with Primary Components

CDL Endpoint

The CDL endpoint pod is the front-end for receiving requests from NF application towards CDL. The CDL endpoint exposes gRPC over HTTP2 interface towards the NF client's for processing database service requests. Each pod starts with the following attributes:

  • systemID: This parameter specifies the site ID (For instance: Site).

  • clusterID: This parameter specifies the unique datastore ID within a site (For instance: X, Y).

The CDL endpoint receives the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) requests from the NF applications. It communicates with the CDL Index and Slot pods over GRPC to perform these operations.

The CDL endpoint learns about the other pods within a site automatically using the etcd. Also, the Cisco Data Store K8s pod is stateless in nature and does not maintain any session stickiness. The CDL endpoint receives the request from NF application and communicates with Slot and Index pods internally through GRPC to handle the request accordingly. It returns the response after the processing is complete.

When the CDL endpoint receives a Create, Delete, or Update session, the receiving container replicates it to the Slot and Index pods and sends a response only when 'n' number of writes are acknowledged (ACKed) by the Index and Slot microservices.


A maximum of four virtual CPUs (vCPUs) is required for deploying the CDL endpoint pod in production environment.

Single Compute or Node Failure

When a single compute or node fails, one of the cdl-ep pods goes down and tries to schedule on the other session nodes. If all the other session nodes already have a cdl-ep, pod scheduling will not take place since there is node anti-affinity defined for cdl-ep pods. So, with single node failure, the remaining cdl-ep pods handle the traffic and might get loaded with the many requests. After recovering from the node failure, the cdl-ep pod, which was in the pending state earlier, starts scheduling on the recovered node to process the requests.

Multiple Compute or Node Failures

If all the session nodes fails, it brings down all the cdl-ep pods along with it. When Geo High Availability (GeoHA) is configured, the NF application talks to the remote site to continue processing the sessions on the local site. But, in High Availability (HA) scenario, this leads to a complete downtime.


The CDL Slot pod stores the actual session data. The CDL endpoint connects to all the Slot pods within the cluster to replicate the session data to all the pods. These microservices are K8s pod deployed for exposing internal gRPC interface towards the Cisco Data Store. Each pod starts with the following attributes:

  • systemID: This parameter specifies the site ID (For instance: Site-1).

  • clusterID: This parameter specifies the unique datastore ID within a site (For instance: Session).

  • mapID: This parameter specifies the replica set ID within the cluster. (For instance: map-1, map-2,

  • instanceID:This parameter specifies the instance ID within the replica set. (For instance: map-1.instance-1,map-1.instance-2)

Each Slot pod holds a finite number of sessions and pre-allocated memory for the storing session data. Also, each replica within the replica set (mapID) has a defined anti affinity rule, which prevents the same blade form hosting multiple member or instances of the same replica set (for high availability in case of a blade or node failure). Each Slot pod maintains a timer and last updated ts. The Slot pod generates the notification callback to the client NF for taking action when the timer expires of if a conflict is detected.


A maximum of two vCPUs is required for deploying the Slot pod in production environment.

In the event of pod failover and recovery, the Slot pod recovers from:

  • Local Replica Member: The Slot directly reads from the gRPC stream in bulk directly to recover data.

  • Remote Replica Member: When there is no local replica available for synchronization, the Slot reads the data from the remote site instances for the same map.

    The following figures depict the Slot recovery process from local and remote peers:

    Figure 5. Slot Recovery from Local Peer
    Figure 6. Slot Recovery from Remote Peer

Data Slicing

Data slicing logically separates CDL as slices and stores the session data based on the slice name received from the Network Functions (NF).

With data slicing, one or more NFs can store different types of session data in dedicated slices of CDL.

A default slice name called session is used if the slice names are not configured.

The configuration is as follows:

cdl datastore <datastore name> slice-names [ <sliceName 1> <sliceName 2> ... <sliceName n> ]

The sample configuration is as follows:

cdl datastore session slice-names [ session1 session2 ]


  • If the slice names are configured at the NF's ops-center or CDL's ops-center, every request from the NF must have a valid slice name. If the slice name is different from what is configured or empty, then the request is rejected with an error code.

  • If the slice names are not configured, then the NF requests are routed to the default session.

  • The slice names cannot be updated in a running system post deployment.

Deleting CDL Slot Data

In certain scenarios, the CDL records are found on Slot but not in the index pods. The notifications from Slot towards the application for such records do not receive the values correctly. The record in the slot is not deleted, if the index data is not deleted.

Ensure the following before deleting the CDL Slot Data:

  • If the number of notifications to an application crosses a threshold value (default value of 3), a record is suspected to be stale.

  • This triggers a validation check to find the corresponding record in any of the index pods (local or on any geo remote sites).

  • If there is a mismatch in map ID from index, or if the map ID is not found in all index pods, then a clean-up is invoked to delete the record on local as well as remote sites.

The following parameters are introduced to delete stale records:

disable-auto-deletion:When set to true, the stale CDL records are not deleted. Auto deletion of stale records is enabled by default.

notification-retry-count:Specifies the minimum number of timer expiry notification retries sent to application without receiving an update from application. If there are no updates received even after notification-retry-count times, cdl proceeds to check if slot record is stale. The default number is 3.

The sample CDL configurations are as follows:

To disable the stale slot record auto deletion feature:

cdl datastore session
features slot-stale-session-detection disable-auto-deletion true

You can change the notification-retry-count to a new value, for example 5. This indicates that the timer expiry notification tries 5 times, after which it proceeds for checking whether the data is stale.

cdl datastore session
features slot-stale-session-detection notification-retry-count 5


To enable troubleshooting logs for Stale CDL Slot Data on endpoint and slot pods, use the following configuration:

cdl logging logger ep.staleRecord.session
level info

cdl logging logger slot.staleRecord.session
level info

Single Compute or Node Failure

When there is a single compute failure, the CDL continues to function with one less cdl-ep pod and replica for some Slots and Index pods. With a single replica, the CDL Slot map continues to process all the requests. When the out of service node is brought back to service, the Slot pods on the node syncs with its respective peer, as depicted in the figure Slot Recovery from Local Peer.

Multiple Compute or Node Failures

In case of multiple compute failures, all the replicas for a Slot map goes down. For instance, If two nodes are down, both the replicas of a Slot map goes down (the default value of Slot replica count is two). This leads to an entire local replica-set failure and triggers a shutdown of all the cdl-ep pods. Also, a CDL Geo Replication (GR) is triggered, if GeoHA is configured. The NF application talks to the remote site cdl-ep to process the requests when GeoHA is configured. When there is no GeoHA configuration, it ultimately leads to a service downtime.

When the failed nodes recover, the Slot pods and Slot replica set recovers and synchronizes from the remote site (if both the replicas were down during the failure). This will happen only if GeoHA is configured. The Slot Recovery from Remote Peer figure depicts the initial synchronization from the remote peer when the entire local replica set was down.


The Indexing containers contain indexing data. There are two key pieces of information stored in the Index pod:

  • Primary key to Slot Map ID.

  • Unique secondary key to primary key mapping.

The index entries are created (an example use case) at the time of session connect and removed at the time of disconnect. Using the in-memory KV store, Indexing stores the keys in memory and provides a multi-master write. The indexing write log (set and delete operations) are also written to Kafka pods for remote site replication. One of the Index pods writes the logs in Kafka, which are then received at the remote site. The corresponding operations are also performed at the remote site.


A maximum of two vCPUs is required for deploying the Index pod in production environment.

In the event of pod failover and recovery, the Index pod recovers from:

  • Local Replica Member - The Index directly reads from the gRPC stream in bulk directly to recover data.

  • Remote Replica Member - If there is no local replica available for synchronization, the Index reads the data from the remote site instances for the same map.

    The following figures depict the Index recovery process from local and remote peers:

    Figure 7. Index Recovery from Local Peer
    Figure 8. Index Recovery from Remote Peer

Single Compute or Node Failure

When there is a single compute failure, the CDL continues to function with one less cdl-ep pod and replica for some Slots and Index pods. With a single replica, the CDL Slot map continues to process all the requests. When the out of service node is brought back to service, the Index pods on the node syncs with its respective peer, as depicted in the figure Index Recovery from Local Peer.

Multiple Compute Failures

In case of multiple compute failures, all the replicas for a Slot map goes down. For instance, If two nodes are down, both the replicas of a Slot map goes down (the default value of Slot replica count is two). This leads to an entire local replica-set failure and triggers a shutdown of all the cdl-ep pods. Also, a CDL Geo Replication (GR) is triggered, if GeoHA is configured. The NF application talks to the remote site cdl-ep to process the requests when GeoHA is configured. When there is no GeoHA configuration, it ultimately leads to a service downtime.

When the failed nodes recover, the Index pods and Index replica set recovers and synchronizes from the remote site (if both the replicas were down during the failure). This will happen only if GeoHA is configured. The Index Recovery from Remote Peer figure depicts the initial synchronization from the remote peer when the entire local replica set was down.


The CDL uses the etcd (an open-source key-value store) as the DB service discovery. When the CDL pods (Endpoint, Slot or Index) is started, killed or shutdown, it results in updating the event to etcd by publishing the state.

The CDL endpoint is interested in knowing when a Slot or Index pod comes up or goes down. Therefore, it subscribes to the notifications for Slot and Index pod events in etcd.

Similarly, the CDL Slot or Index pod is interested in knowing when its peer replica pod (with the same map-id) comes up or goes down. Therefore, it subscribes to the notifications for corresponding Slot or Index (with same map-id) pod events in etcd.

Thus, the notifications are sent to each of the pods subscribed to these events. In addition, when a key event is added or removed, it refreshes the local map. The etcd cache is only applicable for local site events.


The Kafka pod replicates data between the local replicas and across sites for Indexing. For replication across sites, Kafak uses MirrorMaker. The Kafka pods are deployed on the session vms with the replica count set to a minimum of two for high availability.


Kafka uses the Zookeeper pod for managing Kafka clusters and coordinating with Kafka brokers.

Mirror Maker

The Mirror Maker pod geo-replicates the indexing data to the remote CDL sites. It takes data from the remote sites and publishes it to the local Kafka site for the appropriate Indexing instances to pick up.

CDL Deployment Models

This section describes the different CDL deployment models, namely:

  • CDL HA.

  • Geo HA deployment.

The CDL HA deployment involves the following:

  1. Each CDL pod consists of a minimum of two replicas for high availability.

  2. The CDL endpoint pod discovers the local Slots and Indexes using etcd for service discovery.

  3. 3. The Index and Slot pod data is distributed across maps (or shards) for write scalability and each maps have at least one replica for high availability. The default and recommended number of replicas for Slot and Index replica is two.

  4. The CDL endpoint on receiving request selects the Slot shard to which the data is written to or read from. For new record creation, it selects the Slot map in a round robin manner. For existing sessions, the slot map is selected after looking up the primary key in indexing.

  5. If new keys (primary or unique) are added or removed for a session, the CDL endpoint sends the key to the Indexing pods. The Index map selection takes place by hashing of the key and sending it to the appropriate Index map for updating the key in the Index. For primary key, the Indexing pod stores the Slot map-id where the session is stored. For unique-key, the Indexing pod stores the primary-key where the session is stored.

  6. The CDL endpoint forwards the Create, Update, Delete, or Find request to the selected Slot(s) for writing or reading the data from the Slot memory. The slot generates an appropriate response towards the endpoint on successful processing of the request.

  7. Each Indexing shard contains a leader which publishes the indexing operations to Kafka bus for guaranteed local and remote replication.

  8. Each Indexing pod instance listens to the Kafka bus for Indexing events. On receipt of a set or delete event, it compares the time stamp of the event with the time stamp of the Index already present. If the Kafka event time stamp is greater than the current Index time stamp, it applies the operation to the Indexing pod, else the event from Kafka is ignored.

Figure 9. CDL HA Deployment

The CDL Geo HA deployment involves the following:

  1. For CDL Geo HA deployment, each site is configured with a remote site for achieving geo redundancy.

  2. In addition to sending the data to local Slots and Indexes, the CDL endpoint also sends the request to remote site cdl-endpoint over GRPC to replicate Slot data on the remote sites.

  3. On receiving the Create,Update, or Delete request on the remote site, the CDL endpoint forwards the request to Slots with the same map-id as selected in the original site.

  4. The Indexing data replication is achieved through the Mirror-maker. The Mirror-maker on the remote site consumes the data from the Kafka of other site and pushes the data to its local Kafka bus for replicating it to the local Index pods.


For Geo HA deployments, the round-trip time (RTT) recommended between two geo sites is 50ms.

Figure 10. CDL Geo HA Deployment

Call Flows

This section describes the following call flows:

  • Finding Record by Primary Key

  • Finding Record by Unique Key

  • Creating a Record

  • Updating a Record

  • Deleting a Record

  • Notification to NF on Timer Expiry

  • Geo Replication - Create (GEO)

  • Geo Replication - Update (GEO)

  • Geo Replication - Delete (GEO)

Finding Record by Primary Key

This section describes the call flow of finding a record by primary key.
Figure 11. Finding Record by Primary Key - Call Flow

Finding Record by Unique Key

This section describes the call flow of finding a record by unique key.

Figure 12. Finding Record by Unique Key - Call Flow

Creating a Record

This section describes the call flow of creating a record.

Figure 13. Creating a Record - Call Flow

Updating a Record

This section describes the call flow of updating a record.

Figure 14. Updating a Record - Call Flow

Deleting a Record

This section describes the call flow of deleting a record.

Figure 15. Deleting a Record - Call Flow

Notification to NF on Timer Expiry

This section describes the call flow of session notification to NF on timer expiry.

Figure 16. Session Notification to NF - Call Flow

Geo Replication - Create

This section describes the call flow of creating primary and unique keys for Geo Replication.

Figure 17. Geo Replication Call Flow - Creating Geo

Geo Replication - Update

This section describes the call flow of updating primary and unique keys for Geo Replication.

Figure 18. Geo Replication Call Flow - Updating Geo

Geo Replication - Delete

This section describes the call flow of deleting primary and unique keys for Geo Replication.

Figure 19. Geo Replication Call Flow - Deleting Geo

Identifying Stale Index Records

In certain scenarios, the unique keys in index pods of the CDL are stale (presumed to be deleted). The NFs may try to use these unique keys for another record, as the CDL does not show the stale record details to the NFs.

The CDL allows the operator to enable a parameter to detect the stale records and perform the necessary action on such stale records.

To detect the stale records and perform actions:

  1. Identify the stale records. When a new record is created, the unique key is overwritten. To identify such records, enable the index-overwrite-detection parameter, and ensure that the unique-keys-prefix matches the prefix pattern.

  2. Perform the necessary action (notify, delete or log) on the identified stale records.

    The CDL detects any unique key that is overwritten and performs one of the following actions:

    • Deletes the stale record or the entire record. The delete action is triggered only if the PurgeOnEval flag is set to false for the stale record.

    • Notifies the NF about the stale record. The notify action sends the STALE_INDEX_NOTIFICATION to the NF.

    • Logs the overwritten unique key. For the log action, the stale record is logged with the WARN log level.


    If there are two different unique keys pointing to the same primary key; one with notify action and the other with delete action, then the notify action is performed.

Use the following configuration:

features index-overwrite-detection max-tps variable
features index-overwrite-detection queue-size variable
features index-overwrite-detection unique-keys-prefix uk
  action [delete-record, notify-record, log-record]


  • max-tps: Controls the rate of notification for stale records. The default is 200.

  • queue-size: Controls the processing queue size of the stale records. The default is 1000.


    The queue-size parameter is for both delete and notify actions. The max-tps parameter is only for the notify action.

  • unique-keys-prefix: Specifies the unique-key prefix pattern along with the action that needs to be performed.


cdl datastore session
features index-overwrite-detection max-tps 250
 features index-overwrite-detection queue-size 2000
 features index-overwrite-detection unique-keys-prefix uk
 action notify-record


To troubleshoot the stale index records, set the index.overwrite.session logger to INFO level. The logs from the endpoint pods as well as the index pods help in troubleshooting.

CDL configuration:

cdl logging logger index.overwrite.session
 level info

The following metrics are introduced:

  • overwritten_index_records_deleted–maintains the total number of records deleted due to stale records identified at index.

  • overwritten_index_records_skipped–maintains the total number of records detected as stale, but dropped when the queue is full while processing the records for notify or delete.

Deploying CDL through Network Functions (NFs)

You can deploy CDL through the Network Functions (NFs) – Session Management Function (SMF) and Policy Control Function (PCF) – Ops Center.

For deploying CDL through SMF Ops Center, see Cisco Common Data Layer in SMF chapter in Ultra Cloud Core 5G Session Management Function - Configuration and Administration Guide

For deploying CDL through PCF Ops Center, see Cisco Common Data Layer in PCF chapter in Ultra Cloud Core 5G Policy Control Function -Configuration and Administration Guide

CDL Geo Replication (GR) Deployment

This section describes how to deploy CDL for Geo Replication (GR).

Prerequisites for CDL GR

Before deploying CDL GR, configure the following:

  • CDL Session Database and define the base configuration.

  • Kafka for CDL.

  • Zookeeper for CDL.

Configuring the CDL Session Database and Defining the Base Configuration

This section describes how to configure the CDL session database and define the base configuration through the NF (SMF or PCF) Ops Center.

  1. Open the NF Ops Center console and navigate to the datastore CLI.

  2. To configure the session database and define the base configurations for the failover of the CDL operations, use the following configuration.
        cdl system-id system_id 
        cdl node-type node_type 
        cdl enable-geo-replication boolean_value 
        cdl remote-site remote_system_id db-endpoint host host_ip_address 
            db-endpoint port port 
            kafka-server remote_kafka_host remote_port 
            end exit 
    cdl datastore session  
            endpoint replica num_replica 
            endpoint external-ip ip_address 
            endpoint external-ip port 
            slot replica num_replica 
            slot map num_map/shards 
            slot write-factor write_factor 
            slot notification host host 
            slot notification port port 
            slot notification limit tps 
            index replica num_replica 
            index map num_map/shards 
            index write-factor write_factor 
            end exit 


  • cdl system-id system_id : Specifies the system or Kubernetes cluster identity. The default value is 1.

  • cdl node-type node_type : Indicates the Kubernetes node label to configure the node affinity. The default value is session. node_type must be a string of length 0-64 characters.

  • cdl enable-geo-replication boolean_value : This is an optional CLI. Specifies the geo replication status as enable or disable. The default value is false .

  • cdl remote-site remote_system_id : Specifies the endpoint’s IP address for the remote site endpoint. Configure this command only when you have set the cdl enable-geo-replication to true .

  • db-endpoint host host_ip_address : Specifies the endpoint IP address for the remote site. Configure this command only when you have set the cdl enable-geo-replication to true .

  • db-endpoint port port_number : Denotes the endpoint port for the remote site endpoint. The default port number is 8882. Configure this command only when you have set the cdl enable-geo-replication to true .

  • kafka-server remote_kafka_host remote_port : Indicates the Kafka server’s external ip and port of the remote site, which the remote-system-id identifies. You can configure multiple host and ports per Kafka instance at the remote site. Configure this command only when you have set the cdl enable-geo-replication to true.

  • endpoint replica num_replica : Indicates the number of replicas to be created. The default value is 1. num_replica must be in the range of 1 to 16.

  • endpoint external-ip ip_address : This is an optional CLI. Specifies the external ip address to expose the database endpoint. Configure this command only when you have set the cdl enable-geo-replication to true .

  • endpoint external-port port : Specifies the external Port to expose the database endpoint. Configure this command only when you have set the cdl enable-geo-replication to true . The default value is 8882.

  • slot replica num_replica : Specifies the number of replicas to be created. The default value is 1. num_replica must be in the range of 1 to 16.

  • slot map num_map/shards : Specifies the number of partitions in a slot. The default value is 1. num_map/shards must be in the range of 1 to 1024.

  • slot write-factor write_factor : Specifies the number of copies to be written before a successful response. The default value is 1. write_factor must be in the range of 0 to 16. Make sure that the value is less than or equal to the number of replicas.

  • slot notification host host : Specifies the notification server hostname or IP address. The default value is datastore-notification-ep.

  • slot notification port port : Specifies the notification server port number. The default value is 8890.

  • slot notification limit tps : Specifies the notification limit per second. The default value is 2000.

  • index replica num_replica : Specifies the number of replicas to be created. The default value is 2. num_replica must be in the range of 1 to 16.

  • index map num_map/shards : Specifies the number of partitions in a Slot. The default value is 1. The accepted range is 1–1024. Avoid modifying this value after deploying the CDL.

  • index write-factor write_factor : Specifies the number of copies to be written before a successful response. The default value is 1. write_factor must be in the range of 0 to 16.

Configuring Kafka for CDL

This section describes how to configure Kafaka for the CDL.

  1. Open the NF Ops Center console and navigate to the datastore CLI.

  2. Use the following configuration.

        cdl kafka replica num_replicas 
            enable-JMX-metrics boolean_value 
            external-ip ip_address port_number 
            retention-time retention_period 
            retention-size retention_size 


  • cdl kafka replica num_replicas : Specifies the number of replicas to be created. The default value is 3. num_replicas must be in the range of 1 to 16.

  • enable-JMX-metrics boolean_value : Specifies the status of the JMX metrics. The default value is true.

  • external-ip ip_address port_number : Specifies the external IPs to expose to the Kafka service. Configure this command when you have set the enable-geo-replication parameter to true . You are required to define an external ip address and port number for each instance of the Kafka replica. For example, if the cdl kafka replica parameter is set to 3, then you must define three external ip addresses and port numbers.

  • retention-time retention_period : Specifies the duration (in hours) for which the data must be retained. The default value is 3. retention_period must be in the range of 1 to 168.

  • retention-size retention_size : Specifies the data retention size in MB. The default value is 5120 MB.

Configuring Zookeeper for CDL

This section describes how to configure the Zookeeper for CDL.

To configure Zookeeper for CDL, use the following configuration:

  1. Open the NF Ops Center console and navigate to the datastore CLI.

  2. Execute the following commands

    	cdl zookeeper data_storage_size_in_gb 
    		log-storage-size size_in_gb 
    		replica num_replicas 
    		enable-JMX-metrics boolean_value 
    		enable-persistence boolean_value 


  • cdl zookeeper data_storage_size_in_gb : Specifies the size of the Zookeeper data storage in GB. The default value is 20 GB. data_storage_size_in_gb must be in the range of 1 to 64.

  • log-storage-size size_in_gb : Indicates the size of the Zookeeper data log’s storage in GB. The default value is 20 GB. size_in_gb must be in the range of 1to 64.

  • replica num_replicas : Indicates the number of replicas that must be created. The default value is 3. num_replicas must be in the range of 1 to 16.

  • enable-JMX-metrics boolean_value : Indicates the status of the JMX metrics. The default value is set to true.

  • enable-persistence boolean_value : Specifies the status of the persistent storage for Zookeeper data. The default value is false.

Deploying CDL for Geo Replication (GR)

For Geo Replication (GR), you have to create two separate HA systems independently and configure the Geo HA for communications with the remote sites. By default, CDL is deployed with two replicas for db-ep, one slot map (with two replicas per map) and one index map (with two replicas per map).


  • It is recommended to configure CDL containers in YANG model.

  • It is recommended to configure the Geo HA only after the two HA systems become active.

To deploy the CDL GR, use the following configuration:


Step 1

Deploy HA on site-1.

Deploy site-1 HA system without any Geo HA related configuration parameters and set the system-id parameter to 1 in the configuration.

     cdl system-id system_id
     cdl node-type node_label
     cdl datastore datastore_name 
     endpoint replica number_of_HA_instances
     index map number_of_index_partitions
     index replica number_of_HA_instances
     slot map number_of_slot_partitions 
     slot replica number_of_HA_instances 
cdl# configure terminal
cdl(config)# cdl system-id 2
cdl(config)# cdl node-type session
cdl(config)# cdl datastore session
cdl(config-datastore-session)# endpoint replica 2
cdl(config-datastore-session)# slot map 4
cdl(config-datastore-session)# slot replica 2
cdl(config-datastore-session)# index map 3
cdl(config-datastore-session)# index replica 2
cdl(config-datastore-session)# exit
Step 2

Apply the HA configuration on site-1.

Commit the configurations and deploy the pods on site-1.

Step 3

Deploy HA on site-2.

Deploy site-2 HA system (in parallel) without any Geo HA related configuration parameters and set the system-id parameter to 2 in the configuration.

     cdl system-id system_id
     cdl node-type node_label
     cdl datastore datastore_name 
     endpoint replica number_of_HA_instances
     index map number_of_index_partitions
     index replica number_of_HA_instances
     slot map number_of_slot_partitions 
     slot replica number_of_HA_instances 
cdl# configure terminal
cdl(config)# cdl system-id 2
cdl(config)# cdl node-type session
cdl(config)# cdl datastore session
cdl(config-datastore-session)# endpoint replica 2
cdl(config-datastore-session)# slot map 4
cdl(config-datastore-session)# slot replica 2
cdl(config-datastore-session)# index map 3
cdl(config-datastore-session)# index replica 2
cdl(config-datastore-session)# exit
Step 4

Apply HA configuration on site-2.

Commit the configuration and deploy the pods on site-2.

Step 5

Verify whether site-1 and site-2 are active.

Verify whether the CDL, Kafka, and Zookeeper pods are active before proceeding to Geo HA configuration.

Step 6

Configure external IP address on site-1 for site-2 communication.

  1. Enable Geo Replication on site-1 and configure the remote site as 2 for site-1.

         cdl enable-geo-replication true/false 
         cdl datastore session geo-remote-site list_of_geo_replication_sites 
    cdl# configure terminal
    cdl(config)# cdl enable-geo-replication true
    cdl(config)# cdl datastore session geo-remote-site 2
  2. Configure the external IP address for CDL endpoints so that site-2 can access it.

        cdl datastore session endpoint external-ip site_1_external_ip_address 
  3. Configure the external IP address and port for all Kafka replicas.

    For instance, if two replicas (default) are configured for Kafka, provide two different pairs of IP address and port numbers.

        cdl kafka external-ip site_1_external_ip_address port1 
        cdl kafka external-ip site_1_external_ip_address port2  
  4. (Optional) Configure the SSL/TLS certificate to enable TLS support for the local site.

    Configuring TLS certificates enable the local site to accept both secure and non-secure connections. Similarly, configuring SSL certificates enable the local site to establish a secure connection with the remote sites.

    All the certificates are in multi-line raw text format. If the certificates are invalid, the server continues with the non-secure connection.
      cdl ssl-config enable true
      cdl ssl-config ip site_1_external_ip_address
      cdl ssl-config certs site_1_external_ip_address ssl-key ssl_key
      cdl ssl-config certs site_1_external_ip_address ssl-crt ssl_crt 
Step 7

Configure external IP address on site-2 for site-1 communication.

  1. Enable Geo Replication on site-2 and configure the remote site as 1 for site-2.

        cdl enable-geo-replication true/false 
        cdl datastore session geo-remote-site list_of_geo_replication_sites 
    cdl# configure terminal
    cdl(config)# cdl enable-geo-replication true
    cdl(config)# cdl datastore session geo-remote-site 1
  2. Configure the external IP address for CDL endpoints so that site-1 can access it.

       cdl datastore session endpoint external-ip site_2_external_ip_address 
  3. Configure the external IP address and port for all Kafka replicas.

    For instance, if two replicas (default) are configured for Kafka, provide two different pairs IP addresses and port numbers.

        cdl kafka external-ip site_2_external_ip_address port1 
        cdl kafka external-ip site_2_external_ip_address port2  
  4. (Optional) Configure the SSL/TLS certificate to enable TLS support for the local site.

    Configuring TLS certificates enable the local site to accept both secure and non-secure connections. Similarly, configuring SSL certificates enable the local site to establish a secure connection with the remote sites.

    All the certificates are in multi-line raw text format. If the certificates are invalid, the server continues with the non-secure connection.
      cdl ssl-config enable true
      cdl ssl-config ip site_1_external_ip_address
      cdl ssl-config certs site_1_external_ip_address ssl-key ssl_key
      cdl ssl-config certs site_1_external_ip_address ssl-crt ssl_crt 
Step 8

Add the remote site information in each of the sites.

  1. Configure remote site cdl-ep (CDL endpoint) configuration on site-1.

        cdl remote-site 2 db-endpoint host site_2_cdl_ep_ip 
  2. Configure remote site Kafka configuration on site-1.

        cdl remote-site 2 kafka-server site_2_kafka1_ip_address site_2_kafka1_port 
        cdl remote-site 2 kafka-server site_2_kafka2_ip_address site_2_kafka2_port 
  3. (Optional) Configure the SSL certificates to establish a secure connection with remote site on site-1.

    All the certificates are in multi-line raw text format. If the certificates are invalid, the server continues with the non-secure connection.
      cdl ssl-config certs site_2_external_ip_address ssl-key ssl_key
      cdl ssl-config certs site_2_external_ip_address ssl-crt ssl_crt 

    Commit the configuration on site-1.

  4. Configure remote site cdl-ep configuration on site-2.

        remote-site 1 db-endpoint host site_1_cdl_ep_ip_address 
  5. Configure remote site Kafka configuration on site-2.

        cdl remote-site 1 kafka-server site_1_kafka1_ip_address site_1_kafka1_port 
        cdl remote-site 1 kafka-server site_1_kafka2_ip_address site_1_kafka2_port 
  6. (Optional) Configure the SSL certificates to establish a secure connection with remote site on site-2.

    All the certificates are in multi-line raw text format. If the certificates are invalid, the server continues with the non-secure connection.
      cdl ssl-config certs site_1_external_ip_address ssl-key ssl_key
      cdl ssl-config certs site_1_external_ip_address ssl-crt ssl_crt 

    Commit the configuration on site-2.

Step 9

Verify whether Mirror Maker pod is deployed and all the other pods are active.


  • cdl kafka external-ip - Specifies the external IP address and port for all Kafka replicas.

    • site_external_ip_address - Specifies the external IP address of the remote site.

    • port_number - Specifies the port number of the remote site.

  • cdl ssl-config certs - Specifies the SSL certificates to establish a secure connection with remote site.

    • site_external_ip_address - Specifies the external IP address of the remote site.

    • ssl-keyssl_key - Specifies the generated SSL key.

Geo Replication (GR) Failover Notification

The CDL is equipped with Geo Replication (GR) failover notifications, which can notify the timer expiry of session data and bulk notifications to the currently active site. The CDL uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) through App-Infra for the GR failover notifications.

The CDL subscribes to the key value on both the GR sites. The App-Infra sends notifications to the CDL when there is any change in these key values. A key value indicates the state of the CDL System ID or the GR instance. The GR instance is mapped to the CDL slices using the CDL system ID or the GR instance ID in the key.

The following parameters are introduced for CDL GR failover notification:

  • instance-aware-notification enable true or false - Set this to true to enable GR failover notification.

  • instance-aware-notification system-id - The system-id maps to the sliceName, that is, the primary system-id maps to the primary site ID of that particular sliceName. This information must be configured on all the geo sites. The FindAllNotify and TimerExpiry notifications use the system ID details for bulk processing tasks.

The system ID is mandatory on both the sites. The GR instance ID in the NF configuration must match the CDL system ID.

In the following example, the GR failover notification is set to true. The system-id 1 is the primary site ID for sliceNames sgw1 and smf1while system-id 2 is the primary site for slicesNames sgw2 and smf1.

cdl datastore session
 features instance-aware-notification enable true
 features instance-aware-notification system-id 1
  slice-names [ sgw1 smf1 ]
 features instance-aware-notification system-id 2
  slice-names [ sgw2 smf2 ]

GR Failover Notification Records of Peer Site

The CDL sends notification about records only to its local application. The notification is based on the system-id and Timer Expiry parameters of the records. In a GR setup, when a site is isolated for maintenance, the records of that site are not sent to its peer site.

With the remote-system-id parameter, CDL allows the peer site to process notifications of the isolated site. The remote-system-id of the peer site is configured with the site ID of the isolated site. The CDL processes records when the system-id of any record matches the remote-system-id. The notifications are sent based on the Timer Expiry, or for the records that have the notifyOnPurge enabled.


The remote-system-id must be removed from the CDL configuration after the isolated site resumes its function.

The following procedure explains the configuration of remote-system-id with an example:

In the example below, the GR setup has 2 sites: site-1 and site-2. The site-1 is disconnected for an upgrade, and the remote-system-id of site-2 is configured with the site ID of site-1.

  1. Shutdown or disconnect the site-1.

  2. To configure the remote-system-id of site-2 with site ID of site-1, run the following command:

    cdl datastore session
        slot notification remote-system-id [ 1 ] 

    Note that the value [1] for remote-system-id in the above command is the site ID of site-1, which is isolated.

  3. The site-2 starts notifying records of site-1 to the local application.

  4. Before bringing up site-1, remove the site ID of site-1 from the remote-system-id list of site-2.

The remote-system-id is mutually exclusive with the instance-aware-notification-system-id. For more information, refer to the Geo Replication (GR) Failover Notification topic.

Triggering Remote Index Sync

The CDL provides a utility to sync the indexes with its remote peers. The utility can be used in the scenarios such as post site isolation, where there is a huge difference in the number of index records between the sites. The CDL also supports a command to check the status of the remote index sync.


  • It is recommended to use the remote sync only if there is a huge difference in the index records between the sites as this might impact the performance.

  • The geo-remote-site should be configured to view the commands.

Trigger remote index sync for,

  • a list of index mapIDs or all mapIDs from the cli.

  • a list of sliceNames or all the sliceNames.

Note the following:

  • Ensure the conditions below are met to avoid errors while triggering a remote sync for index with its peers.

    • The custom map-ids and slice-names should be unique.

    • Only valid index map-ids and slice-names are allowed.

    • Remote site is reachable.

  • Internally, CDL retries a maximum of 3 times to sync with its remote peer.

  • The remote index sync skips the index instance if the sync is already ongoing for that instance.


cdl actions remote-index-sync start [options] 


  • map-id

    Index map-id for which the remote index sync should start. The map-id is optional. If included, triggers remote index sync for all the instances of that index map-id. A maximum of 5 map-ids can be given using this option.

  • slice-name

    The slice-name for which the remote index sync starts. The slice-name is optional. If included, triggers remote index sync for all the slice-names. There is no limit for the number of slice-names.

Output Parameter


Shows the list of index instances for which the remote index sync has been started.


cdl actions remote-index-sync start map-id { 1 } map-id { 2 }  
slice-name { session-1 } slice-name { session-2 } 


triggered-instances 'index-mapID-1-instanceID-1,  
index-mapID-1-instanceID-2, index-mapID-2-instanceID-1, index-m 
Check the Remote Sync Status

The remote sync status shows the index instances for which the remote index sync is in progress.


The remote sync status does not show the sync status per sliceName. If the sync status shows that a particular index instance is syncing with the remote site, it means all the sliceNames or the listed sliceNames are syncing one after the other.


cdl actions remote-index-sync status 

Output parameter


List of index instances for which the remote index sync is in progress.


cdl actions remote-index-sync status  


syncing-instances 'index-mapID-1-instanceID-1, index-mapID-1-instanceID-2, index-mapID-2-instanceID-1, index-mapID-2-instanceID-2’ 

The following warning or error logs in Index pods show the status of the remote index sync.

  • The sync is successful with the following:


    Bulk Sync done from Remote Indexes(s) for isInitSync = false 


    [datastore.index.session] Bulk Sync done from Remote Indexes(s) for isInitSync = false sliceName = session via DBApp


    Sync finished successfully with Remote MemoryMap App isInitSync: false 


    [datastore.index.session] Sync finished successfully with Remote MemoryMap App isInitSync: false count: 100 Time taken: 16.699031ms sliceName: session
  • The sync fails with the following error log:


    Error! Remote Bulk Read failed 3 times for isInitSync = false

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Applicable Product (s) or Functional Area

PCF 2021.04.0 and later

Applicable Platforms

Bare Metal, OpenStack, VMware

Feature Default Setting

Disabled – Configuration Required

Related Changes in this Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Not Applicable

Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced.

CDL 1.6

Feature Description

In this release, the CDL supports IPv6, thus enabling the dual stack support for its endpoints in a GR enabled setup. Dual stack enables networking devices to be configured with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

This feature provides the following functionality:
  • IPv6 support for the CDL endpoints.

  • IPv6 support for communicating between Mirror Maker and Kafka brokers.

  • TLS support for CDL and Kafka IPv6 endpoints.


To get IPv6 support in CDL, the K8s cluster must support dual stack and it must be enabled in the cluster.

Configuring the IPv6 Support

To configure IPv6 support for CDL in a GR enabled setup, use the CLI commands or configuration in the following steps:

  1. Expose the CDL IPv6 endpoint and connect to remote site IPv6 endpoint.

    1. Enable CDL geo replication.

         cdl enable-geo-replication true 
    2. Configure the external IP address for CDL endpoints. In addition to the endpoint external-ip, configure the endpoint external-ipv6 parameter too.

         cdl datastore session endpoint external-ipv6 IPv6_address 
    3. Configure the CDL endpoints for remote site.

         cdl remote-site system_id 
            db-endpoint host IPv6_address 
            db-endpoint port 8882 


      The IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints can be accessed over the same port (default value is 8882).


      Currently, the CDL can connect to remote site endpoints using either IPv4 or IPv6, but not both. However, it can simultaneously expose both the IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints for the remote site to connect to either one of them.

  2. Expose the CDL Kafka and connect to remote site Kafka over IPv6.

    1. Configure the external IP address and port for all Kafka replicas.

         cdl kafka external-ipv6 IPv6_address port_address 


      You must configure IPv6 for each broker separately. It is possible to simultaneously expose the Kafka brokers over IPv4 and IPv6, but the ports used must be different. Currently, the Kafka listeners do not support using the same port for different IP addresses.

    2. Configure the remote site Kafka configuration.

      Mirror Maker can connect to both local site and remote site Kafka brokers either over IPv4 and IPv6 or only one of them.

      Configure the remote kafka-server separately using the following CLI command:

         cdl remote-site system_id 
            kafka-server IPv6_address port_address 
  3. (Optional step) Configure the SSL/TLS certificates to enable TLS support for both local and remote sites. These certificates help to establish a secure connection between the local and remote sites.

    Use the same configuration to configure the certificates on each site.

    1. Enable SSL for CDL endpoint.

         cdl ssl-config enable true 
    2. Configure the certificates.

         cdl ssl-config certs external_ipv6_address 
            ssl-key ssl_key 
            ssl-crt ssl_crt 
            ssl-ca ssl_ca 
      • ssl-key ssl_key - Specify the Private key of server.

      • ssl-crt ssl_crt - Specify the CA signed server certificate.

      • ssl-ca ssl_ca - Specify the Public CA certificate.

  4. (Optional step) Configure the SSL/TLS certificates to enable TLS support for Kafka endpoints.

    1. Enable SSL for CDL endpoint.

         cdl ssl-config enable true 
    2. Enable SSL for Kafka endpoint.

         cdl kafka ssl-settings enable-ssl true 
         cdl kafka ssl-settings disable-host-name-verification true 
    3. Configure the certificates for Kafka endpoints on both local and remote sites.

         cdl ssl-config certs external_ipv6_address 
            ssl-key ssl_key 
            ssl-crt ssl_crt 
            ssl-ca ssl_ca 

    The following sample configuration is used to connect to remote site IPv6 TLS endpoints and IPv6/IPv4 TLS Kafka:

    Site-1 Configuration

    cdl remote-site 2
     db-endpoint host 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250
     db-endpoint port 8882
     kafka-server 10.106.139:250 10092
     ssl-port 10094
     kafka-server 10.106.139:250 10093
     ssl-port 10095
     kafka-server 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250 10096
     ssl-port 10098
     kafka-server 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250 10097
     ssl-port 10099
    cdl ssl-config enable true
    cdl ssl-config certs 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl ssl-config certs    
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl ssl-config certs    
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl ssl-config certs 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl datastore session
     geo-remote-site [ 2 ]
     endpoint external-ip endpoint external-ipv6 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249
    cdl kafka ssl-settings enable-ssl true
    cdl kafka ssl-settings disable-host-name-verification true
    cdl kafka external-ipv6 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249 10096
     ssl-port 10098
    cdl kafka external-ipv6 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249 10097
     ssl-port 10099
    cdl kafka external-ip 10092
     ssl-port 10094
    cdl kafka external-ip 10093
     ssl-port 10095

    Site-2 Configuration

    cdl remote-site 1
     db-endpoint host 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249
     db-endpoint port 8882
     kafka-server 10.106.139:249 10092
     ssl-port 10094
     kafka-server 10.106.139:249 10093
     ssl-port 10095
     kafka-server 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249 10096
     ssl-port 10098
     kafka-server 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249 10097
     ssl-port 10099
    cdl ssl-config enable true
    cdl ssl-config certs 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:249
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl ssl-config certs
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl ssl-config certs
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl ssl-config certs 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250
        ssl-key  “<server-key>”
        ssl-crt  “<signed-certificate>”
        ssl-ca  “<ca-certificate>”
    cdl datastore session
     geo-remote-site [ 1 ]
     endpoint external-ip
     endpoint external-ipv6 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250
    cdl kafka ssl-settings enable-ssl true
    cdl kafka ssl-settings disable-host-name-verification true
    cdl kafka external-ipv6 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250 10096
     ssl-port 10098
    cdl kafka external-ipv6 2001:DB8:54ff:a4::139:250 10097
     ssl-port 10099
    cdl kafka external-ip 10092
     ssl-port 10094
    cdl kafka external-ip 10093
     ssl-port 10095

CDL Alarms

This section describes the alarms in the CDL deployment.

The following alarms are introduced to detect failure:

Table 2. Alarms






This alarm is triggered if the local request success rate is less than 90%, for more than 5 minutes.



This alarm is triggered if the active connections from the endpoint pod to the remote site reaches 0, for longer than 5 minutes. This alarm is for GR deployment only.



This alarm is triggered if the incoming remote request success rate is less than 90%, for more than 5 minutes. This alarm is for GR deployment only.



If the ratio of outgoing replication requests to the local requests in cdl-global namespace is below 90%, for more than 5 minutes. This alarm is for GR deployment only.



This alarm is triggered if the kafka replication delay to the remote site crosses 10 seconds, for longer than 5 minutes. This alarm is for GR deployment only.

CDL Overload Protection

The CDL offers overload protection at endpoints whenever the system reaches its full capacity. With overload protection at endpoints, the CDL can:

  • Reject create requests if maximum soft limit is reached.

  • Reject update requests if maximum hard limit is reached.

  • Trigger alarms when the system reaches 80% and 90% of its maximum capacity.

  • Configure overload protection (enable or disable) at endpoints.

CDL Maximum Capacity

You can define the maximum capacity per shard in CDL using the following parameters:

  • slotRecordCapacity (Default value: 1M/shard)

  • indexRecordCapacity (Default value: 10M/shard)

  • slotRecordsSizeCapacityInBytes (Default value: 5GB/shard)


You cannot change the default capacity per shard.

Based on the following calculations, the CDL determines the maximum capacity:

Soft Limit

  1. cdl_slot_record_capacity  =  No of shards * slotRecordCapacity
  2. cdl_index_record_capacity = No of shards * indexRecordCapacity
  3. cdl_slot_size_capacity    = No of shards * slotRecordsSizeCapacityInBytes

Hard Limit

  1. cdl_slot_record_capacity = No of shards * slotRecordCapacity * 105%
  2. cdl_index_record_capacity = No of shards * indexRecordCapacity * 105%
  3. cdl_slot_size_capacity = No of shards * slotRecordsSizeCapacityInBytes * 105%

Triggering Alerts for Overloading in CDL

The CDL is overloaded whenever the system reaches its maximum capacity. Also, the CDL triggers the following alerts to protect the system from overloading:

  • cdlOverloaded - major - This alert is triggered when the CDL system reaches 80% of its capacity.

  • cdlOverloaded – critical - This alert is triggered when the CDL system reaches 90% of its capacity.

In addition to the alerts, the CDL endpoint rejects all the create requests with the following error:

error code 507: Datastore reached its full capacity

However, the CDL processes all the update requests till the hard limit capacity is reached. When the hard limit capacity is exceeded, the CDL rejects all the update requests.

Configuring Overload Protection

The the existing CDL overload protection configuration is replaced with a new configuration.


Earlier, the overload protection was enabled by default with hard coded limits of 1 million records per slot, 10 million records per index and 5 gb record size per slot. However, in this release, the feature is disabled by default and requires configuration to enable this feature and to configure the appropriate overload limits (optional) for each parameter.

Table 3. CDL Overload Data Protection



Old command:
cdl datastore session overload-protection disable true 

The old CDL overload protection command is deprecated.


The command is not functional but is available only for backward compatibility.

New command:

cdl datastore session features overload-protection enable <true/false> 

The overload protection configuration is moved under cdl datastore session features configuration to configure overload-protection and alerts.

CDL is now equipped to configure:

  • record-capacity per slot/index

  • record-capacity in bytes per slot

  • configure major and critical alarm %

If the overload protection is enabled then the alerts are also enabled. The prometheus-rules-cdl pod is spawned. If overload-protection is disabled then the alerts are disabled. The prometheus-rules-cdl pod is removed.

Configuring Overload Protection Parameter

The following parameters are configured to set limits for overload-protection:

  • cdl datastore session features overload-protection index-max-record-count <value> 
  • cdl datastore session features overload-protection slot-max-record-count <value> 
  • cdl datastore session features overload-protection slot-max-size <value> 
  • cdl datastore session features overload-protection hard-limit-percentage <value> 

The table below lists the configuration details:

Table 4. Overload Protection Parameter Configuration

CLI Command


cdl datastore session features overload-protection enable <true/false> 

(Optional) CDL overload-protection is disabled by default. The default value is false.

cdl datastore session features overload-protection index-max-record-count <value> 

(Optional) Maximum number of records that can be stored in the Index shard.

The default value is 60000000 (60M).

The range is 100k to 100M.


The range from 100 to 1000 is applicable only for testing in the lab environment. It is not recommended for production environment.

cdl datastore session features overload-protection slot-max-record-count <value> 

(Optional) Maximum number of records that can be stored in Slot shard.

The default value is 2500000 (2.5M).

The range is either 100 or 100k to 10M.


The value 100 is applicable only for testing in the lab environment. It is not recommended for production environment.

cdl datastore session features overload-protection slot-max-size <value> 

(Optional) Maximum size of Slot shard in mega bytes.

The default value is 16384 (16GB).

The range is 1GB to 96GB.

cdl datastore session features overload-protection hard-limit-percentage <value> 

(Optional) Additional capacity (percentage) in addition to the soft limit. This is used to determine when to reject the update requests at CDL endpoint. For eg: if index shard = 1, index-record-capacity = 100 and hard-limit-percentage = 5, then the create requests are rejected when number of index records = 100 and update requests are rejected only when it reaches 105.

The default value is 5. The range is 0-10.

cdl datastore session features overload-protection major-alert-threshold <value> 

(Optional) Threshold (percentage) at which CDL triggers an alert cdlOverloaded-major.

The default value is 80.

The range is 40-100.

cdl datastore session features overload-protection critical-alert-threshold <value> 

(Optional) Threshold (percentage) at which CDL triggers an alert cdlOverloaded-critical.

The default value is 90.

The range is 40-100.

To configure the alert percentage, run the following command:

cdl datastore session features overload-protection critical-alert-threshold <percentage> 
cdl datastore session features overload-protection major-alert-threshold <percentage> 

Verifying the Alerts

You can verify the alerts using the following command in CEE Ops Center CLI:

show alerts active { detail | summary }  
Also, you can filter the alerts in CEE Ops Center CLI using the following command:
show alerts active detail sumary "CDL is overloaded." 

In the following example, the cdlOverloaded - major alert is triggered when the system capacity is greater than or equal to 80%

alerts active detail cdlOverloaded-major 5446095ab264
 severity    major
 type        "Processing Error Alarm"
 startsAt    2020-10-15T15:09:00.425Z
 source      System
 summary     "CDL is overloaded."

In the following example, the cdlOverloaded - critical alert is triggered when the system capacity is greater than or equal to 90%

alerts active detail cdlOverloaded-critical 5446095ab264
 severity    critical
 type        "Processing Error Alarm"
 startsAt    2020-10-15T15:09:16.425Z
 source      System
 summary     "CDL is overloaded."

FindAll and FindAllNotify Query Enhancements for CDL

Feature Description

In this release, the CDL supports enhancements for the FindAll and FindAllNotify queries.

New query filters are introduced to support the following operations:

  • A maximum of 20 IN filters in the FindAllNotify query. The CDL retreives all sessions from a slot and then matches each session with the passed filters. If the session keys match with any one of the passed filters, then notify the same to the NF with the matched IN filter condition.

  • A NOT-MATCH operation with more than one condition.

  • The IN and NOT operations in the CDL CLI.

  • IPC streaming for the notifications.

    In the previous releases, the CDL used a unary RPC for sending notifications to the application. With this release, the CDL supports the bidirectional streaming RPC for optimizing IPCs between it and the application.

How it Works

This section describes the sequence of operations for the CDL to support the different filter conditions in FindAll and FindAllNotify queries.

Support IN Filters

  1. The system checks for all the AND and IN conditions inside the query parameter.

    • If both the AND and IN query filters are in the query, then it's processed in the following manner:

      • The CDL first checks all the AND filters. If any of the AND filter fails, then it skips the other AND filters and IN filters because the key did not match the filter.

      • After all the AND filters are matched, then check the IN filters. If any of the IN filters is matched, then the CDL skips the other IN filters because the key already matched the filter.

    • If only the IN filters are in the query and any of the IN filter is matched, then the CDL skips processing the other IN conditions.

  2. If there are more than 20 IN filters in the query request, then respond back with a 400 Bad Request message.

  3. The CDL sends the matched IN filter condition along with the notification only when it is enabled in the FindAllNotify query request.


If more IN filters are passed in the request, the query performance is impacted.

Support NOT-MATCH Operation with More than One Condition

The CDL supports the additional conditions for this query filtering:

  • not-match

  • not-starts-with

  • not-ends-with

  • not-contains


If any key(pk/uk/nuk) in a session satisfies the NOT condition, then that session is matched for the filter.

Support the IN and NOT Operations in the CDL CLI

  • Support the following additional conditions for filtering the sessions in CLI:

    • contains

    • not-contains

    • not-ends-with

    • not-starts-with

    • not-match

  • Support the in-filter filter in addition to the AND filter filter for the IN operations in CLI

    The following code snippet is a sample CLI command:

    cdl show sessions summary filter { condition ends-with key 6 } in-filter { in-condition starts-with key key-1 } in-filter { in-condition starts-with key key-2 }


    The filter and in-filter filters are a list of conditions. The query supports a maximum of 20 in-filters filters. The order of the filters, filter and in-filter does not matter as the filters mentioned with filter are grouped together. Likewise, the filters mentioned with in-filter are also grouped together.

  • The following CDL operations are supported for filtering with filter and in-filter:

    • cdl show sessions count summary

    • cdl show sessions count detailed

    • cdl show sessions detailed

    • cdl show sessions summary

    • cdl clear sessions

Support Streaming Notifications

  • The CDL uses bi-directional streaming RPC to send the notifications over a stream with a transaction ID to the application. The response is sent in a different stream from the application to the datastore with the transaction ID for correlation.

  • By default, the CDL uses unary RPC and the streaming functionality is disabled. Streaming is enabled only when the feature flag use-stream is configured in the CDL CLI. If the streaming is enabled, then all the CDL notifications are sent using the streaming.

    To enable the streaming for notification functionality, use the following CLI command:

    cdl datastore session slot notification use-stream true
  • If the streaming is enabled, then by default there are four stream connections from the CDL to a notification endpoint. The connection count can be configured by using the CDL CLI. The stream connections are used in the round robin manner.

  • Support metrics to check the number of active stream connections from the slot or endpoint to the notification endpoint. Use these metrics to generate alerts when there is no active stream connection.

Troubleshooting Information

This section describes how to resolve some of the known issues in CDL configuration. Before proceeding with troubleshooting CDL configurations, consider the following:

  • system-id is unique across the site.

  • cluster-id (datastore id) is unique within the site.

  • You cannot change the replica of Index after deploying the CDL. To change the replica:

    1. Set the system mode to "shutdown".

    2. Change the replica.

    3. Set the system mode to "running".

  • The replica of Endpoint, Index, Slot and Kafka pods must be less than or equal to the number of k8 nodes with the following label and value:

    • Label:

    • Value: Value of cdl/node-type. In a multi-node setup, the default value is session.

  • The replica of Zookeeper and ETCD pods must be less than or equal to the number of k8 nodes with the following label and value:

    • Label:

    • Value: oam.

  • In a Geo-replication setup (across the sites cluster-id), the replicas, and maps of the Index and Slot pods must be identical. Otherwise data replication may fail.

CDL Index are not Replicated Accurately

This section describes how to replicate the CDL Index pods accurately.

Issue Description

The session data is not replicated properly to the remote site.

Identifying the Issue

The data added at one site is inaccessible at the other site.

Possible Causes

The incorrect Geo-replication configuration may cause this issue.


To resolve this issue:

  • Verify the local system-id and remote site configuration.

  • Verify whether CDL endpoints and Kafka between each site are reachable.

  • Verify the map, replica of index and slot at each site. They must be identical across all the sites.

CDL Operations are Failing but the Connection is Successful

This section describes how to resolve the CDL operation failure issue.

Issue Description

The NF connects to the CDL, but the session operations such as find, create, update, and delete fail.

Identifying the Issue

You can view the NF log files to identify the call failure.

Possible Causes

You might encounter this issue when the CDL Index and Slot pods are not ready.


To resolve this issue:

  • Verify whether all the pods are in ready and running state.

  • The Index pods move to the ready state only if the synchronization is complete with peer replica (local or remote if available).

  • The Slot pods move to the ready state only if the synchronization is complete with peer replica (local or remote if available).

  • At least one slot and index pod must be available for the Endpoint to move to ready state. Even when it isn’t ready, the client accepts the GRPC connection.

CDL Pods are Down

This section describes how to bring up the CDL pods when they are down.

Issue Description

The CDL pods are not in the "running" state because of incorrect CDL configuration.

Identifying the Issue

Verify the "describe pods" output (Containers, Member, State, Reason, or Events) to identify whether the pods are down with the following command:

kubectl describe pods -n  <namespace> <failed pod name> 

Possible Causes

The possible causes are:

  • Pods are in "pending" state.

  • Pods are in "CrashLoopBackOff" failure state.

  • Pods are in "ImagePullBack" failure state.


  • When the pods are in "pending" state:

    • Verify whether the k8s nodes with the label value cdl/node-type are present. Also, ensure that the number of replicas are less than or equal to the number of k8s nodes with the label value cdl/node-type.

      kubectl get nodes -l<value of cdl/node-type, default value is 'session' in multi node setup)
  • When the pods are in "CrashLoopBackOff" failure state:

    • Verify the status of the ETCD pods.

      kubectl describe pods -n <namespace> <etcd pod name>

      If the ETCD pods are not running, resolve the ETCD issues to bring up the pods.

  • When the pods are in "ImagePullBack" failure state:

    • Verify whether the helm repository and image registry are accessible.

    • Verify whether the required proxy and DNS servers are configured.

Mirror Maker Pod is in Not Ready State

This section describes how to move the Mirror Maker pods that remain in the "Not Ready" state.

Issue Description

The Mirror Maker pods are not in running state because of connectivity issues on the remote site.

Identifying the Issue

Verify the Describe pod's output and pod logs with the following command:

kubectl describe pods -n <namespace> <failed pod name>
kubectl logs -n <namespace> <failed pod name> [-c <container name>]

Possible Causes

Connectivity issues with remote site Kafka brokers may cause this issue.


To resolve this issue:

  • Verify whether the external IPs configured for Kafka are accurate.

  • Verify whether the remote sites of Kafka are reachable through the external IPs.

Early or Delayed Notification for Purging Record from CDL

This section describes how to resolve the early or delayed notification sent for purging record from CDL.

Issue Description

The notification sent for purging record from CDL is either early or delayed.

Identifying the Issue

While purging record from CDL, the notification comes either early or delayed.

Possible Causes

The nodes in the Kubernetes cluster are not time synchronized.


To resolve this issue:

  • Verify whether all the nodes in the k8s cluster are time synchronized.

  • Verify the synchronization status on all the k8s nodes.

    chronyc tracking
    chronyc sources -v
    chronyc sourcestats -v

Sessions Piling Up or Overloading on CDL

This section describes how to resolve the sessions pile up on CDL.

Issue Description

The number of sessions pile up because of some network issues or an unexpected number of sessions on CDL, which does not match with the peer session count.

Identifying the Issue

The session count from the CLI or Grafana dashboard displays a higher session count than expected or the sessions are rising constantly.

Possible Causes

The Create request received at CDL are more than the Delete request. Consequently, the session count keeps on growing.


To resolve this issue, the respective NF must take appropriate action for triggering clear for the subscribers.

User-Defined Scheduling and Pod Placement

This section describes how to resolve unschedulable pods issue that may arise by using single node label for scheduling, node affinity, and pod placement in CDL pods.

Issue Description

The nodeType parameter controls scheduling, node affinity, and pod placement in CDL. Currently, this parameter is configured with a single node label value When CDL is configured to its full node capacity, the pods are marked as unschedulable (sometimes) because of the single node label usage.

Identifying the Issue

The CDL pods are marked as unschedulable.

Possible Causes

The usage of single node label for scheduling, node affinity, and pod placement.


You can control different CDL pod types using separate node labels. To create separate node labels:

  1. (Mandatory) Create label on all the nodes used for CDL through SMI Cluster Manager Ops Center CLI.

  2. Create labels for CDL pods as specified in the following table:




    CDL Endpoint pods


    CDL Slot pods<MAP Id 1..n>


    CDL Index pods<MAP Id 1..n>



    This configuration is required only for user-defined scheduling.


The following example shows how to create separate node labels for CDL which uses four different nodes with two endpoint replicas, four Slot maps (with two replicas each) and two Index maps (with two replicas each).

Node 1 Node-2 Node-3 Node-4
Pod: slot-1-0 Pod: slot-1-1 Pod: slot-2-0 Pod: slot-2-1
Label: cdl-slot-1 Label: cdl-slot-1 Label: cdl-slot-2 Label: cdl-slot-2
Pod: slot-3-0 Pod: slot-3-1 Pod: slot-4-0 Pod: slot-4-1
Label: cdl-slot-3 Label: cdl-slot-3 Label: cdl-slot-4 Label: cdl-slot-4
Pod: index-1-0 Pod: index-1-1 Pod: index-2-0 Pod: index-2-1
Label: cdl-index-1 Label: cdl-index-1 Label: cdl-index-2 Label: cdl-index-2
Pod: ep-0 Pod: ep-2
Label: cdl-ep Label: cdl-ep Label: cdl-ep Label: cdl-ep
Sample Configuration: SMI Cluster Manager
clusters user-k8s
  nodes session1
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels session
clusters user-k8s
  nodes session2
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels session
clusters user-k8s
  nodes session3
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels session
clusters user-k8s
  nodes session3
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels true
   k8s node-labels session
Sample Configuration: CDL
cdl label-config session
  endpoint key
  endpoint value true
  slot map 1
    value true
  slot map 2
    value true
  slot map 3
    value true
  slot map 4
    value true
  index map 1
    value true
  index map 2
    value true
cdl datastore session
  label-config session
  endpoint replica 2
  index replica 2
  index map 2
  slot replica 2
  slot map 4


This section describes how to monitor the status and records in CDL. You can also monitor CDL through Grafana dashboards.

Monitoring CDL through Grafana Dashboards

You can monitor various activities in CDL through the Grafana dashboard called CDL Dashboard, which is bundled by default. The CDL Dashboard displays the TPS towards CDL for various pods like cdl-endpoint, Slot, Index and the response time taken for each operation.

A sample Grafana CDL Summary dashboard displaying the total records by Type, SliceName, SystemID and so on is shown below:

Figure 20. Grafana CDL Dashboard - Summary

A sample Grafana CDL dashboard displaying the CDL TPS and response time graphs is shown below:

Figure 21. Grafana CDL Dashboard - CDL TPS and Response Time

The Grafana CDL dashboard is enhanced to show the Geo Replication status. A sample Grafana dashboard displaying the Geo Replication status and other details is shown below.

Figure 22. Grafana CDL Dashboard - GR Connection Status

The GR connection, Index replication and slot replication panels, and their descriptions are listed in the table below:

Table 5. GR Connection Status



Remote Site connection status

The remote site connections active per endpoint pod (in percentage). If it reaches 0 for more than 5 minutes, an alert is triggered.

Index to Kafka connection status

The average kafka connections currently active from each index pod.

Kafka Pod status

The readiness status of Kafka pod and mirrorMaker pods.

Replication Requests Sent/Local Requests Received %

The ratio of replication requests sent to the remote site vs the local requests received by the NF. If the ratio goes below 90% for more than 5 minutes, an alert is triggered.

Kafka Remote Replication delay per pod

The total delay for replicating records to the partner site via Kafka. If the delay is more than 10 seconds in replicating the records for more than 5 minutes, then an alert is triggered.

Total Remote requests dropped

The total number of remote requests that have been dropped due to the queue being full.

Table 6. Index Replication



Kafka Publish TPS per pod

The per index pod total rate of kafka write requests (publish).

Kafka Remote Replication TPS per pod

The per index pod total rate of incoming kafka requests (consume) from the partner site.

Table 7. Slot Replication



Slot Geo Replication Requests Sent

The total rate of replication requests from cdl-ep to remote site per operation.

Slot Geo Replication Requests Received

The total rate of replication requests received by the slot pods per operation type.

Slot Checksum Mismatch

The total rate of slot checksum mismatch.

Slot Reconciliation

The total rate of slot reconciliation due to slot data checksum mismatch.

Verifying the Status and Records in CDL

You can verify the status of the CDL and inspect the data inserted by the client using the cdl show status command in the CDL Ops Center. For more information on cdl show status command, see the UCC CDL Command Reference Guide.

The following example displays the status of all the CDL components and client's data.

[unknown] cdl# cdl show status    
message params: {cmd:status mode:cli dbName:session sessionIn:{mapId:0 limit:10000 filters:[]}}
site {
    system-id 1
    cluster-id 1
    db-endpoint {
        state STARTED
    slot {
        map-id 1
        instance-id 2
        records 100
        capacity 1000000
        state STARTED
    slot {
        map-id 1
        instance-id 1
        records 100
        capacity 1000000
        state STARTED
    index {
        map-id 1
        instance-id 2
        records 500
        capacity 2500000
        state ONLINE
    index {
        map-id 1
        instance-id 1
        records 500
        capacity 2500000
        state ONLINE
[unknown] cdl#