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Appendix A - Technical Specifications


Table Of Contents

Technical Specifications

Physical, Power, and Environmental Specifications

Data Specifications

Technical Specifications

This appendix contains the technical specifications for the Cisco uBR905 cable access router.

Physical, Power, and Environmental Specifications

Table A-1 lists the Cisco uBR905 cable access router physical specifications and power requirements.

Table A-1 Cisco uBR905 Cable Access Router Physical Specifications 


Dimensions (H x W x D)

2.30 x 13 x 9.30 in. (5.842 x 33.02 x 24.77 cm)


3 lb (1.36 kg)
1 lb (0.45 kg) for the AC-input external power supply

AC-input voltage

120 to 240 VAC1 wide input with power factor correction

AC-input current rating

1 A2 maximum

AC-input cable

18 AWG3 three-wire cable, with an IEC 320 three-lead receptacle on the power supply end, and a North American (NEMA 5-15P) plug on the power source end; other country-specific cords are available and supplied as ordered.

Power dissipation

12 to 15W


50/60 Hz4


32° to 104°F (0 to 40°C) operating; -13° to 158°F (-25° to 70°C) nonoperating


5 to 95% noncondensing

Noise level

38 dBa5 maximum at desktop, 43 dBa maximum in an office

Software requirement

Cisco uBR905 cable access router software—Cisco IOS Release 12.2(1)T or higher

Agency approvals

Safety: UL 1950, CSA 22.2 No. 950, EN60950, IEC60950, AS/NZS3260, TS001
EMI: EN50082-1:1992, EN55022:1994 Class B, AS/NZS 3548:1995, VCCI 3197.04 Class B, 47 CFR 15 Subpart B, 1997 Class B.
See also "Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information."

1 VAC = volts alternating current.

2 A = ampere.

3 AWG = American Wire Gauge.

4 Hz = hertz.

5 dBa = adjusted decibels.

Data Specifications

Table A-2 lists the specifications for the Cisco uBR905 cable access router's data ports.

Table A-2 Cisco uBR905 Cable Access Router Data Specifications  

Downstream Values
Upstream Values

Frequency Range

88 to 860 MHz

5 to 42 MHz


64 QAM

256 QAM


16 QAM

Data Rate

64 QAM—30 Mbps (27 Mbit/sec after FEC overhead)

/256 QAM—42.8 Mbps (36 Mbit/sec after FEC overhead)

QPSK—320 Kbit/sec to 5 Mbit/sec

16 QAM—640 Kbit/sec to 10 Mbit/sec

Note The above data rates are the theoretical maximums and do not take into account the frame and packet overhead required by the DOCSIS, IP, and other protocols that are used on a DOCSIS cable network. Actual maximum throughput will be less than these values.


6 MHz

200K, 400K, 800K, 1.6M, 3.2 MHz


RS (122, 128) Trellis


Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

64 QAM:
>23.5 dB @ BER<10^-8

256 QAM*:
>30 dB @ BER <10^-8
(For input level between +15 and -6 dBmV, SNR must be greater than 30 dB. For input level between -6 and -15 dBmV, SNR must be greater than 33 dB.)

Note These performance numbers are in laboratory-controlled conditions, against statistically pure noise sources (AWGN). Since such conditions do not exist in practice, a 6 or more dB SNR margin is required for reliable operation. Check with your local system guidelines.


>15 dB @ BER<10^-8
(QPSK works at 98% successful ping rate for SNR>13 dB. An SNR of 15 dB is needed to get almost optimal packets per minute transition.)

16 QAM:
>22 dB @ BER <10^-8
(For 16 QAM, an SNR>22 dB provides only a 98% ping efficiency. To get good packet rate, you need SNR>25 dB)

Note These measurements were done for 0 and -10 dBmV input to the CMTS, 1280 ksym/sec and 64 bytes packet size with laboratory-controlled conditions.


One Channel

Receive level of digital signal
-15 to +15 dBmV

Note Most field measurements are of nearby or adjacent analog signal, which is normally +6 to +10 dB (system specific) above the digital signal level.


QPSK— +8 to +58 dBmV

16 QAM— +8 to +55 dBmV


DES decryption: DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Interface (BPI), 40-bit, 56-bit, and 168-bit DES encryption, as controlled by the headend and configuration files.

Note Cisco IOS images must contain encryption software at both the CMTS and the Cisco uBR905 router. Both the router and CMTS must be enabled and properly configured to support encryption.


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