Table Of Contents
Symbols - Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Z
# (number sign) 11-4
* (wildcard) 3-7, 5-6, 11-3
1-Gbps and 2-Gbps bandwidth options
displaying software license key 12-2
displaying software version 12-2
understanding 1-6
upgrading to 2 Gbps 13-17
2-Gbps operation upgrade
activating additional data port 13-18
regenerating SSL certificates 13-18
accounting 4-14
authentication 4-6
authorization 4-12
configuring 4-5
aaa accounting command 4-14
aaa authentication command 4-6
aaa authorization command 4-12
accounting, configuring 4-14
action command 7-19
action flow 11-6
add-service command 7-10
admin privilege level 3-2, 4-7
always-accept 7-21
always-ignore 7-21
detected 11-2
flow 11-3
anomaly detection engine memory usage 12-25, 12-27
booting to 2-12
clearing configuration 13-19
clearing passwords 13-19, 13-22
upgrading 13-10
upgrading, inline 13-13
application partition
See AP
attack report
copying 11-7
detected anomalies 11-2
exporting 11-7, 13-6
exporting automatically 11-7
layout 11-1
notify 11-4
statistics 11-2
timing 11-1
viewing 11-4
attack types 11-5
authentication, configuring 4-6
configuring 4-9, 4-10
disabling zone command completion 4-13, 5-7
auth packet types 7-11
automatic detect mode 1-5
automatic protection mode 9-3
automatic protect mode 9-3, 10-1
bandwidth options
displaying software license key 12-2
displaying software version 12-2
understanding 1-6
upgrading to 2 Gbps 13-17
banner, configuring login 4-32
Berkeley Packet filter 6-7
boot command 2-12
burn flash 13-15
bypass filter
command 6-11
configuring 6-10
definition 1-5, 6-1
deleting 6-12
displaying 6-11
capture, packets 12-15
CFE 13-11, 13-14, 13-15
clear ap config command 13-19
clear ap password command 13-19, 13-22
clear counters command 3-9, 12-6
clear log command 12-12
changing prompt 4-27
command shortcuts 3-7
error messages 3-5
getting help 3-6
issuing commands 3-4
TAB completion 3-6
using 3-2
command completion 4-13
command line interface
See CLI 3-2
commands, deactivating 3-5
command shortcuts 3-7
config privilege level 3-2, 4-7
configuration, supervisor engine
saving 2-1
configuration file
copying 13-3
exporting 13-3
importing 13-4
viewing 12-3
configuration mode
accessing 4-13
described 3-3
configure command 2-10, 3-7
constructing policies 8-4
copy commands
ftp running-config 13-4
log 12-10, 12-11
packet-dump 12-17
reports 11-7
running-config 5-16, 13-3
zone log 12-11
copy-from-this 5-6
copy guard-running-config command 5-16, 5-18
copy login-banner command 4-33
copy-policies command 8-17
copy wbm-logo command 4-34
clearing 3-9, 12-6
history 12-5
counters, viewing 12-5
cpu utilization 12-26
nonspoofed attacks 1-3
overview 1-2
spoofed attacks 1-3
zombies 1-3
deactivate command 9-5
deactivating commands 3-5
default configuration, returning to 13-19
default-gateway command 3-10
description command 5-7
automatic mode 1-5
interactive mode 1-5, 9-3
detect command 9-5
anomalies 11-2
flow 11-6
detected attack 11-5
diff command 8-14, 8-15
disable command 7-7
disabling, automatic export 13-7
detected anomalies 11-2
TCP policy templates 7-3
tcp protocol flow 11-5
dst-ip-by-ip activation form 9-4, 9-7
dst-ip-by-name activation form 9-4
dst traffic characteristics 7-12
dynamic filter
1000 and more 6-14
command 6-15, 6-16, 9-9
definition 1-5
deleting 6-16
displaying 6-13
displaying events 12-9
overview 6-2, 6-13
preventing production of 6-16
sorting 6-13
worm 7-23
dynamic filters 10-2
dynamic privilege level 3-2, 4-8
command 4-11, 7-7
password command 4-10
enabling services 4-2
entire-zone activation form 9-4
event log
activating 12-10
deactivating 12-10
event monitor command 12-10
export, disabling automatic 13-7
export command 13-6
packet-dump 12-17
reports 11-7
configuration file 13-3
log file 12-11
reports automatically 11-7
exporting GUARD configuration 5-16, 5-18
export sync-config command 5-17
extracting signatures 12-21
facility 12-10
file server
configuring 13-2
displaying sync-config 13-8
command 5-17, 13-2
configuring 13-2
deleting 13-3
displaying 13-3, 13-8
displaying sync-config 5-18, 13-7
bypass 1-5, 6-10
dynamic 1-5, 6-2, 6-13
flex-content 1-5, 6-2
fixed-threshold 7-16
flash-burn command 13-16
flex-content filter
configuring 6-3
definition 1-5, 6-1
displaying 6-9
filtering criteria 6-2
renumbering 6-3
fragments 11-5
detected anomalies 11-2
policy template 7-3
generating signatures 12-21
global mode 3-3
global traffic characteristics 7-12
configuration mode 3-3
exporting configuration 13-6
GUARD_LINK 5-3, 5-4
GUARD_ zone policy template 7-4
guard-conf command 5-11
GUARD configuration, exporting 5-16, 5-18
GUARD configuration, importing 5-16
Guard-protection activation methods 9-4
histogram command 7-23
host, logging 12-10
host keys
deleting 4-21
host keys, deleting 4-22
changing 4-27
command 4-27
detected anomalies 11-2
policy template 7-3
hw-module command 13-10, 13-11, 13-12, 13-14, 13-19, 13-22
hw-module commands 2-11
hybrid 11-5
idle session, configuring timeout 4-35
idle session, displaying timeout 4-35
importing GUARD configuration 5-16
inline upgrade 13-13
in packet types 7-11
installation, verifying 2-2
operation mode 10-4
policy status 7-21
interactive detect mode 1-5, 9-3
interactive protect mode 10-1
interactive-status command 7-21
activating 3-8, 3-9
clearing counters 3-9
command 3-8
configuration mode 3-3
configuring IP address 3-8
IP address
modifying, zone 5-9
ip address command
deleting 5-9
excluding 5-8
interface 3-8
zone 5-8
ip route command 3-10
IP scan 11-5
detected anomalies 11-2
policy template 7-3
IP summarization 12-14, 12-15
IP threshold configuration 7-18
key, generating for license 13-17
key command
add 4-22, 4-25
generate 4-23, 4-26
remove 4-25
key publish command 4-23
command 8-6, 8-7
constructing policies 8-4
overview 8-2
policy-construction command 8-5
synchronizing results 8-4
terminating process 8-6, 8-7
threshold-tuning command 8-6
tuning thresholds 8-6
learning accept command 8-5, 8-7
learning parameters, displaying 8-9
deactivating periodic action 8-7
deactivating periodic-action command 8-5
periodic-action command 5-13, 8-5, 8-7, 8-9
threshold-multiplier command 7-16
threshold-selection command 8-7, 8-10
threshold-tuned command 5-9, 8-11
learning-params command 5-13, 5-18
learning-params fixed-threshold command 7-16
generating key 13-17
ordering XG upgrade license 13-17
LINK templates 8-4
log file
clearing 12-12
exporting 12-10, 12-11
viewing 12-11
logging, viewing configuration 12-11
logging command 12-10
logging parameters, configuring 12-8
login banner
configuring 4-32
deleting 4-34
importing 4-33
login-banner command 4-32
adding WBM 4-34
deleting WBM 4-35
maintenance partition
See MP
MDM 3-13
overview 3-11
port 2-3
SSH 3-13
VLAN 2-3
WBM 3-11
max-services command 7-6
MDM, activating 3-13
memory consumption 12-25
memory usage, anomaly detection engine 12-25, 12-27
min-threshold command 7-6
monitoring, network traffic 12-17
booting to 2-12
upgrading 13-12
upgrading, inline 13-13
mtu command 3-9
netstat command 12-28
network server
configuring 13-2
deleting 13-3
displaying 13-3, 13-8
displaying sync-config 5-18, 13-7, 13-8
network server, configuring 13-2
no learning command 8-6, 8-7
non_estb_conns packet type 7-11
nonspoofed attacks 1-3
no proxy policy templates 7-4
notify 11-4
notify policy action 7-20
ns policy templates 7-4
other protocols
detected anomalies 11-2
policy template 7-3
out_pkts packet types 7-11
auto-capture command 12-14
activating 12-14
deactivating 12-15
displaying settings 12-15
exporting 12-17, 13-6
signatures 12-22
packet-dump command 12-15
packets, capturing 12-15
changing 4-8
enabling 4-10
encrypted 4-8
recovering 13-19, 13-22
pending 10-2
pending dynamic filters 10-2
displaying 10-3, 10-6
periodic action
accepting policies automatically 8-5, 8-7
deactivating 8-5, 8-7
command 3-12, 3-13, 4-3
permit ssh command 4-22
ping command 12-32
pkts packet type 7-12
action 7-13, 7-19, 7-20
activating 7-14
adding services 7-9
backing up current 7-27, 8-18
command 7-13
configuration mode 3-3
constructing 1-4, 8-2, 8-4
copying parameters 8-17
copy-policies 8-17
deleting services 7-10
disabling 7-14
inactivating 7-14
learning-params, fixed-threshold command 7-16
marking as tuned 5-9, 8-11
marking threshold as fixed 7-16
multiplying thresholds 7-17
navigating path 7-13
packet types 7-11
show statistics 7-25
state 7-14
threshold 7-13, 7-15
threshold-list command 7-18
timeout 7-13, 7-19
traffic characteristics 7-12
tuning thresholds 1-4, 8-2, 8-6
using wildcards 7-13, 7-24, 7-26
viewing statistics 8-8
policy set-timeout command 7-19
policy template
command 7-4, 7-5, 7-7
configuration command level 7-5
configuration mode 3-3
displaying list 7-4
Guard policy templates for synchronization 7-4
max-services 7-6
min-threshold 7-6
overview 7-3
parameters 7-5
state 7-7
worm_tcp 7-5
policy-template add-service command 7-10
policy-template remove service command 7-10
policy-type activation form 9-4
port scan 11-5
detected anomalies 11-2
policy template 7-3
power enable command 2-11
privilege levels 3-2
assigning passwords 4-10
moving between 4-11
activation methods 9-4
automatic mode 9-3, 10-1
deactivating 9-5
interactive mode 10-1
protect command 9-5
protection-end-timer 9-7, 9-9
protect-ip-state command 9-4
protect learning command 8-6
protocol traffic characteristics 7-12
proxy policy templates, no proxy policy templates 7-4
public key, displaying 4-26
history 12-5
viewing 12-5
reactivate-zones 13-8
rebooting parameters 13-8
recommendations 10-2
accepting 10-7
activating 10-4, 10-6
change decision 7-21
command 10-6
deactivating 10-3, 10-8
dynamic filters 10-2
ignoring 10-7
overview 10-2
viewing 10-4
viewing pending-filters 10-3, 10-6
reload command 13-8
remote-activate policy action 7-20
remote Guard
activating 6-15
terminating protection 9-7, 9-9
remote-guard command 9-7, 9-8
remote Guard list
displaying 9-8
remote Guards
activating 9-5
default list 9-7
list 9-8
list activation order 9-8
remove service command 7-10
renumbering flex-content filters 6-3
replied IP summarization 12-14, 12-15
See attack report 11-1
details 11-4
exporting 13-6
reqs packet type 7-11
reset command 2-11
router configuration mode 3-3
routing table
manipulation 3-10
viewing 3-11
copy 5-16, 13-3
show 12-3
scanners traffic characteristics 7-12
adding 7-9
command 3-11, 3-13, 4-2
copy 8-17
deleting 7-10
MDM 3-13
permissions 4-3
snmp-trap 4-28
WBM 3-11
services, enabling 4-2
session, configuring timeout 4-35
session, displaying idle timeout 4-35
session timeout, disabling 4-35
session-timeout command 4-35
set-action 7-20
show commands
counters 12-5
cpu 12-26
diagnostic-info 12-24
dynamic-filters 6-13
file-servers 13-3, 13-8
flex-content-filter 6-9
host-keys 4-22, 4-24
learning parameters 8-9
learning-params 7-16
log 12-11
log export-ip 12-11
logging 12-11
login-banner 4-33
memory 12-25
module 2-2, 13-11, 13-12
packet-dump 12-15
packet-dump signatures 12-22
policies 7-24
policies statistics 7-25, 8-8
public-key 4-24, 4-26
rates 12-5
recommendations 10-4, 10-5
recommendations pending-filters 10-3, 10-6
remote-guards 9-8
reports details 11-4
running-config 12-3
show 12-4
sorting dynamic-filters 6-13
sync-config 5-18
sync-config file-servers 5-18, 13-7, 13-8
templates 5-6
zone policies 7-24
show privilege level 3-2, 4-8
show public-key command 4-26
shutdown command 3-9
generating 12-21
backing up policies 7-27, 8-18
command 8-13
comparing 8-14
deleting 8-16
displaying 8-16
overview 8-13
saving 8-13, 8-14
saving periodically 8-9
configuring trap generator 4-28
traps description 4-29
snmp commands
community 4-32
trap-dest 4-28
software license key, displaying key information 12-2
software version number, displaying 12-2
SPAN, configuring 2-7
specific IP threshold 7-18
spoofed attacks 1-3
src traffic characteristics 7-12
configuring 3-13
deleting keys 4-25
generating key 4-23, 4-26
host key 4-24
service 3-13
viewing public key 4-24
ssh key, publishing 4-23
state command 7-14
static route, adding 3-10
supervisor engine
booting 2-12
configuring 2-1
powering off 2-11
resetting 2-11
saving configuration 2-1
shutting down 2-11
verifying configuration 2-12
syn_by_fin packet type 7-11
sync command 5-14, 5-15
exporting configuration 13-6
syns packet type 7-11
configuring export parameters 12-10
configuring server 12-10
message format 12-10
system log, message format 12-10
key generate command 4-20
key publish command 4-23
clearing statistics 4-17
configuring server 4-14
server connection timeout 4-17
server encryption key 4-16
server IP address 4-15
viewing statistics 4-17
tacacs-server commands
clear statistics 4-17
first-hit 4-15
host 4-15, 4-16
key 4-15, 4-16
show statistics 4-17
timeout 4-15, 4-17
detected anomalies 11-2, 11-5
no proxy policy templates 7-4
policy templates 7-3
LINK 8-4
viewing policies 5-6
zone 5-3
thresh-mult 7-17
command 7-15
configuring IP threshold 7-18
configuring list 7-18
configuring specific IP 7-18
marking as tuned 5-9, 8-11
multiplying before accepting 7-16
selection 8-13
setting as fixed 7-16
tuning 1-4, 8-2
worm 7-22
threshold-list command 7-18
threshold selection 8-7
threshold tuning
save results periodically 8-9
timeout command 7-19
timeout session, configuring 4-35
timeout session, disabling 4-35
traceroute command 12-31
traffic, monitoring 12-17
traffic sources
capturing 2-4
configuring 2-4
SPAN 2-4
VACL 2-4
trap 12-10
trap-dest 4-28
tuning policy thresholds 8-6
detected anomalies 11-3
policy templates 7-4
unauth_pkts packet type 7-12
unauthenticated TCP detected anomalies 11-3
upgrade command 13-19
upgrade license 13-17
AP 13-10
inline 13-13
MP 13-12
user-detected anomalies 11-3
user filter
command 6-3
encrypted password 4-8
username command 4-7
adding 4-7
adding new 4-7
assigning privilege levels 4-7
deleting 4-9
privilege levels 3-2, 4-10
system users
admin 2-10
riverhead 2-10
username command 4-7
VACL, configuring 2-4
version, upgrading 13-19
activating 3-11
WBM logo
adding 4-34
deleting 4-35
dynamic filter 7-23
identifying attack 7-23
overview 7-22
policy 7-11, 7-12
policy templates 7-4, 7-23
thresholds 7-22, 7-23
worm_tcp policy template 7-5
XG software image
license key 13-17
obtaining software image 13-17
XG software version, 2-Gbps operation 13-17
XML schema11-7to 11-9, 12-17, 13-7
zombies 1-3
anomaly detection 9-2
clearing counters 12-6
command 5-5, 5-6, 10-4
command completion 4-13, 5-7
comparing 8-15
configuration mode 3-3, 5-7
copying 5-6
creating 5-5
defining IP address 5-8
deleting 5-6
deleting IP address 5-9
duplicating 5-6
excluding IP address 5-8
exporting configuration 5-17
IP address 5-8
learning 8-2
LINK templates 8-4
modifying IP address 5-9
operation mode 5-6
reconfiguring 5-7
synchronize configuration 5-10
synchronizing automatically 5-13
synchronizing offline 5-15
templates 5-3
viewing configuration 5-8
viewing policies 7-24
viewing status 12-4
zone policy
marking as tuned 5-9, 8-11
zone synchronization 8-4