
Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V -



AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting)

accounting services, enabling SC-52

authentication SC-9

authorization, enabling SC-50


AAA service restrictions SC-3

accounting method lists SC-45

authentication method lists SC-39

authorization method lists SC-41

individual users SC-22

login parameters SC-54

prerequisites for AAA services SC-3

RADIUS server groups SC-35

remote AAA SC-8

router to RADIUS server communication SC-24

services (examples) SC-55

TACACS+ server SC-32

TACACS+ server groups, SC-37

task groups for task-based authorization SC-18

user groups SC-20

database SC-7

interim accounting records, generating SC-48

per VRF (VPN routing and forwarding) definition SC-30

task-based authorization

task groups, definition SC-6

task IDs SC-12

user and group attributes SC-4

user groups

definition SC-5

inheritance SC-5

predefined SC-5

privilege level mapping as an alternative to task IDs SC-15

XML schema SC-15

aaa accounting command SC-48

aaa accounting update command SC-48

accept-lifetime command SC-221

accept-tolerance command SC-216

address ipv4 (MPP) command SC-243

address ipv6 (MPP) command SC-246

allow command SC-243, SC-246

antireplay window (IPSec)

checking a crypto profile SC-170

description SC-145

expanding and disabling globally procedure SC-169

auto-update definition SC-91



definition SC-91

banner command SC-102

browser-proxy definition SC-91


certification authority interoperability

See also certificates; CRLs; IPSec; RAs

authenticating the CA SC-68

CA description SC-61


domain names (example) SC-64

host names (examples) SC-64

trusted points SC-66

description SC-268

generating RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman) key pairs SC-65

manual enrollment, cutting and pasting SC-70

requesting certificates from the CA SC-69

supported standards

Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Security protocol SC-61

IP Network Security (IPSec) protocol SC-61

Public-Key Cryptography Standard #10 (PKCS#10) SC-61

Public-Key Cryptography Standard #7(PKCS#7) SC-61

RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman) keys SC-61

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol SC-61

X.509v3 certificate SC-61

Cisco Systems-supported security standards SC-79

clear crypto session command SC-90

clock set command SC-253


outbound traffic (key chain) SC-222

control-plane command SC-243

control plane protection, MPP

CoPP (Control Plane Policing) SC-241

definition SC-241

cryptographic-algorithm command SC-223

crypto ipsec df-bit command SC-167

crypto ipsec pmtu command SC-192

crypto ipsec pre-fragmentation command SC-177

crypto ipsec profile command SC-170

crypto ipsec security-association idle-time command SC-174

crypto ipsec security-association replay disable command SC-169

crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size command SC-169

crypto ipsec server send-update command SC-91

crypto ipsec transform-set command SC-160

crypto isakmp client configuration group command SC-102

crypto keyrings

configuring SC-116

guidelines and restrictions SC-116

crypto mib ipsec flowmib history failure size command SC-182

crypto nat-transparency command SC-172


deadtime command SC-36

DES (Data Encryption Standard)

IKE policy parameter SC-82

description (ISAKMP peer) command SC-90

DF (Don't Fragment) bit override

configuring SC-167

description SC-144

DPD (Dead Peer Detection) message, configuring SC-126


Easy VPN (Virtual Private Network) features

auto-update SC-91

banner SC-91

URL configuration description SC-92

encryption algorithm

See also IKE algorithms

end-time, key chain management SC-214


hash algorithm

See IKE, algorithms

high availability overview SC-149

hitless key rollover

accept-tolerance command SC-216

hitless key rollover, configuring SC-216


IKE (Internet Key Exchange Security Protocol)

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

definition SC-80


encryption SC-95

hash SC-96

MD5 (Message Digest 5) SC-80

options SC-83

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), definition SC-80

authentication methods SC-83, SC-96

Call Admission Control (CAC)

limiting CPU resources consumed SC-89

Call Admission Control (CAC) definition SC-89


a banner as a client group attribute for Cisco Easy VPN Server SC-102

auto-update as a group attribute for the Cisco Easy VPN Server SC-103

browser-proxy as a client group attribute for the Cisco Easy VPN Server SC-105

client group attributes for Cisco Easy VPN Server SC-102

IKE security association (SA) limit for call admission control SC-112

ISAKMP group policy attributes SC-97

ISAKMP identity SC-85

policies SC-95

definition SC-79

DES (Data Encryption Standard)

definition SC-80

DH (Diffie-Hellman)

IKE policy parameter SC-82

specifying the group identifier SC-96

DPD (Dead Peer Detection)

periodic message SC-93

Easy VPN (Virtual Private Network) features

browser-proxy SC-91

enabling and disabling SC-93

enabling config-isakmp command mode SC-95

extended authentication SC-88

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

definition SC-80

ISAKMP peer description SC-90

keyring configuration mode enablement SC-109


mask preshared SC-86


configuring (example)     1

See keys, preshared; keys, preshared using AAA server; RSA keys

negotiations SC-82

Oakley Key Exchange Protocol definition SC-80


configuring (example) SC-128

identifying SC-95

multiple SC-84

parameters SC-83

purpose SC-81

viewing SC-96

Public Key Cryptographic Protocol

Diffie-Hellman SC-80

public key cryptographic system

RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman)

signatures     1


RSA encrypted nonces method SC-85

RSA signatures method SC-85

RFC 2408, ISAKMP SC-80

RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman)

encrypted nonces SC-80, SC-82


authentication method     1

Skeme Key Exchange Protocol

definition SC-80

VPN monitoring

adding an IKE peer description SC-118

clearing a crypto session SC-90, SC-120

X.509v3 certificates standard SC-81

See also IPSec; RSA encrypted nonces; SAs

inband management interface, MPP

allow command SC-243

definition SC-240

inband command SC-243

interface command SC-243

interface service-gre command SC-149

interface service-ipsec command SC-148

IP Network Security Protocol (IPSec)

definition SC-80

IPSec (IP Network Security Protocol)


implementing with SC-63

implementing without SC-63

checkpointing SC-144


default path MTU (maximum transmission unit) SC-192

IPSec failure history table size SC-182

NAT transparency SC-172

crypto access lists SC-142

cautions, creating SC-183

creating SC-158

purpose SC-142

crypto profiles SC-140

applying to transport SC-184

applying to tunnel-ipsec interfaces SC-183

configuring static or dynamic SC-161

dynamic crypto profile description SC-141

IPSec-protected GRE virtual interfaces, configuring SC-189


antireplay window SC-145

DF bit override description SC-144

NAT transparency SC-145

prefragmentation SC-145

restrictions SC-139

load balancing SC-149

PFS (perfect forward secrecy) description SC-144

prerequisites for implementation SC-139

restrictions for implementation SC-139

setting global lifetimes SC-156

transform sets

defining SC-160

description SC-142

virtual interfaces

configuring IPSec-protected GRE SC-189

virtual interfaces (IPSec)

description SC-148

IPSec support for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) SC-147


description SC-147

displaying the SPA hardware type SC-147, SC-196

DPD message SC-93

load balancing and high availability SC-149

SA idle timers SC-145


See also IKE

ISAKMP profile

description SC-86

locally sourced and destined traffic procedure SC-121


key (key chain) command SC-218

key chain command SC-215

key chain management

configuring SC-215, SC-225

key identifiers SC-217

key string text SC-219

outbound traffic SC-222

description SC-214

end-time SC-214

key lifetime SC-214

key validation SC-220

start-time SC-214

keyring command SC-121

key-string command SC-220


lawful intercept, implementing SC-229


MAC (message authentication code) SC-223

authentication option SC-214

cryptographic algorithm procedure SC-223

management plane

MPP feature SC-242

management-plane command SC-243

match identity command SC-121

MD5 (Message Digest 5)

IKE policy parameter SC-82

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), encapsulated packets SC-149

MPP (Management Plane Protection)

benefits SC-242

control plane protection SC-241

description SC-239, SC-242

device configuration SC-243

management interface

inband SC-240

out-of-band SC-241

management plane

description SC-241

peer-filtering option SC-241


NAT transparency (IPSec) description SC-145


Oakley key exchange protocol

See also IKE

out-of-band command SC-246

out-of-band management interface, MPP

definition SC-241


peer-filtering option

definition SC-241

peer keyword

inband interface SC-244

out-of-band interface SC-247

per VRF (VPN routing and forwarding) AAA

procedure SC-30

server-private command SC-31

supported VSAs SC-30


dependencies SC-146

description SC-145


service-gre interfaces SC-178

service-ipsec interfaces SC-177

preshared keys

using the AAA Server SC-87




dead-server detection SC-28

UDP ports SC-25

operation SC-17

radius-server dead-criteria time command SC-29

radius-server dead-criteria tries command SC-29

radius-server deadtime command SC-28

RAs (registration authorities)

See CAs

reverse-route command SC-162, SC-180

RFC 2409, The Internet Key Exchange SC-79

RRI (reverse-route injection)

configuring in a crypto profile SC-180

description SC-150

RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman)

encrypted nonces

requirements SC-84, SC-85


configuring manually SC-106

configuring peers SC-108

deleting SC-66

generating SC-106

signatures SC-85

requirements SC-84


SA (security association) for IPSec VPN SPA

idle timers

configuring for each crypto profile SC-175

configuring globally SC-174

description SC-145

lifetimes SC-174

SAM (Software Authentication Manager) description SC-253

SAs (security associations)


configuring SC-96

global values     1

IKE policy parameter SC-82

operation SC-143

resource limit configuration SC-114

self-identity command SC-121

send-lifetime command SC-223

server-private command SC-31, SC-35

service-location command SC-148

set interface tunnel-ipsec command SC-121

set pfs command SC-144

set security-association idle-time command SC-162

set security-association lifetime command SC-162

set security-association replay disable command SC-162

set session-key inbound ah command SC-162

set session-key inbound esp command SC-162

set session-key outbound ah command SC-162

set session-key outbound esp command SC-162

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)

IKE policy parameter SC-82

show crypto session command SC-90

show diags command SC-147

show key chain command SC-216

show mgmt-plane command SC-243

show radius dead-criteria host command SC-29

show route command SC-180, SC-186, SC-190

Skeme key exchange protocol

See also IKE

SSH (Secure Shell)


3DES support SC-258

configuring SC-262

description SC-258

server support SC-258

configuring SC-258

prerequisites SC-256

restrictions SC-256

server SC-257

SFTP (Standard File Transfer Protocol) description SC-258

supported versions SC-255

troubleshooting SC-263

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

configuring SC-269

description SC-267

prerequisites SC-268

start-time, key chain management SC-214

static IPSec virutal interfaces, configuring SC-186


tunnel vrf (IPSec) command SC-149


URL configuration description SC-92


VPN monitoring

enhancements SC-89

per-IKE peer, function SC-90

summary status SC-90

vrf (AAA) command SC-31

vrf (IPSec) command SC-149

vrf (MPP) command SC-246

vrf-aware (IPSec) description SC-149

VSAs (vendor-specific attributes)

per VRF AAA SC-30

supported VSAs SC-30