Table Of Contents
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W -
alarm set 10-4
Cisco 1040 13-10
device-based notification group 10-4
synthetic tests
Dial-Tone test 21-10
Emergency Call test 21-6
End-to-End Call test 21-8
Message-Waiting Indicator test 21-8
Phone Registration test 21-10
TFTP Download test 21-11
TFTP server 13-6
threshold group
CDR 9-9
sensor 9-10
Adding and Copying 2-1
adding call category name 13-15
Adding Devices 4-15
browser 11-2
summary 11-1
severity 8-5
status 8-5 file 21-17
applications, configuring for synthetic tests 21-6
applications billing server 13-3
archiving call metrics 13-7
batch tests
data files, location of 21-37
phone tests, type of 21-37
metrics files
archiving, enabling and disabling 13-7
CallManager. See Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified Communications Manager)
CDR threshold group
adding 9-9
deleting 9-10
Cisco 1040
editing 13-11
resetting 13-11
Cisco 1040 Sensor 13-5
Cisco 1040 Sensors 13-5
Cisco IOS versions required for node-to-node tests 21-20
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified Communications Manager)
call data status 13-3
configuration collection status 13-3
credentials 13-3
cluster device discovery 4-17
cluster device discovery, running for device pool thresholds 9-4
cluster route pattern summary portlet 14-10
codec thresholds, setting
for CDR groups 9-9
global values 9-8
conferencing device utilization report 19-1
applications, for synthetic tests 21-6
Cisco 1040 13-11, 13-12
default configuration file 13-7, 13-12
primary Service Monitor 13-7
secondary Service Monitor 13-7
DHCP for Cisco 1040 13-8
DNS 13-8
configuring DNS 13-3
configuring gateway code 13-17
creating node-to-node tests 21-20
creating phone status tests 21-2
alarm set 10-4
Cisco1040 13-11
files from TFTP server 13-11
TFTP server from Service Monitor 13-7
threshold groups 9-10, 9-11
device-based notifications 10-4
Device Credentials
Device Inventory Management 1-5
discovery 6-18
overriding groups for 7-5
DHCP, configuring for Cisco 1040 13-8
Diagnostics 1-6
dial plan
adding 13-15
default 13-15
default, understanding 13-15
NANP 13-15
Dial-Tone synthetic tests
about 21-5
adding 21-10
call metrics archiving 13-7
cluster devices 4-17
IP phone inventory collection 6-18
monitored devices, inventorying 6-18
Discovery and CTX Cluster 4-16
DNS configuration
and Cisco 1040s 13-8
duplicate IP address for IP phone 18-12
duplicate MAC address for IP phone 18-12
Cisco 1040
configuration 13-11
inventory collection schedule
for phones 6-19
threshold groups
CDR 9-9
sensor 9-10
notifications 10-3
Emergency Call synthetic test
about 21-5
adding 21-6
call metrics archiving 13-7
quick view 15-2
troubleshoot 22-4
endpoints quick view 15-2
endpoint utilization report 19-1
End-to-End Call synthetic test
about 21-5
adding 21-8
browser 11-2
severity 8-5
event flooding
rules 9-16
understanding 9-16
flooding, control 9-16
Fault Management 1-6
fault management
alarm creation 8-3
alarms 8-2
event creation 8-2
events 8-1
file, sensor-specific configuration 13-11
Cisco 1040 sensor image 13-10
flooding, event control 9-16
format of import file
for node-to-node test 21-25
for SRST test 13-19
gatekeeper registration delay test
Cisco IOS version required 21-20
IP SLA version required 21-20
DSP Utilization Summary 14-14
Event Summary 14-14
Resource Utilization Summary 14-14
Summary portlet 14-13
Voice Interface 14-14
Gateway view 14-13
generate static reports 17-4
global thresholds 9-8
restoring default 9-8
updating 9-8
add devices 5-4
create 5-3
remove devices 5-4
import file format
for node-to-node tests 21-25
for SRST tests 13-19
import file format for phone status tests 21-3
importing phone status tests 21-3
Cisco Codec 6-8
Cisco Unified CM 6-12
CTMS 6-11
CTS 6-8
CTS-Manager 6-12
TMS 6-12
inventory collection
cluster device discovery 4-17
schedule, for phones
deleting 6-19
editing 6-19
IP phones
inventory collection schedule 6-18
adding 6-19
editing 6-19
viewing 6-18
IP phones, managing
Phone Registration synthetic tests
about 21-5
adding 21-10
IP SLA ping 21-1
IP SLA versions required for node-to-node tests 21-20
groups 5-1
media path analysis 20-3, 23-3
Message-Waiting Indicator synthetic test
about 21-5
device-based notification group 10-4
NANP 13-15
NAT environment 21-17
node-to-node tests
adding multiple tests
test files, formatting for import 21-25
test Import file, creating 21-24
data files, managing
applications that require exclusive lock on 21-29
automatic purging of 21-29
backing up 21-29
saving to another system 21-29
North American Numbering Plan 13-15
no show endpoints summary report 19-2
notification group
adding 10-4
modifying 10-4
e-mails, sending as 10-3
SNMP traps, sending as 10-3
syslogs, sending as 10-3
OffNet call definition 13-15
OnNet call definition 13-15
overriding groups
devices 7-5
performance graphs
and polling 7-8
performance polling
voice utilization settings for 7-8
performing IP SLA video operations diagnostics 20-2
phone status tests
adding a phone status test 21-3
getting started 21-1
modifying 21-4
scheduling 21-3
phone tests summary portlet 14-3
ping echo tests
Cisco IOS version required 21-20
IP SLA version required 21-20
and user-defined groups 7-8
polling, data settings
access port settings
minimum and maximum values 7-7
usage notes for 7-7
connector port settings
minimum and maximum values 7-7
usage notes 7-7
environment settings
minimum and maximum values 7-7
usage notes 7-7
processor and memory utilization settings
minimum and maximum values 7-7
usage notes 7-7
reachability settings
minimum and maximum values 7-7
polling, voice utilization settings 7-8
polling and thresholds
parameters, managing
viewing 7-4
priorities, setting 7-6
polling settings
data settings
environment 7-7
ports and interfaces 7-7
processor and memory 7-7
reachability 7-7
primary Service Monitor
configuring default 13-7
updating 13-11
proactive, troubleshooting
IPSLA 20-2
VSAA 20-3
quality, voice, and UDP jitter for VoIP test 21-21
real-time transport protocol test
Cisco IOS version required 21-20
IP SLA version required 21-20
Recommendations for Device Discovery 4-9
Reports 1-6
accessing more than 2,000 records 17-3
resetting Cisco 1040 13-11
default thresholds 9-5
resuming batch test 21-37
round-trip response time threshold, setting in node-to-node tests 21-22
RSPAN port, reconfiguring 13-11
RTMT thresholds
synchronizing 9-6
viewing 9-5
phone status test 21-3
synthetic tests 21-17
scheduling batch test 21-37
secondary Service Monitor
configuring 13-7
updating 13-11
seed file format. See import file format
session detail report 19-2
360 degree view 16-10
dashboard 16-7
statistics 16-13
topology 16-11
troubleshoot 22-4
visibility 16-9
workflow 16-4
SFTP password 13-3
SMTP server message 13-3
smuser password 13-18
notifications 10-3
SPAN port, reconfiguring 13-11
SRST 13-18
SRST poll settings, using
SRST information, maintaining
import file, formatting 13-19
SSRC 18-8
QOVR process 13-9
details 18-9
summary 18-8
suspending batch test 21-37
port, shutting 13-11
synchronize, RTMT thresholds 9-6
synthetic test notes 21-17
synthetic tests
server summary portlet 14-8
summary portlet 14-3
synthetic tests, working with
adding tests
Dial-Tone 21-10
Emergency Call 21-6
End-to-End Call 21-8
Message-Waiting Indicator 21-8
Phone Registration 21-10
TFTP Download 21-11
Cisco Unity Message-Waiting Indicator test, about 21-5
Dial-Tone test
about 21-5
adding 21-10
Emergency Call test
about 21-5
adding 21-6
End-to-End Call test
about 21-5
adding 21-8
Message-Waiting Indicator test, adding 21-8
Phone Registration test
about 21-5
adding 21-10
scheduling 21-17
TFTP Download test
about 21-5
adding 21-11
viewing test results 21-17
syslog notifications 10-3
TFTP Download synthetic tests
about 21-5
adding 21-11
TFTP Server 13-6
TFTP server
adding to Service Monitor 13-6
deleting from Service Monitor 13-7
Unified Communications Manager as a 13-6
group 9-9
priority 9-9
global 9-8
priority 9-11
setting, in node-to-node tests
round-trip response time 21-22
synchronizing RTMT 9-6
thresholds, managing
default values, restoring 9-5
viewing RTMT 9-5
TOS 18-8
traps, SNMP
from Cisco 1040s, suppressing 13-8
Cisco Mediatrace 20-1
Cisco Performance Monitor 22-6
diagnostics 22-19
endpoints 22-4
export 22-21
launch points 22-7
report 22-21
sessions 22-4
starting 22-6
workflow 22-2
troubleshooting synthetic test failure 21-17
UDP echo tests
Cisco IOS version required 21-20
IP SLA version required 21-20
Unity/Unity Connection
event and port summary 14-15
license summary portlet 14-15
voicemail event summary 14-16
voicemail services portlet 14-16
CDR group 9-9
global 9-8
sensor group 9-11
Updating Device Credentials 2-4
verifying status of batch test 21-37
verifying Unified Communications Manager credentials 13-3
Cisco IOS 21-20
IP SLA 21-20
video collaboration dashboard
Customizing 12-22
Endpoints 12-1
Infrastructure 12-1
Summary 12-1
Video Path Analysis 23-3
IP phone inventory collection status 6-18
Voice and Video Endpoint Monitoring 1-5
Voice and Video Unified Dashboard 1-4
Voice Gateway event summary 14-14
voice utilization settings, and performance polling 7-8
watch list
endpoints 15-2
sessions 16-11