Table Of Contents
Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z
10/100 Ethernet port 2-5
10/100 MGMT 2-4
activate 6-5
activating a zone set 6-5
active supervisor 2-4
active zone 6-4
adapter 2-4
RJ-45 to DB-25 2-4
RJ-45 to DB-9 2-4
additional accounts 2-7
AIX 5-4, C-1
aliases 6-3
All Fabrics tab 4-7
Apply Changes icon 4-12, C-2
audience 1-vii
backing up MDS switch configuration 6-6
basic MDS 9000 features 4-7
baud rate 2-4
cables 5-5
recommended 2-5
RJ-45 to RJ-25 2-4
RJ-45 to RJ-45 2-4
character format 2-4
Cisco MDS 9500 series supervisor - 2 module illustration 2-2
Cisco SN5428 icon 4-8
clear highlight 4-10
Client main toolbar icons 4-10
Cloud icon 4-7
compatibility 1-ix
Config Domain IdType C-2
configuration files
copying D-2
overview D-1
running 6-5
saving 6-6, D-1
startup 6-5
configuration flowchart 1-1
Configure Users and Roles icon 4-11
configuring a syslog server 6-6
configuring Call Home 6-7
configuring device aliases 6-7
configuring DNS servers 6-6
configuring switch
CLI 2-5
Switch Setup Utility 2-5
configuring TACACS+/RADIUS for centralized user management 6-6
configuring time/date/timezone and additionally NTP 6-6
connecting to the console port 2-1
console port 2-1
Cisco MDS 9100 Series switch (figure 2-3) 2-3
Cisco MDS 9200 Series switch (figure 2-2) 2-3
Cisco MDS 9500 Series Supervisor-2 Module (figure 2-1) 2-2
Cisco MDS 9500 Series switch (figure 2-1) 2-2
connecting the RS-232 cable 2-2
connecting to a PC 2-4
Copy/Ctrl+C icon 4-12
Create Row icon 4-12
Create VSAN icon 4-10
creating unique user names for each user 6-6
default network 2-7
Delete Row icon 4-12
detach tables 4-15
device aliases as zone members 6-3
device is not manageable 4-8
Device Manager 4-14
device or ISL is not working properly 4-8
Director Class MDS 9000 Switch icon 4-8
disabling Telnet 6-6
DNS 2-7
additional publications 1-ix
related documents 1-ix
domain ID C-1
domain manager C-1
domain name 2-7
DPVM wizard 4-15
Edit Full Zone Database icon 4-11
enabling SSH 6-6
End Devices folder 4-14
Events folder 4-13
Events tab 4-9
Export icon 4-12
Fabric Manager
advanced mode 4-7
browser support 3-1
displaying multiple fabrics 4-7
filtering 4-14
graphics (table) 4-8
icons (table) 4-8
installing 3-1
Java support 3-1
main menu 4-10
overview 1-2
quick tour 4-6
software executable files 3-1
support operating systems 3-1
using interface (figure) 4-6
Fabric Manager can no longer communicate 4-9
Fabric Manager Client
Contents pane 4-8
context menus 4-14
detachable tables 4-15
filtering 4-14
Logical Domains pane 4-13
overview 4-1
Physical Attributes pane 4-13
status bar 4-14
toolbar 4-10
Fabric Manager Clients
launching 4-1
Fabric Manager Server 1-2
Fabric Manager Wizards 4-15
Fabric pane 4-6, 4-14
Fabric tab 4-9
Fabric View tab 4-7
FC IDs C-1
configuring FC IDs and domain IDs (tip) C-1
Fibre Channel IDs. C-1
overview C-1
FCIP wizard 4-15
FC Services folder 4-13
Fibre Channel HBA icon 4-8
Fibre Channel ISL and Edge Connection icon 4-9
Fibre Channel Loop icon 4-9
Fibre Channel PortChannel icon 4-9
Fibre Channel Target icon 4-8
FICON 4-7, 5-4
traps 4-9
Find in the Map icon 4-10
full zone set distribution 2-8
gateway IP address 2-7
Generic Fibre Channel Switch icon 4-8
hardware 2-1
hardware installation 1-ix
Hidden Links icon 4-9
historical and performance trending 6-7
HP-UX 5-4
HTTP server 3-1
hubs 2-5
HyperTerminal Plus 2-4
Fabric pane 4-8
Information pane 4-12
toolbar 4-10
in-band management 2-7
Information pane 4-6
installation and configuration flowchart (figure) 1-1
interfaces 5-5
adding 5-4
configuring 5-4
enabling or disabling 5-5
Fibre Channel 1-2
mgmt 0 1-2
overview 1-2, 5-1
Interfaces folder 4-13
Internet Explorer
Fabric Manager support 3-1
interoperability value 5-3
IP ACL wizard 4-15
IP Cloud icon 4-9
IP folder 4-13
IP ISL and Edge Connection icon 4-9
IP PortChannel icon 4-9
iSCSI 4-7
iSCSI Host icon 4-9
iSCSI Hosts icon 4-9
iSCSI wizard 4-15
ISLs folder 4-14
IVR 4-7
IVR Zone wizard 4-15
J 2-4
Java 4-1
Java Web Start
Fabric Manager support 3-1
LAN switch 2-4
large fabrics, viewing 4-9
Launch DPVM Wizard icon 4-10
Launch FCIP Wizard icon 4-11
Launch IP-ACL Wizard icon 4-11
Launch iSCSI Wizard icon 4-11
Launch IVR Zone Wizard icon 4-11
Launch License Install Wizard icon 4-11
Launch PortChannel Wizard icon 4-11
Launch QoS Wizard icon 4-11
Launch Software Install Wizard icon 4-11
LED 2-4
License Install wizard 4-15
linkFailure message 5-5
Linux 3-11
Fabric Manager support 3-1
install scripts 3-11
load balancing 5-3
loader> prompt 2-5
logical domains 4-6
Logical Domains pane 4-14
overview 4-13
Log tab 4-9
management port default characteristics 2-4
menu bar 4-6, 4-10
mgmt0 2-5
connecting 2-4
IP address 2-7
netmask address 2-7
minimum configuration 1-2
Mode Admin 5-4
verifying status 2-9
Monitor ISL Performance icon 4-12
multiple fabrics 4-7
Fabric Manager support 3-1
network connections
preparing 2-1
Non-director Class MDS 9000 Switch icon 4-8
noshut state 2-7
nstallation 1-1
NTP server 2-7
Open Switch Fabric icon 4-10
orange X through a device 4-8
out-of-band management 2-7
10/100 ethernet management port 2-4
setting a strong password (tip) 2-6
Paste/Ctrl +V icon 4-12
PC serial port 2-4
Perform End-to-end Connectivity Analysis icon 4-11
Perform Fabric Configuration Analysis icon 4-11
Perform Switch Health Analysis icon 4-11
persistent FC IDs C-1
enabling C-2
Physical Attributes pane 4-6, 4-14
overview 4-13
physical connections 2-5
ping command 4-14
PortChannels 4-14
PortChannel wizard 4-15
Port VSAN membership 5-4
prerequisites for initial configuration 2-1
principal switch C-1
pWWN mappings 6-3
QoS wizard 4-15
quiesce 4-14
Rediscover Current Fabric icon 4-10
red line through a device 4-8
red X through a device 4-8
reference 1-x
Refresh Values icon 4-12
Release Notes 1-ix
remote workstation 4-1
request a specific domain ID C-1
RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter 2-4
RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter 2-4
RJ-45 to RJ-45 cable 2-4
creating roles without network admin privileges 6-6
Running DomainID C-2
scripts 3-11 3-11 3-11 3-11
security 4-7
Security folder 4-14
serial port 2-4
service for Fabric Manager Server 1-2
show module command 2-9
Show Online Help icon 4-12
community 2-7
community strings 2-7
connecting the console port 2-2
traps 4-9
Software Install wizard 4-15
Solaris 3-11
install scripts 3-11
srcdst load balancing 5-3
srcdst Ox-ld load balancing 5-3
SSH service 2-7
static domain IDs
configuring C-2
Logical Domains pane C-2
static domain IDs and persistent FC IDs
HP-UX and AIX (tip) 5-4
overview C-1
static routes 2-7
Status Admin 5-4
status bar 4-6, 4-14
Fabric Manager support 3-1
add to VSAN 5-4
configure the interfaces 5-4
minimum configuration 1-2
move ports 5-4
switch(boot) prompt 2-5
switch configuration commands
CLI and Fabric Manager 1-2
Switches folder 4-13
Switch Setup Utility 2-5
advanced IP options 2-7
default gateway 2-7
default switch port interface 2-7
default zone policy 2-8
ending the configuration 2-7
entering the setup mode 2-6
first-time configuration 2-6
full zone set distribution 2-8
host ID 2-5
IP address 2-7
NTP server 2-7
out-of-band management 2-7
SNMP community 2-7
SSH service 2-7
switch port trunk mode 2-8
Telnet service 2-7
user accounts
creating additional 2-7
Telnet service 2-7
threshold events 1-2
toolbar 4-6
traceroute command 4-14
traps 4-9
troubleshooting 1-x
trunking mode 2-8, 4-14
install scripts 3-11
adding 5-2
configuring 5-2
Create VSAN dialog box (figure) 5-3
overview 5-2
static domain IDs 5-3
VSANs and interfaces
steps for configuring (figure) 5-1
VSAN wizard 4-15
VT100 terminal emulation 2-4
Fabric Manager support 3-1
Windows Services applet 1-2
wizards 4-15
Zone Edit Tool wizard 4-15
zone policy configuration 2-8
configuring 6-2
configuring (flowchart) 6-1
enabling using Quick Config Wizard B-1
enabling zone members B-1
overview 6-2
using device aliases (tip) 6-3
zone sets
creating 6-4, 6-5
overview 6-4
rules 6-4