Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference, Release 1.0(3a)
C Commands

Table Of Contents

C Commands


callhome test


clear arp-cache

clear cores

clear counters

clear debug-logfile

clear fcanalyzer

clear fcflow stats

clear fcns statistics

clear fcs statistics

clear fspf counters

clear ntp statistics

clear processes log

clear qos statistics

clear rscn statistics

clear screen

clear vrrp

clear zone


clock set

configure terminal


C Commands

The commands in this chapter apply to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches. All commands are shown here in alphabetical order regardless of command mode. See the "About the CLI Command Modes" section to determine the appropriate mode for each command. For more information, refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 Family Configuration Guide.


callhome test


clear arp-cache

clear cores

clear counters

clear debug-logfile

clear fcanalyzer

clear fcflow stats

clear fcns statistics

clear fcs statistics

clear fspf counters

clear ntp statistics

clear processes log

clear qos statistics

clear rscn statistics

clear screen

clear vrrp

clear zone


configure terminal

configure terminal



To configure the callhome function, use the callhome command in configuration mode. To set a command back to its factory defaults or negate the command, use the no form of the command.

callhome [customer-id customer-id] [contract-id contract-id] [destination-profile full-txt-destination email-addr email-address | message-size size] [destination-profile short-txt-destination email-addr email-address | message-size size] [destination-profile XML-destination email-addr email-address | message-size size] [disable] [email-contact email-address] [enable] [phone-contact number] [site-id site number] [streetaddress street number, city, state, zip] [switch-priority priority value] [transport email from email-address |reply-to email-address | smtp-server ip address port port-number]

no callhome [customer-id customer-id] [contract-id contract-id] [destination-profile full-txt-destination email-addr email-address | message-size size] [destination-profile short-txt-destination email-addr email-address | message-size size] [destination-profile XML-destination email-addr email-address | message-size size] [disable] [email-contact email-address] [enable] [phone-contact number] [site-id site number] [streetaddress street number, city, state, zip] [switch-priority priority value] [transport email from email-address |reply-to email-address | smtp-server ip address port port-number]

Syntax Description

contract-id contract-id

(Optional). Configures service contract ID of the customer. Allows up to 64 characters for contract number.

customer-id customer-id

(Optional). Configures the customer ID for the switch. Allows customer ID up to 64 alphanumeric characters in free format.


(Optional) Configures a destination e-mail address for a message sent in full text format. This text provides the complete, detailed explanation of the failure.


Configures destination profile for plain text message.

email-addr email-address

Configures email address. Uses a standard e-mail address that does not have any text size restrictions.

message-size size

Configures a destination message size for a message sent in full text format. Allows from 0 to 1,000,000 bytes for the message size and the default is 500,000. A value of 0 implies that a message of any size can be sent


(Optional). Configures a destination profile for a short text message.

email-addr email-address

Configures a destination e-mail address for a message sent in short text format. This text provides the basic explanation of the failure. Uses a pager-related e-mail address for this option.

message-size short-text-size

Configures a destination message size for a message sent in short text format. Allows from 0 to 1,000,000 bytes for the message size and the default is 4000. A value of 0 implies that a message of any size can be sent.


(Optional). Configures destination profile for XML message.

email-addr email-address

Configure a destination e-mail address for a message sent in XML format. This option provides the full information that is compatible with Cisco Systems TAC support. Do not add a pager-related e-mail address to this destination profile because of the large message size.

message-size xml-size

Configure a destination message size for a message sent in XML format. Enter the message size. The valid range is 0 to 1,000,000 bytes and the default is 500,000. A value of 0 implies that a message of any size can be sent.


Disables callhome.

email-contact email-address

(Optional). Configures the customer's e-mail address. Allows up to 128 alphanumeric characters in e-mail address format.


Enables callhome.

phone-contact number

(Optional). Configures the customer's phone number. Allows up to 20 alphanumeric characters international phone format. Do not use spaces. Use the + prefix before the number.

site-id site number

(Optional). Identifies the unit to the outsourced throughput. Allows up to 256 alphanumeric characters in free format.

streetaddress street number, city, state, zip

(Optional). Configures the customer's street address where the equipment is located. Allows up to 256 alphanumeric characters in free format for the street number, city, state, and zip (combined).

switch-priority priority value

(Optional). Configures the switch priority. Specifies a priority value. 0 is the highest priority and 7 the lowest.


Optional. Configure the e-mail address from the user.


Configure the e-mail address from the user.

from email-address

Configure from email address. Provide from email address, example: (Max Size - 255).

reply-to email-address

Configure reply to email address. Provide reply-to email address, example: (Max Size - 255).

smtp-server ip address

Configure SMTP server address. The SMTP server (DNS name or IP address) (Max Size - 255).

port port-number

(Optional). Changes depending on the server location. The port usage defaults to 25 if no port number is specified.



Command Modes

Configuration mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

The CallHome configuration commands available in the (config-callhome) submode.

A CallHome message is used to contact a support person or organization in case an urgent alarm is raised.

Once you have configured the contact information, you must enable the Call Home function. The enable command is required for the Call Home function to start operating. When you disable the Call Home function, all input events are ignored.

Note Even if Call Home is disabled, basic information for each Call Home event is sent to syslog.


The following examples assign contact informations:

switch# config t
switch# snmp-server contact 
switch(config)# callhome
switch(config-callhome)# email-contact
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# phone-contact +1-800-123-4567
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# streetaddress 1234 Picaboo Street, Any city, Any state, 12345
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# switch-priority 0
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# customer-id Customer1234 
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# site-id Site1ManhattanNY
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# contract-id Company1234 
successfully updated the information

The following example configures full-text destination profiles:

switch(config-callhome)# destination-profile full-txt-destination email-addr
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# destination-profile full-txt-destination message-size 1000000
successfully updated the information

The following example configures short-text destination profiles:

switch(config-callhome)# destination-profile short-txt-destination email-addr
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# destination-profile short-txt-destination message-size 100000
successfully updated the information

The following example configures the from and reply-to e-mail addresses:

switch(config-callhome)# transport email from 
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# transport email reply-to
successfully updated the information

The following example configures the SMTP server and ports:

switch(config-callhome)# transport email smtp-server 
successfully updated the information
switch(config-callhome)# transport email smtp-server port 30
successfully updated the information 

The following example enables and disables the CallHome function:

switch(config-callhome)# enable 
callhome enabled successfully
switch(config-callhome)# disable 

Related Commands


callhome test

Sends a dummy test message to the configured destination(s).

callhome test inventory

Sends a dummy test inventory message to the configured destination(s).

show callhome

Displays configured Call Home information.

callhome test

To simulate a CallHome message generation, use the callhome test command.

callhome test [inventory]

Syntax Description


Sends a dummy CallHome inventory.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

You can simulate a message generation by issuing a test command.


The following example sends a test message to the configured destination(s):

switch# callhome test
trying to send test callhome message
successfully sent test callhome message

The following example sends a test inventory message to the configured destination(s)
switch# callhome test inventory
trying to send test callhome message
successfully sent test callhome message

Related Commands



Configures CallHome functions.

show callhome

Displays configured Call Home information.


To change the default directory or file system, use the cd command.

cd {directory | bootflash:[directory] | slot0:[directory] | volatile:[directory]}

Syntax Description


Name of the directory on the file system.


URI or alias of the bootflash or file system.


URI or alias of the slot0 file system.


URI or alias of the volatile file system.


The initial default file system is flash:. For platforms that do not have a physical device named flash:, the keyword flash: is aliased to the default Flash device.

If you do not specify a directory on a file system, the default is the root directory on that file system.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

For all EXEC commands that have an optional file system argument, the system uses the file system specified by the cd command when you omit the optional file system argument. For example, the dir command, which displays a list of files on a file system, contains an optional file system argument. When you omit this argument, the system lists the files on the file system specified by the cd command.


The following example sets the default file system to the Flash memory card inserted in slot 0:

switch# pwd 
switch# cd slot0: 
switch# pwd 

Related Commands



Copies any file from a source to a destination.


Deletes a file on a Flash memory device.


Displays a list of files on a file system.


Displays the current setting of the cd command.

show file systems

Lists available file systems and their alias prefix names.


Recovers a file marked deleted on a Class A or Class B Flash file system.

clear arp-cache

To clear the arp-cache table entries, use the clear arp-cache command in EXEC mode.

clear arp-cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The ARP table is empty by default.

Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).


The following example shows how to clear the arp-cache table entries.

switch# clear arp-cache

Related Commands


show arp

Displays Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries.

clear cores

To clear all core dumps for the switch, use the clear cores command in EXEC mode.

clear cores

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

The system software keeps the last few cores per service and per slot and clears all other cores present on the active supervisor module.


The following example shows how to clear all core dumps for the switch.

switch# clear cores

Related Commands


show cores

Displays core dumps that have been made.

clear counters

To clear the counters, use the clear counters command in EXEC mode.

clear counters {statistics vrrp | interface {fc | mgmt | port-channel | sup-fc | vsan} number}

Syntax Description

statistics vrrp

Clears global virtual router statistics.


Clears interface counters for the specified interface.


Specifies the interface type. See the Keywords table in the "Usage Guidelines" section.


Specifies the number of the slot or interface being cleared.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

The following table lists the keywords and number ranges for the clear counters interface types:


Interface Type



Fibre Channel

1- 2 or 1 - 9 (slot)



0-0 (management interface)



1-128 (PortChannel)



0-0 (Inband interface)



1- 4093 (VSAN ID)


The following example shows how to clear global virtual router statistics.

switch# clear counters statistics vrrp

switch# clear counters interface vsan 13

clear debug-logfile

To clear the debug logfile, use the clear debug-logfile command in EXEC mode.

clear debug-logfile filename

Syntax Description


The name of the log file to be cleared. Maximum size is 1024 bytes.

Command Modes


Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).


The following example shows how to clear the debug logfile.

switch# clear debug-logfile

clear fcanalyzer

To clear the entire list of configured hosts for remote capture, use the clear fcanalyzer command in EXEC mode.

clear fcanalyzer

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

This command clears only the list of configured hosts. Existing connections are not terminated.


The following example shows how to clear the entire list of configured hosts for remote capture.

switch# clear fcanalyzer 

Related Commands


show fcanalyzer

Displays the list of hosts configured for a remote capture.

clear fcflow stats

To clear Fibre Channel flow counters, use the clear fcflow stats command in EXEC mode.

clear fcflow stats {aggregated | module module-number | index flow-number}

Syntax Description


Clears fcflow aggregated statistics.


Clears statistics for a specified module.


Clears fcflow counters for a specified flow index.


Specifies flow index number.

Command Modes


Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).


The following example shows how to clear aggregated Fibre Channel flow statistics for flow index 1 of module 2.

switch(config)# # clear fcflow stats aggregated module 2 index 1

Related Commands


show fcflow

Displays the fcflow statistics.

clear fcns statistics

To clear the name server statistics, use the clear fcns statistics command in EXEC mode.

clear fcns statistics [vsan vsan-id]

Syntax Description


Statistics are to be cleared for a VSAN.


The ID of the VSAN is from 1 to 4093.

Command Modes


Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).


The following example shows how to clear the name server statistics.

switch# show fcns statistics

Name server statistics for vsan 1
registration requests received = 0
deregistration requests received = 0
queries received = 23
queries sent = 27
reject responses sent = 23
RSCNs received = 0
RSCNs sent = 0

switch# clear fcns statistics

switch# show fcns statistics

Name server statistics for vsan 1
registration requests received = 0
deregistration requests received = 0
queries received = 0
queries sent = 0
reject responses sent = 0
RSCNs received = 0
RSCNs sent = 0

Related Commands


show fcns statistics

Displays the name server statistics.

clear fcs statistics

To clear the fabric configuration server statistics, use the clear fcs statistics command in EXEC mode.

clear fcs statistics [vsan vsan-id]

Syntax Description


FCS statistics are to be cleared for a specified VSAN.


The ID of the VSANs are from 1 to 4093.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).


The following example shows how to clear the fabric configuration server statistics.

switch# clear fcs statistics

Related Commands


show fcs

Displays the fabric configuration server information.

clear fspf counters

To clear the Fabric Shortest Path First statistics, use the clear fspf counters command in EXEC mode.

clear fspf counters vsan vsan-id [interface type]

Syntax Description


Indicates that the counters are to be cleared for a VSAN.


The ID of the VSAN is from 1 to 4093.

interface type

(Optional). The counters are to be cleared for an interface. The interface types are fc for Fibre Channel, and port-channel for PortChannel.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

If the interface is not specified, then all of the counters of a VSAN are cleared. If the interface is specified, then the counters of the specific interface are cleared.


The following example clears the FSPF t statistics on VSAN 1.

switch# clear fspf counters vsan 1

The following example clears FSPF statistics specific to the Fibre Channel interface in VSAN 1, Slot 9 Port 32.

switch#  clear fspf counters vsan 1 interface fc 9/32

Related Commands


show fspf

Displays global FSPF information for a specific VSAN.

clear ntp statistics

To clear Network Time Protocol statistics, use the clear ntp statistics command in EXEC mode.

clear ntp statistics {all-peers | io | local | memory}

Syntax Description


Clears I/O statistics for all peers.


Clears I/O statistics for I/O devices.


Clears I/O statistics for local devices.


Clears I/O statistics for memory.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

None mode.


The following example shows how to clear NTP statistics for all peers.

switch# clear ntp statistics all-peers

The following example shows how to clear NTP statistics for I/O devices.

switch# clear ntp statistics io

The following example shows how to clear NTP statistics for local devices.

switch# clear ntp statistics local

The following example shows how to clear NTP statistics for memory.

switch# clear ntp statistics memory

Related Commands


show ntp

Displays the configured server and peer associations.

clear processes log

To clear the log files on the switch, use the clear processes log command in EXEC mode.

clear processes log {all | pid pid-number}

Syntax Description


Deletes all of the log files.


Deletes the log files of a specific process.


Specifies the process ID, which must be from 0 to 2147483647.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples show how to clear all of the log files on the switch.

switch# clear processes log all

Related Commands


show processes

Displays the detailed running or log information of processes or high availability applications.

clear qos statistics

To clear the quality of services statistics counters, use the clear qos statistics command in EXEC mode.

clear qos statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples shows how to clear the quality of service counters.

switch# clear qos statistics

Related Commands


show qos statistics

Displays the current QoS settings, along with a number of frames marked high priority.

clear rscn statistics

To clear the registered state change notification statistics for a specified VSAN, use the clear rscn statistics command in EXEC mode.

clear rscn statistics vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description


The RSCN statistics are to be cleared for a VSAN.


The ID for the VSAN for which you want to clear RSCN statistics.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to clear rcsn statistics for VSAN 1.

switch# clear rscn statistics 1

Related Commands


show rscn

Displays RSCN information.

clear screen

To clear the terminal screen, use the clear screen command in EXEC mode.

clear screen

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines



The following example shows how to clear the terminal screen.

switch# clear screen

clear vrrp

To clear all the software counters for the specified virtual router, use the clear vrrp command in EXEC mode.

clear vrrp number interface type [vsan-id | mgmt-int]

Syntax Description


A number from 1-255.


The counters are cleared for an interface.


The interface types are mgmt for the management interface, and vsan for the IPFC VSAN interface.


The ID of the VSAN is from 1 to 4093.


(Optional). The management interface number is 0.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples shows how to clear all the software counters for virtual router 7 on VSAN 2.

switch# clear vrrp 7 interface vsan2 

Related Commands


show vrrp

Displays VRRP configuration information.

clear zone

To clear all configured information in the zone server for a specified VSAN, use the clear zone command in EXEC mode.

clear zone {database | statistics} vsan vsan-id

Syntax Description


Indicates that zone server database information is to be cleared.


Indicates that zone server statistics are to be cleared.


Indicates that zone information is to be cleared for a VSAN.


The ID of the VSAN is from 1 to 4093.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

After issuing a clear zone database command, you need to explicitly issue the copy running-config startup-config to ensure that the running configuration is used when you next start the switch.


The following examples shows how to clear all configured information in the zone server for VSAN 1.

switch# clear zone database vsan 1

Related Commands


show zone

Displays zone information for any configured interface.


To configure the time zone and the summer time of day, use the clock command in configuration mode. To disable the daylight saving time adjustment, use the no form of this command.

clock {summer-time | time-zone daylight-timezone-name start-week start-day start-month start-time end-week end-day end-month end-time daylight-offset-to-be-added-in-minutes}

no clock {summer-time | time-zone daylight-timezone-name start-week start-day start-month start-time end-week end-day end-month end-time daylight-offset-to-be-added-in-minutes}

Syntax Description


Adjusts the daylight savings time for the Pacific time zone by 60 minutes starting the first sunday in April at 2 a.m. and ending the last Sunday in October at 2 a.m.


Sets the time zone for a specified time zone name.


The 8-character name of the time zone


The week ranging from 1 through 5


The day ranging from Sunday through Saturday


The month ranging from January through December


The time ranging from


The daylight offset ranges from1 through 1440 minutes that will be added to the start time and deleted from the end time


Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Command Modes

Configuration mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if you need to change the UTC or GMT time or time zone.


The following example shows how to configure the time zone and summer time of day.

switch# config t
switch(config)# clock timezone <daylight timezone name> <start week> <start day> <start 
month> <start time> <end week> <end day> <end month> <end time> <daylight offset to be 
added in minutes> 
switch(config)# clock summer-time Pacific 1 Sun Apr 02:00 5 Sun Oct 02:00 60
switch(config)# no clock summer-time
switch(config)# exit

Related Commands


clock set

Changes the default time on the switch.

show clock

Displays the current date and time.

show run

Displays changes made to the time zone configuration along with other configuration information.

clock set

To change the default time on a Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch, use the clock set command in EXEC mode.

clock set HH:MM:SS DD Month YYYY

Syntax Description


The two-digit time in hours in military format (15 for 3 p.m.).


The two-digit time in minutes (58).


The two-digit time in seconds(15).


The two-digit date (12).


The month in words (August).


The four-digit year (2002).



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

Generally, if the system is synchronized by a valid outside timing mechanism, such as an NTP clock source, or if you have a switch with calendar capability, you do not need to set the system clock. Use this command if no other time sources are available. The time specified in this command is relative to the configured time zone.

The clock set command changes are saved across system resets.


The following example displays the clock set command:

switch# clock set 15:58:15 12 August 2002

Mon Aug 12 15:58:00 PDT 2002

configure terminal

To entr the configuration mode, use the configure terminal command in EXEC mode.

configure terminal

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines



The following example enters the configuration mode:

switch# conf t


To save a backup of the system software, use the copy command in EXEC mode.

copy source-URL destination-URL

Syntax Description


The location URL or alias of the source file or directory to be copied.


The destination URL or alias of the copied file or directory.

The following table lists the aliases for source and destination URLs.


The configuration currently running on the switch. The system:running-config keyword represents the current running configuration file.


The configuration used during initialization (startup). You can copy the startup configuration into or from NVRAM. The nvram:startup-config keyword represents the configuration file used during initialization.


Source or destination location for internal bootflash memory.


Source or destination location for the CompactFlash memory or PCMCIA card.


Source or destination location for the volatile file system.


Snapshot file.


Source or destination location for system memory, which includes the running configuration.


Source or destination location for a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) network server. The syntax for this alias is tftp:[[//location]/directory]/filename.


The name of the Flash file.


The number of the supervisor module, where sup-1 is the slot 5 supervisor (active) and sup-2 is the slot 6 supervisor (standby).



Command Modes

EXEC mode.

Command History

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).

Usage Guidelines

This command makes the running and the backup copy of the software identical.

A file can only be copied from an active supervisor to a standby supervisor, not from standby to active.

This command does not allow 127.x.x.x IP addresses.

The copy function will not be completed if the required space is not available in the directory. First change to the required directory (for example, cd bootflash:) and verify the available space (for example, dir bootflash:).

The entire copying process may take several minutes.

Do not copy a file from an external source directly to the standby supervisor. You must copy from the external source to the active supervisor, and then copy the saved file to the standby supervisor.


The following example saves your configuration to the startup configuration.

switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config 

The following example copies the file called samplefile from the slot0 directory to the mystorage directory.

switch# copy slot0:samplefile slot0:mystorage/samplefile

The following example copies a file from the current directory level.

switch# copy samplefile mystorage/samplefile

If the current directory is slot0:mydir, this command copies slot0:mydir/samplefile to 

The following command downloads a configuration file from an external CompactFlash to the running configuration.

switch copy slot0:dns-config.cfg system:running-config

The following command downloads a configuration file from an external CompactFlash to the startup configuration.

switch# copy slot0:dns-config.cfg nvram:startup-config

The following command saves a running configuration file to an external CompactFlash.

switch# copy system:running-config slot0:dns-config.cfg

The following command saves a startup configuration file to an external CompactFlash.

switch# copy system:startup-config slot0:dns-config.cfg

The following example creates a copy of the binary configuration in NVRAM.

switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config

The following example creates a backup copy of the binary configuration.

switch# copy nvram:startup-config nvram:snapshot-config

The following example overwrites the contents of an existing configuration in NVRAM.

switch# copy nvram:snapshot-config nvram:startup-config
Warning: Snapshot file is going to override the current startup-config. 
Do you wish to proceed anyway? {y/n} [y] y

The following example copies an image in bootflash on the active supervisor to the bootflash on the standby supervisor.

switch# copy bootflash:myimage bootflash://sup-2/myimage

The following example creates a running configuration copy in bootflash.

switch# copy system:running-config bootflash:my-config

The following examples creates a startup configuration copy in bootflash.

switch# copy nvram:startup-config bootflash:my-config

Related Commands



Changes the default directory or file system.


Displays a list of files on a file system.


Reloads the operating system.

show version

Displays the version of the running configuration file.