Table Of Contents
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V -
AA 68-13
configuring 14-1
admission control
implementing with locations 10-1
analog access gateways and ports
adding 61-16
Annunciator 32-1
configuring 32-1
deleting 32-7
finding 32-2
updating 32-5
configuration settings (table) 32-9
application dial rules
adding 15-1
configuring 15-1
deleting 15-3
modifying 15-2
reprioritizing 15-4
updating 15-3
application profiles 68-11
autogenerated device profiles
configuring directory numbers 58-12
automated alternate routing groups
adding 14-3
configuration settings (table) 14-6
configuring 14-1
deleting 14-5
finding 14-2
updating 14-4
Automated Attendant (AA) 68-13
configuration settings (table) 11-5
configuring 11-1
disabling 11-3
enabling 11-2
reusing auto-registration numbers 11-7
gateway configuration 61-50
ports, adding 61-11
Cisco CallManager 1-2
Java Runtime Environment 1-3
hypertext transfer protocol 1-4
busy lamp field
configuring 62-38
call display restrictions
configuring in device profile default configuration 59-6
configuring in translation pattern 27-15
configuring in user device profile 58-5
phone configuration 62-23
calling search space
configure display in drop-down list box 62-74
calling search spaces
adding 20-3
configuration settings (table) 20-8
configuring 20-1
copying 20-5
deleting 20-6
finding 20-2
updating 20-4
call park
described 41-1
call pickup
adding a group number 43-4, 43-5
assigning directory numbers to a group 43-13
configuring 43-1
deleting a group number 43-7
finding a group number 43-2
group configuration settings (table) 43-9
notification 43-1
updating a group number 43-6
call waiting
configuration settings 62-73
Cisco CallManager
adding 3-4
benefits 1-2
browsing into 1-2
component versions 3-11
configuration settings (table) 3-8
configuring 3-1
deleting 3-6
finding 3-1
adding 4-4
configuration overview 4-1
configuration settings (table) 4-8
copying 4-6
deleting 4-7
finding 4-2
updating 4-5
introduction 1-1
key features 1-2
more information 1-8
overview 1-1
server configuration 2-1
updating 3-5
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
audience xxviii
conventions xxx
organization xxviii
purpose xxviii
related documentation xxix
Cisco CallManager subscriber
removing B-1
Cisco IP Manager Assistant (IPMA)
configuration wizard for proxy line 30-1
Cisco IP Phones
adding 62-5
configuration overview 62-1
configuring 62-2
copying existing 62-7
deleting 62-11
directory numbers 62-48
displaying MAC address 62-3
finding and listing 62-46
resetting 62-9
templates, phone button
configuring 64-1
updating 62-10
Cisco IP Phone Services
adding a service 44-4
adding a service parameter 44-8
configuration settings (table) 44-7
configuring 44-1, 62-41
deleting a service 44-6
deleting a service parameter 44-11
dependency records 44-6
finding a service 44-2
parameter settings (table) 44-12
subscribing 62-41
unsubscribing 62-43
updating 62-42
updating a service 44-5
updating a service parameter 44-10
Cisco IP SoftPhone
user information 68-14
Cisco Unity
failover voice-mail port setup C-4
upgrading to Cisco CallManager 4.0 or later C-2, C-3
user configuration voice mailbox 68-3
voice-mail port adjustments C-1
voice-mail port changes C-1
Cisco Unity voice mailbox
directory numbers 62-53
Cisco Unity voice-mail port
failover C-4
Cisco uOne
MWI device, configuring 52-4
Cisco voice mail
adding a new server and ports 51-1
adding ports 50-4
adding ports with the wizard 51-9
configuring 50-1
configuring message waiting 52-1
configuring port wizard 51-1
configuring profile 54-1
copying ports 50-7
deleting ports 50-5
deleting ports with the wizard 51-11
finding a message waiting number 52-1
finding ports 50-2
port configuration settings (table) 50-8
port wizard device information configuration settings 51-2
port wizard directory number configuration settings 51-5
updating ports 50-6
Cisco voice-mail pilot
configuring 53-1, 53-4
deleting 53-4
finding 53-1
CMLocal date/time group 5-1
common profiles
adding 57-3
configuration settings (table) 57-6
configuring 57-1
copying 57-4
deleting 57-5
finding 57-2
updating 57-3
component versions 3-11
conference bridges
adding a Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM) 33-17
adding a Cisco IOS device 33-11
adding a Cisco video conference bridge device 33-13
adding a hardware device 33-8
adding a meet-me number pattern 47-5
adding a software device 33-5
Cisco Conference Bridge (WS-SVC-CMM) configuration settings (table) 33-18
Cisco IOS configuration settings (table) 33-12
Cisco video configuration settings (table) 33-15
configuring 33-1
copying a meet-me number pattern 47-4
deleting a conference device 33-21
deleting a meet-me number pattern 47-7
finding 33-2
finding a meet-me number pattern 47-1
hardware configuration settings (table) 33-10
software configuration settings (table) 33-7
updating a conference device 33-20
updating a meet-me number pattern 47-6
updating conference bridge parameters 33-23
conventions xxx
find and list CTI route points configuration pane (figure) 56-7
route point configuration pane (figure) 56-2
route points
adding 56-2
configuration settings (table) 56-8
configuring 56-1
deleting 56-4
finding 56-5
modifying 56-3
resetting 56-7
CTI ports
adding 62-5
copying existing 62-7
custom phone button templates
adding 64-4
configuring 7914 expansion module 64-10
deleting 64-7
finding 64-2
modifying 64-6
renaming 64-6
updating 64-9
date/time groups
adding 5-4
configuration settings (table) 5-7
configuring 5-1
deleting 5-5
finding 5-2
updating 5-5
configuration settings (table) 6-3
configuring 6-1
updating 6-1
with non-firmware loads 6-4
dependency records
accessing A-3
buttons A-5
Cisco IP Phone Services 44-6
disabling A-2
enabling A-1
enterprise parameter A-1
overview A-1
route filters 16-10
user device profile 58-9
voice-mail pilot numbers 53-4
voice-mail ports 50-5
voice-mail profile 54-3
device defaults
configuration settings (table) 6-3
configuring 6-1
updating 6-1
device mobility groups
adding 48-3
configuration settings (table) 48-6
configuring 48-1
copying 48-4
deleting 48-5
finding 48-2
updating 48-3
device mobility info
adding 49-3
configuration settings (table) 49-6
configuring 49-1
copying 49-4
deleting 49-5
finding 49-2
updating 49-3
device pools
adding 8-4
configuration settings (table) 8-7
configuring 8-1
deleting 8-6
finding 8-2
updating 8-5
device profile default
configuring 59-1
device profile defaults
adding 59-2
configuration settings 59-5
deleting 59-3
subscribing a service 59-4
updating 59-3
device profiles
adding a user 58-4
configuring 58-1
configuring directory numbers for autogenerated device profiles 58-12
deleting a user profile 58-9
finding 58-2
updating a user profile 58-8
updating autogenerated profile 58-10
adding 55-2
Cisco IP Phones
configuration overview 62-1
configuring 62-2
configuring 55-1
defining common characteristics 8-1
gatekeepers, configuring 60-1
gateways 61-1
MWI configuration settings (table) 52-5
restarting or resetting 55-2
trunks, configuring 63-1
with non-default firmware loads 6-4
directed call park
described 42-1
Cisco Unity voice mailbox 68-3
supported characters 68-8
directory number
calling search space list 62-74
directory number configuration
creating Cisco Unity voice mailbox 62-53
directory numbers
adding 62-49
call waiting configuration settings 62-73
configuration settings (table) 62-54
configuring 62-48
deleting unassigned 29-4
removing from phone 62-52
updating 62-51
updating unassigned 29-5
audience xxviii
conventions xxx
organization xxviii
purpose xxviii
related xxix
Domain Name System (DNS) 2-1
E1 PRI ports 61-10
enterprise parameters
configuring 9-1
dependency records A-1
extension mobility, user information 68-14
external phone number mask 11-6
external route plan wizard
configuring 28-1
confirming the external route plan 28-10
creating an external route plan 28-2
deleting an external route plan 28-12
entering location information 28-5
finishing the external route plan 28-11
generating the external route plan 28-9
providing gateway information 28-7
providing tenant information 28-4
selecting gateways 28-6
setting the routing options 28-2
firmware loads, devices with non-default 6-4
functional groups
adding 70-4
deleting 70-5
described 70-3
updating 70-4
FXO ports 61-8
FXS ports 61-6
adding 60-4
configuration settings (table) 60-8
configuring 60-1
deleting 60-5
finding 60-2
modifying 60-6
resetting 60-7
adding 61-1
analog access configuration settings (table) 61-83
analog access gateway, adding 61-16
BRI configuration settings (table) 61-50
Cisco IOS SCCP gateway configuration settings (table) 61-90
Cisco VG224/VG248 analog gateway, adding 61-18
Cisco VG224/VG248 analog ports, adding 61-18
Cisco VG248 configuration settings (table) 61-88
configuration settings (table) 61-20
configuring 61-1
deleting 61-116
E&M port configuration settings (table) 61-101
E1/T1 configuration settings (table) 61-30
finding and listing 61-104
FSX/FXO configuration settings (table) 61-24
ground start port configuration settings (table) 61-100
H.323, adding 61-15
H.323 configuration settings (table) 61-70
ISDN 61-31
ISDN BRI 61-50
loop start port configuration settings (table) 61-98
Cisco IOS, adding 61-3
configuration settings (table) 61-21
FXO ports, adding 61-8
FXS ports, adding 61-6
ports, adding 61-6
T1-CAS ports, adding 61-9
T1 PRI or E1 PRI ports, adding 61-10
configuring 61-50
ports, adding 61-11
modifying 61-115
non-IOS, adding 61-14
port configuration settings (table) 61-94
ports, adding 61-16
POTS port configuration settings (table) 61-95
PRI 61-31
providing gateway information using external route plan wizard 28-7
resetting 61-117
restarting 61-117
Cisco IOS, adding 61-12
by calling search space 61-109
by description 61-106
by device name 61-104
by device pool 61-110
by device type 61-113
by directory number 61-107
by route group 61-112
searching by route pattern 61-107
selecting using external route plan wizard 28-6
T1-CAS configuration settings (table) 61-63
updating 61-118
Global Directory
advanced search 69-3
basic search 69-1
LDAP 69-1
overview 69-1
group call pickup
adding a group number 43-4, 43-5
assigning directory numbers to a group 43-13
configuring 43-1
deleting a group number 43-7
finding a group number 43-2
group configuration settings (table) 43-9
updating a group number 43-6
Cisco CallManager
configuration settings (table) 4-8
configuring 4-1
configuration settings (table) 5-7
overview 5-1
H.323, adding gateways 61-15
HTTP over secure sockets layer 1-4
hunt lists
adding 25-4
adding line groups 25-5
changing the order of line groups 25-8
configuring 25-1
deleting 25-9
finding 25-2
removing line groups 25-7
hunt pilots
adding 26-4
configuration settings (table) 26-9
configuring 26-1
copying 26-6
deleting 26-7
finding 26-2
updating 26-5
introduction to Cisco CallManager 1-1
IP address 2-1
IP Phones, Cisco
configuration overview 62-1
configuring 62-2
IP Phone Services, Cisco
configuring 62-41
subscribing 62-41
unsubscribing 62-43
updating 62-42
ISDN, gateway configuration 61-31
ISDN BRI, gateway configuration 61-50
keypad templates, configuring 64-1
LDAP parameters 9-1
line groups
adding 24-3
adding devices 24-4
configuration settings (table) 24-9
configuring 24-1
deleting 24-8
finding 24-2
removing devices 24-6
updating 24-7
adding 10-4
configuration settings (table) 10-8
configuring 10-1
deleting 10-5
finding 10-2
resynching bandwidth 10-7
updating 10-5
max list box enterprise parameter
calling search space 62-74
media resource group lists
adding 39-4
configuration settings (table) 39-8
configuring 39-1
copying 39-6
deleting 39-7
finding 39-2
updating 39-5
media resource groups
adding 38-4
configuration settings (table) 38-9
configuring 38-1
copying 38-6
deleting 38-7
finding 38-2
updating 38-5
Media Termination Point (MTP) 34-1
meet-me number patterns
adding 47-5
configuration settings (table) 47-8
configuring 47-1
copying 47-4
deleting 47-7
finding 47-1
updating 47-6
Cisco IOS, adding 61-3
FXO ports, adding 61-8
FXS ports, adding 61-6
gateways, adding 61-3
non-IOS gateway, adding 61-14
ports, adding 61-6
T1-CAS ports 61-9
T1 PRI or E1 PRI ports, adding 61-10
more information 61-50
adding 34-4
configuring 34-1
deleting 34-7
finding 34-2
hardware configuration settings (table) 34-10
software configuration settings (table) 34-9
updating 34-6
Multilevel Administration (MLA)
adding functional groups 70-4
adding user groups 70-7
adding users to user groups 70-9
assigning privileges to user groups 70-12
deleting functional groups 70-5
deleting user groups 70-8
deleting users from user groups 70-10
described 70-1
enabling 70-2
enterprise parameters, configuring 70-14
exiting 70-16
functional groups 70-3
privileges for a user 70-13
privileges report 70-12
updating functional groups 70-4
user group privileges 70-11
user groups 70-6
MWI device configuration settings (table) 52-5
MWI device for uOne 52-4
nonstandard softkey templates
adding 65-4
adding application softkeys 65-5
finding 65-2
softkey positions 65-6
number patterns, meet-me
adding 47-5
copying 47-4
deleting 47-7
finding 47-1
updating 47-6
organization xxviii
other group call pickup
configuring 43-1
overview of Cisco CallManager 1-1
configuring 40-1
configuring for a service 40-2
configuring for MLA 70-14
displaying for a service 40-4
enterprise 9-1
LDAP 9-1
adding 19-3
configuration settings (table) 19-7
configuring 19-1
deleting 19-5
finding 19-1
searching 19-10
updating 19-4
phone button templates
7914 expansion module 64-10
adding 64-4
configuration settings (table) 64-5
configuring 64-1
deleting 64-7
finding 64-2
modifying 64-6
renaming 64-6
updating 64-9
adding 62-5
Cisco IP Phone Services
adding a service 44-4
adding a service parameter 44-8
configuration settings (table) 44-7
configuring 44-1
deleting a service 44-6
deleting a service parameter 44-11
finding a service 44-2
updating a service 44-5
updating a service parameter 44-10
Cisco IP Phone services
parameter settings (table) 44-12
configuration pane (figure) 62-6
configuration settings (table) 62-13
copying existing 62-7
deleting 62-11
directory numbers, configuring 62-48
displaying MAC address 62-3
find and list pane (figure)
deleting 62-12
resetting 62-9
finding and listing 62-46
resetting 62-9
updating 62-10
physical locations
adding 12-3
configuration settings (table) 12-6
configuring 12-1
copying 12-4
deleting 12-5
finding 12-2
updating 12-3
configuring 71-1
installing 71-2
adding 50-4
copying 50-7
deleting 50-5
finding 50-2
modifying 61-115
updating 61-118
updating Cisco voice mail 50-6
PRI, gateway configuration 61-31
assigning to user groups 70-12
user groups 70-11
viewing a user's 70-13
viewing report 70-12
adding 7-3
configuration settings (table) 7-8
configuring 7-1
deleting 7-6
finding 7-2
updating 7-5
related documentation xxix
Cisco CallManager subscriber B-1
route filters
adding 16-4
adding clauses 16-8
configuration settings (table) 16-7
configuring 16-1
copying 16-6
deleting 16-10
dependency records 16-10
finding 16-2
described (table) 16-15
explained 16-14
removing clauses 16-9
described (table) 16-12
explained 16-11
updating 16-5
route groups
adding 21-3
adding devices 21-4
configuration settings (table) 21-9
deleting 21-7
finding 21-2
removing devices 21-5
updating 21-6
route lists
adding 22-4
adding route groups 22-6
changing the order of route groups 22-9
configuring 22-1
deleting 22-10
finding 22-2
removing route groups 22-8
route patterns
adding 23-4
configuration settings (table) 23-9
configuring 23-1
copying 23-6
deleting 23-7
finding 23-2
updating 23-5
route plans
confirming using the external route plan wizard 28-10
deleting using the external route plan wizard 28-12
external route plan wizard 28-1
finishing using the external route plan wizard 28-11
generating using the external route plan wizard 28-9
configuring 29-1
deleting unassigned directory numbers 29-4
updating unassigned directory numbers 29-5
viewing in a file 29-6
viewing records 29-2
Cisco IOS, adding 61-12
gateways, adding 61-12
searching using Global Directory 69-1
adding 2-4
configuration settings (table) 2-7
configuring 2-1
deleting 2-5
finding 2-2
updating 2-5
service parameters
configuration window (figure) 40-3
configuring 40-1
adding Cisco IP Phone Services 44-8
deleting Cisco IP Phone Services 44-11
updating Cisco IP Phone Services 44-10
configuring for a service 40-2
displaying for a service 40-4
Cisco IP Phone configuration settings (table) 44-7
Cisco IP Phone parameter settings (table) 44-12
adding Cisco IP Phone Services 44-4
deleting Cisco IP Phone Services 44-6
finding Cisco IP Phone Services 44-2
updating Cisco IP Phone Services 44-5
service URL button
adding 62-44
updating 62-45
softkey templates
assigning 65-12
configuring 65-1
deleting 65-10
renaming 65-9
updating 65-11
speed dial
configuration settings (table) 62-37, 62-39, 62-40
speed-dial buttons
configuring 62-36
adding 13-3
configuration settings (table) 13-8
configuring 13-1
copying 13-5
deleting 13-6
finding 13-2
updating 13-4
removing B-1
Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST)
configuring 13-1
T1-CAS ports, adding 61-9
T1 PRI ports 61-10
time periods
adding 17-3
configuration settings (table) 17-8
configuring 17-1
copying 17-5
deleting 17-6
finding 17-2
updating 17-4
time schedules
adding 18-3
configuration settings (table) 18-8
configuring 18-1
copying 18-5
deleting 18-6
finding 18-2
updating 18-4
time zones 5-1
configuration settings (table) 37-9
configuring 37-2, 37-4
copying 37-6
deleting 37-8
overview 37-1
updating 37-5
translation patterns
adding 27-4
configuration settings (table) 27-8
configuring 27-1
copying 27-6
deleting 27-7
finding 27-1
updating 27-5
adding 63-3
configuration settings (table) 63-8
configuring 63-1
deleting 63-4
finding and listing 63-2
modifying 63-6
resetting 63-7
unassigned directory numbers
deleting 29-4
updating 29-5
uOne, Cisco
MWI device, configuring 52-4
user configuration
Cisco Unity voice mailbox 68-3
supported characters 68-8
user device profile
dependency records 58-9
user groups
adding 70-7
adding users 70-9
assigning privileges 70-12
deleting 70-8
deleting users 70-10
described 70-6
privileges 70-11
viewing a user's privileges 70-13
viewing privileges report 70-12
user ID
searching 62-35
user information
adding a user 68-2
application profiles 68-11
associating devices to a user 68-12
Automated Attendant 68-13
changing a PIN 68-10
changing a user password 68-9
configuration settings (table) 68-5, 71-3
extension mobility 68-14
new user overview 68-1
SoftPhone, Cisco IP 68-14
versions of Cisco CallManager components 3-11
conference bridges 33-13
voice gateways 61-1
voice mail
adding a new server and ports 51-1
adding ports 50-4
adding ports with the wizard 51-9
configuring 50-1
configuring message waiting 52-1
configuring port wizard 51-1
configuring profile 54-1
copying ports 50-7
deleting ports 50-5
deleting ports with the wizard 51-11
finding a message waiting number 52-1
finding ports 50-2
port configuration settings (table) 50-8
port wizard device information configuration settings 51-2
port wizard directory number configuration settings 51-5
updating ports 50-6
voice-mail pilot
configuration settings (table) 53-6
configuring 53-1, 53-4
deleting 53-4
finding 53-1
voice-mail pilot numbers
dependency records 53-4
voice-mail port adjustments
Cisco Unity C-1
voice-mail port changes
Cisco Unity C-1
voice-mail ports
dependency records 50-5
voice-mail profiles
configuration settings (table) 54-5
copy 54-2
delete 54-3
dependency records 54-3
find 54-1
list 54-1