Table Of Contents
Call Park and Directed Call Park
Call Park
Introducing Call Park
System Requirements for Call Park
Interactions and Restrictions
Installing and Activating Call Park
Configuring Call Park
Call Park Configuration Checklist
Setting the Service Parameters for Call Park
Finding a Call Park Number
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Deleting a Call Park Number
Call Park Configuration Settings
Troubleshooting Call Park
Where to Find More Information
Directed Call Park
Introducing Directed Call Park
Using the Directed Call Park Feature
System Requirements for Directed Call Park
Interactions and Restrictions
Installing and Activating Directed Call Park
Configuring Directed Call Park
Directed Call Park Configuration Checklist
Setting the Service Parameters for Directed Call Park
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Troubleshooting Directed Call Park
Where to Find More Information
Call Park and Directed Call Park
This chapter describes the Call Park feature, which is a hold function, and the Directed Call Park feature, which is a transfer function. Cisco recommends that you treat these two features as mutually exclusive: enable one or the other, but not both. If you do enable both, ensure that the numbers that are assigned to each are exclusive and do not overlap. The information in the following sections will help you utilize these two features to their maximum potential:
Call Park
Directed Call Park
Call Park
The Call Park feature allows you to place a call on hold, so it can be retrieved from another phone in the Cisco CallManager system (for example, a phone in another office or in a conference room). If you are on an active call at your phone, you can park the call to a call park extension by pressing the Park softkey or the Call Park button. Someone on another phone in your system can then dial the call park extension to retrieve the call.
You can define either a single directory number or a range of directory numbers for use as call park extension numbers. You can park only one call at each call park extension number.
This chapter provides the following information about call park:
Introducing Call Park
System Requirements for Call Park
Interactions and Restrictions
Installing and Activating Call Park
Configuring Call Park
Setting the Service Parameters for Call Park
Finding a Call Park Number
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Deleting a Call Park Number
Troubleshooting Call Park
Where to Find More Information
Introducing Call Park
The Call Park feature works within a Cisco CallManager cluster, and each Cisco CallManager in a cluster must have call park extension numbers defined. (For information about using call park across clusters, see the "Using Call Park Across Clusters" section.) You can define either a single directory number or a range of directory numbers for use as call park extension numbers. Ensure that the directory number or range of numbers is unique.
Valid call park extension numbers comprise integers and the wildcard character, X. You can configure a maximum of XX in a call park extension number (for example, 80XX), which provides up to 100 call park extension numbers. When a call gets parked, Cisco CallManager chooses the next call park extension number that is available and displays that number on the phone.
Cisco CallManager can park only one call at each call park extension number.
Each Cisco CallManager server in a cluster must have call park extension numbers configured if users will use call park across servers in a cluster. See the "Adding a Call Park Number" section for configuration details.
Using the Call Park Feature
Figure 9-1 illustrates the call park process.
User on phone A calls phone B.
User on phone A wants to take the call in a conference room for privacy. Phone A user presses the Park softkey.
The Cisco CallManager server to which phone A is registered sends the first available call park directory, 1234, which is displayed on phone A. The user on phone A watches the display for the call park directory number (so he can dial that directory number on phone C).
The user on phone A leaves the office and walks to an available conference room. The phone in the conference room is designated as phone C. The user goes off-hook on phone C and dials 1234 to retrieve the parked call.
The system establishes call between phones C and B.
Figure 9-1 Call Park Process
Using Call Park Across Clusters
Users can dial the assigned route pattern (for example, a route pattern for an intercluster trunk could be 80XX) and the call park number (for example 8022) to retrieve parked calls from another Cisco CallManager cluster. Additionally, you must ensure that calling search spaces and partitions are properly configured. See the following example.
Example of Retrieving Parked Calls from Another Cluster
Two clusters exist in the network (cluster A and cluster B). Cluster A includes user A1 and user A2. Cluster B includes user B1 and user B2.
Cluster A includes call park numbers in the range of 81xx. Cluster B includes call park numbers in the range of 82xx (the administrator configures these ranges).
Cluster A includes route patterns that are configured to other cluster park ranges as 82xx (routes to Cluster B). Cluster B includes route patterns that are configured to other cluster park ranges as 81xx (routes to Cluster A).
When user A1 parks a call at 8101, all users (which have correct partitions configured) in Cluster A and Cluster B can retrieve the parked call because of the route pattern configuration. When user B1 parks a call at 8202, all users (which have correct partitions configured) in Cluster A and Cluster B can retrieve the parked call because of the route pattern configuration. See Figure 9-2.
Figure 9-2 Retrieving Parked Calls by Using Intercluster Trunks
System Requirements for Call Park
To operate, Call Park requires the following software components:
Cisco CallManager 3.0 or later
The following phones support Call Park with the Park softkey in the Standard User and Standard Feature softkey templates:
Cisco IP Phones (Models 7905, 7912, 7920, 7940, 7960, 7970)
The following phones support Call Park with the Call Park button on the phone button template:
Cisco IP Phone Model 30 (30 SP+ and 30 VIP)
Cisco IP Phone Model 12 (12 S, 12 SP, 12 SP+)
Cisco IP Phone Model 7910
Interactions and Restrictions
The following sections describe the interactions and restrictions for the Call Park feature.
The following sections describe how Call Park interacts with Cisco CallManager applications and call processing:
Attendant Console
Music On Hold
Route Plan Report
Calling Search Space and Partitions
Immediate Divert
Directed Call Park
Attendant Console
Cisco CallManager Attendant Console uses the Call Park Retrieval Allowed check box (found on the Cisco CallManager Administration User Configuration window) when configuring the ac user. See "Configuring the ac User" in the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide for details.
Music On Hold
Music on hold allows users to place calls on hold with music that is provided from a streaming source. Music on hold allows two types of hold:
User hold—The system invokes this type of hold when a user presses the Hold button or Hold softkey.
Network hold—This type of hold takes place when a user activates the transfer, conference, or call park feature, and the hold is automatically invoked.
Route Plan Report
The route plan report displays the patterns and directory numbers that are configured in Cisco CallManager. Use the route plan report to look for overlapping patterns and directory numbers before assigning a directory number to Call Park. Refer to the Route Plan Report chapter in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
Calling Search Space and Partitions
Assign the Call Park directory number or range to a partition to limit Call Park access to users on the basis of the device calling search space. See Calling Search Space Configuration and Partition Configuration in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
Immediate Divert
Call Park supports Immediate Divert (iDivert softkey). For example, user A calls user B, and user B parks the call. User B retrieves the call and then decides to send the call to voice-messaging mailbox by pressing the iDivert softkey. User A receives the voice-messaging mailbox greeting of user B.
The following paragraphs describe the differences between Barge and cBarge with call park.
Barge with Call Park
The target phone (the phone that is being barged upon) controls the call. The barge initiator "piggy backs" on the target phone. The target phone includes most of the common features, even when the target is being barged; therefore, the barge initiator has no feature access. When the target parks a call, the barge initiator then must release its call (the barge).
cBarge with Call Park
The target and barge initiator act as peers. The cBarge feature uses a conference bridge, making it behave similar to a MeetMe conference. Both phones (target and barge initiator) have full access to their features.
Directed Call Park
Cisco recommends that you do not configure both directed call park and the Park softkey for call park, but the possibility exists to configure both. If you configure both, ensure that the call park and directed call park numbers do not overlap.
The following restrictions apply to the Call Park feature:
Cisco CallManager can park only one call at each call park extension number.
Ensure each Call Park directory number, partition, and range is unique within the Cisco CallManager cluster.
Each Cisco CallManager to which devices are registered needs its own unique Call Park directory number and range.
Cisco IP Phone model 7902 cannot park a call (retrieval of parked calls only).
See the "Adding a Call Park Number" section for configuration details.
Installing and Activating Call Park
Call Park, a system feature, comes standard with Cisco CallManager software. It does not require special installation.
Configuring Call Park
This section contains the following information:
Call Park Configuration Checklist
Setting the Service Parameters for Call Park
Finding a Call Park Number
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Deleting a Call Park Number
Call Park Configuration Settings
Call Park Configuration Checklist
Table 9-1 provides a checklist to configure Call Park.
Table 9-1 Call Park Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related procedures and topics
Step 1
Configure a partition for call park extension numbers to make the partition available only to users who have the partition in their calling search space.
Adding a Partition, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Media Termination Point Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 2
Configure unique park extension numbers for each Cisco CallManager in the cluster:
• Configure the server, if not already configured.
• Configure Cisco CallManager, if not already configured.
• Add the Call Park directory number and choose the appropriate Cisco CallManager from the drop-down list box.
• Add all servers to the Cisco CallManager group.
Server Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Cisco CallManager Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Cisco CallManager Group Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 3
Configure a unique call park number or define a range of call park extension numbers.
Adding a Call Park Number
Step 4
Assign the Standard User softkey template to each device that has call park access. For phones that do not use softkeys, the phone button template with the Call Park button automatically gets configured.
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 5
In the User Configuration window for each user that is allowed to access the call park feature, check the Call Park Retrieval Allowed check box.
Adding a New User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 6
Notify users that the call park feature is available.
Refer to the phone documentation for instructions on how users access call park features on their Cisco IP Phone.
Setting the Service Parameters for Call Park
Cisco CallManager provides two clusterwide service parameters for call park: Call Park Display Timer and Call Park Reversion Timer. Each service parameter includes a default and requires no special configuration.
Call Park Display Timer—Default specifies 10 seconds. This parameter determines how long a call park number displays on the phone that parked the call. Set this timer for each server in a cluster that has the Cisco CallManager service and directed call park configured.
Call Park Reversion Timer—Default specifies 60 seconds. This parameter determines the time that a call remains parked. Set this timer for each server in a cluster that has the Cisco CallManager service and directed call park configured. When this timer expires, the parked call returns to the device that parked the call.
Finding a Call Park Number
Because you might have several call park numbers in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate specific call park numbers on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate call park numbers.
During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your call park number search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your call park number search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1
Choose Feature > Call Park.
The Find and List Call Park Numbers window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a call park number.
Step 2
From the first Find Call Park Numbers where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of call park numbers that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Partition, the Partition column will display as the left column of the results list.
From the second Find Call Park Numbers where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
begins with
ends with
is exactly
Step 3
Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.
To find all call park numbers that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.
A list of discovered call park numbers displays by
Call Park Number icon
Call Park Number
You can delete multiple call park numbers from the Find and List Call Park Numbers window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate call park numbers and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all call park numbers in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.
Step 4
From the list of records, click the Call Park Number icon or number, or the associated partition, description, or CallManager, that matches your search criteria.
The window displays the call park number that you choose.
Related Topics
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Deleting a Call Park Number
Call Park Configuration Settings
Adding a Call Park Number
This section describes how to add a single call park extension number or range of extension numbers.
Step 1
Choose Feature > Call Park.
Step 2
In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New Call Park Number link.
The Call Park Number Configuration window displays.
Step 3
Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 9-2.
Step 4
To save the new call park numbers in the database, click Insert.
Related Topics
Finding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Deleting a Call Park Number
Call Park Configuration Settings
Updating a Call Park Number
This section describes how to update a call park extension number or range of numbers.
Step 1
Using the procedure in the "Finding a Call Park Number" section, locate the call park number or range of numbers.
Step 2
Click the call park number or range of numbers that you want to update.
Step 3
Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 9-2.
Step 4
To save the changes in the database, click Update.
Related Topics
Call Park and Directed Call Park
Finding a Call Park Number
Adding a Call Park Number
Deleting a Call Park Number
Call Park Configuration Settings
Deleting a Call Park Number
This section describes how to delete call park numbers from the Cisco CallManager database.
Step 1
Using the procedure in the "Finding a Call Park Number" section, locate the call park number or range of numbers.
Step 2
Click the call park number or range of numbers that you want to delete.
Step 3
Click Delete.
Related Topics
Call Park and Directed Call Park
Finding a Call Park Number
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Call Park Configuration Settings
Call Park Configuration Settings
Table 9-2 describes the call park configuration settings.
Table 9-2 Call Park Configuration Settings
Call Park Number/Range
Enter the call park extension number. You can enter literal digits or the wildcard character X (the system allows one or two Xs). For example, enter 5555 to define a single call park extension number of 5555 or enter 55XX to define a range of call park extension numbers from 5500 to 5599.
Note You can create a maximum of 100 call park numbers with one call park range definition. Make sure that the call park numbers are unique and that they do not overlap with directed call park numbers.
Note You cannot overlap call park numbers between Cisco CallManager servers. Ensure that each Cisco CallManager server has its own number range.
Provide a brief description of this call park number.
If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the call park numbers, choose the desired partition from the drop-down list box. If you do not want to restrict access to the call park numbers, choose <None> for the partition.
If more than 250 partitions exist, the ellipsis (...) button displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.
Note Make sure that the combination of call park extension number and partition is unique within the Cisco CallManager cluster.
Cisco CallManager
Using the drop-down list box, choose the Cisco CallManager to which these call park numbers apply.
Note You can create a maximum of 100 call park numbers with one call park range definition. Make sure that the call park numbers are unique.
Note You cannot overlap call park numbers between Cisco CallManager servers. Ensure that each Cisco CallManager server has its own number range.
Related Topics
Call Park and Directed Call Park
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Troubleshooting Call Park
Table 9-3 provides troubleshooting recovery tips for common call park problems.
Table 9-3 Troubleshooting Tips for Call Park
Problem Description
Recommended Action
User cannot park calls. When the user presses the Park softkey or feature button, the call does not get parked.
Ensure that a unique call park number is assigned to each Cisco CallManager in the cluster. See the "Adding a Call Park Number" section.
The partition that is assigned to the call park number does not match the partition that is assigned to the phone directory number. See the "Adding a Call Park Number" section and the "Adding a Directory Number" section in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
The call park number does not display long enough for the user.
Set the Call Park Display Timer to a longer duration. See the "Setting the Service Parameters for Call Park" section.
Where to Find More Information
Related Topics
Phone Button Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Partition Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Media Termination Point Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Route Plan Report, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Adding a New User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Clustering, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Additional Cisco Documentation
Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco CallManager
Cisco IP Phone user documentation and release notes (all models)
Directed Call Park
Directed Call Park allows a user to transfer a parked call to an available user-selected directed call park number. Configure directed call park numbers in the Cisco CallManager Directed Call Park Configuration window. Configured directed call park numbers exist clusterwide. You can configure phones that support the directed call park Busy Lamp Field (BLF) to monitor the busy/idle status of specific directed call park numbers. Users can also use the BLF to speed dial a directed call park number. See System Requirements for Directed Call Park, for a list of the phone models that support the BLF.
This chapter provides the following information about directed call park:
Introducing Directed Call Park
System Requirements for Directed Call Park
Interactions and Restrictions
Installing and Activating Directed Call Park
Configuring Directed Call Park
Setting the Service Parameters for Directed Call Park
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
Troubleshooting Directed Call Park
Where to Find More Information
Introducing Directed Call Park
Cisco CallManager can park only one call at each directed call park number. To retrieve a parked call, a user must dial a configured retrieval prefix followed by the directed call park number at which the call is parked. Configure the retrieval prefix in the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
Using the Directed Call Park Feature
The following examples illustrate how the directed call park feature can be used.
Example 1
Step 1
Users A1 and A2 are connected.
Step 2
To park the call, A1 presses the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button if available) and dials directed call park number 80 (for example) or presses the BLF button for directed call park number 80 (if the phone model supports the BLF button).
Step 3
A1 either presses the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button) again or goes on hook to complete the directed call park transfer. This action parks A2 on directed call park number 80.
The user can complete the transfer only by going on hook rather than pressing the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button) a second time if the Transfer On-hook Enabled service parameter is set to True. See Onhook Call Transfer, Cisco CallManager System Guide.
Step 4
From any phone with a correctly configured partition and calling search space, user B1 dials the directed call park prefix (21, for example) followed by the directed call park number 80 to retrieve the call. B1 connects to A2.
Example 2
Step 1
Users A1 and A2 are connected.
Step 2
To park the call, A1 presses the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button if available) and dials directed call park number 80 (for example) or presses the BLF button for directed call park number 80 (if the phone model supports the BLF button).
Step 3
A1 either presses the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button) again or goes on hook to complete the directed call park transfer. This action parks A2 on directed call park number 80.
The user can complete the transfer only by going on hook rather than pressing the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button) a second time if the Transfer On-hook Enabled service parameter is set to True. See Onhook Call Transfer, Cisco CallManager System Guide.
Step 4
The call does not get retrieved before the Call Park Reversion Timer (service parameter) expires.
Step 5
A2 reverts to the number that parked the call (if the Cisco CallManager Administrator configured the directed call park number with Use Originator as the reversion option) or to another directory number (if the Cisco CallManager Administrator configured the directed call park number with Use Specified Number as the reversion option).
System Requirements for Directed Call Park
To operate, Directed Call Park requires the following software components:
Cisco CallManager 4.2 or later
A user can park and retrieve a call by using directed call park from any phone that can perform a transfer including Cisco IP Phone models 7905, 7912, 7920, 7940, 7960, and 7970. Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateways also support directed call park.
The following phones can monitor the busy/idle status of a directed call park number by using the directed call park Busy Lamp Field (BLF):
Cisco IP Phone Models 7940 and 7941
Cisco IP Phone Models 7960 and 7961
Cisco IP Phone Models 7970 and 7971
Cisco IP Phone Expansion Module 7914
Interactions and Restrictions
The following sections describe the interactions and restrictions for directed call park:
The following sections describe how directed call park interacts with Cisco CallManager applications and call processing:
Attendant Console
Music On Hold
Route Plan Report
Calling Search Space and Partitions
Immediate Divert
Call Park
Attendant Console
The Cisco CallManager Administration User Configuration window does not include any configuration or activation for directed call park as it does for call park. See Restrictions, for additional information about directed call park with attendant console.
Music On Hold
Music on hold allows users to place calls on hold with music that is provided from a streaming source. Music on hold allows two types of hold:
User hold—The system invokes this type of hold when a user presses the Hold button or Hold softkey.
Network hold—This type of hold takes place when a user activates the transfer, conference, or call park feature, and the hold automatically gets invoked. This hold type applies to directed call park because directed call park is a transfer function.
Route Plan Report
The route plan report displays the patterns and directory numbers that are configured in Cisco CallManager. Use the route plan report to look for overlapping patterns and directory numbers before assigning a directory number to directed call park. Refer to the Route Plan Report chapter in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
Calling Search Space and Partitions
Assign the directed call park directory number or range to a partition to limit directed call park access to users on the basis of the device calling search space. See Calling Search Space Configuration and Partition Configuration in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
Immediate Divert
Directed call park supports Immediate Divert (iDivert softkey). For example, user A calls user B, and user B parks the call. User B retrieves the call and then decides to send the call to voice-messaging mailbox by pressing the iDivert softkey. User A receives the voice-messaging mailbox greeting of user B.
The following paragraphs describe the differences between Barge and cBarge with directed call park.
Barge with Directed Call Park
The target phone (the phone that is being barged upon) controls the call. The barge initiator "piggy backs" on the target phone. The target phone includes most of the common features, even when the target is being barged; therefore, the barge initiator has no feature access. When the target parks a call using directed call park, the barge initiator then must release its call (the barge).
cBarge with Directed Call Park
The target and barge initiator act as peers. The cBarge feature uses a conference bridge that makes it behave similar to a meet me conference. Both phones (target and barge initiator) retain full access to their features.
Call Park
Cisco recommends that you do not configure both directed call park and the Park softkey for call park, but the possibility exists to configure both. If you configure both, ensure that the call park and directed call park numbers do not overlap.
A caller who has been parked (the parkee) by using the directed call park feature cannot, while parked, use the standard call park feature.
The following restrictions apply to directed call park:
Cisco CallManager can park only one call at each directed call park number.
Ensure each directed call park directory number, partition, and range is unique within the Cisco CallManager cluster. If the Park softkey is also activated (not recommended), ensure that no overlap exists between call park numbers and directed call park numbers.
A caller who has been parked (the parkee) by using the directed call park feature cannot, while parked, use the standard call park feature.
The directed call park BLF cannot monitor a range of directed call park numbers. A user can monitor only individual directed call park numbers by using the directed call park BLF. For example, if you configure a directed call park number range 8X, you cannot use the directed call park BLF to monitor that whole range of 80 to 89.
Attendant console attendants must use the Consult Transfer button to send calls to a directed call park number. If they use the Transfer button, the system cannot revert the call to the attendant when the reversion timer expires, and the caller receives a reorder tone.
You cannot delete a directed call park number that a device is configured to monitor (using the BLF button). A message indicates that the directed call park number or range cannot be deleted because it is in use. To determine which devices are using the number, click the Dependency Records link on the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
See the "Adding a Directed Call Park Number" section for configuration details.
Installing and Activating Directed Call Park
Directed call park system feature comes standard with Cisco CallManager software. Any phone that can perform a transfer can use directed call park. It does not require special installation. Cisco recommends that you configure either call park or directed call park, but not both. If you do configure both, ensure that the directed call park and call park numbers do not overlap.
Configuring Directed Call Park
This section contains the following information:
Directed Call Park Configuration Checklist
Setting the Service Parameters for Directed Call Park
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Directed Call Park Configuration Checklist
Table 9-4 provides a checklist to configure directed call park.
Table 9-4 Directed Call Park Configuration Checklist
Configuration Steps
Related procedures and topics
Step 1
Configure a partition for directed call park numbers to make the partition available only to users who have the partition in their calling search space. To successfully retrieve a parked call, the calling search space from which the user is retrieving the call must contain the partition that includes the directed call park number.
Adding a Partition, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Media Termination Point Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Calling Search Space Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 2
Configure a unique directed call park number or define a range of directed call park numbers. You must specify a range by using wildcards. For example, the range 40XX configures the range as 4000 to 4099.
Caution  Do not enter a range by using dashes (such as 4000-4040).
Note You can monitor only individual directed call park numbers with the directed call park BLF. If you configure a range of numbers, the BLF cannot support monitoring of the busy/idle status of the range or of any number within the range.
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Step 3
Assign the Standard User softkey template to each device that has directed call park access. For phones that do not use softkeys, the phone button template with the Transfer button automatically gets configured.
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 4
For phone models that support the directed call park BLF, configure the phone button template to include one or more Call Park BLF buttons and configure the directed call park BLF settings.
Guidelines for Customizing Phone Button Templates, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Configuring Directed Call Park Busy Lamp Field Settings, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Step 5
Notify users that the directed call park feature is available.
Refer to the phone documentation for instructions on how users access directed call park features on their Cisco IP Phone.
Setting the Service Parameters for Directed Call Park
The Call Park Reversion Timer clusterwide service parameter affects directed call park. This parameter determines the time that a call remains parked. The default specifies 60 seconds. When the timer expires, the parked call returns to either the device that parked the call or to another specified number, depending on what you configure in the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Because you may have several directed call park numbers in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate specific directed call park numbers on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate directed call park numbers.
During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your directed call park number search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your directed call park number search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1
Choose Feature > Directed Call Park.
The Find and List Directed Call Park Numbers window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a directed call park number.
Step 2
From the first Find Directed Call Park Numbers where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
Reversion Number
The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of directed call park numbers that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Partition, the Partition column will display as the left column of the results list.
From the second Find Directed Call Park Numbers where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
begins with
ends with
is exactly
Step 3
Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.
To find all directed call park numbers that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.
A list of discovered directed call park numbers displays by
Directed Call Park Number icon
Directed Call Park Number
Reversion Number
Retrieval Prefix
You can delete multiple directed call park numbers from the Find and List Directed Call Park Numbers window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate directed call park numbers and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all directed call park numbers in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.
Step 4
From the list of records, click the Directed Call Park Number icon or number or the associated partition, reversion number, or retrieval prefix that matches your search criteria.
The window displays the directed call park number that you choose.
Related Topics
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
This section describes how to add a single directed call park number or range of numbers.
Step 1
Choose Feature > Directed Call Park.
Step 2
In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New Directed Call Park Number link.
The Directed Call Park Configuration window displays.
Step 3
Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 9-5.
Step 4
To save the new directed call park numbers in the database, click Insert.
Related Topics
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
This section describes how to update a directed call park extension number or range of numbers.
Step 1
Using the procedure in the "Finding a Directed Call Park Number" section, locate the directed call park number or range of numbers.
Step 2
Click the directed call park number or range of numbers that you want to update.
Step 3
Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 9-5.
Step 4
To save the changes in the database, click Update.
Updating a directed call park number causes Cisco CallManager to immediately revert any call that is parked on that number. This occurs because, when you update a directed call park number, Cisco CallManager actually deletes the old information and then adds the new information. At the point that the old information is deleted, a parked call on that number cannot remain parked or be retrieved in the usual way and must be reverted.
Whenever changes are made to directed call park numbers or ranges, any devices that are configured to monitor those directed call park numbers by using the BLF must restart to correct the display. Change notification automatically restarts impacted devices when it detects directed call park number changes. You can also use the Restart Devices button on the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
Related Topics
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Deleting a Directed Call Park Number
This section describes how to delete directed call park numbers from the Cisco CallManager database.
Step 1
Using the procedure in the "Finding a Directed Call Park Number" section, locate the directed call park number or range of numbers.
Step 2
Click the directed call park number or range of numbers that you want to delete.
Step 3
Click Delete.
Deleting a directed call park number causes Cisco CallManager to immediately revert any call that is parked on that number. This occurs because, when the number is deleted, a parked call on that number cannot remain parked or be retrieved in the usual way and must be reverted.
You cannot delete a directed call park number that a device is configured to monitor (using the BLF button). A message indicates that the directed call park number cannot be deleted because it is in use. To determine which devices are using the number, click the Dependency Records link in the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
Related Topics
Finding a Directed Call Park Number
Adding a Directed Call Park Number
Updating a Directed Call Park Number
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Table 9-5 describes the directed call park configuration settings.
Table 9-5 Directed Call Park Configuration Settings
Directed Call Park Number/Range
Enter the directed call park number. You can enter literal digits or the wildcard character X (the system allows one or two Xs). For example, enter 5555 to define a single call park number of 5555 or enter 55XX to define a range of directed call park extension numbers from 5500 to 5599. Make sure that the directed call park numbers are unique and that they do not overlap with call park numbers.
Provide a brief description of this directed call park number or range.
If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the directed call park numbers, choose the desired partition from the drop-down list box. If you do not want to restrict access to the directed call park numbers, leave the partition as the default of <None>.
If more than 250 partitions exist, the ellipsis (...) button displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.
Note Make sure that the combination of directed call park number and partition is unique within the Cisco CallManager cluster.
Reversion Number
You have a choice of two radio buttons:
• Select Use Originator if you want the parked call to return to the originating number if not retrieved.
• Select Use Specified Number if you want the parked call to return to a different number if not retrieved. Enter the specified number in the space that is provided.
Note A reversion number can comprise digits only; you cannot use wildcards.
Calling Search Space
If you provide a specified number as the reversion number, you can specify a calling search space. Using the drop-down list box, choose the calling search space or leave the calling search space as the default of <None>.
If more than 250 calling search spaces exist, the ellipsis (...) button displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Calling Search Space window. Enter a partial calling search space name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired calling search space name in the list of calling search spaces that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.
Retrieval Prefix
For this required field, enter the prefix for retrieving a parked call. The system needs the retrieval prefix to distinguish between an attempt to retrieve a parked call and an attempt to initiate a directed park.

Whenever changes are made to directed call park numbers, any devices that are configured to monitor those directed call park numbers by using the directed call BLF must restart to correct the display. Change notification automatically restarts impacted devices when it detects directed call park number changes. You also can use the Restart Devices button on the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
Related Topics
Adding a Call Park Number
Updating a Call Park Number
Calling Search Space Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Partition Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Troubleshooting Directed Call Park
Table 9-6 provides troubleshooting recovery tips for common directed call park problems.
Table 9-6 Troubleshooting Tips for Directed Call Park
Problem Description
Recommended Action
User cannot park calls. After the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button if available) is pressed and the directed call park number is dialed, the call does not get parked.
Ensure that the partition that is assigned to the call park number matches the partition that is assigned to the phone directory number. See the "Adding a Directed Call Park Number" section and the "Adding a Directory Number" section in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
Ensure that the partition and calling search space are configured correctly for the device. See Calling Search Space Configuration and Partition Configuration in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
User cannot park calls. After pressing the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button if available) and dialing the directed call park number, the user receives a busy tone, and the IP phone displays the message, Park Slot Unavailable.
Ensure that the dialed directed call park number is not already occupied by a parked call or park the call on a different directed call park number.
User cannot park calls. After pressing the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button if available) and dialing the directed call park number, the user receives a reorder tone or announcement.
Ensure that the dialed number is configured as a directed call park number. See the "Finding a Directed Call Park Number" section and the "Adding a Directed Call Park Number" section.
Parked calls revert too quickly.
Set the Call Park Reversion Timer to a longer duration. See the "Setting the Service Parameters for Directed Call Park" section.
User cannot park calls. The user receives a reorder tone after the reversion timer expires.
Ensure that the user presses the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button if available) before dialing the directed call park number, then presses the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button) again or goes on hook after dialing the directed call park number. Because directed call park is a transfer function, the directed call park number cannot be dialed alone. See the "Introducing Directed Call Park" section.
Note You can complete the transfer only by going on hook rather than pressing the Transfer softkey (or Transfer button) a second time if the Transfer On-hook Enabled service parameter is set to True. See Onhook Call Transfer, Cisco CallManager System Guide.
User cannot retrieve parked calls. After dialing the directed call park number to retrieve a parked call, the user receives a busy tone, and the IP phone displays the message, Park Slot Unavailable.
Ensure that the user dials the retrieval prefix followed by the directed call park number. See the "Introducing Directed Call Park" section.
Parked calls do not revert to the number that parked the call.
Check the configuration of the directed call park number to ensure that it is configured to revert to the number that parked the call rather than to a different directory number. See the "Configuring Directed Call Park" section.
When an attempt is made to delete a directed call park number or range, a message displays that indicates that the number or range cannot be deleted because it is in use.
You cannot delete a directed call park number that a device is configured to monitor (by using the BLF button). To determine which devices are using the number, click the Dependency Records link on the Directed Call Park Configuration window.
After configuring a range of directed call park numbers, user cannot park a call at a number within the range.
Review the syntax for entering a range of directed call park numbers. If incorrect syntax is used, the system may appear to configure the range when it actually does not. See the "Adding a Directed Call Park Number" section.
Where to Find More Information
Related Topics
Phone Button Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Partition Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Media Termination Point Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Route Plan Report, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Softkey Template Configuration, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Adding a New User, Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Clustering, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Additional Cisco Documentation
Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco CallManager
Cisco IP Phone user documentation and release notes (all models)