Table Of Contents
Bulk Trace Analysis
Understanding Bulk Trace Analysis
Bulk Trace Analysis Configuration Checklist
Where to Find More Information
Bulk Trace Analysis
Bulk Trace Analysis, a Serviceability plugin application, allows administrators to analyze trace files that contain large amounts of data (over 2MB). Bulk Trace Analysis runs as a standalone application from a PC on the Cisco CallManager network.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Understanding Bulk Trace Analysis
Bulk Trace Analysis Configuration Checklist
Where to Find More Information
Understanding Bulk Trace Analysis
Cisco CallManager Serviceability supports two SDI/SDL trace analysis programs:
Trace Analysis—Incorporated in Serviceability and run from the Cisco CallManager node, Trace Analysis provides a way for you to obtain specific information about trace files containing less than 2 MB of data. Trace Analysis works in conjunction with Trace Configuration and Trace Collection.
Bulk Trace Analysis—A standalone plugin that runs from any PC on the Cisco CallManager network, Bulk Trace Analysis provides a way to create reports containing specific information about one or multiple XML trace files containing more than 2 MB of data. Bulk Trace Analysis works in conjunction with Trace Configuration and Trace Collection.
The Bulk Trace Analysis tool supports the following features:
Runs on any PC in the network (independent of Cisco CallManager) allowing large trace files to be analyzed without using Cisco CallManager processing power.
Creates reports of information, which can be analyzed for troubleshooting purposes, using multiple trace files as the input source data.
Supports zipped trace files that are created using the Trace Collection tool.
Allows multiple views of a single report used to compare and analyze multiple trace files simultaneously.
Allows users to customize report formats, sort trace information by type, filter information by special trace tags and date and time, and print reports.
Pulls trace files from a remote Cisco CallManager node.
You need to download and install the Bulk Trace Analysis plugin on a PC other than the Cisco CallManager publisher or subscriber node.
You use Bulk Trace Analysis when you have large SDI/SDL trace files that need to be analyzed for troubleshooting purposes. After a trace is run and data is collected, the results may create a trace log file that is over 2 MB in size. The Trace Collection tool warns users when a trace is over 2 MB and automatically zips the trace file. You can save this zipped file onto a diskette, or you can access it remotely from another PC on the network.
With this zipped trace file, you can create a report to help you analyze the information that you obtained from the trace.
After a report is created, you can customize the information to obtain various views of the same information. You can also create a report using multiple (recommended up to five) trace files as the input data, and you can have multiple reports (recommended up to three) open simultaneously (for further comparison of data).
Bulk Trace Analysis Configuration Checklist
Table 13-1 provides an overview of the steps for configuring Bulk Trace Analysis.
Where to Find More Information
Related Topics
"Trace Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Trace Collection Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Trace Analysis Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide
"Bulk Trace Analysis," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide