Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide, Release 4.1(3)
Trace Configuration

Table Of Contents

Trace Configuration

Configuring Cisco CallManager Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco CDR Insert Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function Parameters

Configuring Cisco CTIManager Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco CTL Provider Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Database Layer Monitor Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Extended Functions Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Extension Mobility Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco IP Manager Assistant Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Messaging Interface Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco MOH Audio Translator Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco RIS Data Collector Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco TFTP Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco WebDialer Trace Parameters

Debug Trace Level Settings

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Configuring SDL Trace Parameters

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Configuring Servers with Four Disk Drives to Collect Trace Files

Trace Configuration

This chapter provides procedural information on using the Trace Configuration tool to configure trace parameters for Cisco CallManager services.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Configuring Cisco CallManager Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco CDR Insert Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function Parameters

Configuring Cisco CTIManager Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco CTL Provider Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Database Layer Monitor Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Extended Functions Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Extension Mobility Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco IP Manager Assistant Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Messaging Interface Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco MOH Audio Translator Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco RIS Data Collector Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco TFTP Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco WebDialer Trace Parameters

Debug Trace Level Settings

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Configuring SDL Trace Parameters

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Configuring Servers with Four Disk Drives to Collect Trace Files

Cisco CallManager Serviceability provides a web-based trace tool to assist the system administrator and support personnel in troubleshooting Cisco CallManager problems. Trace provides three main functions:

Configure trace parameters

Collect trace files

Analyze trace data for troubleshooting problems

The Trace and Alarm tools work together. You configure trace and alarm settings for Cisco CallManager services. A Cisco TAC engineer receives the results. You can direct alarms to the Win2000 Event Viewer, CiscoWorks2000 Syslog, system diagnostic interface (SDI) or signal distribution layer (SDL) trace log files, or to all destinations. You can base traces for Cisco CallManager services on debug levels, specific trace fields, and Cisco CallManager devices such as phones or gateways. You can perform a trace on the alarms that are sent to the SDI or SDL trace log files.

Use the Trace Configuration tool to specify the parameters that you want to trace for troubleshooting Cisco CallManager problems. The Trace Configuration window provides two types of settings: trace filter and trace output.

Specify the following trace parameters:

Cisco CallManager server (within the cluster)

Cisco CallManager service on the server

Debug level

Specific trace fields

Output settings

If the service is a call-processing application such as Cisco CallManager or Cisco CTIManager, you can configure a trace on devices such as phones and gateways; for example, you can narrow the trace to all enabled phones with a directory number beginning with 555.

Note To log alarms in the SDI trace log file, check two check boxes in Trace configuration and one check box in Alarm configuration: the Trace on check box in Trace configuration, the Enable trace file log check box in Trace configuration, and the SDI alarm destination check box in Alarm configuration.

Note Enabling Trace decreases system performance; therefore, enable Trace only for troubleshooting purposes. For assistance in using Trace, contact Cisco TAC.

Configuring Cisco CallManager Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco CallManager service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco CallManager service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with six debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco CallManager Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-1 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-1 Cisco CallManager Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable H245 Message Trace

Activates trace of H245 messages.

Enable DT-24+/DE-30+ Trace

Activates the logging of ISDN type of DT-24+/DE-30+ device traces.

Enable PRI Trace

Activates trace of primary rate interface (PRI) devices.

Enable ISDN Translation Trace

Activates ISDN message traces. Used for normal debugging.

Enable H225 & Gatekeeper Trace

Activates trace of H.225 devices. Used for normal debugging.

Enable Miscellaneous Trace

Activates trace of miscellaneous devices.

Note Do not check this check box during normal system operation.

Enable Conference Bridge Trace

Activates trace of conference bridges. Used for normal debugging.

Enable Music on Hold Trace

Activates trace of music on hold (MOH) devices. Used to trace MOH device status such as registered with Cisco CallManager, unregistered with Cisco CallManager, and resource allocation processed successfully or failed.

Enable CM Real-Time Information Server Trace

Activates Cisco CallManager real-time information traces that the real-time information server uses.

Enable SIP Stack Trace

Activates trace of SIP Stack.

Enable Annunciator Trace

Activates trace for the Annunciator, a SCCP device that uses the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service to enable Cisco CallManager to play pre-recorded announcements (.wav files) and tones to Cisco IP Phones, gateways, and other configurable devices.

Enable CDR Trace

Activates traces for CDR.

Enable Analog Trunk Trace

Activates trace of all analog trunk (AT) gateways.

Enable All Phone Device Trace

Activates trace of phone devices. Trace information includes SoftPhone devices. Used for normal debugging.

Enable MTP Trace

Activates trace of media termination point (MTP) devices. Used for normal debugging.

Enable All Gateway Trace

Activates trace of all analog and digital gateways.

Enable Forward and Miscellaneous Trace

Activates trace for call forwarding and all subsystems that another check box does not cover. Used for normal debugging.

Enable MGCP Trace

Activates trace for media gateway control protocol (MGCP) devices. Used for normal debugging.

Enable Media Resource Manager Trace

Activates trace for media resource manager (MRM) activities.

Enable SIP Call Processing Trace

Activates trace for SIP call processing.

Enable Keep Alive Trace

Activates trace for keep alive messages. Used for normal debugging.

Step 10 If you want trace information for specific Cisco CallManager devices, check the Device Name Based Trace Monitoring check box. See the "Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters" section.

If you want trace to apply to non-devices in addition to devices, check the Include Non-device Traces check box. If check box is checked, set the appropriate debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 11 Check the Enable File Trace Log check box to enable the log file to receive trace information.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco CallManager: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CCM\ccm.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 12 If you want the trace information to be available for Trace Analysis, check the Enable XML Formatted Output check box. If this check box is not checked, the log file compiles in text format, and it will not be available for Trace Analysis.

Step 13 If you are a Cisco engineer debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 14 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco CallManager.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Viewing Trace Log Files

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Bulk Trace Analysis

Configuring Cisco CDR Insert Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco CDR Insert service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco CDR Insert service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Choose the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco CDR Insert Trace Fields check box.

Step 10 Check Enable CDR Insert Trace check box.

Step 11 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Messaging Interface: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DBL\InsertCDR.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 12 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 13 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Configuring Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function Trace Fields check box.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CAPF\CAPF.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

Cisco Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function detects changes to trace settings immediately.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Bulk Trace Analysis

Configuring Cisco CTIManager Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco CTIManager service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco CTIManager service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco CTIManager Trace Fields check box.

Step 10 If you want all Cisco CTIManager trace parameters, check the Enable All Trace check box.

Step 11 If you want trace information for specific Cisco CTIManager devices, check the Device Name Based Trace Monitoring check box. Refer to the "Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters" section.

If you want trace to apply to non-devices in addition to devices, check the Include Non-device Traces check box. If check box is checked, set the appropriate debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 12 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco CTIManager: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CTI\cti.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 13 If you want the trace information to be available for Trace Analysis, check the Enable XML Formatted Output check box. If this check box is not checked, the log file compiles in text format, and it will not be available for Trace Analysis.

Step 14 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 15 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

Cisco CTIManager detects changes to trace settings immediately.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Bulk Trace Analysis

Configuring Cisco CTL Provider Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco CTL Provider service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco CTL Provider service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 7 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 8 Check the Cisco CTL Provider Trace Fields check box.

Step 9 Check the Enable CTL Provider Service Trace check box.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Database Layer Monitor: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CTLProvider\CTLProvider.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco CTL Provider.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco Database Layer Monitor Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco Database Layer Monitor service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco Database Layer Monitor service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Note The default debug trace level for Cisco Database Layer Monitor specifies Detailed.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Database Layer Monitor Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-2 describes the 9 options from which to choose.

Table 5-2 Database Layer Monitor Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable Detailed DB Trace

Activates traces for lowest level of layer (SQL statements).

Enable DBLX Trace

Activates trace for ActiveX interface to database layer. Traces go to DBLX.txt file.

Enable LDAP Trace

Activates trace for lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) interface to database layer.

Enable Unit Test Trace

Do not check this check box. Cisco engineering uses it for debugging purposes.

Enable CCM Change Notification Trace

Activates trace to monitor communication between Cisco CallManager and database layer.

Enable Business Rules Trace

Activates traces for business rules and transactions. Traces go to DBLR.txt and DBLRt.txt files.

Enable DB Change Notification Trace

Activates the database change notification traces.

Enable All DB Trace

Activates traces for all application programs that use the database. You must restart all applications that use this database before the tracing begins. Traces go to DBL.txt file.

Enable Change Notification Service Trace

Activates trace to monitor communication between all services, except Cisco CallManager, and database layer.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Database Layer Monitor: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DBL\Aupair.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco Database Layer Monitor.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco Extended Functions Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco Extended Functions service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco Extended Functions service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list of debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Note The default debug trace level specifies Error.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Extended Functions Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-3 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-3 Cisco Extended Functions Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable QBE Helper TSP Trace

Activates Telephony service provider trace.

Enable QBE Helper TSPI Trace

Activates QBE Helper TSP Interface trace.

Enable QRT Dictionary Trace

Activates Quality Report Tool Service Dictionary trace.

Enable Template Map Traces

Activates Standard templated map and multimap trace.

Enable QBE Helper CTI Trace

Activates QBE Helper CTI interface trace.

Enable QRT Event Handler Trace

Activates Quality Report Tool Event Handler trace.

Enable QRT Report Handler Trace

Activates Quality Report Tool Report Handler trace.

Enable QRT Service Trace

Activates Quality Report Tool Report related trace.

Enable QRT DB Traces

Activates DB access trace.

Enable DOM Helper Traces

Activates DOM Helper trace.

Enable Redundancy and Change Notification Trace

Activates Database Change Notification trace.

Step 10 Check the Enable File Trace Log check box to enable the log file to receive trace information.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for Cisco Extended Functions: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CEF\cef.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you want the trace information to be available for Trace Analysis, check the Enable XML Formatted Output check box. If this check box is not checked, the log file compiles in text format, and it will not be available for Trace Analysis.

Step 12 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box.

Step 13 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco Extended Functions.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco Extension Mobility Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco Extension Mobility service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco Extension Mobility service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Extension Mobility Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-4 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-4 Cisco Extension MobilityTrace Fields 

Field Name

Enable EM Service Trace

Activates trace for the Extension Mobility service.

Enable EM Application Trace

Activates application trace for the Extension Mobility service.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Database Layer Monitor: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\EM\EMSvc.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco Extension Mobility.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco IP Manager Assistant Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco IP Manager Assistant service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco IP Manager Assistant service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco IP Manager Assistant Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-5 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-5 Cisco IP Manager Assistant Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable IPMA Service Trace

Activates trace for the Cisco IP Manager Assistant service.

Enable IPMA Manager Configuration Change Log

Activates configuration change logs for Cisco IPMA Manager service.

Enable IPMA CTI Trace

Activates CTI trace for Cisco IPMA.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Database Layer Monitor: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\IPMA\IPMA.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco IPMA Manager Assistant.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Servers title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-6 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-6 IP Voice Media Streaming Application Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable Service Initialization Trace

Activates trace for initialization information.

Enable MTP Device Trace

Activates traces to monitor the processed messages for media termination point (MTP).

Enable Device Recovery Trace

Activates traces for device-recovery-related information for MTP, conference bridge, and MOH.

Enable Skinny Station Messages Trace

Activates traces for skinny station protocol.

Enable WinSock Level 2 Trace

Activates trace for high-level, detailed WinSock-related information.

Enable Music On Hold Manager Trace

Activates trace to monitor MOH audio source manager.

Enable DB Setup Manager Trace

Activates trace to monitor database setup and changes for MTP, conference bridge, and MOH.

Enable Conference Bridge Device Trace

Activates traces to monitor the processed messages for conference bridge.

Enable Device Driver Trace

Activates device driver traces.

Enable WinSock Level 1 Trace

Activates trace for low-level, general, WinSock-related information.

Enable Music on Hold Device Trace

Activates traces to monitor the processed messages for MOH.

Enable TFTP Downloads Trace

Activates trace to monitor the download of MOH audio source files.

Enable Annunciator Trace

Activates trace to monitor annunciator.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CMS\cms.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco Messaging Interface Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco Messaging Interface service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco Messaging Interface service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Note The default debug trace level for Cisco Messaging Interface specifies Error.

Step 8 Choose the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Messaging Interface check box.

Step 10 Check Enable All Trace check box.

Step 11 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Messaging Interface: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CMI\csumi.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 12 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 13 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect in 3 to 5 minutes for Cisco Messaging Interface.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco MOH Audio Translator Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco MOH Audio Translator service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco MOH Audio Translator service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Note The default debug trace level for Cisco MOH Audio Translator specifies Error.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco MOH Audio Translator Trace Fields check box.

Step 10 If you want all MOH Audio Translator trace parameters, check the Enable All Trace check box.

Step 11 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco MOH Audio Translator: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\CMS\at.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 12 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 13 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect within 1 minute for Cisco MOH Audio Translator.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco RIS Data Collector Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco RIS Data Collector service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco RIS Data Collector service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco RIS Data Collector Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-7 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-7 RIS Data Collector Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable RISDC Trace

Activates trace for the RISDC thread of the real-time information server (RIS) data collector.

Enable Link Services Trace

Activates trace for the Link Services library in both the RIS data collector and its RISX client.

Enable RISDB Trace

Activates trace for the RISDB library in the RIS data collector.

Enable SNMPDC Trace

Activates trace for the SNMPDC thread of the RIS data collector.

Enable RISX Trace

Activates trace for the RISX client to the RIS data collector.

Enable RISDC Access Trace

Activates trace for the RISDC access library in the RIS data collector.

Enable Real-Time Monitoring Tool Trace

Activates trace for the Real-Time Monitoring Tool ISAPI client to the RIS data collector.

Enable CCM SNMP Agent Trace

Activates trace for the CCM SNMP agent.

Enable AXL-Serviceability API Trace

Activates SOAP trace for AXL-Serviceability API in the RISDC service.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco RIS Data Collector: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\RIS\ris.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 12 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes that were made to trace configuration take effect immediately; however, trace configuration changes affect two Cisco RIS Data Collector dynamic link libraries (DLL) (RISX.dll and ASTIsapi.dll). These DLLs belong to the Internet Information Services (IIS) processes, which means that trace configuration changes require a restart of the IIS process. Refer to Microsoft Windows documentation for IIS starting and stopping procedures.

Note Restarting the IIS process stops and restarts all Internet services, including the web server that Cisco CallManager Administration uses, and the Real-Time Monitoring Tool. These programs will be unavailable while IIS is being restarted. You must close and reopen any existing AST browser windows after IIS restarts.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level settings as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher Trace Fields check box.

Step 10 Check the Enable low level trace check box or the Enable high level trace check box, or both.

Table 5-8 describes the two options from which to choose.

Table 5-8 Telephony Call Dispatcher Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable low level trace

Activates low-level trace.

Enable high level trace

Activates high-level trace.

Step 11 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\TCD\tcdsrv.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 12 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 13 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Configuring Cisco TFTP Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco TFTP service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Servers title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco TFTP service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 If you want trace to apply to all Cisco CallManager servers in the cluster, check the Apply to All Nodes check box.

Step 7 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with debug trace levels displays.

Step 8 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 9 Check the Cisco Tftp Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-9 describes the three options from which to choose.

Table 5-9 TFTP Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable Service System Trace

Activates trace for service system.

Enable Build File Trace

Activates trace for build files.

Enable Serve File Trace

Activates trace for serve files.

Step 10 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco TFTP: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\TFTP\ctftp.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 11 If you want the trace information to be available for Trace Analysis, check the Enable XML Formatted Output check box. If this check box is not checked, the log file compiles in text format, and it will not be available for Trace Analysis.

Step 12 If you are a Cisco engineer who is debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 13 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco TFTP.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Bulk Trace Analysis

Configuring Cisco WebDialer Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure trace parameters for the Cisco WebDialer service.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Servers title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco WebDialer service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Note Only the trace parameters for the service that you chose display. The display shows all other parameters grayed out.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with debug trace levels displays.

Step 7 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 8 Check the Cisco WebDialer Trace Fields check box.

Table 5-10 describes the options from which to choose.

Table 5-10 Cisco WebDialer Trace Fields 

Field Name

Enable WebDialer Servlet Trace

Activates trace for Cisco WebDialer servlet.

Enable Redirector Servlet Trace

Activates trace for the Redirector servlet.

Step 9 To enable the log file to receive trace information, check the Enable File Trace Log check box.

The default log file name and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, specify the filename and pathname by clicking the File Name field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

Note Trace validates the filename and ensures that the filename has a .txt extension. Do not use a filename that exists on another computer. Use a filename that exists on the computer that is running the trace.

The following default Trace log file name applies for the Cisco WebDialer: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\Webdialer\webdialer.txt. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 10 If you are a Cisco engineer debugging the system, check the Enable Debug Output String check box; otherwise, continue with the following steps.

Step 11 To save your trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for Cisco WebDialer.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Related Topics

Debug Trace Level Settings

Viewing Trace Log Files

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Alarm Configuration

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Bulk Trace Analysis

Debug Trace Level Settings

Table 5-11 describes the debug trace level settings.

Table 5-11 Debug Trace Levels 



Traces alarm conditions and events. Used for all traces that are generated in abnormal path. Uses minimum amount of CPU cycles.


Traces all Error conditions plus process and device initialization messages.

State Transition

Traces all Special conditions plus subsystem state transitions that occur during normal operation. Traces call- processing events.


Traces all State Transition conditions plus media layer events that occur during normal operation.


Traces all Significant conditions plus entry and exit points of routines. Not all services use this trace level (for example, Cisco CallManager does not).


Traces all Entry/Exit conditions plus low-level debugging information.

Note Do not use this trace level with the Cisco CallManager service or the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service during normal operation.


Traces all Arbitrary conditions plus detailed debugging information.

Note Do not use this trace level with the Cisco CallManager service or the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service during normal operation.

Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters

Use this Trace Configuration option to narrow the number of trace logs that are generated and reduce the impact on call processing. This option traces only the selected devices.

This section describes how to configure device-name-based trace monitoring parameters for the Cisco CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 3 From the Servers column, choose the server.

The server that you chose displays next to the Current Server title, and a box with configured services displays.

Step 4 From the Configured Services box, choose the Cisco CallManager or the Cisco CTIManager service.

The service that you chose displays next to the Current Service title, along with the current server that you chose. The trace parameters display for the service that you chose.

Step 5 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 6 In the Debug Trace Level selection box, click the Down arrow.

A list with seven debug trace levels displays.

Step 7 Click the desired debug trace level as described in Table 5-11.

Step 8 If you are configuring devices for Cisco CallManager, check the Cisco CallManager Trace Fields check box. If you are configuring devices for Cisco CTIManager, check the Cisco CTIManager Trace Fields check box.

See Table 5-1 for Cisco CallManager trace fields information.

Step 9 Check the Device Name Based Trace Monitoring check box.

Step 10 Click the Select Devices button.

The Device Selection for Tracing window displays.

Tip Using Cisco CallManager Administration System > Enterprise Parameters, configure the maximum number of devices that are available for tracing. Enter a value in the Max Number of Device Level Trace field. The default specifies 12. Refer to the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide for details.

Step 11 Click the Down arrow of the Find box.

Step 12 From the following list, choose the device for which you want a trace:



CTI Route Point

Cisco Voice Mail Port

Conference Bridge

Music on Hold Server

Media Termination Point

Step 13 Click the Down arrow of the where box.

Step 14 From the following list, choose the type of device information for which you want a trace:

Device Name


Directory Number

Calling Search Space

Device Pool

Step 15 Click the Down arrow of the second box.

Step 16 From the following list, choose the search criteria of the device information for which you want a trace:

begins with


ends with

is exactly

is not empty

is empty

Step 17 Enter the text search criteria string that corresponds with your choice in the previous step; for example, begins with ABC or ends with 123.

Step 18 Click the Down arrow of the Trace box.

Step 19 From the following list, choose the device Trace status for which you want a trace:




Step 20 Click the Find button.

The window with the search results displays with the following fields:

Device Name

IP Address




If more pages of search results to view exist, click the First, Previous, Next, or Last button.

Step 21 Click the Trace check box for the device or devices for which you want device-name-based trace monitoring.

Step 22 Click the Update button.

Step 23 When the update finishes, click the Close button to close the Device Selection for Tracing window and return to the Trace Configuration window.

Step 24 To update the Trace Configuration parameters for the service that you chose, click the Update button.

Step 25 Continue with the rest of your trace configuration parameter settings as described in the "Configuring Cisco CallManager Trace Parameters" section, and the "Configuring Cisco CTIManager Trace Parameters" section.

Related Topics

Configuring Cisco CallManager Trace Parameters

Configuring Cisco CTIManager Trace Parameters

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Configuring SDL Trace Parameters

This section describes how to configure the SDL trace parameters for the Cisco CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager or Cisco CTIManager trace configuration window, click the SDL Configuration link.

The SDL Trace Configuration window displays.

Step 2 Check the Trace On check box.

Step 3 If you are configuring SDL parameters for the Cisco CallManager service, check the Trace Filter Settings check boxes that you want to apply to this trace as described in Table 5-12. If you are configuring the SDL parameters for the Cisco CTIManager service, check the Trace Filter Settings check boxes that you want to apply to this trace as described in Table 5-13.

Note Cisco recommends that you use the defaults unless a Cisco engineer instructs you to do otherwise.

Table 5-12 Cisco CallManager SDL Configuration Filter Settings 

Setting Name

Enable all Layer 1 traces.

Activates traces for Layer 1.

Enable detailed Layer 1 traces.

Activates detailed Layer 1 traces.

Enable all Layer 2 traces.

Activates traces for Layer 2.

Enable Layer 2 interface trace.

Activates Layer 2 interface traces.

Enable Layer 2 TCP trace.

Activates Layer 2 Transmission Control Program (TCP) traces.

Enable detailed dump Layer 2 trace.

Activates detailed traces for dump Layer 2.

Enable all Layer 3 traces.

Activates traces for Layer 3.

Enable all call control traces.

Activates traces for call control.

Enable miscellaneous polls trace.

Activates traces for miscellaneous polls.

Enable miscellaneous trace (database signals).

Activates miscellaneous traces such as database signals.

Enable message translation signals trace.

Activates traces for message translation signals.

Enable UUIE output trace.

Activates traces for user-to-user informational element (UUIE) output.

Enable gateway signals trace.

Activates traces for gateway signals.

Enable CTI trace.

Activates CTI trace.

Enable CDR trace.

Activates CDR trace.

Table 5-13 Cisco CTIManager Trace SDL Configuration Filter Settings 

Setting Name

Enable miscellaneous polls trace.

Activates traces for miscellaneous polls.

Enable miscellaneous trace (database signals).

Activates miscellaneous traces such as database signals.

Enable CTI trace.

Activates CTI trace.

Step 4 If you are configuring SDL parameters for the Cisco CallManager service, check the Trace Characteristics check boxes that you want to apply to this trace as described in Table 5-14. If you are configuring the SDL parameters for the Cisco CTIManager service, check the Trace Characteristics check boxes that you want to apply to this trace as described in Table 5-15.

Table 5-14 Cisco CallManager SDL Configuration Characteristics 


Enable SDL link states trace.

Activates trace for intracluster communication protocol (ICCP) link state.

Enable low-level SDL trace.

Activates trace for low-level SDL.

Enable SDL link poll trace.

Activates trace for ICCP link poll.

Enable SDL link messages trace.

Activates trace for ICCP raw messages.

Enable signal data dump trace.

Activates traces for signal data dump.

Enable correlation tag mapping trace.

Activates traces for correlation tag mapping.

Enable SDL process states trace.

Activates traces for SDL process states.

Disable pretty print of SDL trace.

Disables trace for pretty print of SDL. Pretty print adds tabs and spaces in a trace file without performing post processing.

Table 5-15 Cisco CTIManager SDL Configuration Characteristics 


Enable SDL link states trace.

Activates trace for ICCP link state.

Enable low-level SDL trace.

Activates trace for low-level SDL.

Enable SDL link poll trace.

Activates trace for ICCP link poll.

Enable SDL link messages trace.

Activates trace for ICCP raw messages.

Enable signal data dump trace.

Activates traces for signal data dump.

Enable correlation tag mapping trace.

Activates traces for correlation tag mapping.

Enable SDL process states trace.

Activates traces for SDL process states.

Disable pretty print of SDL trace.

Disables trace for pretty print of SDL. Pretty print adds tabs and spaces in a trace file without performing post processing.

Step 5 If you want the trace information to be available for Trace Analysis, check the Enable XML Formatted Output check box. If this check box is not checked, the log file compiles in text format, and it will not be available for Trace Analysis.

The default trace directory path and the default parameters display in the fields. If you want to send the trace information to another file, enter the filename and pathname in the Trace Directory Path field. Change the default parameters by clicking the appropriate field and entering the information.

The following default Trace log file name applies for SDL Trace Configuration: C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\SDL. See Table 5-16 for the Trace log file default parameters.

Step 6 To save your SDL trace parameters configuration, click the Update button.

The changes to trace configuration take effect immediately for SDL Trace Configuration.

Note To set the default, click the SetDefault button. To apply the current settings for chosen services to all nodes in a cluster, check the Apply to all Nodes check box.

Step 7 To continue with SDL Trace Configuration for another service, choose the service from the Configured Services box; otherwise continue with Step 8.

Step 8 To return to the Cisco CallManager or Cisco CTIManager SDI Trace Configuration window, click the SDI Configuration link.

Related Topics

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Viewing Trace Log Files

You can view the contents of the SDI or SDL trace log file in text or XML format. Use Trace Analysis to view the log files in XML format (see the "Trace Analysis Configuration" section on page 7-1) or use a text editor to view the log files in text format.

Microsoft Windows 2000 documentation provides detailed information about Microsoft text editors.

This section describes how to view the contents of a trace log file in text format.


Step 1 From the Microsoft Windows menu, choose Start > Run.

The Run window displays.

Step 2 In the Open: field text box, enter the log file path name; for example, c:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace.

Step 3 Click the OK button.

The Trace folder window displays. The trace directory includes folders for CCM, CMI, CMS, CTI, DBL, RIS, TCD, and TFTP. The trace log files for the Cisco CallManager services exist in these folders.

Step 4 Double-click the folder that contains the trace log file that you want to view; for example, to view CTIManager log files, double-click the CTI folder.

A window with all the trace log files that are contained within the folder displays; for example, cti001.txt, cti002.txt, cti003.txt.

Tip Hundreds of log files may exist in the folder. To find the most recent log file, sort by date (most recent first).

Step 5 To open the log file and view the contents, use a text editor.

Related Topics

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Trace Filter Settings

Trace Output Settings

Trace Collection Configuration, page 6-1

Trace Analysis Configuration, page 7-1

Trace Log File Descriptions and Defaults

Table 5-16 contains the trace log file descriptions and defaults.

Table 5-16 Trace Log File Description 


Maximum number of files

This field specifies the total number of trace files for a given service. Cisco CallManager automatically appends a sequence number to the file name to indicate which file it is; for example, ccm299.txt. When the last file in the sequence is full, the trace data begins writing over the first file. The default specifies 250 files.

Maximum number of lines

This field specifies the maximum number of lines of data that are stored in each trace file. The default specifies 10000 lines for text files and 2000 for XML files.

Maximum number of minutes

This field specifies the maximum minutes of data that are stored in each trace file. The default specifies 1440 minutes.

When the trace data exceeds either the maximum number of lines or the maximum minutes for one file, Cisco CallManager closes that file and writes the remaining trace data to the next file in the sequence. For example, you can set up trace files to store a full week of data, with one day of data in each file. To do this, set the number of files to 7, the minutes to 1440 (one day), and the number of lines to a large value such as 10000 (or larger for a busy system).

Trace Filter Settings

Use the trace filter settings to set the type of trace that you want (Table 5-17). To access the trace filter settings, click the Trace On check box.

Table 5-17 Trace Configuration Filter Settings 

Filter Setting

Debug trace level

Setting specifies the level of information that you want traced (see Table 5-11). Levels range from error to detailed.

Trace fields

Each Cisco CallManager service provides specific trace fields. The configuration procedure for each service describes the trace fields.

Device Name Based Trace Monitoring

Setting applies to Cisco CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services only. This filter setting configures trace for devices such as phones and gateways. See the "Configuring Device Name Based Trace Monitoring Trace Parameters" section.

Trace Output Settings

Use the trace output settings to specify the output log file and its format (Table 5-18).

Note Trace Configuration automatically provides the time and date of the trace.

Table 5-18 Trace Configuration Output Settings 

Filter Setting

Enable file trace log

This setting enables sending the output of the trace to a log file (either the default log file or one that you choose). Each Cisco CallManager service includes a default log file.

Enable XML formatted output

This setting formats the output of the trace in XML format. Trace Analysis requires XML format. Cisco CallManager, CTIManager, and Cisco TFTP services support this setting.

Enable debug output string

Cisco engineers use this setting.

Configuring Servers with Four Disk Drives to Collect Trace Files

To increase system performance, you can configure service parameters and trace output settings, so trace files write to the drive that is labeled "Trace" instead of to the default C: drive. Using the trace drive allows you to capture more trace files because this drive is set up specifically for trace file collection.

Perform the following procedure for all servers in the cluster with four disk drives:


Step 1 Determine which drive is labeled "Trace" by double-clicking My Computer.

Step 2 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 3 Choose Trace > Configuration.

Step 4 From the Server pane on the left side of the Trace Configuration window, click the server name or IP address of the four-disk drive server.

Step 5 From the Configured Services drop-down list box, click either the Cisco CallManager or CTIManager service.

Note Depending on which service you chose, repeat this entire procedure for the service you did not choose in Step 5.

The Trace Configuration window for the service and server displays.

Step 6 In the upper, right corner of the window, click the SDL Configuration link.

The SDL Configuration window displays.

Step 7 In the Trace Directory Path field under Trace Output Settings, change the default from the C: drive to the drive letter of the trace drive.

Step 8 Click Update.

Step 9 Repeat this procedure on all four-disk drive servers in the cluster, for both Cisco CallManager and CTIManager services.