Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide, Release 4.2(1)
CAR System Configuration

Table Of Contents

CAR System Configuration

System Parameters Configuration

Granting Administrator Rights

Revoking Administrator Rights

Configuring Mail Server Parameters

Configuring the Dial Plan

Restoring the Default Values for the CAR Dial Plan

Gateway Configuration

Configuring System Preferences

System Scheduler Configuration

Configuring the CDR Load Schedule

Restoring the Default CDR Load Schedule

Disabling the Loading of CDR Data

Enabling the Loading of CDR Data

Scheduling Daily Reports

Scheduling Weekly Reports

Scheduling Monthly Reports

Restoring Default Report Schedules

Disabling Reports

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

System Database Configuration

Configuring CAR Database Alerts

Configuring CDR Database Alerts

Configuring Automatic Database Purge

Disabling Automatic Database Purge

Using Manual Database Purge

Restoring Database Purge Defaults

System Log Screens

Generating the Event Log

Generating the Error Log

Understanding Log Reports

Understanding the Event Log Output

Understanding the Error Log Output

Understanding the Error Log Details

CAR System Configuration

Before you start generating reports with CAR, configure the system. In most cases, CAR provides default values. However, review the topics provided in this chapter to learn more about customizing CAR.

This chapter contains the following topics:

System Parameters Configuration

System Scheduler Configuration

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

System Database Configuration

System Log Screens

Understanding Log Reports

System Parameters Configuration

Unless you want to use the default values, you should customize a number of system parameters before you generate any reports. This section describes the system parameters. Because default values are provided for all system parameters, Cisco recommends customizing but does not require it.

Any user can be a CAR administrator; however, you must specify each user designated as a CAR administrator in the Grant/Revoke CAR Admin Rights window. Users who have been identified as CAR administrators have full control over the CAR system. The administrator can modify all the parameters related to the system and the reports.

CAR requires a minimum of one administrator.

Related Topics

Granting Administrator Rights

Revoking Administrator Rights

Granting Administrator Rights

This section describes how to grant CAR administrator rights to one or more users.

Note To grant administrative privileges to users, you must first log onto CAR using admin as the initial user name and password. Log onto CAR using this user name and password to grant CAR administrator rights to user(s) for the first time. This user ID and password will only work when there are no CAR administrators configured in the system. Once one or more users have been granted administrator rights, this initial logon (admin, admin) will be disabled. At this point, only CAR administrators (users who have been granted administrator rights initially using admin, admin, can grant CAR administrator rights to other users.


Step 1 In the CAR window, choose System > System Parameters > Admin Rights.

The Grant/Revoke CAR Admin Rights window displays.

Step 2 In the User ID field, enter the user ID for the individual that you want to add as a CAR administrator.

If you do not know the valid user ID, click the Search User(s) link. See Searching for Users, for instructions on searching for a user.

Step 3 Click the Add button.

Cisco CallManager copies the user specified in the User ID field to the list of CAR administrators.

Step 4 To designate the listed users as CAR administrators, click the Update button. Changes take effect immediately.

Related Topic

Revoking Administrator Rights

Revoking Administrator Rights

This section describes how to revoke CAR administrator rights for one or more users.


Step 1 Choose System > System Parameters > Admin Rights.

The Grant/Revoke CAR Admin Rights window displays.

Step 2 In the CAR Administrators list box, choose the user ID for the individual that you want to remove as a CAR administrator.

Step 3 To remove the selected user(s), click the Remove button, or to remove all users specified in the CAR Administrators list box, click the Remove All button.

Only those user(s) still listed in the CAR Administrators list box will continue to have CAR administrator rights.

Step 4 To remove the users, click the Update button.

The CAR Administrators that you removed no longer have administrator access. Changes take effect immediately.

Related Topic

Granting Administrator Rights

Configuring Mail Server Parameters

To send e-mail alerts and reports by e-mail, you must specify the mail server configuration information. CAR uses the configuration information to successfully connect to the e-mail server.

This section describes how to specify e-mail server information.


Step 1 Choose System > System Parameters > Mail Parameters.

The Mail Parameters window displays.

Step 2 In the Mail ID field, enter the e-mail identifier that will be used in the From field when e-mails are sent.

Step 3 In the Password field, enter the password used to access the server running the e-mail system.

Note CAR does not authenticate the user ID and password. You must disable authentication on the mail server or enter a valid user ID and password.

Step 4 In the Confirm Password field, enter the same password from Step 3 to confirm.

Step 5 In the Mail Domain field, enter the domain name for the server running the e-mail system.

Step 6 In the Main Server Name field, enter the name or IP address of the server running the e-mail system.

Step 7 To make the changes, click the Update button.

Related Topics

Configuring CAR Database Alerts

Configuring CDR Database Alerts

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Configuring the Dial Plan

The default dial plan in CAR specifies the North American numbering plan (NANP). Make sure that the dial plan is properly configured, so call classifications are correct in the reports.

Note If you have modified the default NANP provided in Cisco CallManager Administration, or if you are outside the NANP, be sure to configure the dial plan according to your Cisco CallManager dial plan. At least one condition has to be there to configure the Dial Plan. Refer to the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide and the Cisco CallManager System Guide for dial plan information.

To configure the dial plan, define the parameters for the outgoing call classifications. Call classifications include international, local, long distance, on net, and others. For example, if local calls in your area are 6 digits in length, you would specify a row in the dial plan as follows:


No of Digits


Call Type





This section describes how to update the CAR dial plan configuration.


Step 1 Choose System > System Parameters > Dial Plan Configuration.

The Dial Plan Configuration window displays.

Step 2 In the Toll Free Numbers field, enter the numbers in your dial plan that can be placed without a charge.

Step 3 Update the values in the table using the following fields:

Condition—Select the condition of the rule where > represents greater than; < represents less than, and = represents a value that is equal to the specified value in the No of Digits field.

No Of Digits—Choose the number of digits in the directory number to which this rule should be applied. If the number of digits does not impact the rule, specify NA.

Pattern—Enter the pattern used for the call classification, where

G—The call is classified as specified in the rule (i.e. G is a wildcard for the gateway area codes specified in the "Gateway Configuration" section.

T—Retrieves the toll-free numbers configured in CAR.

!—Signifies multiple digits (any number that is more than 1 digit in length, such as 1234 or 5551234).

X—Signifies a single-digit number (such as 0, 1, or 9).

Call Type—Choose the call type if the condition is satisfied.

Step 4 To add more rows, check the check box in the row below where you want to add rows and click the Add Rows link. The system adds a row above the row you chose. To delete a row, check the check box by the row that you want to delete and click the Delete Rows link.

Note CAR classifies calls based on the dialed number as stored in the CDRs. If the dialed digits are different from the digits that are written in CDRs (due to number transformations), then the Dial Plan in CAR should be configured based on how the digits show up in CDRs.

Step 5 To make the changes, click the Update button.

Related Topic

Restoring the Default Values for the CAR Dial Plan

Restoring the Default Values for the CAR Dial Plan

If you have modified the default dial plan in CAR, you can restore the default values that are based on the North American numbering plan (NANP).

Table 16-1 provides the default NANP values.

Table 16-1 Default Values for CAR Dial Plan

No of Digits
Call Type




















Long Distance












Long Distance





The following information explains the default table values (see Table 16-1):

Row 1—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 5 and the pattern is ! (more than one digit, in this case, 5 digits), the call gets classified as on net.

Row 2—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 7 and the pattern is ! (more than one digit, in this case, 7 digits), the call gets classified as Local.

Row 3—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 10 and the pattern is T! (more than one digit, in this case a 10-digit number that starts with a Toll Free number code), the call gets classified as Others.

Row 4—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 10 and the pattern is G! (more than one digit, in this case a 10-digit number that starts with a gateway code), the call gets classified as Local.

Row 5—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 10 and the pattern is ! (more than one digit, in this case an 10-digit number), the call gets classified as Long Distance.

Row 6—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 11 and the pattern is T! (more than one digit, in this case an 11-digit number that starts with a toll-free number code), the call gets classified as Others.

Row 7—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 11 and the pattern is XG! (more than one digit, in this case an 11-digit number that starts with any single digit followed by a gateway code), the call gets classified as Local.

Row 8—If the number of digits dialed is equal to 11 and the pattern is ! (more than one digit, in this case an 11-digit number), the call gets classified as Long Distance.

Row 9—If the number of digits dialed is greater than 3 and that starts with 011, the call gets classified as International.

If none of the conditions gets satisfied, the call is classified as Others.

This section describes how to restore the NANP dial plan values in CAR.


Step 1 Choose System > System Parameters > Dial Plan Configuration.

The Dial Plan Configuration window displays.

Step 2 Click the Restore Defaults button.

The restoration takes effect at midnight. To make changes take effect immediately, restart the Cisco CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Configuring the Dial Plan

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Gateway Configuration

Configure the gateways in CAR before using the CAR gateway reports.

Tip Configure the gateways in CAR for existing Cisco CallManager system gateways. Also, when you add gateways to Cisco CallManager Administration, configure the new gateways in CAR. When gateways are deleted from the Cisco CallManager system, these gateways are automatically removed (and any configuration settings you may have specified) from CAR.

CAR uses the area code information to determine whether calls are local or long distance. You must provide the Number of Ports information for each gateway to enable CAR to generate the Utilization reports.

Note "G" is a wildcard for the gateway area codes used in Dial Plan configuration.

This section describes how to configure gateways in CAR.


Step 1 Choose System > System Parameters > Gateway Configuration.

The Gateway Configuration window displays.

Note If you have not configured gateways in Cisco CallManager Administration, a message displays that indicates that you have not configured gateways for the system.

Step 2 In the area code field, enter the area code for each gateway that you want to configure.

Step 3 To update the area code for all gateways, enter the area code in the Area Code field and click the Set Area Code button.

Step 4 In the Max No. of Ports field, enter the number of ports for each gateway that you want to configure. The Max No of Ports range goes from 1 to 1000.

Note CAR uses the values provided for the gateway when it was added in Cisco CallManager Administration. Therefore, some gateways will already have an area code setting or have a zero for maximum number of ports, depending on the details specified when the gateway was added in Cisco CallManager Administration. CAR does not accept 0 as a value for the maximum number of ports; you may be prompted to change the maximum number of ports for all gateways with a value of zero.

Step 5 To make the changes, click the Update button.

You can run reports in CAR on any or all of the configured gateways.

Related Topics

QoS by Gateway Configuration, page 19-8

Gateway Detail Report Configuration, page 20-2

Gateway Summary Report Configuration, page 20-5

Gateway Utilization Reports Configuration, page 20-7

Configuring System Preferences

CAR provides default system preferences; however, you may customize the system by specifying values for the system parameters. You can also modify multiple system parameters at the same time.

This section describes how to specify values for system parameters.


Step 1 Choose System > System Parameters > System Preferences.

The System Preferences window displays. The list of available system parameters appears in the Parameter Name list.

Step 2 In the Parameter Value field, enter the desired values for the parameters as described in Table 16-2.

Table 16-2 System Preferences Parameters



Enter the maximum size of the error log file in KB, with a range from 1 to 9999. The default is 100 KB. If the file exceeds the specified size limit, an e-mail alert gets sent to the administrator(s). The file will continue to grow in size if error logging continues, and the administrator(s) will receive an alert by e-mail each day that the file exceeds the specified size.


Enter the time, in seconds, that must pass without any activity before a user is logged out of CAR, with a range from 60 to 86400 (1 minute to 24 hours). The default is 1800 (30 minutes).


Enter the company name used as header information in reports.

Step 3 Click the Update button.

System Scheduler Configuration

The CAR System Scheduler provides the following functions:

Loads the daily CDR schedule

Disables the daily CDR schedule

Schedules the daily report

Schedules the weekly report

Schedules the monthly report

Note Loading CDR data can cause performance degradation on the Cisco CallManager server. Cisco recommends that you use the default loading time or schedule the loading to occur at a time when Cisco CallManager performance will be least affected.

Configuring the CDR Load Schedule

By default, CDR data loads every day from midnight to 5 a.m. This section describes how to customize the loading schedule, how to restore the default loading schedule if it was customized, and how to disable CDR loading.

Disable CDR loading when you are installing or upgrading the system in the same off-hours that CDR loading normally occurs. Because loading CDRs causes a resource drain on Cisco CallManager resources, you can suspend CDR loads until other operations complete. Of course, the CDR data does not get updated when CDR loading is disabled. Be sure to enable CDR loading again as soon as possible. The CAR tool does not affect the CDR generation in Cisco CallManager.


Step 1 Choose System > Scheduler > CDR Load.

The CDR Load window displays.

Step 2 In the Load CDR & CMR area, complete the fields as described in Table 16-3.

Table 16-3 Load CDR & CMR Values 



Choose the hour and minute that you want CAR to begin loading CDR data from the Cisco CallManager CDR database.

Loading Interval

Choose the interval at which you want records loaded. The interval can range from every 15 minutes to every 24 hours.


Enter the number of minutes that you want to allow CDR data to load. Depending on the size of the CDR database, CAR performance may degrade when CDRs load. You can limit the time allowed for loading, but in doing so, it is possible that only a portion of the CDR data will be loaded in the time that you set. Be sure to reconcile the duration limit you place with the interval. For example, if you load CDR data every 15 minutes, the duration of loading cannot exceed 15 minutes.

Step 3 In the Uninhibited Loading of CDR area, complete the fields as described in Table 16-4:

Table 16-4 Uninhibited Loading of CDR Values 



Choose the hour and minute that you want continuous loading of CDR data to begin.


Choose the hour and minute that you want continuous loading of CDR data to end.

Uninhibited loading allows you to set a time during which CDR data will load continuously. It will not load CDR data automatically in the duration specified, it will load CDR data uninhibited in the specified duration only if loading starts at that duration as per settings done in load CDR and CMR area. So, if loading starts at uninhibited loading interval, it will continue to the end of uninhibited loading interval, plus the duration field set in the load CDR and CMR area.

Uninhibited loading take precedence over any values set for scheduled loading. If you do not want uninhibited loading of CDR data, set the From and To values at 00:00.

Step 4 Click the Update button.

CAR will load CDR data based on the time, interval, and duration that you have specified. Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Disabling the Loading of CDR Data

Enabling the Loading of CDR Data

Restoring the Default CDR Load Schedule

Restoring the Default CDR Load Schedule

By default, CDR data loads every day from midnight to 5 a.m. This section describes how to restore the default loading schedule if it was customized.


Step 1 Choose System > Scheduler > CDR Load.

The Daily CDR Load window displays.

Step 2 Click the Restore Defaults button.

CDR data will load every day from midnight to 5 a.m.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Configuring the CDR Load Schedule

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Disabling the Loading of CDR Data

By default, CDR data loads at midnight on a daily basis; however, you can disable the CDR loading.

Tip Disable CDR loading when you are installing or upgrading the system in the same off-hours that CDR loading normally occurs. Because loading CDRs causes a resource drain on Cisco CallManager resources, you can suspend CDR loads until other operations complete. Of course, the CDR data does not get updated when CDR loading is disabled. Be sure to enable CDR loading again as soon as possible. The CAR tool does not affect the CDR generation in Cisco CallManager.

This section describes how to disable the loading of CDR data.


Step 1 Click System > Scheduler > CDR Load.

The Daily CDR Load window displays.

Step 2 Check the Disable Loader check box.

Step 3 Click the Update button.

CDR data will not load into CAR until you enable CDR loading.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Configuring the CDR Load Schedule

Restoring the Default CDR Load Schedule

Enabling the Loading of CDR Data

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Enabling the Loading of CDR Data

When CDR is enabled, CDR data loads at midnight on a daily basis (by default). This section describes how to enable the loading of CDR data if it was previously disabled.


Step 1 Choose System > Scheduler > CDR Load.

The Daily CDR Load window displays.

Step 2 Uncheck the Disable Loader check box.

Step 3 Click the Update button.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Configuring the CDR Load Schedule

Restoring the Default CDR Load Schedule

Disabling the Loading of CDR Data

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Scheduling Daily Reports

The Daily Report Scheduler schedules the time and duration of CAR daily reports.

Note Report generation can degrade Cisco CallManager performance; schedule reports when performance will be least affected.

Before You Begin

Specify the reports to be generated using the Automatic Generation/Alert Option. See Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12, for more information.

This section describes how to schedule the time and duration of the automatic daily reports.


Step 1 Choose System > Scheduler > Daily.

The Daily Scheduler window displays.

Step 2 In the Time field, choose the hour and minute that you want daily reports generated. A 24-hour clock represents time, where 0 equals midnight, and 1 through 11 represent a.m. hours, and 12 through 23 represent the p.m. hours of 1 p.m. through 11 p.m., respectively.

Step 3 In the Life field, choose the duration of the report from the range of 0 to 12 days. If you set the life of the report to 00, the report does not generate.

Step 4 Click the Update button.

Reports with report generation interval as Daily in Automatic Generation/Alert Option, and enabled, automatically generate every day at the time you specified and get deleted after the number of days that you specified.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Scheduling Weekly Reports

Scheduling Monthly Reports

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Disabling Reports

Restoring Default Report Schedules

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Scheduling Weekly Reports

The Weekly Report Scheduler schedules the time and duration of CAR weekly reports.

Note Report generation can degrade Cisco CallManager performance; schedule reports when performance will be least affected.

Before You Begin

Use the Automatic Generation/Alert Option to specify the reports to be generated. See Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12, for more information.

This section describes how to schedule the day, time, and duration of the automatic weekly reports.


Step 1 Choose System > Scheduler > Weekly.

The Weekly Scheduler window displays.

Step 2 In the Day of Week field, choose the day that you want reports generated.

Step 3 In the Time field, choose the hour and minute that you want reports generated. A 24-hour clock represents time, where 0 equals midnight, and 1 through 11 represent a.m. hours, and 12 through 23 represent the p.m. hours of 1 p.m. through 11 p.m., respectively.

Step 4 In the Life field, choose the duration of the report from the range of 00 to 12 weeks. If you choose 00, the report does not generate.

Step 5 Click the Update button.

Reports with report generation interval as Weekly in Automatic Generation/Alert Option, and enabled, automatically generate every week at the time you specified and get deleted after the number of weeks that you specified.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Scheduling Daily Reports

Scheduling Monthly Reports

Disabling Reports

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Scheduling Monthly Reports

The Monthly Report Scheduler schedules the time and duration of CAR monthly reports.

Note Report generation can degrade Cisco CallManager performance; schedule reports when performance will be least affected.

Before You Begin

Use the Automatic Generation/Alert Option to specify the reports to be generated. See Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12, for more information.

This section describes how to schedule the day, time, and duration of the automatic monthly reports.


Step 1 Choose System > Scheduler > Monthly.

The Monthly Scheduler window displays.

Step 2 In the Monthly Bill Generation area, Day of Month field, choose the day of the month that you want the report generated. If this value is set to a day that does not occur in a given month (such as 29, 30, or 31), the report generates on the last day of that month.

Step 3 In the Monthly Bill Generation area, Time field, choose the hour and minute that you want the report generated. A 24-hour clock represents time, where 0 equals midnight, and 1 through 11 represent a.m. hours, and 12 through 23 represent the p.m. hours of 1 p.m. through 11 p.m., respectively.

Step 4 In the Monthly Bill Generation area, Life field, choose the duration of the report from the range of 00 to 12 months. If you choose 00, the reports do not generate.

Step 5 In the Other Monthly Reports area, Day of Month field, choose the day of the month that you want the reports generated. If this value is set to a day that does not occur in a given month (such as 29, 30, or 31), the report generates on the last day of that month.

Step 6 In the Other Monthly Reports area, Time field, choose the hour and minute that you want reports generated. A 24-hour clock represents time, where 0 equals midnight, and 1 through 11 represent a.m. hours, and 12 through 23 represent the p.m. hours of 1 p.m. through 11 p.m., respectively.

Step 7 In the Other Monthly Reports area, Life field, choose the life of the report from the range of 00 to 12 months. If you choose 00, the reports do not generate.

Step 8 Click the Update button.

Reports with report generation interval as Monthly in Automatic Generation/Alert Option, and enabled, automatically generate every month at the time you specified and get deleted after the number of months that you specified.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Scheduling Daily Reports

Scheduling Weekly Reports

Disabling Reports

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Restoring Default Report Schedules

This section describes how to restore the default schedule for automatic generation of daily, weekly, and monthly reports.

Before You Begin

Use the Automatic Report Generation/Alert Option to specify the reports that you want generated. See Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12, for more information.


Step 1 To restore the default schedule for daily reports, choose System > Scheduler > Daily.

The Daily Scheduler window displays. The default daily reports run at 1 a.m. and get purged after two days.

page 32 default scheduled job times are:

Step 2 Click the Restore Defaults button.

Step 3 To restore the default schedule for weekly reports, choose System > Scheduler > Weekly.

The Weekly Scheduler window displays. The default weekly reports run at 4 a.m. every Sunday and get purged after four weeks.

Step 4 Click the Restore Defaults button.

Step 5 To restore the default schedule for monthly reports, choose System > Scheduler > Monthly.

The Monthly Scheduler window displays. The default monthly bill reports run at 3 a.m. on the first day of every month and get purged after two months. The default other monthly reports run at 2 a.m. on the first day of every month and get purged after two months.

Step 6 Click the Restore Defaults button.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Scheduling Daily Reports

Scheduling Weekly Reports

Scheduling Monthly Reports

Disabling Reports

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Disabling Reports

This section describes how to disable the automatic generation of daily, weekly, and monthly reports.


Step 1 To disable the generation of daily reports, choose System > Scheduler > Daily.

The Daily Scheduler window displays.

Step 2 In Life field, choose 00 for days.

Step 3 Click the Update button.

Step 4 To disable the generation of weekly reports, choose System > Scheduler > Weekly.

The Weekly Scheduler window displays.

Step 5 In Life field, choose 00 for weeks.

Step 6 Click the Update button.

Step 7 To disable the generation of monthly reports, choose System > Scheduler > Monthly.

The Monthly Scheduler window displays.

Step 8 In Life field, choose 00 for months.

Step 9 Click the Update button.

If reports are selected for automatic generation using the Automatic Generation/Alert Option, none get generated.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Scheduling Daily Reports

Scheduling Weekly Reports

Scheduling Monthly Reports

Restoring Default Report Schedules

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Use Control Center to start or stop the CAR Scheduler. The CAR Scheduler forces the changes that you made to take effect immediately by stopping and then restarting the scheduler service.

This section describes how to start or stop the CAR Scheduler.


Step 1 Choose System > Control Center.

The Control Center window displays indicating the server name or IP address, the service name, and the status of the service.

Step 2 Click the Start or Stop Service Control button. If you stop a service, any jobs currently scheduled (such as automatic generation of reports, database purge, loading CDRs, or alert notifications) also terminate.

Note By hovering your mouse over the graphic under Service Status, you can tell whether the service is running. A right-facing arrowhead displays when a service is running; a square box displays when a service is stopped.

Step 3 To exit the Control Center and return to the CAR main window, click the Close button.

Related Topic

System Scheduler Configuration

System Database Configuration

You can configure CAR to notify you when the CAR database size or CDR database size exceeds a percentage of the maximum number of records. You can set the message and the maximum number of records and specify the alert percentage. You cannot edit the maximum number of records for the CDR database from CAR.

See the following sections to configure system database information:

Configuring CAR Database Alerts

Configuring CDR Database Alerts

Configuring Automatic Database Purge

Disabling Automatic Database Purge

Using Manual Database Purge

Restoring Database Purge Defaults

Configuring CAR Database Alerts

This section describes how to set an alert for CAR database size.

Before You Begin

If you have not already done so, see Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12, for instructions. Alerts by mail are enabled by default.


Step 1 Choose System > Database > CAR Database Alert.

The CAR Database Alert window displays.

Step 2 Enter a value for the Max number of rows in Billing Table. The records in excess of this value will be deleted by CAR.

Step 3 In the Notify Users when number of rows reaches field, enter the percentage of rows that can be filled with data before you are notified. The default is 80%.

Step 4 To have an e-mail alert sent to all users designated as CAR Administrators, check the Mail to Administrator check box.

When the percentage of rows that can be filled with data has been met, CAR sends an e-mail to the users specified in the To field.

Step 5 If you want the e-mail alert sent to users who are not administrators, perform Step 6 through Step 11.

The To field contains the default: CAR Administrator. When CAR is set to the default, an e-mail alert goes to all the users who are designated as CAR Administrators.

Step 6 To send e-mail to users other than CAR administrators, enter the e-mail ID of those users in the To field, or search for users by clicking the To button.

When you click the To button, the User Search window displays.

Step 7 In the First Name and Last Name boxes, enter characters of the first or last name of the user to whom you want an e-mail alert sent.

Step 8 Click the Search button.

User Search Results displays in the same page, listing all users who matched the search criteria that you entered.

Step 9 In the row for the user to whom you want an e-mail alert sent, click the Select button.

The user you chose gets added to the field.

Step 10 Use the same search results window to search for more users and add to the list of people to be alerted by an e-mail.

Step 11 When you have added all users, click the Close button in the User Search window.

The users listed in the Search Users window get copied to the To field.

Step 12 To copy users on the e-mail alert, enter the e-mail ID of those users in the CC field, or search for users by clicking the CC button.

Step 13 Repeat Step 7 through Step 11 to add users to the CC field.

Step 14 In the Mail Subject field, accept the default, Alert for CAR Database, or enter your own subject message.

Step 15 In the Mail Message field, accept the default text or enter your own message. The default specifies the following message: "Number of rows in Billing table in the CAR database has crossed the threshold limit."

Step 16 Click the Update button.

When the database reaches the designated size, an e-mail alert using the subject message and text provided in the Mail fields, gets sent to the users listed in the To and Cc fields.

Related Topics

Configuring Notification Limits, page 17-15

Configuring Mail Server Parameters

Configuring CDR Database Alerts

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Configuring CDR Database Alerts

This section describes how to set an alert for CDR database size.

Before You Begin

If you have not already done so, see Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12, for instructions. Alerts by mail are enabled by default.


Step 1 Choose System > Database > CDR Database Alert.

The CDR Database Alert window displays.

The Max number of rows in CDR Table field is automatically populated from the Cisco CallManager database.

Step 2 In the Notify users when number of rows reaches field, enter the percentage of rows that can be filled with data before you are notified. The default is 80 percent.

Step 3 To have an e-mail alert sent to all users designated as CAR Administrators, check the Mail to Administrator check box.

When the percentage of rows that can be filled with data has been met, an e-mail goes to the users specified in the To field.

Step 4 If you want the e-mail alert sent to users who are not administrators, perform Step 6 through Step 10.

The To field contains the default: CAR Administrator. When CAR is set to the default, an e-mail alert gets sent to all the users who are designated as CAR Administrators.

Step 5 To send e-mail to users other than CAR administrators, enter the e-mail ID of those users in the To field, or search for users by clicking the To button.

When you click the To button, the User Search window displays.

Step 6 In the First Name and Last Name boxes, enter characters of the first or last name of users to whom you want an e-mail alert sent.

Step 7 Click the Search button.

User Search Results displays in the same page, listing all users who matched the search criteria that you entered.

Step 8 In the row for the user to whom you want an e-mail alert sent, click the Select button.

The user you selected gets added to the field.

Step 9 Use the same search results window to search for more users and add to the list of people to be alerted by an e-mail.

Step 10 When you have added all users, click the Close button in the User Search window.

The users listed in the Search Users window get copied to the To field.

Step 11 To copy users on the e-mail alert, enter the e-mail ID of those users in the CC field or search for users by clicking the CC button.

Step 12 Repeat Step 7 through Step 10 to add users to the CC field.

Step 13 In the Mail Subject field, accept the default, Alert for CDR Database, or enter your own subject message.

Step 14 In the Mail Message field, accept the default text or enter your own message. The default specifies the following message: "Number of rows in CallDetailRecord table in the CDR database has crossed the threshold limit."

Step 15 Click the Update button.

When the database reaches the designated size, an e-mail alert using the subject message and text provided in the Mail fields, gets sent to the users listed in the To and Cc fields.

Related Topics

Configuring Mail Server Parameters

Configuring CAR Database Alerts

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, page 17-12

Configuring Notification Limits, page 17-15

Configuring Automatic Database Purge

This section describes how to schedule automatic purging of the CDR and CAR databases. By default, automatic database purge is disabled.


Step 1 Choose System > Database > Configure Automatic Purge.

The Configure Automatic Database Purge window displays.

Step 2 In the Delete CDR Records older than field of the Automatic Database Purge area, enter the age, in days, of the CDR records that you want to purge from the database. CAR deletes only records older than the specified number of days.

Step 3 In the Delete CAR Records older than field of the Automatic Database Purge area, enter the age, in days, of the CAR records that you want to purge from the database. CAR deletes only records older than the specified number of days.

Step 4 Click the Update button.

The restoration takes effect at midnight. To make changes take effect immediately, restart the Cisco CAR Scheduler service.

The values specified are saved. The CAR Scheduler checks the age of the records as set here daily and deletes the records that exceed this age. The deletion is done at the same time that the Daily report generation is set, as in the "Scheduling Daily Reports" section.

Related Topics

Using Manual Database Purge

Disabling Automatic Database Purge

Restoring Database Purge Defaults

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Disabling Automatic Database Purge

This section describes how to disable automatic purging of the CAR and CDR databases.


Step 1 Choose System > Database > Configure Automatic Purge.

The Configure Automatic Database Purge window displays.

Step 2 To disable automatic CDR database purge, check the Disable CDR Purge check box.

Step 3 To disable automatic CAR database purge, check the Disable CAR Purge check box.

Step 4 Click the Update button.

The disabling takes effect at midnight. To make changes take effect immediately, restart the Cisco CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Configuring Automatic Database Purge

Using Manual Database Purge

Restoring Database Purge Defaults

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

Using Manual Database Purge

This section describes how to manually purge the CAR or CDR database.


Step 1 Choose System > Database > Manual Purge.

The Manual Database Purge window displays.

Step 2 In the Select Database field, choose the CAR or CDR database to manually purge.

Step 3 In the Select Table field, choose the table in the database that you want purged.

Step 4 Click the Table Information button.

The Table Information window displays. The window displays the tables for which manual purge is permitted, the total number of records in the table, and the latest record and oldest record in the table.

Step 5 To return to the Manual Database Purge window, click the Close button.

Step 6 In the Delete records field, choose a date that will determine which records will be purged by clicking one of the following radio buttons:

Older than


Step 7 Click the Purge button to delete all records older than or between the dates that you specified.

A prompt advises you that you are about to permanently delete the specified records.

Step 8 Click the OK button to purge the records or click the Cancel button to abort the purge operation.

If you click OK, the records get purged from the selected table. After successful deletion of records, the status message shows the number of records deleted from the table.

Related Topics

Configuring Automatic Database Purge

Disabling Automatic Database Purge

Restoring Database Purge Defaults

Restoring Database Purge Defaults

This section describes how to restore the default values for automatic database purging. Disabled is the default value for automatic database purge.


Step 1 Choose System > Database > Configure Automatic Purge.

The Configure Automatic Database Purge window displays.

Step 2 Click the Restore Defaults button.

The restoration takes effect at midnight. To make changes take effect immediately, restart the Cisco CAR Scheduler service.

Related Topics

Configuring Automatic Database Purge

Disabling Automatic Database Purge

Using Manual Database Purge

Starting or Stopping the CAR Scheduler

System Log Screens

CAR provides logs that can be used to track the status of the various activities. The event log tracks events triggered by the CAR Scheduler, such as automatically generated reports, loading of CDRs, database alerts notifications, report deletions, and database purging. The error log tracks errors that CAR encountered while performing various tasks. It also tracks errors that CAR encountered while loading CDR data. The error log assists with debugging and diagnosing problems in CAR functionality.

Related Topics

Generating the Event Log

Generating the Error Log

Generating the Event Log

The event log provides a report on the status of the activities controlled by the CAR scheduler. The event log report shows whether the tasks have started, completed successfully, or are in progress.

This section describes how to generate the event log report.


Step 1 Choose System > Log Screens > Event Log.

The Event Log window displays.

Step 2 Click on the Daily radio button to choose daily jobs; the Weekly radio button to choose weekly jobs; and the Monthly radio button to choose monthly jobs.

Step 3 In the List of Jobs area, choose the tasks for which you want information.

Step 4 To add the chosen task to the Selected Jobs area, click the right arrow icon.

Step 5 To remove tasks from the Selected Jobs area, choose the task that you want removed and click the left arrow icon.

Step 6 To add tasks with a different frequency, repeat Step 2 through Step 4. For example, you can have daily reports and reports that include monthly or weekly tasks.

Step 7 Choose the status to include in the report. You must choose at least one of the statuses as described in Table 16-5.

Note All the jobs are selected by default.

Table 16-5 Event Log Report Status 



If this check box is checked, the event log report includes tasks that have completed.

In Progress

If this check box is checked, the event log report includes tasks that are currently in progress.


If this check box is checked, the event log report includes tasks that have failed.

Step 8 Choose a date range by choosing From and To values.

Step 9 Click the OK button to generate the event log report.

The event log displays information about the chosen tasks. Print the log by right-clicking on the screen and choosing Print.

Related Topic

Generating the Error Log

Generating the Error Log

The error log provides a report on the errors that CAR encountered while performing various tasks. You can use this information to assist with troubleshooting the system when problems occur.

This section describes how to generate the error log report.


Step 1 Choose System > Log Screens > Error Log.

The Error Log window displays.

Step 2 In the List of Modules area, choose the modules for which you want information.

Step 3 To add the chosen module to the Selected Modules area, click the right arrow icon.

Step 4 To remove tasks from the Selected Modules area, choose the module that you want removed and click the left arrow icon.

Step 5 In the List of Users area, choose the users for which you want information.

Step 6 To add the chosen user to the Selected Users area, click the right arrow icon.

Step 7 To remove users from the Selected Users area, choose the user that you want removed and click the left arrow icon.

Step 8 Choose a date range by selecting From and To values.

Step 9 Click the OK button to generate the error log report.

The error log displays information about the chosen modules and users. Print the log by right-clicking on the screen and choosing Print.

Related Topics

Understanding the Error Log Output

Understanding the Error Log Details

Generating the Event Log

Understanding Log Reports

This section provides information about the event and error log reports. See the following sections:

Understanding the Event Log Output

Understanding the Error Log Output

Understanding the Error Log Details

Understanding the Event Log Output

Table 16-6 describes the event log report output.

Table 16-6 Event Log Report Output


Sl No

Serial number.


Name of the task.

Start Time

Time the task started.

End Time

Time the task ended.


Unsuccessful, in progress, completed


Date the task was scheduled.

Understanding the Error Log Output

Table 16-7 describes the error log report output.

Table 16-7 Error Log Report Output


Sl No

Serial number.

Module Name

The name of the module that generated the error.


The description of the error and a recommended resolution.


A link to the error log details that displays the serial number, error code, and other error details. See Understanding the Error Log Details, for more information.

Understanding the Error Log Details

Table 16-8 describes the error log report details.

Table 16-8 Error Log Report Details


Sl No

Serial number.

Error Code

The code assigned to the error message.

User Message

Brief message to the user, explaining the error.

Program Name

The program that generated the error.


The user name who was logged on when this error occurred.


The precise date and time that the error was generated.