Table Of Contents
Installation, Backup, and Restore Issues
Quick Upgrade, Backup, and Restore Tips
Restore Location When You Have Two Different Versions of Cisco CallManager
BAT for Faster Transfer of Data
Upgrade, Backup, and Restore
Back Up the Publisher
Third-Party Backup Utilities
Installation Issues
Unable to Change the Server Name for Cisco CallManager
Boot Failure Recovery
One Publisher, Two Subscribers: All Three Databases Have Different Information After an Install on One Subscriber
Upgrade Issues
Subscriber Upgrade Fails: Unable to Find Updated Database
Blank Enterprise Parameters Page After Upgrade
Related Information
Backup and Restore Issues
Backup to Local Tape Drive Is Not Working and Terminates with Error Code 1165
When Installing Cisco CallManager, No Prompt Displays for a Backup Destination
Sti Backup Utility in Cisco CallManager Stuck on "Cancelling Backup"
After a Restore, Database Is Corrupt
Related Information
Installation, Backup, and Restore Issues
This section covers solutions for the following most common issues related to a Cisco CallManager installation, backup, or restore.
•Quick Upgrade, Backup, and Restore Tips
•Installation Issues
•Upgrade Issues
•Backup and Restore Issues
If the following procedures do not solve your problem, contact TAC for a more detailed investigation.
For the latest information about the Cisco IP Telephony Operating System, SQL Server, Security Updates, refer to the following URL:
For the Cisco CallManager Compatibility Matrix, refer to the following URL:
Warning If for any reason you need to change the IP address of a Cisco CallManager server, be sure to change this IP address in all applications that reference this address. Failure to change the IP address in all instances can cause your Cisco IP Phones to fail to register with Cisco CallManager.
Quick Upgrade, Backup, and Restore Tips
Use the following quick tips to help avoid issues when performing upgrades, backups, and restores to your system:
•Restore Location When You Have Two Different Versions of Cisco CallManager
•BAT for Faster Transfer of Data
•Upgrade, Backup, and Restore
•Back Up the Publisher
•Third-Party Backup Utilities
Restore Location When You Have Two Different Versions of Cisco CallManager
Tip Do a system restore on the same Cisco CallManager version. Changes from release to release cause problems if you try to restore from a different version.
BAT for Faster Transfer of Data
Tip Build a clean system; then, use the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) to import your phones and users.
Upgrade, Backup, and Restore
Tip Perform your upgrade, run the Cisco IP telephony Applications Backup Utility, rebuild the new system from scratch, and restore the backup tape.
Back Up the Publisher
Tip Back up only the publisher server in a Cisco CallManager cluster. All other servers (subscribers) copy over the information on installation.
Third-Party Backup Utilities
For the Unity backup, you need a third-party application.
Note Cisco does not support third-party utilities for backing up the Cisco CallManager database. Doing so voids your TAC support.
Tip Use the included Cisco IP telephony Applications Backup Utility to back up the Cisco CallManager database to a separate machine. Then, use that separate machine to run your third-party backup software.
Installation Issues
For detailed documentation on installation and troubleshooting installs, refer to the Installation Guide for Cisco CallManager at the following URL:
and click Installation Instructions to find the document with the release number for your system software version.
Also refer to the Release Notes for Cisco CallManager for any installation issues for your current software version.
This document covers the following installation issues:
•Unable to Change the Server Name for Cisco CallManager
•Boot Failure Recovery
•One Publisher, Two Subscribers: All Three Databases Have Different Information After an Install on One Subscriber
Unable to Change the Server Name for Cisco CallManager
You attempt to change the name of the Cisco CallManager server, and the service fails. Other services, such as CTI Manager, Extended Functions, and Voice Media Streaming, also fail.
Possible Cause
Cisco does not support changing the name of a Cisco CallManager server.
Recommended Action
Change the IP address instead of changing the name of a Cisco CallManager server. See "Cisco CallManager System Issues," to change the IP address.
Warning If you need to change the IP address of a Cisco CallManager server, be sure to change this IP address in all applications that reference this address. Failure to change the IP address in all instances can cause your Cisco IP Phones to fail to register with Cisco CallManager.
Boot Failure Recovery
The following URL provides detailed Boot Failure recovery procedures:
One Publisher, Two Subscribers: All Three Databases Have Different Information After an Install on One Subscriber
Error Message
Looking for ccmxxxx databases in (local).master.dbo.sysdatabases table
Possible Cause
The subscriber build failed.
Recommended Action
Perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the NetBIOS name resolution is working among all servers.
2. Ensure (by editing) that the hosts and LMHOSTS are filled in on the publisher and subscriber servers, so each one can resolve the other's host name and NetBIOS name.
Hosts is used for DNS resolution. LMHOSTS uses NetBIOS for name resolution. Also, SQL uses NetBIOS for name resolution.
3. From the web, upgrade the Cisco CallManager for the software version on your publisher.
The software will download the SQL database to the subscriber(s).
Upgrade Issues
This section covers the following issues for Cisco CallManager upgrades:
•Subscriber Upgrade Fails: Unable to Find Updated Database
•Blank Enterprise Parameters Page After Upgrade
•Related Information
Subscriber Upgrade Fails: Unable to Find Updated Database
During the upgrade of a publisher and a number of subscribers in Cisco CallManager 3.x, there are several instances in which no error messages appear. However, when the servers in the cluster are rebooted, neither phones nor devices register with the correct subscribers.
Often, failover between Cisco CallManager nodes in a cluster also fails. In addition, checking the Application Event Viewer will show many instances of the Cisco CallManager service stopping and starting repetitively.
Possible Cause
Access the SQL Enterprise Manager and open both publisher and subscriber databases. Check the latest Cisco CallManager database version (CCM030X) on the publisher and for each subscriber. If, when viewing the publisher and subscriber(s) databases within the SQL Enterprise Manager, you notice that the subscriber(s) do not have the most current database, you are probably experiencing a naming resolution problem within your network.
Another way to verify this problem is to refer to the newest Database Upgrade log found at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cisco\Logs. Scroll down and look for the following:
4-28-2002 10:54:00 _DBPullSubscription: CALLMAN01 CCM0302 sa ******** CALLMAN02
CCM0302 sa ******** C:\Program Files\Cisco\Bin\ 0
4-28-2002 11:11:32 Pulling subscription from CALLMAN01 to subscribe to the CCM0302 Database.
Return Code = 8 DB_SCRIPT_ERROR
The output shows that, while the subscriber was able to contact the publisher and determine the correct database version, problems occurred that prevented it from being copied or replicated.
Recommended Action
The Microsoft SQL Server uses NetBIOS name resolution for some types of remote-procedure call (RPC) tasks. Because of this, the publisher and all subscribers should use the LMHOSTS file for NetBIOS name resolution. All servers in the cluster should also use HOSTS files for proper name resolution between the servers.
Windows 2000 includes sample HOSTS and LMHOSTS files (HOSTS.SAM and LMHOSTS.SAM) in the directory C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc. Use the following process to modify the sample files for your custom installation.
1. Open the file C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.sam from the Cisco CallManager publisher using a text editor such as Notepad.
2. Read the comment lines that start with the # symbol. Then delete all lines from the file. Windows must parse every line in the file for every attempt at name resolution.
3. Enter the IP address of the publisher, followed by a space and the hostname of the publisher. The hostname can be found by using the ipconfig /all command.
Repeat until the file contains one line for each server in the cluster. The following is a sample hosts file:
4. Save the file as C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts without any extension.
Note Notepad appends a .txt extension by default. Therefore, use Windows Explorer or a command prompt to remove the .txt extension.
Note Windows Explorer hides file extensions by default. Therefore, make sure you are viewing file extensions or just use the rename command.
5. Use a text editor such as Notepad and open the file C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts.sam.
6. Read and then delete all of the comment lines. Add one line for each server but append the text #PRE after the name of the server. The following is a sample lmhosts file: ICSCM1 #PRE ICSCM2 #PRE
7. Save the file as C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts without any extension.
Note Notepad appends a .txt extension by default. Therefore, use Windows Explorer or a command prompt to remove the .txt extension.
Note Windows Explorer hides file extensions by default. Therefore, make sure you are viewing file extensions or, use the rename command.
8. Open a command prompt and enter the nbtstat -R command to load the contents of the LMHOSTS file into the NetBIOS name cache. Use the nbtstat -c command to verify that the LMHOSTS file was successfully parsed and loaded. If no information is listed, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q180099 .
Note The NetBIOS Remote Cache will contain only name-to-address resolution for remote nodes.
9. Select Start > Run and type services.msc.
10. Click OK.
11. Click DNS Client Service, right-click on the service name, and click Restart.
12. Repeat steps 1-11 for each Cisco CallManager server in the cluster.
13. Rerun the Cisco CallManager upgrade on the subscribers.
If the procedure is successful, the subscribers have the current Cisco CallManager database and are pulling the subscription successfully from the publisher.
Blank Enterprise Parameters Page After Upgrade
No field or variable information displays on the Enterprise Parameters page. All other pages display correctly.
Possible Cause
Refer to CSCdv65210—Issues occur where an upgrade was not moving all the information to the database.
Recommended Action
Reinitialize the pages by running
C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\Xmltemp\installxml.vbs
Verify that the Enterprise Parameters page displays correctly.
Related Information
For detailed information on upgrading your Cisco CallManager, refer to Upgrading Cisco CallManager and locate your release number at the following URL:
Click Installation Instructions to find the document for your specific software release.
The following URL provides information that is located on the TAC site:
Backup and Restore Issues
This section covers the following issues for backups:
•Backup to Local Tape Drive Is Not Working and Terminates with Error Code 1165
•When Installing Cisco CallManager, No Prompt Displays for a Backup Destination
•Sti Backup Utility in Cisco CallManager Stuck on "Cancelling Backup"
•After a Restore, Database Is Corrupt
The Cisco IP telephony Applications Backup Utility automatically backs up the following items:
•Cisco CallManager database on SQL Server 2000, including the Call Detail Records (CDR) database
•Administrative Reporting Tool (ART) database
•DC Directory, LDAP directory
•Distribution .ini, which contains the publisher and subscriber configuration information
•Database.dat, if present
•HKLM\Software\Cisco Systems, Inc.
•Cisco Customer Response Solutions (CRS)
For detailed information on backing up the Cisco CallManager, refer to Backing Up and Restoring Cisco CallManager and locate your release number at the following URL:
Click Installation Instructions to find the document for your specific software release.
Backup to Local Tape Drive Is Not Working and Terminates with Error Code 1165
Error Message 1165 The device has indicated that cleaning is
required before further operations are attempted.
Possible Cause
Issues exist with the tape drive or the tape.
Recommended Action Corrective Action
Refer to your hardware documentation for details on cleaning the tape drive, or try using a different, clean tape.
Verify that the backup process successfully completes with no errors.
When Installing Cisco CallManager, No Prompt Displays for a Backup Destination
You cannot locate the backup folder or the Cisco IP telephony Applications Backup Utility.
Possible Cause
If you are installing Cisco CallManager for the first time, you may have clicked Cancel on the backup display. If so, the backup destination was not created.
Recommended Action
Two ways exist for you to install the backup utility into the correct folder:
–Copy the "backup" folder from any other blade that has installed the Cisco IP telephony Applications Backup Utility, and run the _stBackSetup.exe file.
–Run setup.exe from the "Backup" folder off the root directory of the Cisco CallManager CD.
Sti Backup Utility in Cisco CallManager Stuck on "Cancelling Backup"
When running the Sti BackupUtility, the following message displays:
"Cancelling backup process. Please wait.."
The message does not disappear when you attempt to cancel the backup process after noticing that the backup never executed (via the status monitor).
Note Rebooting the server will not solve the problem.
Recommended Action
Follow the steps below:
1. Note the value of the Config registry key in the Registry Editor window.
2. From the Windows Start button, choose Run and enter regedit.
3. From the Registry Editor, choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Cisco Systems > Backup > Config.
4. Manually change the value of the Config registry key to 0.
5. Manually stop the StiView.exe process in the Cisco CallManager by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del and choosing Task Manager.
The Windows Task Manager displays,
6. Click the Processes tab, choose stiView.exe, and click the End Process button.
As an alternate solution, from your system directory, select C: > WINNT > SYSTEM32 and run the StiBack.exe file.
After a Restore, Database Is Corrupt
A backup and restore appear to successfully complete on the publisher and subscriber servers but one database is missing information. Each database shows different versions of the software.
Possible Cause
A backup was made of one version, and the restore was to a newer software version.
Recommended Action
You must do a system restore on the same Cisco CallManager version. Changes from release to release would cause problems if you tried to restore from a different version.
Use the following procedures to restore databases.
Note Always perform these procedures from the publisher server. Make sure Cisco NT services and IIS Admin service are stopped.
Backup the SQL Database
Step 1 Choose Start-Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for Cisco CallManager version 4.0.
Step 2 Click Enterprise Manager.
Step 3 Double-click Microsoft SQL Servers.
Step 4 Double-click SQL Server Group.
Step 5 Double-click the machine name (the DNS name of the machine).
Step 6 Double-click Databases.
Step 7 Click the highest level database beginning with CCM.
Step 8 Choose Tools > Backup Database.
Step 9 Choose Database — complete and Overwrite existing media.
Step 10 Click Add.
Step 11 Enter the type in a file name in the default path.
Step 12 Click OK.
Restore the SQL Database for the Purpose of Viewing the information
Step 1 Ensure you have backed up your database (see the "Backup the SQL Database" procedure).
Unpublish your current database
Step 2 Ensure that all Cisco NT services and the IIS Admin service are stopped.
Step 3 Choose Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Step 4 Click Enterprise Manager.
Step 5 Choose Microsoft SQL Servers > SQL Server Group.
Step 6 Click on your server name.
Step 7 Right-click Server Name > Replication.
Step 8 Choose Configure Publishing > Subscribers > Distribution.
Step 9 Click the Publication Database tab in the popup window.
Step 10 Uncheck the name of your currently published database.
Step 11 Click OK.
Restore the Customer Database
Step 12 Ensure that all Cisco NT services and the IIS Admin service are stopped.
Step 13 Place the customer backup file in C:MSSQL2000\BACKUP.
Step 14 Choose Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Step 15 Click Enterprise Manager.
Step 16 Choose Microsoft SQL Servers > SQL Server Group.
Step 17 Double-click Databases.
Step 18 Click the highest numbered database beginning with CCM.
Step 19 Click Restore Database.
If you backed up a database and want to restore that database
Step 20 Choose first backup to restore.
Step 21 Choose Database — complete.
Step 22 Click OK.
Step 23 If you restore a different database to this machine, choose Restore — from device.
Step 24 Click Select Devices.
Step 25 Click Add and enter the filename from which you are restoring.
Step 26 Choose Database — complete.
Step 27 Click OK.
Step 28 The following message displays:
Restore of database CCMxxxx completed successfully.
Now you can view the contents of the database by clicking on it in the main window and looking at its tables, users, and other information.
When you are ready to restore your former database, republish it by choosing Server Name > Replication and right-click Configure Publishing > Subscribers > Distribution and checking your original database.
Restore a Customer Database to Work With Cisco CallManager on Your Machine
Step 1 Repeat the previous procedures for unpublishing your database and restoring the Customer Database.
Step 2 From the Enterprise Manager, delete the following three default users: CiscoCCMUser, CiscoCCMCDR, and CiscoCCMReader by choosing Tools > SQL Server Query Analyzer.
You can also access the Query Analyzer from Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Query Analyzer.
Step 3 Choose your database from the pull-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
Note Choosing the correct database name is important. Otherwise, you risk deleting users from the wrong database.
Step 4 Enter Sp_dropuser CiscoCCMUser and click Go.
Step 5 Click the Play button.
Step 6 The following message displays:
User CiscoCCMUser successfully removed from database.
Step 7 Enter Sp_dropuser CiscoCCMCDR and click Go.
Step 8 Click the Play button.
Step 9 The following message displays:
User CiscoCCMCDR successfully removed from database.
Step 10 Enter Sp_dropuser CiscoCCMReader and click Go.
Step 11 Click the Play button.
Step 12 The following message displays:
User Cisco CCMReader successfully removed from database.
Add the three default users for your machine
Step 13 Right-click Users in the main screen under your database name.
Step 14 Choose CiscoCCMUser and check the "db_owner" box for this user.
Step 15 Click OK.
Step 16 Choose CiscoCCMCDR -and check the "db_owner" box.
Step 17 Click OK.
Step 18 Choose CiscoCCMReader and check the "db_datareader" box.
Step 19 Click OK.
Configuring database tables
ProcessConfig table
Step 20 Choose Tables > ProcessConfig.
Step 21 Right-click ProcessConfig.
Step 22 Choose open > return all rows.
Step 23 Click the SQL button and run the following SQL query:
choose the exclamation point to run
Step 24 Make note of the paramValue for GlassHouseNodeID
ParamValue for the GlassHouseNodeId in this table matches the fkProcessNode string in the Cisco CallManager and pkid string in ProcessNode.
Note The first set of digits are the least significant.
Step 25 Change the Server names in all the DBConnection records to match the machine name of your publisher machine.
Step 26 Change the database names in the DBConnection records to match the current database name.
ProcessNode table
Step 27 Choose Tables > ProcessNode.
Step 28 Right-click on ProcessNode and choose open > return all rows.
Step 29 Change the 'name' column for the publisher (pkid=glassHouseNodeID you previously noted) to be the ip address or machine name of your machine.
CallManager table
Step 30 Choose Tables > CallManager.
Step 31 Right-click on CallManager and choose open > return all rows.
Step 32 Change the 'processNodeName' column for the CallManager record where fkprocessnode=glassHouseNodeID is correct machine name or the IP address you changed in the ProcessNode table.
Check the registry settings
Step 33 Open the registry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE.
Step 34 Click Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 35 Click DBL.
Step 36 Note the value of the DBConnection0 key.
In the value, ensure the value of SERVER is the DNS name of the publisher and that the database version name is correct.
Publish the database
Step 37 Return to the main tree in Enterprise Manager.
Step 38 Click on the server name.
Step 39 Choose New > Publication.
Step 40 Click Next.
Step 41 Choose your database name.
Step 42 Click Next.
Step 43 Choose Transactional.
Step 44 Click Next.
Step 45 Click Next.
Step 46 Choose publish all tables.
Step 47 Click Next.
Step 48 Click Next.
Step 49 Click Next.
Step 50 Click Finish.
Related Information
The following Microsoft utilities will help you find out what OS patches apply to your Cisco CallManager.
•Hfnetck.exe—Displays programs and service pack that are installed on the box and indicates whether newer patches are available.
•Serverinfo.exe—Displays basic information and statistics on the system.
•Qfecheck.exe—Displays which HotFixes are installed. This utility does not work for SQL and Internet Explorer HotFixes. Qfecheck also spikes the processor during the time it runs. Cisco recommends that you run this utility only in a maintenance window.
To view the HotFixes that apply to Internet Explorer, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Open your Internet Explorer and click Help > About Internet Explorer.
Step 2 View the Update Versions line.
This line will list the Knowledge Base number for each installed HotFix.