Table 6-1 Installation Error Messages
Error Message
Corrective Action
You must provide the Computer Name of the publisher server. IP addresses or fully qualified DNS names are not allowed.
You must not enter periods (.) when you enter the publisher database server name.
Reenter the information correctly.
You must provide the publisher server name when installing a subscriber.
This error message displays when you install Cisco CallManager on the subscriber server and do not provide the publisher database server name.
Reenter the information correctly.
You have entered an invalid product key. Please re-enter the key.
You entered an invalid product key.
See the Cisco CRS installation documentation to obtain the Cisco CRS product keys. See this document for the Cisco CallManager product key.
You must enter a password.
This message displays when you do not enter a password, but the application requires a password for the installation to occur.
Enter the correct password.
The passwords that you entered do not match.
This error message displays when you enter a password more than one time, but the password that you enter does not match the password on the server.
Enter the same password on all servers in the cluster.
The password that you entered is not valid.
You entered an invalid password.
Enter the correct password.
You must enter a phrase from 1 to 15 characters in length. This phrase may contain English lower-case letters, English upper-case letters, Westernized Arabic Numerals, and the following Non-alphanumeric "special characters" { } . < > : ? / | \ ` ~ ! @ $ ^ & * ( ) _ - +
You entered invalid characters for the private password phrase.
Enter valid characters.
Pending file operations are occurring. Reboot the server and then install Cisco CallManager.
Pending file operations are occurring.
Reboot the server and then install Cisco CallManager.
You are not logged on as `Administrator'. You must log in by using local Administrator user name and password to install Cisco CallManager.
You did not log in to the server with the local Administrator user name and password.
Log in to the server with the local Administrator user name and password.
You do not have administrator privileges. You must have administrator privileges to install Cisco CallManager.
You do not have administrative privileges.
Log in to the server with an account that has administrative privileges.
You must install CallManager by double clicking CCMSetup.exe.
You tried to install Cisco CallManager by double clicking the msi file that is part of the Cisco CallManager package.
Double-click the CCMSetup.exe.
You must apply SQL 2000 Service Pack 3 (or later) before proceeding with this installation.
You did not install Microsoft SQL 2000 Service Pack 3.
Install Microsoft SQL 2000 Service Pack 3, and perform the Cisco CallManager upgrade.
If you have installed intrusion detection or anti-virus protection software, you must stop and disable these applications from the Services Control console before you continue with the Cisco CallManager installation. All other installed third-party applications must be uninstalled before proceeding with the CallManager installation. Failure to follow these directives could result in un-recoverable errors. Would you like to proceed?
This message always displays to alert the administrator of the requirements.
If you have Cisco-verified applications (Cisco AVVID Partner Applications) or platform agents that are installed on the server, you must disable/uninstall them and stop the services.
Because the <BUILDVERSION> of this Cisco CallManager MSI package is not compatible with the Cisco CallManager setup file (ccmsetup.exe), make sure that you are using the ccmsetup.exe that was distributed with this version of Cisco CallManager. The installation will now abort.
This message indicates that the MSI package is not compatible with the Cisco CallManager setup file.
Use the ccmsetup.exe file that was distributed with this version of Cisco CallManager.
You are attempting to upgrade Cisco CallManager <InstalledBUILDVERSION> to version <UpgradeBUILDVERSION>. Direct upgrades from this version of Cisco CallManager are not supported. You must first upgrade to a compatible Cisco CallManager version before upgrading to this version. The installation will now abort.
You tried to upgrade from a version other than Cisco CallManager 3.2 or Cisco CallManager 3.3.
Upgrade to Cisco CallManager 3.2 or Cisco CallManager 3.3 before attempting to upgrade to Cisco CallManager 4.0.
You are attempting to upgrade Cisco CallManager <InstalledBUILDVERSION> to version <UpgradeBUILDVERSION>. Upgrades from this version of Cisco CallManager require using the Same-Server Recovery method. Please refer to the Upgrading Cisco CallManager Release 4.0(1) documentation for more information. The installation will now abort.
You attempted upgrade directly from Cisco CallManager 3.2 to Cisco CallManager 4.0(1) without following the Same Server Recovery procedures.
You must perform a Same Server Recovery by using the operating system disks that ship with this version of Cisco CallManager to install operating system.
For publisher servers, see the "Install the Operating System by Using Same Server Recovery (Required)" section.
For subscriber servers, see the "Install the Operating System by Using Same Server Recovery (Required)" section.
You are attempting a Same System Recovery from an unsupported version of Cisco CallManager. The installation will now abort.
You selected the same server recovery option when you installed the operating system and one of the following conditions exists:
• You do not have Cisco CallManager 3.2 installed on the server.
• You performed the backup of the Cisco CallManager 3.2 server with the wrong version of the Cisco IP Telephony Applications Backup utility.
Refer to this document for instructions on how to upgrade to Cisco CallManager 4.0(1) from the version of Cisco CallManager installed on your server.
The installation has detected that the server exists in a domain. When a server exists in a domain, authentication between servers may fail or the non-default domain security policies may be too restrictive for the Cisco CallManager installation to build critical NT Accounts during an upgrade. Failure to remove the server from the domain and add to a workgroup may cause upgrade errors, upgrade failures, or a total system failure, which includes a loss of data and a complete reinstallation of Cisco CallManager. Would you like to proceed?
The server exists in a domain.
Before you continue the installation, Cisco strongly recommends that you remove all servers in the cluster from the domain.
This release of Cisco CallManager is not supported on this server model. The installation will now abort.
You cannot install this version of Cisco CallManager on this server.
Refer to the Cisco CallManager Compatibility Matrix for a list of servers on which you can install this version of Cisco CallManager. To obtain the most recent version of this document, go to
The installation program does not have enough disk space on the C drive to complete the installation. The installation program requires that you have 2.0 gigabytes of disk space available on your server. Make at least 2.0 gigabytes of disk space available and restart the installation. For information, refer to the Upgrading Cisco CallManager guide.
You attempted an upgrade and do not have enough free disk space.
Make 2.0 gigabytes of disk space available and restart the installation program.
The local security policy "Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only" is enabled. This setting interferes with the Cisco CallManager installation. Please disable this setting using the Local Security Policy utility, reboot, and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation.
The "Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only" local security policy is enabled on your server.
Disable this setting by using the Local Security Policy utility, reboot, and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation.
For more information, see the "Disabling the Restrict CD-ROM Access to Locally Logged-On User Only Security Policy" section.
This version of Cisco CallManager is currently installed.
This message displays when you attempt to install the same version of Cisco CallManager that is currently on the server.
Remove the disk from the drive.
A newer version of this package has already been installed.
This message displays when you attempt to install a previous version of Cisco CallManager after a successful installation of a later version.
Remove the disk from the drive.
Cisco CallManager install did not complete successfully. Review the log file for more information.
The Cisco CallManager installation failed.
Obtain and examine the log file.
Unable to locate MSI package associated with this bootstrapper.
You did not copy all the files that came with the Cisco CallManager installation package to the server.
Copy the complete installation package to the server and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation.
Error opening MSI package
Cisco CallManager Setup cannot find the MSI package.
This message displays if you encounter a media problem; insert the disk again.
This package has already been installed.
This message displays when you attempt to install the same version of Cisco CallManager again after a successful installation.
Remove the disk from the drive.
An unexpected error occurred.
An error occurred during the Cisco CallManager Setup.
Obtain and examine the log file.
An unexpected error occurred while creating the log directory.
The installation could not create the log file directory.
Verify that security policies on the server are not restrictive.
The local security policy "Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only" is enabled. This setting interferes with the Cisco CallManager installation. Please disable this setting using the Local Security Policy utility, reboot, and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation.
The "Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only" local security policy is enabled on your server.
Disable this setting by using the Local Security Policy utility, reboot, and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation.
For more information, see the "Disabling the Restrict CD-ROM Access to Locally Logged-On User Only Security Policy" section.
Failure occurred trying to get DBNAME value from registry. Aborting Cisco CallManager installation.
The installation could not read DBNAME value from registry on the local machine.
Reboot the server and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation.
Failure occurred trying to validate the format of DBNAME value. Aborting Cisco CallManager installation.
The registry contains an invalid format of the DBNAME value. This error only occurs if you have manually modified this value.
Make sure that the DBNAME value is in the format CCM0xxx, where x stands for any digits.
Current OS version does not meet minimum requirements. Aborting Cisco CallManager install.
Cisco CallManager Release 4.0(1) requires Cisco-provided operating system version 2000.2.5 or later.
Refer to Cisco Compatibility Matrix to review which versions are compatible for installation. To access the document, go to
Installing Cisco CallManager using Terminal Services is not allowed. Install will now abort.
Cisco does not support Terminal Services for Cisco CallManager installations, upgrades, or configuration tasks.
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) uses Terminal Services for remote management and troubleshooting tasks.
If you want to use Virtual Network Computing (VNC), obtain the most recent version of the documentation at
Failed to launch <name of executable>, aborting install
The installation attempted to launch the executable, and the launch failed.
Obtain and examine the log file. You may have a media problem.
Failure occurred trying to determine if Cisco Directory install succeeded. Aborting Cisco CallManager install.
The DC Directory installation failed.
Obtain and examine the log file.
Failure occurred during the CallManager install. Please look at the CallManager install log file for detail. Aborting Cisco CallManager install.
The Cisco CallManager installation failed.
Obtain and examine the log file.
Either passwords do not match or a network connectivity error occurred.
During the subscriber server installation, one of the following errors occurred:
• Network connectivity failed.
• You entered a NT service account password that does not match the password on the publisher database server.
• You did not enter the correct name of the publisher database server.
Do all of the following tasks:
• Verify the connection between the subscriber and publisher database servers.
• Make sure that you enter the same NT service account password that you entered on the publisher database server.
• Make sure that you enter the correct publisher database server name.
The installation failed to verify the Cisco CallManager version that runs on the publisher database server. Cancel the installation, and review the log file at C:\Program Files\ Common Files\Cisco\Logs\ CCMUIInst.log.
During Subscriber installation, this error occurs if no network connection exists between the subscriber and publisher database servers or you did not enter the correct name of the publisher database server.
Verify the connection between the publisher database server and subscriber database server and make sure that you entered the correct publisher database server name.
The Cisco CallManager version you are installing on this subscriber does not match the version running on the publisher database server. Cancel the installation and ensure the publisher is upgraded to this Cisco CallManager version before you continue.
You attempted to install a different version of Cisco CallManager on the subscriber database server than you installed on the publisher database server.
Install the same version of Cisco CallManager on the subscriber database server that you installed on the publisher database server.
UMX.dll failed to register. After you complete the installation, review the log file.
UMX.dll failed to register because the process creation failed, the process terminated abnormally, or an error occurred when the system was executing regsvr32.
Verify that you rebooted the server after the installation. Execute a command prompt, enter regsvr32 C:\dcdsrvr\lib\UMX.dll, and press Enter.
To verify that you corrected the problem, try to add a new user in Cisco CallManager Administration on this server.
Indexing directory data did not finish. After you complete the installation, review the log file. The log file C:\dcdsrvr\log\DirInstallValidation.log.
The installation could not determine whether the DC Directory completed the indexing of its data.
Continue with installation. At the end of the installation, reboot the server when prompted to do so. After you reboot the server, bring up the services control and wait for DC Directory Server to have a status of started.
If this is a publisher, database server, you can install Cisco CallManager on the subscriber database servers.
If this is a subscriber database server, go to a command window and enter dcdrepcl trigger all. Depending on the number of users that are configured in your system, the service may be in the starting state for a long time before changing to a started state.
The Cisco CallManager installation failed to stop <list of services> service(s). Please reboot the server, manually stop the service(s), and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation program.
The installation program failed to stop the services during installation.
Reboot the server, manually stop the service(s), and rerun the Cisco CallManager installation program.
The Cisco CallManager installation detected an unrecoverable error during database migration. You must revert to the original version of Cisco CallManager. For more information, refer to the Installing the Operating System on the Cisco IP Telephony Applications Server and Upgrading Cisco CallManager documents.
The installation program failed to migrate the Cisco CallManager data.
Revert back to the original version of Cisco CallManager by performing the following procedures:
• Install the operating system by using the same server recovery method.
• Install the version of Cisco CallManager that was running on your server before you attempted to upgrade.
• Restore the Cisco CallManager data from the backup file.
For more information, see the "Reverting to the Previous Configuration After an Upgrade Attempt" section.