Table Of Contents
Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements, and Supported Hardware and Software
PART 1: Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements
Software Requirements—Cisco Unity Server
Software Requirements—Subscriber Workstations
Windows 2000, Exchange, and Network Requirements for Cisco Unity Configurations
Unified Messaging with One Exchange Server
Unified Messaging in an Existing Exchange Site
Requirements for Using Exchange Clustering
Requirements for Using Exchange 2000 and Exchange 5.5 Together
Cisco Unity Failover Requirements
Requirements for Upgrading from Cisco Unity Version 2.x to 3.1
Unified Messaging with One Exchange Server
Unified Messaging in an Existing Exchange Site
PART 2: Cisco Unity 3.1 Supported Hardware and SoftwareSupported Phone System Integrations
Supported IP Phone System Integrations
Supported Circuit-Switched Phone System Integrations
Supported AMIS-Compliant Voice Messaging Systems
Supported Cisco Gateways for Use with AMIS
Supported Virus-Scanning Software
Support Policy for Virus-Scanning Software
Support Policy for Optional Third-Party Software
Unsupported Third-Party Software
Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements, and Supported Hardware and Software
Revised October 1, 2004
This document lists requirements, supported hardware and software, and other necessary information for installing a Cisco Unity version 3.1 system. It is divided into two parts: "PART 1: Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements" and "PART 2: Cisco Unity 3.1 Supported Hardware and Software."
(For requirements, and supported hardware and software for the Cisco Unity Bridge, refer to Cisco Unity Bridge System Requirements, and Supported Hardware and Software at
PART 1: Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements
Windows 2000, Exchange, and Network Requirements for Cisco Unity Configurations
Requirements for Using Exchange Clustering
Requirements for Using Exchange 2000 and Exchange 5.5 Together
Cisco Unity Failover Requirements
Requirements for Upgrading from Cisco Unity Version 2.x to 3.1
PART 2: Cisco Unity 3.1 Supported Hardware and Software
Hardware Requirements
A Cisco Unity system key that enables the applicable integration, number of voice ports, and other options.
A server that meets Cisco Unity specifications. Refer to the Cisco Unity Supported Platforms List at
CautionCisco TAC does not provide any assistance for installing, customizing, or troubleshooting Cisco Unity on a platform that is not on the Cisco Unity Supported Platforms List.
Voice cards that are approved for use with Cisco Unity. (If you are integrating Cisco Unity with Cisco CallManager, the integration does not require voice cards.) See the "Supported Voice Cards" section and the "Supported Circuit-Switched Phone System Integrations" section.
Some voice cards that were supported with earlier versions of Cisco Unity are no longer supported. If you are upgrading from Cisco Unity version 2.x to version 3.1 and the existing server contains unsupported voice cards, you must replace those cards to upgrade to version 3.1.
If you are installing a Cisco Unity system outside the United States and you are connecting it directly to the PSTN by using an analog loop, you may need to install inline telco filters on the Intel Dialogic voice cards to filter tax impulse signals. For more information, refer to the Intel Dialogic documentation and regulatory notices that ship with the voice cards.
The necessary cables, line splitters, and adapters to connect the voice cards to the phone system. For information about the cables and other components required for each type of circuit-switched phone system integration, see the "Supported Circuit-Switched Phone System Integrations" section.
If you are installing cards that have H.100 connectors, you need to connect the cards by using an H.100 cable that has at least as many connectors as you have cards (you must connect all cards by using a single cable) but no more than five extra connectors.
Software Requirements
Software Requirements—Cisco Unity Server
The applicable version of Microsoft Windows 2000:
Windows 2000 Server (in English, French, or German) is required on Cisco Unity Platform Overlay 1, 2, and 3 servers. (Platform overlays are defined in the Cisco Unity Supported Platforms List at
Note that Windows 2000 Server is included with Cisco Unity Platform Overlay 1, 2, and 3 servers purchased from Cisco. If the server is not purchased from Cisco, the customer also must purchase Windows 2000 Server.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server (in English, German, French, or Japanese) is required for a new installation of Cisco Unity on a Platform Overlay 4 or 5 server. It is also required for an existing Cisco Unity site that is purchasing an additional Cisco Unity Platform Overlay 4 or 5 server or that is replacing a Cisco Unity server with a new Platform Overlay 4 or 5 server. (Platform overlays are defined in the Cisco Unity Supported Platforms List at
Note that Windows 2000 Advanced Server is included with Cisco Unity Platform Overlay 4 and 5 servers purchased from Cisco. If the server is not purchased from Cisco, the customer also must purchase Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
Windows 2000 Advanced Server is also supported (not required) on Cisco Unity Platform Overlay 1, 2, and 3 servers. Cisco Unity is not qualified for use on Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, or any edition of Windows Server 2003.
(You are not required to upgrade existing Platform Overlay 4 and 5 servers to Windows 2000 Advanced Server, but you may want to upgrade for performance reasons as described in the tech note Cisco Unity Virtual Memory Usage Troubleshooting and Workaround. The tech note is available at
Windows 2000 Service Pack 3.
Windows 2000 Additional Localizations, if you plan to use Windows 2000 in a language other than English.
The IIS hot fix described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-007 and Microsoft Knowledge Base article 815021. The hot fix is required and enforced by Cisco Unity Setup for Cisco Unity 3.1(6), and required but not enforced for Cisco Unity 3.1(5) and earlier.
The IIS hot fix described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026 and Microsoft Knowledge Base article 823980. The hot fix is required but not enforced by Cisco Unity Setup.
Microsoft Exchange. You may also need to purchase Client Access Licenses (CALs), depending on the Cisco Unity configuration.
Cisco Unity ships with the Voice Mail Run-Time editions of Exchange 2000 Server, Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server, and Exchange Server version 5.5. They are full versions of Exchange and can be used for any Cisco Unity configuration.
With the Voice Mail Run-Time Edition, if you are installing Cisco Unity in the Voice Messaging Only configuration (so that Exchange contains only voice messages, and subscribers access messages by using only a phone or the Cisco Unity Visual Messaging Interface), you do not need to purchase CALs. If you are installing Cisco Unity in either Unified Messaging configuration, you need CALs for all Cisco Unity subscribers. However, if you are adding Cisco Unity to an existing Exchange deployment, you probably already have the necessary CALs.
The following Exchange editions are supported:
Voice Mail Run-Time Edition of Exchange 2000 Server.
Exchange 2000 Server. (Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server is not supported on the Cisco Unity server but is supported when installed on the network.)
Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server.
Voice Mail Run-Time Edition of Exchange Server version 5.5.
Exchange Server (Standard Edition) version 5.5. (Exchange 5.5 Enterprise Edition is not supported on the Cisco Unity server but is supported when installed on the network.)
CautionCisco Unity 3.1 does not support Exchange 2003. This means that you cannot run Exchange 2003 Forestprep to begin an upgrade to Exchange 2003, you cannot have an Exchange 2003 server in the same Active Directory forest as a Cisco Unity server, and you cannot home Cisco Unity subscribers in Exchange 2003. Before you run Exchange 2003 Forestprep, you must first upgrade Cisco Unity to version 4.0(3) or later. Otherwise, the changes that Forestprep makes to Active Directory will cause Cisco Unity to stop functioning.
The applicable Exchange service pack, depending on the Exchange version:
Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2, whether you are installing Exchange 2000 on the Cisco Unity server or connecting to Exchange 2000 on another server.
Exchange 5.5 Service Pack 4, whether you are installing Exchange 5.5 on the Cisco Unity server or connecting to Exchange 5.5 on another server.
Microsoft SQL Server:
On a system with more than 32 voice ports, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition.
On a system with 32 or fewer voice ports, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000).
Other editions of SQL Server and MSDE are not supported.
A system that is using Cisco Unity failover requires SQL Server 2000 regardless of the number of voice ports.
SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (required both for a system running SQL Server 2000 and for a system running MSDE 2000). The service pack is included on the Cisco Unity Service Packs CDs, which are available on the Cisco Unity 3.1 Software Download page at
This requirement was added in January 2003 in response to the W32.Slammer worm, so for Cisco Unity 3.1(5) and earlier, the Cisco Unity installation program does not enforce the requirement. For more information on the W32.Slammer worm, refer to the tech note Cisco Unity 3.x and 4.0 Are Vulnerable to W32.Slammer Worm at
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5. (Internet Explorer 6.0 and Service Pack 1 are also supported but must be acquired separately.)
Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2. (The service pack is automatically installed when you install Internet Explorer 5.5 from the Cisco Unity disc set.)
MSXML3 Service Pack 1. (The service pack is automatically installed when you install MSXML3 from the Cisco Unity disc set.)
Cisco Unity.
If you are integrating Cisco Unity with Cisco CallManager, a version of the Cisco Unity-CM TSP that is compatible with the version of Cisco Unity that you are installing and the version of Cisco CallManager that is currently installed. Refer to Compatibility Matrix: Cisco Unity, the Cisco Unity-CM TSP, Cisco CallManager, and Cisco CallManager Express at
One of the following remote-administration applications is required for Cisco TAC support:
Microsoft Windows Terminal Services. (Terminal Services is the default remote-access software for the Cisco Unity server and is included with Windows 2000.)
Symantec pcAnywhere version 10.0 or later. (Use an external modem with pcAnywhere.)
Software Requirements—Subscriber Workstations
An operating system that is compatible with the version of Cisco Unity that you are installing. Refer to Compatibility Matrix: Cisco Unity and the Software on Subscriber Workstations at A compatible operating system is required:
For installing the Cisco Unity server in a Unified Messaging configuration and for subscribers to access voice messages by using ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook.
For subscribers to access the Cisco Unity Administrator and the ActiveAssistant.
A messaging client that is compatible with the version of Cisco Unity that you are installing. Refer to Compatibility Matrix: Cisco Unity and the Software on Subscriber Workstations at A compatible messaging client is required for installing the Cisco Unity server in a Unified Messaging configuration and for subscribers to access voice messages by using ViewMail for Microsoft Outlook.
An Internet browser that is compatible with the version of Cisco Unity that you are installing. Refer to Compatibility Matrix: Cisco Unity and the Software on Subscriber Workstations at A compatible browser is required:
For subscribers to access the Cisco Unity Visual Messaging Interface (VMI).
For subscribers to access the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Windows 2000, Exchange, and Network Requirements for Cisco Unity Configurations
Voice Messaging Only
A traditional standalone system, often referred to as POV (plain old voice mail). The system may or may not have a network connection.
Unified Messaging with One Exchange Server
Cisco Unity provides unified messaging. The Cisco Unity server is the only Exchange server in the site.
Unified Messaging in an Existing Exchange Site
Cisco Unity provides unified messaging with Exchange mailboxes located on other Exchange servers in the organization/site.
For information about the characteristics of the Cisco Unity configurations, see the "Cisco Unity Configurations" section.
Requirements for Using Exchange Clustering
When Cisco Unity will service subscribers in an Exchange cluster:
Exchange 2000 clustering must be used. (Exchange 5.5 clustering is not supported.)
Do not install Cisco Unity on a server in an Exchange cluster.
Use only two-node clusters for active/passive clustering.
Do not install a Cisco Unity Voice Connector on a server in an Exchange cluster.
Requirements for Using Exchange 2000 and Exchange 5.5 Together
When Cisco Unity subscribers will be homed on both Exchange 2000 and Exchange 5.5, set up Exchange 2000 and Exchange 5.5 for mixed-mode messaging before you install Cisco Unity:
The Exchange 2000 servers must be installed into one of the existing Exchange 5.5 sites.
The Exchange version of the Active Directory connector must be installed.
A recipient connection agreement must be set up to replicate data between the Exchange 5.5 directory and Active Directory.
Cisco Unity Failover Requirements
The primary and secondary servers must both be qualified for Cisco Unity. See the sections in "PART 1: Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements" of this document.
Both Cisco Unity servers must have the same platform overlay.
Both Cisco Unity servers must be member servers of the same domain (they cannot be domain controllers). Do not install Active Directory on either Cisco Unity server.
If the Cisco Unity server names are longer than 15 characters, the first 15 characters of the server names must not be identical for the primary and secondary servers.
Both Cisco Unity servers must be connected to the same message store.
The only Exchange software installed on the Cisco Unity servers is the administration software. All other Exchange services (including subscriber mailboxes) are on a computer other than the Cisco Unity servers. Messages must not be stored on the Cisco Unity servers. (This separation allows the availability of messages when either the primary or secondary server is not functioning.)
SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition must be installed on both Cisco Unity servers. (MSDE 2000 is not supported on either server with Cisco Unity failover.)
One Cisco Unity server is designated the primary server, and the other Cisco Unity server is designated the secondary server.
For Cisco Unity 3.1(2) and 3.1(3) only, the system clocks on both servers must not vary by more time than the value of the File Replication Interval field in the Failover Monitor. (If the system clocks vary by more than the setting, recently recorded names, greetings, and messages may not be replicated correctly.) For servers with Windows 2000, we recommend that you set up the Time server in Windows to synchronize the system clocks by using the net time command. Refer to Article ID Q216734, "How to Configure an Authoritative Time Server in Windows 2000," on the Microsoft website at
Both Cisco Unity servers must have the same enabled features and configurations.
Both Cisco Unity servers must be connected to the network and have a reliable connection of 100 Mbps minimum. There is no option for installing failover without a network connection.
Failover can be used with any supported Cisco Unity configuration except with one that has no network connection.
Both Cisco Unity servers must have static or reserved IP addresses (for example, DHCP reservation). The IP addresses must not change in uncontrolled fashion. If DHCP is configured with a long lease duration, you can let DHCP assign the IP address. If DHCP is configured with a short lease duration, assign a static IP address, or use DHCP reservations.
Cisco Unity and SQL Server 2000 must be installed on both the primary and secondary servers with the same domain account.
MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT services on both Cisco Unity servers must be configured to use the same domain account that is a member of the Local Administrators group on both servers. These services cannot be configured to run as Local System. SQLSERVERAGENT on the primary server must be able to log on to SQL Server on the secondary server by using Windows NT authentication.
Requirements for Upgrading from Cisco Unity Version 2.x to 3.1
All of the requirements for a Cisco Unity 3.1 system.
CautionRequirements for Cisco Unity version 3.1 are different from requirements for version 2.x. The system must meet Cisco Unity 3.1 standards to receive support from Cisco TAC.
A Cisco Unity system at version 2.3(4.104) or later. Upgrades from earlier versions are not supported. (If your system is at an earlier version, you must reinstall all software. In addition, if your system is at version 2.2 or earlier, you need a new system key.)
Remove ActiveFax. ActiveFax is no longer supported, either on the Cisco Unity server or on a separate server.
A network connection or a high-capacity removable storage device, so you can save subscriber and other information exported from the existing Cisco Unity 2.x system and import that information into the 3.1 system.
Security Recommendations
Because Cisco Unity uses Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) and other Windows components, it is susceptible to the same security attacks as any Microsoft Web server or application server.
Refer to Microsoft recommendations and guidelines to secure the Cisco Unity server behind a firewall.
Also refer to White Paper: Security Best Practices for Cisco Unity 3.0 at
Cisco Unity servers are vulnerable to the types of attacks described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-045 on the Microsoft TechNet website. We strongly recommend that you download and install the patch from the Microsoft website.
Cisco Unity Configurations
There are three configurations for installing a Cisco Unity system. The following lists describe the characteristics of each type of configuration.
Voice Messaging Only
The Cisco Unity server handles only voice messages.
When the Cisco Unity server is connected to the network:
Cisco Unity can be integrated with Cisco CallManager.
Cisco Unity administration can be performed over the network.
Subscribers have access to the Cisco Unity ActiveAssistant.
Exchange can be installed either on the Cisco Unity server or on a separate server.
The server has access to network utilities, such as virus checking and backup.
Subscribers check messages by phone.
E-mail attributes, if any, and voice-mail attributes on subscriber accounts must be administered separately.
Unified Messaging with One Exchange Server
The Cisco Unity server handles voice and e-mail messages.
The Cisco Unity server is connected to the network, so it has access to Active Directory and to network utilities, such as virus checking and backup.
Subscribers check messages by using the phone or an e-mail client.
Cisco Unity administration may be performed over the network.
Subscribers have access to the Cisco Unity ActiveAssistant.
Voice-mail and e-mail attributes on subscriber accounts may be administered from a single location by using the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Unified Messaging in an Existing Exchange Site
The Cisco Unity server handles only voice messages. Messages are stored on other Exchange servers.
The Cisco Unity server is connected to the network, so it has access to Active Directory and to network utilities, such as virus checking and backup.
Subscribers check messages by using the phone or an e-mail client.
Cisco Unity administration may be performed over the network.
Subscribers have access to the Cisco Unity ActiveAssistant.
Voice-mail and e-mail attributes on subscriber accounts may be administered from a single location by using the Cisco Unity Administrator.
PART 2: Cisco Unity 3.1 Supported Hardware and Software
Supported Phone System Integrations
Supported AMIS-Compliant Voice Messaging Systems
Supported Cisco Gateways for Use with AMIS
Additional Supported Hardware
Supported Fax Server Software
Supported Virus-Scanning Software
Additional Supported Software
Unsupported Third-Party Software
PART 1: Cisco Unity 3.1 System Requirements
Compatibility Information
Refer to the following documents on for compatibility information:
Compatibility Matrix: Cisco Unity and the Software on Subscriber Workstations at
Compatibility Matrix: Cisco Unity, the Cisco Unity-CM TSP, Cisco CallManager, and Cisco CallManager Express at
Compatibility Information: Cisco Unity Networking Options at
Recommended and Supported Service Packs and Updates for Use with Cisco Unity and the Cisco Unity Bridge at
Supported Phone System Integrations
Cisco Unity integrates with qualified IP phone systems (see the following section, "Supported IP Phone System Integrations") and with qualified circuit-switched phone systems (see the "Supported Circuit-Switched Phone System Integrations" section). Cisco Unity also supports a dual phone system integration (one IP phone system and one circuit-switched phone system).
Phone configuration files (.ini files) for recently qualified phone system integrations that are not yet available on Cisco Unity discs can be downloaded from the Other Cisco Unity Components Software Download page at
Supported IP Phone System Integrations
Cisco CallManager 4.1
Cisco CallManager 4.0
Cisco CallManager 3.3
Cisco CallManager 3.2
Cisco CallManager 3.1
Cisco CallManager 3.0
Supported Circuit-Switched Phone System Integrations
Table 1 Supported Circuit-Switched Phone System Integrations
Phone System Integration Type Supported
Voice Cards Required ComponentsAlcatel 4400
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Avaya Definity G3
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Avaya Definity Gx
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
PBXLink boxes
RS-232 serial cables
Digital cables
Analog cables
Avaya Definity ProLogix
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Centrex (Avaya 1AESS, Avaya 5ESS, and Nortel DMS100)
Serial (SMDI)
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
RS-232 serial cable
External integration modem
Analog cables
Failover only: 9-pin modem data splitter
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
RS-232 serial cable
Analog cables
Failover only: 9-pin modem data splitter
Ericsson MD-110
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
RS-232 serial cable
Analog cables
Failover only: 9-pin modem data splitter
Fujitsu 9600
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
RS-232 serial cable
Analog cables
Failover only: 9-pin modem data splitter
Intecom E14 Millennium
Intel Dialogic D/240PCI-T1
(24-port T1 card) only. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.•
RS-232 serial cable
T1 cables
Matra 6500
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Mitel SX-200
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Mitel SX-2000
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Serial (MCI)
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
RS-232 serial cable
Analog cables
Failover only: 9-pin modem data splitter
Serial (MCI)
All. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
RS-232 serial cable
Analog or T1 cables
Failover with analog voice connectivity only: 9-pin modem data splitter
Nortel Meridian 1
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
PBXLink boxes
RS-232 serial cables
Digital cables
Analog cables
Siemens 9751 9006i
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Siemens Hicom 3000
All except D/240PCI-T1. See the "Supported Voice Cards" section.
Analog cables
Supported Voice Cards
Table 2 lists supported voice cards for the Cisco Unity server.
ISA voice cards are no longer supported, either for a new Cisco Unity 3.1 system or for an upgrade to Cisco Unity 3.1.
When two or more cards are being installed, the cards must be connected by using an H.100 cable.
Not all cards are available in all countries. Contact Cisco Systems for information about whether a given card is available in your country.
Table 2 Supported Voice Cards for the Cisco Unity Server
Voice Card Compatible With Connectors Intel Dialogic SKU1Intel Dialogic D/41E-PCI (4-port analog card)
4 RJ-11
Intel Dialogic D/120JCT-LS (12-port analog card)
6 RJ-25
Intel Dialogic D/120JCT-Euro (12-port analog card)
6 RJ-25
No longer orderable2
Intel Dialogic D/120JCT-Euro (uPCI, 12-port analog card)
6 RJ-25
Intel Dialogic D/240PCI-T1 (24-port T1 card)
1 The SKU, or stock-keeping unit, is the product identifier that Intel Dialogic assigned to the voice card. If you order the voice card from Intel Dialogic, you can use the SKU to ensure that you are ordering the correct version.
2 We recommend using the newer universal (3.3Vdc or 5Vdc dual voltage) PCI version of the D/120JCT-Euro card, rather than the older single-bus voltage (5Vdc) version of the card. Older non-universal PCI cards are still supported for use with Cisco Unity version 3.1(x).
Supported AMIS-Compliant Voice Messaging Systems
The AMIS analog protocol is supported in Cisco Unity version 3.1(2) and later. The AMIS analog protocol allows Cisco Unity to exchange voice messages with other AMIS-compliant voice messaging systems.
The following systems are supported for use with Cisco Unity 3.1(3) and later:
Active Voice Repartee
Alcatel 4635
Interchange with AMIS-analog Networking Gateway
Octel 100 Messaging
Octel 250/350
Centigram Voice Mail
Nortel Networks Meridian Mail
Siemens PhoneMail
The following systems are supported for use with Cisco Unity 3.1(2):
Active Voice Repartee
Octel 100 Messaging
Octel 250/350
Centigram Voice Mail
Siemens PhoneMail
For information on using AMIS in Cisco Unity, see the Networking in Cisco Unity Guide, Release 3.1 at
Supported Cisco Gateways for Use with AMIS
The AMIS analog protocol is supported in Cisco Unity version 3.1(2) and later. The AMIS analog protocol allows Cisco Unity to exchange voice messages with other AMIS-compliant voice messaging systems.
AMIS is an analog, DTMF-based protocol. Whenever possible, we recommend that you use standard analog lines from a PBX or FX analog lines from a PSTN for sending AMIS messages to other voice messaging systems.
In a dual-phone system integration with Cisco CallManager and a PBX, if the PBX has PSTN trunks that do not go through Cisco CallManager, then the ports on the Cisco Unity server that use the PBX should be enabled for outgoing AMIS calls. Do not enable the Cisco Unity ports that use Cisco CallManager for AMIS.
In a pure Cisco CallManager environment, because Cisco CallManager supports only IP connectivity, only the gateways listed in Table 3 are supported for use with AMIS.
Where applicable for Cisco CallManager and gateways, set DTMF duration and interdigit timing to 80 milliseconds.
Additional Supported Hardware
The following optional hardware is supported for use with Cisco Unity 3.1:
An external modem (when pcAnywhere is selected as the Cisco TAC remote-access method). Note that modems must be customer-provided.
Tape drives for system backup. If a UNITY-IBM-DAT SCSI-based tape-drive kit is used with the Cisco MCS-7815I-2.0-ECS1 server, a customer-provided PCI-based SCSI Host Bus Adaptor (HBA) is required. Cisco recommends the IBM 19K4646 card (also known as Adaptec model 29160LP), available from IBM. Refer to the IBM ServerProven website for compatibility of other HBAs.
A tape autoloader may also be attached to a Cisco Unity server, although network backup to a dedicated backup server is recommended for high-capacity backup and recovery scenarios.
Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) connected to a Cisco Unity server by a serial cable.
Directly connected chaining of additional mass storage onto a RAID channel or channels hosted via a SCSI controller or a Fibre Channel host bus adapter inside the server. Note that Cisco TAC is unable to assist with this hardware setup or with problems related to this storage configuration. Consult with the server vendor for any issues related to this configuration.
Two or more network interface cards (NICs) for fault tolerance, sharing the same IP address (active-passive configuration).
Use of gigabit Ethernet is recommended on the Cisco Unity server for general connectivity, and in particular for the heartbeat link between Cisco Unity failover nodes, but it is not required.
The following out-of-band management cards are supported for use with Cisco Unity 3.1:
Dell Remote Assistant Card, version 2.0 and later.
Hewlett-Packard Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition, all versions.
IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter, all versions.
See also the "Additional Supported Software" section for software that is supported for use in conjunction with the management cards to remotely restart the Cisco Unity server.
Unsupported Configurations
The following configurations are not supported with Cisco Unity 3.1:
IBM Lotus Notes as the e-mail server. Cisco Unity can support Lotus Notes users if there is a Lotus Notes connector to the Exchange server within the site.
Running any application or service on the Cisco Unity server other than those listed as required or supported in this document or in cross-referenced documents.
In particular, running any third-party fax server on the Cisco Unity server is not supported. (ActiveFax, the fax server available with previous versions of Cisco Unity, is no longer supported, either on the Cisco Unity server or on a separate fax server.)
Cisco Unity running on Windows 2000 DataCenter Server.
Software-based RAID on the Cisco Unity server.
Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server is not supported when installed on the Cisco Unity server, but it is supported when installed on the network.
The following configuration is supported but not recommended:
Cisco Unity can run in a Windows 2000 Server domain that is running in native mode; however, the Voice Connector will not install on a domain controller in this configuration. Also, there may be performance degradation at a high port/user count.
Supported Fax Server Software
Only the following fax servers installed with an Exchange gateway are supported for use with Cisco Unity:
Biscom FAXCOM for Microsoft Exchange, version 6.19 or later.
Captaris RightFax, version 6 or later.
Esker Faxgate, version 7 or later.
Fenestrae Faxination, version 4 or later.
Interstar Technologies
LightningFax, version 5.5 or later.
XMediusFax, version 3.0 or later.
Omtool Fax Sr., version 3 or later.
Optus FACSys, version 4.5 or later.
TOPCALL, all versions.
Install the fax cards, fax server software, and dedicated fax lines on the fax server. Installing fax software on the Cisco Unity server is not supported. Refer to the fax server documentation for a list of supported cards and integration methods.
Supported Virus-Scanning Software
The following virus-scanning software has been qualified by Cisco for use with Cisco Unity:
Computer Associates InoculateIT for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, version 4.53, build 627 and later.
NetShield for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, version 4.5 and later.
VirusScan Enterprise, version 7.1 and later.
Norton AntiVirus for Microsoft Exchange, version 2.13 and later.
Norton AntiVirus for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, version 5.02 and later.
Trend Micro
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange 2000, version 5 and later.
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange 5.5, version 3.x and later.
Support Policy for Virus-Scanning Software
Cisco support policy is that customers can deploy third-party virus-scanning software on the Cisco Unity server. However, Cisco expects that customers (or their systems integration partners) will have tested the interoperability of such products with Cisco Unity before the products are deployed, to mitigate the risk of problems being discovered within the production environment between Cisco Unity and the third-party products loaded on the Cisco Unity server.
If a customer calls Cisco TAC with a problem, a Cisco TAC engineer may require that such third-party software be turned off or even removed from the Cisco Unity server during the course of troubleshooting. If it is determined that the interoperability between the third-party software and Cisco Unity was the root cause of the problem, then the third-party software will be required to be disabled or removed from the Cisco Unity server until such time that the interoperability issue is addressed, so that the customer can continue to have a functional Cisco Unity system.
Before installing any qualified optional Microsoft service pack on the Cisco Unity server, confirm that the manufacturer of any optional third-party software or hardware that you plan to install on the Cisco Unity server—or that is already installed—also supports the service pack for use with its product.
Additional Supported Software
The following optional third-party software has been qualified by Cisco for use with Cisco Unity:
Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 4.0 and later.
American Power Conversion (APC) PowerChute Plus for Windows 2000 and Windows NT, version 5.2.1 and later.
Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent, version 9/26/2001 and later.
Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent will no longer be supported by Cisco beginning in May 2004. If you want to use an intrusion-prevention application on the Cisco Unity server, we recommend that you upgrade to Cisco Unity 4.0 or later, which supports Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Unity. For more information, refer to Release Notes for Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Unity at
Dell OpenManage. Supported when used in conjunction with the Dell Remote Assistant Card to remotely restart the Cisco Unity server.
Insight Manager. Supported when used in conjunction with the Hewlett-Packard Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition card to remotely restart the Cisco Unity server.
OpenView. Supported for use with Cisco Unity version 3.1(5) and later for IP monitoring of Cisco Unity, SQL Server, and Exchange services, on all supported Cisco Unity hardware platforms.
IBM Director. Supported when used in conjunction with the IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter to remotely restart the Cisco Unity server.
NetIQ VoIP Manager version 2.0 for Cisco Unity. Install only the agent on the Cisco Unity server.
RSA SecurID ACE/Agent for Microsoft Windows 2000, version 1.1.
For users who use text to speech to access their e-mail over the phone or who want voice-message access to be more secure, RSA provides a higher level of security than the phone password. The ACE/Server software and Cisco Unity software cannot be installed on the same server. For information about configuring Cisco Unity to work with the RSA SecurID system, refer to the "Enhanced Phone Security" chapter of the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide, Release 3.1(3) at
Backup Exec for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, version 8.5 and later.
NetBackup version 4.5 and later
VERITAS backup software is not supported for use with a Cisco Unity system that is configured for failover.
For information on backing up Cisco Unity, refer to White Paper: Backing Up and Restoring a Cisco Unity System, Version 3.0(1) and Later at
WinZip, version 7.0 or later.
Support Policy for Optional Third-Party Software
Cisco support policy is that customers can deploy third-party software for backup, monitoring, and security on the Cisco Unity server. However, Cisco expects that customers (or their systems integration partners) will have tested the interoperability of such products with Cisco Unity before the products are deployed, to mitigate the risk of problems being discovered within the production environment between Cisco Unity and the third-party products loaded on the Cisco Unity server.
If a customer calls Cisco TAC with a problem, a Cisco TAC engineer may require that such third-party software be turned off or even removed from the Cisco Unity server during the course of troubleshooting. If it is determined that the interoperability between the third-party software and Cisco Unity was the root cause of the problem, then the third-party software will be required to be disabled or removed from the Cisco Unity server until such time that the interoperability issue is addressed, so that the customer can continue to have a functional Cisco Unity system.
Before installing any qualified optional Microsoft service pack on the Cisco Unity server, confirm that the manufacturer of any optional third-party software or hardware that you plan to install on the Cisco Unity server—or that is already installed—also supports the service pack for use with its product.
Unsupported Third-Party Software
Third-party software that has not been qualified for use with Cisco Unity is not supported on the Cisco Unity server. Cisco TAC will ask that it be removed during troubleshooting.
All editions of Windows Server 2003 are unsupported.
Fax software on the Cisco Unity server is not supported.
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