Table Of Contents
Creating Subscriber Accounts
Overview: Creating Subscriber Accounts
Before Creating Regular Subscriber Accounts
About Regular Subscriber Accounts and Data Storage
About Subscriber Accounts
About Data Storage
About Importing User Data from Different Sites and Administrative Groups
About Regular Cisco Unity Subscribers and Bridge Networking
Using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard to Create Multiple Subscriber Accounts
Importing User Data Directly from a Message Store Directory
Importing User Data from a CSV File
Running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard
Correcting Import Errors
Using the Cisco Unity Administrator to Create Individual Subscriber Accounts
Adding Subscriber Accounts
Importing Existing User Data from the Message Store
After Creating Subscriber Accounts
Adding Large Numbers of Subscribers to Cisco Unity with Exchange 5.5
Preventing Subscribers from Appearing in Outlook Address Books
Creating Subscriber Accounts
Overview: Creating Subscriber Accounts
Anyone who has an account on Cisco Unity is a subscriber. You create regular and external (AMIS, Bridge, Internet, or VPIM) subscriber accounts by using either the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Cisco Unity Administrator.
If you are planning to create subscriber accounts for administrators to use when accessing the Cisco Unity Administrator, first review the "About the Accounts That Can Be Used to Administer Cisco Unity" section, and then return to this chapter.
Creating Regular Subscriber Accounts
To learn more about creating regular subscriber accounts, see the following sections in this chapter:
Before Creating Regular Subscriber Accounts—This section describes the issues that you must consider before creating subscriber accounts.
About Regular Subscriber Accounts and Data Storage—This section describes how creating subscriber accounts works, and where Cisco Unity stores subscriber account information. It also discusses how Cisco Unity handles user data imported from different Exchange 5.5 sites and Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 routing groups.
Using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard to Create Multiple Subscriber Accounts—This section provides basic information about using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to create regular subscriber accounts, either by importing user data into Cisco Unity from the Exchange 5.5 directory or Active Directory, or from a CSV file.
Using the Cisco Unity Administrator to Create Individual Subscriber Accounts—This section provides information about using the Cisco Unity Administrator to create a regular subscriber account by adding a new user to Exchange or by importing existing user data from Exchange.
After Creating Subscriber Accounts—This section lists the tasks to consider once you have created Cisco Unity subscriber accounts.
Creating External Subscriber Accounts
Refer to the following task lists, as applicable:
To create AMIS subscriber accounts, refer to the "Task List: Setting Up Cisco Unity to Use AMIS" in the "AMIS Networking" chapter in the Networking in Cisco Unity Guide.
To create Internet subscriber accounts, refer to the "Task List: Setting Up Cisco Unity to Use SMTP Networking" in the "SMTP Networking" chapter in the Networking in Cisco Unity Guide.
To create Bridge subscriber accounts, refer to the "Task List: Setting Up Cisco Unity and the Bridge for Networking" in the "Setting Up Cisco Unity and the Bridge for Networking" chapter in the Cisco Unity Bridge Networking Guide.
To create VPIM subscriber accounts, refer to the "Task List: Setting Up Cisco Unity to Use VPIM Networking" in the "VPIM Networking" chapter in the Networking in Cisco Unity Guide.
The Networking in Cisco Unity Guide is available at
The Cisco Unity Bridge Networking Guide is available at
Before Creating Regular Subscriber Accounts
This section lists—in order—the issues that you must consider before creating subscriber accounts. If you are creating subscriber accounts that you want to use to administer Cisco Unity, you should review the "About the Accounts That Can Be Used to Administer Cisco Unity" section in addition to the information that follows.
Cisco Unity Configuration and Permissions
If you are unsure whether the account that you are using has sufficient rights and permissions to create subscriber accounts, or whether Cisco Unity is properly configured to work with your message store, use the following procedure to run the SysCheck diagnostic tool.
To Check Cisco Unity Setup and Permissions by Using the Cisco Unity SysCheck Tool
Step 1
On the Cisco Unity server desktop, double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon.
Step 2
In the left pane of the Tools Depot window, in the Diagnostic Tools directory, double-click SysCheck.
Step 3
On the Welcome to the Cisco Unity Configuration Wizard page, click Select Configuration Tests, and click Next.
Step 4
Uncheck the boxes for the message stores that are not connected to Cisco Unity.
Step 5
Click Test.
Step 6
In the Test Results box, click the link provided to view the test results.
Step 7
If no errors are reported, proceed to Step 8. Otherwise, do the following sub-steps:
Follow the advice offered in the Resolution column to correct each configuration or permissions error.
Return to the Completing the Check Unity Configuration Wizard page, and click Finish.
Repeat Step 2 through Step 7 until no errors are reported.
Step 8
Click Finish.
Confirm that you have the Cisco Unity user licenses that are required for the type of subscriber accounts that you plan to create. You can view the number of licenses purchased, and the number that are used and unused on your system, from the System > Licensing page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. If you need additional licenses, contact your reseller. If you need to upgrade your licenses, refer to the "Adding Cisco Unity User Licenses" section in the "Modifying the Cisco Unity 4.0 System" chapter of the Cisco Unity Installation Guide. (The Cisco Unity Installation Guide is available at
Account Policies
Account policies govern subscriber passwords and account lockouts for all Cisco Unity subscriber accounts. There are two account policies that you can set up to secure how subscribers access Cisco Unity:
See the "Account Policy Settings" chapter to set up system-wide phone password and lockout policies that apply when subscribers access Cisco Unity by phone.
See the "About Cisco Unity Administrator Authentication" section to set up system-wide logon, password, and lockout policies that apply when subscribers use Cisco Unity web applications such as the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA) to access Cisco Unity.
Each account policy has default settings, which you can modify in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
(Subscribers use the Cisco PCA to access the Cisco Unity Assistant and the Cisco Unity Inbox. Note that in version 3.1 and earlier, the Cisco Unity Assistant was known as the ActiveAssistant, or AA; the Cisco Unity Inbox was known as the Visual Messaging Interface, or VMI.)
Enhanced Phone Security
You can set up Cisco Unity subscriber accounts to use a secure logon method when subscribers access Cisco Unity by phone. See the "Enhanced Phone Security" chapter for information on setting up enhanced phone security, if desired. If you choose to set up enhanced phone security, then you must also create a new class of service or modify an existing one for the subscribers who will be using enhanced phone security (see the next task).
Classes of Service
A class of service (COS) defines limits and permissions for subscribers who use Cisco Unity. For example, a COS:
Controls access to the Cisco Unity Administrator and to features such as Text to Speech e-mail.
Controls how subscribers interact with Cisco Unity. For example, a COS dictates the maximum length of subscriber messages and greetings, whether subscribers can choose to be listed in directory assistance, whether subscribers use a secure logon method to access Cisco Unity by phone, and whether subscribers can send messages to a public distribution list.
Specifies the restriction table used to control the phone numbers subscribers can use for fax delivery, message notification, call transfer, and other tasks.
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, a COS is specified in each subscriber template; thus, a subscriber is assigned to the COS which is specified in the template upon which the subscriber account is based. Cisco Unity includes predefined classes of service, which you can modify. You can also create new classes of service. For details, see the "Class of Service Settings" chapter.
Restriction Tables
Restriction tables in the Cisco Unity Administrator allow you to control the phone numbers that subscribers and administrators can use for:
Transferring calls
Recording and playback by phone from Cisco Unity applications, when the phone is the designated recording and playback device in the Media Master (the Media Master is available in the Cisco Unity Administrator, the Cisco Unity Assistant, the Cisco Unity Inbox, and ViewMail)
Delivering faxes to a fax machine
Sending message notifications
Sending AMIS messages
Each class of service specifies a restriction table for call transfers, one for message notification, and one for fax deliveries. Cisco Unity comes with predefined restriction tables, which you can modify. See the "Restriction Tables" chapter for details.
Public Distribution Lists
Public distribution lists are used to send voice messages to multiple subscribers at the same time. Cisco Unity assigns new subscribers to the public distribution lists that are specified in the template on which the subscriber account is based. The class of service associated with a subscriber account dictates whether that subscriber can use Cisco Unity to send messages to public distribution lists. See the "Public Distribution List Settings" chapter for details.
Subscriber Templates
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, you can specify settings for a group of subscribers by using a subscriber template. The settings from the template you choose are applied to subscriber accounts as the accounts are created. Cisco Unity comes with a default subscriber template, which you can modify, and you can create an unlimited number of additional templates.
Subscriber templates contain settings that are applicable for subscribers of a particular type, such as a department. Subscriber template settings also include initial phone passwords for subscribers. To protect Cisco Unity from unauthorized access, you can either change the default phone password before subscriber accounts are created, or you can wait until after you create subscriber accounts to use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to assign a unique password to each subscriber account that you created. In either case, consider specifying a long—eight or more digits—and non-trivial password.
In addition, consider that when you use the Cisco Unity Administrator to add a subscriber account and create a new Windows domain account at the same time, the subscriber that you create must use the Windows password indicated in the subscriber template to access the Cisco Unity Administrator and the Cisco PCA the first time that he or she logs on. See the "Subscriber Template Settings" chapter for details.
Bridge Networking Option
If your installation includes the Bridge Networking option, confirm that the following tasks have been completed so that Cisco Unity subscribers will be able to send messages to and receive messages from subscribers on the Octel servers with which Cisco Unity communicates:
The Active Directory schema has been extended as required for networking with the Cisco Unity Bridge (this task is necessary in Cisco Unity version 4.0(3) and later).
On the Configuration > Settings page in the Cisco Unity Administrator, the Display Fields Required for Cisco UnityBridge Networking on Subscribers Profile Page check box has been checked.
About Regular Subscriber Accounts and Data Storage
This section describes how Cisco Unity subscriber accounts work, and where Cisco Unity stores subscriber account information. In addition, this section discusses how Cisco Unity handles user data imported from different Exchange 5.5 sites and Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 routing groups.
For details, see the following sections:
About Subscriber Accounts
About Data Storage
About Importing User Data from Different Sites and Administrative Groups
About Regular Cisco Unity Subscribers and Bridge Networking
About Subscriber Accounts
Typically, each regular Cisco Unity subscriber account is associated with a Windows domain account and an Exchange mailbox in which Cisco Unity stores voice messages. However, it is possible to create Cisco Unity subscribers who have an Exchange mailbox but do not have a corresponding Windows domain account. For example, if you are using Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003, this occurs when you create a subscriber account for a user who has a disabled Active Directory account. With Exchange 5.5, this occurs when you create a subscriber account for a user who does not have a corresponding Windows NT account, and when one of the following conditions exists:
Cisco Unity is installed in a pure Exchange 5.5 environment.
The Exchange 5.5 server that the user data was imported from is in a Windows 2000 domain that has only Exchange 5.5 servers, and the Active Directory Connector has not been configured to replicate information between the Exchange 5.5 directory and Active Directory.
Subscribers who do not have a Windows domain account cannot access the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA) or the Cisco Unity Administrator, or use the phone as a recording and playback device for the Media Master. To avoid this problem, enable Active Directory accounts or create a Windows domain account for any Exchange 5.5 user who does not have one before you use either the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Cisco Unity Administrator to create subscriber accounts. When you use either the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Cisco Unity Administrator to create a subscriber who already has an Exchange mailbox, Cisco Unity does not enable an Active Directory account if it is disabled, nor does it create a Windows domain account for a user if one does not already exist.
About Data Storage
Cisco Unity stores information about subscriber accounts in a SQL database on the Cisco Unity server. In addition, a small subset of subscriber account information is also stored in the directory:
When your network consists only of Exchange 5.5 servers, Cisco Unity stores subscriber data in the Exchange 5.5 directory. Each subscriber account uses custom attribute fields 12 and 14 as well as the voice mail attributes of the associated Exchange mailbox.
When your network consists only of Exchange 2000 servers, or only Exchange 2003 servers, or a mixture of Exchange servers, Cisco Unity stores subscriber data in Active Directory. The Active Directory schema is extended to store subscriber account information.
For additional information on how data is stored in Cisco Unity, refer to White Paper: Cisco Unity Data and the Directory (With Microsoft Exchange), available at
About Importing User Data from Different Sites and Administrative Groups
You can use either the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Cisco Unity Administrator to import user data from an Exchange 5.5 site, but only if the Exchange 5.5 server and the Cisco Unity server are in the same site. Importing user data from other Exchange 5.5 sites is not supported.
Although you can use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Cisco Unity Administrator to import user data from other Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 routing groups, you should do so only if there is a high-bandwidth connector between the groups that can support message streaming.
About Regular Cisco Unity Subscribers and Bridge Networking
If your installation includes the Bridge Networking option, in order for Cisco Unity subscribers to be able to send messages to and receive messages from subscribers on the Octel servers with which Cisco Unity communicates, each Cisco Unity subscriber account must be configured with an Octel serial number and a remote mailbox number. This allows the remaining Octel subscribers to address messages by using the same number that they used before the subscriber migrated to Cisco Unity.
The combination of serial number and mailbox number uniquely identifies a subscriber within an Octel analog network. For each serial number, the legacy mailbox number must be unique within the global directory. If you are creating Cisco Unity subscriber accounts for users who previously existed on an Octel system, use the serial number of the Octel server that the subscriber migrated from and the mailbox number that the subscriber had on the Octel system. If you are creating Cisco Unity subscriber accounts for new users who were never subscribers on an Octel system, choose a serial number and a mailbox number that is not already in use.
You can add the serial number and mailbox number as you create subscriber accounts by using either the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Cisco Unity Administrator. You can also use these same tools to add the serial and mailbox numbers to existing subscriber accounts.
For directory data about newly-created subscribers to be automatically sent to the Bridge, you first create the subscribers in Cisco Unity, and then create corresponding Unity Node(s) on the Bridge. If you do the reverse and create a Unity Node on the Bridge before creating any subscribers with the same serial number, you will have to force a synchronization by going to the Network > Bridge Options > Synchronization Options page to send directory data to the Bridge, or delete and then add back in the Unity Node on the Bridge. Subsequently, if you add more subscribers with the same serial number, Cisco Unity automatically sends the directory information to the Bridge.
Adding the serial and mailbox numbers to Cisco Unity subscriber accounts is just one of the steps required to properly configure Bridge Networking. For more information, refer to the Cisco Unity Bridge Networking Guide, available at
Using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard to Create Multiple Subscriber Accounts
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard allows you to create multiple subscriber accounts at once either by importing user data directly from the Exchange 5.5 directory or Active Directory, or by importing user data contained in a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
See the following sections for detailed information on using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to create subscriber accounts:
Importing User Data Directly from a Message Store Directory
Importing User Data from a CSV File
Running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard
Correcting Import Errors
Importing User Data Directly from a Message Store Directory
When you use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to import user data directly from the message store directory, Cisco Unity utilizes the mailbox data and Windows domain account information to create the Cisco Unity subscriber account. However, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard does not create a Windows domain account for a user if one does not already exist—as may be the case with some Exchange 5.5 users (see the "About Subscriber Accounts" section for details). Similarly, Cisco Unity also does not enable Active Directory accounts if they are disabled at the time that you import mailbox data from Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003. This is important because Windows credentials are required to access the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA), the Cisco Unity Administrator, and to use the phone as a recording and playback device for the Media Master. To allow subscribers to access these applications, enable Active Directory accounts or create a Windows domain account for any Exchange 5.5 user who does not have one before you use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to import data from the message store directory.
Finally, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard requires each regular subscriber to have a DTMF_ACCESS_ID that callers can use to reach the subscriber. Typically, the DTMF_ACCESS_ID is the same as the subscriber extension. Before running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard, print out a list of the user names that you plan to import, and specify a DTMF_ACCESS_ID for each user. The ID must be unique among all extensions on the local Cisco Unity server and within the dialing domain, if there is one. Save this list to use when you enter any missing DTMF_ACCESS_IDs during the import process.
If your installation includes the Bridge Networking option, in order for Cisco Unity subscribers to be able to send messages to and receive messages from subscribers on the Octel servers with which Cisco Unity communicates, each Cisco Unity subscriber account must be configured with an Octel serial number and a remote mailbox number. Before running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard, gather the serial and mailbox numbers for the subscriber accounts that you will be creating. During the import process, you enter the numbers in the REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX columns in the displayed grid on the Select Data to Import dialog box. Note that the Cisco Unity numbering plan is independent of the numbering plan on the Octel system, so the numbers that you enter for LEGACY_MAILBOX and DTMF_ACCESS_ID for each subscriber may or may not be the same. For more information about REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX, refer to the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard online Help.
When you are ready to create subscribers by importing user data directly from the message store directory, see the "Running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard" section.
Importing User Data from a CSV File
CSV is a common text file format for moving data from one data store to another. In particular, importing from a CSV file is helpful when you want to create subscriber accounts based on user data from voice messaging systems that run on different operating systems, or that have different database structures than Cisco Unity. As long as the user data contained in the CSV file is formatted as indicated in this section, you can use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to create subscriber accounts with or without existing Exchange mailboxes and Windows domain accounts.
Using the Create New Mailboxes and Windows Accounts Option
If the users in your CSV file do not already have Exchange mailboxes and Windows domain accounts, you can create them at the same time that you create Cisco Unity subscriber accounts:
Exchange 5.5
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard creates the Exchange 5.5 mailbox in the Recipients container on the Exchange server that you select on the pages of the wizard.
If you are not satisfied with this location, you can move the mailboxes as needed after the subscriber accounts have been created (or you can create the Exchange mailbox and Windows domain account first, and then use the Use Existing Mailboxes and Windows Accounts option to import the user data into Cisco Unity.
Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard creates the mailbox in the message store and on the server that you specify on the pages of the wizard. The Active Directory account is also created in the domain and organizational unit (OU) that you specify.
Note that if a user already exists in Exchange with the same alias as the subscriber that you want to create, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard notifies you that it cannot create the subscriber or the Exchange mailbox. This may happen if your CSV file contains a user that already has an Exchange mailbox. To create the subscriber account in such cases, use the Use Existing Mailboxes and Windows Accounts option to import the mailbox data for the user instead.
Using the Existing Mailboxes and Windows Accounts Option
When you create subscriber accounts for users with existing Exchange mailboxes, Cisco Unity utilizes the mailbox data and Windows domain account information to create the Cisco Unity subscriber account. However, Cisco Unity does not create a Windows domain account for a user if one does not already exist—as may be the case with some Exchange 5.5 users (see the "About Subscriber Accounts" section for details). Similarly, Cisco Unity also does not enable Active Directory accounts if they are disabled at the time that you import mailbox data from Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003.
This is important because subscribers who do not have a Windows domain account cannot access the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA) or the Cisco Unity Administrator, or use the phone as a recording and playback device for the Media Master. To avoid this problem, enable Active Directory accounts or create a Windows domain account for any Exchange 5.5 user who does not have one before you use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to import data from your CSV file.
The first row in your CSV file must contain column headers that identify the type of data in each column; information in the subsequent rows must contain the data that you want to import. Column headers must be in uppercase, separated by commas, and spelled as shown in the tables in the following sections:
Required Column Headers
Optional Column Headers
In addition, make sure that commas separate the data in each row in your CSV file, including the column headers in the first row. Do not use a tab, spaces, or a semicolon to separate values in the file. Finally, if any data includes a space, quotes, or commas, contain it within quotes.
Required Column Headers
The required column headers for regular subscribers are shown in Table 15-1. Note that the column headers are shown in the order in which they should appear in your CSV file.
Table 15-1 Required CSV Headers for Regular Subscribers
Column Header
Subscriber last name.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes, and dashes, up to a maximum of 32 characters.
Subscriber first name.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes, and dashes, up to a maximum of 32 characters.
The number that callers dial to reach a subscriber. This value corresponds to the Extension field on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Profile Page page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9, up to a maximum of 40 digits. Do not include any spaces. Note that the value must be unique among all extensions on the local Cisco Unity server and within the dialing domain, if there is one.
(This column header is required only when you create subscriber accounts with existing mailbox and Windows account data. If you choose to create subscriber accounts at the same time that you create new mailboxes and Windows accounts, the column header is optional.)
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard searches for the Exchange mailbox that matches the alias entered here. The matching Exchange mailbox will be associated with the subscriber account.
If you do not specify an alias here, the Exchange alias for the created account will be derived from a rule specified in the subscriber template, by using a combination of first and last name. Typically, you enter an alias here in order to override the alias generation rule (for example, when there are users who need to have aliases that do not follow the convention, such as when there is a naming conflict).
Enter any combination of letters, digits, periods, underscores, or dashes, up to a maximum of 64 characters.
(This column header is required only when using the Bridge Networking option for messaging with Octel subscribers.)
The number used to identify a Cisco Unity subscriber on a node in an Octel analog network. This number is required for all Cisco Unity subscribers who will be messaging with subscribers on an Octel system via the Cisco Unity Bridge. Without a LEGACY_MAILBOX number, a Cisco Unity subscriber cannot send messages to or receive messages from Octel subscribers.
When you create Cisco Unity subscriber accounts for users who are migrating from Octel, enter the mailbox number that the subscriber had on the Octel system. This allows the remaining Octel subscribers to address messages by using the same number that they used before the subscriber was migrated.
For existing Cisco Unity subscribers (including subscribers who have already migrated from Octel in a previous version of Cisco Unity and the Bridge), you can run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to add the LEGACY_MAILBOX number to each subscriber account. Enter the number that Octel subscribers dial to address messages to the Cisco Unity subscriber (excluding the location Dial ID or prefix).
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9. Do not include any spaces. Typical mailbox numbers contain 3 to 10 digits (although the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard accepts a maximum of 64 digits). Note that the LEGACY_MAILBOX and the DTMF_ACCESS_ID do not have to be the same number.
When using this column, you must also include the REMOTE_NODE_ID column. The combination of the REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX uniquely identifies a subscriber within an Octel analog network. If a record contains data in one column but not the other, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard logs an error, and the subscriber account is not created.
For each REMOTE_NODE_ID, the LEGACY_MAILBOX value must be unique within the global directory. If the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard detects a duplicate REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX pair in the CSV file, or if an existing Cisco Unity subscriber has a matching REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard logs an error, and the subscriber account is not created.
(This column header is required only when using the Bridge Networking option for messaging with Octel subscribers.)
In an Octel analog network, the serial number of the node with which the Cisco Unity subscriber is associated. This number is required for all Cisco Unity subscribers who will be messaging with subscribers on an Octel system via the Cisco Unity Bridge. Without a REMOTE_NODE_ID number, a Cisco Unity subscriber cannot send messages to or receive messages from Octel subscribers.
When you create Cisco Unity subscriber accounts for users who are migrating from Octel, enter the serial number of the Octel node that the subscriber is migrating from.
For existing Cisco Unity subscribers (including subscribers who have already migrated from Octel in a previous version of Cisco Unity and the Bridge), you can run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to add the REMOTE_NODE_ID to each subscriber account. Enter the serial number of a Unity Node that has been configured in the Bridge Administrator.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9. Do not include any spaces. Typical serial numbers contain 4 or 5 digits (although the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard accepts a maximum of 64 digits).
When using this column, you must also include the LEGACY_MAILBOX column. The combination of the REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX uniquely identifies a subscriber within an Octel analog network. If a record contains data in one column but not the other, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard logs an error, and the subscriber account is not created.
For each REMOTE_NODE_ID, the LEGACY_MAILBOX value must be unique within the global directory. If the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard detects duplicate REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX values in the CSV file, or if an existing Cisco Unity subscriber has a matching REMOTE_NODE_ID and LEGACY_MAILBOX, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard logs an error, and the subscriber account is not created.
Optional Column Headers
There are a number of optional column headers that you can include in your CSV file, as shown in Table 15-2. Most optional column headers correspond to subscriber settings defined in the subscriber template, including class of service (COS), call transfer, and message notification settings. When data for a particular subscriber setting is not included in the CSV file, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard uses settings in the subscriber template that you choose when you run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard. For this reason, you should review the settings in the subscriber template that you will use to create the accounts before adding any of the optional column headers to your CSV file. See the "Subscriber Template Settings" chapter for more information about subscriber templates.
Use the following table to learn more about the optional column headers that you can include in the CSV file. Unless otherwise indicated, all optional column headers can be used to define any type of subscriber account.
Table 15-2 Optional CSV File Column Headers
Optional Column Header
Note Note that this column header is optional only if you choose to create new mailboxes and Windows accounts at the same time that you create subscriber accounts. The column header is required when you create subscriber accounts with existing mailbox and Windows account data.
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard searches for the Exchange mailbox that matches the alias entered here. The matching Exchange mailbox will be associated with the subscriber account.
If you do not specify an alias here, the Exchange alias for the created account will be derived from a rule specified in the subscriber template, using a combination of first and last name. Typically, you enter an alias here in order to override the alias generation rule (for example, when there are users who need to have aliases that do not follow the convention, such as when there is a naming conflict).
Enter any combination of letters, digits, periods, underscores, or dashes, up to a maximum of 64 characters.
In addition to the "primary" extension that you assign subscribers, you can also assign subscribers alternate extensions.
For example, if you have more than one Cisco Unity server that accesses a single, corporate-wide directory, you may want to add alternate extensions so that a subscriber uses the same number when addressing a message to a subscriber associated with another Cisco Unity server and when calling that subscriber directly. (For more information on using alternate extensions as addressing options with Digital Networking, refer to the Networking in Cisco Unity Guide.)
Even if assigning alternate extensions is not necessary in your situation, you may want to add them as a convenience for subscribers. For example, alternate extensions can be used to:
• Handle multiple line appearances on subscriber phones.
• Offer easy message access on direct calls from a certain phones.
• Simplify addressing messages to subscribers at different locations.
• Enable alphanumeric extensions in Cisco Unity for an integration with a SIP phone system.
For more information on alternate extensions, refer to the "Subscriber Settings" chapter in the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide.
Each alternate extensions must be unique—up to the dialing domain level, if applicable—and no more than 40 characters in length.
Enter any combination of digits 0 through 9, or if you have a SIP integration, enter letters a through z. Do not use spaces, dashes, or parentheses between characters.
Defines the speed of message playback.
• 0—low speed.
• 100—medium speed (default value).
• 200—fast speed.
Indicates the volume for message playback.
• 0—low volume.
• 50—medium volume (default value).
• 100—high volume.
The language of the Cisco Unity conversation that the caller hears when they call a subscriber.
Enter any combination of letters and digits, up to a maximum of four characters.
The Cisco Unity conversation that the subscriber hears when retrieving messages.
Enter any combination of letters and digits, up to a maximum of 64 characters.
The name of the subscriber class of service (COS) of which the subscriber will be a member. The COS must already exist in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, and braces, up to a maximum of 128 characters. Enter the name of the COS as it appears in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
(AMIS, Bridge, and VPIM subscribers only)
The dial ID of a delivery location that the external subscriber will be associated with. This value corresponds to the Dial ID field on the Network > Delivery Locations > Profile page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. If this column header is omitted, or if a row does not contain a value, the delivery location that the Cisco Unity Import wizard prompts for is used as a default. You can import external subscribers for multiple delivery locations by using one CSV file.
Enter any combination of digits 0 through 9, up to a maximum of 64 digits.
(Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 only)
Specify whether you want to prevent subscribers from appearing in the Outlook address book. When you prevent subscribers from appearing in Outlook address books, Exchange will still deliver e-mail messages addressed to them, but the number of messages may be reduced because other subscribers cannot use the Outlook address book to address messages to them.
When a value is entered in this column, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard overwrites the values in the following fields:
• The Show Subscriber In E-Mail Server Address Book field on the Subscribers >Subscriber >Profile page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
• The Hide From Exchange Address Lists field on the Exchange Advanced tab for each user in Active Directory Users and Computers.
Enter 0 or 1:
• 0—display subscriber from the Outlook address book.
• 1—hide subscriber from the Outlook address book.
If the display name is not specified, it is constructed from the first and last names based on the rule in the subscriber template selected during the import.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, spaces, periods, commas, apostrophes, or other characters—including dashes, up to a maximum of 64 characters.
(regular subscribers only)
Specifies the Windows NT 4.0 domain name in which the alias in the NT40_ALIAS column can be found. Use this column if you are creating subscriber accounts for users who have both a Windows NT 4.0 account and Windows 2000 account, or if your organization is in the process of moving users from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000, or from one Active Directory domain to a new domain.
In addition, you need to specify the alias in the column NT40_ALIAS so that the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard can find the Windows NT 4.0 account information to associate with the subscriber. Without associated Windows domain accounts, the subscribers that you create will not have access to the Cisco Unity Administrator, the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA), and cannot use the phone as the recording and playback device for the Media Master.
Enter any combination of letters, up to a maximum of 15 letters.
(optional for Internet subscribers only; required for regular, AMIS, Bridge, and VPIM subscribers)
The number that callers dial to reach a subscriber. This is also the extension that subscribers on the local Cisco Unity server use to address messages to AMIS, Bridge, Internet, or VPIM subscribers.
This value corresponds to the Extension field on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Profile Page page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9, up to a maximum of 40 digits. Do not include any spaces. Note that the value must be unique among all extensions on the local Cisco Unity server and within the dialing domain, if there is one.
The password that governs how subscribers initially log on to Cisco Unity by phone.
This value corresponds to the Password field on the Subscribers > Subscriber >Passwords page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. By default, subscriber templates use 12345 as the initial phone password for all subscribers unless you change it in the template or change it here.
Enter any combination of digits 0 through 9, up to a maximum of 20 digits. The minimum length of the password depends on settings on the Subscribers > Account Policy > Phone Password Restrictions page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Determines whether the subscriber is listed in the phone directory.
• 0—turns directory listing off.
• 1—turns directory listing on.
Indicates the maximum length of voice mail messages (in seconds) that unidentified callers can leave.
Enter any value from 0 to 999 seconds.
The message waiting indicator (MWI) extension, if different from phone extension for the subscriber.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9 for the extension (or if you have a SIP integration, enter letters a through z), and "," (comma) or ";" (semi-colon) for pause, for a maximum of 40 characters.
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard ignores a column with this header. The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard does not support more than one NOTES column in a CSV file.
Enter any comments that you may have for this record. Enter any combination of letters, characters, and digits, for a maximum of 255 characters.
Specifies the Windows NT 4.0 alias. Use this column if you are creating subscriber accounts for users who have both a Windows NT 4.0 account and Windows 2000 account, or if your organization is in the process of moving users from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000, or from one Active Directory domain to a new domain.
In addition, you need to specify the domain name in the column DOMAIN_LOCATION so that the Import wizard can find the Windows NT 4.0 account information to associate with the subscriber. Without associated Windows domain accounts, the subscribers that you create will not have access to the Cisco Unity Administrator, the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA), and cannot use the phone as the recording and playback device for the Media Master.
Enter any combination of letters and digits, up to a maximum of 40 characters.
(regular subscribers only)
The extra digits that Cisco Unity dials after the phone number for a message notification. The extra digits are shown on the pager display.
This column corresponds to the Extra Digits field for the Pager device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9, up to a maximum of 32 digits.
(regular subscribers only)
Specifies the number of seconds to wait before dialing the extra digits specified in the PAGER1_NUMERIC_AFTER_DIALDIGITS column. Use this option if the automatic call progress detection of your phone system is not reliable (for example, if you experience noisy phone lines and unusual ringing patterns).
This column corresponds to the Seconds to Wait Before Dialing Extra Digits field for the Pager device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any value from 0 to 100 seconds.
Disables the numeric pager device. This column corresponds to the Status field for the Pager device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter 1.
After you create the subscriber accounts, you can enable the pager in the Cisco Unity Administrator, or you can tell subscribers to do so in the Cisco Unity Assistant.
(regular subscribers only)
The phone number, including trunk access code, of the numeric pager to be used for message notifications.
This column corresponds to the Phone Number field for the Pager device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. Message notifications to this device are disabled upon import and must be enabled in the Cisco Unity Administrator or by the subscriber in the Cisco Unity Assistant.
Enter any combination of digits 0 through 9 and the following dialing characters, up to a maximum of 40 characters:
• , (comma) to insert a one-second pause.
• # and * to correspond to the # and * keys on the phone.
(regular subscribers only)
Specifies a phone number if the subscriber has a text-compatible cell phone and wants text pager notifications to include a "From" or "Return Call" phone number. Typically, this field contains the number of the Cisco Unity server that the subscriber calls to check messages.
The From phone number appears in the last line of any text pager notification. A subscriber can press the Return Call button on many text-compatible cell phones to dial the phone number. The cell phone must support automatic callback in order to use this feature.
This column corresponds to the From: (Phone Number) field for the Text Pager 1 device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any combination of digits, up to a maximum of 32 digits.
Disables the text pager device. This column corresponds to the Status field for the Text Pager 1 device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter 1.
After you create the subscriber accounts, you can enable the pager in the Cisco Unity Administrator, or you can tell subscribers to do so in the Cisco Unity Assistant.
(regular subscribers only)
Specifies the e-mail address of the text pager, text-compatible cell phone, or another e-mail account (such as a home e-mail address) to which message notifications will be sent.
This column corresponds to the To: (E-Mail Address) field for the Text Pager 1 device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. Message notifications to this device are disabled upon import and must be enabled in the Cisco Unity Administrator or by the subscriber in the Cisco Unity Assistant.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, colons, ampersands, dashes, periods, and underscores, up to a maximum of 128 characters.
Specifies the public distribution lists to which new subscribers are added.
This column corresponds to the Subscribers > Subscriber > Distribution Lists page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. By default, subscriber templates assign new subscribers to the All Subscribers list. Use this column to add subscribers to distribution lists that are not already specified in the template; any lists that you enter in this column do not overwrite the lists specified in the template.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, space, period, semicolon, comma, or most other characters—including apostrophe and underscores, up to 255 characters. Separate each public distribution list name by a semicolon.
For example, you can enter "All Subscribers; Accounting Department."
The subscriber template that you want to associate the subscribers with once they are created. Enter any combination of letters and digits, up to a maximum of 128 characters.
The language that the subscriber hears when logging on to Cisco Unity by phone. Enter any combination of letters and digits, up to a maximum of four characters.
Specifies the date that call transfer is turned off for the subscriber extension. If the value is 0 (zero), call transfer is turned on, and because there is no expiration date, it never turns off. If the value is a date in the past (for example, 01/01/80), call transfer is turned off.
Enter a valid date in the format of mm/dd/yy, yy/mm/dd, or enter 0 (zero).
Specifies the call transfer number for the subscriber. The value is usually the same as the DTMF_ACCESS_ID (so Cisco Unity sends calls to the subscriber extension), though the value for the dialing transfer string can be left blank.
This corresponds to the Transfer Incoming Calls to Subscriber's Phone field on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Call Transfer Page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9 up to a maximum of 40 digits, and the following dialing characters:
• , (comma) to insert a one-second pause.
• ; (semi-colon) to insert a pause.
Indicates whether the subscriber hears brief or full phone menus when accessing Cisco Unity over the phone.
• 0—turns brief menus on.
• 1—turns full menus on.
(regular subscribers only)
Use to set up a text message notification so that Cisco Unity Inbox subscribers who do not use ViewMail receive an e-mail whenever a new voice message arrives. Enter the e-mail address of the subscriber text pager, text-compatible cell phone, or another e-mail account (such as a home e-mail address).
This column corresponds to the To: (E-Mail Address) field for the Text for VMI device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. Message notifications to this device are disabled upon import and must be enabled in the Cisco Unity Administrator or by the subscriber in the Cisco Unity Assistant.
Note that you can enter the URL for the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA) on the System > Configuration page in the Cisco Unity Administrator, so that it is automatically included as a link in the body of the e-mail message that is sent to the subscriber. (Subscribers use the Cisco PCA to access their Cisco Unity Inboxes.)
Enter any combination of letters, digits, colons, ampersands, dashes, periods, and underscores, up to a maximum of 128 characters.
(regular subscribers only)
Use to set up a text message notification so that Cisco Unity Inbox subscribers who do not use ViewMail receive an e-mail whenever a new voice message arrives.
Enter a phone number if the subscriber has a text-compatible cell phone and wants message notifications to include a return phone number. Typically, this field contains the number that the subscriber calls to check messages.
This column corresponds to the To: (E-Mail Address) field for the Text for VMI device on the Subscribers > Subscribers > Message Notification page in the Cisco Unity Administrator. Message notifications to this device are disabled upon import and must be enabled in the Cisco Unity Administrator or by the subscriber in the Cisco Unity Assistant.
Note that you can enter the URL for the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA) on the System > Configuration page in the Cisco Unity Administrator, so that it is automatically included as a link in the body of the e-mail message that is sent to the subscriber. (Subscribers use the Cisco PCA to access their Cisco Unity Inboxes.)
Enter any combination of digits, up to a maximum of 32 characters.
Defines whether Cisco Unity says "transferring call" when the phone is answered on an incoming external call. For this to work, XFER_TYPE must be set to "supervised."
• 0—turns announce off.
• 1—turns announce on.
Defines whether Cisco Unity asks subscribers if they would like to take calls. For this to work, XFER_TYPE must be set to "supervised."
• 0—turns confirm off.
• 1—turns confirm on.
Determines if the caller can be put on hold when an extension is busy. For this to work, XFER_TYPE must be set to "supervised."
• 0—turns call holding off.
• 1—turns call holding on.
Defines whether subscribers hear "call for <the recorded voice name of the subscriber>," or "call for <extension number>" when they answer an incoming external call. Used when two or more subscribers share a phone. For this to work, XFER_TYPE must be set to "supervised."
• 0—turns introduce off.
• 1—turns introduce on.
When doing a supervised transfer, the number of rings to wait before activating the appropriate call handler.
Enter any digit from 1 to 9.
Sets call screening to off, on, or on with "memory" (the recorded name of the caller is added to the message). For this to work, XFER_TYPE must be set to "supervised."
• 0—turns call screening off.
• 1—turns call screening on.
• 2—turns call screening on with memory.
Used in conjunction with RNA_ACTION to determine whether Cisco Unity monitors the progress of a call until the subscriber answers the phone.
• 0—unsupervised transfer; Cisco Unity does not monitor call progress.
• 1—supervised transfer; Cisco Unity monitors call progress.
(regular subscribers only)
Specifies the display name for the call handler to which calls to this subscriber are transferred when unidentified callers press "0" during the subscriber greeting. This allows calls to different groups of subscribers to be handled by different operators.
Note that the Import wizard checks to see if the name is a valid call handler, so the call handler must have been created in the Cisco Unity Administrator before doing the import.
Enter any combination of letters, digits, periods, spaces, dashes, or other characters—including underscores, up to a maximum of 128 characters.
After reviewing Table 15-1 and Table 15-2, use the following procedure to prepare your CSV file.
To Prepare a CSV File for Creating Regular Subscriber Accounts
Step 1
Save the data which you will use to create Cisco Unity accounts as a CSV file.
As a best practice, do not include more than 7,500 records in a single CSV file, as you may encounter unexpected results when the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard imports the data.
Step 2
Copy the CSV file to the Cisco Unity server or to a folder that you can browse to from the server.
Step 3
Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet application or another application with which you can edit and reorganize the data. Do the following:
Confirm that the data is separated by commas, and that no tabs, spaces, or semicolons separate the data in the file.
If any data includes a space, quotes, or commas, contain it within quotes.
Step 4
Rearrange the data, so that the columns are in the same order as the column headers that you will add in Step 5. The order of the column headers does not matter, though it is good practice to set up your CSV file as indicated here. For example, the columns of data in this sample are sorted so that the last name of the user is followed by the first name and then by the DTMF_ACCESS_ID:
Step 5
Enter the required column headers above the first row of data. Column headers must be uppercase, separated by commas, and spelled as indicated in Table 15-1.
For example, the column headers for the sample data from Step 4 would look like this:
Step 6
If desired, add any of the optional column headers listed in Table 15-2 to the first row, and the corresponding data that you want to import in the subsequent rows below. As you do so, confirm that:
Column headers and data are separated by commas. Note that each row does not have to contain data for each optional column header.
Any data that includes a space, quotes, or commas is contained within quotes.
Step 7
If your CSV file contains columns of data that you do not want to import, delete the columns. Alternatively, you can title one column NOTES. The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard ignores data beneath a NOTES column header, but the wizard does not support more than one NOTES column in a CSV file.
Step 8
Confirm that each row contains the applicable data corresponding to each column header.
See Table 15-1 and Table 15-2 for descriptions of valid data for each column header.
Step 9
Save the file as a CSV file.
Step 10
Continue with the procedure in the "Running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard" section.
Running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard
Do the procedure in this section to use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to create multiple subscriber accounts. Do so only after you have reviewed the following sections:
Before Creating Regular Subscriber Accounts
Importing User Data Directly from a Message Store Directory (as applicable)
Importing User Data from a CSV File (as applicable)
For best results, note the following:
Do not attempt to create more than 7,500 new subscriber accounts at once. If you have more than 7,500 users for whom you want to create Cisco Unity subscriber accounts, run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard multiple times.
Once the wizard has created a subscriber account for a particular user, it will not process the data for that user when it is run again.
You can only create one type of subscriber each time you run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard.
The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard can only import user data from one message store directory at a time.
When the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard initially loads the Exchange user data or the records in your CSV file, it examines the data for errors. If an error is found, the wizard notifies you and logs the error in the error.log file. You can choose either to ignore the error and correct it later, or you can correct the error, and start the wizard again. After it creates subscriber accounts, the wizard displays a dialog box that reports the results of loading the data, including the number of records found, the number of records successfully loaded, and the number of records that still have errors.
Use the following procedure to use the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to create regular subscriber accounts, and to manage any errors that the wizard discovers in the process.
Before you run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard, disable virus-scanning services and intrusion-detection software on the Cisco Unity server, if applicable. Otherwise, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard may run slowly. See the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard online Help for procedures.
To Create Regular Subscribers by Using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import Wizard
Step 1
On the Cisco Unity server, on the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Cisco Unity > Cisco Unity Bulk Import.
Step 2
Follow the on-screen instructions presented on each page of the wizard.
To learn more about the options presented in the dialog boxes that appear as the wizard proceeds, click Help.
Step 3
When prompted to choose the type of subscriber that you want to create, click Unified Messaging or Voice-Mail Only.
Step 4
Click Next, and proceed through the wizard. If the wizard reports any errors, you can:
Click OK to continue with the import, and fix the errors later.
Fix the errors. See the "Correcting Import Errors" section for details.
Step 5
If you are importing user data directly from the message store directory, confirm that there is a DTMF_ACCESS_ID specified for each user on the Select Data to Import page.
Enter the applicable data in the grid if a DTMF_ACCESS_ID is not specified for a user:
Enter digits only.
Typically, the DTMF_ACCESS_ID is the same as the subscriber extension. Therefore, the data you enter should be consistent with the extension numbering plan used in your organization.
The ID must be unique among all extensions on the local Cisco Unity server and within the dialing domain, if there is one.
Step 6
Once the subscriber accounts are created, click Finish.
Step 7
If you had import errors, but in Step 4 you chose to correct them later, see the "Correcting Import Errors" section.
If you had no import errors, or if all errors have now been corrected, see the "After Creating Subscriber Accounts" section.
Correcting Import Errors
The error log file contains data that the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard could not import. The Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard reports the first error it detects in any user mailbox or row in a CSV file. Once you correct that error, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard may detect additional errors in the same mailbox or row when the data is imported again.Thus, you may need to repeat the correction process—running the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard and correcting an error—several times to find and correct all errors.
The output log file contains all the records that were not imported. You can save it as a CSV file, and use it when you run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard again. Note that each time that you run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard, the error and output log files are overwritten (unless you specify a new name for the files each time you run it).
To correct import errors, use one of the two procedures below.
To Correct Errors That Occurred When Importing Data from the Message Store
Step 1
Go to the directory location of the error log file you specified during the import. (The default location and file name is C:\Error.log.)
Step 2
Use a text editor to open the error log file. You will use the error codes in the file to make corrections.
Step 3
When importing data from Exchange 5.5, open the Microsoft Exchange Administrator. When importing data from Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003, open Active Directory Users and Computers.
Step 4
Double-click a mailbox that contains an error to see the properties.
Step 5
Enter corrections in the applicable boxes in the mailbox.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 7
Repeat Step 4 through Step 6 for each mailbox listed in the error log file.
Step 8
Run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard again.
Step 9
Repeat this procedure until all subscriber accounts are created without error, and then proceed to the "After Creating Subscriber Accounts" section.
To Correct Errors That Occurred When Importing Data from a CSV File
Step 1
Go to the directory location of the error log file you specified during the import. (The default location and file name is C:\Error.log.)
Step 2
Use a text editor to open the error log file. You will use the error codes in the file to make corrections.
Step 3
Go to the directory location of the output log file you specified during the import. (The default location and file name is C:\Output.log.) This file contains all the records that were not imported.
Step 4
Use a text editor to open the output log file.
Step 5
Correct any records in the output file that are listed as errors in the error log file.
Step 6
When you have finished editing the output log file, save it as a CSV file with a new name.
Step 7
Run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard again with the CSV file that you saved in Step 6.
Step 8
Repeat this procedure until all subscriber accounts are created without error, and then proceed to the "After Creating Subscriber Accounts" section.
Using the Cisco Unity Administrator to Create Individual Subscriber Accounts
By using the Cisco Unity Administrator, you can create a regular subscriber account by either adding a new user to Exchange or by importing existing user data from Exchange.
Adding Subscriber Accounts
If the subscriber that you want to create does not already have an Exchange mailbox, you can use the Cisco Unity Administrator to create an Exchange mailbox, a Windows domain account, and the new subscriber account at the same time:
Exchange 5.5
Mailboxes are created in the Recipients container in the site.
Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003
Mailboxes are created on the server that you specified during Cisco Unity installation. Active Directory accounts are also created in the domain and organizational unit (OU) that you specified during Cisco Unity installation.
If you are not satisfied with this location, you can move the mailboxes as needed after the subscriber accounts have been created, or you can create the Windows domain account and Exchange mailbox first, and then use the Cisco Unity Administrator to import the user data into Cisco Unity. The user object created for the subscriber in Active Directory or the Exchange 5.5 directory contains attributes specific to Cisco Unity.
Note that if a user already exists in Exchange with the same alias as the subscriber that you want to create, the Cisco Unity Administrator notifies you that it cannot create the subscriber or the Exchange mailbox. This may happen if you choose to add a subscriber that already has an Exchange mailbox. To create the subscriber account in such cases, import the mailbox data for this user instead. You can use the Import Existing Exchange User option in the Cisco Unity Administrator to import the mailbox data for this user instead.
To create a regular Cisco Unity subscriber, do the procedure below.
To Create a Regular Subscriber Account by Adding a New User in Exchange
Step 1
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the Subscribers > Subscribers > Profile page.
Step 2
Click the Add icon.
Step 3
Select New Exchange Subscriber.
Step 4
On the Add Subscriber page, enter the applicable information.
Step 5
Click Add.
Step 6
On the subscriber record, customize settings as applicable, and then click the Save icon.
Importing Existing User Data from the Message Store
If the subscriber that you want to create already has an Exchange mailbox, you can use the Cisco Unity Administrator to create a subscriber account by importing the mailbox data from Exchange. Cisco Unity-specific attributes are written to the existing directory user object when the subscriber is created.
When you use the Cisco Unity Administrator to import user data directly from the message store, the Cisco Unity utilizes the mailbox data to create the Cisco Unity subscriber account. Cisco Unity does not create a Windows domain account for a user if one does not already exist—as may be the case with some Exchange 5.5 users (see the "About Subscriber Accounts" section for details). Similarly, Cisco Unity also does not enable Active Directory accounts if they are disabled at the time that you import mailbox data from Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003.
This is important because subscribers who do not have a Windows domain account cannot access the Cisco Personal Communications Assistant (PCA), the Cisco Unity Administrator, or use the phone as a recording and playback device for the Media Master. To avoid this problem, enable Active Directory accounts or create a Windows domain account for any Exchange 5.5 user who does not have one before you use the Cisco Unity Administrator to import data from the message store directory.
You can use the following procedure to import existing user data from Active Directory or the Exchange 5.5 directory.
To Create a Regular Subscriber Account by Importing Existing User Data
Step 1
In the Cisco Unity Administrator, go to the Subscribers > Subscribers > Profile page.
Step 2
Click the Add icon.
Step 3
Select Import Existing Exchange User.
Step 4
Click Select.
Step 5
Select Exchange.
Step 6
In the Find By list, indicate whether to search by first name, last name, or Exchange alias. When Cisco Unity is connected to an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server, you can also indicate the domain for the search.
Step 7
Enter the applicable name or alias. You also can enter * to display a list of all users, or enter one or more characters followed by * to narrow your search.
Step 8
Click Find.
Step 9
On the list of matches, click the name of the user to import.
Step 10
On the Add Subscriber page, enter the applicable information.
Step 11
Click Add.
Step 12
On the subscriber record, customize settings as applicable, and then click the Save icon.
Use the following table to learn more about the settings on the Add Subscriber page.
Table 15-3 Add Subscriber Page
Choose either New Subscriber or Import Existing Exchange User.
• New Subscriber—Select this option if the subscriber that you want to create does not have an Exchange mailbox (Cisco Unity will create one at the same time that it creates the subscriber account). From the list, click the subscriber type that you want to create.
• Import Existing Exchange User—Select this option if the subscriber that you want to create already has an Exchange mailbox.
New Subscriber
Choose one of the following options:
• Exchange—Regular subscribers have an Exchange mailbox and a Windows domain account. Cisco Unity creates the mailbox and Windows domain account at the same time that it creates the subscriber. Exchange 5.5, mailboxes are created in the Recipients container in the site; Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 mailboxes are created in the domain and organizational unit (OU) that you specified in the Cisco Unity Server Configuration Wizard during Setup. The user object for the subscriber in Active Directory or the Exchange 5.5 directory contains Cisco Unity-specific attributes.
• Internet—Internet subscribers do not have mailboxes on the local Exchange network. When Cisco Unity creates the Internet subscriber account, it creates an Active Directory contact (or Exchange 5.5 custom recipient) with Cisco Unity-specific attributes.
• AMIS—AMIS subscribers are individuals who use a voice messaging system other than Cisco Unity. They are Cisco Unity subscribers, but voice messages addressed to them are sent to their voice messaging system by using the AMIS analog protocol. When Cisco Unity creates the AMIS subscriber account, it creates an Active Directory contact (or Exchange 5.5 custom recipient) with Cisco Unity-specific attributes.
• Bridge—Bridge subscribers are individuals who use an Octel voice messaging system. They are Cisco Unity subscribers, but voice messages addressed to them are sent to their voice messaging system by using the Cisco Unity Bridge. When Cisco Unity creates the Bridge subscriber account, it creates an Active Directory contact with Cisco Unity-specific attributes.
• VPIM—VPIM subscribers are individuals who use another voice messaging system. They are Cisco Unity subscribers, but voice messages addressed to them are sent to their voice messaging system by using the VPIM protocol. When Cisco Unity creates the VPIM subscriber account, it creates an Active Directory contact with Cisco Unity-specific attributes.
Import Existing Exchange User
Click Select to choose the Exchange user to import.
First Name/Last Name
Enter the first and last names of the subscriber. The names entered here are used for directory assistance. When importing an existing Exchange user, these fields are filled in automatically.
Display Name
Cisco Unity creates a default display name for the subscriber, which you can modify. This is the subscriber name as displayed in the Cisco Unity Administrator, Exchange, Windows, and subscriber reports. In most cases, only the first 40 characters are displayed.
When importing an existing Exchange user, the Display Name is filled in automatically.
Enter the number that callers dial to reach the subscriber. Enter numerals only, according to the extension numbering plan for your organization. The number must be unique among all extensions on the local Cisco Unity server and within the dialing domain, if there is one. However, a subscriber extension can be the same number as the subscriber Fax ID. Note that many phone system integration features, such as MWI and call forward to personal greeting, require that the Cisco Unity number plan match that of the phone system.
The Extension value maps to the Phone box on the Phone/Notes property page in an Exchange mailbox. When you import subscribers who have Exchange mailboxes, this value is copied from Exchange into Cisco Unity. If you change this value in Cisco Unity, it is copied to the Exchange mailbox.
Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9, up to a maximum of 40 digits.
Fax ID
Enter the number that callers dial to send a fax to the subscriber. This number may be the same as the subscriber extension.
The Fax ID value maps to the value in the Fax box on the Phone/Notes Property page in an Exchange mailbox. When you import subscribers who have Exchange mailboxes, this value is copied from Exchange into Cisco Unity. If you change this value in Cisco Unity, it is copied to the Exchange mailbox.
Select the template on which to base the subscriber account. The template affects most subscriber settings.
When adding subscribers, Cisco Unitycreates a default alias based on either the rules for aliases on the Subscribers > Subscriber Template > Profile page; when importing user data from on the message store, Cisco Unity uses the alias specified in Exchange.
Note that changing the setting in the Template box on this page can change the alias, if you choose a template that has a different rule for aliases.
When you click Add, Cisco Unity checks whether the alias is unique. If the alias is in use, you are prompted to provide a new one.
Exchange Server
Select the Exchange server (also referred to as the home server) on which the subscriber messages are stored. When Cisco Unity is connected to an Exchange 5.5 server, you can only select an Exchange 5.5 home server. When Cisco Unity is connected to an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 server, you can select an Exchange 5.5, Exchange 2000, or Exchange 2003 server.
Assign subscribers to the Exchange server that is on the Cisco Unity server only in the following circumstances: if Cisco Unity is a stand-alone server, if the subscribers access Cisco Unity only by phone, or if there are fewer than 200 subscribers. Otherwise, assign subscribers to another Exchange server.
When you specify any server other than the Cisco Unity server as the home Exchange server for a subscriber, it may be several minutes before the subscriber can access the account. With Exchange 5.5 servers, once the account is accessible, the subscriber must log on before messages can be left.
(for Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 only)
Select the mailbox store on which the subscriber messages are stored.
SMTP address
(for Internet subscribers only)
Enter the e-mail (SMTP) address assigned to the Internet subscriber. If the remote message recipient that the Internet subscriber corresponds to uses Cisco Unity, then enter the remote address in the following format:
VOICE:<Delivery Location Dial ID>_<Remote Primary Extension> (e.g. VOICE:123_5678)
If the remote message recipient does not use Cisco Unity, specifies the e-mail (SMTP) address to which messages to the Internet subscriber will be sent: (e.g.
Internet subscribers do not have mailboxes (an Internet subscriber is equivalent to a mail-enabled contact in Exchange 2000/Exchange 2003/Active Directory and a custom recipient in Exchange 5.5). Instead, messages for the subscriber are sent to this e-mail address.
AMIS Remote Mailbox Number
(for AMIS subscribers only)
Enter the mailbox number that the remote voice messaging system uses to route AMIS messages to this subscriber.
AMIS Location
(for AMIS subscribers only)
Select the AMIS location that the AMIS subscriber is associated with. The AMIS location you specify corresponds to the voice messaging system that this AMIS subscriber uses. The Delivery Phone Number for the AMIS location is used for outgoing messages to this subscriber. In installations with two or more Cisco Unity servers, only AMIS delivery locations that have been created on this Cisco Unity server are displayed in the list.
Bridge Remote Mailbox Number
(for Bridge subscribers only)
Enter the mailbox number that the remote voice messaging system uses to route messages to this Bridge subscriber.
Bridge Location
(for Bridge subscribers only)
Select the Bridge location that the Bridge subscriber is associated with. The Bridge location you specify corresponds to the Octel system that this Bridge subscriber uses. In installations with two or more Cisco Unity bridgehead servers, only Bridge delivery locations that have been created on this Cisco Unity server are displayed in the list.
VPIM Remote Mailbox Number
(for VPIM subscribers only)
Enter the mailbox number that the remote voice messaging system uses to route messages to this VPIM subscriber.
VPIM Location
(for VPIM subscribers only)
Select the VPIM location that the VPIM subscriber is associated with. The VPIM location you specify corresponds to the voice messaging system that this VPIM subscriber uses. In installations with multiple Cisco Unity servers, only VPIM delivery locations that have been created on this Cisco Unity server are displayed in the list.
Unity Node Serial Number
(used only when the Bridge Networking option is configured for messaging with Octel systems)
Select from the list or enter a new serial number. In an Octel analog network, this is the serial number of the node with which the Cisco Unity subscriber is associated. Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9. Do not include any spaces. Typical serial numbers contain 4 or 5 digits (although the Cisco Unity Administrator accepts a maximum of 64 digits).
The Unity Node Serial Number is displayed only when the Active Directory schema has been extended for the Bridge Networking option, and the check box Display Fields Required for Cisco Unity Bridge Networking has been checked on the Configuration > Settings page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
The Unity Node Serial Number and Legacy Mailbox ID are required for all Cisco Unity subscribers who will be messaging with subscribers on an Octel system via the Cisco Unity Bridge. Without these numbers, a Cisco Unity subscriber cannot send messages to nor receive messages from Octel subscribers.
If the Unity Node Serial Number field is set to something other than the default setting "None," you must enter a value for the Legacy Mailbox ID.
For each Unity Node Serial Number, the Legacy Mailbox ID value must be unique within the global directory. The combination Unity Node Serial Number and Legacy Mailbox ID uniquely identifies a subscriber within an Octel analog network. When you click Add, if the Cisco Unity Administrator detects that the Unity Node Serial Number and Legacy Mailbox ID is already in use, an error message is displayed, and the subscriber account is not created.
For directory data about newly-created subscribers to be automatically sent to the Bridge, you first create the subscribers in Cisco Unity, and then create corresponding Unity Node(s) on the Bridge. If you do the reverse and create a Unity Node on the Bridge before creating any subscribers with the same serial number, you will have to force a synchronization by going to the Network > Bridge Options > Synchronization Options page to send directory data to the Bridge, or delete and then add back in the Unity Node on the Bridge. Subsequently, if you add more subscribers with the same serial number, Cisco Unity automatically sends the directory information to the Bridge.
Legacy Mailbox ID
(used only when the Bridge Networking option is configured for messaging with Octel systems)
Enter a mailbox number for the subscriber. If the subscriber has migrated to Cisco Unity from an Octel system, use the mailbox number they had on the Octel system. This number is used to identify the Cisco Unity subscriber on a node in an Octel analog network, which allows the remaining Octel subscribers to address messages by using the same number that they used before the subscriber was migrated. Enter any combination of digits from 0 to 9. Do not include any spaces. Typical mailbox numbers contain 3 to 10 digits (although the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard accepts a maximum of 64 digits). Note that the Legacy Mailbox ID and the subscriber extension do not have to be the same number.
The Legacy Mailbox ID is displayed only when the Active Directory schema has been extended for the Bridge Networking option, and the check box Display Fields Required for Cisco Unity Bridge Networking has been checked on the Configuration > Settings page in the Cisco Unity Administrator.
The Unity Node Serial Number and Legacy Mailbox ID are required for all Cisco Unity subscribers who will be messaging with subscribers on an Octel system via the Cisco Unity Bridge. Without these numbers, a Cisco Unity subscriber cannot send messages to nor receive messages from Octel subscribers.
If the Unity Node Serial Number field is set to something other than the default setting, None, you must enter a value for the Legacy Mailbox ID.
For each Unity Node Serial Number, the Legacy Mailbox ID value must be unique within the global directory. The combination Unity Node Serial Number and Legacy Mailbox ID uniquely identifies a subscriber within an Octel analog network. When you click Add, if the Cisco Unity Administrator detects that the Unity Node Serial Number and Legacy Mailbox ID is already in use, an error message is displayed, and the subscriber account is not created.
After Creating Subscriber Accounts
After creating subscriber accounts, consider the following:
Add individual subscribers to public distribution lists, as needed. For example, assign subscribers to screen those messages left in Cisco Unity that are not associated with a specific recipient, such as those left to the Unaddressed Messages distribution list or for the Opening Greeting call handler. See the "Message Handling" section.
If you created more than 100 subscribers, and are using Cisco Unity with Exchange 5.5, you must run the Exchange 5.5 Optimizer. See the "Adding Large Numbers of Subscribers to Cisco Unity with Exchange 5.5" section.
If you are interested in preventing subscribers from appearing in the Outlook address book, see the "Preventing Subscribers from Appearing in Outlook Address Books" section.
Set up the client applications that subscribers will use to access Cisco Unity from their computers. For details on setting up subscribers to use the Cisco PCA, the Cisco Unity Assistant, Cisco Unity Inbox, and ViewMail, see the "Setting Up Client Applications" chapter.
Train new subscribers and operators to use Cisco Unity. See the "Subscriber, Operator, and Support Desk Orientation" chapter for a task list you can use to acquaint subscribers with Cisco Unity.
When a subscriber leaves the organization or otherwise no longer needs a Cisco Unity account, you can delete the subscriber account. See the"Deleting Subscriber Accounts" chapter for details.
There are several ways to modify existing subscriber accounts. You can:
Customize subscriber settings for individual accounts in the Cisco Unity Administrator (see the "Subscriber Settings" chapter for details).
Use Bulk Edit to modify a subscriber setting shared by multiple subscriber accounts. For example, you might use this tool to change a setting so that a group of subscribers will no longer be listed in the phone directory, or you can associate a group of subscribers with a particular class of service. The Bulk Edit utility is available in the Tools Depot. (To access Tools Depot, double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon on the Cisco Unity server desktop.)
(Re)run the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard to modify unique subscriber settings—such as primary or alternate extensions—for multiple subscribers at once. To do so, refer to the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard online Help.
Note that subscribers can also customize some of their own settings either by accessing the Cisco Unity Assistant or by using the subscriber phone conversation.
Adding Large Numbers of Subscribers to Cisco Unity with Exchange 5.5
When you add more than 100 subscribers to Cisco Unity, run the Exchange 5.5 Optimizer on the Cisco Unity server after adding the subscribers. Otherwise, you may encounter problems with Cisco Unity not accepting dialed extensions for subscribers and call handlers, and with conversation-related errors in the Event Log.
If there are other Exchange servers in the site, you do not need to run Exchange Optimizer on the other Exchange servers. Note that you do not need to do this procedure when the Cisco Unity server is connected to Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003.
To Run Exchange 5.5 Optimizer on the Cisco Unity Server
Step 1
Shut down the Cisco Unity server, if it is running.
Step 2
On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Microsoft Exchange > Microsoft Exchange Optimizer.
Step 3
Follow the on-screen instructions. If Exchange Optimizer recommends that you move files, you can safely choose not to do so.
Step 4
If the Exchange 5.5 Optimizer displays an error message saying that a service could not be shut down, do the following:
Exit the Exchange Optimizer.
Right-click the Cisco Unity icon in the status area of the taskbar, and click Exit.
Start the Exchange Optimizer and follow the on-screen instructions. If Exchange Optimizer recommends that you move files, you can safely choose not to do so.
Step 5
When Exchange Optimizer is finished, restart the Cisco Unity server.
Preventing Subscribers from Appearing in Outlook Address Books
Either before or after you create Cisco Unity subscriber accounts, you can prevent the subscribers from appearing in Outlook address books. In particular, you may wish to do so for voice mail-only subscribers. For example, depending on your installation, the voice mail-only subscribers may already have Windows accounts and Exchange mailboxes on your local network. Therefore, when Cisco Unity subscriber accounts are created for them, the Exchange address lists will contain duplicate listings—the existing user account and a new user account. Both listings are included in the Outlook address book. This means that people may inadvertently send e-mail messages to the voice mail-only account, which should be used only for addressing voice messages.
To discourage people from inadvertently sending e-mail messages to a voice mail-only account, you can prevent subscribers from appearing in the Outlook address book altogether. When you prevent subscribers from appearing in Outlook address books, Exchange will still deliver e-mail messages addressed to them, but the number of messages may be reduced because other subscribers cannot use the Outlook address book to address messages to them. This can prevent the mailboxes of voice mail-only subscribers from filling up with messages that they cannot access and delete.
The method by which you prevent subscribers from appearing in Outlook address books varies depending on your version of Exchange:
Cisco Unity with Exchange 5.5
To prevent subscribers from appearing in Outlook address books, you can use either the Cisco Unity Administrator, Bulk Edit, or Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator:
To do so in the Cisco Unity Administrator, uncheck the Show Subscriber In E-Mail Server Address Book check box on the Profile page for the subscriber template that you plan to use when creating subscribers, or on the Profile page for individual subscribers after you have created them.
To do so by using the Bulk Edit utility, refer to the online Help.
To do so in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator, double-click a recipient, and then check the Hide From Address Book check box on the Advanced tab.
Cisco Unity with Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003
To prevent subscribers from appearing in Outlook address books, you can use the Cisco Unity Administrator, the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard, Bulk Edit, or Windows Active Directory for Users and Computers:
To do so in the Cisco Unity Administrator, uncheck the Show Subscriber In E-Mail Server Address Book check box on the Profile page for the subscriber template that you plan to use when creating subscribers, or on the Profile page for individual subscribers after you have created them.
To do so by using the Cisco Unity Bulk Import wizard or the Bulk Edit utility, refer to the online Help for each tool.
To do so in Windows Active Directory for Users and Computers, select View > Advanced Features, double-click a recipient, and then check the Hide From Address Book check box on the Advanced tab.