Table Of Contents
Installing Optional Software
Installing RSA SecurID
Installing Symantec pcAnywhere
Recommended Configuration for pcAnywhere
Installing Other Optional Software
Installing Optional Software
This chapter contains the following sections:
Installing RSA SecurID
Installing Symantec pcAnywhere
Installing Other Optional Software
Installing RSA SecurID
For supported versions of RSA SecurID, refer to Supported Hardware and Software, and Support Policies for Cisco Unity at
Follow the manufacturer instructions to install RSA SecurID. To configure RSA SecurID, refer to the "Configuring the Cisco Unity Conversation to Use Enhanced Phone Security" section in the "Authentication for Cisco Unity Applications" chapter of the Cisco Unity Security Guide, Release 4.x at
Installing Symantec pcAnywhere
For supported versions of Symantec pcAnywhere, refer to Supported Hardware and Software, and Support Policies for Cisco Unity at
Follow the manufacturer instructions to install pcAnywhere. See also the "Recommended Configuration for pcAnywhere" section, below.
The remote-access software can be installed on the Cisco Unity server in addition to Windows Terminal Services (which is the default remote-access software for the Cisco Unity server and is included with Windows 2000). Use an external modem with pcAnywhere.
Recommended Configuration for pcAnywhere
We recommend that you do the following three procedures in the order listed to configure pcAnywhere to avoid video problems, screen-refresh problems, and a possible problem with the server not responding after pcAnywhere disconnects.
To Configure pcAnywhere So That It Does Not Start Automatically When You Restart the Server
Step 1
On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Symantec pcAnywhere.
Step 2
In the pcAnywhere toolbar, click Hosts.
Step 3
Right-click the Modem icon or the host that is configured for a modem, and click Properties.
Step 4
In the pcAnywhere Host Properties dialog box, click the Settings tab.
Step 5
In the Host Startup section, uncheck the Launch with Windows check box.
Step 6
Click OK to close the pcAnywhere Host Properties dialog box.
To avoid a pcAnywhere video problem, we recommend that you change the pcAnywhere video mode. (The problem is described in Symantec Knowledge Base article 2001040615242112.)
To Change the pcAnywhere Video Mode to Compatibility
Step 1
In pcAnywhere, on the pcAnywhere Tools menu, click Options.
Step 2
On the Host Operation tab, under Video Mode Selection, click Compatibility.
Step 3
Click OK.
Step 4
Exit pcAnywhere.
To avoid a pcAnywhere problem with slow or partial screen refreshes on multiprocessor host computers, and a possible problem in which the host computer stops responding when pcAnywhere disconnects, we recommend that you add a registry entry that sets pcAnywhere to run on one or more specific processors. (The problem is described in Symantec Knowledge Base article 199861984643.)
Be aware that setting pcAnywhere to run on a specific processor may affect performance on the Cisco Unity server if someone uses pcAnywhere to access the server during peak hours.
To Set pcAnywhere to Run on One or More Specific Processors
Step 1
Start Regedit.
Caution ![](../../../../../../../i/templates/blank.gif)
Changing the wrong registry key or entering an incorrect value can cause the server to malfunction. Before you edit the registry, confirm that you know how to restore it if a problem occurs. (Refer to the "Restoring" topics in Registry Editor Help.) Note that for Cisco Unity failover, registry changes on one Cisco Unity server must be made manually on the other Cisco Unity server, because registry changes are not replicated. If you have any questions about changing registry key settings, contact Cisco TAC.
Step 2
If you do not have a current backup of the registry, click Registry > Export Registry File, and save the registry settings to a file.
Step 3
Expand the key
Step 4
Add a DWORD value named ProcessorMask, and set the value depending on which processor you want to use (for example, to make pcAnywhere run on the second processor only, set ProcessorMask to 2):
All processors
First processor
Second processor
Third processor
Fourth processor
To allow pcAnywhere to run on more than one processor, set the value of ProcessorMask to the sum of the corresponding values. (For example, to make pcAnywhere run on the third and fourth processors, set ProcessorMask to 12 [4 + 8].)
Step 5
Either stop and restart the pcAnywhere host service, or restart the Cisco Unity server.
Installing Other Optional Software
For information on supported software, refer to Supported Hardware and Software, and Support Policies for Cisco Unity at
Follow the manufacturer instructions to install other optional software.