
Healthcare CxO Roundtable


Healthcare CxO Roundtable


Dr. Martin D. Denz, EHTEL President

Martin Denz is the Präsident of the European Health Telematics Association EHTEL in Brussels and the President of the Swiss Association for Telemedicine and eHealth. After his broad certifications for General Medicine, Internal Medicine and Psychiatry/Psychotherapy, he completed his education with organisational development, Master Educations in Health Information Management and eGovernance. Holding key positions at the University Hospital of Zürich and the Swiss Medical Association, he fostered eHealth in Switzerland and thereafter assisted the Swiss Government in developing the National eHealth Strategy. Dr. Martin Denz currently focuses on activities eHealth and Telehealth, Health Management, Organizational and Strategy Development, eGovernance and Corporate Social Responsibility. Within EHTEL, Dr. Martin Denz takes a particularly active role on the issues of innovation in primary health care and development of sustainable telemedical services.



Dr. Friedrich Köhler, Charitè – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Friedrich Köhler is senior cardiologist and clinical lead of the project "Partnership for the Heart" in Charitè hospital in Berlin. The program and accompanying clinical study, publicly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology, was scheduled to start in 2008 in the Berlin-Brandenburg region over 12 months with 400 patients with Chronic Heart Failure (CHF). The randomized controlled study, initiated by Charitè hospital, compares conventional therapy with a new type of treatment plan that includes remote medical homecare monitoring. The project evaluates if the new treatment plan can contribute to increase the health care quality for patients with CHF while reducing the costs at the same time.



Dr. James Ferguson, Aberdeen University

Since 1999, James Ferguson is a Member of the Scottish Telemedicine Action Forum (STAF), where Telemedicine activities in Scotland are developped. He was appointed by the Scottish Executive as Clinical Lead of a £1.5 million project to establish a Telemedicine network for Emergency Care in the North of Scotland. James Ferguson is an active member of the Unscheduled Care Group developing the National Framework for Service Change in the NHS in Scotland (Kerr Report). James Ferguson is the European pioneer in the use of Cisco's Healthpresence Solution.