One 3ft x 6ft foot table with tablecloth
One power pack
Wireless Guest Access x1 per exhibition stand
Cisco personnel will assign all booths and will make every effort to provide appropriate separation from any other partners demonstrating similar/competing solutions.
Partners should provide their own event graphics/pop-up stands
2 Chairs per booth
Logo and Company Overview in Delegate Handbook
No equipment ie Call Manager or Routers will be supplied/loaned by Cisco
Exhibition Fee:
£200 Payment- Invoices will be from our Marketing Events Agency The Purple Group Ltd, 163 Francis Road, London, E10 6NT
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation fees apply. Any stands cancelled on or before Mon 15th June 09 will be subject to 50% of the overall cost of the exhibition space
Cancellation between Tuesday 16 June 09 and 25th June 09 will be liable to pay for 100% of the exhibition space charge.
Exhibition Set-Up: 7.30am - 9.30am Thursday 25th June 2009
Exhibition Break Down: 5.00pm onwards Thursday 25th June 2009
Networking Session: Partners will have the opportunity during Brunch, Lunch for Networking to visit the exhibition stands. The exhibition will be open during the course of the day to Cisco AMs, SE's, Channel Account Managers.
Cisco GuestNet Wireless connectivity will be available for email access
/ web access from laptops.
Most exhibitors will have a "canned" demo but should you require VPN
access back to your corporate network please advise us immediately.
In addition to guest wireless access, we are investigating wired LAN
guest connectivity. Please note Cisco can not help troubleshoot
connectivity issues back to your corporate and will not assist in any
configuration. You are responsbile for providing your own VPN router,
powered switches, phones and cabling for your VPN setup. Only one
Ethernet wired connection will be provided.
Please click here to view technical equipment pricing for Cisco Developer Newtork Launch 25 June 2009
Please click here to to view the floor plan and select your exhibition stand
Please complete the Launch delegate workbooks and return to Neil Latter at The Purple Group by 15 June 09 for inclusion in the delegate handbooks.
Please ensure you email a high res .gif or. jpeg copy of your company logo, quoting your stand number to Satya Maremanda to be featured on the floor plan.