This page enables you to enter the authentication
settings. The RADIUS/TACACS+ server on the your network uses EAP
to provide authentication service for wireless client devices.
Enter the host name or IP address of the access
point acting as a local RADIUS server. Other access points on your
wireless LAN use this backup authenticator when the main RADIUS
server does not respond.
Shared Secret
Enter the shared secret used by your Local/Backup
RADIUS server. The shared secret on the device must match the shared
secret on the Local/Backup server.
Current Server List
Identifies the servers that are currently available.
Enter the name or IP address of the server.
Shared Secret
Enter the shared secret used by your RADIUS/TACACS+
server. The shared secret on the device must match the shared secret
on the RADIUS/TACACS+ server.
Port (optional)
Enter the port number your RADIUS/TACACS+ server
uses for authentication. The port setting for the Cisco RADIUS server
(the Access Control Server [ACS]) is 1645, and the port setting
for many RADIUS servers is 1812. Check your server's product documentation
to find the correct port setting.
Accounting Port (optional)
Enter the port number your RADIUS server uses for
accounting. The port setting for Cisco's RADIUS server (the Access
Control Server [ACS]) is 1646, and the port setting for many RADIUS
servers is 1813. Check your server's product documentation to find
the correct accounting port setting.
EAP Authentication
Select the servers to be used for EAP authentication
in order of desired priority.
MAC Authentication
Select the servers to be used for MAC authentication
in order of desired priority.
Select the servers to be used for Accounting in
order of desired priority.
Admin Authentication (RADIUS)
Select the servers to be used for RADIUS admin
authentication in order of desired priority.
Admin Authentication (TACACS+)
Select the servers to be used for TACACS Admin
authentication in order of desired priority.