Online Help for Cisco IOS Release 12.3(07)JA

Express Setup
Express Security
Network Map
Network Interfaces
Wireless Services
System Software
Event Log


Event Log:

Start Display at Index

Enter the event with which you want the event log to begin.

Max Number of Events to Display

Enter the number of events you want displayed on the event log.


Sequentially numbers the events in the event log from the oldest to the newest.


Displays the time stamp that was recorded with the event. The displayed format is chosen on the Event Log: Configuration Options page. The time stamp format displayed is dependent on the time stamp format that was selected at the time the event occurred. Three time stamp formats are supported:

  • System Uptime - The length of time the system was operational when the event occurred. Initially, the length of time is displayed as number of seconds, increasing to minutes, days, and weeks. For example, 1w0d represents 1 week and 0 days.
  • Global Standard Time - The time of day the event occurred in UTC time. This time is recorded as Month dd hh:mm:ss.usec and the three-letter time zone (UTC). The system clock must be set for this time stamp to work.
  • Local Time - The time of day the event occurred in the local time zone. This time is recorded as Month DD hh:mm:ss:usec and three-letter time zone. The system clock must be set for this time stamp to work.


Lists the severity of the event as follows:

  • Emergency (level 0 severity) - The system is unusable.
  • Alert (level 1 severity) - An immediate action is required.
  • Critical (level 2 severity) - The conditions are critical.
  • Error (level 3 severity) - Error conditions are recorded.
  • Warning (level 4 severity) - A warning message indicates a potential error condition.
  • Notification (level 5 severity) - Normal operation is occurring but significant conditions could result.
  • Informational (level 6 severity) - An Information message provides routine information on normal activity and does not indicate an error.
  • Debugging (level 7 severity) - Debugging messages are provided.


Gives a description of the error event.

Note: The radio MAC address appears in the the access point event log. When a client roams from an access point (such as, access point alpha) to another access point (access point bravo), a message appears in the event log on access point alpha stating that the client roamed to access point bravo. The MAC address that appears in the event message is the MAC address for the radio in access point bravo instead of the Ethernet port in access point bravo.

The table below lists the CLI error and event messages. It describes the error and event, provides an explanation, and recommends an action for each message.



Recommended Action

Software Auto Upgrade Messages

SW_AUTO_UPGRADE-FATAL: Attempt to upgrade software failed, software on Flash may be deleted. Please copy software into Flash.

Auto upgrade of the software failed. The software on the Flash memory might have been deleted. Copy software into the Flash memory.

Copy software before rebooting the unit.

SW_AUTO_UPGRADE-7-FAILURE: dhcp_client_start_stop failed

Auto upgrade of the software failed because of an error in starting/stopping DHCP client process.

Copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative.

SW_AUTO_UPGRADE-7-FAILURE: Failed to obtain ip addr from dhcp server

Auto upgrade of the software failed.

Copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative.

SW_AUTO_UPGRADE-7-FAILURE: boot_file_pathent creation failed

Auto upgrade of the software failed because of an error in creation of pathent (internal data structure).

Copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative.

Association Management Messages

DOT11-3-BADSTATE: [mac-address] [chars] [chars] -> [chars]

802.11 Association and management uses a table-driven state machine to keep track of and transition an association through various states. A state transition occurs when an association receives one of many possible events. When this error occurs, an association received an event that it did not expect while in this state.

The system can continue but may lose the association that generates this error. Copy the message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical service representative.

DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface [interface], Station [char] [mac] Associated

A station associated to an access point.


DOT11-6-ADD: Interface [interface], Station [Mac] Associated to Parent [Mac]

A station associated to an access point.


DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface [interface], Deauthenticating Station [Mac] [char]

A station disassociated from an access point.


DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station [Mac-address] Roamed to [Mac-address]

A station has roamed to a new access point.


Proxy Mobile IP Subsystem Messages

PMIP-3-REG_FAIL: Mobile Node mobile ip registration failed

When a mobile node (MN) moves to a foreign network, the access point registers the MN to its home agent. This message indicates that the registration failed.

Check for correct configuration of Mobile IP agents and the access point.

PMIP-3-REG_AUTH_FAIL: Mobile Node registration failed due to authentication failure

When a mobile node (MN) moves to a foreign network, the access point registers the MN to its Home Agent. This message indicates that the registration failed because the home agent or foreign agent failed to authenticate each other or the mobile node.

Make sure the correct authentication information is configured on the home agent, the foreign agent, and the access point.

PMIP-3-REG_FA_FAIL: Mobile Node registration failed due to Foreign Agent denial

When a mobile node (MN) moves to a foreign network, the access point registers the MN to its Home Agent. This message indicates that the registration was denied by the Foreign Agent.

Make sure the correct authentication information is configured on the Home Agent, the Foreign Agent, and the access point.

PMIP-3-REG_HA_FAIL: Mobile Node registration failed due to Home Agent denial

When a Mobile node (MN) moves to a foreign network, the access point registers the MN to its Home Agent. This message indicates that the registration was denied by the Home Agent.

Make sure the correct authentication information is configured on the Home Agent, the Foreign Agent, and the access point.

PMIP-3-AUTH_UNAVAIL: Authentication for unavailable

Proxy Mobile IP failed to obtain the Mobile Node's authentication information either locally or from a AAA server.

Make sure the correct Mobile Node information is configured locally or on the AAA server.

PMIP-3-HAFA_UNAVAIL: No response from the Mobile IP Agent to our registration requests

Proxy Mobile IP failed to access the Home or Foreign Agent while trying to register the Mobile Node.

Make sure the home agent or foreign agent is not down or is network inaccessible. Also check that the subnet map information regarding the Home Agent is correct.

PMIP-6-HAFA_DOWN: Mobile IP Agent is down or unavailable

Mobile IP Home or Foreign agent has gone down or is inaccessible to the access point.

Make sure there is at least one Home and Foreign Agent configured on that subnet and is accessible to the access point.

PMIP-3-AAP_UNAVAIL: Authoritative Access Point is unavailable

The authoritative access point cannot be reached to obtain subnet map table.

Make sure all the access points have the same information regarding Authoritative and regular access points.

PMIP-6-START: Proxy Mobile IP services has started

Proxy Mobile IP service has started.


PMIP-6-STOP: Proxy Mobile IP services have stopped

Proxy Mobile IP service has stopped.


Unzip Messages

SOAP-4-UNZIP_OVERFLOW: Failed to unzip Flash:/c1200-k9w7-mx.122-3.6.JA1/html/level15/ap_xxx.htm.gz, exceeds maximum uncompressed html size

The HTTP server cannot retrieve a compressed file in response to an HTTP GET request because the size of the file is too large for the buffers used in the uncompression process.

Make sure file is a valid HTML page. If so, you'll have to copy an uncompressed version of the file into Flash memory to retrieve it through HTTP.

802.11 Subsystem Messages

DOT11-6-FREQ_INUSE: Radio frequency [int] is in use

When scanning for an unused frequency, the unit recognized another radio using the displayed frequency.


DOT11-6-FREQ_USED: Radio frequency [int] selected

After scanning for an unused frequency, the unit selected the displayed frequency.


DOT11-4-VERSION_MISMATCH: Require radio version [hex].[int], found version [hex].[int]

When starting the radio, the wrong firmware version was found. The radio will be loaded with the required version.


DOT11-2-VERSION_INVALID: Unable to find required radio version [hex].[int]

When trying to re-flash the radio firmware, the access point recognized that the radio firmware packaged with the Cisco IOS firmware had the incorrect version.


DOT11-4-NO_SSID: No SSIDs configured, radio not started

All SSIDs were deleted from the configuration. At least one must be configured for the radio to run.

Configure at least one SSID on the access point.

DOT11-4-FLASHING_RADIO: Flashing the radio firmware ([chars])

The radio has been stopped to load new firmware.


DOT11-2-NO_FIRMWARE: No radio firmware file ([chars]) was found

When trying to flash new firmware into the radio, the file for the radio was not found in the flash file system.

The wrong image has been loaded into the unit. Locate the correct image based on the type of radio used.

DOT11-2-BAD_FIRMWARE: Radio firmware file ([chars]) is invalid

When trying to flash new firmware into the radio, the file was found to be invalid.

Put the correct firmware image file in the place where the unit is looking.

DOT11-4-FLASH_RADIO_DONE: Flashing the radio firmware completed

The radio firmware flash is complete, and the radio will be restarted with the new firmware.


DOT11-4-LINK_DOWN: Radio parent lost: [chars]

The connection to the parent access point was lost for the displayed reason. The unit will try to find a new parent access point.


DOT11-4-CANT_ASSOC: Cannot associate: [chars]

The unit could not establish a connection to a parent access point for the displayed reason.

Check the configuration of both the parent access point and this unit to make sure the basic settings (SSID, WEP, and others) match.

Inter-Access Point Protocol Messages

DOT11-6-ROAMED: Station [Mac-address] Roamed to [Mac-address]

A station has roamed to a new access point.


DOT11-6-STANDBY_ACTIVE: Standby to Active, Reason = [chars] ([int])

The access point is transitioning from standby mode to active mode.


DOT11-6-ROGUE_AP: Rogue AP [Mac-address] reported. Reason: [chars]

A station has reported a potential rogue access point for the stated reason.


SCHED-3-UNEXPECTEDMESSAGE: Unknown message [hex] received (ptr arg [hex], num arg [hex]).

A process can register to be notified when various events occur in the router. This message indicates that a process received a message from another process that it does not know how to handle.

Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.

SCHED-3-UNEXPECTEDEVENT: Process received unknown event (maj [hex], min [hex]).

A process can register to be notified when various events occur in the router. This message indicates that a process received an event that it did not know how to handle.

Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.