This page enables you to add users to the system, remove users from the system, and assign user capabilities.
Administrator Authenticated by:
- Default Authentication (Global Password)
- Local List Only (Individual Passwords)
- Authentication Server Only
- Authentication Server if not found in Local List
- Local List if no response from Authentication Server
You are required to define at least one Admin Authentication on the Server Manager window if you select either Authentication Server Only, Authentication Server if not found in Local List, or Local List if no response from Authentication Server.
If you choose Local List Only, Authentication Server if not found in Local List, or Local List if no response from Authentication Server, you must first go to the Local User List section on the bottom of the window, enter the user information, and click Apply to add each entry. If you don't proceed in this order, you cannot access the access point as one of the users.
Authentication Cache
Enable authentication cache to improve HTML performance when an authentication server is used.
Default Authentication Password
If you chose Default Authentication in the Administrator Authenticated by field above, you must determine the authentication password to use as the default. Using this authentication, the username is skipped, and only a password is entered. The Default Authentication Password is the same as the Enable password in Cisco IOS software.
Note: In this text field, the following characters are not allowed: TAB, ?, $, +, and [. In addition, the following three characters cannot be the first character: !, #, and ;.
Confirm Authentication Password
Re-enter this default password for confirmation.
User List
Any assigned users are displayed in the Local User List. You must add user information and click Apply on this portion of the window before selecting the Local List Only or Authentication Server Only options in the Administrator Authentication By section at the top of the window. If you want to delete a user, highlight the name in the User List and click Delete.
Enter a username for the new user.
Enter a password for the new user.
Note: In this text field, the following six characters are not allowed: +, ], /, ", TAB, and trailing SPACE. In addition, the following three characters cannot be the first character: !, #, and ;.
Confirm Password
Reenter the password.
Capability Settings
Click to select read-only or read-write capabilities. Only the following pages are available to users with Read-Only capabilities:
- Home (ap_home.htm)
- Network Map (ap_network-map.htm)
- Association (ap_assoc.htm)
- Network Interfaces Summary (ap_network-if.htm)
- System Software Summary (ap_system-sw.htm)
- Event Log (ap_event-log.htm)
- Services (ap_services.htm)
- Wireless Services (ap_contextmgr.htm)