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Management System Setup : Database Query

Use this page to find and change the value of many managed objects. To find the value of a managed object, type the object identifier in the object identifier (OID) field and click Get. To set an object's value, type the object identifier in the OID field, type the value you want to assign to the object in the Value field, and click Set.



Type the OID. You can use the integer or ASCII version of the OID. If you use the integer version of the OID, you must type the entire OID string (, for example). If you use the ASCII name, you can often use the object's name as specified in the appropriate MIB (enable SNMP, for example).


When you click Get, the object's value appears in the Value field. If you want to assign a value to an object, you type an SNMP value in this field and click Set.

Action Buttons




Find an object's value.


Assign a value to an object.


Return the page to the default setting.



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