Cybersecurity in ASEAN: An Urgent Call to Action
(www.NetAcad.com) is an IT skills
and career-buildingprogramfor
learning institutions and
NetworkingAcademy delivers
classroom instruction, online
teachingmaterials, interactive
tools, andhands-on learning to
students fromevery socioeco-
nomic background so they can
develop the knowledge and skills
required to succeed in a
More than 7.8millionpeople have
joined theNetworkingAcademy
andhave become a force for
change in the global economy
since 1997. More than 1million
students enroll each year in 180
countries. It has a network of
more than 22,000 instructors and
more 10,400educational institu-
tions use the academy’s
curriculum. InASEANalone, more
than 770,000 students have been
trained, withmore than 500
academies and 1,400 instructors.
In support of the skills-to-jobs
learning experience is an unparal-
leled ecosystemwhichprovides
support to the educational
institutions and their students.
With a focus on corporate social
responsibility, Ciscoprovides the
curriculum, learningplatform,
and 24/7 teaching and learning
resources. There aremore than
650 support and trainingpartners
throughout theworld that provide
services to themember educa-
tional institutions. The program
also offers discounts on certifi-
cation exams and equipment
necessary as part of the instruc-
tional space. Global communities
and local learning institutes
provide instructors, students,
classroomspace, and lab
NetAcad.com, the global delivery
platform, supports the entire
programthroughout theworld.
global delivery platform is
available in seven languageswith
some courses translated into as
many as eighteen languages. One
of themost powerful components
of the platform is the custom
assessment engine that provides
detailed reports on a student’s
learning strengths and
weaknesseswith recommended
course topics to help close the
gaps. The platformalso delivers a
world-class learning
management environment, which
enables instructors tomanage
and customize their classroom
and interactionswith their
portfolio learningoutcomes
include the following:
• Exploratory offerings
emphasize exposure to new
ideas and some basic
conceptual understandingwith
a taste of the breadth of skills
onemight learn—with thedesire
to encourage students to
consider a career in a particular
technology area or type of
• Foundational offerings develop
a breadth of conceptual
understanding andpractice of
beginning and intermediate
skills that formthe basis for
choosingone or two areas to
specialize their skills.
• Career-ready offerings give
students the depth of skills
needed toprepare for an
entry-level jobor increased
specialization using iterative
learn-and-apply skill cycles in
every lesson.
• Collaborate for Impact are
checkpoint experienceswithin
the foundational and career-
ready offerings that synthesize
all skills learned to date in a
real-world, problem-solving
The portfolio includes a heavy
emphasis onpreparation for
industry-recognized certifica-
tions, which lead to greater
employment opportunities (see
AppendixC: TheNetworking
Academy’s LearningPortfolio on
page 51).
challenges. This makes it difficult for companies to compete on the national, regional, and global
level and reduces the choice of viable and usable cybersecurity technologies to which citizens
and businesses have access.
A tactical approach to overcome fragmentation in the local vendor landscape is the development
of a certification framework for security products, consistent with the EU’s security-by-design
approach. The supply of ICT security products and services in ASEAN as well as in the EU has