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Thousands of Cisco partners
attended the 2017 Partner
Summit this past fall in Dallas, Texas, at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Con-
version Center, October 31 to November 2. Partner Summit is essen-
tially where Cisco shares its vision and strategic plan with its partner
community, takes pride in the evolution of its world-class channels
program, and shares how key programs will continue to support and
provide profitable growth for its partners. With a significant portion of
Cisco revenue generated by its global partners, how could it be any-
thing other than a lovefest?
in addition to the first-ever impact session dedicated to network pro-
grammability, a compelling impact session on security, and another
session on multicloud, Cisco recognized its most outstanding part-
ners, including several diverse partners that generated nearly 10 per-
cent of FY17 revenue. Twenty or so awards were captured by diverse
partners, including World Wide Technology
( WWT ), which garnered
awards .Other noted diverse partners who won awards at this
year’s summit include
NetSync Network Solutions, SHI, Universal e- Business Solutions ,and
Zones ,Inc. Learn more about the partner
programs here.
Cisco Partner Lovefest:
Summit 2017
7th Partner Operations Diversity
Cybersecurity Awareness
Did you know that there are five types of Cisco
• Resellers
• Service providers
• Multi-partners
• IoT partners
• Marketplaces
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco
trademarks, go to this URL:
www.cisco.com/go/trademarks.Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The
use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those who don't know they have been
hacked. “ —John Chambers, former CEO, Cisco
The month of October is national cybersecu-
rity awareness month
, and Cisco is a champion sponsor
of this annual campaign. Cisco Diversity Business Practices (DBP)
did its part to bring awareness to cybersecurity at this year’s Partner
Operations Diversity Forum held during the 2017 National Minority
Supplier Diversity Council Annual Conference and Business Oppor-
tunity Exchange in Detroit, Michigan.
Data breaches at major companies are reported almost daily, but
are occurring much more rapidly and frequently. We all have been
affected by data breaches, and so has nearly every industry and
country. Doubtful? Think Equifax. Yahoo. Home Depot.
Cisco Gold Partner
Zones, Inc. ,a security solutions provider with a
sales channel that is among the best and brightest, served as the
technology sponsor and helped facilitate an interactive demo on
how our daily lives are touched by the solutions that help protect us
from being hacked. The Cisco Customer Experience team produced
an interactive Cisco network security solution by using a simple air-
port analogy that looked at each component of the robust solution.
Forum attendees got to see how Cisco’s multiple layers of defense
give access to users and block access to impostors, all while helping
to protect the network.
This annual forum, a flagship Cisco DBP program, drew a customer
audience that represented over $154 million and a diverse partner
audience representing close to $4 billion in Cisco fiscal year 2017