NASPO ValuePoint Cloud - Missouri

This contract will expire effective June 30, 2024. Please see NASPO ValuePoint AR3227 as an alternative procurement option. 

NVP #AR2477

Participating Addendum for Missouri
Contract Start Date: 9/19/2018
Contract End Date: 9/15/2026*

*This contract will expire early.  This contract will expire effective June 30, 2024.

Authorized NVP Resellers for the State

The following Cisco partners 1) currently qualify under Cisco's established partner selection criteria for the above-referenced Cisco Prime Contract, and 2) have been authorized by the State to participate as Cisco Subcontractors under that agreement:

To verify a Partner's current Cisco Technical Certifications or Specializations, please refer to the Partner Locator Tool.

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Master Agreement: MA
Participating Addendum: PA
Attachment: Att
Amendment: Amdt
Exhibit: Ex

Scope of Offerings: This addendum covers Cloud Solutions led by the State of Utah. Please refer to NASPO Cloud Service Offerings with Descriptions for further details. Refer to PA, §1.

Eligible Users: State agencies governed by Chapter 34 RSMo, political subdivisions, and universities of the State of Missouri as authorized by that state's statutes to utilize State contracts with the prior approval of the Director of the Division of Purchasing. Refer to PA, §1.

Please refer to NASPO Cloud Service Offerings with Descriptions for further details.

Cloud Service Discount: 10%

The NVP Cisco Master Agreement AR2477 is a "discount off list price" contract and the Authorized Resellers cannot offer less favorable pricing discounts than the contract discounts.. Contract pricing is benchmarked to Cisco's current US Availability Global Price List as updated during the contract term. Minimum contract discounts off the Cisco US Availability Global Price List have been established for eligible purchasers. The minimum discounts offered by Cisco is firm for the contract term. However, additional incremental discounts may be offered during the term by Cisco Authorized Resellers in addition to the minimum, guaranteed discounts offered by Cisco at the discretion and as the sole legal obligation of the Authorized Resellers.

Value Services Onsite NTE Amount/Hour* Remote NTE Amount/Hour*
Maintenance Services $600.00 $525.00
Professional Services-Deployment $743.17 $661.17
Consulting/Advisory Services $743.17 $661.17
Architectural Design Services $743.17 $661.17
Statement of Work Services $743.17 $661.17
Partner Services $600.00 $525.00
Training Deployment Services $600.00 $525.00

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*Onsite NTE Amount/Hour: Customer Premise Labor Rates Not To Exceed Hourly

*Remote NTE Amount/Hour: Vendor Premise Labor Rates Not To Exceed Hourly

NOTE: The hourly rates provided for Cisco Services are Not-To-Exceed (NTE) rates. Individual hours, or blocks of hours, may not be purchased separately. Cisco will use these rates to determine the total fixed price of a customer-approved Statement of Work (SOW) with specific deliverables. For “Partner Services”, please contact the authorized resellers directly for their rates. They are authorized to only provide Basic Installation and Configuration services (i.e. rack and stack work, installation of purchased Cisco equipment, etc.) under this Cisco Master Agreement AR2477.

Cisco Systems, Inc. ("Cisco") requires Purchase Orders to be processed through our Authorized Resellers. Customers (Authorized Purchasers) may select any of the Authorized Resellers listed below.

Purchase Order Instructions

  1. Select one of the Authorized Resellers for this contract.
  2. Issue the Purchase Order directly to the selected Authorized Reseller.
  3. Reference the NVP Cisco Master Agreement AR2477 and your State's NVP Participating Addendum contract # (if applicable) on your Purchase Order.
  4. Include the following contact info: Your customer name and phone number, "Ship To" and "Bill To" addresses.
  5. Authorized Resellers will directly ship the orders placed to the identified "Ship To" address(es). Customers will then be invoiced directly by the Authorized Resellers. Payments must be made in accordance with the terms of the NVP Cisco Master Agreement AR2477 and your State's respective NVP Participating Addendum.

Warranty Terms

Please refer to the Cisco NVP Cloud Solutions Master Agreement AR2477 for warranty terms.

Repair or Replacement of Products

Please directly contact the Authorized Reseller who processed your original Purchase Order for the Cisco Products. Subject to the warranty terms of the Cisco NVP Cloud Solutions Master Agreement AR2477, the Authorized Reseller will work with you and Cisco on the matter.

Blanket POs are not allowed under the contract.

Additional or conflicting PO terms are not allowed under contract.

For any questions or inquiries regarding the NVP #AR2477 contract, please send an email Email Icon with the following details:

  • Full Name
  • Company
  • Title
  • Email Address
  • Related Participating State(s) inquiry is referencing
  • Detailed inquiry/request

For any SKU related questions or inquiries, please complete the SKU Request Form.

NVP Reporting - Web Portal

Cisco MO Sales Contact:

Cisco MO Channels Contact:

State of MO Contact:

Cisco Technical Assistance: