Upgrade to Smart PHY Patches

This upgrade procedure applies only to upgrading from Cisco Smart PHY 3.1.3 to its patches. Clusters running Cisco Smart PHY 3.1.1 and Cisco Smart PHY 3.1.2 must perform a fresh install of Cisco Smart PHY 3.1.3.

Prerequisites for Smart PHY Upgrade

The following are the prerequisites for upgrading the Cisco Smart PHY software:

  • The cluster is already running a Cisco Smart PHY version

  • The original installation directory and the configuration file are available, at smartphy-installer-<orig_version>

  • A deployer is available

Upgrade Cisco Smart PHY


Step 1

Copy the Cisco Smart PHY software image to the Staging Server.

Step 2

Run the following command to extract the TAR file.

tar xvfz smartphy-installer-<new_version>.tgz
Step 3

Change the directory to the smartphy-installer-<new_version> directory.

Step 4

Run the following upgrade preparation script to copy the new software packages to the original installation directory.

./upgrade-prep smartphy-installer-<orig_version>

This script overwrites the existing software packages in the original installation directory.

Step 5

Change the directory to the smartphy-installer-<orig_version> directory.

Step 6

Run the following script to upgrade the deployer with the new software packages.

./deploy -c <config.yaml> -u

This script downloads the new software packages to the deployer. The original software packages in the deployer are retained without any changes.

Step 7

Run the following command to upgrade the Cisco Smart PHY cluster.

./deploy -c <config.yaml> -i upgrade

Upgrade Without Original Install Directory

If the original installation directory is not available, use the following procedure:


Step 1

Copy the Cisco Smart PHY software image to the Staging Server.

Step 2

Run the following command to extract the TAR file.

tar xvfz smartphy-installer-<new_version>.tgz
Step 3

Change the directory to the smartphy-installer-<new_version> directory.

Step 4

Add the configuration file and the SSH private files to your new install directory.

Step 5

Run the following script to upgrade the deployer with the new software packages.

./deploy -c <config.yaml> -u

This script downloads the new software packages to the deployer. The autodeploy script prompts you to enter the passwords. Make sure you enter the original passwords that you entered when you installed the deployer and the Cisco Smart PHY cluster.

Step 6

Run the following command to upgrade the Cisco Smart PHY cluster.

./deploy -c <config.yaml> -i upgrade

Upgrade Without an Existing Deployer

If you do not have a deployer, use the following procedure:


Step 1

Copy the Cisco Smart PHY software image to the Staging Server.

Step 2

Run the following command to extract the TAR file.

tar xvfz smartphy-installer-<new_version>.tgz
Step 3

Change the directory to the smartphy-installer-<new_version> directory.

Step 4

Run the following upgrade preparation script to copy the new software packages to the original installation directory.

./upgrade-prep smartphy-installer-<orig_version>

This script overwrites the existing software packages in the original installation directory.

Step 5

Change the directory to the smartphy-installer-<orig_version> directory.

Step 6

Run the following command to upgrade the Cisco Smart PHY cluster.

./deploy -c <config.yaml> -i upgrade

The script installs a new deployer, before upgrading the Smart PHY cluster.