Prepare Staging Server

The staging server may be a physical server, a virtual machine, or even a laptop. However, the staging server must be connected to the target VMware vSphere Infrastructure, vCenter Server, and cluster nodes with correct credentials.


The staging server requires the following software:

  • docker 18.09.7 or later

  • python 3.6 or later

Unpack Cisco Smart PHY Application Package

The Cisco Smart PHY software image is a compressed tarball file that is self-sufficient for installing the Deployer and the Smart PHY cluster. It contains the following files:

  • Installation script

  • All relevant product images

  • Sample configuration files

  • README file

Before you begin

Make sure that you have a minimum of 50 G disk space to extract the image.


Step 1

Unpack the signed TAR software image of the Cisco Smart PHY application:

The file is approximately 10 G.

After downloading the image, extract all individual files, and verify the signature of the files using the following steps.

Step 2

Run the following command to extract the TAR file: tar -zxovf smartphy-installer-<version>.SSA.tgz

This command extracts the following files:



  • image.tgz

  • image.tgz.signature

  • signed_files

Step 3

Run the following command to extract all individual files of the cluster, Operations Hub, and Cisco Smart PHY:

tar -zxovf smartphy-installer-<version>.tgz


The smartphy-installer-<version>.SSA.tgz file is extracted to the smartphy-installer-<version> directory.

Step 4

Change the directory to smartphy-installer-<version> directory.

cd smartphy-installer-<version>
The new staging directory smartphy-installer-<version> has the following content:
$ tree -a
├── cluster-deployer-airgap.vmdk
├── cluster-deployer-airgap.vmdk.signature
├── deploy
├── deploy.signature
├── examples
│   ├── aio-smartphy-config.yaml
│   ├── aio-smartphy-standby-config.yaml
│   ├── deployer-sample-config.yaml
│   ├── multinode-smartphy-config.yaml
│   └── multinode-smartphy-standby-config.yaml
├── offline-products
│   ├── cee-<version>.tar
│   ├── cee-<version>.tar.signature
│   ├── opshub-master-<version>.tar
│   ├── opshub-master-<version>.tar.signature
│   ├── smartphy-master-<version>.tar
│   └── smartphy-master-<version>.tar.signature
├── upgrade-prep
└── utility-images
    ├── autodeploy_<version>.tar.gz
    ├── autodeploy_<version>.tar.gz.signature
    ├── cluster-manager-docker-deployer_<version>.tar
    └── cluster-manager-docker-deployer_<version>.tar.signature

This directory is referred to as the staging directory in this document.
Step 5

Run the script.


./ SMART_PHY_REL_KEY-CCO_RELEASE.cer smartphy-installer-<version>.tgz
The following messages appear:
Verifying signature

Signature verification succeeded

If the signature verification fails, error messages appear on the screen. If error messages appear, download the software package once again.