Downstream Interface Configuration

This document describes how to configure the downstream interfaces on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

Finding Feature Information

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the Feature Information Table at the end of this document.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http:/​/​​ITDIT/​CFN/​. An account on http:/​/​​ is not required.

Hardware Compatibility Matrix for Cisco cBR Series Routers


The hardware components introduced in a given Cisco IOS-XE Release are supported in all subsequent releases unless otherwise specified.

Table 1 Hardware Compatibility Matrix for the Cisco cBR Series Routers

Cisco CMTS Platform

Processor Engine

Interface Cards

Cisco cBR-8 Converged Broadband Router

Cisco IOS-XE Release 3.15.0S and Later Releases

Cisco cBR-8 Supervisor:




Cisco IOS-XE Release 3.15.0S and Later Releases

Cisco cBR-8 CCAP Line Cards:

  • PID—CBR-LC-8D30-16U30

  • PID—CBR-LC-8D31-16U30



Cisco cBR-8 Downstream PHY Modules:



Cisco cBR-8 Upstream PHY Modules:


1 Effective with Cisco IOS-XE Release 3.17.0S, CBR-CCAP-SUP-60G supports 8 cable line cards. The total traffic rate is limited to 60Gbps, the total number of downstream service flow is limited to 72268, and downstream unicast low-latency flow does not count against the limits.

Information About Downstream Interface Configuration


  • Each downstream port requires port level configuration and channel level configuration. Port level configuration is optimized with a frequency profile that defines ranges of frequencies available on the port. Channel level configuration is optimized with a QAM profile and channel range configuration block that auto-increments frequency and duplicates annex, modulation, and interleaver.

  • Each channel requires a set of parameters: frequency, annex, modulation, interleaver, and DOCSIS channel id.

  • Configuration is done in 4 major blocks of configuration:

    • QAM Profile—Example: “cable downstream qam-profile 1”

    • Frequency Profile—Example: “cable downstream freq-profile 2”

    • Port/Controller—Example: “controller Integrated-Cable 3/0/0”

    • RF Channel block—Example: “rf-chan 0 31”

Downstream RF Port and Channel Management

The downstream RF port and channel management feature is responsible for the configuration and management of the downstream RF ports and channels. Each downstream RF channel can be provisioned either as a DOCSIS or traditional MPEG video QAM channel.

QAM Profile

A QAM profile describes the common downstream channel modulator settings, referred to as physical layer parameters. This includes QAM constellation, symbol rate, interleaver-depth, spectrum-inversion, and annex. The QAM profile is described by CCAP DownPhyParams object. Default QAM profiles are supported and customized for DOCSIS or MPEG Video, which are described as DocsisPhyDefault and VideoPhyDefault objects, respectively.

A maximum of 32 QAM profiles can be defined. There are four system-defined QAM profiles (0 to 3), which cannot be deleted or modified. You can define profiles 4 to 31.

The system defined profiles are:

  • Profile 0 - default-annex-b-64-qam
    • interleaver-depth: I32-J4

    • symbol rate: 5057 kilo-symbol/second

    • spectrum-inversion: off

  • Profile 1 - default-annex-b-256-qam

    • interleaver-depth: I32-J4

    • symbol rate: 5361 kilo-symbol/second

    • spectrum-inversion: off

  • Profile 2 - default-annex-a-64-qam

    • interleaver-depth: I12-J17

    • symbol rate: 6952 kilo-symbol/second

    • spectrum-inversion: off

  • Profile 3 - default-annex-a-256-qam

    • interleaver-depth: I12-J17

    • symbol rate: 6952 kilo-symbol/second

    • spectrum-inversion: off

Frequency Profile

A frequency profile defines the ranges of frequencies available on a port. A maximum of 16 frequency profiles can be defined. There are four system-defined frequency profiles (0 to 3), which cannot be deleted or modified. You can define profiles 4 to 15.

The system defined profiles are:

  • Profile 0 - annex-b-low, Frequency range (Hz): 90000000 - 863999999

  • Profile 1 - annex-b-high, Frequency range (Hz): 234000000 - 1002999999

  • Profile 2 - annex-a-low, Frequency range (Hz): 94000000 - 867999999

  • Profile 3 - annex-a-high, Frequency range (Hz): 267000000 - 1002999999

The frequency ranges are defined using lanes and blocks:

  • Four lanes per port, each lane can support 216 MHz range.

  • Four blocks per lane, each block can support 54 MHz range.

  • Lanes and blocks may have overlapping frequency ranges.

How to Configure Downstream Interfaces

This section contains the following:

Configuring the Cisco CMTS Manually Using Configuration Mode

Connect a console terminal to the console port on the I/O controller. When asked if you want to enter the initial dialog, answer no to go into the normal operating mode of the router. After a few seconds the user EXEC prompt (Router>) appears.

Configuring the QAM Profile on the Downstream Channels


     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1enable

    Router> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2configure terminal

    Router# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 cable downstream qam-profile Qam_Profile_ID

    Router(config)# cable downstream qam-profile 3

    Defines or modifies a QAM profile.

    Step 4 annex {A | B | C}

    Router(config-qam-prof)#  annex A

    Defines the profile MPEG framing format. The default is Annex B.

    Step 5 description LINE

    Router(config-qam-prof)#  description qam1

    Name or description for this profile.

    Step 6interleaver-depth {I12-J17 | I128-J1 | I128-J2 | I128-J3 | I128-J4 | I128-J5 | I128-J6 | I128-J7 | I128-J8 | I16-J8 | I32-J4 | I64-J2 | I8-J16}

    Router(config-qam-prof)#  interleaver-depth I64-J2

    Defines the interleaver depth. The default is I32 J4 for DOCSIS.

    Step 7 modulation {256 | 64}

    Router(config-qam-prof)#  modulation 64

    Defines the modulation. The default is 256QAM.

    Step 8 spectrum-inversion {off | on}

    Router(config-qam-prof)#  spectrum-inversion on

    Enables or disables spectrum inversion. Default is off.

    Step 9 symbol-rate value

    Router(config-qam-prof)#  symbol-rate 5057

    Defines the symbol rate. Value is in kilo-symbol/sec.

    Step 10exit

    Router(config-qam-prof)# exit

    Exits from the QAM profile configuration mode.


    Configuring the Frequency Profile on the Downstream Channels


       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1enable

      Router> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2configure terminal

      Router# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 cable downstream freq-profile DS_frequency_profile_ID

      Router(config)# cable downstream freq-profile 4

      Defines or modifies a frequency profile.

      Step 4 lane lane_id start-freq start_freq_value

      Router(config-freq-prof)# lane 1 start-freq 90000000

      Defines the frequency lanes.

      Step 5 block block_id start-freq bl_start_freq_value

      Router(config-freq-prof-lane)#block 1 start-freq 90000000

      Configures the lane frequency blocks.

      Step 6exit

      Router(config-freq-prof-lane)# exit

      Exits from the frequency lane configuration mode.


      Configuring the Controller on the Downstream Channels


         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1enable

        Router> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2configure terminal

        Router# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3 controller integrated-cable slot/subslot/port

        Router(config)#controller Integrated-Cable 3/0/0

        Enters the controller sub-mode.

        Step 4 base-channel-power value

        Router(config-controller)#base-channel-power 26

        Sets the base channel power level. If not specified, the default value is calculated based on the number of carriers. Maximum limit is 34 dBmV DRFI. If you configure a value greater than the maximum specified by DRFI, the following message is displayed:

        Caution: RF Power above DRFI specification. May result in minor fidelity degradation.

        Step 5 freq-profile number

        Router(config-controller)#freq-profile 0

        Specifies the frequency profile for the port.

        Step 6 max-carrier value

        Router(config-controller)#max-carrier 1

        Specifies the maximum number of carriers.

        Step 7 mute


        Mutes the port. Use the no prefix to unmute the port. Default is "no mute".

        Step 8 rf-chan starting_Qam_ID ending_Qam_ID

        Router(config-controller)#rf-chan 0 1

        Enters RF channel configuration sub-mode to configure an individual channel or a block of channels.

        Step 9 shutdown


        Changes the port administration state to down. Use the no prefix to change the port administration state to up.


        Configuring the RF Channel on a Controller

        The RF channel submode is entered from the channel controller configuration submode using the rf-chan command as described in the previous section. If an individual channel was specified in the rf-chan command, only that channel configuration is changed. If a block of channels was specified in the rf-chan command, the configuration change is applied to all channels in the block.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 docsis-channel-id dcid

          Router(config-rf-chan)#docsis-channel-id 1

          Changes the channel DOCSIS channel identifier. In block mode, the value is assigned to the first channel and incremented for successive channels.

          Step 2 frequency value

          Router(config-rf-chan)#frequency 93000000

          Configures the channel's center frequency in Hz. The available frequency range is determined from the port's frequency profile, if configured. If not configured, the available range will be the full port spectrum. In block mode, the frequency will be assigned to the first channel. Successive channels will get the next center frequency for the annex specified in the QAM profile (+6 Hz for Annex B, +8 Hz for Annex A).

          Step 3 mute


          Mutes the RF channel. Enter the no prefix to unmute the channel. Default is "no mute".

          Step 4 power-adjust pwr_adj_range

          Router(config-rf-chan)#power-adjust 8.0 -  0.0  dBmV

          Adjusts the RF channel's power.

          Step 5 qam-profile qam_profile_number

          Router(config-rf-chan)#qam-profile 0

          Specifies the QAM profile for this channel.

          Step 6 rf-output value

          Router(config-rf-chan)#rf-output normal

          Changes the RF output mode to test the channel.

          Step 7shutdown


          Changes the channel administration state to down. Use the no prefix to change the channel administration state to up. The default is "no shut".

          Step 8 type value

          Router(config-rf-chan)#type video

          Configures the channel QAM type. The default is DOCSIS.


          Configuration Examples

          Downstream Interface Configuration Example

          The example below shows the configuration of:
          • QAM Profile—The system defined QAM profile for Annex B and 256 QAM.

          • Frequency Profile—The system defined frequency profile annex-b-low.

          • Controller and RF channel—Port 0 on slot 3/0 with frequency profile 0; 96 channels with QAM profile 1 and center frequencies starting at 93 MHz.

          cable downstream qam-profile 1
            annex B
            modulation 256
            interleaver-depth I32-J4
            symbol-rate 5361
            spectrum-inversion off
            description default-annex-b-256-qam
          cable downstream freq-profile 0
            lane 1 start-freq 90000000
              block 1 start-freq 90000000
              block 2 start-freq 138000000
              block 3 start-freq 186000000
              block 4 start-freq 234000000
            lane 2 start-freq 282000000
              block 1 start-freq 282000000
              block 2 start-freq 330000000
              block 3 start-freq 378000000
              block 4 start-freq 426000000
            lane 3 start-freq 474000000
              block 1 start-freq 474000000
              block 2 start-freq 522000000
              block 3 start-freq 570000000
              block 4 start-freq 618000000
            lane 4 start-freq 666000000
              block 1 start-freq 666000000
              block 2 start-freq 714000000
              block 3 start-freq 762000000
              block 4 start-freq 810000000
          controller Integrated-Cable 3/0/0
           max-carrier 128
           base-channel-power 34
           freq-profile 0
           rf-chan 0 95
            type DOCSIS
            frequency 93000000
            rf-output NORMAL
            power-adjust 0
            docsis-channel-id 1
            qam-profile 1

          Show Command Examples for Displaying the State

          Use the following commands to display the state of any QAM profile, Frequency profile, downstream controller or channel.

          QAM Profile Configuration Example

          Router#show cable qam-profile 0
          QAM Profile ID 0: default-annex-b-64-qam
                  annex: B
                  modulation: 64
                  interleaver-depth: I32-J4
                  symbol rate: 5057 kilo-symbol/second
                  spectrum-inversion: off

          Frequency Profile Configuration Example

          Router#show cable freq-profile 0
          Frequency Profile ID 0 annex-b-low:
                  Lane 1 start-freq 90000000hz
                          Block 1 start-freq 90000000hz
                          Block 2 start-freq 138000000hz
                          Block 3 start-freq 186000000hz
                          Block 4 start-freq 234000000hz
                  Lane 2 start-freq 282000000hz
                          Block 1 start-freq 282000000hz
                          Block 2 start-freq 330000000hz
                          Block 3 start-freq 378000000hz
                          Block 4 start-freq 426000000hz
                  Lane 3 start-freq 474000000hz
                          Block 1 start-freq 474000000hz
                          Block 2 start-freq 522000000hz
                          Block 3 start-freq 570000000hz
                          Block 4 start-freq 618000000hz
                  Lane 4 start-freq 666000000hz
                          Block 1 start-freq 666000000hz
                          Block 2 start-freq 714000000hz
                          Block 3 start-freq 762000000hz
                          Block 4 start-freq 810000000hz

          Controller Configuration Example

          Router#show controller Integrated-Cable 3/0/0 rf-port 
            Admin:  UP  MaxCarrier: 128  BasePower: 34 dBmV  Mode: normal
            Rf Module 0: UP
            Frequency profile: 0
            Free freq block list has 1 blocks:
              666000000 - 863999999
            Rf Port Status: UP

          RF Channel Configuration Example

          Router#show controller integrated-Cable 3/0/0 rf-channel 0-3 95
          Chan State Admin Frequency  Type   Annex Mod  srate Interleaver  dcid  power  output
           0     UP   UP   93000000   DOCSIS  B    256   5361  I32-J4       1    34     NORMAL
           1     UP   UP   99000000   DOCSIS  B    256   5361  I32-J4       2    34     NORMAL
           2     UP   UP   105000000  DOCSIS  B    256   5361  I32-J4       3    34     NORMAL
           3     UP   UP   111000000  DOCSIS  B    256   5361  I32-J4       4    34     NORMAL
           95    UP   UP   663000000  DOCSIS  B    256   5361  I32-J4       96   34     NORMAL
          Router# show controller integrated-Cable 3/0/0 rf-channel 0 verbose
          Chan State Admin Frequency  Type   Annex Mod  srate Interleaver  dcid  power  output
           0     UP   UP   93000000   DOCSIS  B    256   5361  I32-J4       1    34     NORMAL
           Qam profile: 1
           Spectrum Inversion: Off
           Frequency Lane: 1  Block: 1  index: 1
           Resource status:   OK
           License: granted <02:00:04 EDT Jan 2 2012>
           JIB channel number: 0
          Chan EnqQ  Pipe  RAF SyncTmr Vid Mac            Video Primary DqQ  TM Mpts Sniff
             0     0     0   4       0   0 0000.0000.0000     0       0    0  0    0 NO
          Grp  Prio P  Prate Phy0-ctl Phy1-ctl Enable Tun-Id  L2TPv3_Ses_id
             0    0  0     1        1        0   TRUE       0      0
          Chan  Qos-Hi Qos-Lo  Med-Hi Med-Lo  Low-Hi Low-Lo
             0  32774  16384   32768  16384   65536  32768
          Chan  Med Low TB-neg Qos_Exc  Med_Xof  Low_Xof       Qdrops  Pos Qlen(Hi-Med-lo) Fl
              0   0   0      0       0        0        0            0  Y     0     0     0  0
          DSPHY Info:
            DSPHY Register Local Copy: QPRHI = c0000163, QPRLO = e30d0
            DSPHY Register Local Copy Vaddr = 80000290, qam2max_mapping = 80000000
            DSPHY Register Local Copy: SPR ID = 0, SPR Mapping= c200000a
            Last read from HW: Mon Jan  2 02:02:04 2012
             QPRHI = c0000163, QPRLO = e30d0, SPR = c200000a SPRMAPING c0000000 Q2Max 80000000
            Last time read spr rate info from HW: Mon Jan  2 13:21:41 2012
              SPR ID 0, rate value in kbps 0, overflow count 0, underflow count 0
          Router#show controllers Integrated-Cable 3/0/0 counter rf-channel 
          Controller  RF    MPEG       MPEG       MPEG       Sync       MAP/UCD
                      Chan  Packets    bps        Mbps       Packets    Packets
                            Tx                               Tx         Tx
          3/0/0       0     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       1     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       2     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       3     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       4     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       5     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       6     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       7     6          0          0.000000   0          6         
          3/0/0       8     5124124    1381035    1.332459   329444     6531411
          Router# show cable licenses ds
          Entitlement:  Downstream License 
          Consumed count: 672
          Consumed count reported to SmartAgent: 672
          Forced-Shut count: 0  
          Enforced state: No Enforcement

          Additional References

          Technical Assistance

          Description Link

          The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

          To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

          Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.


          Feature Information for Downstream Interface Configuration on the Cisco cBR Router

          Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http:/​/​​ITDIT/​CFN/​. An account on http:/​/​​ is not required.


          The below table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

          Table 2 Feature Information for Downstream Interface Configuration

          Feature Name


          Feature Information

          Downstream Interface Configuration

          Cisco IOS-XE 3.15.0S

          This feature was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.