Provisioning Customers in the Cisco Cloud Connected Audio System

You, the vendor, can provision a customer to use Cisco WebEx Cloud Connected Audio (CCA) in the CCA Portal by completing the following steps:

Generating LOA and Documentation for CCA Peering Circuits

    Step 1   In the Configuration screen, select the customer for whom you want to start the provisioning.
    Step 2   Select Circuits and LOA.
    Step 3   You need to generate the LOA for each peering circuit. The LOA is required to order the circuits from the Service Provider. In order to generate the LOAs, you need to provide the customer's data center and Cisco's data center for each peering circuit.
    1. In the Peering Connection/Datacenter Information section, enter the customer's peering location for each circuit.
    2. From the Cisco System drop-down, select the cisco peering location from the list of available options.

    To add another peering circuit, select Add Circuit.

    Step 4   Select Generate LOA and Circuit Requirements Document. A download dialog box is displayed.
    Step 5   Save the file to your computer. This LOA and circuit requirement document needs to be shared with customer. It should be presented to the customer's Service Provider who provides the peering circuits between the customer's and Cisco's data centers.

    Once the LOA is generated, the CCA system reserves the IP addresses and settings for the customer and that is populated into the Network Peering screen. . When the circuits are installed and Cisco is informed of this, the provisioning of the customer can continue.

    Entering Network Peering Information

    Network peering information is required for BGP provisioning and to establish layer 3 connectivity between the customer and Cisco. Once completed, this information needs to be submitted to Cisco for approval.

    Before You Begin

    You must have first generated the Letter Of Agency (LOA) for the customer. By doing so, certain fields in the Network Peering screen are per-populated.

      Step 1   To provide the network peering information, do one of the following:
      1. In the Configuration screen, select Network Peering Information under the customer name.
      2. In the Circuits and LOA screen for the customer, select Enter Network Peering Info.
      Step 2   In the ASN field, enter the Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the customer.
      Step 3   In the Technical Contact field, enter the name of the technical contact for the customer.
      Step 4   In the Phone field, enter the phone number of the technical contact for the customer.
      Step 5   In the Email field, enter the email address of the technical contact for the customer.
      Step 6   In the Peering Connection/Datacenter Information section, the detailed networking information for each peering circuit is required. Each peering circuit requires IP address, prefix, and port number for the customer's peering router as well as for Cisco's peering router. For each customer Peering Connection/Datacenter Information location, do the following:
      1. To change the customer Peering Connection/Datacenter Information location , select Edit Location.
      2. In the Port# field, enter the number of the customer port.
      Step 7   In the Peering IP field, enter the peering IP.
      Step 8   In the Prefixes field, enter the prefixes. To add more prefixes, select Add Prefixes.
      Step 9   In the Circuit Vendor field, enter the name of the vendor that provided the customer circuit.
      Step 10   In the Circuit ID field, enter the ID number of the customer circuit.
      Step 11   When all prefixes are entered, select Generate IP Traffic Direction. You can enable or disable the IP Traffic Direction by checking or unchecking the relevant check boxes.
      Step 12   In the BGP Provisioning section, do the following:
      1. If you are requesting BFD with BGP, check the check box.
      2. In the BFD Interval(ms) field, enter in milliseconds the interval at which the device sends Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) hello messages.
      3. In the Mix RX(ms) field, enter in milliseconds the rate that the BFD supported device sends messages to its neighbors.
      4. In the Multiplier field, enter the number of consecutive missed BFD packets before BFD informs upper layer protocol of BFD failure.
      5. In the Carrier-Delay Up(ms) field, enter in milliseconds the interval to wait before signalling an interface has gone down to the routing table.
      6. In the Carrier-Delay Down(ms) field, enter in milliseconds the interval to wait before signalling an interface has come back up again to the routing table.
      7. CheckApply session password to ensure a password is required for BGP.
      8. CheckReceive MEDs to receive a hint to external neighbors about the preferred path into an autonomous system (AS) that has multiple entry points.
      Step 13   Do one of the following:
      1. Select Save as Draft if you have not fully completed the screen.
      2. Select Save and Submit to save the information and submit it to Cisco for approval.

      What to Do Next

      When the information is submitted to Cisco, the Cisco personnel, such as the CCA Administrator or Cloud Services, do one of the following:

      • Select Approve, which allows the next stage of provisioning to begin.

      • Select Decline, which requests more information about the customer's network peering. The Approver can also enter any comments on why the information was declined in the Approver's Comment field.

      When the Network Peering information is approved, WebEx Cloud Services submits the remedy ticket for the customer. Cloud Connected Audio IT personnel ensure the servers and anything else needed are ready for customer provisioning. When complete, the Customer Overview screen displays that the engineer has completed the tasks and the provisioning of the customer can continue. The remedy ticket status is updated on an on-going basis in the CCA Portal as provisioning work is completed .

      Entering Telephony Information

      You must provide Session Border Controller (SBC), Cisco Unified SIP Proxy (CUSP) and Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) information for the customer in this screen.

      SBC's control and manage real-time multimedia traffic flows between IP network borders, handling signaling, data, voice, and video traffic.

      CUSP is a high-performance, highly available Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server for centralized routing and SIP signaling normalization.

      DNIS determines which telephone number was dialed by a customer .

        Step 1   In the Customer SBC Information section, enter the SBC information for the customer including the SBC ID number, the data center locations, and the SIP and RTP IP addresses.

        Provide the SBC information for each of the peering locations. This field is mandatory as every CCA deployment requires the customer to deploy SBCs.

        Step 2   To add another SBC, select Add SBC.
        Step 3   In the Customer CUSP Information section, enter the CUSP information for the customer including the CUSP ID number, the data center locations, and the SIP IP addresses. This field is optional as not all CCA implementations require CUSP deployment.
        Step 4   To add another CUSP, select Add CUSP.
        Step 5   In the DNIS Information section, enter the DNIS information for the customer including the DNIS label and the DNIS number .

        DNIS is not the same as the displayed number. DNIS is the number that WebEx SBC receives from customer. A single DNIS can be mapped to multiple conferencing number.

        Step 6   To add another DNIS, select Add DNIS.
        Step 7   Select Save.

        Entering Staging Site Information

        The Telephony information pre-populates some of the Staging Site information. The rest must be entered manually. Staging sites are used to test the Cisco CCA configuration before configuring CCA on the production site. Also, if updates are rolled out in the future, these existing staging sites can be reused for testing the updates.

          Step 1   In the Configuration screen under the customer name, select Add New Site next to Staging Sites.
          Step 2   In the first field, enter the URL of the staging site.

          You can select Import Data to import data from another site. This populates the new site with information from that existing site so you do not need to enter all the information again.

          Step 3   From the Primary drop-down, select the Cisco Bridge to use. This information is automatically populated by CCA Portal.
          Step 4   As part of telephony provisioning for a CCA customer, WebEx Cloud Services determine the primary and backup Cisco SBCs. From the Primary /Backup/Disable drop-down for each SBC, indicate if the SBC should be the primary device, secondary device or disabled.

          The Day 1 Vendor must configure the ingress and egress call routes for the CCA customer. For both ingress and egress routing there are active, standby or backup routes.

          Step 5   For each SBC and, optionally, each CUSP egress call primary route into the customer, do the following:
          1. From the Mode drop-down for each primary route, indicate if the route should be active, in standby or disabled.
          2. From the Country drop-down, select the list of countries to which the egress route applies. If the egress route applies to all countries, select All countries. There may be CCA configurations where the customer has different egress call routings for a different set of countries.
          3. To add another set of primary routes, select Add Primary Routing.
          4. To remove a set of primary routes, select X next to the primary routes.
          Step 6   For each SBC ingress call primary route into Cisco, do the following:
          1. From the Customer SBC drop-down for each primary route, select the customer SBC.
          2. From the Cisco SBC drop-down for each primary route, select the Cisco SBC.
          3. To add another set of primary routes, select Add Primary Routing.
          4. To remove a set of primary routes, select X next to the primary routes.
          Step 7   In the Is Customer buying WebEx audio option in addition to Cloud Connected Audio?, select Yes or No.

          For example, if the customer wants to try only 50% of their calls through CCA they can also buy the WebEx audio option for the remaining 50%.

          Step 8   To add phone numbers, select Add Phone and do the following:
          1. In the Owned By field, select the customer or Cisco. This is a required field.

            The Cisco option only appears if the customer has also purchased WebEx PSTN as well as the CCA service. Otherwise, all the numbers belong to the customer.

          2. In the Country field, select the country from which the phone number originates. This is a required field.
          3. Select whether the phone number is toll or toll free.
          4. Add the phone number and label.
          5. Select the DNIS (calls into WebEx). The DNIS list is pre-populated with the DNIS information entered in the Customer Telephony Information section. For every dialled number, a corresponding DNIS must be selected. There must be a DNIS mapping for each dialled number
          Step 9   In the Callback Option section, do the following:
          1. The Internal Callback and Regular Callback options are checked by default. Uncheck them if required
          2. For Callback over WebEx PSTN, select Yes or No.
          3. Enter the Internal Callback Prefix for all internal callback calls.
          Step 10   Do one of the following:
          1. Select Save as Draft, if you have not fully completed the screen.
          2. Select Save and Submit, to save the information and submit it to Cisco for approval.

          What to Do Next

          When the information is submitted to Cisco, the Cisco personnel, such as the CCA Administrator or Cloud Services, do one of the following:

          • Select Approve, which allows the next stage of provisioning to begin.

          • Select Decline, which requests more information about the customer's staging site. The Approver can also enter any comments on why the information was declined in the Approver's Comment field.

          Entering Production Site Information

          The production site information is the exact same as it is for staging sites. Production sites are used when CCA has been tested on the staging sites and is now ready to be used in the organization environment. For details on how to enter the production site details, see Entering Staging Site Information.


          In the Production Site Information screen, you have the option of adding Secondary Routing as well as Primary Routing.

          What to Do Next

          When the information is submitted to Cisco, the Cisco personnel, such as the CCA Administrator or Cloud Services, do one of the following:

          • Select Approve, which allows the next stage of provisioning to begin.

          • Select Decline, which requests more information about the customer's production site. The Approver can also enter any comments on why the information was declined in the Approver's Comment field.

          When the production sites are approved and the remedy ticket is created and completed, the customer is completely provisioned and can begin using Cisco Cloud Connected Audio.